#1318 - Hotep Jesus

Jun 26, 2019
Hotep Jesus is a tech investor, marketer and author. His book "Dominate Twitter" is available on http://bryansharpe.co
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► 00:06:58@ g ET Q UI P get quip.com / Rogan all right no ads my friends my guest today is a very interesting personality I found out about him online from his Twitter account and his YouTube videos and I had a great time talk to him please give it up for hotep Jesus
► 00:07:24The Joe Rogan Experience Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day
► 00:07:31two one boom hotep Jesus how are you sir I always want to say that wanted to call somebody that I need that drop how the fuck you get a name like hotep Jesus how did that come about it wasn't my idea you know I was I had just went through my Spiritual Awakening I just industry and I went through like that mace thing you know you go to what are you doing with the headgear we got a lot going on up there I had to talk my head down this is black man I got school so you have Spiritual Awakening yeah had this spiritual awakening and I'm you know tweeting on Twitter like I do right and somebody said what do you think you are some common hotep Jesus who that's good yes I do think I'm who turkeys that's perfect and now you own it the permit that person is probably like fuck
► 00:08:21God damn those are great name I gave that dude yeah I don't know who that person is or was or where they are now but shout out to whoever you are exactly and Vibe High your Twitter why didn't you switch it to hotep Jesus can you switch it is anybody gonna hold up Jesus I do you show you have hotep Jesus on Twitter too yeah reserved it oh dude I think they could probably swap do you have a little one of them cute little blue check marks yet no to put the fuck is that how do you get one of those I don't know there's some people that have those that have like a thousand followers yeah how you getting like if you work for the New York Times or some I thought you had to go I think I'll do Joe and then I get verified I don't know how to word it feels about me I mean I think Jack likes me he's been in a couple times but I think the whole they're weird man they want I mean I think all social media all tech companies want you to tow a line right now and if you're not Towing that line and you're bringing on forbidden guests and you have people that have controversial ideas you know they have that finger on the button
► 00:09:21getting ready oh they don't know what to do it's just like radio hmm you know like radio a lot of people don't know but radio has to play happy songs because happy people buy things really yeah that's what that's what the studies say allegedly the marketing studies and advertising studies say people aren't a good mood tend to buy things right so the radio is supposed to play happy songs all day long and the radio works for the advertisers kind of like media grass on so forth so social media is no different they have advertisers so if there's people on the platform who are creating disgruntled crowds could be hurting the bottom line yeah but Facebook's algorithm actually favors that the way Facebook has it set up like say if if you if you get into debates with people on abortion or something like very controversial they will start sending that shit to your feet they will they will prop it will they'll sort of steer it in your direction because the more you engage the more clicks they get the more money they get the more advertising dollars to get absolutely
► 00:10:21absolutely the Facebook algorithm is quite unique and the way that things can go viral their Twitter I feel like
► 00:10:31the Twitter safety and councilman yeah what do they call it trust and safety is that what it's called something like that yeah so when I go and look at the entities that contribute to that board I kind of start saying okay I see why certain topics or taboo hmm you know there's when you when there's a board those people on the board are the voice they're the ones that have the opinion you know so if your group isn't represented maybe you need to figure out how to get on that board you know what I mean right I don't know anybody's getting on that board not it's not gonna happen you better be left wing you're gonna get on that board I don't think has any right what do you think like is I think Jack's more like in the middle yes I think he's close to the middle I don't think it's Jack I think it's you know Jack's working on a bunch of different projects but I think it's probably you know whoever else is in the office making the day two days decisions yeah I like Jack a lot but I think Jack is in the middle of a gigantic Corporation
► 00:11:31Shannon and there's so many people with so many ideas essentially
► 00:11:37the founding fathers of our country had a great idea when it comes to freedom of expression they felt like it was very important that you have free speech and the only you can't be silenced to can't be can't be undermined by people who disagree with you because it's dangerous it's dangerous from someone can just decide that you can't have a voice anymore and only their voice can be heard and we're kind of seeing that with Twitter and we're kind of seeing that with Facebook and with Google and they're deciding what could be heard and would not come here they think they're doing it for good reasons they think they're doing it to preserve our culture and our civilization and they want to protect people from the election do you read it shut down the Donald the Donald Trump support Reddit page yeah that's not a good idea the right right before the dim yeah I'm to be right before the democratic debate and you know that was like we're all the funny memes come from and look man this you can't do that I mean just because if you have some people that are saying some shit that's been
► 00:12:37add on there get rid of those people get rid of that but you can't just shut down a whole Forum like it seems that seems insane is there a reason for it it's not shut down it says it's quarantined what the fuck does that mean is it have a disease it's sort of like temporary it's got Ebola it's happens to people they got to do something I don't it says there's violent threats I'm looking to see what hello repeated misbehavior violent threats mmm-hmm skeptical very seems weird right I feel like all this stuff is it like we're seeing what the first amendment is really all about why it exists we're seeing it play out with all these social media sites I really think that you know my thing is with like the right thing right it's very easy to create an actor right the left can create a right-wing actor online to pretend like it's something it out sure it's something else they can go in a Reddit do something malicious to get the whole Reddit band right or can Agent provocateur yeah exactly
► 00:13:37Lee and I never leave that off the table when I look at instances like this sinkhole somebody was the internet everybody's Anonymous you know where I'm tracking this back to who it is you know what I mean I do know it's conservative do you know as a republican are you sure so you know I take these things these pieces of information with a grain of salt yeah you should but is this election meddling it kind of is right is where feels like if you're killing a whole sub what does it depends I mean so if they're really that would be really interesting if it turns out that it was someone from the left that was posing as someone from the right in order to shut down a forum and pretend there's death threats or I mean you look at YouTube right what's been happening with YouTube even just the algorithm you know I'm pretty good with keywords I do SEO marketing so when I type in a certain keyword search find certain things I know what's going to come up or what type of content comes up now when I type in those keywords it's like ABC NBC ABC CNN and I'm like
► 00:14:37that's not what I want to date they don't even talk about these keywords what I'm talking about yeah so when you start seeing that you start thinking about ingsoc in or well in 1984 and socialism and communism and fascism and the degradation of society and a lot of control coming down you know people you know in some ways it's like was the internet created for Freedom or was it country created for control right so it's two different Pathways you can probably look at that but it seems like in many ways they set us up to be controlled
► 00:15:16and Adorn it through monopolies Google controls search through YouTube and Google and buy what you search you can think it's a truth but what did Kanye Say Kanye say Google lied to you you know so when he says a lot of crazy shit though you never really think about that he does and I like crazy I do too I'm a big fan of crazy I'm a little crazy a lot of crazy sometimes so I appreciate his crazy side more than his calm side hmm well great things come from Wild thoughts right exactly I think the internet was initially created to exchange information and then one it got loose to the general public they realized what a crazy idea that was what I think we're seeing right now with the algorithms is that these corporations are influencing these companies to say hey when someone's looking for these things how about you send them over to ABC how about you send them over to NBC how about you you know like we want to be able to get the first views on these things so if someone's searching for that
► 00:16:15don't know how they do it I don't know what they are whether they have agreements with them maybe I mean there's also a lot of copy written shit that's on there that could get YouTube and some significant trouble if they have a really decided to pursue it right and how many videos are on YouTube that people have on their channel that are just straight off of Fox News or NBC news or there's a lot of like copyright protected content that YouTube is essentially profiting off of oh yeah yeah they make a ton of money off that stuff yeah so you might have deals with I said look we'll send these people to you know this first yeah and that's why I say you know that's what it control comes in you know the avatars has an appetizer is are the ones paying you know for the platform so yeah I think it's not us to users out of paying for it YouTube's free so who's paying right yeah they're they're they're monetizing us they're monetizing us to users and the viewers yeah that's where it gets tricky right because as soon as the advertisers get on board they said look we you know we want to give you money but this
► 00:17:15tent is not Advertiser friendly right and then they start moving stuff around and D monetizing things and and with the monetization the real thing that they're doing in a lot of ways whether it's intentional or not is your influencing what people post your kind of scent you're asking them to self-censor because if you say hey you guys want to discuss abortion rights or you know like there's there's some things that you start discussing them and they will automatically dump demonetised you yeah well who is the girl that put out the abortion documentary right and aah girls I snatched that down I forget what it's called I'm Bad at memorizing these things but there was a basically an anti-abortion thing that expose some things about abortion as a documentary and I believe the date went up it got shut down she had a re-upload it was it Lawrence other
► 00:18:06might have been yeah there's those two cute white chicks that everybody thinks are super racist Lauren Southern and Tammy the other one tambourin Tommy Lauren Tommy Lauren so she did a documentary but then you have like the James O'Keefe thing where you know he put up the exposing YouTube and in that got you know obviously they're going to take it out and most recent one that exposed Google right right yeah I've been asking people about that I'm like okay break this down for me is there any way that this could have been deceptively advertise or deceptively edited like it seems to me like they're saying that they're going to manipulate search results and they're going to be late the way people see things because of the 2016 election they don't want that happening again in 2020 that's what it seems well I'm looking at it absolutely exactly looks like could it be doctor of course good you know that's that's yeah that's always possible but
► 00:18:59when you go and experience it for yourself like what I was talking about with you know doing a keyword search you start yeah saying the power of those and then you know Uncle hotep you know his his channel was you know doing great and then the algorithm flipped and next you know like he wasn't making the same money anymore so it's like I don't have to go to some doctor video or whatever video to understand this problem the people around me are being affected by it you know is this is a primary source I don't have to look at some money on internet but don't know it's it's
► 00:19:36in a way I don't like playing victim with the topic right still platform do what you want with it we choose to be there we don't have to be there there's not another game in town though it's not it's weird right when you think about how big the internet is there's only one YouTube Right Vimeo and all those other ones they're great but well did you not always related to the black community you know the black community always say oh you know why people this white people that white people just wipe it without they're not giving us opportunity and it's always like well is that the only opportunity can you not create your own opportunity you know what I mean so I never wanted to take a victim mentality and say oh no let's take Google to court you know all this stuff it's like if you want to do that that's fine that's not how I'm looking at this I'm looking at it long term like hooking up with Andrew 12 over a gap you know what I mean and building tools so you know we do the coin bits app.com and creators can actually it's based upon
► 00:20:35approval right now but creators can go on there and receive Bitcoins a donation you know so we're circumventing the things that happen like with the Deep platforming at patreon right and the other payment platforms for creators so we're creating tools to circumvent these things so that's how I look at it I'm like Oh Google's doing this great this is a great opportunity here let me sees it and let me build it and be you know the alternative you know I love to see that is the alternative going to be YouTube and as popular of course not it's just not but it's still a viable option you can still communicate with your people the number one communication tool for an influencer with it but their Community is email build your email list right people still subscribe to your email list right that's not YouTube That's not Google that's your email is that your contact list so it's like you can complain about YouTube or Google but you can build your audience almost anywhere it depends on how powerful you are are you
► 00:21:35powerful enough to convince people to come to this other platform or to wherever you are a lot of people are powerful enough to pack a room at $2,000 ticket you tell me you can't get somebody to go to another platform for free who charges two thousand dollars it took it I mean a lot of these speakers you know like the Tony Robbins type cats is right he charges two thousand bucks I think Charles like 10 yes I think so I think some of his stuff is like 10 yeah but he's doing like these week-long events where everybody gets together I'm gonna turn your life doing Karate kicks well but when you well that's how you get the bigger check you got to create a bigger experience yeah so it's like all right so we'll do it one day at a 2K rights like well how do I get 10K it's like well let's just extend it for the week and you had like you know the kickboxing class and you know we'll chat in the sauna you just you know create that's part of marketing you know yeah but yeah I'm not complain about these tech company these tech companies man I'm not scared of these dudes man he's did the content is us the content
► 00:22:35in the US and like I get what I got from talking to Jack and Vijaya was it's almost impossible to manage a site like that the just the influx of not like I used to have a message board of my website one of the things I noticed before we shut it down was I was getting thousands and thousands of Russian emails that were signing up for my website doesn't remember that Jamie this is years ago this like three years ago okay I mean fucking fat like tens of thousands of Russian email addresses were signing up like similar dresses it was something like the IRA something like the internet research agency which does that which is responsible for all those fake pages on Facebook and Google and Instagram and all that shit and they were signing up for websites and that had message boards and then they would jump on and pretend that they were whatever the fuck they were right pretend that they were social justice Warrior pretend that they're with black lives matter Polly and and then you start fights start arguments yeah
► 00:23:35I was like wow this is fascinating and then when it when it also happened and then it happened with Facebook and it became a big part of the election you realize like this is like concerted effort to use these platforms to wiggle so when you're Jack or your whoever runs go you have to look at that and go okay how the fuck do we manage that I mean if we're in the Free Speech we should just let these people manipulate everybody right Let It Be Wild Wild West how can I mean it's when you have these people that are working for the Russians or even people that are working on the left that are trying I mean if there really is someone that's doing that to the Donald subreddit on Reddit mmm what do you do if you're in a free speech you're supposed to allow that right you could just create a metric you know or some sort of mechanism that red flags and account publicly right but I think this is where it gets slippery right because then you're talking about an algorithm you're talking about manipulating search results you're talking about not that route what I'm saying is not that right but this is where it goes right if you just keep
► 00:24:35managing the content instead of like someone like gab where they just let the content Flow Free yeah but obviously you go there there's a lot of dumpster fires mad fucking chaos I'll do that oh yeah absolutely nothing's going to be perfect right you know I think whenever you see bad that's good right oh yeah bad is he a portal to good it is an opportunity to fix something because at some point that problem was going to emerge right it just emerged now so it's like oh wow okay here's this problem the solution every problem lies within the problem so technically there is no problem so let's just go ahead and solve this problem and move on to the next one you know but I love problems I love solving problems I think it's really fun so when I see a problem I go home let's let's think about this and sometimes it's not a one-person job you know it's a whole committee and a whole bunch of mines have to get together so when I look at the
► 00:25:35Minnie I think about like you know aren't you have all these mines but our your minds working to complain or your minds working to solve the problem and it seems like the mines aren't working to solve the problem that work in a complaint right so for example during the early 20th century or early 1900's is do with this newspaper super popular in New York and he puts some inflammatory things about a certain family in New York City and all department stores boycott the newspapers he has no advertisers so they did that to put them out of business and it's gentlemen takes the space and gives it to the proletariat or the you know small business guys in the area and he gets him full front page ads right stuff that the department stores couldn't buy and then what happened was after the newspaper got is circulating like that at department stores still apartment stores came back and they said yo all right all right fine fine we'll pay will come back and he said no
► 00:26:35I need you anymore you know I have people that can do this I can do this with the people and his newspaper was successful in to the day he died so when I look at that example that was able to thrive in nineteen you know 20-something or 1910 or whatever it was I look at it and I'm like if this guy just stood on his Laurels and didn't bow you know then why can't we do it as a nation or as a team you know I think it's very possible to so for example like we look at Gap right there's a new competitor I'm not going to mention the name but it's like they whoever it was the establishment created this alternative platform to compete with gap there's another wondrous yeah you know what I mention the name now screw them really yeah fuck them oh my what's bad about them their establishment right oh so so when I look at so establishments created another Free Speech platform allegedly allegedly they're just going to collect a data on these people and then you know sell it off well I think that intuition you know hotels have been told you you know
► 00:27:37you should make a shirt that should be a sure we got a shirt hotel has been told you that's our show oh yeah Miyako hotels a show every Thursday 8:00 p.m. eastern time so yeah you know I can I can kind of I've been calling a lot of these shots and a lot of these things and you know it's just certain things that you know I'm a tech startup found it right so it's certain things I can see within a business that the average person can't see and I'm like God it doesn't make sense that doesn't look right any when you see uh you know as a tech startup it's really hard to get going right at first but when you see like MSNBC time and it's just like how did you get all these coverage death fast who do you know what I mean and then you start seeing the influencers that are going over there and pushing them like all these are all this stablish I see what's going on what you didn't want you didn't want an alternative platform that you didn't control mmm okay so there
► 00:28:35creating an alternative platforms they can control they can control air quotes alternative correct yeah well I think the writing is on the wall right if they look at the there's only one Twitter there's only one instagram there's only one YouTube and those are giant and Facebook is basically the only thing like that right I mean there's really no competitor to Facebook and in that space I mean this is four of them they're all trash let's be honest oh my goodness this all trash hotep is going off Facebook trash I've been saying that for like the past decade Facebook's trash I stopped using Facebook a decade ago right if I used it was just like forced you know I use it as a publishing Outlet I die when I put tour dates or something like that I put it on Facebook around engage right exactly so you know I can I can respect that I don't use Instagram I left it months ago when Farrakhan kicked off the platform a bunch of conservative got kicked off the platform like I don't need this shit neither so I left and also keep your account just in case yeah absolutely yeah it's bookmark time you know I got an automatic
► 00:29:35bottom going to set up and over okay all that said yeah yeah so you know F these platforms we don't need them they're not that great if you look at the story on Instagram Instagram was a lucky project a serendipitous right basically what happened was some kids built the project it was called Instagram they were working on a whole bunch of other things some popular kids started using a platform it blew up and then they passed on the Facebook from the very Inception I said this is a very trash project product it's just horrible horribly curated right it's so horribly curated that Facebook can't even monetize the platform properly right but that's a whole nother story but the platform itself and its functionality is stupid just popular well you know what's weird is like replying to people and reading replies like what in the comments like you can't even keep up with nothing no and you can't get all your notifications the notifications aren't curated properly it's just it's like as if they don't care
► 00:30:35it's like they don't care right is that says I don't care or is it that it got so big so quick and it's stuck in this format you'd have to kind of Reform at the way it's they don't care don't think so they don't care they don't care if you if you want to build a product for your user you can do that if you want to build a product for advertisers you can do that they built the product for advertisers not for users if they build it for users you will now be able to have a conversation on there well isn't it originally wasn't it text America was that the same thing was text America the original one that's the one where I have the picture of the prostitute in the bathroom you like where you would text something to its you send the photo you sent a photo an attachment was Julie would go up to it and that website it would be like on a site like imager some not like a feed where people would follow you like that was it now there was a thing that you'd follow me okay dude that's where that picture came from know that but I didn't remember it being like a website or anything like that was back when there was no applications man because I took that from a flip phone Mindy oh that's the
► 00:31:35yeah more like a right smart phone yeah there was no smart phones back then and then you would have to go to a website to see all your photos so like you have a young Jamie page on text America and all the pictures that you would take and the first photos on Instagram a lot of people were you'd be like shit as a photographer you'd be kind of like shit on if you weren't taking with your iPhone only my can you were uploading DSLR photos you'd be like well you're fucking cheat and look at your boys right but now it filters like some of these girls look like cartoons didn't look like humans you know comes down to is like you know I wish I could who knows right so you know a lot of people told me I was like oh you missed out on a lot of money on Facebook you missed out on a lot of Instagram money on Instagram my homies a millionaire off of Instagram and Facebook advertising and he told me about it I'm like I'm not in this for money bro I got a message to get across and I can't get it across on these platforms they suck right
► 00:32:27but are you going to have the cojones to come and say I'm choosing my Laurels over I'm choosing my morals over the money because it's a lot of people out here that are on the Facebook platform just for money I spoke to a conservative influencer and
► 00:32:46brother basically said I'm trying to feed my daughter but the stuff he's putting out on Facebook he doesn't believe him so he's just doing it for profits doing it for profit that's where it gets weird right because then people are not going to believe you want to say well I was doing that for money but now I'm telling you the truth what these are I'm talking about this these are the people that everybody believes these are the ones that have captured a large audience I mean talking about you know type of money you can pull in on on Facebook but you know he literally says you know I'll go on Twitter I'll make one tweet and it'll get like two thousand retweets and and you know you know you know it's his brain just blows up like that but it's because he knows the the buzzword right he knows what to say to get the people going I'll go that route you know what I mean if I don't like Facebook I'm not going to use it for I don't like Facebook I'm not going to use Instagram you know I'm just gonna you know stick of what I like I like Twitter and I told people in 2009 when I go in there I'm Twitter you know I deal in marketing so I always say
► 00:33:46focus on one channel when it comes to social media just one channel unless you have the staff to manage well Twitter's how I found out about you and that's all I found out about your videos and I will find out if you're going to watch your videos and if that didn't exist in the portal for the video you're putting your videos on YouTube right what how else would someone get their message out if you if you if you think that these platforms are all trash if they didn't exist I wouldn't find out about you Twitter is great Twitter's crewmember I've liked would never mention Twitter we got these at all of them are trash but all of them except to a Twitter Twitter's my baby man would you like so much about Twitter it's
► 00:34:26it's a perfect platform to crowd Source information number one right like you said without Twitter I would be sitting here right now I couldn't ever got you on Facebook and Instagram that would never happen maybe Instagram some Forefront most of it is like hey one of my friends says check out this guy this guy's cool this guy's interesting right maybe you should talk to this guy okay that's how it usually happens and then I'll go to your page I checked it out and I saw a lot of interesting conversations you were having and right saw some videos well the thing is Instagram doesn't allow you to see in my heart they don't allow you to see in the soul Twitter I could really connect with people how come you can't do that and Instagram the algorithm you know you oh you mean because it hides stuff and stuff yeah once you develop a good following it doesn't really matter people would go to your page so how will it look for you but how often can you post
► 00:35:15on Instagram how often can you post well you can't do it like Twitter we could just do it every couple minutes see what I'm saying so if I wanted to I could go from Deep to where my middle-aged white women at right and 15 minutes time right you know I can take you deep and then I can make you laugh yeah you know what I mean and I can share you know something else I can share my video and you could have photos on Twitter just like you could have on Instagram really wanted to I can go live and and and and so Twitter is great how they curate the live feature and it lands at the top of your phone on mobile right it's beautiful like they like they get product you know I don't feel like Instagram gets product but it's what it is is a matter of fact this is a great time I brought you my book I was I thought that was McDonald's or Burger King now what is he eating that garbage there's my book right here Twitter marketing I brought that for you it retails so long how to build a cult-like following get
► 00:36:16and that's basically all my secrets on how I got on The Joe Rogan Experience I want to try I'm trying to remember who told me about you want to give someone to get the credit I well you know they people said to me you know you should go on Joe Rogan this I retweeted it and then it started as Firestorm of your mansions and then you follow me yeah and then I read to you the guy followed you because someone told me though right I've been trying to remember who the fuck it is always somebody you know yeah somebody I knew okay I think I was like serendipitous thing like that I don't even know if they had seen you post that you're trying to get on the podcast I think someone had just contacted me and said hey check out this guy shit oh I watch some of the YouTube conversations you just look like you're having a good time but you were talking about serious shit yeah it's you know so I got kids so
► 00:37:01when I see when I teach my kids it's always to edutainment you know if I can't make my kids laugh while I'm doing my lecture every day when they come home from school or I try to do every day there's a lecture we inform I'm going to talk about something real in life how many kids you have three my daughter is 16 and my boys are Rod 2010 I have twin boys Dallas Phoenix and Sydney they're all named after cities so every day they come home I have a lecture waiting for him but when I prepare my lectures for them I always figure out how am I gonna make me laugh because my son Dallas he's very linear and thinking I could lecture and I'll sit there and listen to every single word the other two are like me though just like zone out so you're twins not are they're identical twins eternal return yeah so his brother and his sister just like me with 02 now and going to La La Land and start gonna be weird when you have two kids that were born the exact same time they're twins but yet they're totally different yeah and he looked different that's so weird ones Browns game ones
► 00:38:01skin whoa both come out of the box the same time to yeah you know it's a crazy Dynamic diverse headaches and not Smell Ya the personalities are very different that is one of the thing that trips me out the most about having kids hmm it's how how does they are their own little person out of the fucking box yeah like you influence them a little you teach them you can give them morals and ethics and you can set a good example but boy they come with their own unique set of ingredients Yeti do you gotta do and you know I don't I don't try to change that all I try to do is push them in that direction like whichever way you're going I'm just going to try and assist that you know I don't try to like bring you back this way so my son Dallas he likes to draw it you know and I'm like all right well here's some YouTube videos tutorials do it every day you know my son feels like I want to have my own comic book I will start writing it and starts writing his comic book and then he comes and he asked me questions and I help them we in sharing a Google doc and we just we just do the damn thing you know what I mean that's cool yeah they're little startups so you kind of just got
► 00:39:01you just gotta feed them you know that's a good way of looking at it yeah you know he's got a ward room and just let them grow I think sometimes we try to prune them too much mmm well you definitely see that a lot with people that are too they're just way too heavy handed with their kids and the kids just always resisting oh yeah they're just constantly get the fuck away from me man that shit's unnecessary it's unnecessary it's unproductive and you're going to develop a rift between you and your kids yeah so so the story always tell Azam you know when you black and you're going to the supermarket you get that talk like that not going any better not touch that don't ask for nothing right so that's how I grew up a lot of us grew up so when I go into the supermarket I went to the supermarket this one time in my son is Phoenix my twin he's running around and supermarket and you know I don't I try not to yell at my kids and all that stuff right so I just tap his brother and sister on the show and I said look at him look at him look at him and he's looking and we just start laughing at him so he turns around and goes like why are y'all laughing at me so then I start
► 00:40:01Middle-earth don't know that type stuff and he's so he's I put the mirror in front of my gold the mirror yeah and when he does that never again yeah we can't I didn't have to yell at him I'd have to hit home and a custom out and have to threaten that's great you know it's just it's basic psychology yeah that's one of the hardest things for people to do to see how other people see them when someone sees you with humor and you look like a fool like a couch that's me damn yeah that is me yeah exactly so you just gotta put your mirror but you know Twitter you know I handle I handle everything you know I figure you can't change culture through lecture you change culture through entertainment what do you think about all this talk like Elizabeth Warren's talked about it and some other candidates who talked about his mother politicians have talked about breaking up these big companies breaking up Facebook it's too big breakup Google break up Twitter what do you think about that well I think we have to study what happened to Standard Oil what happened to standard Royal Standard Oil they broke it up and it became
► 00:41:01Exxon Chevron Texaco I think BP don't quote me on that one but does anybody a brand loyalty to gas
► 00:41:12does anybody like dude I'm a Chevron man what they create those those cards right those oh Loyalty cards okay yeah that's how they create a loyalty program here it is the evolution of Standard Oil Jamie pulled up on the screen yeah there you go wow so Standard Oil was too big you know like fuck this place right we have to move it around a little bit 1911 Standard Oil of Kentucky 1911 they did this right so so if you look at it it's broken up in a I think it says 34 right 34 companies right so you start on the left right and in as you go what do you see you see a consolidation don't you Hmm this is merges yeah so you break up a monopoly you're not really breaking up a not Monopoly what you're doing is you're creating a divide and conquer Dynamic so it's like okay I'll let my brother control this one my sister control that with my cousin controllers and you actually Corner the market so breaking up with not believe isn't exactly a good thing in that case yeah in that case and I think we'll see the same thing with Google
► 00:42:12break up Google what you're going to do is just have a little subsidiaries or little satellite things that will just control a certain segment under a different name which will make it harder to track back to its source hmm so I'm you know when I say you know break up monopolies I think that the establishments like yeah come on break me up baby you think so I think yeah I don't think they want to lose any control I certainly don't like Facebook does it naturally get rid of Zuckerberg forever right aren't they trying to get rid of him the board members like assert a claim but if that robot out of here let's go away drinks water right he does look like a robot but we drink water in front of Congress but isn't that socialism hmm that's socialism when you know my guns comes in and tells you what you can do with your corporation yeah that's socialism so so what I feel is like the powers that be are pushing Socialism or like we can use this as an excuse to infiltrate corporations and you know Baba and can start controlling this in
► 00:43:12that speaks to the Internet space is now communist I'm of the opinion though that if we believe in freedom of speech and you create something that's so big that it's essentially a Town Square which is what I think these platforms are hmm you if you ban people especially if you ban people shit like learn to code like things that don't make any sense so yeah there's people to getting banned for some pretty ridiculous ideas yeah that as soon as you start doing something like that you are going against the fundamental ideas this country is founded on absolute freedom of speech I think it's incredibly important that if you have someone saying something that you think is wrong or is hurtful there should be an Avenue where people can examine that and talk about it and and combat it with good speech yeah with speech that makes sense yeah well you know a couple of years ago last year I forget now it's about a couple years ago I was lambasted for defending white nationalist you know when they first got deep platform some of them got D platform or just white nationalist
► 00:44:12I'm like well if this is how these people feel let's listen to them and listen to their grapes what do they mad about right and then people like oh how could you these people are racist are only I don't care if their races like that doesn't affect me right like I'm not asking them for a job so they can't be racist towards me you know what I mean but when you have these these groups that people call Fringe I feel like the people that are Fringe are the test for freedom of speech it's not the people in the middle it's The Fringe groups on the outside if they don't have freedom of speech everybody in the Middle Screw hmm so I stood up like yo let these dudes talk like stop doing that like like you know I don't care you know if they're racist whatever people call me names but then now you see it coming down and we lost you know Louis Farrakhan e dot d platform he lost his verification you know and it's like he's what was there anything specifically that he said that allow them to do that or did you they just make a sweeping because they got rid of my low they got rid of Gavin McInnes they got rid of a bunch of people that were on Instagram and Facebook
► 00:45:12but they hadn't D platformed but it didn't seem like there was anything that happened that caused them to do that seem like they just made some sort of a decision yeah that I think was probably based on preparing for the 2020 elections absolutely you so so what I think what happened was the
► 00:45:31the Banning of Louis Farrakhan it's just a theory but they were like all right if we ban these conservatives the conservative crowd is going to just go ape shit right but if we throw him Louis Farrakhan it'll kind of settle things down a little bit because it'll look like we're fair I think you're exactly right yeah so I'm like so that's what they did it like I let's throw them in there and help em you know smooth things over that's exactly what I thought when I saw it yeah yeah it was like this seems weird yeah yeah it's like they have to justify like no we got rid of him too you know yeah yeah it's a it's a strange time because there's even though there is Gap and there's minds and there's a couple other startups that are the trying to make their way into the Jordan Pederson wand and there's nothing that really stands out and once someone starts once a good giant group of people starts using something unless it's like what's hilarious is when they one of them vanished like my space how fucking badly do they match my space this is my space had it all
► 00:46:31they had everybody in and then just fucking died and still around but now it's like some Fringe music publishing platform it's very weird you know it still exists but what Twitter is right now and what Facebook is right now and what Instagram is right now it seems like there's no real competitors purse it specifically YouTube there's no real competitors it simple because when you know I don't want to you know dog pile on no mines or gap or anything but the problem is when you build a social network in this is why I will not build a social network at least not in the next 10 years you have to understand that you can't build a social network that mimics another one hmm that's the brand has to be different that's why I snap is still here right snap is inside a certain demographic that's my daughter's you know generation right that's them right there won't snap so when you build these things
► 00:47:31you really have to sit down and say like you know what's the what are we going to focus on like with mines right you poets videos you post photos and then how did the photos appear right so when I look at mines mines is my Instagram when you when you look at mines on mobile that the fonts really small so it's like I can't read this so I'm just going to use this for photos can I put the photos it pops up right so it's like is mine's going to go that route are they going to go the video route or they going to go the Tweet route you gotta pick one and then grow from there if you look at Twitter Twitter didn't have what he's fixed features in the beginning you just had tweet that's it there's no threads is none of that yeah so you have to start at your core but when you the other problem they do is they try to build these social networks completely robust right with all the bells and whistles of the Giants
► 00:48:27nah bro you gotta start small and slim and then let your audience tell you what the next feature is so what would you if you were going to start one up what would it be or do you know how much about I'd information no it's not I want to give it out information I think information should be free but you know I hate I hate the idea that people want to create social networks I'm like the exist let's choose the ones that exist and let's just figure out how to make them better right but when you do that then those have so much power because they can dictate who's on who's not on right so what you do is when you have something like a Twitter you use your Twitter to congregate your minds right but then your you know your your bills of the world your and route or bizarre the world have to listen to the community
► 00:49:13and and then cure rate their product around with the community needs right and Route orbit figured out what the dissenter when he found out oh the internet is blocking comments mmm so he created you know you can comment on anywhere on the internet and then Google Chrome smashed it right they get that out of here yeah why do they do that was the justification for getting rid of that they want to censor they want to censor information is that what they want to do they want to keep a competitor from using their platform and profiting off of it that's how I looked at it I looked at it from a marketing or business perspective 9 worried about his name because it could be but if it becomes huge I mean anything can become huge if it's useful yeah seemed useful to me that they were going to be able to comment on anything and you'll have like a little link and if you use gab you can comment on anything that comes up yeah yeah you can look at it like that I don't I feel like you know they their budgets are so huge they know their cash reserves are so huge that they're not worried about competition at
► 00:50:14you know what they're worried about is controlling thought hmm and and that's their primary goal control thought right for the betterment of the ruling class and that's it to me that's that's the end all be all of it all but you are these these you know these these people that create Tech products like when we create coin bits a poor for example my abject for ties GIF it sighs do you only do one thing on different eyes the only thing you can do is save a video or or GIF from Twitter I was called a gif is it Jeff shit I think it's Jeff I've never I don't think I ever hear anybody say it give could be correct do you know what you call Jamie caught a gif yes okay Chef GIF GIF is peanut butter all right Jeff is Peanut buttery but our app does one thing right
► 00:51:14and people love it when I first came on as a co-founder this app did more than that and when it did more than that it didn't do as well as it does now but it used to do we had incentives to share the app you could edit J gifts you could put text on them crop them all types of like had an editor in there so I was like yo take this editor toss it out oh we had a keyboard you know it still has a keyboard by was they took some of the functionality and I started taking stuff out just like get this out of here can just how to get that searing slim it down all right soon as we slammed it down we chain gave it a new face boom I Revenue quadruple what's again until people get it yeah give it sighs give it tight there is Jamie's got it yeah GI f i TI Z the ultimate Twitter gift downloader yeah and this is this things about to be super huge
► 00:52:14we have a gallery coming soon and that's going to be awesome I'm going to be perfectly curated I'll speak to my partner simonis morning about that this is one of the fun things about Twitter when someone says something stupid and then you look at all the gifts Underneath It All the memes and Gifts yeah so we Empower people like yeah black Twitter is on our app so whenever there's a new video wow you know something funny happens and using as a reaction so we on iOS there's no way to save it now you can with our app but I have only does one thing everybody's really love it right that's that's the core of the business what's the core of Mines what's the core of Gap what's the core feature does anybody know there is not a core feature yeah I wouldn't I would say just something as an alternative to traditional media you see what I'm saying yeah so there is no uniqueness where there is known uniqueness you can't compete you have to first create
► 00:53:13uniqueness hmm or fill a need there's no need for me to be on these other platforms the problem is when you get on those other platforms and there's no one there you go how I let me go back to Twitter real quick yeah and that's why I say when you build a social network the before you build a network you have I mean before you build the platform you have to build a network hmm what's interesting if you go back to like 2003 when Myspace was King and then you imagine what the world would be like 16 years later no one would have saw this coming no one would have saw all these social media platforms and that it's used as a way of breaking news now I mean especially in places that don't have real objective news so if you're in some country that's some war-torn country and some horrible shit is going down you see the news breaking on Twitter before anywhere oh yeah really interesting oh yeah that's why I tell people like School Facebook and Instagram and news breaks on on
► 00:54:14you know by the time you know by the time I show my friend of my friend shows me a video like I saw it on Twitter like two weeks ago bro because he's on Facebook or he's on Instagram right so it's like how do you Market a prodigal Market yourself when you're two weeks behind
► 00:54:31hmm is it half mile two weeks behind on Instagram know I get a lot of shit on Instagram to like what you're Joe Rogan yeah I guess it depends on who you're surrounded by right right so we talked about a network it's like you know who the people connected to you following who's who you interacting with right but I get like my mom does not Trails going to say I'd get like most of the fucked up videos of news stories of bad things that are happening in the news come to me on Instagram but I think send it to you yeah but I think it's even I think it's even with Instagram and Twitter mmm sending me things well you did when you're Joe Rogan even if you're hotep Jesus like a people who say to me how do you know so much I'm like yo my followers be like yeah books and links and stuff like that like they're just sending it to me I'm you know sometimes I ask sometimes I don't but they're volunteering information so when you're in that position you know you can afford it but when so the key to marketing is this you know you got your 4 PS of marketing but the key to marketing is relevance
► 00:55:31if what you're talking about is irrelevant nobody's paying attention to you right yeah so the only thing that makes some of these platforms relevant is the juxtaposition to the big Tech Giants you remove the tech Giants are you still relevant
► 00:55:45what makes you relevant right right that's where a lot of people that do content whether they're you know podcasters or whatever they probably should be thinking about developing an email list and putting things in the website having something available independently these big platforms mmm I've been thinking about that a lot lately doing what but something independent of these big platforms where like if you mean you see all these people have gotten deep platform yeah and I don't think I'm at the risk of that but if the I didn't think these people were just a few years ago as the climate shifts and people get more and more radical with this idea of D platforming I think it becomes like a game of like shooting ducks people get excited about it they like taking people out whether it makes sense or not and I think there's a lot of that going on where people are calling for people to be TD platform just because they disagree with them and so far these big tech companies have resisted some of it but not not enough of it for my taste yeah yeah
► 00:56:46you know my boy Alex Jones they got him out of here I think you know if I was Alex my ego would be so huge after getting D platformed well we did a podcast together after he was deep platform it was on the biggest podcast of all time but again like 16 million YouTube videos or something that's your high heels meanwhile YouTube did not demonetised that one we let them know in advance just a heads up Alex Jones is coming on yeah and that they just took that money it's interesting how it works right like what they choose to D platform with they don't choose to you know it's I mean I don't like the argument that they're doing it for our good I don't think they are well who made them God yeah who made them you know Mom and said this is good for you and do you think they should be forced to follow the First Amendment
► 00:57:41no what do you think they should be forced to do nothing nothing nothing I think I think they should be operating in a manner that doesn't hurt Earth you know it doesn't hurt their nature right if they're polluting or doing something at harm somebody specifically then yes right so they become a giant monopolies just because they're better than everything else that's available like YouTube has become then they run the show but there's always the underground yeah look at hip-hop right there's always been under underground hiphop comedies well comedy as well you know so you got dudes you know so I was talking to somebody today we're talking about Consciousness conscious hip-hop and do say oh there's no money in conscious hip-hop Mike what my Pharoahe Monch tours consistently Dead Prez Dead Prez yeah tour dates sister never had any mainstream attention at all the only the closest thing they had two main streams when they were Dave Chappelle's block party okay that was about it yeah yeah so it's like
► 00:58:41you don't need mainstream we don't need me stream you know here's the thing with mainstream when you get mainstream you that bitch now you got played by the rules you know and once you break those roles you get deep platforms what you need to do is you need to focus on building your own platform so they can't touch you when I get to a certain place say if you help me out I called you and hotep Jesus you need some help right what do I do with this platform this platform right here oh dang it come down on us I so you got a self-hosted probably on blockchain I would definitely bit shoot just locked how do I self hosted on blockchain I don't know blockchain is one of those words that I use that I don't really understand me too I just say it because it's a cool buzz word right that's a great word it's just like it sounds like if you eat some dude is a tech guy like yourself as a tech startup when you start talking about blockchain I go oh yeah I'll just nod my head and grab Jane yeah my friend uploaded MP3 to
► 00:59:41the bsv network may be okay it's just very confusing I was trying to ask more like a now that's on there yeah wow how do people going to get it and like he wanted to just be like the first on there which is forever I might not be bsv I might be speaking right now you wrap a friend yes okay hey well he's out he's ahead of his ahead of this is just like him yeah when stuff so yeah but that's where it's at and I was like talking to him for that like he's almost my guinea pig like all right you did it how you figured it out now how do I get a 3 Hour podcast on there right how are people going to get it it's like not figured out yet people are definitely working on it and that every day there's been advances yeah I just don't know I don't know how it's gonna go I mean you could build your own cloud yes you know build your own cloud and and self host and you know you know else you could do you could connect with all your other celebrity buddies pool your resources together and just build a competitor and then on the space because I'm the new YouTube It's called Rogan tube now hmm you know what I mean you could do that
► 01:00:41that and then everybody just runs to your platform I'd support it but after the way better named how do you do that without using Google's cloud services we need to do is buy Vimeo videos dying on the vine that bitch is barely alive what so so bikes so these questions that you asked right like there's like they own the internet kind of right almost so these these questions that you ask I don't know I don't cool right so what we do is we get the best tech mines in the building and we ask them questions hey answer this it's not like they can't answer them right they're gonna find Solutions doesn't always a way you know just got to put the right Minds in the room mmm you know the right Minds the room and the right people that are influencers that can get the word out yeah you have to you gotta follow the drop on a napkin Rule and you know when you put the the drop on a napkin it spreads out right so you got to figure you know who's your network and then you know maybe build like 12 people around and make sure that these people are linked you know based upon interest right so then it starts at those interest points or affinities
► 01:01:41in the next tier grows out from there but as long as that tight-knit group all right so the problem with gap right it's all people say oh it's all Nazis right well that's that tight-knit group and tight-knit group of Nazis capture sell a shirt says that it's not just that though it's probably just that if you have a hundred regular folks and one not see that Nazi becomes the defining factor of the group Brothers Nazis in there right so you know it's not that at all but there is a strong white nationalist movement that first gravitated over there if he didn't have that there would be no Gap you think so I mean I don't think so at all really yeah like what would go there people that got kicked off at Twitter but the only people got kicked off The Sweat in early days with a white nationalist well who's the first people like what if you go back to them again if yeah Kevin McGinnis is an interesting
► 01:02:41actor he does not identify as a white nationalist no he does not and his wife is actually native American he's just made some stupid choices right well I mean like baked Alaska was kind of thrown into that yeah but he just like a me maker right guy makes funny memes very funny right yeah and attaining but I think it comes down to who's dangerous or not yeah well The Proud boys became a dangerous idea because once you have a group and you don't control who joins a group then assholes can join your group and then your group has made out of assholes and you're like well I didn't want it to be assholes but you let anybody in if you let anybody in a group yeah I have a joke about vegans about that the problem with any group is the same like if you get any group of a hundred people if you in a room with a hundred people yeah what's the odds that one of them is going to be a fucking idiot what's a hundred percent one of them's going to be a fucking idiot what if you have 300 million people you're going to have by odds
► 01:03:41a million fucking idiot right and the joke was a lot of them are vegans yeah yeah it doesn't it's not there's anything wrong with vegans it's want with a group and people just identify the get in that group and this is my group and I'm here to represent and then it's just dummies this is the thing with the proud boys is the ruling Elite our freedom men you know it's a huge soy boy movement coming down that's gonna put down the pipe right soy everywhere if anybody's listening right now everybody that's listening right now so he's bad for you it's not good it is very bad it's you process nonsense the only estrogen yes well it activates to phytoestrogens known as active phytoestrogens that attacked the endocrine endocrine gland system now we look at the endocrine gland system of people in the spiritual World endocrine gland system is the physical manifestation of the so called chakras right now at the heart chakra what we have is called the thymus gland and the thymus gland is the one that
► 01:04:41controls your sexual maturity and when you have an endocrine gland disruptor your sexual maturity is affected so a man who would ordinarily like women now likes you see what I'm saying but wouldn't you have to have massive quantities of soy for that take place that's that's subjective based upon your biological structure I always think of it as more like a fun thing to say I don't think you know well here's a tofu you turn into a bitch well here's the thing you can't go in a grocery store and find something that doesn't have suing
► 01:05:16when you go look at your cheese it so your crackers it was a say soy lecithin so in everything so you're aware right they use it as filler for some Meats so the whole vegan movement right you go and you go get your vegan burger burger yeah right A lot of these burgers are soy-based lot of more plant-based for sure plant-based oils right which is not good for you right and then you also look at the links between soil and cancer but that's a whole nother story but when you have something that's disrupting your so call chakras you can see how you can start affecting an entire population of people right start affecting their development at an early age and then you know you got these men who are acting like women who can't even you know control their wives you got some men out here that uh let another man sleep with their girlfriend right and out here I don't know about here well you saying out here well what I see out here I mean
► 01:06:15everywhere world yeah but wasn't that just people just kinky in the weird shit well no no thanks huh no wait what you think it is I think it's pushed I think the boundaries is highly pushed yeah but who the ruling Elite ruling class I want to say really I'm sorry I'm not allowed to sit around and go you know we need to do we need to push the box right well when you look at the degradation of Russia right for the Bolshevik Revolution what they do is they come in first with alcohol right so he purchased your hops and barley and they produce alcohol then what they do is they sell the alcohol to the farmer on credit cause he ain't got no money right because he been drunk he hasn't been producing a crop psyche should he falls into credit he falls into debt when he falls into that he's now a slave to the land he once owned now and I can sell whatever I want to this population or give this population whatever I want because they are now technically my slave
► 01:07:16in order to rule a nation of people you have to destroy morality you have to destroy Integrity so you feed them drugs alcohol and sex
► 01:07:27and then tear apart the family but do you think that that's just a natural progression of people's slaven Lee instincts or do you think that some sort of a grand plan will have a slav only Instinct some people do yeah I think some people lazy and some people week and some people are greedy and some people just they lean towards they lean towards just pleasure without sacrificing discipline because it's easy if they just lay in bed and jerk off I don't think anybody's telling them I don't think there's any Sinister government manipulating their strings that makes them watch porn all day I think they just like yeah it actually you know Instagrams a gateway to porn
► 01:08:08Instagram you can't go anywhere without looking at some booty right yeah but it's also a gateway to sunsets and people's kids and muscle cars and Samoa Joe cool shit anybody going on Instagram it has sunsets people are going to Instagram and look at booty there's a lot of that no doubt yoga Community has went from hey check out my back Asana to check out my backside yeah that's right lot of yoga pants picks booty booty booty just booty alone is an industry it is a giant industry on Instagram yeah so what happens is you wake up in the morning you check your notifications then your homie tags you look at this chick Palm right now you have an erection what's the first thing you do you like let me go to my browser hoping incognito browsing hip pain huh boom now you out of here right now your day is done you just depleted your energy right and this coming out my book where I talk about you know why you shouldn't jerk off and on and stuff but you did
► 01:09:08right that you shouldn't jerk-off yeah never well there's a calculation you have a jerk-off algorithm yeah there's a jerk-off algorithm it's created bought at out the Taoist sexology and I think it's your age times to know the age divided by two times when I forget what it is it's in my book I can't remember it but I got it from the towel right this is why I don't have it memorized time Point me Sage times point two things H times point two and then to tell you how many days right so at my age I'm 38 now my age it's about seven and a half days between ejaculation to mean to maintain who I am really yeah and damn yes so a man strength is his balls right that's right so every time you deplete yourself you're not the same man anymore you lose your superpowers now when you lose your superpowers to some you know
► 01:10:09IG model it's not even worthy your orgasm doesn't feel the same as a natural interaction would a woman right you know what I mean true so you're wasting your superpower on like fictional fantasy so you're wasting a percentage of your vital energy your final energy as well as the proteins and minerals and zinc and magnesium and all that stuff that you know is lost yeah you know I think it's equivalent to like to New York strip steaks eggs oranges and apples or something like that really oh yeah it's a lot of vitamins that's why I Ever Wanted on the size of the load you shoot though no oh yeah yeah that's why ladies should swallow whoa Jesus ladies I'm sorry that's why you should ingest it if the man is healthy because it's a full meal the full meal it's a full meal of of nutrients that a man loses its vile available that way one of them is
► 01:11:08studies I'm very have a bit people done like nutrition / load studies probably a start-up out there like trying to do this right now yeah calculating to a nap mmm where is this conversation going now weird spot while we're talking about manipulating you turning you into a soy boy my yeah week it's you you think this actually this is where we differ you think this is actual manipulation taking place I think it's this Natural Instincts and then I think that people see it around them and then they cater to those Natural Instincts and they support those Natural Instincts I think people have a natural instinct to be undisciplined and lazy and just gratuitous and you know yeah dive into pleasure before sacrifice and commitment and so we making excuses for not making excuses I think it's a also the softness of the world we live in oh yeah may we live in this incredibly easy to get by and world right you know where the poor people are fat
► 01:12:08yeah there's never been a time in history were poor people are fat yeah that comes down to what's weird actual food yeah so cough it's certainly that is certainly the food is garbage but it's also that this is just strange lack of discipline because it's not it's not necessary all you do is just show up to your job put in the least amount of effort you can without getting fired and you can exist right that didn't that didn't happen in the wild world when people were hunters and gatherers if you didn't put a hundred percent effort if you didn't really struggle you didn't make it you're in a benefit to the tribe and they kicked your ass out and you got eaten yeah yeah yeah yeah that's how it's supposed to be I do agree with that yeah I do agree with that discipline is is you know what we have to demand from people you know but you know your culture has to recognize debauchery and and shun it and ban it and say like hey you know we don't want this here you know porn is readily available on
► 01:13:09watch it right in your feet sometimes I'm scrolling my feet and I know that's a weird thing about Twitter isn't it that it's a giant platform but they allow porn yeah when I had Jack on with Tim pool and I think Tim pull didn't even know the poem was legal on it yeah right sort out yeah I found that a little bit of information I don't know how accurate the same pools Twitter use no on The Jackie Elation frequency yeah recommended by the towels he said the most respected of the towel theorists son some meow quoted above recommends ejaculation no more than once every 20 days for men over 50 Jesus and no more than once every hundred days for men over 60 weird that I should be dead okay and it has to do with it I have no energy how am I getting everything done you're getting AIDS retarding hormones as you're about to ejaculate and then there's a level you want to keep before you ejaculate so so that's what your before you excrete the hormones that's what it's saying so Tantra
► 01:14:08we like the guy is supposed to come and turn Elizabeth yeah there's a level you can't like optimize yourself in Jackie Elation and call it lets people out of their fucking minds I'm trying to get rid of this shit I've always said that it helps you think because too many times of with a man your your mind is clouded by sexual desire if you could just jerk off and then you can think clearly I was telling myself a bit about it I say jerk off first then think about it like if you jerk off and then you want to call girls because you love her you know just trying to fuck you actually like her as a human being you want to be around her you don't just be want to want to be around over sex you actually really love her yeah I think there's a level of discipline right so yeah if you got about to make that that risky text message yeah you might want to shoot your low and that's right that's that's what I'm talking about when you like what the fuck I'm gonna watch them fucking documentary that phone down but that's for an undisciplined man yes right so a
► 01:15:08and he's going to say no I'm not going to send this thirst trap you know this this thirsty comment I'm going to stay disciplined and who I am because in order to get the woman I have to stay away from the woman you know in order to get the woman have to stay away from the woman yeah and and and and and keeping your you're at your vital man energy for me keeps me like on edge like ones like an animal you know what I mean right because I want to release right I'm saying so what I do is I'll work up that energy and then Channel it into work hmm I'll just immediately pull my laptop out just bang out because it's like that frustration there and then just you got to release it that way or I'll go running on go work out hmm saying but when I get around women what a full sack
► 01:16:02I'm not the same as when I'm empty yes and they sit you can see the difference in how they attracted you you sit up different your chest pokes out when you're around other men you're like a little bit more edgy yeah you know what I mean after you blow your load your kind of like sold out yeah non competitive non-competitive yeah I just sent you hold on to that like Fighters you know how to fight go fight Mike Tyson never did that Mike Tyson said no I always like to come with much as possible fun I'm not distracted and just shoot his load in a beat the fuck out of everybody but I think Mike had a lot of extra loads I think if you had a guest like it's level he was just Ultraman you know there was is it was not a regular man says a research published by the US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health found that after seven days of not ejaculating men's testosterone levels reached 145 point seven percent of the Baseline
► 01:17:00damn interesting thing is that they didn't observe significant fluctuations from the Baseline on days two through five the research also showed that the peak levels were a day seven yeah risks Dow it's actually Dow by the way it's ta oh it's you say it is Dau like a the Dow of Jeet Kune do-- risks of to frequent ejaculation when sex is performed with the recommended dowel frequency it becomes an inexhaustible source of energy like a well that never runs dry yeah however when ejaculation frequency exceeds the capacity of the body to fully replenish the semen man can experience chronic fatigue low resistance loss of sex drive loss of focus and irritability long-term excessive exactly Jack ulation can cause chronic low zinc conditions which can cause chronic fatigue mental confusion and significant loss of sexual drive but what have your with a freak like that girl will Harris was talking about
► 01:18:00out my friend will Harris was in here the other day and you say the human beings to meet these girls and go oversea oh it's also considered harmful to ejaculate when ill drunk or Gorge with food whoa here's the neck the next line oh which one ejaculation control and discipline is not to be confused with the frequency of sex there are significant physiologic Fizz what's that word physiological don't think it's supposed to be a period there oh physiologic and therapeutic benefits to having sex frequent sex intercourse maintains a man's interest in the acts as well as his capacity to continue indefinitely until his Partners fully satisfied so they're saying fuck but don't come yes there's people out of your fucking mind I come every time I fuck y'all I used to try to get rid of stuff I used to fucking 30864 girls has like that we would not come yeah really they start crying wow I had a girl like straight down and break up crying I can't please you is it me is it
► 01:19:01I'm just like no I just want you to be happy how you feel I feel good good then I go when I hit the laptop and it just tears I'm also really oh kitty litter right because like nature wants them to get you to come yes women only respected discipline man and you know that is true once a woman can drop your defenses she's no longer attracted to you if she can control you she's not attracted to you a woman wants a man she could Chase in my book I talk about how women are the apex predator they're the ones that chase after sex I mean they can have sex endlessly right once we not is like we're pretty much done like I mean you me a couple minutes to recharge but it could keep going right so there you know technically like you know freaks or whatever but just because she's undisciplined and her Sexual Energy doesn't mean you have to be and if she feels like she has to go outside of the relationship to go get her fix that's the one heard it has nothing to do with you your aspirations as a man are higher than sex
► 01:20:00woman's role is to create life and support the man the man's role is to create the forging the future of humanity you know building things and innovating it is true that a woman is not attracted to a guy without discipline like man her lazy and week that other giant turn off to ya woman but if a woman is hot she could be pretty lazy absolutely they are the laziest people ever we don't care men don't I don't care if a girl's lazy she's hot well long as your body holds up my she can get to the gym I used to make girls work to get me mad really yeah like you know I would say you know I'm working on his project you know I'm a senior spreadsheet over I need you to go organize it and if she'd say no I just be like I will you're worthless to my life
► 01:20:48I need a nice - going to build with me right what if she's building her own shit fucker shit go build your shit you know if you need help I'll help you right but you know she want a partner yeah don't want just a lover that's what you're saying no no you want someone to help you no I want her to prove her worth whoa she got to be worthy to get me like you know it's easy to get a girl then easily get him good man you now only going to find one hotep Jesus in your life I can find a ton of you shorty wow everywhere on Instagram after Joe Rogan is going to be they're going to be everywhere now some would say that that's a sexist generalization sure
► 01:21:33I don't care what the time carelessly have that conversation like bring your platform we can talk and I'll you know if you want to call it Sexes it is what it is have you ever had a conversation with like a radical feminist about this kind of thinking no they won't talk to me they all block me they're blocking this video you know the whole the whole black left feminist the reason why they blocked me is because they can't beat me right when we have conversations I'm so objective that it's too dangerous for them to engage with me I also because I'll be like it's sexist yes Aunt so let's let's continue the conversation and then that's where they don't want to go but then they're going to have to provide reinforcement and evidence in the den with an educated man and I'm going to come with my evidence and facts so you don't have a problem being sexist that's what the problem is because if someone calls you sexist and you go yeah yeah I'm sexist yeah it is what is this is like a smart call me racist sure whatever I don't care what your opinion is I don't care about these isms that you create I
► 01:22:33nature I understand myself that's an interesting thing that I see today that this I find really strange is that people that are denying evolutionary biology mean there's yeah Decades of research being done why people behave the way they behave what women are attracted to what men are attracted to and what the spectrum is mm-hmm and then they say science is racist yeah that's what's Weird Science is sexist fuck your science that's a fucking fascinating to me when people don't want to look at it because it doesn't support their ideology they want to deny all this research to deny all these really objective Geniuses that have been studying all this stuff and the best Minds in the field of come to these conclusions based on just
► 01:23:16insurmountable amounts of data mmm not interested huh so fine I patriarchy yeah I have a shirt that says I am the patriarchy you know like no matter what you throw at me I'm just going to embrace it in my show you yeah it's real there is a patriarchy there's also a matriarchy you need to handle your matriarchy and stop worrying about the patriarchy because if you handled your matriarchy the patriarchy wouldn't be your problem the problem is you don't know how to be a woman
► 01:23:44what do you think is a good piece of advice for women on how to be a woman a good piece of advice I want you like woman hotep hotep teaches women hotep teaches women hmm what's a good emotional control motion control and so the number one problem I see with women is a lot here right all right let's go here okay
► 01:24:10women let their friends they tell their friends E-Business yes stopped at stop telling your friends you but it's definitely like when I have problems with you know my girl or you know in the past when I have problems with women and run back yo guess what man yo oh man we don't do that if my friends do that they better be laughing right if my friend goes to he's not gonna believe this shit said to me if they give you a hard time but if they go to don't know mood she wants me to quit my job like hey don't do that to me man put that shit on me yeah you know so so so I think women also you have to understand that they're giving this information to our friend who is also single when a woman gets in a relationship she loses her friend right because now you have less time to spend with your bestie so the best he's jealous of the relationship so whenever you go back and tell her she's never going to give you sound advice true she's always going to take your side yep so you have to judge you
► 01:25:08and I say well if I'm giving this information to my friend to see an objective friend Orsi's a subjective French he's going to feed my ego if you can't analyze that on your own then you'll never have peace in relationship because the worst thing to do is here's the problem the relationships built on trust so if a man and a woman come together and you tell all my business to your friend where's the trust where's our privacy mmm we have none right we have no we don't have a relationship you have a relationship with your friend so go be with your friend I don't got time to be you know I'd something happens in my personal life I'm going to go tell this strange girl what happened in my personal life something I told you that was Private to relate it to something else that could be happening in our relationship and I mean yeah but I think we have different instincts women have the instinct to gossip they love it it's just it comes from that hunter-gatherer culture we're back in the day that's what happened the men would go out and try to hunt the food and the women would stay home and they would talk shit yeah absolutely yeah again discipline yourself women yeah another thing get a hobby
► 01:26:08the one mmm women don't have hobbies their hobbies are all consumer is some swimmers mm don't have hobbies all of them halt not that although I know women with Hobbies all of them that's true but you know in my book I say you know say all because it gets people going right gets upset yeah it gets people going because they always go well no it's um it's like I know it's some you moron you know what I'm saying it by say all just to get people going but majority women don't have hobbies you know do so I think that is because they're inundated with advertising you know their Hobbies become consumerism oh you know retail therapy or you know I do makeup for fun you don't do makeup for fun that's not what you do that's not a hobby makeups not a hobby I'm sorry ladies a hobby is something that develops your individual person something that makes you better
► 01:27:01some kind of a discipline an art form some way to express yeah some physical thing that you do yeah like so like one of my hobbies is chest right that helps me focus when I when I see that my attention span is getting short because I spent too much time in social media I go to chest and I'll spend time on chest to bring that back to reality you play physical chess with you play online Allah yeah I can do OT be but you know I do most OTB over the board oh well that's that means physical Powers that's a lie that's what you call yes quality big Dudu speed chess we hit the timer do you do regular chest well on I do speeches I do five minigames that's impressive yeah yeah it's a whole nother I've been scared of Chess I've always been scared shut I have an obsession with games yeah real problems and chasis it's one of I've played it a little bit but I'm like fuck this could take over my life it would yeah yeah yeah you know if I'm not careful I'll be sleeping
► 01:28:00being and and playing chess oh yeah like sometimes I'll be chilling like will be having a conversation and I'll spaced out and be doing chest problems in my head so that happens sometimes you know a lot especially on days that I play a lot of Chess I remember Howard Stern was really getting a chance and he was taking private lessons he was talking about all the time I think he found the same thing to do you remember that I think he found the same thing I think he just got too obsessed with it's like I can't fucking do this anymore yeah yeah well one of my life goals is to be a chess master one day really yeah yeah you know when you say chess master what do you have to do to be a master okay so you have National Master thinking of international master and then you have game master or the GM I forget what it's called National Master you have to participate in I believe one of the tournaments one of the forget the Federation but you have to answer one of these tournaments and you have to place a certain
► 01:28:58you know I think it's maybe top 2 or top 3 at a certain tournament I don't quote me on this stuff but you have to go through the torrents and I think in order to become International you have to first become National master and the national match you can go be International if I'm not mistaken and then you know GM do you ever see the video of Eddie Fisher or Bob Fisher when Bobby Fischer was walking down this row of chess games he was playing yeah like ten different games simultaneously yeah the the champ now got Carlson does something similar we're Carlson will play you know several people or help play without a board that always interested me I've seen people do that yeah this dude I knew who went to prison was playing with his pool holidays play on White Plains executive Billiards and this kid was a Chess Masters like a sixteen-year-old I don't know Master me about Chess genius right 16 year old kid and
► 01:29:57playing with this dude he was like in his 40s who had been in prison he learned how to play chess with no board and prison so they were just sitting across from each other talking saying the moves and then they would both like recognize where the pieces were on the board yeah really interesting yeah I mean that that level of visualization is where Humanity has to take itself
► 01:30:20you know that's why I say chess is great because it allows you to visualize and in order to manifest your desires in this world you have to be able to visualize what you want the more you can focus the more you can visualize the better your mind is I believe because our life is based upon visualization you see I'm saying yeah women need to get back to that too
► 01:30:42visualizing goals I think women are are very spiritual so in Africa there's this man I'm slipping on my studies and studies long time ago but the man is holding a child and the woman is pointing up to the sky right and it's like the man is like that Earthly thing like we handled things in the physical and the woman's sort of like that into intuitive being women have to get back to being that intuitive being because if you notice our women always seem to warn us about stuff right oh my God don't just like damn I should have listened till that time the yeah you know what I'm saying they have to get back to their spiritual nature and I think a lot of them get away from that and that'll ground them to when they won't need so much emotional support from friends and family because they are back in their spiritual nature well how does a woman do that you start meditating you know meditate and being happy with just being alone with yourself hmm a lot of people can't be alone with themselves
► 01:31:43yeah you know they always need like some sort of device or this is an interesting that it's attractive when people are capable of being alone like I remember these two girls were talking about some God that one of them was dating and she goes yeah he's really into his career which is a huge turn-on mmm-hmm I was like oh that's interesting yeah he just needs time he's disciplined he works all the time so he's working on his career which is a huge turn-on most likely you total hopefully little Cluckers well women have to get back to that to like yeah I learn how to pick a good man sometimes y'all at picking crap men based upon him money or things that they have you get a relation you fun eyes on a thousand dollars in debt douche right yeah it's got these things I think women have to get better at seeing potential in men but don't they have to be tricked a few times before they can see the problems yeah that's my problem it's yeah that's a fucking dirty thing for a girl let some loser fuck you and go fuck God damn it yeah yeah I had them thought I had a winner
► 01:32:43I mean I've been a victim of that went out in the victim but you know I've done that to him myself sorry ladies you know back in the day yeah yeah done some wrong stuff well we become a different person as time goes on yeah you grow from it part of evolution of human yeah yeah yeah yeah I think society's expectations and women are it's very difficult for a man to understand it you know we see it from the outside but to feel it as a woman it's got to be very different I mean and there's a lot of women out there that are looking for a man and like a successful man they're looking for a successful man and they want to tax themselves and that's like that's the goal yeah doesn't that that's not a goal of men so it's very difficult for us to understand that our goal for you know obviously we're generalizing right but our goal is to be successful ourselves right well you can't you can't know what man you want unless you know who you are hmm and a lot of people are getting relationships without being in relationship with themselves first
► 01:33:43so when you know in order to
► 01:33:49have a sound relationship you have to know your socioeconomic stance
► 01:33:55it's sad when you get into a relationship with a conservative and your liberal and I start arguing about Donald Trump hmm in a relationship breaks because he's on one side these are the conversations that you need to have upfront and if you don't know where you are politically and socially economically for example they say a lot of relationships break up because of money right you got one person's a bad spender the other ones Thrifty right these are the conversations you have first how do you manage your money you know are you good with your money you know and if you guys don't agree with how you want to pull your resource and how you want to pull your money and what you want to do with it in the future you know some people you might get a relationship with a girl and she's like I want a Porsche and I want a Land Rover and I'm like I want to business I want a VC you know what I mean yeah so you have two people that are going separate directions one's going as consumer at one's going in depending you know producer route so you have to first see are you consumer maybe you need to be equipped with a consumer are you a producer you don't need to be with a consumer you need to find someone as producer
► 01:34:55so if you have you agree on social economics you'll have a better relationship with people but you have to know what you want out of life first and then find people connected based upon that not the physical looks and all that other stuff yeah I think sometimes people think they want something because it's very difficult to attain they see these things they go oh that's the that's the prize yeah well you know the thing is he stuff aren't hard to obtain like you know getting a Porsche isn't hard it's hard for a lot of people depends on how much you make what you do what kind of job you trapped in heart is relative right you know like like I tell my kids heart is basically undiscovered that's all it is right so for example when you first do Algebra it's hard right but that's just because it's new so hard equals new
► 01:35:43that's what hard means it's new because once you do algebra 345 10 times is not new anymore and therefore it's not hard so once you break past the the newness of a thing it's no longer hard like building a business it's not new to me therefore it's not hard
► 01:36:04it's very easy for me to build a business yeah because I've done it so many times in my life you see I'm saying Jeff it's size is Cash flowing for X what it was doing when I first joined the company and I do is make a few tweaks that's only because I'm not new to the tech startup space I've been working with over 20 startups over 20 startups and in a matter of two three years as a consultant so this stuff when people say oh it's hard it's like not enough how hard you it's new and you're an idiot and you don't know what you're doing it's not hard to achieve anything in life my you know I used to work for $0.50 right and yeah when I lived in New Brunswick right by Rutgers I I wasn't really a 50-cent fan I enjoy his music I wasn't a fan to buy a poster I bought this poster was him and G-Unit and had this big stash of money I was like yo this just this poster motivates me you fast forward 10 years and some other things I did to get
► 01:37:04250 and I actually work with 50 that was technically hard right it's not easy to get Nick to 50 but when I did it it happened like that then I started working with Carmelo Anthony so you're saying once it actually happened to turn it wasn't actually hard no hard it's hard there's some people know they're just not disciplined hmm hard hard is dealing with yourself that's what's hard can you defeat your own mind so it when I wake up every morning the only thing I got to defeat his doubt it's the only thing I have to defeat once I defeat doubt I live in a limitless World infinite possibilities I can literally do anything you so so people told me oh in order to be in Tech you know you need a million dollars and that's that in the dirt dude I got equity in three tech companies
► 01:37:57three tech companies and I'm not rich I didn't you know put up Millions to get into these companies I'm part of these companies because I built me
► 01:38:06and it wasn't hard it really wasn't hard again to these companies I just had something to offer and they saw value in me I want to be the next Elon Musk I want to be the next Bill Gates I want to be the guy that Zuckerberg hates you saying I'm saying I want to be the guy that that builds the new Silicon Valley on the East Coast you know that like that's those are my aspirations so when people tell me what you can and cannot do in is hard I'm like dude I'm selling Bitcoin how many black dudes you know sell Bitcoin
► 01:38:40none I'm not anybody who sells Bitcoin exactly and people are telling me this is hard it's not hard you you get what you want and and I didn't get in the Bitcoin out of dumb luck I manifested that I said I wanted to sell Bitcoin how can I manifest it and I let it go in the universe brought me the opportunity to happen when I said when I first said I want to be a VC first thing I want to do is start building a portfolio I didn't look for companies they found me it just I just had to ask the universe and it presented opportunities not just had to choose what do you mean by how to ask the Universe I had to put the intention out there so do you think that literally by thinking about things you can make them happen you can make the opportunity present itself
► 01:39:26and then you have to be ready to take advantage so let's we got to walk through the story 250 something right so I get invited to his bus launch right for the company now I'm sitting on the bus they moved me to the back because of security reasons so I'm going back of the bus when the bus start moving and my head fear kicks in and out kicks in and I'm telling myself I should just hop we with the bus stop and I said I should just hop up and just start screaming I'm on the bus with 50 Cent and I'm like no I don't do it like they invited you out here you gotta sit here and that's not right and you know all these things in society says is right so I stand up and I go yo I want to bust a 50-cent right and in the whole crowd rushes the bus after the crowd finishes they take one of the energy drink shirts they throw it on me throat it had on me they bring me to the front of the bus now I'm sitting next to 50 Cent fast forward two years later I'm in a 50 Cent company
► 01:40:16but it's because I started off with defeating doubt
► 01:40:21but also listening to my intuition my intuition said to hop up and do that right but the opportunity was presented to me I didn't I didn't create opportunity they DM me and said yo we want you to come
► 01:40:37I didn't ask they invited me but it's because I kept putting that 50 Cent energy out there hmm he seems I kept putting that out there like I wanna mess with 50 Cent I want missing for 10 years I've been putting in information that that energy out there 50 of you listening yo holla at me I want to work with you again but I really I just really love 15 his attitude he's just really a fun dude he had a funny thing about Father's Day he's around about Father's Day there's she Father's Day Mother's Day very funny oh but you know the universe anything you ask for it will present the opportunity only thing is are you woke enough to see it
► 01:41:16can you identify when it hits and and can you defeat the fear to attend do you have all the other bases in your life covered where you have the bandwidth to tackle some corrective for calls correct correct but usually the universe only presents New Opportunities you can handle data it usually it doesn't because if you couldn't handle it you wouldn't be able to recognize it do you say this like the universe presents us to you this like a spiritual concept it is this like your you manifesting reality with your thoughts and intentions do you really believe that all of that why do you believe that because I lived it I experienced it but you lived it and you're successful at it see that's my my perspective on that is always you hear about things like the secret The Law of Attraction you hear that from people that are successful they say well I willed it into existence yeah but what about the people that tried to will it into existence and nothing ever worked out right well or at labora right or at leboy Latin for work and pray a lot of people going to the secret they just praying but they ain't working right that's important you know so I do
► 01:42:16see what use I don't look at it in the same way but I look at it in a similar way I think there is something to intention there's something and there's something also to having that kind of Faith to believe in intention whereas I think a lot of people do they're reluctant to give in to that because it seems to woo and yeah seems like some crystals and fucking astrology and horseshit you know I mean because it's a lot of that out there a lot of this is the new age has ruined the Law of Attraction you know what I mean oh just speaking into assistant happen now that's not true you have to first educate yourself so when we talk about hotep right we talked about hotep you got to bring up the five percent Nation you got to bring up Supreme mathematics 00 Cipher one knowledge to wisdom three understanding but it first starts at the number one right number one is knowledge so the problem is people are trying to manifest but ain't got no knowledge of anything right so how do you manifest something with no knowledge got to educate yourself you've got to first start educating yourself discipline yourself so that
► 01:43:16educate yourself as well right and also knowledge is the springboard for imagination
► 01:43:22right so if there's a complicated calculus problem but you don't know what calculus is how can the intuition feed you Insight or inspiration to solve a calculus problem you first have to have the knowledge of calculus then when you get it you get all this influx of inspiration like Einstein talks about you know he sits down and kind of meditates in the inspiration comes but the inspiration can only talk to you based upon your understanding
► 01:43:51because they are saying yes so the problem is people out here not educating themselves you know I my day begins and ends with educating myself begins ends and during the day I'm just reading books hopping between books and reading and listening to lectures and people think I'm deep and I'm like I don't know I don't know whatever whatever I'm telling you but really My secret is consuming as much information as possible mmm that's my secret and in from that I'm able to say oh well you know you know studying history you know you can do a lot of things but if you're not educating yourself or doing
► 01:44:31you got to do something like just start you know what I mean when you said you going to write a new book you're in the middle of writing a book are you putting this kind of stuff in your book all right so the next guidelines like that so I didn't rob you got guidelines like that is the thing that's very critical when someone sees someone who's successful and see someone they see someone with disciplined and focused like okay what do you what are your guidelines how do you do this and how like the way you're laying it out like right now so so this book here right this Twitter marketing yeah this book is the how how do you do it right like how do you physically build a brand from start using Twitter as a platform that is book can actually be used for any platform I just use Twitter as the example right but this is the how that people won't tell you about what markers won't tell you about this is the how writes all the sixes in it now the next book I have is with the editor it's done it's written that's for men and how to have peaceful relationships with women right because as we see does a gender war in America so we need to create peace and what I say is default is known the
► 01:45:31the folders on the map right so that book was the cover was designed by Rollo tomassi the rational male author then we have the book a hotel because what you're talking about which is already written are only two three years ago and it's that that structure for your life so you can manifest these things you know so you can use spirit in your work to manifest these things if you're a Christian their secrets in the Bible that show you how to you know manifest things mmm so you have to you can't ignore your spiritual self if you ever watch Doctor Strange she pushes him out and his astral body comes down so the human being is dual nature we have our physical body and we have an astral body if you never connect with your astral body only use a half of your potentials what's your astral body it's basically
► 01:46:26any Theory you'll version of
► 01:46:31your physical body but it's not bound by time and space so what do you mean by that though what does that mean what do you mean what does that they were real version of your spiritual body like it's not physically can't touch it okay right you can't like interact with it right okay but it can travel through space and time right
► 01:46:50well we talked about our higher selves or we can to make things more understandable because all this stuff is based upon subconscious mind right so you use your subconscious mind to program I mean use your conscious mind to program your subconscious mind then subconscious mind communicates it to your higher mind than a higher mind that's where the magic stuff happens is out of your control now the higher mind Spirit or God or Jesus whatever you want to believe in that's when they start working on this stuff but it has to be a part of you and then Life Starts reflecting what's in your subconscious mind but did the astral body thing is kind of like something that we use to either communicate with people in long-distance travel through time to see things that have happened in foreign lands at different times get inspiration so when we look at Think and Grow Rich write the book Think and Grow Rich was until you do it tells you create a council of I think he says dead people or something like that
► 01:47:50right so create accounts of debt people your counsel right so if I did mine and probably like Malcolm X 2 pi Nipsey Hussle you know like a whole bunch of people right and you have this congregation Meeting of Minds you can't do that with your physical body so who's going to be present at this meeting your astral body has to be present at this meeting so that's an example of how we've seen that science taught and Think and Grow Rich right so we can't stay this stuff is like but aren't you saying when you're talking about like a council of dead people you're saying like your imagination you're looking at this Council of dead people like what would Tupac do like that yeah shit what how would I draw inspiration from Hamid a lie how would I how would I take the the knowledge of you know
► 01:48:39fill in the blank whoever's dead that the yeah brilliant yeah so there is that aspect right where it's your imagination right what would Jesus do right well I think that's it that is that's the thing right so but we have to understand is there's going to be a sliver of inspirational in sight so let's say 90% of your meeting with these people are pure physical your mind imagining these things then is that one slivered at 110 percent that slides through that gives you that peace of inspiration that you never would have thought about it's like an idea you know sometimes you're telling me like oh oh yeah you know that idea that just pops in your head that is what happens now once you get more advanced you can get more of that influx of inspiration from you know Spirit or whatever you want to call it get more advanced meaning practice this you all the time yeah yeah yeah practicing you know using your astral body to project out and being in another space Happy Gilmore calls it his happy space and I would have movie yeah all right so what did
► 01:49:39do in order to manifest his dreams he went to his happy place mmm to detach himself from his physical problems mmm and then he came back and he put in it would do do do do do do he did the impossible so it's likely trying to let you know so if you were to construct this and put this down into guidelines you you're basically streamlining the process of how to be a successful and how to how to just yeah make your dream come true make make your reality how to be a person who's got their shit together yeah you know the main thing is problem with people especially young people they don't know what they want to do they don't know the passion your purpose and again it just comes back to knowledge are you studying
► 01:50:27take your interest and study it when you get bored with it drop it move on to the next thing but you know like over the years I've collected a lot of skills all of them being used now you know like I'm not Photoshop guy but I know how to use Photoshop but that happened because I one point I was running a Blog had to know how to edit something or do something you know what I mean so just because it's not a skill you want like at one point I had photography business when Myspace is popping out a photography business now I don't do photography anymore but I understand it so when I'm someplace I can still use these skills whether it's for a product or something or event I can still use these skills to my advantage you know what I mean so even if you don't like that skill at that time it might come in play later on right but the bottom line is you have to start with your knowledge and then and then allow the spirit or intuition to feed it
► 01:51:28right now to feed it like I'll use my logical mind like my logical mind is only for after inspiration
► 01:51:37all right you get that yeah so you get inspired and then you use your logical mind figure out how to make this work right now and that's where we have to be let the let the logical mind just carry out the menial tasks let the higher monitor into wish and Lead the Way
► 01:51:56now do you think of these things as being like separate entities or is this all a part of you it's all one so you think when you think of your your higher mind how do you visualize this do you do you visualize this as something that you don't necessarily have control of but you can tap into yeah I guess you could look at it like that like you know I'm not the Dalai Lama on this topic you know I mean but you know I for one exercise what I might do is I love I put light around my head I visualize a sphere of light around my head and you see this in religious texts and art you always see Jesus Christ or Saints they always have this glow around the head they call it a Halo right but really the Halo is like your aura right but also the second aspect is that when I want to use my brain in an advanced way I can start the firing of neutrons or whatever the technical term is by
► 01:52:55using something even if I want to visualize you know thunderstorms in my head you know that'll get the brain working you know but usually like light if I want to do distant healing right let's say you tell me you sick right I probably shouldn't be saying this but um if I want to do distant healing I would envelop you in light
► 01:53:16I would sit at home rest make sure you sleep then I would picture light around your okay do you think that you can do that you think you can actually heal people from a distance no you're not healing anything what you're doing is you're giving the intention to God that you want this person to be healed and God or the universe is healing we can't heal a damn thing right but you really think that by thinking about something you can put that intentionality to little change the result yes really what makes you think that well they have these scientific tests I haven't studied this in a while but there's a test where they fire like these electrons or something like that and the electrons are suppose to be like on a predictable path and then when they introduce people to the experiment the intentions are you don't take the wave Spirit you know the problem with that is that's misinterpreted okay the the real change is in observing it yes but the changes in observing it because you're measuring it so by measuring it
► 01:54:16changing the pattern like if you talk to a real physicist about it they've added all this whoo to this right that's unnecessary because really what it is is just the tools the instrument to use them to measure it or changing the results yeah I could definitely see that the thing is that physics has to marry spirituality and spirituality has to match has to marry physics if you don't have that connection between the two we don't got the whole picture hmm spirituality is a weird word what does that mean it's a very taboo word is very abused word it's abused for sure it's I'm not religious but I'm spiritual like that kind of shit yeah that's where it gets weird yeah I don't like that at all you know when I speak about spirituality I'm speaking about something that really can't be put into words it's unfathomable you know our language isn't designed to talk about this stuff hmm you know when we look at or well and Newspeak there's certain words that don't exist for this stuff you have to use a ancient language and even ancient
► 01:55:16you try to translate to English is like we don't have a word for this you ever had your scene seems like ancient Hebrew when they try to translate things right ancient Hebrew add all the numbers were actually all the letters rather actually numbers as well correct correct yeah do you know when you talk about Halos that the original Halo was a mushroom cap what yeah mushroom cap yeah all you got my okay I got you the original Halo mmm was well there's a book called The Sacred Mushroom in the cross it's by gianmarco Allegro and he was a Biblical scholar that was one of the guys that was assigned to decipher the Dead Sea Scrolls which is the oldest version of the Bible yes the only one I think that they've ever found it's written in Aramaic and it was found in qumran and these clay clay tap these clay jars and it's there it's all made Unwritten on animal skins and to decipher it they actually had to run DNA tests on the animal skins to figure out which skins belong to which animal so they could put all the stuff together to figure out like
► 01:56:16this all these pieces were a part of this one scroll yeah well this guy John Mark Allegro studied it for 14 years and it was his conclusion after he was done that the entire Christian religion was a giant misunderstanding what it was originally about was the consumption of psychedelic mushrooms and fertility rituals and they started doing all these like these different Scholars who studied Ancient Art and ancient religious art they started finding these this mushroom iconography and all this ancient artwork and one of the things they notice is that the bottom of a mushroom you take a particularly the Amanita muscaria mushroom which is the one that they connect to to the Christian religion look at the bottom of it and see what it looks like with all those lines now look at that that was the original Halo okay if you see that picture about with Jesus but the halo around his head the Halo was essentially the bottom of a mushroom cap and the idea they believed was that
► 01:57:16these people were the ones that were consuming the psychedelic mushroom so they have this great wisdom and this is this connection to God that's what they thought Mana was that there's they thought these psychedelic mushrooms were the Flesh of God like to yeah and so that when you have these ancient religions that were possibly based on the consumptions of the Psychedelic mushrooms all that stuff is kind of been lost in the translation over years and years and years and then even the visualization of the Halos change yeah and there's also some really crazy ones of naked people dancing in ecstasy surrounded by this translucent mushroom image so the idea that they were in these mushroom induced euphoric States and that they were dancing around these all these religious depictions yeah very interesting because if you think about ancient religions right no no science they had no idea what shape the world was they didn't know anything but they did know if you found these
► 01:58:16and you took on mute rip your fucking balls off right you would have this incredible experience they thought that was God you know that there was that was their connection to God you know so there's that's interesting yeah it's a great book in the Catholic Church actually bought it out and they they got rid of it and then you could only buy used copies of it but then it was republished recently of the last few years someone got the rights to it mmm yeah that's interesting 10 stuff yeah I like that conversation yeah that's sexy you know anything that goes away from the norm I think is real sexy son needs to end need to be taught and needs to be talked about
► 01:58:54you know I'm speaking of sexy woman accused Trump rape said that she's talking about rape being sexy yeah and I'm Anderson Cooper's like we'll be right back kind of the commercial Flats yeah she's a loony bin well she seems like she might be medicated yeah you can definitely tell there's something off do yeah maybe maybe she's super nervous being on television to that's also know it's hard to figure out how people are when you see them on television because
► 01:59:24I like to consider myself a good judge of character she's off her rocker she seems off her rocker I don't know him personally be some people really do have panic attacks when the cameras on that white light near the CNN Studios and then and it just comes out weird and then they like what the fuck was wrong with me right right yeah yeah I could see that I don't think in her case I think she's just really like
► 01:59:50do you think she's trying to sell a book stronzo some you see definitely want some attention but Teflon Don is you can't do nothing Teflon Don is crazy how he's been able to shake everything off everything if you stand ten toes down and Kim are you do not until you that's why I keep saying like don't worry about these tech companies stand ten toes down and ten toes down yeah it was that mean Stanley if you know stand on your foot like you know I stand your ground yeah it don't waver just because somebody says something yeah well I got criticized a lot of Allah in my response is I said what I said
► 02:00:29you know how I'll infuriate the left and our Fury 8 the right and the right of feel like well as week you were approached Trump and now you're saying something that's different is like and well you got the most shit I think for that Starbucks video the sorry this video is hilarious thank you when you walked into Starbucks and you said here you go out you guys are racist I'm here to get my free Starbucks and that lady was like okay Amanda shout out to Amanda yeah that's Amanda yeah yeah I heard that hold on I'll get you a coffee it's like I didn't know you could just give away coffee work at Starbucks but I guess she just did I manifested day where was that that was New Jersey Woodbury calm his mate that's hilarious yeah but you know like I manifested and you can go look at that the Tweet two weeks before said I said if you want to be on mainstream media pretend to be liberal then I also said I said to my followers I said can you get me on Fox News the next week I pulled this stunt and then got on Fox News
► 02:01:29now when they had you on Fox News what was the premise what were they going to talk with they say Hayes wonder story there's one right this one some is wanted some shit of and they also probably want a little bit of potential outrage like this yeah asking for coffee reparations yeah you got a black guy who's asking for reparations I kind of like that especially when it's spoofing the left so yeah that you know they kind of want to weaponize me yeah so yeah there's a lot of that I thought it was funny I thought Larry's
► 02:01:57you're very friendly about it you know was like you were being angry think do you have your son with your someone to yeah my boys to whole families of me that's funny man yeah my son didn't he was I told him to my go here and get free coffee sir yeah right your dad's really about to pull this off did you had a debate recently about reparations with CJ Pierce yes that young guy who's very he's an interesting guy very very intelligent and articulate fellow is he like 19 years old or something like that 16 yeah it's really only 16 yeah really yeah that's what they say at least I thought he was older than that he brights for Colette and he's really only 16 yeah CJ Pearson is owners yeah find out how old is that seems crazy got drink green say 16 wow fucking smart as shit no it's not but that's not why do you think he's not smart it's not smart smart people creep
► 02:02:56looks stupid people fucking 16 you don't think isn't it got an exceptional vocabulary and ability to express himself at 16 and what does that mean it means you got something going on I don't mean shit it doesn't mean shit and exceptional the you speak it is absolute sometimes what is the most what is vocabulary mean you memorize some words well you have use of them at access instantaneous access that means they're in your mind all the time which means you've done a lot of reading which means you've done a lot of studying which means you have a command of the English language which was the only thing that we have if you speak English that you can use to express your in tap right and or well talks about these political types who sound very educated he says it they sound very educated on it right and then when you break down what they actually said it's so very vague it's so very nonspecific there's actually no Solutions you know all they do is talk about problems what is your platform CJ Pearson Candace owns what is your platform
► 02:03:56your platform I hate Democrats or as your platform I want something for the people because it seems like when you watch these people they're all saying the same thing for clicks like I told you my homeboy it makes a lot of money on Facebook he's doing the Candace showings and CJ Pearson thing for money what the other is saying they're not they don't have the same ideology CJ Pearson's and Canada zones they're cut from the same cloth you think so they're the same person he's just younger version I heard him speak on Sam Harris show I believe it was him right was it him CJ see if Google that CJ piercing on Sam pretty sure it's the same cat and I was very impressed especially with someone his age yeah I mean he talks are very well and that's so hard to do know here in the United States of America was not him both the names and nothing okay maybe it's a different dude they have pre that's why I thought he was older catchphrases pre-planned catchphrase is your you're learning you just learning another language and that's not that's what he's speaking that language is no digging a ham - that's little bro you know something
► 02:04:56you're saying so you're saying that they have this sort of ideology that just subscribing to this predetermined pattern of behavior they know what works and then they just follow it sort of like top 40 DJ talks day you go right you know like what has with New thought has he created I don't know he hasn't he hasn't I just listened to that debate and um it's a conversation that I think is a fascinating one the conversation of reparations because it can be no doubt that something horrible happened to the black community and they're still suffering from its parent especially in the Deep South when you look at these places where the people who lived are the direct descendants of slaves yeah and then these are the same impoverished neighborhoods that no one's ever done anything to try to fix right so how do you fix it you first have to start with the subconscious mind at The Black Mind the problem with the black mind is the fact that the Black Monster Arts off with a defeatist mentality from the day you're born you're taught the white man's out to get you so you start off with a boogeyman and then
► 02:05:56are taught that you're a slave right so when your subconscious mind believes that the beginnings of your race is a Slave how do you aspire to be more than that
► 02:06:09so in order to correct the black community you have to teach black history or so-called black history or I would I would say African history in chronological order before we were slaves we were Kings so how do you how do you have a whole entire nation of 40 some odd million black people and majority of them never heard of Queen Angola who never heard of the Songhai Empire the Mali Empire you know none of this stuff right came on Samosa how do you how do you how do you raise a people's level of awareness about this stuff and how do you elevate them to want to do things in life when they think they are slave that's the first thing that you have to do to help black people you have to teach them who they are the expression before they were slaves they were Kings the problem with that is a king is a monarch in a mark is one person who controls giant groups of people you can't have a bunch of Kings it's not a lot of Kings can of a nation of Kings correct but that's very different from saying you know that we had four Kings right let's say there were just four
► 02:07:08right that's better than saying Harriet Tubman Frederick Douglass and these free slaves right you actually have to see at least one king I see what you're saying you know at least say so C1 Advanced human being that also looks like you that came from the same part of the world where your ancestors came from to recognize that the trajectory that you and your family are on as a direct result of being enslaved someone was enslaved in the past and brought over here against their will that's why there's the negative mindset that's why there's a negative self-image is because there's this great history of Oppression yeah you know when you think you are slave you can't operate outside of that and even if you don't think your slave you think you're inferior you know I had you know who Miss Patty's no Larry's comedian one of the funniest human beings alive and she was here and one thing she was talking about was when she was younger that when she would see why people she wouldn't look him in the eye she get nervous she
► 02:08:08inferior being around them she is wanted to get away she didn't feel like she belonged right right and that's a product of not knowing who you are not knowing your own personal power you know when you look at the Second Punic Wars a Carthage you have Hannibal went through the Alps which is Mission Impossible and he went all the way to the to the doors of Rome and Rome said yeah we ain't coming outside to fight you bro
► 02:08:35he coming That's How Strong the power for the Army was they said we don't want to fight they knew if they came outside those Gates they would get their ass whooped so how do you how do you have a people that walk around not knowing that Hannibal Barca is A well-stocked studied War General today the Pentagon still studies him all right so how do you how are you operating in America as a black person and not know who animal bar goes well it's difficult I think for people that were born in America and all the known ancestors from America to even relate like I'm my family is mostly from Italy and Sicily and some of them from Ireland I don't relate at all I visit Italy in the summer times I don't relate at all right so then the other the other side job is the fact that we would have natives we were not brought here on slave ships that's not economically sound what do you mean sense so when Chris
► 02:09:34Columbus guy who wanted to what Chris Mama's got to the Caribbean according to a primary source right they basically said the first thing you did was take slaves he didn't bring slaves he took slaves from the island he captured people so when you have colonization you got a member in 19 States was only Built 13 colonies at first right you think this whole land was empty no there were natives here right but today we're taught that natives as some other people know natives are the melon ated African being that has come here since the the beginning of the Mali Empire was talking about 14 13th century we had already come here from Africa really oh yeah yeah we had already come here to the United States or to this land mass that's landmass we call United States so the way to the ocean current works is it works from Africa leaves out of West Africa comes to South America and the Caribbean that's just how the currents go you don't need no paddle boat and nothing it is just currents and take you there and then you travel up but we
► 02:10:34already been here you all you got to do is look up the story of Sarah recta Sarah righteous are wealthy so called Native American I think she was Choctaw tribe of one of these tribes but she was wealthy and she wanted the VIP pass to go somewhere and they had her classified as a free person why don't we know about the wealthy so-called black people in America why don't we know that there were black slave owners in America why is that not taught why is it lasted how many black slave owners were man this did the Natives here had slaves they were trading slaves with the so-called white man well they definitely did that natives enslave people of other tribes right so if those if those people are us the so-called black man those natives were us then we have to tell that history and say how we did have territories and we did you know carry out Commerce and we weren't slaves we were slaves
► 02:11:34bonus what but the majority of African Americans that lived here were brought over here no no no no it's that's not economically sound what do you mean by it's not economically sound like there were slave ships right let's say you wanted to have you want to sell marijuana right right would you import marijuana would you grow it here if it's already here well it depends on whether or not marijuana grew here well can you go marijuana here you can but we're just talking about marijuana like what if so talking about something that you can't grow here so so what I'm saying is people were already here does it make sense to go all the way to this other continent to bring people on the boat when we know that half of your stock is going to die you wouldn't do that so how many people do you think were brought over from Africa and slave ships because that definitely happened I don't believe it what do you mean you don't believe I don't believe that story you don't believe that Africans were brought over as slaves
► 02:12:34oops correct I believe it may have happened you know maybe people were brought over as slaves but I don't think that the black people in America came from Africa on slave ships I believe the people that were here were slowly conquered first they got the east coast and then he started spreading out west little by little conquering and when you conquer a tribe what do you do you enslave them their pows right okay that's what you do so you after you conquer this tribe you you make them slaves now how do you concur the natives here so let's say you got this tribe is warned against this tribe will this tribe goes talk to the white man why mrs. you know if you help me wipe out these people then boom you know I'll help you with whatever whatever so they get together and they wipe out this other tribe now guess what the white man now outnumber is this tribe so he wipes them out you just killed two birds with one stone you just keep moving like that but I'm still confused there's a great history of slave ships being brought over from Africa with a
► 02:13:34cans that became slaves and worked in the South that you'll do you think that's lies history is his story right what about my story is my story not valid but if you do 23andMe on someone from these parts of the country you'll find out when they are you know that's real so so as 23andMe so when I when I when I take a 23andMe test right yeah wasn't going to tell me about Africa it's good question we should find out I'll be going to take one oh you're from Kenya oh you're from Angola your from this did write these things these borders were created by Europe in terms yes right in terms of like what parts of Africa and how its distributed and what's a country and what's not a country yeah he's fine Amber Connors and Dutch yeah okay yeah so you can't classify me based upon a European name I understand that but they're saying geographically Geographic
► 02:14:34and you can call it whatever name you want right they can tell you where your genetics originated like I've got some weird shit in me I got like one percent Asia on the Wyatts are 1.6 percent African okay is also the weird stuff that you find in your DNA that like your ancestors and ancestors ancestors someone somewhere let's walk down the path right so either way if you take black people here in America do they DNA sample and it point back to Africa what does that say says black people in America are Africans now the argument is where we brought here or where we already here did we bring ourselves here or the white man bring us here you see when you say the white man brought us here what you're doing is you're removing our ability to transport ourselves you're saying oh we didn't know anything about boats that's what John told me you trying to tell me that we didn't know that there was a land mass here the only the the holy white man knew there was land to the West
► 02:15:32but when you look at the holy white man he said when we got here we met black people go look at this is the primary source you guys we met black p when you got the Caribbean with my black people you think the Caribbean is right next to America and they weren't in America
► 02:15:45that's interesting this is make any sense well you got to make sense that you do have people that have traveled whether it's Polynesians the traveled to Hawaii or people I mean there's the olmecs who were thousands and thousands of years ago in South America they have purely cute clearly African faces yes on this I mean really letting the noses the lips the I mean they look African Brian that was a South American culture that existed in we don't know anything about them other than the fact that they have these gigantic Stone sculptures that have African faces well like again again just go to have you can pull up the ocean currents if you know I've seen that yeah man you know Graham Hancock is I've heard about him yeah read his stuff it's really fascinating because he's all about that he's all about the fact that the idea that human beings were probably living in advanced civilizations far longer than 14,000 years ago and they did travel all over the world and that you do find the remnants of these ancient cultures that we have no explanation for
► 02:16:45throughout the Amazon you know and throughout different parts of South America and Central America I mean when you go and you look at rail European history you had the magyars would believe that if they took a bath that was bad right they didn't even want to change their clothes they thought that dirty was Purity when we talk about the Moors going into Spain and into Europe the stories in the history our history says that when we met the so-called Caucasian he was sleeping in the barn with the animals and we told him no you can't sleep in the barn with animals we taught them etiquette we taught them running water we brought that technology to Europe now if we brought the technology to Europe that saved Europe from the Black Plague
► 02:17:36you mean to tell me that if we saved the white race that we weren't already in America already when we brought the technology when Rome was dependent on Africa for food remember when the black prep black plague hit Rome the cause was one of the officials were still in the grain that was coming from Africa
► 02:17:59so there was famine hit wrong if your source of sustenance is from Africa
► 02:18:08how are you Superior
► 02:18:11you're not you get your food from me so if you get your food from me who's more likely to travel this globe me I'm the source of food and that's the first thing you need to survive on this planet so if your whole civilization is depending me to plot to plot two depending on me to supply food I made it to America first it's just that you want a war you got to tell the story is that their only source of food I mean it's a source of food that Rome had right but Rome is also very close to Africa well let's talk about that what kinds of food they have well I don't know it's a very rudimentary it was a very rudimentary civilization it wasn't all what is cracked up to be when you go look at what the Greek said about Egypt when he going to eat it just like yo it's like 20 or the city of that time the ultimate if you really want to talk about African civilization being Advanced Egypt is the ultimate by Egypt to this day is still unexplained don't want no one really understands how they built those things no one understands the how old the culture is
► 02:19:11that's another thing that Graham Hancock and dr. Robert schoch from Boston University who's a geologist he's pointing to water erosion and the the temple the Sphinx that leads you to believe that that place might have been as old as 9,000 plus BC so it absolutely is if not older yeah they to Pharaoh Ramses there's also different styles of architecture right there's an older styles of architecture they find deeper in this and they think it might have been indicative of an earlier Kingdom and then there's also the Nubian structures of some of the faces particularly the Sphinx yeah you know the Sphinx they believed had a lion's face and then when they were conquered by the Nubians they change the actual structure of the face of the Sphinx and turned it into a king's face what away was Sarah's face was that it is Upper and Lower Egypt so up Egypt is actually our new South right that's our South and what the way I was taught to me was that was the mind of Egypt and the economic section of
► 02:20:11was what we see Giza Pyramids and its economic because if you look at it it says between three continents on the Mediterranean Sea so it's a perfect place to carry out Commerce it's the perfect place that's why everybody wants to beat us why is there war in the Middle East because it's a perfect place to be so do you believe that some Africans came over here and slave ships or none very minimal very minimal really minimal so you think it's a myth almost now does there any Scholars that support these opinions are these your opinions or the where you getting this from so
► 02:20:43here's the thing this is stuff I've studied probably close to 15 years ago so I don't remember a lot of my sources or who I learned it from but I can give you a couple names would you gotta do is you gotta look up Shakalaka most you got to look up dr. kawaoka mean dr. Phil Valentine Bobby Hemet who else is a good egyptology up shock Moses real good egyptologist I think you should start deal with Shakalaka most but these are these are videos I used to watch and lectures I used to watch back in the day now I focus on like startups natural my brain is that's where my knowledge is focused on right but a lot of this stuff comes from my own common sense it just does not make sense logistically to take people from all the way from over there to bring them here especially when half your stock is going to die when you got people right here you have human resources right here all I got to do is pop them shoot a couple of them the rest of them are like alright fine and you enslave them and none of them died except for the ones I actually
► 02:21:43right I got a whole millions of people right here like why would I go all the crate all the way across the ocean the bring people back across the ocean that it's just doesn't make sense it's just stupid that did nobody run a business like that
► 02:21:56what's up Jim
► 02:21:59PDS how many the title was how many slaves landed in the US mmm well scroll that up Scroll it up so I could read that whole thing right to there perhaps you like me were raised essentially to think of the slave experience per mile in terms of our black ancestors here in the United States and other words slavery is primarily about us right from the Crispus attacks and Philip Wheatley Benjamin Banneker and Richard Allen all the way to Harriet Tubman Sojourner Truth and Frederick Douglass think of it as an instance we were might think of as African American exceptionalism in other words it is the black experience it's got to be about Black Americans well black Americans will think again the most comprehensive analysis of shipping records over the course of slave trade is the transatlantic slave trade database edited by professors David eltis and David Richardson while the editors are careful to say that all the figures are estimates they believe that the best estimates that we have the proverbial gold standard in the field of study of the slave trade
► 02:22:59between 1525 and 1866 the in the entire history of the slave trade to the new world according to the transatlantic slave trade database 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the new world ten point seven million survived the dreaded middle passage disembarking in North America the Caribbean and South America how many of those ten point seven million Africans were shipped directly to North America only about 388,000 that's right a tiny percentage so a small percentage of all the Africans that were enslaved were actually shipped to North America that's probably closer to truth hmm Danny come from Africa brought I don't make no sense nobody run a business like that well they're saying that a lot of people did though that's ten point seven million people came on boats that's where they're saying that's what trail not that means that they necessarily came here that could have been going to Europe will know that they were saying that they were saying that it was incredibly and trade does
► 02:23:59and have to come from Africa I can trade with you right here in America but was it why are they it said to directly to North America's only the under 400,000 right right involved in the shipping and going out all over the world it could be going anywhere but from Africa that's less than 10% African shipped yes right yes less than 10% less than 10% in North America but ten point seven million Africans enslaved well and moved when they are 10.7 survive right we're shipped but it didn't say where they were shipped its to the new world new world is very very fairy and only 388,000 actually made it to this to North America's like a tray so from Haiti or Jamaica without them right so you think that yeah right so you think that there was probably already a significant population of Africans that were see bearing that made it all the way over here yes well if you listen to the words of Hancock and the discussion of prehistoric what we would consider prehistoric use of boats and ships it's probably likely
► 02:24:59get ancient Egypt don't you see pictures of boats oh yeah oh yeah so they would bury them even if you could do was the what is the big science museum in La that had the Egypt exhibit really recently it's fucking incredible they had a depiction of the boats that they used yeah I mean they had boats for sure definitely traveled so so how can you tell me that a civilization had boats before Europe was literate didn't come to America didn't set up shop
► 02:25:31it's just not common let me just I don't need to read a book to understand that but definitely makes sense if they made it to South America I mean if the olmecs were I mean if you look at pull up an image of the Olmec Heads This is heavily disputed John Henry Clark is author you should study John Henry Clark has a book they come before Columbus I mean look at that are these all my cats they all look like that that's not the America yeah so it kind of if you have a sizing you the has to be a large population of people in order to create these things man has to be you know these have to be advance so if they're here already in South America why are you going to go across the sea when you got people right here you just enslave South America is connected to Ameri do you think we didn't come up north they wouldn't take that whoop right that's just common sense well particular when they're finding all this evidence of people that were here thousands and thousands of years before they ever thought people were yeah well the evidence in the Grand Canyon from Egypt what I don't know about that what's that is yours
► 02:26:31part of it yeah what is there might be some gold down there is is this Egyptian gold in the Grand Canyon hey magically found a fucking the Egyptian tomb in there and there's Egyptian stuff that's been found in Ohio yeah but yeah although I was looking some stuff up by Graham is telling me I went home and looked up The Serpent Mound stuff and like right up the road from where The Serpent Mound is there's been a couple artifacts found there like a magician artifacts and calm down pull that up yeah there's Mounds In America which yeah suppose to be like pyramids or whatever hmm so there's even an Egypt Ohio I don't think it's named after that but it's literally like in the same spot wow yeah yeah yeah this this this history of human travels fucking fast makes circumnavigated this global forum and it's this isn't new stuff it's new to Europe it wasn't new to the African race man we been here they got the Mounds the archaeological evidence from Egypt in the Grand Canyon it's right there see I've never heard that before that is interesting archaeological evidence in the Grand Canyon
► 02:27:31it's not part of his story he's got to keep you thinking he's got to keep the black people thinking you were slaves and you came from Africa on boats that's what they got to keep you to kill you but you really think that there's some sort of a grand conspiracy to withhold information yeah universities Scholars all these people that are talking about the history of the world universities indoctrination centers stem that the worst thing you could do is send a child to college unless they're going to learn a hard science you know you go to put a minute you think gender studies is bullshit ha ha ha of course is bleeding it what are you saying these make-believe degrees gender studies bro serious stuff yeah gender studies you know there's it's a social construct I stand it I study gender in the bedroom are girl bump bump bump okay in assisting is no gender Stenson School tell me but there is you can you going to pay for it and be in debt for studying gender studies you get a fat degree yeah do you
► 02:28:31the funny thing about Egyptian when I found it I was down a deep hole so like I can't just find it that way I'm trying to I said every somebody so I'm gonna uh find in the second Dave Barry it Google I just found the picture Okay pull it up Lucy some shit this is this is this hotels got against glasses on we're getting serious this is the good stuff man that we look at his head you see his head right there yeah that's not nappy here well that's a Thai Buddha so that's not his hair but I think those are braids this is like an ornament the ways braids a lot of people including the Romans oh like Rachel dolezal what is this shit draw this is from an old book that's why it's tiny it's really old this is a drawing of all the descriptions that were found on this piece of stone and a lot of these are very rare like hieroglyphs and what not see it and it's available to the psych somewhere on here's the thing that looks just like that serpent from the mound that's it wow wow yeah I forget what I'm not that's necessarily
► 02:29:31and it certainly is yeah it might not be Gyptian necessarily but when I found it that's what it was tagged as okay from that time period or very similar but that's is the Pennsylvania archaeologist is what the book is found from okay I did this I got to it I've never seen this before but there's some archaeological evidence on the walls like you said a lot of people don't even know that Egypt is in Africa that's hilarious when you start talking to people about the think about that African culture why don't you think is Africa why don't they want the Seven Wonders of the World to be associated with that fork oh well because Africa is a continent I guess they think of it in terms of because Egypt is so unbelievably unique globally yeah like there's nothing like it in the world we know stonehenge's in Europe yeah but Stonehenge is clunky in comparison to the shit that you find in Egypt all yeah it is but they but they they still pop up Stonehenge like it's some great thing no it's in Europe yeah Stonehenge is fascinating it's faster
► 02:30:31how come why they do this there's a lot of shit in Europe to their finding now with lidar whether using this there they can map into the ground and find these structures and Roads and Pathways that existed and that the long since been reclaimed by Nature finding that like this one of the Graham Hancock things that he was talking about how you look at South America when they're going through the Amazon you're finding these incredible structures and incredible roadways and irrigations and that they believe that at one point in time there was a civilization of 20 million people living in the Amazon and that when the European settlers came over they brought smallpox and wiped everybody out boom yeah boom just like they did with the Native Americans that's exactly the people don't know when they talk about Native American genocide the vast majority is disease disease yeah so when people say oh you know the white man came over here with violence I'm like no I don't know if he was that vile I don't think he had enough bullets to kill that many people they killed 90% with disease the state disease man this is fucking crazy the way to disease come from Europe dirty
► 02:31:31people so how can the streets so how can you tell me that you know I'm just a slave right when the filth the degeneration of Europe is what came to America greatness didn't come to America degeneration came to him about some greatness did to me no I mean something about when we talk about the people that came here they were escaping the oppression of yes Europe they were the undesirables in Europe right or the people try to get away from religious persecution right things like that yeah but these were the dregs of the society right in many ways yeah so you come here and you dirty and you infect the people and maybe now that's why you got to go to avert get place because you got there buddy over here cuz everybody's done dude what what if you had
► 02:32:21if you were speaking in front of Congress yeah and you were talking about reparations what would you have to say keep the conversation going open up the conversation let's get more Minds involved don't shoot it down and Dems must pay you know I got that hashtag on Dems must pay why Dems because it's a great start number one so you know when we had the debate with CJ Paris and he said you know on his rent you know he went off about that I had and he said if anything the damage should pay is the Liberals because they had the KKK they had they own slavery they ran a slave trade that Allah Allah so it's like well if that's the case then why are we make them pay the other thing is you know if you're conservative and you know you having this elect election race or whatever why don't you just take the Wild Card away from you know from the left and say well yeah you know if there is a reparations conversation you know that was the Democrats that was the dixiecrat that installed Black Codes in South Carolina they're the ones that that's an interesting conversation
► 02:33:20session right when you say that yeah and like what wait what just actually the Democrats are responsible yeah you had the thing called Black Codes and if you were considered black then you didn't have right the funny thing is you could be technically African and be white
► 02:33:40white isn't color it's a status Elon Musk
► 02:33:45what do you mean it's from Africa is he yep why I know yeah it's not an Africa well he was born in Africa but he's not in Africa South Africa but so so when we do his 23andMe what is this probably Dutch or something all day it's actually something from Europe okay yeah it's you know saying but there is why people that their lineage from historical he's from Africa sure well I mean the Sephardic people that lived in Northern Africa right Mmm Yeah where it's considered more Middle East right right right you can see some of that absolutely but these people aren't the African right people come from Turkey right right I'm from Kiev Russia no that's where they come from me they migrated into Africa that's not what a from right up their bodies aren't even biologically conducive to that environment you know I'm not conducive to the New York environment wife who is exactly why folks is running down the street when shorts and I'm just like yo I need a jacket this is definitely a
► 02:34:45different state that we got a recognized sure know where we came from yeah yeah it's a lot to this conversation this is a lot this conversation but it's so heavily weighted people don't want to be objective about it right what's up the thing I found about the Egyptians in Ohio was actually from a paper that was written at some it's postulating that I guess they took a lot of the evidence that had been finding and saying this shows that there might have actually been Egyptians there from 1937 when the guy was I think Born This is 40 years ago wow the amulet was brass apparently and it was found near Cincinnati and where I actually think it might have been trading trade routes because there was some like stones that have been found in various parts of the world that are from specifically Ohio because it's like a rainbow Shale that was used in like arrowheads and stuff a long long time ago that area was used to make weapons like the first like 12,000 years ago in the first people were kind of North America but that Aryan Ohio also is known as the stand Stone
► 02:35:45Apple the world and I don't know if that's related to the Egyptians that's what the pyramids are made out of you know there's tons of sand stone that is very specific to that region mmm pyramids made of sandstone not so yeah Curtis there's 21 from 1802 1980 21 times the amount of sandstone that made the Great Pyramid was shipped out of Ohio to make various buildings all over the world real most of them United States obviously but all over the place don't taunt I'm just weird facts are found a mystery of the human we don't know history we know some are really the only history that we know is the one we go discover on our own time the one that's presented to us is not history it's all lies it was not all all of this some light on that City Lost Civilization Grand Canyon was wait Egyptian at the Smithsonian public some stuff in 1909 I guess that where all this came from there's an article that got written and I don't know how much of it they proved or Port was proven or was just
► 02:36:45newspaper bait back in the day this even more amazing in the artifact didn't match up to anything on the known record rather than appearing to be of Native American origin as one might expect the object had distinct Egyptian or Tibetan designs could there have been an entire civilization of Egyptians living here if so how did they get here Dunt Dunt hop in the boat man you got cats that leave Africa and try to come to Spain and all these places or chicken wing yeah it is interesting right like the population of Cuba Cuba so insanely diverse it's right there like what is the history of that other than the slave routes like what is the history of Cuba because Cuba is very distinct African people living there hmm the whole Caribbean all that all that whole area is as a lot of African roots to it but that's just a pleased I was conquered by to Spain you know by by the Cortez's
► 02:37:45you know those type of people but what really disturbs me is is no way to know exactly what happened it's like you're piecing things together based on artifacts and historical record things that people wrote down and journals and logs and it's there's people that have traveled so again I've studied the so long ago but I remember reading primary source from somebody that travel with Crystal Ball cologne AKA Christopher Columbus and he was saying very specific things about his accounts when he reached these different places you know and he was saying things like we got to the land we found Africans and the I remember him specifically saying so no matter where we go we find Africans and he said it as if he was disappointed and then he started talking about like you know this is they started talking about their culture and describing their culture he just got his go look at the people that travel with course the Ball cologne and there's some first-hand accounts there and they're very honest about it you know
► 02:38:45I'm going to look into that now that's a very interesting I'm going to ask Grandma about that to what he knows about it he's studied especially on his latest book he started a lot about the various cultures that made it to North America and South America okay yeah yeah this is very rich in history very very transparent I got to wrap this up but thanks for coming man I had a great time talking to you tell everybody it's Vibe high on hii on Twitter no more Instagram no Instagram don't you show your YouTube show hotel's been told you every Thursday 8:00 p.m. so great name all right and my main website is Brian Sharp dot C OB R YN sha that's the real messy but hotep Jesus is have preferred yeah yeah thank you brother appreciate it man thanks fun thank you hotep Jesus ladies and gentlemen thank you friends thanks for tuning in I hope you liked the show and thank you to our sponsors thank you to Dollar Shave Club
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