#1317 - Andrew Santino

Jun 25, 2019
Andrew Santino is a stand up comedian and actor. Check out his podcast “Whiskey Ginger” available on Apple Podcasts & YouTube.
Hello friends how are you this episode the podcast is brought to you by Trager grills why do I say how are you when I don't have anybody answering back greetings let's just say Greetings that's an honest way of saying the exact same thing I'm used to saying I'm just accustomed to making certain sounds you know what I mean Trager grills is our sponsor folks I'm a fan of this contraption what I have now is an Ironwood 650 before that I had a Timberline they sent me the newest of the iron Woods it's like they're mid-range model the timber lines the top of the food chain bad mama jama they make awesome grills that are what they call pellet grills it's just hard wood pellets no chemicals No Nonsense these pellets they get fed through a drive to a heating element so it's just fire and wood and they impart a delicious Smoky flavor to your food and you can Grill on these grills you can smoke on these grills
► 00:01:00a crosed braised barbecue can cook anything from Pizza to apple pie to Burgers and steaks if you know how to operate an oven you can use a trigger and it's better it's way better the food just tastes better it's fantastic at maintaining temperature and you also have this there's a thing called super smoke and with Trager super smokes like say if you want to cook a steak you put that bitch on 225 degrees and use that super smoke and you stick that probe in there and let that bad Mamma Jamma get up to about a hundred thirty degrees internal temperature and you can read all this stuff on your application it's the bomb diggity this is Wi-Fi our app it's on your phone you can see the temperature of your meat you see the temperature of the grill you can change the temperature up and down add supersmoker turned it off you get that super smoke then you pull it off in the grill and you you could do one of two things you can jack that trigger up real high let it rest for a second then reverse sear it afterwards I prefer a cast iron skillet you can put a cast iron skillet on the trigger whoo son now you're talking
► 00:02:00it's a hundred percent hard wood pellets it's real easy fill the hopper up and set the temperature and ignite super simple to use it again the applications fantastic it also has 1500 plus recipes and you can navigate those recipes with the application and the application will navigate the grill temperature it'll raise it and lower it they're the shit and you also can be alerted when you're on your phone when your meat is done it's fucking incredible find the new trigger Grill today find your new trigger Grill today at Trager grills.com - Joe we are also brought to you by the motherfucking cash app folks the cash app to date is not just the number one finance app in the app store but also an important contributor to Justin Ren's fight for the Forgotten charity through the cash app they have raised thousands and thousands of dollars and have built several Wells
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► 00:06:55see you brother to brother how are you good man the charcoal it's you that's me I sent Santino picture I'll send it to you Jamie you seen it so fucking funny I want residuals on that shit what is it called luck he'd ever bro it's you it's big let's go with the steak devil something something I put it up online I was like this is so fucking funny this is me with my own charcoal company called if you're in the market for some charcoal man oh jealous devil that's what it is that's so be with that beard fucking stake down there with a with a knife jealous devil barbecue is the only truly manly way of cooking like nobody brags about having a Baker's hat on yeah there there is there it is all natural hardwood hardwood hardwood charcoal bitch lump there is nothing man ludia you smoke you smoke or just just use a Trager you know what that is not like a pellet grill oh ya ya pehle right yeah Helen girls were shit
► 00:07:50so easy and if you finish in a skillet or now that's the way to go right baby with beef Tallow oh what is that what is that and you know what else I use minced garlic and rosemary I put Rosemary in the in the like cast iron skillet with the beef Tallow of just like an extra extra I learned that an Italian restaurant I said are you guys doing he's like we use a rosemary Rosemary Rosemary on the ribbon back when you said Rosemary It's a Wonderful rib eye if I go to an Italian restaurant that dude talks like that I am excited yeah I'm stoked I'm more pumped it's just a regular person even if they're nice I'm disappointed yeah it's like the nicest waiter ever I'm like dude you seem like a great guy but damn I wish you were from Italy he's swimming you guys up some fettuccine alfredo like hey buddy from Italy back there man you Malibu fuck it's a weird one right it's like Italian restaurants particularly like I go to a Greek restaurant
► 00:08:50I would hope the guy would not have an accent I don't yeah well I don't need them to I wouldn't care if you could hurry couldn't as long as I can understand and that's great right but I'll require it and but I required an Italian restaurant yeah because it's just there's something about it that's different and then everywhere else Mexican you know I mean everything else is Mexican Chinese trade my Mexican Chinese made by making Mexican or American people making Chinese food it's always one of those weird things on huh
► 00:09:14okay it's just gonna it's gonna measure of though like at those you know those those chain places yeah those tendons PF Chang's not PF Chang's is not as much that's like a restaurant like you ordered PF Chang's pretty fucking good but that's all Mexicans Cookin - it probably there's no like Chinese go greet you at the door time for us to have your been to a Buca di Beppo like that yeah that's you know in college that was my job is valeting at Buca di Beppo if you want like straight up filling old-school Italian food it's about much bro they will hook you up they had a fucking kill you wait a minute book at Buca di Beppo is the Chinese food of Italian places do you know I mean like how Chinese places give you way too much food but about body I can eat buffet pounds of fucking pasta when you go to Buca di Beppo they bring that aluminum tin out with the rigatoni anyway who the fuck are you for a full fucking kingdom whose I can eat you and your servants listen this is silly yeah it's absurd turning me into an asshole
► 00:10:14and that's also rigatoni like that kind of food you keep going you can go even when it hurts you don't stop like that carb when that when you eating like a good Linguini with clams like oh hmm why are you eating its so gluttonous fucking chewy gooey goo that has no nutritional value is going in your stomach like oh it's so good you can't wait for Mom look it's mixed in with some sauce and to give the illusion of healthiness oh there's green little bit of green on it and you just like when your body's trying to process it afterwards feel fucked up sometimes when you eat too much pasta you feel like drunk I feel I'm stoned or drunk as I'm broken bodies just like all your resources slamming all that shit down yeah it's so fucking gross good everybody remembers from like time we were kids apparently someone told me that you don't get a significant enough amount of tryptophan from Turkey for it to put you to sleep but I've heard it's bullshit
► 00:11:13know if that's true though we never know if that's true so I've been told that there is tripped if there's always tryptophan that's been in Turkey but the running joke is that and after Thanksgiving dinner you passed out but it's actually because of all the other shit you're eating fucking mashed potatoes on the carbs a fucking Brett Hawaiian bread rolls carbs yeah contrary to popular belief eating turkey isn't the main reason you feel sleepy after Thanksgiving feast the oft-repeated turkey myth stems from the fact that turkey contains an amino acid tryptophan which forms the basis of brain chemicals to make people tired but it's not true that's but it's not I mean it does but it's not the thing that knocked you out being a fat fucking sit on your couch and drink and 40 beers is what makes you sleepy yeah so it says tryptophan is component of the brain chemical serotonin which gets converted into the well-known sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and poultry and many other Foods also contain tryptophan chickens got similar amounts yep gram for gram cheddar cheese actually contains more tryptophan in Turkey does suck on that cheese heads yeah cheese folks it
► 00:12:13just being a glutton man he's just become a fat piece of shit in the hollow you just feel like you're supposed to keep eating and eating and eating there's an interview with Katt Williams is sitting in the back of a limo I talked about this with Miss Pat where he talked about not eating before shows and I was like he's right like why would I eat before shows and it made me realize all even before shows the terrible idea yes anybody's got a process all that you come out like half-assed we don't know what and we never eat before shells and we do shows mean every before she laughter shows is actually when it takes the fucking best I'll have some fruit I have a little bit of fruit for a show I have a little something like a little baby thing I don't mind some fruit because you have some fruit it's like you're getting some carbohydrates you're getting some sugary getting some Fiber it's super easy to digest like melon you know melon your body's just you could lift you could to eat melon and then do a sick Kettlebell workout like it's not going to fuck you know like melons easy to little baby sugar rush to the probably helps your energy a little bit your body just you mash it into mush so
► 00:13:13can just go sliding down there your body's like are we got this shot we should do that we should do the tired tour where we just eat a huge meal before we get on stage and see what see what comes out of that fucking shit compare melon to like a stromboli like one of those ridiculous fucking sausage and cheese with the layers yeah but the bread on the other cheeses burnt red pop you know they burn it up and you take a couple of bites of that you just like oh he's just keep going but if you looked at like the size of what you would eat and one of those mother for all those Anya that shit is the Buca di Beppo lasagna but you want to layers and layers we fucking got it I will take you down son you ain't do no fucking crosswords after that cheese pasta cheese pasta pasta cheese sit the fuck down this much he's coming you ain't playing no Puzzles bitch that would one of the brain activity slows down so much more like I wonder what the active level of brain activity is when your stomach so yeah you're useless I feel like 80 points of IQ
► 00:14:13you have just enough to get around like someone should come to you and try to get you to do things you know like you'll fucking sign off on stuff you'll change your marriage license let's get fucking leave me alone what do I gotta write right there get fellas you want your wife to sign a prenup go ahead and fatter out on Buca di Beppo lasagna and then she'll sign whatever the fuck you want give up I don't think I could like when I drive home after having a full meal I feel more fucked up and like out of it than if I have a couple of drinks it will your definitely slower oh your reaction time would be slowed or if you were full and you were driving just like it's just like you're tired when you're full and you don't talk as well you don't articulate things as quickly yeah it's like it's got to be related I think that's part I worked there for four years that's why I know so much about it but part of the thing you're supposed to sell at the end of the meal is like lemon cello or espresso because it's supposed to be like a digesting I don't know if it's out there retic yes I don't touch but maybe it is some to that where it helps you you could just a little better well they all in Italy they all they all do it as a end of the meal to clear you out
► 00:15:13little bit hey - it's gonna help you break down some shit that's so you can press oh yeah and the cheddar chairs in Italy turn in a toilet you know that right in Brazil when you go to those two Haas Korea's they have this delicious dessert that has papaya in it and it's like a papaya smoothie it's like a blended papaya drink and like a desert rather and they have that specifically because the enzymes and papaya help break down the meat so it does yeah wild that's fucking delicious dude but it's a speaking of the crew know what's that what's that chain that Brazilian change Photoshop over the child yeah I was just there I'm gonna Chow that's it right there dude Sun that will fucking rock you at the end of a good meals are booze in there you can get booze good for it they have a guy who comes by I love you say no because I'm not drunk but you I would say pour it yeah so that's the first question I ask is there booze yeah it's good with booze it's good without booze to it's just good I love the Licious
► 00:16:14I went there with that a UFO guy Bob Lazar you dead Lazar want there was yeah and Schultz and Schultz want me to yeah and Jeremy Korbel the guy who made the documentary we all stand around talking to him that Lazar dude freak me the fuck out man he's a freak out so looks like me want to move I you know I had no indication that he's full of shit I mean I was zero bullshit meter here's the thing man when you've told a story for as many years as many times as he did hmm it's it's super hard to be consistent if you're just making everything up it's super hard to
► 00:16:55to have things that you are saying back then that everybody says don't even exist right eventually turn out to be true it's very difficult to deny that like these are parts of his initial story his initial story had something to do with this thing called Element 115 which most people would mean they didn't even recognize that it actually existed until much later right that's a big feature of it when did he start talking about it once you're talking about the 80s the seventies eighties right thing time ago but it's about look I don't know enough about elements and the table to understand it you're talking to a state school kids are edible shitball stupid you probably more educated to me though but at the end of the day this guy is obviously smart as fuck and he's a scientist that definitely worked at Los Alamos labs there's a record of them they're right and they tried to deny that they tried to erase it that alone tells me just the fact that they tried to say that he didn't exist he never went he never worked at Los Alamos bomb
► 00:17:55that's a freaking me out Frankie yeah in the 1980's you don't think they could just erase your past right right you don't think they could just erase your birth certificate or race your your medical records or race your dental records they can do whatever they want me back then well what's that tell me you shot a documentary about the three identical strangers did you wash heard about it I didn't see it bro I heard oh my God I mean essentially in so many words I could without divulging too much three brothers are born a triplets are born and they're separated at Birth unbeknownst to them they grew up completely independently run into each other later in life geez this in the 70s I think it was 70s and they meet publicly on not Donahue but one of those fucking Big Show's you know like they bring them all together yeah and they end up finding out later on the documentary spoiler alert that the cup there's a company who is doing this that's doing trial tests on babies that are separated and putting them with different families to find out if they end up growing up with similar characteristics nature
► 00:18:55nurture your nature nature scientific experiment but imagine how sick you have to be fuck to decide to separate kids yep and tanned dude and you show up and test their family to find out how their breeding these are how they're growing is children gross as fuck do you watch it right Jim they'd come test them every week or two and just like doing checkups in the they didn't the parents almost didn't even know I don't I'm not sure well one of the other one our parents seem to be more keen about it and the other ones just felt like well they were getting money for it so they were like this is just a part of a program that we're in bro how is that much different than aliens abducting people and that's something that's not us it's not that's my point is like if they got away with that one Terry life and and genetics test bro involuntary those are they have the data from that to like the nurse or the assistant from the get the doctor that was doing it says there is data she has read it but it has never been released and it should be because they fucked up but wait you're leaving on important Park it's in it's in a library in a in like Harvard Library and it
► 00:19:55what can't be released to the public it's something that's it's someone's holding onto it and it cannot be released they've tried hundreds of times and it's got a 2015 release date or whatever their hope they're waiting for these people to die yeah so then we'll just go away and no one will think about it anymore it's fucking dude watch it it'll fuck you up I'm scared and then you find out in the documentary they're not the only ones there's they've done this over and over and over and over
► 00:20:24it's fuck dude I'm sitting on a plane watching it and it reptilian yes you know when you're on a plane watches I'm so good and you look around like other people you're like watching it but it was true so trippy man it's so trippy so yes do I think that Lazar had people trying to x out his his pet for sure for sure and there's a look there's a lot of other stuff that you gotta go hmm I don't know how do you how do you prove that how do you explain that well I don't know it's not like anything in our world what do you believe in the big questions are is education background that was a big one what do you mean credibility wise know whether or not he actually was educated at a certain place I'm not I can't this is a fucked-up one but I can't say what he told me I um but essentially without saying it it had to do with project he was working on currently no at the time
► 00:21:21right when he's working at Los Alamos labs I can't say anything more than that fuck and now the internet I don't blow it I don't know if it's true right Houdini I told him I wouldn't say anything so I said I wouldn't say anything and I'm not going to say anything but whatever he said about all these different things only he knows if it's true so when you're talking to a guy it doesn't seem like a liar seems like he's very intelligent you know he's talking about all kinds of different things very intelligent so either he's running the greatest 30-year con of all time or maybe this really did happen when you talk to him so you're just guessing you don't know I don't know I don't know his life I don't know his real life right just guessing
► 00:22:09but he seems like a guy who's seen some shit and and just didn't know what to do and told some friends about it and then
► 00:22:20then went to the news and that's what that George Knapp guy who was the investigative journalist has studied this case over all the years like this guy's never wavered like I stuck with the story over and over things have shown to be true that they said we're science fiction like the there was this equipment they had Los Alamos labs that he talked about where was this thing that measured the distance or the size rather of the digits and your finger apparently it's like a great like your fingers did inches are specific and so like if you put your hand down that thing and then Jamie's hand it would give a different measurement like there's different each bone is a different length and the exact length is of like 1.7 whatever the fuck it is you know 1.7 inches whatever measurement teal tool they use it was it was calculating the length of your fingers through some kind of buggy system that he said didn't really work that often but people said that science fiction it doesn't exist and then they finally got photos with these things
► 00:23:19people that worked at Los Alamos labs concluded our they conceded these were real thing but for a long time they were fighting it being like she had some people that didn't know we're saying he made that stuff up it doesn't exist but insurance showed it does exist and it did exist right there where he worked he even took them on a tour through the labs like he knew where everything was he's to work there so he when they went there with the documentary crew with Jeremy Korbel they just walked him through he showed where he worked he walked right in there baby look maybe the guys run the craziest con game of all time yeah he's just a Super Genius way smarter than me any trick me and he thinks it's hilarious or maybe he saw some shit what he was explaining that made it more and more interesting was how compartmentalised it was and I about how the problem with being so compartmentalised is that science is it's based on free exchange of information right yeah you have to have guys are testing all these different things and working on them together that's the only way you can do so right so he's limited to a couple of guys that are
► 00:24:19in the propulsion system and then there's a couple other guys that are working on the Metallurgy and a couple other guys that work in the navigation system and they chose him because he was kind of a maniac and he put a fucking jet engine in the back of a Honda and it was on the cover of the Los Alamos newspaper and it said in the article about Bob's are with his fucking jet-powered Honda that he was a scientist at Los Alamos lab a physicist so this was in the newspaper they printed this guy was doing this thing where he said he was living at the time in the area where Los Alamos was and it said in the newspaper that he worked at the lab there's a fucking log book of employees it's got his name in it from that time a guy had it he showed it they took photos of it they showed it to everybody look we have an employee log book like this or the employee directory rather Robert Lazar right there so he worked there he really did work how could he how could all that mean how could you fabricate that everybody scared to talk all the people you worked with her scared to talk why do you think that we could what's happening to him
► 00:25:19looks like a fool that FBI raids his house everybody calls him crazy he didn't have anything to do with this the only reason why you want to do my podcast he was what he like wanted one more chance to just get it out in a form where it's just him talking and he felt like he and I we both talked about I think me and you talk I'll just let you talk you tell me what happened and I'll let everybody figure out if it's true I don't know what do you think honestly there was parts of me that said maybe I'm just dumb Athens gun he's like really manipulative and maybe he just knows how to tell a story and you're pretty fucking Keen dude I know but it's a tricky thing man you can get cocky you can get cocky I feel like you don't get cocky and think that you know that someone's not full of shit yeah but I feel like you talk to enough fucking people who are and aren't full of shit that your meter is higher than most I'm also nice so when I'm trying to talk to someone who want a One things to work out well you're giving the benefit of the doubt often I want them to have a good time yeah and when we're talking I don't want to confront people I just even if I angrily disagree with that
► 00:26:19fiber in my being as I've gotten older and better at it better at talking to people I avoid that kind of conflict right I just don't think it's necessary I just don't I just think your bullshit meter is Keen enough where I don't be like I think it's super cocky say that I would like to think it is yeah my ego would like to say bro like a for could tell you can't love me bro just try to lie I've had people lie to me dude I know NASA bro that ain't nasty stuff in an amazing there is times when you know someone's full of shit and there's times we think you know someone's full of shit and you're wrong then you know it's like this whole thing of looking in someone's eye and talking to them sometimes someone will tell you something like oh bro I didn't even know you called me like you motherfuck fucking see it right in their eyes like you piece of shit you didn't see your text to man I didn't even see it you didn't it's a fucking suck come on bitch fuck that shit you know who knows I don't know it freaked me out and I kinda like it was like fucking sometimes you have to do that to people what hey man I didn't get your call
► 00:27:21is it better off to say hey I find you a little Annoying and very needy and so when I get a phone call from you often I cringe I do like you and I draw a time but sometimes I just can't sometimes I can't that's probably the most healthy version but you can't say that no you can't you have to go like this you'll go I didn't you did today fuck I didn't see a sorry man I didn't see it did you not get my text that's when people that bothered she did you not get my text I always say sorry I didn't respond to your text I try to say that first key but let me taste of it as a as a man if I text you and I'll get a text back I don't get it with that oh my don't get a fucking butt hurt right now I just go that's that's it he saw it is what it is we move I don't send a text in needing if I needed a real response from you I would call you and go hey I need to talk to you about something you ever have someone send me a text that's like a little on the needy side and then they send you one like three minutes later it says hello everyday question mark every fucking day
► 00:28:20Jamie every day to me when you coming over when are you coming over I'm calm and Jamie me alone from our afternoon pump session you know some people just get real weird with like them sending them messages in a bottle and then there's it is subtle message did you get it and then the other side of it is Bobby Lee who literally never answers a text ever ever ever ever I've sent him a thousand times for him yeah he doesn't answer good for him his green you know his notification is like 800 fucking little red you know he never answers he doesn't give a shit but I kind of but everyone who's friends with them knows that's just Bobby yeah Joey just calls you yeah Joe I talked to John Paul a lot more I've been calling people a lot more personal what's also like you can't call as many people as you can text and I think there's an overload of communication that occurs when you're texting with like 10 different friends the same time I got dudes send me videos them kick and pads and people shun me let me look at this fish I caught like I fucking get these texts
► 00:29:19all day from all these crazy interesting people imagine if I got that many phone calls in a day it would be insane turn your finger like hey what's up man hold on hold on someone's calling me hey what's up Tommy like you would never write you know I'm saying like you would never if you think about even if you have like three friends and you're texting each other back and forth throughout today make jokes maybe you know like a group chat like write a lot of us from group chats yes talk about shed and show Ridiculous pictures that would get me kicked out of the country oh yeah for sure right guys I mean you would never do that if it was phone calls number you'd be like you needy bitch I gotta call you all day yeah I'm calling you in the morning they are calling the afternoon are we fucking like what's happened even if we were if you need me to call you that many times that it's a bleak hey hey hey like we gotta we gotta be happy to being alone too yeah be happy be together but also you got to be able to be alone yeah if you need phone calls all day long hey hey hey hey hey chill out chill the wine guy out a text is good because you can be in the middle some shit right if you're one of
► 00:30:19dudes is inclined to change a transformation you want to rebuild an old Chrysler something like that you could be under there that little text message and I'll get back to him I figured that out that's my capturing maybe real quick yeah we're going to take you know like it's minimal yeah right there's nothing to it but isn't that bad to be talking to people that wait so isn't it it's about be talk to people so much shit diet yeah it's a shitty diet Duncan and I were talking about the other day about like finding information online just constantly be inundated with stories of horrific things and bad things terrible things and ugly things that it's a bad diet it's a bad like mine died and I was like he's so right that that is you think you're like immune to it that you are who you are and it's just some stuff you're experiencing but much like if you eat healthy foods your body feels better I think if you concentrate on healthy things and interesting things and fascinating things
► 00:31:19not horseshit I think you're giving yourself a better mental diet totally I think if you consume too much of anything it's bad right so consuming too much of even tuku too much positive information can be fucking detrimental because you can get delusion yes so you have to have some semblance of a balance of how you ingest that the people that only in jest Negative they like people only eat candy yeah if you are grown adults and for like ten years you only ate Candy your body would be a mess of 50 just like hippie barely alive if you just had a live off Snickers bars how much nutrition is in a Snickers bar like I want to do something with that dude in the 30 days with the Big Mac precise me guy how about this guy hey bro do this just eat nothing but Snickers how long you stay alive satisfies to a point that's why your hunger I guess they're delicious either phenomenal I love a small favor they're great to take on Hikes to by the way what really yeah a lot of sugar attrition and they're burning sugar man yeah
► 00:32:19fucking hiking up mountains and shit people love Snickers bars but hey I think even the Snickers people would tell you don't live off that shit stupid you can't live off a steel isn't that interesting like there's a food you eat that you cannot live off of yes because all food at one point you had to eat to live off of how many days do you think you could go with only eating Snickers bars and should this be the sober October challenge
► 00:32:46yes first of all yes and second of all I would if we don't know perfect die Bert will die but I mean that is what it is you only can eat Snickers bars and water two weeks two weeks two weeks out your body malfunctioning I think something's gonna happen yeah Magill dumb you'd get there's a post I just found from like two years ago people asked this question it was a discussion someone did the math you get the 8 about 12 to get the caloric intake to get that 2000ad a 12 a day just for 2,000 calories but how many days could you survive I on I mean that's up to you well bro let's think about that 12 niggers bars a day holy shit how long do you think okay the problem with that is like everyone is not coming from the same starting point right that's the biggest issue you have to have those three twin guys were I separated them take Molly Snickers to one of them dies you guys need a you guys need a control you guys need some sort of hero they would be the test just feed them give them a million dollars each give nothing but Snickers till someone's on the verge of death so somebody Taps Tap Out Vegemite how many days you think you
► 00:33:45go on only Snickers I time to I say two weeks is probably the human body will start to shut down I wonder maybe you could go a long time well let me say this you could you could fucking find this there's a do that's been eating Just Pizza for like 25 years breakfast lunch and dinner will find that there's a dude that he's just pepperoni pizza I respect that I think and it's like fuck it my parents told me what to do my whole life and I'm a grown man now bitch I picked every day just crying and eating pizza never saw the Journal of try to get him to have like a piece of green and leafy greens puked on camera but I couldn't fucking do it the fuck in this it's basil a nice sauce get that fucking green shit out of here pizza for 20 years something like that's insane 20 what was it Jamie was it 25 years it says he has one boy Raisin Bran a week just so you could just shit that compacted glue that's what pieces Like Glue my glue ciotti has chewing down a little
► 00:34:45doe that delicious dough holy shit 25 years it does have diabetes of course he does duh Color Me surprised how the fuck sorry buddy for laughing at your diabetes but how the fun at all not sorry how the fuck does someone eat nothing but that glue for 25 years that's the cat exempt that's good looks like he's 48 guys should be doing YouTube videos so what do they call it they call them skinny fat on there was an article that called him like he's you know ski no skinny fat right yeah he looks remarkably good for someone who's only in pizza for 25 years it might be something to it but they say skinny fat confess fucking these people up skinny fat skinny fat we're like the body is just a show any signs but the insides fucking murdered it's torn apart yeah well she opens her fassl's nothing's there yeah that's why you can look small but you don't have anything there right skinny fat people the limbs are barely hanging on threads like this certain you know certain people you like you hug them and you're like oh my God got it
► 00:35:45and there you're so frail so it is funny when you when you hold it that's like when I take pictures after shows is how two people yeah you know you grabbed you feel and some people you feeling like wow that's fucking weird it's weird it's weird you're like a fucking just a lump of bone sticks sticks covered with yellow terrible bony lump bag who was really terrible as went I mean I'm not saying you have to be a bodybuilder I would you have to fuck it's just it's just she keep your body it moving away it's just a laziness thing it's a discipline thing and don't like this idea that some sort of nobility and humility and not caring about your body it's silly I want to get one you get one it doesn't make you dumber if you work out stop I know that jocks were assholes and people bullied you I get it yeah but goddamn I take care of you fucking meat vehicle just go take care of it yeah the meat skeleton people who your vein that's where you work out yes that too I like looking good I like it it's better to me than not looking good
► 00:36:45sorry I'm willing to put in the time but you know what the irony is shut because of the hype of because of the growth of growth of MMA fans Cheers Cheers my brother because the growth of MMA
► 00:36:58CrossFit all of these all these new worlds that have kind of emerged socially now that are so much bigger than they were years ago nerds from that I grew up in the high school an hour and working out yeah that's the irony that's a big thing with jiu-jitsu that's I'm saying is like the biggest like insecure people now they found a home in something that's disciplined it's good it feels good to move your body it feels good feels good to do things whether it's taking a dance class I'm not into that but taking karate and I know that shit I like yoga I like running yeah like doing Jujitsu obviously I like all kind of all kinds of martial arts and I just like moving my body man I like running up hills you move your body so it it going you'll feel better afterwards I know you don't want to do it I never I fucking hardly ever want to do it if my maybe want to want to actually do it 5 out of 10 times but I gave me less yeah but I do it I just do it I know what it's like to not want to do it I get it shut up I just start talking to myself
► 00:37:58of I go come on pussy what are you talking about though if I was you outside of you knowing what I know if I could read my mind I Believe come on bitch you just being lazy put you fucking shoes on get a get a sweat going and you're going to feel pumped come on man you've done this a million times and then invariably I'll be in the middle of the workout I'm sweating like fuck yeah yeah yeah and then I get into it it's like it just you got to push past that creepy resistance that Steven pressfield wrote about in the war of art it applies not just to Art not just a writing replies to it applies to clean your room and applies to like saying you're sorry to a friend it applies to you taking care of a debt all those things you just keep putting off of it's this weird thing that you have when you see a problem you gotta fix it or ICU thing you have to do go do it when you know something's like clean your fucking room right that's what Jordan Pederson always says clean your room your room your room and that's that really is what he's means get your shit in order
► 00:38:58well dude I think I think it's also a personality trait though to be fair like I fucking I'm someone that has to get it done you know if someone goes you don't have to do it all at once on the opposite I'm like yeah you do yeah you fucking do like my she wants new blinds at the house what if we just do the living room for now is like nothing else do it get the whole fucking thing done what's the difference that's a manly thing to say to get it fucking god what can we just have this window no this window just this will be my shade spot a man goes hates America the whole fucking pig hey back the truck up all around we can be simple fucking blades I want trees around this house I want to walk around my cock pounds you could buy an old tree you know that you could buy like I want a tree my Yachts 500 years old the find you one that's doped oh that's cool to be like place it here I got a fucking I have a hundred fifty plus old oak tree in my backyard here's what's weird making shit save you have piece of land right and that piece of land is a hundred acres of beautiful piece of land you know you
► 00:39:58own animals on that land like if there's Wildlife on that land are a bunch of deer on that land you can't just shoot them you have to have tags you have to have state allocated tags to give out a certain amount based on the deer population using wildlife biologist and they view it from helicopters and shit everybody has different ways of trail cameras all these different ways they determine the numbers and they figure out how many people can hunt but you own the trees and now where'd you get all the trees yeah you own everything that they're around like sounds of gigantic population of pine trees in the forest like you own some giant swath of land the you're logging like those logging companies do yeah they own those trees somehow how they don't own the deer they don't own the elk they don't the the Eagles but they own the fucking trees if we're maybe it's because the trees don't move yeah that's exactly can't move man easy to just tuck it just take that yeah saw that thing they like completely over fish you know what I mean with the forest and then they leave these big
► 00:40:58cut like these huge cut areas like if you ever been to the woods and seeing a pair of place that's been logged yep it's interesting yeah it's wild to see well that's kind of beautiful in a weird way I hate to say it but it's not your like wow that's it's mesmerizing you know it's a key area for hunting to write because well yours is the animals right is a clearing in the animals come out to eat the sprout right res the new new new new growth grows up yeah and it's a big open place so it gets plenty of rain and sunlight like sometimes the canopy keeps like smaller things from growing right don't get enough sunlight and a lot of times in the canopy to like everything's beaten down with pine needles everything's covered you know with leaves and shit inside when you have a real thick forest right those big open areas metal these animals come out you could find it in there that's fucking wild easy hunting season well it's never easy they can smell you of fucking an impossible distance way you put stuff on yourself to not smell no you can't do anything you can't cover up the smell no chance the other thing you can do is there's a
► 00:41:57Caldo Sonic's that does work but it only works if you're in one place so like if you're in a tree stand you have a thing that you put above your head and it sheds ozone down on your body and with the ozone does and this is how it's been explained to me again remember I'm a moron so you're talking to one of them idiot I'm like well I'd like to move on your but I went to Boston University UMass Boston rather for three years and they're continuing education program I never even took my SATs I'm a legitimate moron but apparently this ozone shit that comes down over you it confuses the deer like the deer gets the scent it's like what the fuck is that he doesn't know what it is as opposed to smelling you and going fuck they smell you they just run they smell people they just run they take off they'll run like hundreds of yards away you'll see him just go like this and then just take off and you're like what happened and you blow some this like white talc in the air like a puff of talc and as it drifts
► 00:42:57you see which way the winds blowing it's a wind Checker right so when you're up there in the wind you have this like little it's like a like a almost like a little baby powder right here you just press it and stuff goes in the air and you can see exactly where they went they even have vaporizers now that do it now I have one that's like a vaporizer you press a button just missed goes in the air to show you where the windows it's just missed yeah it's while and it's just for that just to make smoke so you can see which way the smoke goes but it's just missed so that's the ozone shit 030 Zone bounce your scent molecules yeah so this is what they're saying so the I don't think they're allowed to live on this shit I think in this day so essentially it creates like a shield for your natural your odor your odor your natural odor so my friend John Dudley is a big believer in this and anything he's a big believer in I'm a big believer in that is fucking wild apparently it does work but it still if they see you move if something funky comes their way Me Maybe it works like 80% of the time deer or
► 00:43:57sneaky Fox they're smart how good is their Vision their vision is good but they you view things like from an edge detection thing like that they see things that move right if you just freeze if you have camouflage on and you freeze they'll often walk right by you that's fucking wild yeah especially if you had there's a thing this another thing called the heck suit hecs and a hex sued I wear one I don't know if they really work but they appear to work with birds like they've proven that birds follow an electrical magnetic signal that's how they get home right they use the the natural magnetism of the earth to figure out where the fuck they're going like they determine it's crazy what isn't it funny that we can't do that so do we can't get home fuck it I'm lost yeah we just use our to wrong turns I'm fucked oh but these birds it's like it's it works with birds like the all these guys say that you put these suits on birds have no idea they're they don't see you like it blocks the electromagnetic signal that your body's what could that be made out of what's happened
► 00:44:57there's some sort of a mesh that that blocks back yeah the blocks that they have actually have like meters it can show they put it on Wave it over this thing there's no reaction take it off and then it's a reaction we're detecting the signal that your your body puts out the real question is that it proved that it does that the real question is can animals really see it and how many of them can see it the big thing is smell doesn't matter if they can't see if they fucking smell your they're gone they're gone so you could look just like a tree but of a deer smell you he's gonna just start running they just run what if you only want the only fix for the smell thing other than that that I think that's it that's it there so their sense of smell is impossible to understand but it's so much better than ours that what we have shouldn't even be called a sense of smell if we like the difference General holy face holes yeah like how well the ants do stand-up comedy like that's in comparison couple good ass dude a couple guys got caught with an ass man I got a tight three but that's what the difference is in comparison to like how bad our noses work right versus a deer who's the best what animals the best I think a bear bears are the best sense of smell
► 00:45:57I think Bears have a Preposterous sense of smell dogs are really good but it's not that good I think a bear is like a hundred times stronger than a bloodhound fuck yeah fuck yeah it could smell 18 miles away eight go straight fucking miles borrow a search with average sight distances how far can people what's a typical like situs well there's no can only see about a mile right depends on the animal like some animals don't see good at all pigs don't see good at all yeah you just freeze on a pig they don't know what the fuck's going on for sure Eagle Eagle I like little mice in the fucking yeah the Eagles have the best probably site yeah they can see from from miles and miles of my friend from Alaska heels halibut fishing all the time he said if you're about you're pulling a fish up an eagle can see it miles away that's it that that's some dinosaur shit that's how you know dinosaur shit is at play this is Miles he's what Grizzly can find an elk carcass when it's underwater and polar bears can smell a seal through three feet of ice fuck
► 00:46:57three fucking feet of ice oh my God that's insane 3 feet of ice that is a fucking monster imagine if you were in a big concrete building it's three feet thick and there's a bear on the outside world that was a monster movie but like this isn't safe monsters insane this monster know I'm here could be two kids right their parents already been killed and there's just breathing like don't worry we're safe is concrete's three feet thick there's no way could smell us and this outside
► 00:47:35I smell these you know he talks to wonder what just just wanting three fucking years sister 18 miles and of smell three feet of smell through eyes did you ever see the video with a BBC reporter gets inside a box like a Plexiglas box and they put him around polar bears and the polar bear tries to eat them and the polar bears trying to eat him through this box trying to figure out how to get to him because it knows he's in this box it is fucking territory why would you ever throw in this guy's can cameras on the whole time sha shit in his pants - yes Dukey and left him right fill in those drawers son how strong is that thing has to be indestructible they're so big they're so big and we've been we've been really fucked over just let that let that run Jamie we've been really fucked over with goddamn Klondike Bars and Coke
► 00:48:32look at you making them look sweet we have a super distorted perception of this fucking predatory killing machine that eats its babies bro bro these things are fucking ruthless look at Cleanup Crew they're there to make sure there's so few resources up there in the wild that this giant Behemoth of a bear exist so he could just Jack everything just Jack everything and keep the populations nice and low look at that he's ran right in there I'm not a biologist so they he knows it's in there he's just trying to get out of it he's biting it goddamn do that with look at that look at this man it's pressing on it that's glass man if your cranks you're dead you're fucking dead the tournament want him fucking teeth through it when it's opening its mouth that's a monster's mouth is what I look like drunk at a McDonald's Had fucking 4:00 in the morning trying to get food to the drive through this poor guy no games he's behind him he's like but the cameras as well as shake it Shake in the shit
► 00:49:32of it of course is why would he be so convinced that that can't that thing would survive if he showed up if it just kind of is how do they rescued this cat this dude yeah how do they get him out of there like who's look how long does it take to get him out of there they got to find a way to distract this bear at the end it just walked away come on yeah it's got its got to get frustrated at some point like fog does look at it goes fuck there's how did they test that box what does that guy hated him the guy who made the Box oh this guy's gonna climb out I'm out I'm free we've got a price of the bear yeah like let's pretend the Bears right there right next to him that thing can run 35 miles an hour fuck out of here here's the fastest Bear Run yeah they're insane dude they run like that on Ice the like things just digging with their claws they could run like hell they'd pray kind of pretended like that was totally safe normal experiment for him to do like he got out like no big deal man you know fucking polar bears ironically our black underneath all that white furry you know that right it's clear those clearer is that was a clear
► 00:50:32black it's black school years are skins black that wire yeah there's want well you got to imagine the people get snow tan right you get snow blindness helpline is the sun beating off the snow like people get burnt like really bad oh yeah yeah go skiing without shame on you yeah the polar bear looks nuts a black bear bro look at this is polar bear without here yeah but it's not look at the hair on its face see how it's all black I guarantee that's a black bear also it just doesn't look big enough what does a bear maybe it's just says because yeah it's got mange but you see how it has the hair on the top of its heads black I think I think someone just wrote that and it doesn't mean it's correct no but they are there dark but underneath all that they are really dark it's maybe a maybe when they get mangs their fucking hair on their head gets black who the fuck knows go to that well manges changes weird shit what the fuck is that fair I mean I've looked at this before I guess that's - polar bears yeah
► 00:51:26well I would imagine pull up there no fur they're the most terrifying because of the biggest well they're right there Jamie top the top fourth picture is them spreading the hair apart right they you see the skin there there has there you go oh perfect yeah and see how the hair looks white but it's actually they say it's like more of like a clear Colour wow that's fucking crazy to me yeah like not technically white right now it's yeah it does it does it looks translucent translucent almost right what what an amazing Animal Man unbelievable imagine that thing lives in this place where there's no vegetables at all nope but it got so big it evolved yet that big meat dude just me tons and tons and tons of me and it can eat a fucking like a hole through ice to get to you too it'll just chew through the ice
► 00:52:16it'll do whatever can that's you there right there cause it's so nice that they're so far away they swim you know they jump in the water and swim caps from six miles an hour bro and for how long can they swim I wonder how long they can stay in the water for because they have taught us is that knots and why do we need Knots boat boat people love that shit but boat people hey it's six fathoms hey fuckface how many feet there are five point two knots is a mile six miles an hour six miles an hour is five point two nuns my boat goes five knots always want to make it slower that's so confusing why would they do that when they could just do miles an hour what is not I think not sir around before miles an hour no kilometers were also before miles an hour was it yeah kilometers it was thought kilometers with the metric system and that would that was later no no not kilometers down and we're so dumb really smart people like why the fuck are they talking
► 00:53:14some artists like talking about kilometers some Engineers I goddamn it well when I was in high school they tried to put the metric system on us they tried to bring back the metric system nah and we're like bitch this is America and they fucking with that bitch and fuck your systems of 10 we leave out unnecessary letter and well maybe not not too never mind didn't work just like soccer they try to push soccer honest to you know why soccer didn't work we're talking about this today because this is America too slow too slow too slow baseball works with people of people have goals people like goals dude people have goals okay so people have scoring scoring people are scorps listen the NHL we say NHL people are the reason they changed the Blue Line rule is because they wanted more goals but they got more goals more viewership what's more American than a grand slam right literally nothing bases-loaded cracks all sports are used to be home runs and dunks yes turnovers for the fucking should be we love we love seeing that moment yeah so in soccer when you have 90 minutes and sometimes no goals
► 00:54:14I get it I can do it if you understand how difficult it is if you're a fan of the game if you love the game play the game like Ian loves it yeah he does he know we're the only black I know that loves soccer in America Is that real in America how many black fucking friends you have that love soccer he's my only one that's true I don't have any black friends at watch soccer that's true it's he's literally my only while make it right though yes and in England who lives in England swap England Jamaica right born in Jamaica then moved to England in New York have you seen those games he goes to they look awesome they do we were supposed to go I was fun I'm not taking their fucking fun it just it's not I don't it's not my ship we were organizing the comedian thing but I had a family thing that I do I couldn't make it but they look like good time especially if you want to get blasted on some of this Mike Tyson weed that we spoke today it's too fucking Delicious By the way thank you Mike thank you Mike thank you Mike got out to the champ mother fucking Champ um what were we just talking about her bears oh polar bears
► 00:55:13yeah man there was not something awesome article about polar bears you know whenever we say that polar bear populations are threatened they definitely are in certain spots but the places where polar bears occupy is enormous yeah it's huge and in some areas there's a lot of them and we have this non nuanced way of looking at polar bears so people would get really mad if like they found these Inuits were killing polar bears but sometimes these folks are living in places where polar bears are entering their Villages right and they are super danger killing their babies they'll kill people thank you Mabel straight-up kill people you know I think there's a comic who's a you he's a also a veterinarian Kevin he's a vet yeah he's he's a guy who performed in Denver I met him in Denver I was working with him 100 yeah do you know yeah he's famous and benefits Jerry yes until he has a TV show whatever Fitzgerald shells Gonna Save Fitzgerald but I thought I was wrong because my friend Dave
► 00:56:13Gerald those just talk about long white hair yeah like yeah like yeah he told me that polar bears out of the womb are like Predator you know like the movie Predator like a balloon they just trying to bite and kill out of the womb dope as the womb they just come out and I was like well it makes sense right if you stop and think about what their life is everything is just white and Frozen and occasionally catch something slipping occasionally catch someone who's sunning themselves and you get to him before they can get away and you could dive in the water and grab a foot and drag them back up Survival Man the darkest or that ever heard I don't know if this is true but let's pretend it is yeah fine was there was some sort of an expedition and their boat hit some ice and so they're both starts sinking and they had a real problem because the next boat was hours away so they call in a Mayday for the next boat and they climb out of the boat in time before it sinks and they get to a nice shelter like a a nice rack
► 00:57:13nice Island an island yeah lies Island and the distance I see a polar bear fuck and it's many many ice land bridges or whatever the fuck over ice distance that ice ice Island away I steps but it keeps jumping in the water and getting closer trying to figure out what the fuck they are and then finally gets to them find out what they are it's in the ice Island next to them jumps in the water pops up grabs one guys there's nothing anybody can do about it fuck take some kills them drags him in the water again goes back on the other eye silence just starts eating them and they're just chilling watching it there one ice Island away hoping that he doesn't stay hungry after eats their friend how was your least favorite friend and the boat comes and rescues fuck me dude the made of water Frank it eaten alive their friend got eaten alive anyone who died probably quite he probably it probably ate him in front of them yummy to eat probably took her so they could see it he didn't care yeah there's I mean like you know you worry
► 00:58:13when you eat a clam that you're eating in front of other clowns I want me in front of hmm no I'm sure he fuck I'm sure the bear ate it to know they want to keep I'm saying he kept an eye on them yes it's like your next dude well I'm horribly knows that they're there if this isn't enough I mean maybe the guy is like a small guy what do you do you do you do you just sit there and watch it you jump in the water what do you what do you fucking do you can't swim away you'll freeze to death if you get in that water you just have to accept the fact of a chooses to kill you that's your time there's nothing else you can do you can't fight it off I would punch my buddy and knock them out so it's easier than you know what I mean knock him out of butter huh you have to think about how much you love your friends oh my God there's so many people I'd knock out Li for Bears to eat there's yes a lot of people most of most of my friends I'm not but what it is is just it's
► 00:59:01it's inescapable yeah the power that has have you had a moment of near-death experience never like that never won never never around animal like that your had a near-death experience where you're like fuck I could die maybe car accident car accident yeah that's the only time I thought I might just kind of a near-death experience it is never know if you've not been in a bad one I've been in some bad ones been lucky that's near death shit yeah you ever ride bikes motorcycles no it's gonna that's what are - poopy blind new crashed and one person I know saw someone get hit all in like a month it was like bang bang so two people I know crash and fuck themselves up one was a dude that I was working with and another was Frank Mir was fighting in the UFC he was you know one of the best heavyweights in the planet and some guy ran a red light and T-boned mm snapped his leg in half send him flying through the air had a real problem I mean he almost lost his leg man if he's lucky lived but the femurs like the big upper leg that's a really bad
► 01:00:01Brown the break let's fix die usually yeah takes a long time to heal it's very dangerous a lot of lot of blood flows through that area the main arteries that can fuck yeah bleed out real takes a long time for that leg comes back and for Frank it was years before he was like a hundred percent again say everything arguably he never was the same it's arguable that something like that you're always going to be like playing catch up because it's such a devastating injury let's fuck I mean it sounds like fuck motorcycles - too much sun protecting you whoa I'm fucking on the outside man but if you lived in well I was gonna say if you lived in a rural area but did you hear about that guy that plowed into these bikers he was in a pickup truck yeah I was in a pickup truck in New Hampshire and there was this I think they call themselves The Jarhead bike club or something like that a bunch of Marines that's got together and rode their bikes around and this guy plowed into him and killed like seven on purpose no I don't know what happened I don't know how I don't know if he was being careless if he was speeding
► 01:01:01I don't know who's fucked up do you weren't here was as here where was New Hampshire New Hampshire so I was going to say yeah I drive a motorcycle and some Rural Road yeah but some Rural Road you gotta worry about people not paying attention - right you move out to the middle of nowhere you still don't fucking know Stephen King remember what happened to him Stephen King got hit by a guy who was I think he liked he drop something in his car and so he was leaning over to pick up whatever the fuck he left in his van Stephen King was walking by the side of the road maybe it was his dog I feel like maybe it was his dog was doing something anyway they got wasn't looking and hit him and it just broke everything damning his butthole body was broken he had several broken bones who's fucked up for a long time it took him forever before he could just sit at his desk again and write and he details it and great in great detail and talks about it in his book on writing as well that's him with pins in his leg I mean there's that dog and dude he was older at the time he was a young guy he's always looked old for some reason Steven
► 01:02:01is always looked like every time I see a photo I'm like what is he fucking he's always 50 he's been 50 since he was born well bro if you carrying around that kind of you go inside your body and that's why I'm saying right that fucked-up shit has made him look old always that guy fuck is that what is this Stephen King calls maybe let's not go down a little Google Rabbit Hole please be there forever Stephen King me think about how many amazing books that guy is written think about the diversity of them by the way they're not all the same kind of like people always go like Stephen King horror he's done drama he's done a lot of different kinds of different thing but you know what I like he almost always made it a writer from Maine it was a guy from Maine and then this crazy shit would happen to him that's fucking like many of his stories not all of them but many stories were a guy from me yeah did he write Shawshank Redemption yep there's a think about that based off at least dude you know yes not his story but I think about that he wrote that that beautiful and it's the rest of us it is very
► 01:03:01very dark so much of a sort of black is nice got so much good stuff man I mean she's got so much good did you ever read the Tommyknockers uh it's fun it's about like an alien craft that crash-lands in the woods and I don't want to give any spoilers on Dad's starts changing People what is Tommyknocker mean what the fuck I don't know but I think it was based on some like old fairy tale that people tell it's like learning it old words like that Tommyknocker find out what it is let's find out like this word hey I want I have a Workforce like like Candyman you know like kind of thing here's a word I've award for you there was a word that I heard that I thought it was very funny that I wrote down that I was like oh Joel think that's fucking wild but I like when I learn a new word I go oh that's fucking I always admire you again when I see you I realize no case Okay so give up no case Jamie fuck Tammie rocks no case to he's recently how long the cell phone since I've got the gold one the new iPhone how many months has it been since you've been rocking okay sober hmm do you feel free
► 01:04:01feel better I've only had the case for one phone I guess you feel better than other people no I would I feel riskier I would you feel like more like a rivet on every day you make it a suspect like a success I so admire how Neil deGrasse Tyson explained it he's twirling around his fingers I've made some catches that maybe is gained ability because of doing that bright but I might just let it drop if he was in one of them like Otter cases or something OtterBox I'm thick once this doesn't ever I I've said that I said the same thing not to cop and Neil deGrasse Tyson ship but I love love the design of this yes what it's worth it if I don't want to avoid said you loved me I loved it beautiful and I see people these huge case luggage 002 OtterBox Acacia fucking dirt off a cliff what am I throw my phone of a fucking clue why are you throwing your phone but also what's Target Tommyknockers got but all but also by the way we're all Stone folks yeah but also I think about it in the sense of I know this sounds privileged fine but I have AppleCare
► 01:05:01which isn't that expensive are you if I fucking break it I just get one it's like 20 bucks what the fuck you're a monster take that broke it Jesus I don't give a fuck Joe Rogan you don't give a fuck what is Tommy know what is it mean it's based off of knockers who would have been miners trapped in the cave and would have been pounding on rocks to get rescued in his book it's the aliens underground who are trapping on knocking on try it I don't remember the exact premise that I knew there were doing something that was changing the people they made a really kind of funky movie wasn't like the best movie wasn't it wasn't good film hard to make his fucking was it for TV series how many episodes think four five it's one of those ones we almost got imagine in your head and that's an asshole thing to say because like like I used to have a joke about Game of Thrones people to his book better like how is that possible you watching real dragons and people fucking and then sword fights
► 01:06:01possible and you're going to tell me that two episodes so two hours that movie if you wanted to really figure out what the book is it would have to be hours and hours and hours that book was nuanced the book got into psychology what was the other one with the dudes were in the woods and some alien crawled inside that guy's asshole and killed them which one was that one king yeah family reunions no that was like some alien thing I crawled in his life and killed yeah I would take over these people would take over these people it was in in the guys toilet you know who it was it was the guy who was in that HBO series Homeland oh Mandy Patinkin knows the guy who is captured member he was captured he was turned over the redheaded dude oh yeah yeah that's what the fuck is that guy's name what the fuck is that guy talking about but this is a newer TV we can figure this out we're gonna get to the bottom of this well it that first of all that
► 01:07:01guy find out that the TV Show Homeland for season and then you'll find the guy's name is I'm billions billions that's right that guy has an awesome actor what can I think is fun yeah that guy is it English accent yeah it does yeah crazy I know that as good as he is and I could even American that's creepy well it's kind of like what's his name Walking Dead Guy yeah same guy I mean same thing they're on you how you dare you Jamie wait wait also also smells Damian Lewis okay go to Damian Lewis has IMDb and there was a movie that he did a few years back there was a good fucking movie it was a student and I was in the right when I just never heard of its called dream catcher dream catcher yeah I was thinking white trash that's why I was thinking white trash was like white trash my trash trailer trash dreamcatcher same kind of thing though you know that electroshock dream catcher that is the barbed wire around the bicep tattoo of the house accoutrement dream catcher yeah why do people love people love with him
► 01:08:01she's someone had one you're like dude fuck man bummer bummer my kids were for sure puka shells it yeah when you have your when your child when your child just learned about the world it's just not a good piece of art I'm sorry adult a big is on their frame cut your sucks yeah right but you notice every one that catches a it has a dream catcher hasn't caught one dream yet they're fucking just said it's true it's a dream thief the dreams dreams yeah catches him with you don't fucking get him dummy run a girl's house imagine if you were single and after all this conversation the girl he dreams goddamn dream catcher over the bed you're like fuck she's perfect in every single real away but she she believes in astrology and she has her dream catcher that's my it was so right it was exactly who I am she's making said I was smart and creative and gifted and that I'm beyond generous to my friends just totally true she wants you to rubbed what is it crystals or gems in your hand before you fuck she's a can you roll these
► 01:09:00Whispering make it they will they will match your intentions they'll change colors if you're really your true self be me I'll be you bro how often when you say when somebody goes with your Apple astrological sign I'm always like get the fuck of get the fuck away from me yeah but I am a Leo and Leos are supposed to be kind of douchey and a little bit of a war oh well they're very aggressive what does it mean to be I don't know you're supposed to be like confidence bullshit I'm a Libra does that mean I'm like every fucking guy born in October that sub sure are you should know together and form the boys and then you would get banned for Facebook for being racist Libra boys it'd be all white guys would be like the new Proud boys Libra Boys by the way I can't wait for sober October for me to keep drinking I want to come on the show and have a drink just to watch you guys battle nonsense I don't know what we're gonna do whatever you do I'm still not going to be sober it's my birthday month I can't fuck with that well the real problem is the time commitment like I have too many goddamn pie podcasts that are booked all the way up to them and I know there's going to be
► 01:10:00a lot of shit I have to do I can't dedicate too much time I can't do what I did last year let's do the Snickers challenge I think that's the best way to do it ooh let's do it let's do it what are you doing - okay I know what about it what about a different kind of challenge out tap out first but you guys keep your fucking shitty headaches I'm gonna go have a salad it's going to we're going to do a deep fake somebody fake of Joe eating Snickers just fix the fucking make it a phony you'd have to do it that was the other thing that we had an idea of like who can read the most books the most pages but the problem with that is Bert will go wrote it right it just pound through all the pages number one he can't read but he'll I look I asked him if he could do this please yeah can use but I go I can do the split was do it so I did this basically I was like an inch off the ground and he's like oh you can really do it so he went to do it he's like couldn't do it at all he said remotely flexible it's not like there was a time in his life we could do the split but here he is 44 years old fake and he could do the splits
► 01:11:00doing Bert why would you lie about that might seem like a guy that can do this but for a guy that's been sitting on dick for that many years I figured he could do the splits you know what I mean for bouncing on so much cock I'm surprised Bert doesn't do the splits he's just a funny dude you could tell you I can't I can't let that happen no fuck that okay with that well I'm gonna I want to be invited so I can sit with Jamie and having Franklin gets get high while you guys do sober shit it has to be there is sort of a little bit of mint test they can't it just can't be too involved I just I can't do it anymore yeah get me and Jamie one of those bubbles so we can just get high and drunk and roll all right yeah give me the bubbles vicious the new features of the Joe Rogan I know I love this shit the bubble machine first featured on the Duncan Trussell podcast number 13 13 it was Duncan's request that he be on that spiritual number spiritual numbers are really important have you ever used acupressure acupuncture I have I love it is it legit it's legit as fuck I love interesting it's wonderful they say it's legit you've never done it no yeah I did you do it once but I did it with a dude who did some
► 01:12:00he just was a little weird he wanted to drink certain herbs and shit and he couldn't know I just went to a fire I just want to I just want to a fucking dope acupuncturist and got it done and it's great not my face fuck me up I didn't like my face was getting fucked me up who do they put in that's are all over your face a little time everywhere no no your sinuses your eyes boop boop like in your size if they could fix your eyes if you can make your eyes / look at my 20 Vision looks maybe it was slipping I'm 1920 I think what if it got to like 40 46 56 argument and I can see shit through three feet of ice to the opposite of the other way what is it like no 88 is like the most insane Vision ever like is it well our number is smaller it is the better yeah so I'm saying 50/50 but you'd be blind as fuck I'm 50/50 but it all big do they can fix it but you got to keep your eyes open like that movie Clockwork Orange yeah pop pop your eyes open and just acupuncture the shit out your eyeballs so all you looking up I see these Spears coming out of your eye
► 01:13:00also just people get tattoos on their on their fucking eyes we've seen that shit they get them on the whites of their eyes you did a bad thing bad person dumb person tattoo your fucking eyeballs Duty I see someone like that I'm mailing your light imagine being that guy's dad imagine being his friend but his dad like you raised a boy and whatever happened whether it is a chemical imbalance or whatever happened what would happen was it abuse what I don't know what happened for sure Blanton something happened parent people are fucked oh that guy in San Diego I was telling you about that a man through sandals at me this weekend at my show you know what happened I called him sandal Steve so this is the most up there's two embarrassing parts of the of this story for this man the show the Sunday show was fucking phenomenal in San Diego was so fucking dope we sold out the weekend and then Sunday show was incredible everyone's having a good time I'm joking around at the end of my show very end about people in San Diego
► 01:14:00they go think wearing sandals with jeans as appropriate I was like that's just that San Diego's like button down but I have sandals on it's like douchebags fucking have their toes out but wear like pants and some guys are good hey I'm like let me guess you're wearing jeans with sandals and he put brings up a sandal and I'm like all right Samuel Steve sounds these are but and he goes my name is Steve and I was like fucking guy fucking guys you record the sir no and I fucking wish I was the only one I didn't fucking record course that's Universe coursing has meant so so so so I turn to the I turn to the left and this dude throws a fucking I see it out of the corner of my eye oh my God but when the sandal hit the curtain are actually an alloy of they have the old comedy star sign do you know that they bought they brought that down the old neon oh yeah the old neon now hit the neon and I was like what the fuck was that shit and it kind of you know what some doesn't register because I was like no way that if he broke the neon dudebro murder so I turn and then as I'm turning another sandal gets tossed on stage not thrown by like tossed and
► 01:15:00I immediately I was like what the fuck and he's going like this bro and then fucked staff is coming up and grabbing this fucking moron and two dudes are standing up in the audience ready to like swing like people were like it was a commotion and I was like what the fuck he goes I'm just kidding around we can run and they were like get the fuck out dude get any goes come on man I'm a big fan I go dude get the fuck out you can't throw shit at me get the fuck out of here so they removed the dude but the best part are the most unfortunate part is it's his daughter's 21st birthday and she's a big fan right your shithead dad through sandals at your fucking dog so of course if she's listening I love you thanks for being a fan sorry your dad is a fucking moron and through a sandals at us because that's how you get kicked out that's sad Duty through them at my fucking head he it missed my head by like a foot and he thinks I'm just kidding around like note it is not funny enough are saying you can't throw sandals that Pete you can't can't throw shit at people yeah throw shooter and the poor
► 01:16:00oh man I've never seen someone so embarrassed she was getting her purse and shit and she's like you know wavering through the crowd and the Sun is like can I get back his sandals and I was like get the fuck out it doesn't usually happen someone's rare down rare you gotta you gotta do some dumb shit it does happen hey man this guy got kicked out the Improv yeah he was heckling everybody and then why go on stage of me he was just so loud and they just grabbed him and I go to to kind of shut the fuck up and what do you like what are you doing doing this is ridiculous you know you're interrupting and they just grabbed him and the lady who was in front of him was his girlfriend go the kicking him out here sir you to leave she looks at me and she goes did you do this I couldn't do that no bitch you fucking problem this is your life in a nutshell you were here with him you saw what happened yeah you saw me tell the guy what the fuck are you doing man then you saw the staff kick him out and you asked me did I do this but you know I didn't do this you did this joke did this no you
► 01:17:00it work but imagine the kind of enabling where you're right next to the guy who's yelling out stupid shit interrupting the show you're watching the staff come over you're watching this guy kicked out she looks familiar did you do this did I do this you gotta get your life in order lady hey clean your room clean your room but in your fucking room bit that's your problem it was so crazy I was like you saw you were here with me yeah but the crowd was going apeshit they think it's your fault here that those should those two people she thought it was my fault everybody else thought it was hilarious but it was the rest of the crowd is so angry at them because it's so indicative of what we know to be true about certain people there are certain people that blame everyone else except themselves totally always watching when you watch the guy who said she's like he loves you I was like well he's ruining the fucking show like you just don't come to a show if you can't keep your fucking your Tourette's and check just want to scream shit out and just be
► 01:18:00all it's just crazy you're ruining the whole show The Sounds fake the same show the Sunday show I was just we were joking around how crazy it was in the middle of a setup I'm time about to tell a fucking setup and a guy goes said to know what's your favorite thing about San Diego and I was like what what and he goes I'll just and everybody boo I mean everyone's lighting them up because they were like is this the some people get so excited sometimes and I don't I love do is nice dude who's just like bro yeah you gotta know the rules of the thing you can do it he's been out by the beach to my room there's those guys there's those guys that's too much salt air and too much sun and they're cooked they're like a slow it's like you know how like if you're going to smoke a piece of fish I'll give you put your hand in there it doesn't even seem like you would do anything right you know like you seem like you'd be fine yeah but you live there forever but you can't after like four or five hours to become a smoke piece of fish right that's an option those dudes brains smoked fish certain amount of
► 01:19:00guy's brains that are always by the beach they don't drink enough water yeah they just get old and leathery right and all the regular things for their brains leathery yeah you see them in the outside looks leathery their brain looks like that too man right I'm not a doctor there's smoked their smoked and they come to the show they're slowly smoked everybody fuck you fucking love you too by the way about someone I had a bunch of Mexican fans I love my Mexican fans showed up in San Diego and all these dudes after the show would like you want us to fuck that dude up dog the fucking sandal dude I was like hey man my God you do whatever you want to do don't not right now didn't don't ask Mexicans to beat up white people right now it's a bad time I'm important all actually to beat up Mexicans all this wall talk to throw in a few extra shots and should beat up everybody beat up everybody Mexicans that's Andrew Santino saying they might have my favorite food period about this my I think my kids about not my favorite food here's the thing honestly it really varies
► 01:20:00like sometimes my favorite food is steak sometimes I fear food is Italian but my favorite food when I know I probably shouldn't be eating it but I want to eat it anyway is like lengua quesadilla from a real Mexican joint like that place I'm taking you guys to the one that this is a joint in the valley you go there they have Mexican soap operas on TV those girls the big tits in the red dress is always right yeah and everyone in there is like locals it look a bunch of dudes who are getting off work know about suck ass real small hole in the wall type Place everyone speaks Spanish a hundred percent everything's written in Spanish food is off the fucking charts dude it's off the charts it's you get Liang Liang what quesadilla bro with the spicy sauce don't want what kind of meat is in their language tongue language humming beeps hums beeps on yeah Sensational dude it's so good go and get one of those they have all kinds of tacos oh my God your death-row meal then is Mexican and your death-row meal
► 01:21:00even before I go fungal really yeah probably kill me you want me to have a good time eating lobster first fuck you I'm eating death row me unleash it I mean all that shit I'm just thinking to try and taking one guy out when he tries to get me from the jail that's all my concentration is on come get me bitch I mean you gotta kill me come on man not eating a lobster well I'm not going to fucking Lobster I'm trying to figure out a way to kill you if you're if they're trying to kill you trying to figure out where they kill them I'm taking somebody just one guard gets murdered yeah yeah that's a good way out I'll fuck up Wonder we don't you think you would be thinking that way no they're gonna drag you to you unless you did something horrific and you want to die and you know you're terrible what if you were wrongfully accused if you're wrong if you I'm wrongfully accused and I'm on death row I'm trying to kill somebody
► 01:21:49or you kill yourself when they get to you yeah but how do you so hard until they make it real hard they keep things from you that you could kill yourself with which is horrific they put you to the problem is you could kill somebody else with it right they left some wire with fucking handles on it you're not gonna turn that in right that's going to get it's going to get passed around some dudes are going to die yeah but I do think that if death row if death throws coming up on you you thinking a lot differently yeah you're not thinking about killing the guards you think about fucking please God people people find God when they're about to die you do but the way to avoid those horrific thoughts as to plan a murder
► 01:22:32just think like how fast can I get to one of these guys before they can they can pile up on me
► 01:22:38I think about what it would take about what it would take to get to that place when you're like that's it I'm gonna have to fucking just kill everyone I see cheese because I'm done that's always like the appeal of a show like The Punisher like the comic book they ever did it was a shit job with that fucking comic book I mean I heard the Punisher on Netflix is good I didn't see that but I didn't movies like to have a Dolph Lundgren movie and he didn't even have real stubble it's the dumbest shit of all time because by the way this is before ac they think this point where they faked his stubble and obviously fake obvious be hosing off he grounds it looks so bad like bad stipple like little rascal sponge and dipped in some dirt and rub that man's face and they pretended that it was a five o'clock shadow I mean whoever the fucking makeup artist was they should have got the fucking Academy Award for Parish it ever but it's like almost like they made it a comedy it's almost like they know this movie's piece of shit and they are going to make the make the makeup so bad and so dumb-looking hey that's us that's us too
► 01:23:38they're going to make the makeup look in so dumb that nobody believes it's real close it up on it he's young he is there Dolph it's not clear it's not clear whether you're walking is not an HD you know back yeah well it goddamn dude look so fake it's hard to tell no but that is that but you can you watch the actual movie did you Google Dolph Lundgren fake double punished I just did Punisher just so we could see pictures from I don't want to have anything doctor okay just right Dolph Lundgren Punisher fake stubble just try that fake stumble can we have that maybe nobody noticed this but me we have that Mike special anymore where is that where is it there's all the Mike Tyson's face yeah yeah that's have some there was a close-up I remember there was a close-up he was like lying down I was like this is so fake well I mean right there you can tell it looks like shit this it's hard to tell like I remember watching on TV going what what is this that looks bad rather all right there you go yeah
► 01:24:38stringy sideburns coming down to dust it is faced with some dirty looks like it's like when I was exactly that you know that's like when like I'm talking junior high is trying to get facial hair for the first time he's got a diver accentuate yeah I've been thinking of rocking a police mustache fuck you know what yeah really not you gotta get a bushy one that's got to be bull shit you gotta get real foot one yeah how about one like Mike Beltran when I roll up the fucking the hairs grow long you gotta get like a wolf or Brimley you know you gotta get that might you know Mike Beltran is you know I'm talking about now he's one of the top MMA referees oh I've seen that dude his mustache comes down like this like Cinderella's hair yeah he's got like a yeah yeah handlebars no handlebars big ol Jack dude to crazy-ass mustache you what do you wouldn't fucking do a mustache maybe I'll do one like that there's Mike Beltran look at that shit yes you have to grow that mustache for decades I know but how long does it take to grow a mustache like that forever but braiding it kind of I mean dude come on
► 01:25:38get an extension added to it so you could start sometime shit I wouldn't lie like that
► 01:25:45and we're last extent someone guy has to have done your weave your fucking mustache we've yeah maybe someones done that I would imagine maybe for a movie or something like that it's right over here oh yeah the mustache we've this it's a look right but at a certain point in time would imagine become like prisoner to that look yeah that's who you are then forever yeah I've got like like I've had a beard for as long as I can remember and so now if I shave it on fucked you can't I can't say this it's kind of strange that I can never get away from it now this is it I didn't think about it he brought it up you've never seen me without a beard risk at this is the I remember playing in a band with this guy and I'm pretty sure part of this you play in the band with this guy yes this is him under the bus not in his band but my band played with them we all have for this is a singer for Mudvayne part of it is not real but part of it is real he does have a really long one but I remember seeing it up close and like it was like a rope or something like goddamn it's crazy how long you can grow a fucking beard hey why that's absurd
► 01:26:43that exists like why does hair on the head grow so long why does hair and the face grow to those lengths it doesn't seem like it'd be useful well why would nature do that yeah why would we need because like arm hair doesn't grow that long it doesn't need to anymore right but why does beard hair grow long and arm hair stops well I think I think it's probably because I wasn't that weird though well that's like you know you don't you know the crown of the head hair you know this had hair here like yes this will never ever fall out it's but genetically biologically mmm the hairs will never fall out on this crowd that's right when you see someone anybody says complete ball still here will have hair I'm right here you have to have hair right here the forever it is weird but like what I understand is like why can the hair on your head grow so long and they are you beer grow so long but your arm here and leg hair is always the same wax but your prepuce can get rather unruly just Jamie starts a trim you fucking filthy cunt you bring your boobs and get out of here bro your pubes get out of control Jamie I will should I say attrocious they eat roast like a fucking repulsive
► 01:27:43different kind of hair yeah it's like who Bears yes yes of course it's course it's really angry yeah angry it's like protective hair it's like you know what if it's actually from filthy pussy it's a magnet is a reason for it is there a reason why pube hairs are so thick Google that what could that fucking be why is it so weird I was thinking it's like the thick shield around a wild boars face before it comes up is why is it curly why does Colonel Isaac are wiser oh yeah exactly if it wasn't for eight Decades of he went down and she had her pussy hair was like a wig like what is this - ringing crazy is it parted you like what is happening here I left I left hair parted pussy it's braided line it beltran's beard this is dump ex-wife they used to describe this as says that it's perfect it helps prevent friction both bring the coarser and thicker and rarely and all this and not the way I fuck what does that even
► 01:28:43in friction have you trying to start a fire again a bread like so you get don't get like a yeah but how much hair is on your cock but both people both hairs it's like rye bread and felt each other I suppose that's funny it just sticks if you were on a few one meth and Viagra and you were in the desert do you think you can start a fire fuck so hard you start a fire oh no water in the air yeah your yeah you're start a fire if you're rubbing hearted on your en masse fucking you listen to slay up
► 01:29:14boom I think that's I think that's I think that's better than a stick rolling yeah I'm gonna fiddle yeah beautiful yeah the bow the bow way if you ever start a fire like that I've had to try at a camp at a summer camp we had to do this one we had to do a bow one and then we had to do the wiggle one with your fingers is ridiculous what's this what the flow of Flint yeah Flint snap that's the much more likely one yeah that happens yeah but this shit this bullshit is so fucking hard it's hard so hard I got to the point where all down it was burnt like it was black like it looked like it wasn't like I smelled it I was pretty close I think when I did it I don't know when I did it but I'm pretty sure I was like preteens yeah when you first start those things I think I was Boy Scouts and I was doing that Yugi Boy Scout side the Boy Scout for how long one year how long do you do Boy Scouts yeah how long you seem like a long time War yeah I didn't make it to we blow it over the that like that we're strong enough huh Point bro dude I got fucking
► 01:30:14kidnapped almost by these criminals these little kids I went to I went to Boy Scouts in Jamaica Plain Boston Jamaica Plains like a suburb of Boston not really suburbs part of the city isn't there one in New York like plain Jamaica Queens Jamaica Queens that's right Jamaica Plain in Boston is it's more gentrified now like the white people are spreading out and there was white people they're everywhere when I lived there too but they were like Angry Irish people who will punch in the face I wasn't used to being around people like that I lived in San Francisco and then I lived in Florida and then all the sudden I lived with these like really wild people man what was my point what would we were just talking about the LED me this how about your makeup what about one for that
► 01:31:01about why you're talking about the angry Boston Pika what was it a lot the weed maybe told the second question I can remember what it was I had a point had a significant point I completely lost we were good so we were talking about angry people fire build a fire but you're building the fire and Boy Scouts Boy Scout camp so I went to Camp with these fucking kids lives in this really tough neighborhood and there was a lot of Puerto Rican kids and a lot of Italian kids and there was Irish kids it was all ethnicities but it was basically like low-income people it was the first time I was around kids that were like legitimately dangerous like what I live in Florida we were around like alligators and shit and we used to go into the swamps would find snapping turtles I lived there for a couple years yeah but it didn't seem dangerous in terms like the kids that I was interacting with right then all of a sudden I was in Jamaica Plain and they were dangerous Kids Tough asked if they were tough ass kids and I didn't know I've never had sex
► 01:32:01and I didn't know like what way a penis goes in I didn't know it goes up and then we consider that this kid seems Paulie Hudson he lived right next to me shamed me he goes you probably don't even know that a dick goes up in a pussy I'm sorry he's right I was like he does I was 11 I was like really I was trying to like figure out how that would work I was like oh I guess I wasn't a levels 1313 was when I lived in Boston but I was like what okay I guess it just goes up wow you could have said that nicer I was like yeah you just say did you know did you know up not you don't kid that I had ever encountered probably would have said hey did you know that when you have sex it doesn't go straight in because when you think about having sex you think your penis would go straight forward yeah if your dick goes like this big like that you didn't think you would go up you like oh of course how it while it's would boners be like that right wouldn't make sense it what you'd have to hold them down to get them into the proper position okay now anyway I went to fucking
► 01:33:01Scout camp with these criminals and dude the first night the first night they tied this kid up and they he was sleeping he was soundly asleep and he was a little annoying but that either way they tie this it out on his bed yellow car and they dragged him into the woods and it was dark as fuck it was New Hampshire Woods you don't see anything no lights there was no moon out so I mean you couldn't see your fucking hand in front of your face it which I had never experienced that before in all my mind I was 13 so in all my life as a person I had never been in a place where I couldn't see my hand and I was outside going this is insane as we were like this boy scout camp was by a lake way the fuck up in New Hampshire and what I see in her City criminal kids and they bring them out into the forest and they leave him there and then they came for me man but I woke up and I was like fuck you and fuck you fuck you want and they took this other guy like they left me alone I just did I gave up on all the activities I was awake when I heard
► 01:34:01kids like Mumble and shit and I saw him carried away I was like these guys are strapping this guy down to a cop we fucked you once were they have no remember they did something I do not remember but I remember the other kid they put toothpaste all over his clothes apparently when you put toothpaste like toothpaste is not wash out good especially and 19 whatever the fuck it was what was that 13 so it's 1997 4967 T9 I think say 80 79 80 81 I was 14 yeah so it's that age 80ish and they're like these little fucking Crux I was out of the woods with these kids and we had bows and arrows of 22 rifles you would hear ricochets man we would be we would be over by the lake because me and this other kid who was also this kid we call them onion we went by the late think it was him is this a theory of on my real story called an onion man decided to skip out on no one cared if you were engaging in all their activities no one cared right literally I'm
► 01:35:01you know one was watching us I was 13 we just grab fishing rods and we went went went where the lake was we knew where the lake was like all these kids would get together in their old doing archery and rifle practice and you're hanging out there with a bobber in the water here Carol you say it's your fucking Rich to say
► 01:35:24guns they let these fucking kids have twenty-twos you and it was the it's a weird noise like when you think of a gun you think of a boom yeah 22 is like crack crack crack crack and it doesn't feel like it would hurt it sounds like a whip yeah it's not it's not as threatening as the actual action of getting hit by a bullet yeah yeah it will kill you sound like what it is people kill people with 22s the 22 will fucking kill you but it just seemed you know like you can't be around these kids are you on I am were you happy that you did boy scouts or not was it fun for you one year nobody did anything to me nobody belongs to me I feel like I got off light you got molested Jamie know how dare you those four years that's cool bro that's what happened that was years later you you know what though I was thinking about that you know I went to Catholic school when I was a kid kid and then never again I never got molested I was thinking maybe I wasn't cute enough for something like that was that weren't wearing
► 01:36:24I'm something up online where I'm from in Columbus some list just got released of a bunch of priests that either that have been either accused and found out that whatever was happened somewhere still alive some aren't I look through the list and found someone that was a priest at my school you know yeah I don't know that anyone no nobody I know said they've been touched me like that but like Bloom I blew all of our minds like holy shit gross that shit is fucking growing is how much it's one of the weirdest things you can just connect a thing that's a horrific act to a church but that's one thing that you just can do yeah the Catholic Church Catholic priests pedophile you can just say that I mean those tests peanut butter and jelly bro yeah right how crazy is it that the peanut butter to your jelly is fucking kids do you imagine yeah and kids love peanut butter and jelly if you see a jar jelly
► 01:37:22thank you oh if I had some peanut butter and some bread and make a peanut butter jelly sandwich you see a priest you like oh that guy fucks kids he fucks kids isn't that weird that's that you'll never get away crazy just trying to teach the word of the Lord man sure you are dude how crazy is that it'll it'll go away at some point no it will not no well not as long as you let those commercials that keep doing what they're doing it will not yeah just rocking Pope himself at one point that guy that ratzinger in what at one point in his life he was involved in moving people around do they said he was wanted for crimes against humanity that's so fucked this one there's a documentary that shows that he let these people go let this one guy go rather and moved him to another Parish where he molested hundred deaf kids wow dude Jesus Christ that's oh shit it's pure evil it's pure evil and what's most fucked up
► 01:38:22about it it's evil that's common to people that are looking for God yeah gross right like the people that's why people get mad when you talk shit about the Catholic church because there's a lot of great people that are not rational everyone is a shit that know the people that are actually going to the Church of the Good People right right right and there's people that are good priests they do exist and not everyone's bad but the number that are bad a hundred deaths kids huh Jane the numbers insane their say did you ever see the documentary hear no evil no are did I speak no evil speak no know which ones are some iTunes I can pull it up pull that shit up baby whoo - it up but it's a horrific documentary speak speak no evil it's a horrific Deliver Us from Evil Deliver Us from Evil goddamn we have three different titles not which one do you like better Deliver Us from Evil think they know that I think I got it right it's a terrible documentary in terms of the way it makes you feel and makes you feel it's very good documentary what makes you
► 01:39:22terrible that reminds me of did you watch The Devil we know which ones do we talk about that which we talked about that before the devil we know is about 3M and Teflon who are you know what the hell no all bro watch Teflon is in 99.99% of the world's blood they had to go all the way back to the Korean War to find out Teflon not in someone's blood what fact Teflon Teflon like a fool where the devil we know bro watch this fucking documentary cover up did you ever Google the devil we know debunked no me neither this but no that's what I always do oh debunked no well watch this shit it'll give us believe you some insights heavy to what's really going on but even though I'm not doubting them every time I look at anything like this now I write debunked and I put it into just divide out and I find out is there any credible sources sure and I don't necessarily automatically agree with them but are there any credible sources that have
► 01:40:22any indication trying to find the if there's a balance to it so I've just said too many things that are not true well because I think comes up I type that in just a story in the LA Times that comes up it was it's a variety The Devil we know review LA Times is should we be scared of Teflon on the Soviets documentary ba ba du du du du du du in this documentary there's a farmer who lives down the street on the road from where and This is 40 years ago 50 years ago where 3M was making Teflon right and he was complaining to them well the Water Source wasn't supposed to be polluted they lied they put they put their their runoff in his water cows had fucking like blue teeth and shit their eyes would turn different colors due to it he was like he kept complaining but they push they push him down like shut the fuck up South Africa until he went away and then this documentary explores how other people have tried to tell a story but no one gave a shit that Teflon was killing at such a rapid but for you up for forget this hold that thought real quick can you please go cause I keep forgetting this can you please Google that
► 01:41:21um
► 01:41:24water bottles in Target and other stores were found with arsenic no yeah holy shit levels of arsenic unhealthy levels of arsenic Jamie you're so good at one hand typing it's fucking absurd wizard bottle water bowl that and fries and be okay yesterday news yeah what is this a can't type with two hands jamish X by than I do with them like this I'm like searching powder should I didn't pop up Windows hey fuck off the fuck out of here in BC News don't fuck out of here and be swaddled what was this a gym bottled water brand found to have high levels of arsenic pulled from stores fun brand particular oh okay here it is pain Fel bothered bottled water sold at Target and Walmart that's why she named Keurig oh all right after pepper and because the burnished huh the band said pain afine penafiel unflavored mineral spring waters are involved in the
► 01:42:19draw the wrote a statement there voluntarily pulling the product which are sold at Target mama so maybe like the manufacturer had some fucking weird shit in their water headed yes high levels of Art and long-term exposure to high levels are drinking increased risk for diabetes sure high blood pressure right but they don't say what's the level of arsenic in it right what is high-level mean what would that is it how much is okay for us to have they're already they're allowed to have 10 parts per billion in there and I'm gonna go see it must have exceeded how much is too much how much would you start off someone's dick hundred pounds per billing or 30 parts per billion just show me a dick bro I mean how much are you willing to snort if you tell me this if you tell me are snakes not bad for you how much we snort I'll tell him I'll cut it up would be 12 there's there's that's not enough my dick that's fucking insane by the way that there was there were selling shoe that has high arsenic well they didn't know I mean it just looks like water that's the
► 01:43:19much water looks like water I can get weird shit and water to leave it in a hot car do you know that like your water bottles yeah really sad you buy a bottle of water you know the fuck happened that bottle before you it's like a adopted dog somebody could have been kicking that thing leave it out in the sun by the time you get it man it's damaged who the fuck knows what's in there in terms of like diseases like you can legitimately have water bottles at leak pcbs they leak some sort of estrogen mimicking chemical really yeah you see the shit with Justin Trudeau in the water bottle did you see that today you do put it up as but it wasn't today but did he put it on if I saw it today did you see it earlier Justin Trudeau's asked about how he and his family are doing a better job at not using Plastics and his response is so fucking awful you can't get it out he said well we were using mmm listen as fucking this is just made me laugh so hard we rewind it one more time for the biggest at least with you and your family do
► 01:44:19cut back on Plastics we we have recently switched to drinking water bottles out of water out of when we have water bottles out of a plastic sorry away from plastic towards paper you're fired you know listen to me I don't care how tired you are now water out of do you imagine we've absolutely somebody asked me a question like that about my job
► 01:44:54imagine somebody said Hey Joe what do you think could be done to stop head trauma in MMA and I'd be like well we could conceivably there's not much but we could pad the elbows we could pass the knees we can I would have a thought yeah I want to fucking thought that shit through you think this shit's riddle and there's also thinking about getting caught in a lie to the judge I have plastic everywhere gotta get home where the plastic parts call his wife in the limo on the way home burn the box they're coming for us don't a pleasure the house is not a fucking bottle in the house it's all plastic everything's planned everything no glass they throw their forks with every meal they stick them and put this stick him in a sea monkey cage and feed him to Turtles fuck you just for those houses made of plastic this whole house is plastic everything you know what he does he collect those little things at six packs come with he just chucked him in the ocean for a laugh
► 01:45:53let's do a leg it just puts a bunch of fucking duck Killers out there I heard listen if you find a miniature don't find a lot are legit male feminist let me let me talk to him because I've never met one every one every one of my medicine dudes running a scam right thanks the same thing yeah I love women sweeties these non-male sweeties I'm like okay you're trying too hard man something's wrong it's so obvious man there's someone wrote online this guy that was like was like I'll stand by every woman forever know that and I was like so crazy displaying guy what do you think he's gonna stalk you he's gonna stalk you yeah his words sound like a normal person's words but you just have to have a deep vocabulary of crazy that is the only that we're those combination of words in that circumstance only exists from the mind of a crazy man yes normal people don't fucking say that shit no nope no no no sir no it's super important to tell those guys know
► 01:46:53no that's why this whole in cell thing you know about in Saul's yes what to do what to do what to do what to do no one wants to fuck them what do you do what do you do get your shit together OK I went through a six-month dry spell when I was 19 and the first time I had sex with a girl after that I came immediately it was depressing stuck in Italy yikes it was sad I smelled like desperation okay I had let very little interaction with regular people all I was doing was doing martial arts and training and I was immediately girls I was meeting 0 girls and what I got together with the girls I panicked you just jerking off feverish ladies of your night I don't remember the jerking off feverishly 9078 I went through a really fucked-up time when I was when I was a young teenager where I thought that my desire for sex was a weakness and that and that I should I should have
► 01:47:53we did it who put that in your head what Pinocchio had no one put that in my head I put it in my head because I was trying to figure out how to get better at martial arts yeah but something had to help that no nothing I get to 30 nothing helped that knows my is pleasure it is a desire for pleasure was a weakness wow what the fuck yeah black no it wasn't because it was recognizing that like real pleasure the only pleasure that I had gotten up to that point was satisfaction in being good at competition yeah I started being good at competition rules okay what is this is better than anything so how do I get successful again well one thing you can't do is get wrapped up in anything stupid and you have to stay mentally strong it's like why do you want pleasure like one who just wanted feel so good I felt weak I felt like that was a weak thing to want that's a lot of good foresight because most kids at that age that are testosterone levels through the fucking roof are like I want to go to this thing but also oh my God I want to fuck everything that walks it was also Pride had to be flavored by the puritanical show
► 01:48:53it that I grew up I was just gonna say that to be some dark to that but not I don't think so man because before that I was really into it right now once I started fighting I was like I got it was to tilt also so dangerous that I was always worried about doing something wrong and getting hit and then maybe if I live my life correctly I wouldn't have gotten hit so I saw a lot of guys get kicked in the face man how many times you been kicked in the head oh I have no idea where is zero idea of a lot a bunch of times for sure Concha Tom yeah I don't know never unconscious from that never unconscious from anything I dropped from a punch in a fight I got tko'd I got dropped my it was like he hit me in the jaw in my it didn't hurt / say it wasn't like like sometimes you get hit in the body like a liver shot it fucking hurts so bad it doesn't matter if you're in the middle of a fight it hurts so bad but the jaw didn't hurt but my legs just stopped working like the wind we
► 01:49:53just stopped they just shut off and they went out from under me it was crazy I don't think I'd ever had it happened that way before I definitely been dinged where I like wobbled yeah I like covered up and recovered and had that happen before but I never had it where I just my shit just shut off but let's just shut off dude but I was still conscious and then I was trying to get up and I was on his look fucking point any point you do they just didn't work and then he hit me a couple more times and it fell again the referee stopped the fight so that was the the worst I never been hit in the head not that you'd ever not about from a kill I was always scared of it you've been knocked out though no never been never once no shit know how many can call how many concussions do you have do you think on record I don't know I've I've three I know I think to 21 when I was a kid I think I know I crack my head because I have a giant scar back there above my hair transplant SCAR Where I crack my head on this cement sewer thing there was like some crane we were kids
► 01:50:53running passes thing and something happened I don't remember exactly happened but involve falling and something slipping and something hitting me in the head and it hit me in the head pretty fucking hard or I didn't go unconscious but the whole world went like this yeah I remember I remember saying to the doctor that I grayed out like a great out but then I came back like something it was a big impact on my head so is that time than the time that I got tko'd but then the other times in between it was mostly just getting dinged we just popped and your legs give out a little bit then you cover up and then you know usually like it's inspiring you'll stop and it's if it's in a fight you get a you know even the either you fall down or you get a standing eight count you know depending on if you're boxing or kickboxing what I'm doing but in the gym you just fight in the gym guys get dinged and they go down and nobody does anything to stop it and you get back up and you getting hit again but you really probably probably should stop the sparring but people are you know guys are fucking and animals and
► 01:51:53malls and in a boxing gym when you're allowed to indulge in that sort of animal behavior it gets encouraged especially amongst really good guys right I had my fucking knees taken out from under me that's how I had my first concussion and I told me about that basketball right yeah that sounds Hollow my neck fell on my fucking not hardwood basketball floor and I remember vividly to play two Moments One people telling me to sit down because your natural reaction sometimes when you get knocked out like that to bounce off your head is to get back up you know and I could so but I was unconsciously doing it and then I remember that and I remember the paramedics ask asking me to lie down and I remember saying I'm going to throw up and I did I threw up everywhere and passed out and woke up in the hospital I fell on my fuck Eric and then in fucking Junior High got pop so hard in football I got hit so hard my dad was like you got your bell rung I was listening to I worked was listening to Bo Jackson he's on the meat eater podcast this week and he was saying he wouldn't have his kid
► 01:52:53play football yeah not crazy that guy lived through hell he has a hilarious crazy story parts of his life but about getting the one time he got kayode and a game waking up and going to the wrong side and they take a motherfucker you're on the wrong side like and then he goes over there and then he hears a gunshot he's and people sees people running like who got shot he goes it's halftime he thought he was playing the wrong team he has a hilarious story but it's also kind of dark man like he's talked about crazy wasn't his childhood to but do you see that documentary about him or he could shoot bow and arrow with his foot can he really do you not see that bring that you can show that show them that he was saying you got a shoulder replace this motherfucker is prompt an athlete to a degree that's creepy I keep dual-sports door sport asked dual sport athletes P everyone thinks I could almost no one really can't Play Ball Sports no he was incredible he was unbelievably talented but yeah there's documentary he's living in the woods he was fuck he can he was he talking about what was I talking about him
► 01:53:53shoot a bull's eye from a hundred yards away with his feet thank you that's what I'm talking about I don't know that there's a video of it they must have a photo or some shit up there that's a fucking this on the documentary just kept the 69 minute Mark of his 30 for 30 yeah it was a thirty four Thirty that's what was I talking about him though I hadn't pointed my Tony Grace toward a mediator what was it about knock down knock alongside fellow I can cut ya about how he wouldn't have his kids play full play sports right that's why football football wow wow
► 01:54:25dude football Saddle Point jurisdiction I lost it yeah it's insanely dangerous beautiful but fuck me it's dangerous I mean it's so bad well it's the same thing they found in hockey the hits are harder than the fights people scared about the fights the hits cause more concussions over so far well soccer players have problems we can t e because a they get smoked and they call it a non concussive brain trauma yeah the goalie that just one like player the year Robin Learners is name I guess he gave a really good speech about his mental health issues he's been dealing with and while he accepted his award for go with you I can't find that oh wow happened this is a bunch yeah just happened last week he's talking about his openness to it to the whole crowd wow pretty good moment listen Matt helps right it just it is not a good thing to be involved with you know head trauma if you can avoid it in life it can possibly happen to you no matter what you do I mean anybody can have a head trauma could be an accident
► 01:55:24but if you can find a way to avoid it probably should but in these Sports you can no you cannot so you got to decide whether or not you want to take that risk Mainline he says I'm not ashamed to say I mentally ill but that doesn't mean mentally weak that's a fucking dope Blind by the waste that is a dope Lon because I have mental illness you do you bitch are you talking about that get it together give it to a mental doctor I can't your mental illness and you have a vitamin for you what is it cocaine that's what fuck me up by dad was a Coke addict thanks Mass are we going now we're full circle imagine if you were like a slightly overweight person who might be burped more on the feminine side Bert and get really mad at me like there Bert you know help her when I'm talking about Burke you said fat guy that supposedly doesn't exist love you Burt someone that doesn't exist if I was an overweight person who was sensitive super-sensitive would you just choose that moment to be a victim yeah would you how would you say what would you say
► 01:56:23you cruel Joe why because you don't respect people like me struggle what did you do what did I say you know what you said you pick what I say fucking alpha male you can't hang on you can't say okay that you just I just said something to tell me Jamie what did I say you hear what I said offended me pick you don't even know what problem would I said call him a bitch or have a mental illness it's from Elton aren't there some bitches though right okay then a lot of people out there that have mental illness and it's legit this a few bitches that are faking it they just pitches well how come you can't say that I'll give you can't say that because you know it's true it's not everyone yeah but why look there's some people that are just full of shit you tell me that anything like everything but a lot of people shit all the grifters the world some aren't going to claim depressed come on they they pretend to be heirs they pretend to be dukes and they're not going to pretend to be depressed as ridiculous and the guy is called a bitch it means he's to equal
► 01:57:23called a bitch it means she's too aggressive to any of us have any idea what this word even mean that was so good that tweet was so good I wish I wrote it because that that point is so good yeah that's it I'm glad she put it on Twitter so no one could steal it it's almost like that idea like that idea is like very poignant like that yeah what is that fucking word you know like pussy can be great but it can also be weak but a pussy can give birth mean it got Adam bowling ball comes out of that thing pushes are always strong 10-pound babies come out of a pussy imagine a 10-pound baby coming out of your dick and then respect that thing I'm saying I mean what's up dicks will have more props if the pussy be weak it's more like compliant but it's not weak like it's also desirable opposed he's not desirable to man when a guy says opposite of desirable if a guy calls you a pussy what's the first thought if something went up pussy oh really yeah a really really yeah yeah right so what one
► 01:58:24when a guy calls another guy a pussy it's a cheap insult meaning what what about the times you ready to fight you just want to provoke this guy so pussies the word counter-puncher so what you're calling a guy great sexual object fucking nice thing I want to fuck so you just letting them know we're getting about to get down you nice thing I want to fuck all the time get over here if you watch guys fight half of half of it is talking shit to each other before you get down a just yeah instigate the fight there's a sauce it's not just instigating you're getting someone's scared you making some nerve you're trying to measure up your confidence level versus their yeah who's got the most you know you can get someone nervous though she can live it legitimate get so nervous you can decrease their performance by a significant margin for sure I guess in their Harem yeah you can scare someone
► 01:59:09like if you really ready to go but you have to be really ready to go but everybody here could trying to scare someone they took a swing at you Tyson talked about every so many competitors talk tolling when they would see him they get nervous course so that we get scared and then fight worse because they get scared a hundred percent everybody I'm you see that guy you're like he didn't have to talk much he led all his performances talk you know and he the most scary thing he ever said the scariest thing ever said was we saw how dare they threaten me how dare these mere mortals yeah well I don't their primitive skills the crazy that he is such a feminine voice he's the best masculine dude my favorite boxer of all time to watch and fucks everybody up because the moments when he would fight would not just be I don't want to say he's like the best boxer of all time who is it see the Floyd Mayweather or Roy Jones jr. in his prime it's how you your time or Sugar Ray Leonard or sugary Robinson or Roberto Duran that's why I mean this is what arguments or Muhammad Ali who is a lot of boxing guys say Sugar Ray Robinson because he had so many fights and
► 02:00:09so successful and he fought all the time and he fought the hardest of men and hard hard time right there were different people but I say if you had to make Sugar Ray Robinson fight Floyd Mayweather for man with a box of mine their Prime he would box him up I think I think Flowood box this is the argument of every sport ever write everything whatever who's the best at and all there is none I don't think impossible I don't think he would be technically at the level he was ferocious he was a vicious knockout puncher he threw a double left hook like it was nobody's business but Floyd Mayweather had a way of making guys look like they didn't belong there with them oh yeah the way he did it to Canelo all the way did it to Pacquiao the way to McGregor was well as a skillful master I went to that fight in Vegas yeah I went to that fight for chauffeur because it's show time and I got to tell you Floyd Mayweather look like he was fighting a guy who's
► 02:01:09never fought even though you know he's fought a ton it's just he was the balance was way different he's a master yeah he's a true magician to master he makes it look simple that's what disgusting anybody that good it looks when people used to watch the Jordan you'd be like that looks fake he's a true master so brilliant smooth and easy and simple and yeah it's a it's a beautiful magic trick to make you think it's easy it's fucking impossible what he does Sugar Ray Robinson was a motherfucker don't get me wrong I just don't think he ever faced anybody like Floyd because no one liked Floyd existed back then because no one liked Floyd could exist unless a guy like Sugar Ray Robinson existed first right so Sugar Ray Robinson had to exist Roberto Duran had to exist Sugar Ray Leonard had to exist Milton McCrory had to exist Donald Curry had exist all these killers had to exist and that way a guy like Floyd Mayweather who is at the tip he figured it all out he saw it through see Robinson was a bad motherfucker dude he ko'd a lot of guys but he they stood in front of
► 02:02:09each other back then like look how these guys are fighting they're standing in front of him and he's and he's marking them man I think he was ahead of his time in a lot of ways but he lost to Jake LaMotta and here's my position although it may be controversial one I cannot Envision a world with Jake LaMotta out boxes Floyd Mayweather I just don't see that happening but right now if you can't control I mean you can't compare errors like you can't your eyes too hard you can't too hard you can't so it's like the same way we can't do with comedians like if anybody ever asked me I always say that Lenny Bruce's probably the greatest of all time because he was the first he was the guy will open the door he was the guy who did the weird shit that we would that we do we say ridiculous like we've done on this podcast right we said ridiculous shit and and and you make it funny and sometimes at least sometimes it has a point to it and it makes you reconsider but like we hear you watching Ray Robinson and Jake LaMotta if Jake LaMotta stood like that front of Floyd Mayweather Floyd maybe they would still be hitting them
► 02:03:09as 1946 you'd still be punching him I just I think Ray Robinson was the best of his era for sure and he was amazing amazing boxer but fuck but I mean a lot of boxing guys like you don't know shit about boxing you're right I don't in comparison to what I know about MMA I know he was amazing I know who's a like the gene former knock out the the Jake LaMotta rematch me in a tied up against the ropes and you just beat his fucking brains out the when he lost to Billy Conn he was beating Billy calm but he got it from heat exhaustion I think he and Billy comes the light heavyweight he's a bad motherfucker dude he was a bad motherfucker I just wouldn't you I just don't think you can compare voice Gracie to Robert Whittaker I think they're different animals you know I'm saying like well what occurs the current middleweight champion to hoist Gracie won the you have seen you know she won he won in UFC 1 because Robert Whittaker of 2019 wasn't there yeah but how many years ago is UFC 1 so long time yes
► 02:04:0993 so did not not even that nothing compared to that that was the 40s man right that's why I mean exponentially even more different way a different way different that's I mean technology alone has improved so much in the way we trained how to fight or trained how to play sports it's petechiae watch Roy Jones jr. in his prime I mean I saw him fight dude yeah dude Roy Jones jr. when he was in his prime did things that even Robinson didn't do he would put his hands behind his back right well guys wanting Autumn and kale with one punch right and be like what setup bait he would hit guys and it would look like it was an impossible match up like Vinny pazienza fought Sugar Ray or excuse me fart Roy Jones jr. and Roy Jones jr. went a full round without getting hit by a punch to of crazy that is and almost impossible in a world championship level against the guy who invented pazienza was a multiple time world champion does that happen today no no way he was on another level of just and he couldn't he couldn't maintain it he didn't maintain it you know
► 02:05:09you can only maintain that for so long that's a shooting star right that's a Bad Company song son right look at this this is Roy Jones you I don't know what that look at that look at that that's James Toney by the way that he did that too dude Roy Jones jr. was on another planet son but you called for the stoppage when he started fucking have any pacientes arm out dude I'm telling you this was like one of the beatings of all beating you see a guy who's at this time probably the best ever look at that combination son look at that combination with the rest of the referee rescued him when Roy Jones jr. was at his prime everybody's like yeah but the guys he fought they weren't that good bullshit he was better than anybody he was so good he was on such another level that he made world-class Fighters look like they weren't that good bro he outbox Bernard Hopkins back then you know I mean he was on a fucking Bernard Hopkins are fired as level by the way Bernard Hopkins who didn't have a the same sort of dynamic explosive style Bernard Hopkins
► 02:06:09much more solid fundamental guy you know was a different kind of style and Bernard Hopkins wound up beating Roy as Roy was on the way downhill look at him he tells your style huh yeah shit out of standing right in front of them Bank playing basketball games like full games will fight later that day pink dude I'm telling you you had a seat he was almost board for a couple of years because there's a couple years where Roy Jones jr. was it was just to show Nas put him as in a song yeah he said the new Mike Tyson is Roy Jones but hold on you just miss the greatest one of all time go back to that one back it up watch this watch this bunk KO pants - back he's not even there - back barely John Ruiz now this is the fight to fucked him up this is why he went all the way up to heavyweight to fight John Ruiz and he got to like 200 pounds if you look at him he's pretty stout then and his next fire then his next fight look at that come on son but his next fight he had a fight and Antonio Tarver and tolliver's a legit
► 02:07:09world-class light heavyweight and Android just didn't look the same it didn't look the same dropping all that weight coming back from heavyweight to fight Tarver and Tarver knocked him out what's the weight difference that he went down to 25 pounds that's a lot of fucking a lot of fucking lot of fucking with a lot of fish when you're that high up not only that let's let's be just real here let's be real here there's not a lot of ways where a man is thirties games 25 pounds I'll come on other than but I said to him you just does not look as good as it did not look as good he was more smooth he didn't look as muscular and Tarver was a real problem and tarp is a dangerous guy T Troy when you're losing that much weight to get down for 200 pounds you're fucking depleted man I don't
► 02:08:09what anybody says for him to take that fight if he's gonna do it smart he should have been fucking Marathon running for like a year or something try it just try to lose that weight but to try to lose 25 pounds of muscle in just a few months time bulk that's it right there that was the left hand that knocked him out and Tarver was a world-class motherfucker back then Tarver might have knocked him out even if they did fight without any problem but Roy for sure had a problem we had a real hard time making that weight and Tarver was tarp as legit as they come where's where's your now Roy John Carver still fighting and Roy Jones jr. just retired Harvest a heavyweight now but yeah yeah he took some time off because he got caught with but I don't know but something happened in Roy Jones just retired huh yes thankfully but he was willing to come out of retirement for Michael B Jordan
► 02:09:09what who is saying that he could box with him and because of the movie Creed col moving from got are and Roy was like legitimately trying to set it up why for publicity shit he was like I want to fuck this dude up make a lot of money beat the shit out of him what the fuck Michael B Jordan but he was apparently he's really genuinely try to set up a we made a video where I was I was telling Michael B Jordan please I don't care who's talking to you listen to me do not do this yeah to what not do this I'm not too bad and your career you have no idea how bad that guy's got a light you on fire he's gonna light you on fire it is worst days and he's gonna did you see when it was a joke but Justin Bieber said he wanted to fight yeah Dana White said fucked set it up why he was joking but like the internet ran with it and you know what I would love to see that that's why he did it because he knows people people would pay money that's hilarious and watch them fuck out of that but you wouldn't watch that fight yes Tom Cruise was like a high school wrestling state champion - yes I like wasn't yeah yeah yes pictures of that person
► 02:10:09why would you want to watch that that's 95 years old 55 though and he's 85 years old he just broke his ankle doing a movie dope and he believes in warlocks I want to see him fight a fucking weirdo kid but it's super small town yeah that would like wouldn't be super interesting hmm I meant Justin Bieber on his young fellow came to the UFC I'm Adam and I work for them young we did fucking punk for that kid so even he was 16 out of 17 million this is man that in a way to do it but if you're gonna do it he's handled as good as any yeah he did there's not that's not a way to grow up it's a terrible way to grow up but anybody says there they would handle that differently they don't know what the fuck they're talking about pretty fucking good job I think what would help him for like legitimately help them is a real struggle like Jiu-Jitsu like getting a real martial arts I don't know if he's into it but that's why I'm saying I think he's fighting because he's training now this is he I think he offered up a fight because he's learning how to try hard to people talking shit sick of that shit I'm gonna fucking look at look at look at Wiz Khalifa when we do Liz's Jack was
► 02:11:09a super jacked super nice guy but I think he used to be thin and now he's like fuck that I'm gonna Jack out did you see the podcast I did with them we talked about it yeah he just really got into it you got you guys you guys got baked as fuck not as big as I did would be real that's the highest I've ever been in anything epically real estate for sale we were a barbecued we were barbecued already and then we like when we get in the car and then we're going to really small come on no dude he doesn't show so he does a show about putting like weed and food on Vice yeah and those motherfuckers eat and lift the mouth get weed on camera that's all I do all day they smoke joints waiting to eat the weed food I was like this dude is legit be real the Jedi yet he didn't even Flinch I tapped out like two minutes into the car ride we're not a car ride we're just sitting in the park car but two minutes in to sit in the park are smoking with my God I can't do this but I'm gonna talk yeah well me if you want me to speak English I'm gonna have to find she'll put my joint down I'm like I'm gonna take a break here I was so hot but those are guys I could smoke blunts to themselves
► 02:12:09hmm that's crate that what music don't watch movies with three lip blunts yo Star Wars one this shit like fake as fuck you know what's his name Action Bronson does not know where he gets high and watch Ancient Aliens I was trying to do it last season but every time they were doing it I was busy doing something else and I couldn't do it dude he's the best they get high and watch Ancient Aliens dude is the best and they sit around in a green screen yeah that's a show that's good TV that's better than half of the other bullshit that's out there that's actually that's fun and new well it's fun for sure look at me think about if you can have some dude showing up at garage sales trying to get the best deal you can't have action brought on screen with his homies getting blasted come on bro yeah hilarious big body best right dude look at his headset got that Tommy Tong Zhong not knock
► 02:13:09not really but Tommy Chong joins right here folks look at look at look at did DJ Alchemist is sleeping on the far right he's not even awake look at him he's a good dude action yeah it's a shit that dudes the shit let me see that let me see that this is a Tommy Chong joint yeah calm gentle bro he's smoking a fat one but not like that motherfucker this is ridiculous and less is the Tommy Chong joint drop down to that size you're never gonna smoke this no I'm Gonna Keep it forever he's a legend Tommy Chong is a legend because I still listen to his albums and I was a kid man for me to just even be on a podcast with him was surreal I just didn't want to waste his time I was just wanted to like be nice to him isn't that weird though for em another big cat big for him though do you is like wild does that make you feel type of waiver you like me I'm a hero this dude and he's like dude I love your shit I'm happy and I'm happy with Tommy Chong looks because I love him and Cheech those Halls the kids man yeah those guys were Heroes you know like they were ridiculous they made everything fun there were Silly if everything was all they were getting high and it was silly and I did
► 02:14:09get high when I love them when I would love when I was watching their movies and I was a kid like Up in Smoke what year was that because 78-77 say okay and find that out and then find out what your Big Bamboo came out because Big Bamboo was the album that looked like rolling papers right and they had it in the paper in there didn't ya think so I think there's a giant piece but it did right 78 was 78 was right congratulate 78 and the weight and then and then in that album they they would later put an actual piece of rolling paper in there well the record sleeve was a rolling usable rolling papers right giganta's way bigger than that that's incredible promoting illegal drugs you got to think back man marijuana was a full-on schedule 1 drug agile one scheduled 172 was Big Bamboo oh wow Big Bamboo was before okay so I was five or the record six yeah yeah yeah there it is and there's the fucking rolling paper I was five years old
► 02:15:09look at how those born in 67 this was 72 so that's the wrong paper wow they have a real one look at the fucking inside cover that picture the two of them that is crazy pause I'm going to get to that picture yeah sure a picture that's crazy before they were together and that improv group he was in when they were really young like well right before that right that's crazy is that what that's from it's right before that if I can find it again these guys are still doing shows still selling out here's the thing Santino and Rogan and 2084 we're going to be taking a vitamin overdog be taking our vitamins man can you believe that though that's that that is Pilots powerful to have that kind of that long-term of effect of being talented and producing good shit those yeah isn't that funny and cool for years and years yeah they still have fans may think about if you have fans 472 to 2019 kapow name somebody else that's like that who's killing it like that right who would be from that era that still doing what they do in the comedy well what have been Bill Cosby if he didn't have a few
► 02:16:09what'd he do have UPS going to happen I don't remember I just saw the wrong but I mean who else always tweeting from Bill Cosby's count about fathers and wife apparently right is that what it was somebody said on the internet his wife goes real men care of their families and they imagined a lie they re bookings looking at your computer going yeah this is a good one it's a good idea to put yeah definitely definitely a good idea to stay relevant yeah not a good idea that's what a bad rep in prison I mean how many rapes you have to have our people forget how many rapes does it take to get the center of a jail cell what do you got it's so strange that when I was a kid he was the cleanest friendliest like Family Guy he was Fat Albert he was Jell-O pudding he was like this super sweet nice guy clean-cut clean-cut and that's the same thing with like to talk about the
► 02:17:09the male feminist that there's guys that want women to do great because it just kind they want everybody to do great you know I'm talking about then these guys are just weasels right yes sir I must be similar to those clean-cut guys are just really pushing you to not use such language why we don't use such thing those guys are almost always fucked up of course something's up something's up will you what do you give a fuck about people using certain words yeah what do not know what a word is a word is a vehicle for conveying intent some of them disturb you what does what's going on behind your fucking screens bro right it's happening in there when when you when you deprive people of things good God to they want it more and when they show signs of depravity that means they that's something deep inside of them do you think that everyone who's like squeaky clean as a pervert well if some semblance yeah yeah yes of course when you preach when you preach the Perfection what does that really mean something wrong with you something's wrong with you dude are you telling me how to be
► 02:18:09why you doing me how to fucking stop doing heroin are you are you Duncan told me this about the Dalai Lama hilarious story he goes I promise it has it his mother wants me to quit doing sugar and he says come back in one month so comes back in one month and he goes stop doing sugar and the mothers like well why did you wait a month he goes I want to see if I could do it
► 02:18:45hilarious it's so poignant like oh yeah hey should right yeah there's a lot of people telling you that's wild respect women just respect me like I just got done screaming as Excel for calling bitch and cunt I'll fuck it's trying to you and my Twitter you fucking bitch fucking bitch and then it's like women are goddesses the must be respected dude those who throw stones always live in a glass house they always do it that's the first person to throw something is the first person that's like what's really going on with you hey by the way by the way by the way by the way by the way you see Louis confessed yeah what a response interesting our boy Tim Dylan tweeted about it and people went after him he tweeted best moment of my year or something like that you know what someone said to me people lost it he said fucking loved him Dylan someone said that
► 02:19:43you know hey fuck you Joe Rogan he sexually assaulted women like man that's I understand that people are upset about what he did but he did not sexually assault women and to say that
► 02:20:00the one the one are the one group of people that really fucks his people have been actually sexually assaulted yes well it's not what he does not good when a guy says can I jerk off in front of you and you say yes and he does it it is a big disappeared a machine that and sexual assault and contrary to popular opinion I'm not many people really know the story and again not saying that what he did was good he dead did was definitely not good when people said no he didn't do it it's not like he made people do it if they didn't say yes he asked questions and a lot of people don't know this I'm not this is not and I saw an article in one of these papers it was saying that he's changing his story like he's not changing his story but he said was their stories were true but in their stories
► 02:20:48I don't think he wanted to defend every single aspect of it but as far as I know he didn't no one said no and they did it anyway that's what I've that's all I've ever heard in Sarah Silverman talked about how he would ask her and she would say yes and he would do and sometimes she would say no right sometimes I want to see a jerk-off stop right but he's a freak okay he's a weirdo this is genius comic and I don't think he's as bad as people want to believe he is I think he made mistakes like a human and I don't you know I don't think it was good and again I don't think he's happy about it at all and by everything that's a giant understatement but when does it end like well that's what time is he allowed to perform when is he allowed to perform for people who forgive him when is he allowed to perform I don't know is the conversation
► 02:21:39comes to a point where it's not like you're endorsing terrible Behavior but you are saying at a certain point in time you got to give someone a way out because if you don't then they start to recognize what you are right okay and you're kind of a tyrant and you kind of saying you don't believe in forgiveness you don't believe in Improvement you know believe in anybody ever getting past a bad deed that they did and I think I guess a human who's a kind tree try to be a kind person tried to be a fair person
► 02:22:05you know you gotta you gotta let people grow and move past mistakes I don't know when it is I don't know what someone has to say in order to get you to forgive it but the fact that people do well on it and unless it's someone unless you and him have a personal thing and you want to talk to him about it he should serve and I don't know if he has I don't know if he's done any of that stuff but I think as a culture we are way too quick not just to condemn but to attack and to continue to attack relentlessly and to never want someone to get up and that's not the sign of a compassionate person and maybe it's partly to blame for people who don't express themselves and don't give you a full version of who they are and you let people contemplate who you are I think anyone in the public eye has been guilty of that to some extent but this is a significant issue and I think that people immediately start taking sides and they start going girl versus boy right male versus female
► 02:23:05email and I think there's real danger in US splitting up like that too I think that we can't get to this place where women feel like they can't trust men and men feel like they can't trust women just universally and then you find rare exceptions I've read shit like that before like I've had some lady wrote it was It was kind of sad she wrote like any straight white male is trash unless proven otherwise it's like look I know it must be hard okay dude I know it must be hard on the insane thing to cast such a big net not just to even all Filipinos have a bad leg but your brought your broadcasting it to your system thousand followers right putting that on your Twitter page it's silly the crazy way of life can Encompass an entire group of humans ever ever ever ever does it make sense doesn't make sense so what the fuck are we like look I don't get where they're coming from Pure feel like they're gaining ground sure so guy like Louis C.K comes back and they're thinking
► 02:24:05acting with Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby no I don't think it's the same thing and I don't I can't I don't think what he did was good look I have all daughter even planned with jerking off in front of him when they really don't want it sure sure it's it's not good sorry about that last summer I didn't mean to do this so I just thought I'd your time your time I didn't feel bad at all no but fucking come on man I just I just think that like we have classes of crimes you don't have you're not going to do it in this in this world you know you said they're all the same and then I heard someone I will see you someone saying what he did was definitely a crime and I was like come on you might be upset that he did it but it's not a crime it's wrong then it's unfortunate the real problem the real issue is that he was in a position where these girls were admiring him right that's the real and I are I think he should recognize that I don't think he's explained it to some people's what they desire you know some people's requirements and I appreciate that and I understand that I really just think what a lot of us are missing is this a lack of
► 02:25:05medication and compassion and understanding yes I think we're missing a lot of that totally and we're real you know we got to think of people like anytime someone's I mean I don't talk about people that are serial killers I'm just talking about people who make mistakes you got to treat their we're all human beings yeah people make mistakes we fuck up doesn't mean you're a canceled person yeah we got to stop with that I really I really think that right because I just think that it's not helping anybody and it's getting people's jollies off because they watch someone crashed down they have people love to watch someone fucking burn that was also thinking that also when kind of this kind of stuff happens people don't want to ever reconsider their opinion on a person like there's this thing about Kevin Spacey and the they made the text available of this guy who Kevin Spacey was touching his dick going back and forth his girlfriend bro they were laughing about it okay and they're trying to make it seem like this is evidence that they were that he was scared right and they Kevin Spacey was sexually abusing him they're like oh my God he's gay he's gay is touching my Dickies gaze unzipping my pants he's gay this guy was texting his girlfriend while
► 02:26:05I have a whole team in his asshole he's so gay he's so gay I can't be gay because I'm fucking his mouth now bro they they release all the text messages but they didn't release some of them and the mother said that she deleted a lot of them that are related to his frat boy like Behavior what does that probably jokes about getting his dick sucked by Kevin Spacey held election of their that's hilarious yeah no there's some deception going on I think I mean I'm not a obviously I'm not a lawyer but I think I think they're trying to make some money that's what I think that's horseshit I think this 18 year old kids worried about this 800 year old man touching his deck he flatlined that guy just pop in the face when you're 18 yeah punch the fuck out of some 65 year old pervert come in little boy unless he's a small fellow I don't know if he's like no idea about his physical stature but if I was 18 some guy was kept grabbed my dick I put him asleep yeah are you going night-night first time you do it it's like I'm gonna fight you dude oh my God you're not going to fuck me
► 02:27:05but if the messages shit start with the accuser texting like he's hanging around me in the bar he's got my number and asked me to come out with him the girlfriend replies are you kidding and then sends to other messages saying what and then he says sounds like he's hitting on you the man types I think he is and then he's grabbing my leg and expletive oh my God you can't say cock and goes away to say I'm not gay adding but I think space he is the accuser continue texting saying that he was being touched inappropriately like eight times later adding and then he invited me to his house hey it pro tip probably know what you want I do in your dick you gotta tell him to stop look at this not once does he say the guys dressing on the side what the expletive fuck yeah that's why this I saw this have fun too much fun was gonna get to that Jesus Christ he reached down my pants what the fuck is happening have fun but not too much fun
► 02:28:05you know what I mean Jesus Christ he reached down my pants help no this is Kevin ducking Spacey The Bitch Came is felt she fucked the audit against up he's gay he's buying me another drink oh my God babe he's gay I think I want to hang this kid is gay yeah what the fuck are you talking about why are you D QT writes that he got autographs and a hell of a Story come on man opportunistic up maybe maybe maybe sake maybe he's just a kid how do I get time and doesn't understand how crazy this is not a lot of people get sexually assaulted have time to text okay I'm just saying he's having fun playing around join the fact it was Kevin Spacey doing to it to him for sure but it doesn't sound to me in any way like he was threatened it sound like you let the guy touch them and maybe you should be accused of blue ball mr. Spacey did Spacey get a nut that it's a that at the end if you think that he was flirting with him a little bit clean Aman keep Kevin Spacey around he thinks it's funny it's fucked up the whole story's fucked up if Kevin Spacey really did do
► 02:29:05then it's fucked up that were joking about it yeah and if Kevin Spacey didn't do it then it's fucked up this guy's trying to set him up because he just wants to make money and he's ruin and Kevin Spacey's life yeah but Kevin Spacey's life is already true yeah it's spiral there's a lot of shit it's a lot of shit to grab it this was an isolated incident that was one one of many but definitely a different thing if you look at that story after you read those tax you owe this is a different thing yeah this isn't like he's like trying to force some guy into a bathroom bludgeon him and fucking lies unconscious their party have their partied out having a good time he said they're buying us another drink the guy is hanging around yes like he's not being forced against his will there's no one that's holding him there you got your dick grab once he didn't want it you don't want to happen seven more times also text someone
► 02:29:49he grabs the gate time time and everyone's like look the victim is crying for help yeah and any text someone he just grabbed my dick it did it again yes it is this is what men have to really truly understand it is so much different when a guy like Kevin Spacey and again I don't know what this guy looked like but I'm going to assume it was me at 18 right normal till dude does you know athletic stuff from strong at 18 and I'm not worried about him raping me is what my point is where as a woman if a guy's doing that and the guys cornered you here yeah you're this fear you are here you're there literally were this guy could rape you I hope he's not that guy that would rape me the kind of guy right because women don't know if you're the kind of guy that would rape them because look at Ted Bundy man who's a handsome guy yeah and girls would just go with him because they thought our go he looks good exciting I seem small she knows killing them yeah right so girls legitimately have to worry about that work guys don't so even this guy with Kevin Spacey if he didn't like what Kevin Spacey was doing there's no
► 02:30:49indication that he said it to him right so now those taxis probably thinking we're going to party I'm touching this guy's dick ain't saying shit he's just texted his friends God tell your friends when I fuck your mouth tell your friends I want to fuck your friends to bring those meringues those guys to bring the whole team fuck all of them he's probably thinking he's gonna have a good time because this guy's not say anything he wants just texting this never does he say hey I told him to stop touching my dick and he won't leave me alone no doesn't say they said he invited me to his house we're ready to party I had to push him away from me I was going to fuck him up but I guess he's drunk I'm coming to you baby because I love you know because of that / LOL he's jerking me off in his mouth she says be careful have fun which allow your out for the night I guess yeah she even told him to being gay is okay Jesus are you trying to tell me something being gay is okay that didn't respond I'm not gay hello well brother kids not scared okay this idea that he should get money because he was getting sexually assaulted no you're getting hit on and you're all at an establishment that serves drugs
► 02:31:49the drug that reduces inhibition better than any drug alcohol alcohol and you're accepting this drug from this guy who's already touch your dick seven times acknowledging it by the way not this isn't like I didn't know what's happening because I didn't dictating LOL yeah joking about his dick is in my ass how dare you whoa what was happening do you think the cabin space should be you should be able to sue him back counter suit for that for defamation of character just for being a bitch yeah soup is being a bitch - like if there was a record of my honor I'm supporter BAM bitch like well you could judge Santino please welcome this case mr. Spacey touched his boys dick over and over again and continue to buy him drinks and the man never said no but he attacked his girlfriend over and over again then later on sued mr. Spacey for sexual assault your thoughts young man you're guilty of being a bitch you must serve time as a biatch okay then the question is is there a real issue with him being 18 we're like hey
► 02:32:49he's legal maybe he's legal but maybe he's like bewildered like he doesn't know what to do is put maybe never been around a famous guy like Kevin Spacey before doesn't know how to tell a guy to get off of them and doesn't have experience being around gay guys remember it maybe he's never had a guy try to fuck them yeah but he doesn't know what's going into the game Tex all say that he's playing oh he's touching me and we're gonna be but maybe we're going to hang out with a piece doing this game he's playing a game and material you harassing the witness is it could work at the bar some was he doing at the bar stock index was a gay bar I was 18 is that a bar I think he worked there there but there's what he lied to him until 1823 those under part of the problem hmm the kid lied and told Kevin Spacey who's older than he was bom bom the plot thickens also there's bars you can go into under 21 I know you can be in there just saying like what was he doing just hanging out having fun or was he working like well he did say he's gonna buy a strength that's what I meant was right busboy and like he just kept walking by and he kept grab his dick every time did you say you worked there I'm looking at I don't see anything well we don't have to keep talking about this is
► 02:33:49fella they didn't want to run into Kevin Spacey and but it was a financial opportunity and he had capitalized yeah we're making happened he's gonna go to jail no fuck no no these are guys getting any money yeah the kid hush money is yeah well I didn't even get it how much does he want look at it off set it to you got him drunk and then the sexually assaulted them at that bar what happened he worked there so we said worked as a busboy okay people written people with wealth always get off yeah like what's her name the USC people Lori Loughlin and that's fucked up man they get off the last season of House of Cards nobody gave a fuck about it throughout the big billboard Billboards and everyone's like oh okay it was for your consideration what is your name again Robin right yeah Robin Wright she's amazing she's amazing one of those actresses I've we've ever had a lot he needed him to play out he was ultimate Evil that look was was turning her Maury well they bear found her boyfriend spoiler alert yeah
► 02:34:49Row for row and in the mooc by the way and the show is doing a lot of gaming shit like hand okay so show he do he does get hit like a library or some shit guys lot of crazy shit it's a crazy fucking which I had loved and it was amazing and you needed dirty crazy fuck like Kevin Spacey to pull that character off for sure look part of you knew he knew what it was to be a crazy fuck it's like part of how he pulled that roll off you bought it okay that's not Ron Howard pretending to be banging dudes and getting his dick sucked it all that stuff that's role he's playing a crazy guy yeah he's crazy yeah always admit it's also why he's such an amazing artist but it doesn't give him a license to victimize all those people that know when after that works lord it's not not justifying but what I'm saying is it's amazing how someone who is fucked up like that can produce you know like this kind of art where
► 02:35:49as an you like he makes a show right the show a big part of what it was because you bought this guy as this crazy tormented Twisted fuck solutely I mean it was it was so he was so eloquent at it he has said it was unbelievable it would just looked it looked so natural so real that's probably cause it was real right a hundred percent I mean how many people in America you say four years if you like Kevin Spacey's gay and the business has known about it and they go you're fucking out of your head a spit take this with you don't know he's gay what about how many people in America were like America we go he's not he's not gay my nuts fucking California everybody thinks everybody's good but that's the problem is because there's a perception perception and in the show him playing this character who's also art imitating life balancing on this world of hiding a big secret it was just so close to home it was crazy bitch oh dude so good when she fell in love with that artist and oh so good with them in New York and this pictures of them together and it's like wow
► 02:36:49this is crazy crazy watch them naked in bed and some great crazy Loft and so you needed them together after they kicked him out like what the Dynamics are too strong when they were together it was amazing and the episode one that I watched him and I watched everybody looks super nervous everybody looked it looked like super it just looked already mean what do you mean just looked off the show looked off it's like they knew Jesus Christ I just fired Kevin Spacey and everyone watching I even on camera there like so we'll just continue this game it was just weird yeah maybe got better as time went on I didn't see it you know I really like to was the his assistant that guy that helped him out that we do anything for him yeah but the killed Rachel Brosnahan yeah would you push our in front of a train no you can't--no no no-- that was him that was Kevin Spacey Kills baby push a girl from the train right there was a guy went back killed a hooker right that hooker went on to be The Marvelous mrs. Basel that's right Rachel Rachel Brosnahan that's right that's right she's dumb
► 02:37:49she's great very doubts great that mazal show yes that is a good fucking show you know Amazon's doing comedy specials now are they are did Jim Jim Jim Gaffigan oh and Daniel did Russell Peters and they're doing some other ones as well I'll do one with them I'll do one over there Amazon I'll do one way I like it yeah like School breaking the mold in the Netflix mold everybody has Amazon Prime dude everybody does well now they all come all foods when you get old you what you get a good discount on shit that's why I was like she was like you have your app you scan your fucking a nice gave yourself a little bit of turkey legs what do you want thank you all for yourself bags of spinach want you to check out a $2.00 off the Amazon person nice yeah um Amazon yeah it is I don't have the fucking world man content they're doing you buy things like what a weird company you buy stuff with one click you can watch TV shows to make a TV show so you could go buy your groceries when the thinking about
► 02:38:49their town homes on Town where is it where is it Go Buffalo
► 02:38:55they need they even bad feeling Buffalo like please hmm would you go to Amazon town would you live there no it'd be a mess Jamie would you live I was a lot of brown boxes everywhere you look Brown boxes who recycles everything their kids every the way like grocery stores have to work now because they have that two-hour delivery like you have to deliver your grocery stores fucking awesome Pete I know but they do that with Whole Foods to write this whole foods deliver yes yes we will most Grocers we will reach a point now when we don't go into grocery stores that's crazy they'll deliver dude when I was a kid no grocery stores delivered do you remember a gross never I've never heard of that deliver deliver know that didn't exist when did I start I do have the store to where you walk in and just I feel like you're stealing I can just leave just leave and they charge your account and oh my god do you know this in New York they tested it out people just walk in and you have the app in your phone so when you walk out it registers what you have with you whoa that's fucking insane live in the future bro Doug you will know there will be a point when we don't ever go to those things
► 02:39:55someone just will give it you get an order everyone how long will it be before they can replicate food and all you have to do is like put the bear ingredients and amino acids and shit to some vat and then you print up anything you want print Up 3D print a steak 3D printed Apple 3 print hungry for baked potato pizza yeah real 3D print it comes out yeah but you know what it's not going to taste good how do you know because food has loved and that shit people say though you have these new cars moons no soul okay no but food is different nutritionist ever you can ever take you can't take you can you know it's just elements just little things that they figure out fucking move around wiggle I don't know something about there being so now imagine perfect comes out what nice like toast across
► 02:40:44of your fucking computer imagine just the English muffin dude I don't think so there's no fucking way what if they nail it well they have like the perfect chocolate croissant a child I think that there's a touch to that but there is a shop microphones attached to the human touch needed a like you were I don't feel like a robot might not be able to give a great massage well like you know they say that the the oils in your hands are good when you eat with your hands it's why a lot of the world is still eats with their fucking hands right utensils take away dirty people but now there's more people when you're doing your hands have natural enzymes that kill lot of bacteria or as bro well I'm not wiping my ass for my hands anymore that's why in some countries is it's a real insult to try to shake someone's hand with your left hand cranks your booty is your booty booty and player yeah bro yeah but you know what I still think there's something about the touch of food and you feel someone touches food it does something to enzymes of food I don't know about that moms like some fucking Voodoo bullshit you learn from your astrology and bro you believe in the tides Joe
► 02:41:44I gotta think that man you know there's something about the love of food that fucking I'm gonna go to him you know that if he's got a good heart yeah understands enzyme to come from your fingers they do know that producing your gut enzymes are produced their digestive things give it a couple it's in your hands your hands yeah you do and your fingertips yes what kind of enzymes it change it makes it that your food is which read this look it up look at how surreal look at that sounds like you're talking like a cast-iron skillet like gives you do enzymes come off your fingers feel something in your hands that changes the chemical composition of food that changes the flavor profiles in your mouth and it makes it so you don't get sick yeah that's amazed dirty hands are basically you don't get sick dirty hands people have this way you say before you eat apples for we fucking lift up your booty when you eat asking them not just for we had what do you think how do you think their dirty hands no they died there were 30 years old give it to me get out of here yep get out of here
► 02:42:43that's coming up I typed in oils and hands she know what's coming up like Mike Tyson weed causes you to make up ridiculous facts you look at again Jamie give me a search on Bing bro don't just Google it and forwards like me to search Okay starts his search this he's I got a peek all right Joseph figure this out YP okay search this is a great search search cultures that eat with their hands don't get sick how about that this is great mind your manners eat with your hands no from the same Bowl as it's safe I feel like dining etiquette from around the world
► 02:43:29look dude there's got to be there's some shit in people's hands that makes them not get sick when they eat what four years we ate without utensils yeah but people got sick nothing but not all the time Jamie got heat helps that like cooking with he not everyone could cook with fire people ate a lot of raw shit for a long time
► 02:43:49you've got to find something on there I mean I'm looking you're killing me dude this is killing me I'm too high to look it up right now myself that's the bummer
► 02:43:58I don't even know how to do it man we're gonna go to bingo to Bing see what the fuck Bing does yeah that's gotta be some secrets of people who never get sick let's see this is about sleeping sneezing vitamin C sleep it off
► 02:44:18get a handle on stress the gym rat this is nothing you got nothing man this and nothing coming up
► 02:44:26got nothing gosh son of a bitch
► 02:44:31totally nothing here I don't know where you got in this from hey just make it up for Joe just lie when again when he comes back she said oh yeah we were put through we found so much stuff it's crazy where have I heard this I've heard it somewhere someone on the Internet is going to agree with me so some doodle find it the thing I have with Bill Cosby he just filed today for an appeal apparently what are we did ya partner fifty eight pages hard fucking case to fight huh are we gonna fight that dude
► 02:45:02would you kill yourself
► 02:45:07he's only got tell him hey Jamie Joe Jamie found a ton of fucking stuff proven my shit-tons fingertip and zombie you see 10 something like this he tells yeah yeah no no absolutely not couldn't find a made it up yeah happens man somebody told me have a dream and in that dream you're convinced I've heard it somewhere and then I thought wow that's amazing people cultures that he with their hands there's enzymes in your hands they just they just don't want to change the forks and they say make up some story about yeah Hindu god I was in Central America yes never told me they were dating Jim rocked with the flesh hey would you turn if you are Bill caught we are sent it if you're a Bill Cosby would you just kill yourself yes you would write I would just end it and I don't know what you can do when you're that far down the hole so they can't find appeal that's how you met so it's like like here's a perfect example we were talking about earlier with Louis think about Louis and now think about think about Bill
► 02:46:05it's been totally different right but people don't want you say that because they're both are quotes abusers one of them is Monster one of them is a guy who did some stupid shit kinky shit weird shit he's into it gasps people they said yes he should have done any feels bad that he did it but you can't how do you forgive Bill Cosby like to take that the idea that you're supposed to forgive Louis which I think yes and then I don't see a path for Bill Cosby to be forgiven I don't see that path when you've ruined the lives of how many people 50 plus when something's that heinous I just don't think I think it's like to have you ruin their life you certainly certainly fuck them up like if you wake up and you're with Bill Cosby you think you can take care of you and your pants are down by your ankles you realize it fucked you while you're unconscious and he drugged you yeah that is going to fuck your head up he's going to change what you think about people that someone could just drugged you and treat you like meet you unconscious they're doing things
► 02:47:05when you're out cold you're saying what's our laws of forgiveness well how do you forgive that first of all you can't because he'd ever he doesn't admit it he never admits it no we never even gets to the door right of like of acceptance of forgiveness of of doing this Penance or if there is a Penance if there's anything I can ever do ever he doesn't even get this or did ever minutes it then with every room for forgiveness it's a good question I think it would probably open up the door to Mom or lawsuits sure I think it would they would come storming in like hail you know right yeah but I think I know what you're saying is very smart it's saying like
► 02:47:41we're saying we were supposed to give someone like forgive someone like Luis well what is the line of when you don't forgive right what's the line what is how what's the number with the line what's the atrocity like what is it that we go you can't forgive this person anymore you know what's the what's the line of compassion like where do you where do you take line of compassion that's a good word that's what it is what is that ultimate where you go no you can no longer From This Moment forward for give this human being and the problem is now here's where it gets slippery if you decide you're going to be the guy who says I'm going to kill this guy
► 02:48:14someone that actually gives him yeah yeah if you decide if you live in a coming look with that's what we're essentially doing we're just doing it slow and putting them in a cage right but if you were going to really decide hey we're going to we're going to remove this guy from the population I can't trust with my kids we live in a primitive Society okay we live in some some Village type Society thousands of years ago right it's what we all did what we do when someone was like that well would probably try to figure out a way to get rid of them yeah you kill him you have to kill yeah you have to but you would have to figure out what are the laws that allow someone to kill somebody because you can't just let people kill people because you let people kill people then you just come up with excuses to kill people right and this is what people have done throughout history whether it's the Mongols the Romans they give me just go throughout history people have people fucking killed people because they could kill people so when do you what what is the moral distinction that you have to make were someone is they have done irreparable harm but that changes
► 02:49:14overtime right right that and that continually changes that's my point is like that will never stop changing from from from decade to decade from era to era what we find a deplorable now will not be deplorable later that's the with so many aspects of our culture yes literature movies yeah the way we restrict what so what we're saying is is there ever a line is there ever a one does it ever exist Does that idea of like this is the cutoff does that really exists because it's constantly moving it's constantly changing yeah I've said it a million times I've never said what Louis did was okay I think he has his issues I don't think anybody has but I also think
► 02:49:57everybody needs to investigate what happened and find out to talk about what yes I'm sure let him talk about it find out what the social psychology of what he was going through yeah but Disturbed but what I think is happening to is that a lot of women feel like when these guys that are abusers got taken out that it made it so that it was better for women and so that if they come back things go back the way they were this is a real that's a real thought you know it's but we must have conversation yeah we don't have conversation then we're fucked I mean that's a real thought with imagine being a guy like Harvey Weinstein who was doing this for so long get away with all the fucked up shit for so long so important supported by support support it support mean he had a clause in his contract detailing what would happen for the first case of sexual harassment second case or case in the contract so why don't why are there fuck why are they up why
► 02:50:56imagine why aren't you that support him up a Cheeto um I'd love you to join my podcast Network I'm thinking about promoting and then I just think you're a great guy you're a funny guy your talented guy but I think you might be a rapper so what I want to put is the first rape I'm going to charge you this much guess II what the fuck oh fuck I imagine the first sexual harassment is like got a figure and the second one lawsuit has another figure us a double the figure the like three strikes you're out but it's not something he can't afford no it's like 250 500 Grand he's like a billionaire yeah he's Harvey whines he goes fine he made Pulp Fiction he's like yeah I'll clear it up he's eating food while they're talking it's fucking crumbs all down its face I'll cut her off he's drunk enough father talking Glutton he's just the Glutton a filthy fat fucking Glutton you can't make a better case for a glutton and that guy he's a metaphor for the business by the way all-consuming taking right and looks don't ya
► 02:51:56he would he would ruin what's beautiful right take was beautiful he broke her teeth in my mouth a lot but was fat gut resting on their forehead he fucking ruined pretty things yeah he's far too pretty things horrible fuck that guy but it's interesting because like that is a villain in the movie he's like a he's a villain in the movie yes it's like a like a bad Dick Tracy garant want you know I'm not gonna know more modern he's a villain in it he's a villain more in a fucking Harvey Weinstein movie is what he is oh yeah someone will make that Phil he's a villain and no but he's a villain in a Quentin Tarantino movie right if there is a guy who was doing dark shit and then one of the girls winds up playing like some kickass female character ones up shooting him and kill him like said Hannah what the fuck's your name who the woman who's in Kill Bill not Houma Thurman but the Daryl Hannah Daryl Hannah yeah Daryl Hannah
► 02:52:52Daryl Hannah wants to kill him tight like hit his kills him with a brick plus his fucking head open yeah like Patricia Arquette when she killed Tony Soprano yes member yes right yeah that yeah yeah it was dumb fuck yeah shit that was perfect he was the perfect character that Tony Soprano character that she killed when James Gandolfini in True Romance when it was a Patricia Arquette yeah that's right it wasn't a bitch to Arquette's know what's the other our cat is to our cats no no pressure okay it was Patricia save that there were sufficient but it's known as the girls another girl there yeah yeah no no there is I'm cry don't you shake your head bitch thank you Tara she's dead oh shit you
► 02:53:36which one well bro you better not be wrong that's even worse it's bad if you're miss it Jamie Jamie Jamie Rosanna Arquette oh shit she's been a gang movies to she was in Pulp Fiction when our yes Rosanna Arquette was in Pulp Fiction she was wasn't she one of the chick she was a part of like when a girl oh Vinnie barbarino had over the girl overdose yeah I was hurt that it was her they had a helper yeah that was her that she would she was helping him with ermine she was a girl that had shit all over her face as he said did she know she was your wife has shit all over he goes who's the girl with the shit all over her face and he goes That's my wife and he's like oh shit with a like piercings or something yeah she had piercings right wasn't it right he goes he goes who's that he goes how's the chicken shit all over her feathers and then he goes that's my fucking wife man what a movie now what a fucking movie anyway easily one of the best films forever amazing always amazing movie but Patricia Arquette and True Romance right when she
► 02:54:35James Gandolfini like that's she's killing the Glutton just killing the big disgusting yeah asshole man big asshole shitty man doesn't have a fuck about women and he's gonna kill her fucking fucking kills him you like yeah yes shut blood coming down her face it's crazy shit is dope that's a great fucking scene is that is that seen by the way that Pulp Fiction seen the revive the heart Revival seems not just awesome not awesome so many scenes in that movie like what I remember I saw that movie when I first moved to Hollywood it was like 1994 I think yeah I first moved here and I was watch that movie I was like is this what it's like out here they're saying his new movie is awesome he said it's he said it's his best movies made since then and I've heard the reviews are awesome and they're telling the audience is to not spoil it for the rest of people that are going to see is it once upon a time in Hollywood yeah comes out in like a month Brad Pitt who else Brad Pitt Caprio and Margot Robbie
► 02:55:35yep they read in a bunch of Hollywood may look at the 70s that you can still see some of it on Sunset if you haven't realized why some of it's been repainted and weird ways it was because of those chains they were so I picked I was going you know Ben Harper at the musician yes could name a song but I know we had yeah he's a dope dude him and I were going to dinner at Musso and Frank's and he likes that place I said that's what is amazing he goes meet me at Musso and Frank's her I love was on Frank's and I show up there I'm like to what the fuck is going on sure enough they're shooting half the movie takes place in there right there right there because it still looks like that so that was like the best place for them to do it's like a little let you eat dinner while they're filming a movie right after they were built they just finished it just yeah that's it was fucking I mean they were like I told the guy goes Something's Gotta be going on he's like oh yeah you guys are okay but you should sell feeling the set now you know what I cooled it out I act like I've been here before Jesus dude it's already six times I mean they're actually right there and the trailers from the trailer
► 02:56:35amazing that's it no yeah that is it was on frankly that's most on Frank's yeah that place is amazing that's another Super oh dope school it feels it feel you know what it fucking feels like it's been there a hundred are yeah yeah birthday love moose oh Frank's don't plays you should these that should be a PlayStation and we could do that before show you know I would love to have dinner like gentlemen like adults have a scotch with a big piece I have a scotch with some ice and some steaks oh my dick here we go give me the check miniaturize for like Mick Jagger likes to go there all the time to with call my God I hope we see Matt Jagger I hope we do really does he like me they went there before they had their concert on Hollywood Boulevard can still dance he had a heart attack had open heart surgery or whatever you had kit and he was on stage like a month later truck this shit he's that one some just do it that just means the universe makes it wants him to live He's a beast he's a beast as I he lived he works out
► 02:57:35every day multiple times does he but no lip baby yeah he does dancing and yoga and lifts weights all kinds of shit there's a period when he never he never worked out one side or result of it yeah when he was on the road and there's no way I would imagine back on stage after 11 weeks after having surgery heart surgery fucking unreal sounds like me bro 75 years so I do sounds like me bro I know bro if I'm getting heart surgery I'm done that's it she'll know yeah I'm walking I'm walking North arsenic off someone's dick enough talk about the water from Target or whatever what was the water from a bitch he works out three hours a day but three hours guitars to the doctor said they've never operated on an athlete at 75 before so they had a really good laugh about that indices so fitti works out three hours a day how much how old is he now 75 if you keep going you can talk but if you slow down and stop your shit will break Joe Rogan that's the message of the day ladies
► 02:58:35fucking quote we're gonna wrap this up people on the road Cheeto Santino will be meet with me this weekend Friday and y'all motherfucking Saturday Friday at the Borgata in Atlantic City to shows and then Saturday and Baltimore I don't know where we are good to go to Joe Rogan.com some big-ass place with the Great and Powerful Tony Hinchcliffe the whiskey Ginger podcast is available everywhere everywhere everywhere all right you beautiful baby I love you I love you love you love you baby buddy fun times as always shout out to young Jamie holla thank you friends thanks for tuning into the show and thank you to stamps.com you can get a four-week trial plus free postage and a digital scale without any long-term commitment when you go to stamps.com and you click on the microphone the top of the homepage and type in JRE that stamps.com and enter J R E4 also brought to you by the motherfucking
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