#1290 - Bryan Callen

May 3, 2019
Bryan Callen is an actor and stand-up comedian, and together with Brendan Schaub he also hosts “The Fighter & The Kid” podcast. His new stand up special “Complicated Apes” is now available to download on iTunes, Amazon, and various other platforms.
Hello friends I got some comedy dates coming up June 7th I'm going to be in Chicago it's almost sold out I'm at the UIC Arena not very many tickets left then June 28th I'm at the Borgata in Atlantic City first show sold out there's some tickets available for the 11:00 p.m. show if you're one of those fucking night owl gangsters Baltimore Maryland on June 29th that's there's some tickets left for that Vegas is sold out on July 5th and then the latest ones that just went in Portland Oregon on August 9th Mountain View California the Shoreline Amphitheatre August 10th that's outside of San Francisco and then August 23rd I'm in Denver Colorado for two shows at the belko theater yeah this episode of the podcast is brought to you by 23andMe this Mother's Day folks for a limited time only 23 and me
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► 00:06:07check it out The Joe Rogan Experience Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day
► 00:06:19yes and we're alive Ryan Callen we live we are live where life is really all I've been listening to Radio Lab on the way over here and they have a new episode out about the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs yeah holy shit man right when you currently they tell me if I'm right about this before you tell me more okay so I want to see if I have a little knowledge there is an under like there's a very hard layer of rock that covers a large part of the earth right and that is proof that somehow there was an asteroid that hit and it be got really really hot and The Rock got that is a morons version of the science that they clearly lay out and by the way the worst thing I've also like there's rock that got melted it was under the ground
► 00:07:19bull evidence of a rock of from the space area layer of the Earth the crust of the earth is super hard because it got really hot after an asteroid hit every night then they found dinosaur bones in it yeah bro they think I don't believe that it starts because I'm you know I have something called the Bible at home but some people don't believe in dinosaurs do you know that right this flattered of folks they believe dinosaurs are fake why is it that most flat earthers from my experience are generally super good at like discipline that has nothing to do with astrophysics like Jutsu like to spend a lot of time on a mat but then they have really strong political opinions about I central banks I think it's just a lack of real education and then you get you get caught up in these YouTube things that show you a secret and it's very attractive it's very attractive to look find out about some hidden stuff yeah like oh my God I can't believe they did this they hid from us the fact that the Earth is flat
► 00:08:19Jesus Christ basis fake to Pro space is fake satellites aren't realtor low-flying planes two planes there that's the constantly beaming down these information from the sky satellites are not real yeah nuclear bombs and not real and not really just big bombs but then the problem is when you break your leg you have to set your bone or you get staff and you have to trust big Pharma to cure it or you use your your iPhone and it works and you're talking to somebody and that's a big one did y'all think so but why is that technology something you trust and you know that's not your fucking iPhone has a global positioning satellite chip in its top chorus it links up with the fucking one that's in the sky and it tells you where you are on the map that's why your Google Maps Works Jesus fucking I think there are probably only five or six flat earthers know there's a lot yeah there's thousands of them well okay fasting but that really means only five or six but in the ground I think the problem with all of them is that they just got married to the idea and then they're fighting it and if
► 00:09:19fight it with someone who doesn't know what they're talking about not that I do know what I'm talking about but if you fight it with like a Sean Carroll or like a real asset is a real scientific study they there's so much evidence that the Earth is round and no evidence that the Earth is flat it's one of those things where it's just like what are you guys doing you're chasing your tail yeah this is crazy too busy I'm way too loser YouTube I'm too busy for bigfoot ideas yeah that's roughly and that might have been a real thing yeah it was a real animal there's a creature yeah there was a real creature called gigantopithecus was a real animals like eight foot tall bipedal hominid absolutely exist probably yeah like a giant not a giant a to to fucking gorilla didn't exist imagine seeing a gorilla right like Jesus Christ what the fuck is that thing six foot six hundred Paulo King huge hairy black beast with a giant chest an enormous arms and pounds on his chest runs on all fours and you like fucking fangs yeah
► 00:10:18fly through the air each other and Clash crazy smash into each other and fight holy fuck man if you didn't know that was real I know and you ran into a gorilla you'd be like what the fuck and he by the way they didn't know mountain gorillas were even a thing until the early 1900's there were a legend yeah yeah when was the discovery of mountain gorillas don't think those giant chimps in the Congo or our hybrid you know they don't anymore because they have DNA they are the only chimpanzee species or subspecies I guess you'd say they found that has a Crest on its skull like a gorilla 1902 broke damn yeah a German Explorer Captain Robert Vaughn better arrange the mountain gorilla was named the gorilla Gorilla Baron G in honor of the captain yeah Matt fuck look at him imagine that thing how about those that that guy who's an anti-poaching agent he helps protect gorillas from poachers yeah and he got them to
► 00:11:18standing up in a selfie and even better there's video of him tickling the guerrillas and the grills laughing laughing like a person it's crazy so was there a Bigfoot fuck yeah there was a Bigfoot yeah it was a real thing that's why there's so many stories about it it probably died off a hundred thousand years ago or something right you know to grill is every meat or they're just they're just veg stock gorillas no yeah gorillas are we are closer to chimpanzees than chimpanzees or gorillas is that true yeah wow well the I think it's interesting in Goma where those groups of mailchimp's expand their territory they kill other males yeah then let's move their women and children into the area that they Annex yes not crazy vicious they just as groups fall down fall on the smaller you know tribes of chimps and decimate them they are so many so many similarities to humans yeah so many yeah but these Bondo
► 00:12:18Apes that call them this is the giant champ this these knit they nest on the ground to like gorillas are they as violent as they live in large communities like chimps the locals have two names for chimps there they have one that they're called Tri beaters those the regular size Champs and the other ones that called lion Killers damn they're so big they've got videos of these things eating a leopard what yeah they don't know if it yeah there are enormous Champs so they don't know if it killed the leopard or if the leopard died and then they're eating it they don't know but they do no one was eating a fucking leopard
► 00:12:55so you got to think yummy kitty cat when they're standing up there taller than me I'm 5-8 there six feet tall you're six feet tall yeah so the your height yeah your height but a chimp and a jack champ God it's probably 250 300 pounds well they say that 400 pounds the ones in the zoo they have something I don't believe this city zoo no I don't believe they do I think they do know they have two giant Champs if you love it as big chimps those are just big Champs they're huge they yeah they do they've they've had chimps are over 200 pounds divided some enormous chance but they've never had one of these this is they live in a very specific area the Congo but they've seen them yes they have video of them their photographs of them you can see videos and you see camera Trap Photos there are real animal it's a really big animal man to really big champ it's amazing your majesty have a six-foot chip no dude no I'm dead no hate your face in your genitals no thanks imagine standing there you turn a corner and there's a champ is tall as you looking at you disaster yeah I have to go low
► 00:13:55have you ever seen yeah you know I don't know no doesn't matter what was that the word they head up there was a traveling circus when they had a chimp and they would muzzle it and they'd have any man the biggest man that just to hold the chimp down for six seconds if you could do that are three seconds and no man is ever able to do it they just horse there's just this is a hundred and fifty pound chimp yeah and you wouldn't even even if it was muzzled man it can still rip your arms off like what are you doing yeah you're made out of Jell-O have you ever held a I've held a small one a baby one has held was playing with my puppy and it was I was in his back felt like would would ya like what am I perfectly this is true yeah that's exactly like Dan Henderson probably yes exactly like that Henderson he's got to be part champ yeah but I had a to want to year old one once on fear not Fear Factor news radio and when we're on the set the scene actually got cut out we never wind up using the scene but there was a guy was like an animal trainer and he had a couple different animals with them and one was a baby chimp in diapers and this baby chimp got on my back and beat beat on my back a couple times and I was like wow
► 00:14:55laptop fuck yeah it was like you hitting me yeah I was like wow it's fucking little tiny thing just whaled on my Jesus they're so strong dude Their little bodies emit just just hard like corded no neck take crazy punished yeah but that thing in the Congo man sits apparently in a very difficult spot to reach it's very dangerous to go through there you know when Justin ran goes through there he has some hair-raising stories about being held up at gunpoint you know you people thought they were going to they were going to kill somebody and yeah a lot of the people a lot of the apparently a lot of the sort of soldiers and people are committed atrocities from the war in Rwanda kind of in their bands kind of moved into the Congo and lived in them in you know in the jungle and who knows who Justin is a lot of crime Justin renesas ain't ya cuz he thinks well she's a legitimate saying yeah really is guy he's
► 00:15:55malaria three times God visiting the Congo and building Wells unbelievable amazing he taught us some amazing Stories heartbreaking he's amazing the cash app which is one of my sponsors also sponsors fight for the forgotten to give people money get five dollars every time someone signs up and uses the code Joe Rogan and they've built at their building Wells right now because of that really yeah they was the latest number I forget what the number was they sent me an updated like very early on there were they had built two Wells and then they built a bunch more and provided water to shit ton of people down there I don't know the exact statistic I wrote moonwalking with Einstein tells is he it's about book about memory and stuff really smart guy he lived with the pygmies in the Congo for a long time that's what Justin runs doing so and said that they smoke copious amounts of wheat they start times a day
► 00:16:50is that the book yeah Joshua for for Justin what a name yeah we are for yeah
► 00:16:57and I said never seen what is it you know these are people that truly have been almost Untouched by Western civilization and he's like well no I mean they die of stupid things like you know you got an infection yeah and you just you know you don't have antibiotics will so a lot of bacteria and parasites and stuff to get stomach parasites from water skin diseases and weird things like that yeah the jungles not even if you've evolved to live in it it's not a very I spent enough time in the Indonesian rainforest I've never seen bugs like that in my life I've never seen anything like it it's so loud it sounds like it'd take the loudest Street in Manhattan and I'm not kidding that's how loud the insects and birds and everything are and then you have to carry us the bug spray does not work ever tell you this the bug spray you gotta carry a sulfur coil yeah good luck with the mosquitoes bug spray they laugh at your fucking at your bug spray you got to carry it you have to burn a sulfur coil and just carry hold it that's correct and it's based real time with you when you wake up they just they're all over the what year was this that you
► 00:17:57- God I was 21 did they did they have thermal cells back then I don't think so yeah Therma cells of this shit if you ever use a thermostat what is that oh my god there are fucking game changer really yeah it's it's a device that has like a heating coil in it and some fuel and you ignite it and the heating coil it heats up and you put this little pad across the screen and this little pad has this stuff in it the mosquitoes hate it's probably terrible for you yeah some fucking chemical but the chemical waafs up in the air and I'm telling you it creates like a 10 foot bubble around you where no mosquitoes get it right yeah and eat look even if it's a little bad for you maybe it's like smoking a pack of cigarettes better than can see that on yeah I'm not using it everyday I wouldn't recommend using it everyday but if it's difference between like in joint like if you're in a place like Alaska yeah exactly where more to what about Edmonton up there well yeah you get same thing came back with like all the Jeff I can't the pock they'll fuck you up those mosquitoes man
► 00:18:57yeah they're so aggressive because they only alive it's like three months you know so cold up there yeah nature could give a fuck about you and you give I love people are into nature and they like listen man they don't even know what nature is like oh try to go exactly go try to raise crops in South Africa When Animals when elephants were all everywhere yeah and lions and leopards or now yeah even now these poor villagers that they are poor and they build these crops and they have this farm and they have all this food for their Village and then elephant's Roman 20 all things go hey man that's a wrap yeah you're not gonna go you can get the fuck out of here they'll yeah stomp on you mean and then people get mad when people shoot the elephant's it's like okay I get it but I don't know what you want here like they have a lot of stories about elephants have this mistake in South Africa there was this guy was a farmer and he had a donkey and it was tied up and the elephant's came into his property
► 00:19:57and he shot guns and got him the hell away from there and then the next day the elephant's came back and stomped his fucking donkey well into mush whoa just stomped in the donkey was on a you know rope and they were like really gang gang gang then of course the other the neighboring farm when the elephant's came she she laid out a bunch of food for them and the eye and and they spared her her crops they're all these elephants have this Mystique which is all by the way maybe the biggest a holes in the world element they hate everybody but they were so nice I was in Thailand I was yeah there's a high officer the different African elephants you're not you're not aiming an African elephant good luck most of the elements you see what is this jaimé okay jaimé is watching like this little Buffalo gets up oh my God yeah elephant came over and rolled it over I don't give a fuck about you it's really trying to stab him he is oh he does he's killing so he's killing a baby that's half that's probably for ground buffalo that's just a giant
► 00:20:57elephant well she's fucking up this Buffalo show Dangerous look it up yeah elephant stabs and kills buffalo look it's Jesus Christ well that's why they have tusks yeah I mean that there it is you know it's really crazy and kind of one Lions take a chance wow the other day I didn't pull those three elephants killing a lion then elephant just is Hillary's your shit they just killed razy what's crazy is Lions will take a chance on elephants I know which is just so nuts they will take a chance to try to kill an alpha and they'll jump on their back the try to Jack them well when you go to a game reserve in South Africa you can't you it has to be big enough to sustain lines because it's super expensive because they're just a pride of lions will eat everything just you got to keep replenishing the animals right because they just they're just too effective you know after that dentist shot Cecil the lion it became this International outrage yeah they banned the lion hunting and because of that people didn't want to go back
► 00:21:57can they weren't getting the money from it so they wound up euthanizing like two hundred Lions I know because they're undulate population was getting devastated but what made me think when I heard that I was like how many lions are they killing like how many people are going over there to hunt lions it's it brings them good money I mean we heard is a huge part of South Africa's you know that like part of the conservation of yeah right that you know big game but you can fight you can hunt the big five or whatever they call it yes that's exactly the call but it's putting a lot of money it is a lot of money and it brings them a lot of money and it brings them a lot of money for conservation and all that stuff but what a weird activity is there an activity that's more human in that like we are so conflicted and so weird that the only way we have animals that stay alive in this part of the world like weather and record populations is to set it up so you can kill them yeah so like they we figured out some weird loophole like we don't want the Rhino to die
► 00:22:57hey we don't want the ride or die either so let's go ahead a bunch of them and we kill like one a we come on yeah and if they could get enough rhinos for they can make a case for that they would be doing that I mean they're doing it with lions are doing it with everything it'll the gazelles I mean all the different animals that you think a plane's animals in Africa their record numbers there right nilgai the bring back to Texas they're all over Texas yeah there's so many animals there and a lot of those animals were on the verge of Extinction but they're there because people kill them like what a fucking he has learned from its weird real the bigger shoes is unbroken migratory range yeah habitat the Masai Mara is one of the few places where they can roam for thousands of miles but most of Africa now is broken up into I think there's an Aryan Cameroon or whatever but most of Africa is broken up into I mean in South Africa it's all basically with the exception of Kruger Park it's all abandoned
► 00:23:57um you know cattle lots and then they just there's money in it so you buy that lot and you just stock up with animals and then you drive around they it's a sustainable ecosystem but it's yeah it's here you got it yeah you got it you still you do have to call the the you know elephant population and lion population when we think about Africa right when we say oh elephants are going extinct in Africa like Africa is so big crazy it's so big you seen the map where this stuff all the countries inside of Africa never get that was so shocking to me I know couldn't believe that so there could be an abundance of them in one area and then another area it's like saying like they have a black bear problem in New Jersey which they do okay today yeah they do but that doesn't affect us here yeah California yeah like people just started shooting blackberries you like hey man there's not that many of those why you shooting them you know put it into the mountain lion yeah well you know one just died a famous one just died where I got a text from Manila out
► 00:24:57here he ate some rat poison oh shit yeah it's a real problem with rat poison man rat poison doesn't just affect rats yeah you know there's like there's secondary and my dog almost died that way yeah and what it does is a rat poison I think stops you from producing vitamin K in your body which is a which is how you clot blood so they just bleed internally so my dog is a shitload of it they pumped his stomach gave him charcoal and then he had to take vitamin K supplements for a long time wow yeah yeah the people they poison the rats then things eat the rats
► 00:25:35you know yeah this Mount line is a famous mountain lion collared you know wondering tracking yeah out here number yeah rinella text me about it and I looked into it oh you got it there what is which number does it say he is 47 P-47 is that the one that they spotted at the not know this was only three and we were going to get a photo of that right yes yeah let's do that oh yeah we tracked it down yeah what happened is expensive yeah let's let's do that though let me know after the show now is that a quote which one you wanted artist proof whatever we got yeah that detail of it whatever yeah because that one photo that caught of it you seen that photo of the lion with the the Hollywood sign behind it no it's amazing it's one of the best it's an again it's so fucking human because this line has a collar on it like it's got bling on crazy dad in front of the Hollywood sign and it's as big as fuck it's all that's like $150 million that's amazing that photo
► 00:26:35look stage looked staged by the way look at the look at the muscles with its forearms yeah that's a ridiculous animal that's one thing that people don't I don't think you've realized like that's not us felt thing like a house that's a lion sir they have enormous forearms yeah it's a lion before make sound outweighs bring down an elk I bet that's a hundred and thirty pounds yeah maybe a hundred fifty think about how big that is that doesn't seem big but you see a Rottweiler a police dog like that's when German Shepherd 90 pounds yeah good luck good luck that's an ad add another 60 pounds 40 pounds of that's a big animal man yeah such a big animal and they just wandering around our neighborhoods effective Killers I having a guy come on who's a mountain lion biologist at a dependent Canyon oh really yeah and I might actually go and trap one with him how many how many do they think there are others are just quite a few this one like 150 wow damn one that died wow hundred and fifty
► 00:27:35as a big cat Jesus Christ like three years old Jesus Christ three years old he was a hundred fifty pounds just living on dere ya go look around for deer in California good luck yeah they know deer out here there's so few deer if you're a deer hunter in California your sad face all year round you're not looking for too and yeah I see a lot of deer in Topanga yeah you see all of you they're drawn to me oh I feed them are you my outfit energy they feel safe with me but is did you have a connection with them do you think I should be honest with you I run with them have you always been like this they flank me they would never go past me they flagged and when I do my Kung Fu in an open field is around me and they bow until I release them and I go ha run this my favorites are people that think that they have some sort of special couch walk a dog my friend's girlfriend were all sitting around my friend's girlfriend show hot so hot is one of those gorillas like we're sitting there and she goes and I was I was meditating and I saw a deer
► 00:28:35and it looked at me and the deer gave me love and we're all like I'm still got her tits I was a young delays and she's so hot she's so she's such an estrogen you know and my buddy of course you know you have the swords and Can't Let It Go just Let It Go dearly let her have her think my buddy goes well I gave you love explain that shit to me explain what I got all biological well you know what your close-minded and you're not intuitive I'm really intuitive and it became that intuitive my favorite thing yeah I love that shit but those people that claim they have some special connection with animals like animals just recognized yeah I am they know my nature you know kind of schooled me Megan Fox I was doing a movie with her and and I assume she started talking about signs and I was making fun of like psychics and signs don't and Megan goes well maybe you ever think that maybe your little close-minded and I go no
► 00:29:35scientific minded and no I'm not and I think all psychics are liars and I think astrology is bullshit but then like Megan literally went into her knowledge of Science and geology and everything else and I was like oh you're a fucking oh oh wait you're a really hot intellectual and you know a shitload and I made a judgment on you it was very it was actually embarrassing isn't it interesting that you would automatically make a judgment on someone who's hot like your lies for an easy as fuck right and she's not like that like a judgment that you would make on the son of a rich man like if someone correct grew up in his in the family business and his father was a very successful man but he's taking over the family business he would assume this guy's a bitch yep right yep most of the time most of the time you're wrong so often yes it's such a bad debt yeah because like if a great if a great man has a son yeah most like he's going to teach that Sons cool shit and the sun's going to have to like live up to a certain standard right
► 00:30:35well that was the thing with Megan I would notice after I have that interaction with her I've known her a little because I know her husband really well and then and then I noticed that every time we wouldn't be shooting she'd be reading a book of substance like that's what she does when she's not on set so I was like I'm well what are you doing you're laying an iPhone next to your head what am I doing other iPhone next to the other side of your head and you have these weird conversation to that video that's my favorite thing you did I gotta start doing that again dude those are so funny man I do that or I talked to the stuntman and ask them like how much they can bench well no way you're a Navy SEAL so when you shoot the problem with that is it invariably ends up someone pulling out Matt's you start you start rolling I had Paulie malignaggi who's at my gym and then he kind of knew he was waiting I just figured out who the fuck you are you're the guy from the iom guys freaking out so so I take that opportunity to ask him like I'm just asking him like some boxing questions next thing I know he's giving me a boxing lesson how fucking cool is that it's called hi Mom
► 00:31:35yes it was three days ago she really gonna do that bare-knuckle boxer is artem Laura's yeah and he's taken it personally yeah but man you don't want to break your hands you don't want to get your face cut out because he done fighting like boxing but he's excited that he looked like he was in shape he was like and he was giving people pointers he's very he looks he seems I listened to him a lot on you know Showtime stuff he's cerebral as hell I mean he knows the game he's very smart guy he doesn't get hit a lot know yeah I mean when you think about a boxer the can talk as well as he can as articulate as he is and understand I mean if you watch the way he fights like watch his face with Adrien Broner like he knew how to figure out the puzzle yeah that's burners hand speed and power punching and he punches in volume he's always in great show me patterns like just basic things that I was like damn I really want to see the actual sparring match between him and Connor because all the UFC released is Connor cracking them I know it's a long one it had to be there had to be some fun
► 00:32:35it's in the yeah I will also I think apparently Pauly got off a plane and then he hadn't wasn't even really he wasn't even working out that much then they got who's gonna train with them yeah I didn't go we're going six rounds or something and just filming what they film it yeah that's an in the use it as a promo right look people are ruthless bro the idea that if they weren't going to use that is more ridiculous come on what who are you you don't understand how this business works but he's in there promoting up there promoting of he's a Brooklyn kid he's a smart guy listen they're promoting a fight that is going to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in Revenue you think that they're gonna spare your sensibilities they're going to spare your feelings and not show edited versions of you getting popped but my problem is so the I have a problem with that all across the board because because I feel like when common decency fair play you know a contract and at sort of the
► 00:33:35I liked you and you enter I'm coming out to help you out yes and it what you're gonna do is use me go fuck yourself like it's not believe it's hard to understand I understand it's a business leave they paid him I'm sure they did I believe he signed paperwork over I'm sure they did but that's a sneaky move its fuck it's and I have a problem with fuck yeah in general I just don't like justifying anything because it's going to be good promotion I'm always uneasy you know how people say hey man bad press but you're talking about him yeah but fuck off I've completely agree with you however put the play Devil's Advocate if I'm mr. businessman mr. Moneybags yeah she just went in one ear and out the other I don't know what you're talking about that's a video of some shit that actually happened you hate the truth is if you have you hate the truth I could understand why you would want to show him that video but Connor did drop him the left hand it's gonna be a great fight Conor McGregor vs. Floyd Mayweather and ironically might have been good for Paulie in terms of it creating this fight with
► 00:34:35art that he creates you're talking about him yeah although I think I think Paulie malignaggi stands on his own not yet sir but as announcer yeah I mean he's got a real name and he's an excellent boxer it's he's probably one of the better commentators in the game if not the best oh yeah very very good hundred percent him and Andre Ward Andre Ward far my favorite and Roy Jones jr. Roy Jones jr. is outstanding at it too yeah he is a hundred Ward just like brilliant brother guy brilliant guy I just watching him like figure out kovalev to write especially the second fight unbelievable yeah in fact that you know drop kovala with a body shot and you know kovala so they didn't give him a chance that they just stopped the fight but it didn't look like he wanted to keep going I felt like that way with Aamir Khan like people were like whoa what the listen yeah come here Khan has nothing to prove he has an amazing record he's fighting a genius in Crawford and probably in and there's no shame in this he was supposed to fight
► 00:35:35Brooks and he kind of went you know what this guy is he's time is on his side and he's going to he's kind of figured this out he's bigger and he's going to connect he's gonna hit me and maybe hurt me here I don't feel like doing this anymore if that was the case I forgive him for everything it's like I thought it was a smart decision to find her and maybe he was really hurt he's a warrior the counter nothing is not but the Kell Brook fight would have actually got Aamir Khan more money it was actually want to type sell it and he decided to take the fight against Crawford to real fighter if Crawford's not the best pound-for-pound fighter on Earth he's number two he's one or two I want to see him with inks or else pants well him Earl Spence is fantastic to but I think the the argument of pound for pound is lomachenko in him
► 00:36:18that's the argument you need to guys are number one yeah who do you think is number one I mean I think I think that's you talking about Crawford Crawford I don't know if that's why I'm sure I don't think Crawford's fought enough competition like when he fights Earl Spence and I think that lomachenko has probably had more fights and you can really get into this conversation because he hasn't here bless everybody but he said last year at last he won the world title would like for fights we're was it how many fights it was like something ridiculous like that I mean he fought a world-class Fighters first time out the what when I saw him fight Jorge what was that amazing Mexican fighter or somewhere like that who is the guy lost record her 13:1 and Crawford's 35 and oh yeah wow big difference but boxing's tricky that way right so what's the level of competition as they bring you up slow well the difference is lomachenko had an extensive amateur background internationally and he's but
► 00:37:18to Crawford Crawford had a great amateur background to look Crawford the the difference is Crawford's way bigger that's the difference if they were the same size would be really interesting to see what would happen but Crawford's a lot bigger than him he would yeah I mean it's not a good find out it's just like to watch him take rigging down and all these amazing Fighters were Gandhi oh rogon deal without breaking down I don't think so he gained oops I think the waist pronounce it in French as he gained oh rogon dough if he can gun down but yeah he he dismantles people his footwork is unparalleled but Terence Crawford Men first of all he's probably the best switch hitter ever next to Marvin Hagler he might be better yeah I mean it's hard to say me he gets he can find you game plan for that by doing so good Orthodox then so good Southpaw but to watch Linares that's what we're here on our something is sick fighter and watch him he knocked lomachenko down but then again like this guy figures you out he just he goes I know what you're doing now yeah and then you're done well so does Crawford
► 00:38:18I mean the best I mean that was Anderson Silva this Prime to he would just figure out your timing figure out what you do how you enter where the gaps are where the holes are okay I see the key to the castle let's rock and then somewhere around the end of the first round Anderson we start switching stances on you and fucking doing some Bruce Lee moves and the next thing you know he's got his foot in your face yeah that's right figures you out it's exactly right these guys are just the really Elite of the elite Fighters they're just the best at solving the Little Riddle That is what your skills are now how do you solve the Riddle That is khabib nurmagomedov that's a different riddle because that motherfucker's not on the outside boxing you and he Connor Connor for a while Connor for a while you know he's going to take you down but what it looked like Connor for a while was isolating he had two hands on that wrist he was stopping him for a long time from closing his his hands and and that seemed kind of effective for a while I mean good luck it's a long road
► 00:39:18that's like saying you're running a marathon hey you know he beat me in the marathon but for the first hundred yards I was way ahead I know that's what it's like doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter as a five-round fight like okay keeping me from grab my hands for now write your hands tired yet yeah how you far I'm gonna take it I'm taking you down he's just gonna he's gonna take it out that guy's so relentless and the skill level and the endurance level he has to pursue that pace for five rounds like I don't think I even appreciate it I mean I cannot intellectualize it and I could describe it but I think when you're in there with him like when he fought Edson Barboza he had Edson Barboza Up Against the Cage come on buddy it's mine Give Up Edson has this know that was against Michael Johnson that's it has this thousand-yard stare where where he's getting mauled it's just like he's like breathing he's like oh fuck like this is this is a different kind of human being those Russians are at that's a different kind of human being I can stand he's so tiny
► 00:40:18grow up fighting from Egypt Ami's a babies he's a saint well that culture they were they suffer a grill that's look he's like Jesus Christ what the fuck did I sign up for this again mauled and I love I love cubby looks like his legs body looks like you know guys see at the pool kind of works out maybe a little it just doesn't looks pretty fed I'm not talking I don't know that guy looks fit barboza's really Musgraves jacked man every time he leaves just isn't show up photo of khabib like making like a most muscular pose or something he's fucking pretty Jack he's just not though he's just a freak no not compared to a lot of dudes yeah go down there look at that you know because he's too weak you know he looks like a really strong Grappler he's good he's we know he has but really like that look at him like that your mouth and it's pretty good there shut your hurt your dirty lies feeling that he's pretty good what about that one right there
► 00:41:18that one cut the shit Bro eyeshadow you're like you look like that when you were on Twitter trt about when you were young it's basically the same if I was in there it would you would call it steroids you are always like that yeah I was always like that yeah when I was young when I first met yeah I didn't even take vitamins now you were just shocked I remember the first time I met TV he were jacked out of your mind yeah I knew was just because you lifted weights well that was when I was just getting into Jiu-Jitsu so I really started lifting weights heavy because I was tired of getting mauled yeah so I really got into lifting website I am weak I'm like yeah because I'm Isa striking striking is so different than grappling different in terms of the demands and your muscles and your fatigue it's so but and it was works the other way too because I remember I had done any striking at all in like a year like I'd dinunzio just to Jutsu and then my friend Jamie and I started doing Jamie is a trainer and we were doing this training session and he had me hit mitts to and like just
► 00:42:17hit minutes for like a couple minutes I was gassed out as like how this is possible it's like I were I roll all the time I'm in good shape right now finds that way when you can't we get guys who are triathletes whatever they come in and Wayne McCulloch shout out to the great way McCulloch my trainer I love I love that guy he's the best fucking that's one of my favorite people in the world like whenever I see him all is right in the world he's just a humble man silver medalist in the Olympics world champion and nobody asked some questions in the gym it's like he that you have this gold mine this guy here who's who beat Morales who fought princess seams in the distance and nobody knows it and he never tells anybody and you'll see these guys hitting and I'm like wait why don't you tell them and he goes they don't ask me I don't bother them he's just the most humbled in were like it drives me fucking nuts but launch but anyway we'll get like triathletes people in really good shape but if you if you're sparring and you're afraid to get hit you stop breathing and so in three minutes in two minutes I don't care how good of shape you're in the minute you get punched
► 00:43:17once you're like yeah it took me literally it probably took me three years to get over that in a way because I have no confidence as a boxer and I shouldn't why he's getting punched in the head what is going on with you I'm not getting punched hard how hard I mean sometimes there's a my buddy Chris from Boston is a giant and he'll by accident sometimes you know you get connected and stuff but now you know you learn how to kind of keep your hands up but you're getting older you worried about that I'm insecure bro but you worried about your brain I sure had rattled I was a little cloudy I stopped for a little yelling yeah so you getting cloudy from getting hit I don't know I said to Brendan I said he has no time for this shit he gets so mad at me he just goes you're older what are you doing oh you're getting look like yeah that's right that's what happens so keep that shit up man he storms off yeah well he he came to the realization you know he ducked he ducked yeah he was oh I don't know he was oh sorry I was fucking Shane Carwin Mark or and all those guys and and throwing up after after his training sessions
► 00:44:17play football forever yeah I'll be all right yeah well right he quit though at the right time it's really did yes he did mean he's fine yes he made it out at the right time so invested in him like his like he's my brother so whenever he talks about saris Thelma I'm like see ICT I'm like now you're okay don't worry about it because your doctor you fine I promise it's not going to happen I don't like to think about it well I mean he's he's honest if he wasn't doing good he tell you you know he wasn't feeling good that's very true I think everybody needs someone who they trust implicitly that the that can pull the cord on them and to tell them hey man yeah you got to stop getting hit yes and for young Fighters man it is such a hard decision to make I've talked to several guys would tell their fighter several trainers and have to tell their fighters to retire and it's never easy it's never easy and sometimes identity the fighter will leave and go with a different trainer and be successful
► 00:45:17for and in the the you know and this one case the trainer was like I wish him well I mean I'm sure he can still beat guys that's not the problem the problem is he's showing some obvious signs of deterioration mentally neurologically the way he moves the way talks and a good person who cares about you is going to go okay we had a lot of fun it's a great run you're fine right now like you can talk and we can treat whatever problems come up apparently CBD is fantastic for that I've heard for a lot of people with brain issues and a lot of them you know inflammation issues because of trauma there's a lot of stuff they do I don't know magnetic stuff that hasn't gone oh did doing down the San Diego and soldiers where they put the electrode Instagram doing that right now sealed guy yeah but I am I don't think I've ever met a fighter who is retired who doesn't still feel like they could fight for the belt oh yeah they all want even even Chuck Liddell when he did fight on kid was like
► 00:46:17I'd like to throw my hat in the ring is John Jones I'm pretty good wrestler like he was already 48 yeah you never lose that part of what makes you a great fighter and a killer is that that sort of you know love of the game if you ask Paulie malignaggi right now I guarantee I guarantee if you're like could you fight for a title right now because I thought put my hat in there yeah Fighters alike that of course that's why they're mean that's why they become successful in the first place if you think about how you are when you first start out even if you're like real athletic your fucking terrible you know you're hitting the bag your feet are off even if you hit it hard like you're doing something wrong you're clumsy wide open afterwards there's something that's someone who's really good will Expose and then eventually you learn skills and as you learn skills you see those holes you tighten all those holes up and then you become far better than you were but the only reason why you're you can do that is because you think you're a bad mother fucker from the jump right but you hit that bag hard you'll okay I'm going to fuck everybody up and you start believing that and then as you get skills like Jesus I'm glad I didn't get into a real
► 00:47:17the real fighter early on because that is one of the most Insidious things that trainers do they'll throw their fighter to the wolves like they'll set their fighter up with some young up-and-coming Phenom who just smashing people and it's hard to get them fights and they'll get this guy to fight them you know because this is a few guys that will just fight anybody oh my God they've only been doing it for like a year you're going to take that fight against these guys 1600s brothers when they went into the into Andre Ward's camp in Oakland they were banging yeah and I'm sure from day one yeah cuz I was talking to Nate Diaz I was like but you guys go lie to goes no we bang it bang yeah I talked to Joe shelling about that the first time ever met Nick and he's like he's talking to next friend like Nick's like okay you got a cup you got your mouth and and Joe said the next one goes we fighting he goes yeah it was all right we're just fighting he just knew like this is gonna be fighting this is not as like a we sparring and we fighting yeah and they want to fight I mean really I think as you get
► 00:48:17better and better at it it probably becomes addictive and just sure because every time I go in there and I go I'm not gonna Spar but then there's somebody and then you say we'll just move around yeah but then well the us all they're also testing each other to right yeah like Nick is world-class fighter Joe Shillings a world champion kickboxer so strikings evil feel showing his evil striking yeah you fucks people I'll be standing next to him to he's also just big big long and athletic he's just like oh God is doing very well in MMA now is he really not nasty fucking ground and pound his last fight Manny Halley when you got a guide that bat good at slashing people with elbows and punching people and you get him on top of you yeah good their ground and pound is on another level you know because they can generate serious power and short distances it like a lot of Grapplers have a hard time with like to remember when Cro Cop got on top of Gonzaga and and opened his face up with an elbow moves horrific but was inside the guard yeah like if you are real good Striker
► 00:49:17short amount of distant boom Brandon said that's the strongest guy he's ever throw cop yeah strong motherfucker mouth powerful those ridiculous legs know those those legs that belong on a fucking elephant and a fun day you know also going back to this asteroid impact I'm sorry there's a layer somewhere around 66 million years ago that indicates that the Earth got hit by an asteroid that's what I mean when I say that yeah I think it's the layer is high in the Iridium I think an iridium has it's very rare on Earth but very common in space and there's a bunch of other indications that that's the time that it hit but what they're saying the Radiolab one is that the current state of understanding is that the dinosaurs and basically most things died within the first couple hours like all the dinosaurs they were all dead apparently their their bones are their fossils are in that iridium layer a lot of times right I don't know maybe yeah they
► 00:50:17a lot of they find him before to write they don't just don't find any after and these think yeah they think that their blood boiled in their body they think it got so hot that during the few hours he got to like seven hundred a thousand degrees 1200 degrees it just got insanely hot it was trying to get better at stand up and stay in shape now I gotta worry about fucking that's a full-time job raise my kids that's what we really should be thinking about not just how bad we're fucking the Earth up but how bad something could fuck the Earth up from the sky yeah that's what we really should be paying attention to instead of paying attention to so many nonsensical things to people concentrate on there's a real chance that we could get hit in our lifetime with something that n civilization like that 100% Can Happen yep yeah I had Graham Hancock on last week and we were going over his new book this book is it isn't it right here Jimmy it's right there it's fucking up it's excellent and Graham was talking about it's called America before it's the evidence of civilizations
► 00:51:17in the Americas in North America particularly in the Amazon that they think that there was millions of people live in the Amazon but when the European explorers came over here the game smallpox and wiped out everyone yeah and they came back hundreds of years later and there was nothing yeah like the the entire civilization 1/8 amazed I think I feel like in 1492 ever there was a I think when the Spanish came up through the Mississippi Delta the same thing yeah same thing yeah they wiped out 90 but it'd be a lot of people think that the genocide of the Native Americans was just European soldiers and people and settlers killing Native Americans which did happen but it's also influenza 90% of them were killed by disease 90% like the entire population was David had Dave and had certain government policies when I like you missionaries are going out there and trying to convert them to Christianity you're giving them your diseases they knew that back then they knew that they were like your they're getting sick
► 00:52:17and they're dying of you know they were all of a sudden they were like we're getting these colds and people are dying they didn't have any resistance to that crazy if those dirty Europeans with their shit water shoots outside their house and motherfucking Vermin running around that was War of the Worlds remember where the world's the movie that is how they died they weren't ready for pathogens that's my whole philosophy on we all try to be tough one of the things about all of us as men or anybody is we hate to be vulnerable so you know I trained and I stay in shape I eat well and live forever I don't think there's anything such thing is I don't think that you can be really ready for a situation you know in a bar I guess and then you get bit by a tick or you get a flesh-eating disease yeah and you die sure so that'll know she's any way to get Merchant yourself well I mean you can protect yourself but you are ultimately very vulnerable but then the what this Radiolab was freaking me out about what
► 00:53:17that there's so many of those things floating around the sky this is what Graham talked about in not just this book but an in previous books that they think that something slammed into the Earth somewhere in the past that ended the Ice Age probably wiped out a giant chunk of the large Mega fauna on North America led to the almost instantaneous Extinction of so many different animals and so it goes yeah and so it goes and it can happen again there could be a super volcano there's all kinds of stuff like that all these fucking things it makes you one of an asteroid was going to hit Denver NASA was practicing that this week Dan Dan Dance Before they've had like a practice run using a bunch of the different here's a practice run getting the boat go to Australia exactly I have to go pee guilty all my pet you gotta go to Australia talk about me being talked about you're gonna give me yeah May 9th 10th 11th at the end only there yeah and then Orlando talk about come get it okay promote me okay Bryan Callen is going to be in Miami At The Improv
► 00:54:17and in Orlando if you go to Brian Cowen.com don't have all that stuff I just ran across this to on the screen on Twitter what happened to that kid's head man oh my God have an affair with a woman her husband came home early tried to escape through the window but ended up falling on a metal beam oh my God it went through his head how'd they get the beam off their the saw the beam off probably a holy shit bro I just saw the picture of the what the fuck is that holy shit oh my God he's alive yeah and then it is just pictures of this happening in the past to Jesus Christ I got a little one eye because of it oh my God I went through his head yeah it's weird what would people how people survived from injuries basically lobotomy yeah yeah when they stopped doing those I we haven't really talked about too much but I remember looking it up it just would dig a hole right through your eye and scramble your brain metal piece of metal
► 00:55:17and they did that because you were just too annoying I don't know why these people were crazy they would just do it they were doing them up until like nineteen in the nineteen hundreds I know I don't know if it stopped like the 50s or 40s the exact time but what do you think they're doing now besides circumcision that people going to look back on like that and go what the fuck were they thinking what do you think they're doing now
► 00:55:40I don't know it's just we keep learning different strategies to fix stuff yeah that's true but this the but the lobotomies not even a strategy to fix stuff it's like chaos work though in some cases did I must have had to have but maybe it stop them from being super violent or something controlling people will probably be has no bullets bullets I mean I don't know why do they give someone a lobotomy look what is the what's the chief reason for giving someone a lobotomy what would you guess psychosis crazy stuff yeah but they didn't have an answer probably for pharmaceuticals back then so they just said fucking scramble the brain somehow it's fucked up to me that it's still your brain would still work it's a neurological treatment of a mental disorder that involves severing the connections between the brains prefrontal cortex you made it too big yes I have connections to and from the prefrontal cortex and the anterior part of the frontal lobes of the brain are severed what did they do that for Brian
► 00:56:40because when you had a personality that was when you were crazy they would take out the part of your brain I guess that was reactive and that gave you essentially a personality so when you are lobotomized you were really kind of a normal person if you ever seen the movie friend says they gave her a lobotomy wow look at this do you lobotomize a little kid with a lot they did it to a little kid yeah horrifying why they do it to that little kid scramble your brain
► 00:57:11terrible my God remember if I remember right there was one guy he was doing up to like 70 a day or something like that that's for an hour yeah that's what they lured a long I think the body would help you that you know I'm reading a that this guy David Epstein but there were people who you know they had electric shock therapy and they were they were crazy and they would try all these things
► 00:57:36catatonic schizophrenia she says she has yeah look at her smile on 16th months later they would try these things so before and after like six inches so it worked the lobotomy Works would just smile and everywhere yeah but she would smile she saw a baby get run over by a car should smile she saw house catch on fire Jesus I'm reading is stuck on the brain sort of like that guy David Epstein a wrote he wrote the sports Gene we have the fastest people in the world tiny part of Africa the people that run the farthest which is the highlands of Kenya really fascinating book He's a Sports Illustrated writer and then he there's a new book coming out called range and it's about how when you teach a kid or when you when you learn a lot of different disciplines so if you're some of the best violinists some of the best athletes whatever they didn't specialize it's very rare it's probably a bad idea to specialize from a very early age with the exception
► 00:58:36is like Tiger Woods he Compares Tiger Woods and Roger Federer Tiger Woods was raised to be a golfer from the age of two his dad was already having them he was watching having them watch how he swings and everything and Roger Federer greatest tennis player ever was planned in the music plants soccer plant anything with a ball and didn't really get into tennis didn't really find his love of tennis until he was in his teens and a lot of musicians great musicians who are Innovative so whether it's Duke Ellington or whatever the great ones who make original music a lot of them are self-taught and a lot of them played a lot of instruments until they started to focus on that one instrument that spoke to them and he uses all these different examples of how how generalizing and doing a lot of different things in forms essentially informs your ability to become really good at one thing when you finally decide to do that
► 00:59:36really kind of cool because a lot of parents are specializing a lot of parents I can play baseball that's we're going to play camp and everything else we're just going to practice that bad idea bad idea according to this with the exception of very few skills like golf but everything else is you want to really expose your kid to a wide variety of things because for whatever it does with those that you know all the neurons and stuff you you are you're able to get better at something when you're practicing another thing well that makes sense to me it also makes sense to me that you'd want to get your kid exposed to a lot of things to find out what they actually enjoy because sometimes you enjoy something and you go all but I don't enjoy it as much as this you find some new thing like that's even better I'm sure you went through things like that right but a lot of parents like a lot of talking about tiger moms they'll say you have a choice but you're playing the violin and you're playing a piano and you're not playing the other instrument we're gonna get better that crazy yeah well the problem is it doesn't it stifles Innovation it you become really pedantic and good at following instructions but you're not going to be very Innovative you'll be really technically good but you also
► 01:00:36Thames Donati and you wind up dagger shit like Yo-Yo Ma was he would try and he tried a bunch of different instruments until he finally said I'm going to play this yeah you want to be naughty you want to fight it yeah you want to fight mommy you want and you probably have some weird mommy porn and your bookmarks uh-huh uh-huh this amazing amounts of stepmom porn really it's all stepmoms well PornHub like Mom your father's gonna be so mad at you go long well Mom Mom or a derivative of mom is I think the second most typed in word in PornHub what's number one sister you young Warren to hit something solid something to do with young but Mom is another thing granny porn is huge in Kenya and the UK do you know why they think because you're raised by an older lady or an older man your Headmaster they're in a position of authority and as your excellent to well as you're coming too and you're formulating your point of view of the world
► 01:01:36making sense the world you tend to sexualize whatever's in front of you I guess that makes sense you in print so so gilfs and you know that's kind of hot yeah Grandma's I'd like to fuck what kind of world we live in in my friend's wife he catches her watching grandma porn grey grey old men banging gals yeah he's into the cheese into old dude she's an old guys like real old like that goodby your body looks like warm cheese won't understand why would they like that I don't it's who the fuck knows that is a weird thing though that you hear that some women like really old guys you don't hear that from women I'm from men rather yeah what does it say the world's newest photos of yourself and yeah she's I bet she was hot as fuck back in the 80s a hundred percent yeah what you gonna do listen man old hose there just hose that got old look at that one I had a friend from Uruguay who is Super Macho my friend you didn't show that on the screen
► 01:02:36did you miss it you son of a bitch who has that some now don't don't poor lady it's Grandma with ridiculous fake boobs my friend my friend he was he was from Uruguay Super Macho and he was like he had didn't have a lot of money and he had like he was kind of a gigolo he was having sex with this woman who's she's old she's very ill I said I go what she look like when she's naked it's a disaster Jesus I got okay I can look to her when she go to the bathroom I have to look you know over here because yes I has to be no light because it's a disaster why is it doing that but he goes he goes by you know why she looks at me know why she's young she's me I come like this you know yeah the eyes her eyes make me hard
► 01:03:26I'll never forget this I was like until flow well some people are really kind to people being really into that yeah she just wants to be admired I've known some women like that who are into dating trolls I'm yeah because they've never had a woman like that and they're like don't fuck and they're just my sister had a friend like that her friend was only into guys that she knew she could do better that's fantastic she wanted she wanted them to worship her well there's that there's a apparently there's a psychology where a lot of men will over feed their wives and get them super fat so that they don't step out on them there's a lot of this those subconscious behaviors that go on why are people so goddamn crazy I don't know trauma you know that Carl Jung is it the Carl Jung fucking line that says that which we don't work out in our subconscious we will act out as Fate In Our Lives how about that because you will relive
► 01:04:26jewelry lift trauma you will relive these patterns and you'll do it on your own terms and you'll wonder why you keep father why do you keep dating the same person why do you keep falling into the same problem why after two years is this go bad what what is that well there's a way to actually creatively at least sit with that and observe it and be aware of it that's what therapy does yeah I guess you know the unconscious conscious that will direct your life and you will call it fate what a great quote wow until you make the unconscious conscious yeah I mean there's a lot of fucking strings pulling on it will direct your life and you will call it fate knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people well that's what Nietzsche that's why I like nature Nietzsche's niches idea was like look man you can have these false models of life which is a lot of times life is a bitch right and you're not going to you're not going to be on the computer you don't want it so what you'll do is you'll go okay Meek will inherit the earth that's all right
► 01:05:26I am you have money but is he happy is he happy you know there's a lot we make all of us do this we make excuses to not live our best life and he was like nah live dangerously and try to be the best you can be just work your ass off and if you have to die if you have to take risks and die leave a good-looking corpse is the idea of turn your life into a fucking circus do you think the meek will inherit inherit the earth you think of that was a prophecy that they would be talking about technologists they would be talking about like the people that run Twitter and Google + Facebook and the internet tech people which is if you think about like the amount of money that Facebook has amount of money that YouTube has so like these these enormously influential tech companies even Amazon right yeah like who who were they who are they these are nerds they're nerds but they're very aggressive nerds and they're very thoughtful nurse a very competitive nerds so I don't consider them the meek I think I think who's the meat so I think the meek the
► 01:06:26the philosophy behind that and I think the United States also works on this premise in a sense is the American dream so what keeps the masses from rising up and taking the money from people who like to have nots from taking money from The Haves and especially when the halves you know are rather slim and number in comparison to the large proportion of the population that's a that's $500 in the bank well what's great about the United States with always worked about the United States we don't have these the French Revolution in this country is because the American dream is about potential there is a potential I may not have money now but I met and I will because I know I will because I'm an optimist I will be in the 1% eventually I got an idea bro I'm telling you it's a great idea and people need that hope you take that hope away you take the ability you take the idea that there's no way
► 01:07:26I can ever esteem out of my condition you better be careful that's what that's the so potential the potential to be better the potential to be wealthier that think about how all of us a lot of us as were as we get older you think that's what the meek will inherit the earth man I think it's in that are that people that aren't creating war was probably the people that were left over it's like it's a whack each other piece now I think it's I think it's a way of getting people to at least live with the fact that I'm a surf I'm a peasant I have no way to steam out of my condition but at least I have the afterlife at least I know that if I live and I suffer well and I suffer quietly and I suffer with dignity there will be a reward after this what is the conventional definition or the conventional meaning to that statement the meek will inherit the earth like what are how to Scholars interpret that well religious right right right but I mean how do they how do they interpret that like what is I think what did they say
► 01:08:26Advantage it's harder for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven right so so you know that the famous story where when that's a Christ said if you want to follow me to the rich guy he said give up all your money and the rich guy turned hung his head and walked away and he said poor guy it's so hard for the for the rich to get to give up their life of privilege is very difficult do you think Jesus was a real person
► 01:08:50historically I think there was probably a rabbi named Jesus of Nazareth Nazareth that that's what that's what that seems to be the conclusion among a lot of historians and he was a radical rap He was a radical man because he simplified Judaism is really what he was he was simplifying Judaism to say look you know you could follow the Book of Leviticus and all the rituals it takes to become a good Jew which is there's a certain way to quarter a calf and there's a certain way a certain things you can't eat and you have to bathe and you have to all these rituals and he said way too complicated we're never going to spread the word this way he said just make it simple do it Rabbi Hillel said in the the Old Testament do unto others as you'd have them do unto you and hold only one God as your God you know fathers of the were all the idea of a mom of a monolithic God is that there's a there's one father we're all brothers and sisters that way we're all the same moral worth that way I can't judge you that way I don't know what you're worth only God does I don't
► 01:09:50I don't know where you have I don't know what your value is your human being I can't quantify that I think I think that's a beautiful thing I think we all benefit from that religious and that judeo Christian idea whether we know it or not and if you want to replace that my only issue with atheists is if you want to try to replace that irrational idea that irrational idea that we're all the same moral worth because you can't prove it but if you mathematically or biologically but what do you replace that with rationality you want to try you want it you want to run a society on rationality we can't do that well if that's the most dangerous idea works that's it's still the most dangerous idea in the world because ethics have to be predicated there's got to be Bedrock the more you can mortars idea in the world well because let me give you an example it's very rational mathematically okay to suggest that anybody who is mentally handicapped is draining resources from our gifted children and I'm telling you now in a lot of the students in a bun
► 01:10:50straight would have who live in abundance around me people take care of the people that handicap because abundance doesn't always last and you can't predict abundance and a lot of times there is its your right now not really not for a lot of people right here it'd be it'd be very easy to justify if you were just prayed to the god of rationality it'd be very easy to justify it and people have done this in history which is what I worry about sure hey let's get rid of all the people that are draining our resources because they're not they're hopeless anyway people on breathing machines people who are severely retarded whatever they are severely handicapped their training resource I know you love them but listen we need this money for over here you're in a hospital you're taking with him the very old very informed so you think we need religion to keep you from taking people off life support well I I will say that I think religion and specifically the judeo-christian ethic and I include Islam in that and by the way I mean Buddhism is also talks about the sacredness of the sentient being these religions are there because and I think we benefit from
► 01:11:50I think that all of the with you two I mean where does our justice system is predicated it's predicated on the idea that all men are created equal we benefit from it but there's also real problems with it and of course throughout problems with any idea but be careful in what you eat what we eat but of what I don't understand is why you think you can't be replaced with logic and reason because logic and reason has pitfalls but what you're assuming that it lives on hold on you see assuming their logic and reason doesn't also have compassion so like you you wouldn't have compassion for the people that are mentally handicapped only does it does it's too fickle what I'm trying to say is this there's something very irrational and and very religious about the idea that all men are created equal that we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal right yeah and you about her our talks about this brilliantly in this book which is that you cannot prove mathematically are biologically that that the idea that all men are created equal is that saves the ends of the nucleus sapiens Israel right so so because we're not again LeBron James if you standing next to me isn't we're not
► 01:12:50always my chocolate Avatar right so but we inherently know that our humanness our human eyes you're not equal physically he's a super athlete but I'm funny or I had my own gift to I haven't suck yeah if he went on stage in murdered but there are films like Eddie Murphy 2.0 there are people that are better but what but I won't suck though yes if he was LeBron James and it was funnier than you well he's not a bad actor I'll tell you that much in imagine if he was really funny like if you couldn't follow him that's when I give him my girl you imagine that though I would present him with my girl is get what 6-foot what 11 .69 okay six nine six foot 965 Bill like a god faster than everybody and stronger than amazing and again orders on stage at the store
► 01:13:39and when you eat the mic you have to go like this to get the mic
► 01:13:42that's right bring it down to you because you have to go on after him and that's when I say to him he's got in the mic stand it's fucking 7 feet in the air yeah and I go mr. mr. James I'd like to be a traveling concubine I'm probably not really doesn't want that I'm not your type know you're useless take owner I'll take Connor guys on bikes let me cook for you always get people to shut the fuck up that carry the bag polish your shoes are too annoying man what are you gonna do you stare at his dick all day I kind of asked him questions about what a man he is yeah this is weird what do you squat leave them alone okay I'll just be in the corn right better jokes I just sir I'd like to be a gimp that would be so embarrassing like if a guy was that good at basketball but then I was like a natural at comedy there there are started murdering and hominy like or like a fighter like what if Terence Crawford ton of to be the funniest fucking dude in the World Imagine imagine you know and he not just fucks people up in the ring but then Terence Crawford starts doing Seth
► 01:14:42his door and murdering and he's got a Netflix special and he's murdering and you like know how give you go so good at these things I don't know man yeah yeah but listen there are people that are better at everything sometimes I mean there are well there's definite look but but but we Elon Musk is a good example that how many fucking things can that guy do it once but at the same time what I'm saying is that you can't quantify human being because you don't know what their potential is and you don't know where the strong like I just think it's up its the bron James murders on stage he's not better than you and everything he's better than you at everything if he murdered following you you gotta follow him he's going to murder and then the King has left the building lazy's going to drop the mic and walk away and be a problem then you gotta go now but you can't be that good at two things right I mean wow who's this well I mean to be one really good guys or how much do you put it you can we just agree to things like three times what if he puts listen to me what if he puts the kind of effort that he puts into getting good at basketball and it
► 01:15:42good at stand up for muscle diff yeah one muscles lazy one muscle doesn't really write and work and like the amount of hours that we work on our craft versus them out a basketball player has to practice different listen always murderous isn't this is Blake Griffin he's been trying to do stand-up in the offseason last couple of years more when he was living in La he got traded to the Detroit now so it's a little bit harder for him probably but never come into joint good he's good yeah I mean from what I've heard from my people have seen it that's hilarious videos of it there you go motherfucker yeah so you can look at 6:10 doesn't matter stand up doesn't care it's a long road yeah see you in 10 years it can work though someone if he does it look what I'm saying is like you take a guy who has the kind of discipline and work ethic that an athlete does at the highest level of the game yeah and apply that stand-up comedy I bet they'll get further than a lot of us it's only 30 - only 30 maybe what are you gonna do Blake Griffin's gonna murder in front of you when the weird muscle stand up to weird muscle Joey Diaz isn't exactly like Joey Diaz
► 01:16:42is high by noon but he's funny as fuck it because he's way before noon yeah comedies a weird thing comedy's a very there are some fuckin jokin Joey Diaz Mike and high all the time that motherfucker works on yakked Joey works and it's a mindset you're always writing your always he's a Joey Diaz is a pro like people see Joey and they see that you know he smokes a lot of weed and he's crazy and they assume that he just gets up there just Rants and Raves no no that guy always has new material always work always working on something up yeah he's I think that's what it takes to I think that this kid was younger and he told me he hadn't written a joke in two years and I went well you're talking like a loser you know you can't I think stand-up is Relentless especially if you develop follow with you if that's where he's at he's probably depressed or something probably wrong with well we talked about that too isn't it yeah yeah but I'm saying that you know again you know that depression is a very real thing but I
► 01:17:42send a kind of younger people who seem like they're in a rut that's why I'm a huge believer in just just take the steps of getting better at one type of language start it doesn't matter if the guitar it doesn't matter just just get better at one little thing just start practicing it'll motivate you to do other things I'm not saying depression clinical depression is a very real thing I don't know enough about it well the thing is it's it is real yeah but it's different with every person yeah it's like it's one of the rarest of diseases in that like you really can't put it on a scale yeah like you Spectrum you feel like shit or you don't feel like shit you're depressed you're not depressed yeah but what what level depressed are you are you suicidal or you just like kind of shitty could you fix it with like running or do you need like real chemical intervention and in do no do you know the difference like what what's your community like what are your friendships like yeah they wrote what is your family like she was questions huge question and by the way how are you eating how are you exercising what is your community like these are things where in people who live the longest
► 01:18:42no sighs what is it Spain I heard I don't know if I'm right has the longest per capita live people right now and yet huge alcohol and tobacco consumption but they are connected to community there and they do a lot of that it getting it in ya Takin see us this long lunching in yes banging it out yes the and drinking red wine whoa yeah why not enjoy their light and dancing salsa dancing salsa I don't I bet thankful to what is this Spain to lie Japan and global life expectancy go us continues to slide yeah because we're eating shitty food and we're getting fat we're also isolated yeah well you know there's a price you pay for as a capitalist as a capitalist somebody believes in the free market there's a price you pay for the praying to the god of consumption and progress there is and it's it as we as we are we're ruthlessly competitive Americans Rue Americans are fucking ruthlessly competitive and insanely aggressive football
► 01:19:42is a game of war it's simulated War your it's a you're capturing territory and everything else we are so aggressive that way and look it makes this a great country we also pay a price for it no question about it like I get I do get sort of the notion that we need there is this idea that where the left a lot of the left says look man this this capitalism stuff that seems to be creating isolation and depression like how is it going is there is there a conversation to be had about how we figure out how we structure our lives where Community takes more of a presence where job security takes more of a presence all these things well I mean I start I start to freak out I decide know you're saying yeah but here's the thing about socialism socialism in general sounds like a terrible idea because a lot of people are lazy and because of D incentivizes people from action and there's a certain thing that people should have motivation to succeed they should have
► 01:20:42drive from they get some satisfaction out of achieving goals and those are all things that I would not want to deny any young person from I think those are really important things for happiness and one of the things that they've studied when they've studied happiness and people people that are goal oriented in that set they set goals and Achieve those goals it's one of the best markers for happiness and it doesn't necessarily mean money you know the problem is we like to think of it as money as it's a money thing but in athletics and art when people without Finance attached to it at all when people set out to do something and then do it they achieve a sense of self-worth and happiness index and then understand understanding of yourself and who you are this is what's missing from a lot of people and and and again I'm not a clinical psychologist I don't really understand depression I don't I don't suffer from it but I I've known enough people that have to know that there's a lot of different kinds of it it's all different and I think some people just have a broken brain there's something wrong in there
► 01:21:42and it would be nice if there was a chemical that could fit into that slot and fix it and sometimes there is for those people and sometimes it changes their lives and then I've known people that were on the wrong medical acharya was on Propecia and it was fucking with him it gave him depression you know and sometimes people they'll change their diet and and you know one of the things that Rhonda Patrick was she posted something I think it was on her Twitter account how inflammation led to impulsive decision-making led to cheating on your diet and led to poor decisions in terms of like overall lifestyle just from having higher levels of inflammation so eating shitty food not getting enough sleep drinking all those things lead to inflammation access all those things cause you to make more impulsive food choices shitty food choices bad dietary Choice badly lifestyle dress choices like they're all it almost like information wants more of it here it is study finds an inflammation even at subclinical levels in healthy participants May provoke
► 01:22:42impulsive behavior and an inability to delay gratification is that amazing yeah it I starts to pull back with all this stuff and I always think to myself like I think I think what you and I are after like when the reason I'm happy and the reason I feel so fulfilled is I'm able to express myself really fully like fully like I told you the other day like I certain development of my life like I was like I want radical honesty in the sense that I don't have to lie about anything I don't want to lie about anything I want to be very honest you and I have been so always been so honest with each other right and well that's why we know each other's so yes to well yes in the minute we start fucking bullshitting you're like oh what what what but that that's where you have your friends and hold you accountable because they know exactly who you are and it's very important exactly what that so so what that allows you to do is to express yourself fully and completely original Self expression is my hole
► 01:23:42my Creator my idea but but so if eating well if eating well see I don't want my body to get in the way I don't want to get in the way so I investigate how to feel optimal so that I can just not have it get in the way and I can do the things I love ya that is a form of expressing myself fully I always wanted a box I'm so it was such a mystery to me and I'll be I'm nervous today because I got to go Spar some fuck how long you been doing it now how many years almost five years now but but but I don't care about you know I'm not going to enter you know not gonna win wants me to fight them I'm I want you to fire but I'm not going to I want to I want to I don't want to be an actor takes advise hilarious to me why is winds doing that to you because he's a fighter and he's a maniac man do you go to get in there lace up the gloves at least one time right you could fight you can fight come on through throw the old left right left yeah readily apparent headgear and he just puts in the mouth piece and it's he's gonna happen you yeah he puts his gloves wherever he wants whoo which is annoying but my point is that I I feel like I'm
► 01:24:42expressing myself in that vein I already showed you it her shoulders they're like right pomegranates really you're okay I have a beautiful body doesn't bother you at all boxing doesn't injure you it's Jiu-Jitsu and Crossfit that shit'll if you're not careful yeah yeah I'm old now I warm up boxing can definitely still injure you do you do warm up with like bands what do you do you know I just you know what I really honestly what I do I have my my whole dynamic stretching routine I do in the morning when I walk in the gym I buy lace them up and I just start moving very slowly I wore my body up I start hitting them it's really lightly and as I go I hit more and more and then I'm a meathead I see those minutes and I want to smash that's what happens that's what happens that your back is how people have to tell me don't tell me don't start slow start slow it's warm up warm up you just need Jesus you okay yeah like cocaine what are you doing coke now yeah but just a little bro just a little just a dirty stuff or if you do a little if you take the edge off nobody did and nobody
► 01:25:42did a bunch of cocaine and should got better well I wonder if people chewed bunch of coca leaves and sugar gotta go some coke haven't heard anybody trying that right now thanks showing the problem is it correct you crash you do blow and you want to start a business with your friend the all these fucking you can you microdose psilocybin because there's no real crap mean there's a weird feeling after a mushroom trip but there's no like devastating crash that I hear people report after cocaine cocaine apparently when you on the calm down you just wrecked yeah that's one of the roller coaster ride like a lot of people they do the cocaine and then they have the crash the dopamine levels Smash and then they only feel good at the doing cocaine again because their bodies so fucked up that was a but are you lose your house like in three years A buddy of mine had that in our other friend worked in a rehab center it was trying to explain it to us what was wrong yeah it's no joke it was sad sad shit I had somebody described he emailed me and he described what we were talking about my friend Michael McDonald
► 01:26:42best friend committed suicide and he's on the podcast talking about and he got emotional is heavy shit and somebody I know who comes to my shows emailed me and I guess he suffers from serious depression and you know he described the like when was so we always say well how do they how could they commit suicide they had children I mean how what happened like it makes no sense he said for me it's like being in a sauna and you know how you get too hot you get so hard you have to get the fuck out because you're doing and he said only there's nowhere to go you don't have an exit you know I was in the song Yesterday And I've been in the song lately at higher temperatures because Gabrielle Reece she was on the podcast and she was saying her husband you know Laird Hamilton that badass surfer dude he cranks his son up to 225 degrees and when when people like he's like who's been fucking up my song I like it's like it's lower than 225 and like Jesus Christ she's telling me this is like to
► 01:27:4225 fuck such a bad so I put this on up to 200 yesterday and I was thinking now while I'm lying there I'm like what if this was the world forever it was to integrate he's from now on forever the world's 200° like how happy would you be with your children could you still laugh I was thinking like how I could I can withstand that forever stand it for 20 minutes that's what I do right but what would I do if that was like that feeling of hot if it didn't kill you the feeling of 200 degrees I would you be willing to live through that like how much would it's sad in your life yeah how much would it way on yeah a lot of course what I'm trying to say is move out of Phoenix Arizona folks that's so oppressively hot it's not worth in the summer God get yourself a Colorado Mountain Home in the with in the summer I was just up in Boulder Boulder it needs to be a little more aggressive like I was just in Boulder and it just me like I see a grown man the middle of the day with a beard balancing on a handrail I'm like
► 01:28:42an able-bodied man and it's Friday at fucking to go to work right now before you know there's another dudes just sitting cross-legged with a small little flute you know who you played an elementary school dude just so an aggressive but it was Paradise that whatever I want to her that they had a sale on clogs there's a few hippies bro what it just makes an aggressive I've what percentage of those people are there if there's a hundred thousand people is there 10 that are judging the whole place okay is there ten people that are playing the flute they put campaign they put they put there's nothing about white really white wealthy white people that put caffeine and and comfortable Footwear at the top of their Essentials yeah comfortable Footwear what's wrong with you I don't know man feet to hurt ya put a fucking put a leather sole in your fucking foot and go to work another Soul have your toes pinched hard wouldn't heal as well I want yeah I like that and have your toes pinch a little bit of it and wear and wear some whoa what's that called when your bunions get one of them things whatever
► 01:29:42you fax your shit drink your black coffee but don't you think it's nice to have a community like that well they're just all about yoga and Stott Nasser I guess it's comfortable until the zombie apocalypse hits and then I'm not fucking relying on them live you don't want to live through the zombie apocalypse why you don't bowl on a boulder is impossibly relax that's what II's watch The Walking Dead which I don't anymore huh yeah but when I used to watch it all the time for the just annoy me to the point where I couldn't take anymore after a while it I was always like I don't want to do this why would you want to do this survive I mean people commit suicide now guys like that are doing well the life is great and they have loved ones they commit suicide you're telling me that people just going to live through this nonsense Jamie bring up Dresden before and after the war take a look at that they say the middle of dressing was as hot as the sun Jesus speaking of 200 degrees because of the when the Allies bombed it but just take a look at the what it looked like before and after
► 01:30:41we're so lucky we don't have to tolerate that kind of shit right now I remember who is the guy who wrote oh God where the where the where the monsters are where the wrote a children's book with a call where the monsters are I don't know and he was way was in the war and he said you believe in God he said he just casually said no no the war took care of that for me I never forgot it knows nothing he just died and but five years ago I had Eddie Izzard on yesterday we were talking about wars of aggression and that most likely we've seen the end of Wars of aggression as the trying to conquer new territory like that World War II was probably the last one of those look at that man that's so that was Dresden dressing look like the surface of the Moon Jesus when they were really done with it oh my God yeah oh my God that lady got barbecued yes it's horrific those are all bodies man she and that was their stress in their you guys just that that but we'll go stop scrolling look at that what
► 01:31:41fuck man yeah that's what war did that's what World War II is the only destruction of Old Europe imagine what it would look like to to watch those bombs hit and just level everything like that but was carpet bombing so civilians that you know the objective was actually killed the the German worker to really bring that country to its knees it was it was back when total devastation the enemy was essentially a tactic was a horrible horrible thing
► 01:32:10wow yeah it's easy these images are so stunning okay this is a few human beings rebuild yet they Prevail yeah and you know yet few decades later it's okay but we're talking about yesterday was that would most likely have seen the end of these wars of Conquest where people try and take over new territories right this territory is no longer a commodity now it's Services its ideas its technology is its land in that sense yeah but even the concept was that we're moving in a better direction that things are becoming less and less at least over the aggressive more people are able to see what's really going yeah to and more people can communicate me this is really the only generation ever like these last two or three generations where you are able to easily translate anything that anyone saying in any other country like how often do you go like I'll read like could be nurmagomedov Instagram page and it's in Russian you know and I
► 01:33:10translate it and so I could read what he's saying and I do that with a lot of other fighters to I just hit the translate button yeah like how dope is that brings you closer to them yeah well do you get to know them you know you know and you see that they are pretty fucking similar even though they're different you know they're in the family worship and their food and their Community they laugh laugh yeah I mean it's in humor their salt with each other if you live there you'd be in that style of living to and it's a hard place to live so you got to be a tough motherfucker right yeah that's right but there's a predict there's something predictable to about how to live there certain norms and practices and you know there's just think that with Russia being run by Putin that seems to me to be the last big country that might invade somebody like Russia being run by Putin you could almost see him pulling a Crimea somewhere else in the world you could almost see him I think Russia and I think the history of Russia I
► 01:34:10not been there I was there when I was very young but I've not been there since I and I have people have gone there and they actually really enjoy it and it's you know just great people like great people there are Russian people who suffered maybe more than anybody in the 20th century but great people and and industrious and everything else but I do think that the Run by a gangster well but it's not just that they're run by a gangster yes but I think that sometimes the way a populist thinks about certain things can inform their Destiny right so so think about this if you were always invaded and you had a flat topography and tanks could roll in German tanks whatever it is and you paid such a price price for that again I told you when I went there in 1985 you didn't see any old men yeah they were all killed but aggression male aggression
► 01:35:10was what kept those Nazis at Bay and when they were when they surrounded Leningrad now st. Petersburg and stuff like that a lot of stories that and I think that when you've been traumatized to the extent that Russia has been traumatized certain strengths you know the ability to stand up against aggression and to be brave and Powerful those become that that becomes the commodity that's where that's the guy that gets all the money all the women all the you know whatever and I think that's a product of their history so Putin is an admired man Putin gets I bet you have put in that very fair elections he would get elected in to power he's respected you trying to say doesn't have Fair elections yeah well there's a weird thing my larger point you want to record I'm not saying that I'm not saying that sir I don't know anything about Russian elections but I will say this I don't know why you're putting words in my mouth why don't you guys get to our what the hell's going on with get elected anyway I think the symbol of them so my fever allowed open
► 01:36:10his mother well there is open criticism believe it or not sure the guys who get shot it was openly criticized then they get shot there's actually there's actually there is a press that actually is critical right right right but you know you know they've killed journalists yes it's not a threat to his power well how many how many journalists have been murdered I don't know but enough poisons and all kinds of weird shit Google Google journalist critical of Putin murdered also with supporters will beat the shit out of you yeah so sure so what I'm saying is that I think Russia's what are you saying I think Russia needs to embrace a diff the softer strengths are you a foreign policy adviser yes I am they said no this is a philosophy I Have This Is My Philosophy ready okay so my philosophy is this this country is a great country and our culture's and interesting culture why why because not only are we representative hard strengths the military the NFL fucking UFC all that shit the what Eagles and Eagles fucking ball right bro you're right
► 01:37:10the classic that Canada's fucking national anthem is the beaver well Russia as a bear okay but so America is again a very aggressive but you know what America's trade secret is we've also provided safe Corridor gentler Spirits what is this violent deaths of journalists started in the Yeltsin era okay so they just been doing that yeah forever yes so there's just like President just do that in Russia always have murder Crossfire terrorist act in 2008 there was six of those dude murder only there's another six listen two of them were brought to trial look at me right now Putin is Gandhi Putin is Gandhi compared to Khrushchev Gandhi compared to Stalin Gandhi compared to Lenin Ghana compared to any anybody who is in power before him that those guys used to kill wholesale I mean that's a fact up to their elbows in blood who's that guy that got murdered recently that was running it was a political opponent they shot that dude down so when his death was not
► 01:38:10related to the journalist work the conviction rate exceeds 90% what put them in jail too if they don't just kill him when the debt what is that quote though when the death was not related to the journalists work the conviction so you talking about rates of conviction okay that was a weird quote Oh rates of conviction or very high yeah of course to the guy with the gun in that Society they do that talk about you though Espionage those kind of Trials yeah you're going straight to the Pokey son do not pass go good luck with your trial that's true the judge is like yeah listen to you 20 years fuck off but aggression the whole aggressive part of the world United States like Russia however we're smarter no we're better Waitin no refund attacked for our we protect our funnier why we funnier because we're better that's not to Gerald Braun James At The Comedy Store General Sir you mean to General this is a quiz why we're better free because we we have protections
► 01:39:10for our the people on the fringes are creatives how are weirdos are fashionistas all the people that make our culture interesting Steven Jobs what he said wasn't good at CrossFit no he's going to yelling it employs yeah either was Mohandas K Gandhi and Martin Luther King but they but we provide the at least there was Dooku recourse at least we know that there are softer strength I have to be protected it makes you more interesting and it makes you more creative and stronger you got to be Innovative your innovators are weirdos yes like Leonardo da Vinci apparently was gay what I said it rages yeah wait a minute guess what what there are a lot of very smart in Russia if you're gay it's not that safe for you right you just tossed off a building yeah so what you do is when you do that with people who are creative and you you marginalize a group of people because they're different in the name of Purity or whatever didn't they make fun like really weird public statement about homosexuality the law in Russia like his homosexuality is illegal in Russia wow a lot
► 01:40:10are equated with pedophiles the LGBT community has real trouble there and use hard to get Apartments it's more of a subtle it's hard to it's hard to just live and make a living so what happens is all those creative people who could be contributing and coming up with beautiful ideas there there marginalizes perverts deviants and that's the dumbest yeah don't get to inherit the earth the meek a lot of times that the people that provides your fucking goodies Russian gay propaganda law for the purpose of protecting children from information advocating for a denial of traditional Family Values whoa the gay propaganda law on the anti-gay law the building was unanimously approved by the state Duma on 11th of June 2013 holy shit man so you want to protect children from exposure to you know home activity yeah and it was signed into law by President Vladimir Putin on the 30th of June 2013 well how long is he going to be president so let me let me
► 01:41:10ask you about a question so with those kind of laws this kind of loss look at Mars lies anybody that's not that's not normal quote unquote that's not right traditional prototypical male-female right awesome when was the last time you bought and I'll wait when was the last time you bought one Russian product please besides the fact that they're essentially a one crop economy which is oil and I guess some other Commodities what happens is you kill all your creativity what happens is you are not a strong country your Weaponry isn't even good that's the irony of all this shit well you have that mindset and you have one idea of what strength is you're going to be fucking weak and you're not going to be creative is a Kalashnikov a good rifle it's a very good rifle make some good shit designed in 1957 I believe okay say 2012 previously holding the position for two thousand two thousand eight so he's been right now he's on seven years in office is our sir he's been longer that lauranmatt yeah but I mean seven now currently and then he did it eight years before yeah but he didn't even take four
► 01:42:09off we took four years off he was like running shit from behind he's got to look like I'll kill you like he's like I will kill you yes a black belt in Judo right definitely kill you yeah legit black belt in Judo like he can actually throw people around probably smart as fuck and and in his mind you know Putin is running a country that requires a strong man yeah it's who they respect right so he's caught in that to even if he is reaching the world let's say you're the king of the world how you fix Russia you you you come back come at them with up you present an idea the idea I just presented which is the idea that you might want to protect the people that you consider to be queers deviance and Weirdos nerds or whatever they are because those people a lot of times our your creatives I don't know why but they are so do you think they lived in too much of a wartime culture for like for too long I do that they develop this hardness to them that yes why they're lacking in the creativity
► 01:43:09Innovation and I don't think they can afford that and I don't and I think that a lot of times when you've been traumatized that you're dealing still with the residue and the trauma of World War One and World War Two and that's very real and you know and also by the way communism and having nothing and and you know they have strong communities my friend went to Russia and said everybody was nice to him fucking they're good people and their Innovative people in their crib look at how good they are at boxing anything the Russians put their mind to that they that they hold value for like strengths like MMA like like boxing look at how good they are so they're they're incredibly industrious discipline smart people I didn't wait over there I'm sorry I had to get weed over the hell no I bet you don't I bet if you have money you get everything you want right if you honey yeah if you're connected to the oligarchy but but I think paintings ever tried DMT I think he's to measured for that well I think you would want to know you know maybe I bet he's done a lot of shit he
► 01:44:09whatever he wants yeah pushers are how many how many chicks do you think he's kind of stable well I will tell you this I truly believe this I think that he does he can just sit there and he has women flocked to him oh for sure hey love him for sure the best-looking one world he doesn't have to do anything right that's kind of power why my my wife was like he's he's hot well I go but he's he's a gangster she goes who doesn't like a gangster who sounds like whoa jeez I don't walk away it's uncomfortable steal your girl yeah take your girl yeah still your football right here but that know the story but fucking Sturgill told me about this he who was the football player where Putin stole his ring
► 01:44:56Google that the owner of the Patriots was it him it wasn't a player was just the only the Patriots is that the guy that craft Becca okay so he had this Super Bowl ring on amit's Putin Putin says can I hold the ring you know and then they take the ring off puts on is like em he said something like you could smash someone's face with this ring and laughed and they just walked off with the ring and they were like Hey where's the Rings like no he just stole the ring yes you know Harvey Keitel really just took his ring wider my ring no that's awesome this my ring I take so he just decided he wanted it and took it off the guy's hands laughing and walked off with it as The Story Goes crap handed the diamond studded ring to Putin as a bit of Show and Tell I could kill someone to string putan reportedly said as he fitted to his finger then when craft held his hand to get it back Putin surrounded by KGB agents worthlessly slipped the ring into his pocket
► 01:45:50wow news circulated quickly the ring was not meant as a gift which prompted craft to issue the statement at the time at the end of a very productive three our business meeting with President Putin I showed the president my most recent Super Bowl ring craft said upon seeing the ring President Putin a great knowledgeable sports fan was clearly taken by its uniqueness at that point I decided to give him the ring as a symbol of respect and admiration that I have for the Russian people and the leadership of President Putin hey Ka I want to live I want to live I think this this muttering no IQ I do have an admiration I just think you think he's ever killed anybody with a ring yes probably he was a bitchy be guy from Teen people to death George W Bush Administration had pressured him at the time to let go of the Ring to avoid an international incident hilarious wow a 2013 craft reneged and offered some backstory about the incident a legging alleging that the Bush Administration had pressured him at the time to let go of the Ring wow it would
► 01:46:50we be in the best interest of u.s. Soviet relations if you meant to give the ring as a present craft or crawls the White House saying I really didn't want to I had an emotional time of the Ring it has my name on it craft said I didn't want to see it on eBay but maybe putting this stuff you know there's a language barrier so he probably misunderstood listen to what he's saying no you didn't shut the fuck up there will you Russian propaganda agent there was a pause at the other end of the line and the White House voice repeated it would really be in the best interest if you meant to give the ring as a prank on put in a thief bro no I'm saying that that your back pain he took that ring he punked that dude and took his ring it's not a thief he's a gangster yeah out there pumpkin pies Harvey Keitel to drown it out 224 Diamonds the great Harvey Keitel yes tell me a story think it was him he said you know member Nikita what know what's that what's that fucking La Femme Nikita La Femme Nikita movie actress and the TV show yes
► 01:47:51I met her once she was playing with the Russian Candy Alexander so to ask okay so she went to Russia with her boyfriend Putin liked her he used to watch the show all the time I heard this from I but I think it was Harvey Keitel he kept that dude out into another room and had her out on the balcony talking to her the whole time and basically he could the guy couldn't get back in and it was very clear that Putin was making a play for La Femme Nikita and it's like you're in my town now you go for that you take a seat I know you came here take a seat I'm going to take what's mine and apparently she was gone I don't think she doing obviously but you know let's pretend she did right there it is there it is and he Duggar was the boy was Jack Nichols boyfriend around bro boyfriend's not around he's not there bro he's not allowed to be in the same yes you have legs for days he was apparently locked out he was a trying to get in there room in there sorry we didn't know
► 01:48:50it's kind of interesting when you see a guy running a country like that in 2019 that he could run the country in that gangster fashion more interesting that he got out of people to what's up Sean Penn yeah it's more interesting to me that he's gotten himself in a position where people would actually vote for so it technically has been democratically elected yeah I bet at a certain point in time they don't know who the fuck should be running things over there yeah Bryan Callen gotta end this end early today friend always great always come see me in my May 1911 Orlando did you did you did you talk about my date yes you're in the Miami Improv May 7th 8th and 9th correct no no don't align 1211 got to nine ten eleven yeah now you ruined everything no no they're listening still and I say nine ten eleven are that down May 17-18 oh I got some days to that I just started selling they just went on sale I am going to be in
► 01:49:50fuck them a August 10th in San Francisco I'm in Mountain View nice yes Mountain View at the Shoreline Amphitheater on August 10th August 9th I'm in Portland Oregon whoo portlet and then on the 23rd I'm in Denver Colorado for two shows at the belko theater son at the belko all right kids that place Joe Rogan.com for Alma keep your arms heavy and your belly tight what does that mean I don't know just sounds like an awesome thing it's from a heavy I want my Uncle Billy Joel song really yeah camera with song is piano man no is it uptown girl no Brian you're silly goose and I love you he I'll see you later Bryan Callen.com B Ry P fat k for tickets or Bryan Callen.com bye everybody thank you everyone for tuning into the show and thank you to movement watch as you can get 15% off today with free shipping and
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