#1331 - Alonzo Bodden

Aug 6, 2019
Alonzo Bodden is a stand up comedian and winner of Last Comic Standing Season 3. His new comedy special "Heavy Lightweight" premieres on Amazon Prime on August 23.
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► 00:08:31that are super good for you once again that's super fat.com Joe and enter the promo code Joe for 15% off my guest today is a good friend of mine for many many years he's a fantastic stand-up comedian I talked about him often on the podcast I love him to death and he's got a new comedy special that is out on August 23rd on Amazon very excited that Amazon is now hosting all these comedy specials for great comedians like Jim Gaffigan and Russell Peters and this man the Great and Powerful Alonzo bodden
► 00:09:11The Joe Rogan Experience trained by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day what is up Joe get to see my brother man it is so good to be back I'm not it's my first time seeing the new joint it's absolutely amazing yeah I thought you'd been here the new spot but no we like I say you were building this when I did the last one and it's this is you when you said you could do everything here it's like yeah this is the bunker I don't live that far from here come on down so when the bomb hits I'm like yeah I'm going to Joe spot what if you live in an area if you're in the neighborhood you want to use the gym it's always open thank come on down I'll bring canned goods bring water and cold water purifiers yeah if the shit hits the fan Bernie had me nervous Bernie Sanders was just here you had me nervous about climate change whenever someone brings up climate change it's like a bill that you didn't pay like fuck yeah it's it's real and okay so now I'm gonna do my first Shameless plug for my new dress out when it is it out
► 00:10:10August 23rd on Amazon Prime it's got one of the new wave of Amazon's yes I'm very excited about this yeah they're they're testing the water so it's good to be in so it's called heavy lightweight and I call it that because I do some heavy topics and then I mix it in with lightweight shit cuz that's like if you do all heavy right like its water that was depressing yeah and you know and I talked about the climate change thing but it's like to be honest like look I'm a black man 57 I got what like 10 years left I don't give a shit I'm saying like statistically God bless you Millennials I wish you luck but I had a good run no kiddo Nah by the way you look amazing for $0.50 thank you yeah I don't crack it well and this is why I talk about right up until the day it does right so like like literally right to the day before I die look great and what happened sumbitch died from what black been black his whole life shit just caught up with him you got fucking diabetes sickle cell and high blood pressure in the same day
► 00:11:11wave wave of malady but no but the climate change thing is real but I think the big problem is it's slow it's not dramatic so people it's easy to not think about it because you know that yet oceans Rising but it's an inch a year write what you know I may not that may not be exactly you know what I mean it's not a lot right so people don't people don't see it with the urgency and that and I think that's why you have the young Congress people talking about it because they're like hey this is going to be in our lifetime right but then you have the older generation where it's like yeah you know it's interesting I'm pretty sure and we should check this make sure this is correct and I think we learned about this from Randall Carlson that the increased CO2 to rates also increases vegetation because vegetation and Greenery they use carbon dioxide right yeah the the into in increased rates actually
► 00:12:10the this is like one of the greenest times ever yeah but I wonder how does that offset versus the there's less land for these plants to grow on you know what I mean like so when you look at like hmm rain forests jungles things like that like this the opposite of that was this a that it makes it harder for it to them to grow when a what article says that and it was there any articles that say that's not the case because it seems like that's not something random would lie about he was talking about how this is like one of the most green times ever in the increase of forest and green trees honest I guess I'm seeing both of them then so the very first things that pop up are high carbon levels make it harder for plants to grow from Think Progress second thing increase carbon dioxide levels in a very strict plants ability to absorb nutrients from science dodgy U dot s it's of another country I think Sweden then the price of all the Think Progress sounds like a bunch of fucking hippies bunch of tree-hugging bitch
► 00:13:11NASA says though well it's making a Greener for now yes so I would buy that the thing about the thing and it didn't this funny like what science you have to check because you have to see if there's a political agenda click on the next one you have to see if there's a political agenda behind the science right yeah so sure well would never answer I'd go with what NASA says I yeah there they say go scroll back up please CO2 is making the Earth Greener for now and then says a quarter to half of Earth's vegetated lands have shown significant Greenie over the last 35 years largely due to Rising levels of levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide according to a new study published in the journal for natural climate change on April 25th yeah see and international team of 32 offer authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort which involved using satellite data from NASA's moderate resolution imaging spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
► 00:14:10administration's Advanced very high resolution ready radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index or the amount of Leaf cover over the planets vegetated regions the green represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in areas to two times the continental United States blah blah blah so Randall's right I think but I think either way we're fucked and then on top of that I'll just be will all die in a very Green Planet how much if everything melts if the polar ice caps melt like where could can we live in South Dakota or some shit I don't know I don't think so make it in I don't even side you know I don't think so like like you know they want California to fall into the ocean right always hear that Rex is he it's like yeah and the tidal wave will kill you yeah you know I mean tell everybody I don't know I don't think that's safe because it would be such a drag
► 00:15:10stick change I mean right so much of the Earth's weather is controlled by the polar ice caps and magnetic poles the the rainfall you know glaciers and it's all interconnected right that's why the hurricanes are getting stronger right is right specular yeah so if you lose like the oceans control the earth's climate because the Wort you know having to do it evaporation and so on so I the way for sure you shouldn't be getting weather information from you or me listen we got to to expert scientists here we've been we've been talking about this for minutes and thinking about it for hours all told over our lives but no it's it's real yeah but it but it is something I think it's definitely yellow other people are going to be more interested because it could be a major thing like if you're 30 now when you're 60 this could be a real
► 00:16:08real big issue it's a bad time to buy real estate in Miami no you don't want you don't win is a good time to buy real estate when you got a lot of cocaine pocket and you look at a party you found out you have stage four cancer but you do have a large bag of coke you know I love that you mention that because it this has been a thing so the weed industry being legal right and they say there's all this money that people can't figure out what to do with right the banks don't want it like Miami was built with cocaine money what happened to those money laundering guys who cleaned up all of that money built all that real estate like where are they now different era I can't believe that there's not people out there who can figure out how to clean this weed money and boost the economy they will be able to figure it out but it's gonna take a long time and the people that are trying to figure it out right now like the the weed dealers that are selling it legally but then have all the stock piles of cash
► 00:17:08thereafter they hire hire mercenaries the higher Blackwater guys shit fucking special ops guys to watch their money they really have to my old condo I rent it out right so I was written to a guy his business was he handled the credit card transactions for the weed places for the dispensaries and stuff and that you know the bank shut him down and this and he didn't pay to rent like and I was like I got the only guy in the weed business who can't make money like I'm renting to there's one guy and we'd who can't I was like listen may I take cash just pay the rent like how do you hear yourself when we everybody's buying or selling weed on credit cards and you can't pay your rent high end up with this Gozer people are flying here to get some weed yes well I encountered yeah we're tourism and my guy nothing you know really took on the fucking chin as Amsterdam remember when people
► 00:18:08talking about going to Amsterdam let's go to Amsterdam get high yeah they can get high here stupid right nobody's gonna ask them in Windows though that's true I still got that true but who's been there before you just see all the line of if you see Ave like a video montage of all the guys coming into this hooker like just over the last couple weeks Joe just ruin Amsterdam tourism yeah Amsterdam tourist board is like why is he picking on us what did we well they have good fights over there but they fucked up when they made mushrooms illegal they they stopped people from selling mushrooms and the Cafe's it now it's that because the it's why would they do I don't understand why they would do that because I was dark say it's dark over there like but now it's dorks go over there and blow their brains out if they eat too many mushrooms of freak out and try to jump in the river and you know yeah that's what it is dorks it's always dorks they ruin everything
► 00:19:05yeah because you know it's one of those it's weird it's weird too because it's like listen if you can't get a handle on your drug tourism yeah just don't do it but I don't know it could be done correctly I think if you want to do drug tourism correctly first of all you need to check people make sure they're okay find out what kind of medication they are and like do a blood test on them find out what kind of medication oh look you're on ssris you didn't tell us hey stupid you're not supposed to take this stuff right this is gonna fuck you up next you know and really really test them then you know find out about the psychological history and start them off with a nice light dose today today's Tuesday today we're going to give a nice light dose like a half a gram we're just going to see how you react that would be it just just yeah you know this is how much you get see how you react exactly and then come back on Wednesday right you think about it for 24 hours to come back on Wednesday and Wednesday we're going to give you 2 grams yeah let's see we got gotta cut you off yeah and then you come back on Saturday
► 00:20:06you get that 5 grand total so good yeah that just do it right with doctors nearby and IVs filled with vitamins and I'm sure that's why they don't because who's going to pay for all of that part dorks and the same door I'm sure they would pay if you had like if you could save up your money and have like a real safe mushroom trip like a legit safe mushroom trip at a Medical Institution where they've got everything locked down and everybody's safe and the mushrooms are safe and yeah people would pay a few hundred bucks for that but I haven't done much room but would that ever know you want right now no thanks man you know I'm retired man know that from everything yeah well yeah we talked about this like when did you retire 88 wow yeah that's crazy yeah I mean you know pitch no no I you know I've been high enough that I don't feel like I'm
► 00:21:05seen anything so when you talk about it it's like fascinating to me but that but then there's also that case of like now like I don't want to be that high you know what I mean but then again I don't knock what anyone else does but this is what I wanted to ask you if you did it under those medically supervised conditions would it still be as much fun yeah it's fun no matter what as long as they leave you alone while you're tripping yeah ones in a bother you you know okay that I mean I like say I have no idea I have no frame of reference right so I can't say like that would be you know not be cool or what I don't know fuck with CBD at all no good for you and it doesn't get you high yeah I know and I don't again I don't knock I don't necessarily have a reason to fuck with CBD I'm not in like any kind of pain or anything like that or anything you know but I don't knock it as a treatment I know it does work and then there's benefits to it it's just not something you need that I need
► 00:22:05or did I do you know it's like the knees right the neat my knees are kind of trash but when I work out and stretch and warm them up they're not it's not bad and I've talked to dr. and dr. like it eventually we're going to do a knee replacement but you don't need any mail placement what's going on with your knees arthritis just you know you don't have to do a knee replacement yeah stem cells stem cells which is something I'm a do my mom did it I know I've heard you talk about it and dude that might be the way as a matter of fact I have a friend and she's like in her she's around 80 and she said yeah that's what they did for her need a did stem cell my mom had her knees replaced before she passed away and she said yeah that's one of the things you inherited from us bad knees it's like in the fans like thank you but but she also made me funny so I couldn't really be mad at her she had great so I was like I'll take the funny and the bad knees by the bad knees are workable yeah I'm telling you it CBD first of all is going to help that because it reduces the all the symptoms of arthritis like day Foley his hands were fucked up
► 00:23:05and like some severe arthritis in his hands CBD completely cured it he couldn't straighten his hands out his hands were always at like a slight Bend and now now he's got a full range of motion in his hands he's Blown Away by it yeah my knee problem is impact you know football or basketball basketball yeah so even meniscus and all that stuff is all trashed so even now like I can do most like I can't jump you know I can run I can do something I did this CrossFit I tried CrossFit and my niece fold up and I went to my doctor if he's a cross what the hell is wrong with you jumping up on boxes my my my doctor's diagnosis for 90% of my problems you're old don't do that gotta go to a different doctor man you can you can fix a lot of those problems with stem cells a lot of those problems yeah it regenerates tissue reduces inflammation it does a lot of amazing stuff now and I haven't researched this at all I mean you know I've heard stuff up my
► 00:24:05so knowledge is about equal to my climate change well mine is slightly better right because I've actually had a bunch done on me well this is what I wanted to ask you about so I know when you talked about it early on you went overseas right you left no no you have to get it done get it all that was my question because I've heard people talking about going to Panama Panama that you sure dr. Reardon yeah thank you want to go to Asia yeah they're doing over there but dr. Reardon who's the guy who cheated Mel Gibson and Mel Gibson's dad he actually treated my mom my mom was in risk of a knee replacement you know she's in pretty you know pretty bad pain and the doctors like you got to get a knee replacement I'm like okay maybe you have to get a knee replacement I go but before you do that let's send you to Panama and they'll do this full three-day stem cell procedure they use IV stem cells they blast the area over three different days they hit it with stem cells and you know my mom is 73 so
► 00:25:05it was a while before it worked she you know for the first four months she was a little discouraged she like I don't feel anything different and I don't know if this is working and then somewhere around five six months she started feeling a lack of pain and the pain to start stop going to just stop being like a part of her daily life and then now she could walk and it's not bothering her she was am walking with no pain I can walk up hills no pain and she goes I want to do it again so I was like fuck it let's send you down again she's headed down again to get more of it but it you did it here yeah I did it here my well I think now is there a difference yes they can they can go ham and Panama they go ham they just fucking it fill you up they just bring a fucking bucket of stumps there's they don't have the same regulation right they do in America so they can get away with a lot of different stuff and dr. Reardon who is one of the pioneers of this and he's written multiple papers
► 00:26:05as you know scientific journals all about the benefits of stem cells and particularly effective on people with neurological conditions people with neurodegenerative diseases of the like and he's written extensively about all that stuff but when he came on I mean he blew me away and I had already had some success with stem cells in America where like I had a full-length rotator cuff tear in my shoulder right and they injected it with exosomes which is like the most advanced form of stem so they so there was the ways they used to think is stem cells they felt like when you put stem cells into an injury that the stem cells were re proliferating this area with new tissue but now they think that the stem cells and I'm sure I'm butchering butchering this if you're a scientist now I think they think the stem cells are releasing exosomes and that the exosomes are actually with does it so now they just go straight to exosomes and then they inject exosomes
► 00:27:05these particular areas now they have another product called Wharton's jelly that's even more potent that I just got shot into me yeah I'm anytime I get injured man I just fucking head on down what's the purpose of having money if I'm not fucking shoot myself up but all we go juicy stem cells you go but it works now if I got stem cell cash I probably do you do you do something that's not that yeah you're successful I'm no I do meet him they'll fucking Amazon special no idear Alonso bonus I do all right if I hope people I do or I don't make as much as they think but I do all right you know what I mean it's like when people see you on something that all you got ten million dollars like know I don't I'd like to but I don't but but yeah so okay well we'll talk about that when we talk about is on special might push you right top I hope so you know it I mean you know me I've been in the business forever I love the biz I loved I loved it I appreciate the love you give me on the podcast people always tell me when you are some get so yeah man they were talking about you you know and I appreciate that
► 00:28:05right KRS one said a long time ago respect will Outlast cash yeah you know so I appreciate that I appreciate you too man but yeah it'd be nice to have something blow up like that right I think you can so many times did it happens in careers so well they're doing a lot of specials now they are Gaffigan is doing the Amazon Russell Peters doing Amazon you who else someone else Jimmy o Yang's got one yes coming up to the him have a Amazon Fahim Anwar does he have an Amazon but there's a lot of like really funny people that are doing it and as long as they put the money into promotion and let people know I mean they're they're doing great right now with marvelous mrs. mazal yeah they have a lot of new Amazon Prime series like that fleabag supposed to be hilarious they have a lot of good series that they're promoting that people are really getting into and if you have Amazon Prime like if you order shit with Amazon you get free you get free Amazon TV the people don't even know that I know I know and it's good yeah Amazon is
► 00:29:05shit good super legit yeah I'm rooting for them hundred percent yeah and there's you know look Netflix has almost I mean they've got the market kind of cornered until Amazon came along because nobody wanted to do him on Comedy Central anymore comedy Central's great it's better than no special but it airs once that's the problem comedy Senators once in this not in this day and age man I think I think HBO is still the big one you know as far as television television yeah as far as the TV one hour like a chow is good but Showtime was good to me Showtime put on a couple of specials will show time later Sebastian oh big gun made Sebastian because he just clicked with yes 028 the wit and it's funny how that happens because you really can't say why yeah you know that certain ones do and and that's no disrespect to Sebastian it's just yes certain things take off right and others don't and it's like well I mean it
► 00:30:05it's really good I mean I remember thinking say no disrespect him no Sebastian's he's a great comic he's been around he's worked you know I mean it's not like he just fell out of the sky got a special and didn't have anything behind it not a guy's a comic he's real for him whoo well you know who blew up on Showtime Gallagher he might be the last guy that blew up on Showtime before Sebastian right I mean if you stop and think about it yeah when who the fuck else it's like Sebastian and Gallagher those are the guys who blew up on Showtime let me think who else yeah that's comedy-wise Dana Gould had a special on show Tom who else what should they did Showtime did a few like Billy Gardell had two new Comics thing he did he tried to break some new comics on that like a Rodney Dangerfield type deal mmm and but yeah you're right yeah it's
► 00:31:02but again that's where that's where our business like this business is fickle right because they're always trying to figure out you know why is this a viral video you know I mean like man that's squirrel got more of you we spent eight million dollars producing this series and that squirrel get more views than we you know and it's like why no one knows yeah if you just try to concentrate on making things viral you will go fucking crazy yeah you can't figure out you know why people are connect to this one thing even though others have done it or stun something similar or whatever and yeah it's a tricky fucking business and then how about YouTube like Russell Peters blew up because of YouTube absolutely worldwide blue unbelief and and you know people and it's funny because people here they don't realize how famous Russell is what a crazy not that famous
► 00:32:02he's not as famous here no he can hang out over here you could go places and he lives here right it's like got the best of both worlds because I motherfucker sold out the O2 Arena two nights in a row no that's like twenty thousand-plus people know who's like that Jimmy Carr you know Josh or yeah he's hilarious yeah Jimmy's hilarious and like internationally Jimmy is a monster unbelievable but here like they check his ID yeah like he'd pull out the black card maybe like me see your ID yeah exactly yeah yeah I mean he does the roast those row shows over here and stuff along those lines but yeah he doesn't have nearly but he's working here more often he's developing he I saw him in Montreal and he said yeah he's developing his audience in a state so now he's doing like small theaters here he says obviously if he goes anywhere where people from the UK are like so when he's in a big city and there's a lot of Brett's then he can go out like Neil
► 00:33:02Parker Boston or yeah yeah he's a great writer oh man that guy's funny sharp just yeah and so so British like so dry and completely inappropriate yes yes you know that's what I love about him we do in Montreal we do this benefit show for Hope and cope and it's like a rehab medical facility you know there's some cancer patients in there and people other and and Jimmy just opens like yeah I got to hurry up and around much well I have time
► 00:33:39yo I loved it they they just they fell out you know and he's like any of you here last year no probably not anyway don't you think at this point most comic go to Montreal to hang out with other common oh absolutely we call it summer camp yeah you see you know yeah you see friends and and like I see him there every summer right and then you see people who you just don't see or don't bump into you know regularly in your regular whatever and you get to hang out yeah and then there's always new people you meet like this year I met Nick Kroll who was cool he's Grand you know because I like big mouth is yeah is cartoon and Pete Holmes
► 00:34:22and Pete Holmes was hilarious because he was doing his thing at the roast called mean Pete so he was doing like a completely different characters you know Pete Holmes a nice guy visit and he was at the roast just destroying people and he just kept yelling mean Pete you know so but but yeah so that kind of stuff yeah it's fun man just to haven't been in forever meeting well that was the first time I don't know if you remember I definitely was the first time you and me hung out when was this which are like 90s yeah it was it was damn world yeah so it was 99 it was my second time in Montreal right now I'm doing comedy I don't know about six years so I'm still like new like I but I knew you from the from Laugh Factory in from around town and you were hanging out with Kevin James and I think he had just got his show or just finished his first year of his show whatever and you're like come on and I jump in a cab and we went around doing spots and I'm like and you would be you'd already been on Newsradio and I'm like
► 00:35:23fuck I'm hanging out with Joe and get like we're doing spots let you know I mean like as a new comic you're like holy shit this is the coolest shit because because I could get in because I got out the cab what YouTube they're like yeah you do five so that I remember I still remember that that was fun but that's what Montreal so now I'm bad guy right now I've been to Montreal so much I got people calling me and Allah asked me about Montreal left they told us to call you I had Chris Spencer calling me to get spots on shows in my eyes like Chris I don't book he's like a but you know you know and then I was able to get him a spot so I guess I dunno I guess it works yeah but the problem is you get it too if it works once you know then you're the guy that call yeah that's awesome if you're listening to this podcast no I can't help you do they still have a bunch of different venues he can do drive around and get spots not know not as much everything's booked now you know you know the big difference now there's a lot more TV like remember back then they would like to
► 00:36:22three people had ours yeah so not meant now there's like a whole series of one hours that they're taping and then you know like Kevin Hart did the whole elal thing there for a couple of years so he was taping all of that so there's a lot more TV is more involved this year that wasn't a whole lot of Netflix the last two years it was a ton of Netflix and Netflix was doing a bunch of half hours and they were filming them in Montreal film and I have the festival so it's weird to me it seems like the festival is supposed to be fun it's not supposed to like film us actually I think it's still fun in that like you said you see other comics and you get to hang out but there's there's not the the development business that there used to be right that's not there but the content business is there and they figure like we got all these comics in one place we'll set up cameras and we'll shoot em em bang bang bang bang I think that's so so there's less of the there still some shows where you
► 00:37:22just you know jump on and it's friends of whoever in the midnight shows they still do that they have like a whole midnight when I commit night surprise or whatever you don't even know who's on the show today they call people like hey you want to do a spot and they still have the nasty show they still dinasty show is still huge they do they do the ethnic show now remember there used to be it's what they call it well there used to be like the the Wiseguys was the Italian show right and then they had the Jewish show and they had the Uptown was a black show and this and that but now they've combined all of that and they call it the ethnic show and they have dealt so they'll be just different comics on there from different ethnic groups I hosted it a couple of times it's a lot of fun to the expect you to do ethnic material know some you do some some people do some some don't I think my favorite one one year I was hosting it and a doorman was on it Dan that Herman who you know now Norman hilarious guy he was like yeah ethnic yeah I'm a Jewish comic from New York that's such a rare find
► 00:38:25Nick is a weird word to mean isn't everybody ethnic yeah but but it's there you know it's the right title for catch-all and also to get the other big thing is Canada it's not as they're not as hung up on it right so you're not as worried about being politically correct or or hurting someone's feel you know I mean they understand yeah this is a Comedy Festival and people are going to say shit that is inappropriate and and do end and being friends you know can't we make fun of each other right and it's so yeah so your ethnic group may come into it but not from a point of racism and hatred or judgment just it's fuckin funny that we're the same or different in our ethnicity or in our background and we can we joke about it does a Comedy Works exist anymore up there
► 00:39:20when under right unfortunately to Works went under Jimbo take off yeah vanished somewhere I don't know what happened to Jimbo I don't know if I'm not sure what happened to him but Shambo was great that club was that was the epitome of Comedy right yeah go upstairs there's a hundred fifty people in a hundred and twenty seat room isn't even that many it was a hundred twenty seats and a fire marshal would have shut it down every night right you because if there was a fire in Comedy Works it would have been a horrible tragedy yeah you know but but it with the energy was like you get on that stage and just kill and you know it's like yeah we got the gal over here we got 3,000 seats in the most beautiful theater you can imagine but you really want to see the you really want to have fun go upstairs a Comedy Works in sweat you're literally sweating from 15 minutes because there's no air conditioning was terrible for worked heat rises so we should put this place upstairs wow
► 00:40:19they wanted to stay warm in the winter yeah and they have like a little comedy scene like a local scene yeah and they still have they still have some places like there was one I was working I can't remember the name of it but it was the same kind of vibe it was like an upstairs bar that they converted for the for the festival they put in a hundred chairs and you you know and it was great and that's where they were doing midnight surprise so that that venue is still really cool and then they have the theater st. Catherine which is like this small stage in a long room yeah I did that one win that that one still has you know so so there are still some places that have that funky comedy Vibe I mean you know but that Comedy Works room is it still there could somebody like turning it until I have no idea if it's if it's their up it's been read about but yet Works was there was the shit that was the great that was the fun room that was where you ran your set before you do your you know Gallo or TV taping or whatever and it would just yeah
► 00:41:19Glenn are those the first time I ever saw on Lenny shulte here we see crazy Landing do you know crazy Lenny no he was a hilarious guy that was right when I was coming up he was just at the end of his run the end of his career he says wild crazy old man who bring props on stage but it was like it's attitude was like she's so fun just we'll just a maniac like he would pull up a you know Smokey the Bear doll he was like only you can prevent forest fires and he just yells fuck you and he punches his bare the face it didn't make any sense and on paper it sounds so stupid but every person you meet your fucking hole in your body you couldn't even stop laughing my my favorite random funny thing like that there's a guy still touring as far as I know in Canada called male Silverback ever hear male Silverback male Silverback half-jew half Silverback mountain gorillas mmm and he would wear the tuxedo with the big ruffled shirt like the old Catskills comics
► 00:42:19War gorilla hands and looking real ahead until you and he would do these old Catskills thai-style jokes with a gorilla mask on man Joe we he auditioned for Last Comic when I was a judge we were falling out of here Jane Goodall she's a whore I should have seen it with those chimps it was disgusting like he and apparently he's a thing in Canada like he's a late night dirty comic to towards Canada but but it was the dumbest thing but to see it I mean we were pounding on the table we could not breathe because he's the it was all old cheap one-liners like the Catskills and and he had the suit and and he was a gorilla and he would put it all in so it was all perfect Silverback mountain gorillas point of view like what's your point of view Silverback mountain gorillas how I see the world but the good thing about that act two is like he could die and somebody could just take it
► 00:43:19all right somebody could take over you know and the thing was we picked him for Last Comic right but then this is where TV kills comedy so now he's on prime-time NBC and he can't do that like you can't say she's a whore and you can't do everything that made him funny was like no two sensors won't allow it so now people are like why is he wearing a gorilla hands yeah it's just so sad yeah TV just rips like that's not a comedy again let me see what makes you funny okay let's not do that do you remember Gallagher to yeah remember his brother you couldn't afford Gallagher so he's doing like the calendar was doing giant theaters and Gallagher to his brother was doing like little Comedy Club yeah like he I would see it like in places that I was working yeah like when I was coming up it would be like oh and then next weekend it's Gallagher to Mike let's get out here do they get into a fight like a legal fight over ownership of his Gallagher wanted to come back
► 00:44:19yeah see Gallagher apparently like temporarily retired and he sold his act to his brother Gallagher to his brother looked his brother looked a lot like him and he had you know he just basically it picked up like a just like having an affiliate or like a you know like a syndication Yabba cated yeah yeah you just you know work with you if you want to buy a 7-Eleven yeah well like the Blue Man Group like there's different Blue Man Group run around the ground yeah yeah that's true but there's no like if it was a blue man right it was just one blue man maybe I'll be but so gower's Gallagher's brother took all the jokes and the props and start buying watermelons and sledgehammers and just toured the country I would love to be in court when they had that fight like your honor he is how I smash a watermelon and it has my brothers I special water like how do you decide I think it was just a matter of whether or not he could
► 00:45:19can you do the ACT but I mean is it his last name Gallagher is it a real name so it is Leo was the original and Ron is the brother looked a new cologne Gallagher right it's like if a girl breaks up with you and you fuck her slightly less good-looking sister it's like yeah this is right yeah so that's I think right here is the original this is the original picture here would be the brother is it wow he sure yeah that's right I picked up this wow that is yeah I wouldn't want to be that judge because that the ballot of Ron Gallagher blog foot that's my someone must read the story about it wow so yeah the it was close enough so you kind of feel like there is Gallagher how weird
► 00:46:06and so then after a while I think Gallagher got tired of being retired and he said I'm coming back and his brothers like well I'm fucking going to continue doing this act he's like no you're not bitch you gonna have to find a new way to make a living but I oh I bought it from you right so I own it now like you being in your probably 40s and your brother who's like of a similar age just picks up comedy and just starts doing your routine like a hundred percent you know all then calls himself Alonso to yeah that's crazy well Charlie Murphy could have done that right he sounded enough like Eddie that he he could I mean not no no he wouldn't but what I'm saying is he could have done it
► 00:46:54piggyback piggyback Teddy that's such a different way of talking yeah I mean his way of talking was so much more aggressive yeah raspy yeah I missed attitude yeah I had a good fucking time with him and we did a whole tour of the country for 30 days oh no you him and Heffron oh yeah yeah we do this Maxim Bud Light tour when you remember what those are the Real Men of Bud Light that what they were saying the real American Heroes the guy who was mercilessly the guy who sang was the lead singer of Survivor the eye of the tiger god oh yeah yeah so we were on tour with those guys so those guys would sing songs and they had like little punch lines they would do with the songs and they would have a local guy which is actually how I met Tom Segura I met Tom Segura because we were doing the Hollywood Theater or celebrity theater whatever it is in Phoenix and Segura was the opening act the local opening act okay the phone am in and I guess
► 00:47:54did like five or ten minutes and he was hilarious and that's how I became buddies with them and start taking them on the road with me but then you know they would be the Real American Hero guys and then it would be Heffron and then Charlie and me and yeah we did 22 dates over a month we had a great fucking time I only met him once but he was real cool I met him in Vegas and just you know one of those who write it was a dirty at 12:30 I'm doing the dirty and he came by and we just you know just hang out backstage met him for a minute but yeah they seem cool couldn't be cool that was maybe a year a year maybe two years at most before he passed away he did my podcast in the early early early days and we always talked about doing it again but never did it again but he had some gray fucking stories about Mike Tyson but visiting Mike Tyson Mike Tyson was outside with the tiger and nobody wanted to get out of the limo well you know that the the tragic thing about Comics right is when a comic dies his act dies with him yeah you know where
► 00:48:54singers somebody else will sing the songs I didn't but when a comic goes so when you have some like Patrice right you know like that's all gone like that you know and and so many Comics like yeah when they're gone that act is gone and you remember it and it was hilarious but nobody can you can't nobody can do their act after that I think there was a God that was doing a Bill Hicks tribute show and he was doing Bill Hicks with all Bill Hicks material and he dressed like him an act like I think oh it died that day yeah I don't know exactly see if you can find that this is that you I think they were trying to do that almost like someone trying to be like Mark Twain like you could do a Samuel Clemens one man show and read The Works of Mark Twain with a goofy mustache on right well it's like in Vegas The Rat Pack you know I can do that right but it doesn't work with comedy you could you could do the Rat Pack you can't do Don Rickles right yeah it just you can't
► 00:49:54now you can't yeah Vegas is a weird place for fucking impersonators right that impersonator life I can't imagine it because some of them are so deep into it like I we worked you know I do these jazz cruises and they do other crew so they had an 80s cruise and we had a Michael Jackson impersonator and this guy stayed in character for the whole Crews to where you want to like him and you know you're not Michael Jack like I mean he was like getting off the ship in Port you know what I mean like you when you go to the shops or have lunch with Michael Jackson the whole outfit outfit glove yeah the hair the makeup so yeah it was it was weird light and and you know it's kind of a strange Talent right to be like yeah I'm this person so so what what if that person didn't exist
► 00:50:54why are you what's your proof what's your thing you know and I heard the prince guy is like that I don't know but I've heard that there's a prince guy who had surgery to look more like Prince there's a few Michael Jackson guys had surgery to look like Michael Jackson we got Jamie first Google Images just changed it and my might is fucked up so this stuff looks weird now but I found something as show that was done about 10 years ago where a guy did a show called Bill Hicks light return where he yeah so as if Bill Hicks was still here ten years after his death oh with the new material yeah the fuck out of here with us that's disgusting I'm gonna bury you I'm gonna project what Bill Hicks would have thought of today's how dare you world yeah that sound and it was fucking London settle down London stop trying that's what I need to get Alex Jones to be Bill Hicks give him a little more hair I think that's the closest thing I could find out what you're talking about
► 00:51:54oh that's it shows okay maybe I read it wrong because I could have swore there was a guy who was doing Bill Hicks material he was doing it again what does that Bill Hicks dark poet lower right is that actually Hicks and lower right-hand side the blue one keep going bang what's that yeah that's it
► 00:52:15that's not yeah that's not Hicks that's the guy that pretended to be Hicks that's the guy that's the yeah shame show I was telling you about barf this show now it's in Elmira is a ride but this show is a bumpy Journey the chose death oh yeah no this is a different guy even a show called Dark poet stop look the way they dress everything stopped you're not from Texas shut your mouth go home you fuck write your own act but that's the thing about comedy Edinboro and pretend to be Bill Hicks and hope nobody here has ever actually seen him get some surgery look like X the Michael Jackson people like you got to get fucked up surgery yeah not regular Sarge you got to get like the fucked up chin thing it's a it's the weirdest like again like you say to be an impersonator and now I guess Queen is good you know bit like as they make these movies right so now people are going to want to be they want overnights yeah I want to get an over by get some fucking Bakery
► 00:53:15you can't mess up these teeth yeah they probably have to wear fake teeth yeah body are young man had some crazy-ass teeth what a talent I could he said yeah it helped his voice that one that's what he said you know in the movie that he said he could sing at that range because of his shape of his mouth which whoa maybe true I don't know I don't know how it how does he know he didn't never said he's never had a different shaped mouth that's true yeah well whatever it was it worked he's making lemonade that's what it is but you write like that Talent you know that are there is who's like that now there are bands like that now that you know because they just cuz Queen kept like every song was different yeah I knew it was Queen but it was completely different than the last hit that they did yeah that's what was crazy about it I think those bands that grew up with no internet they will forever be you know
► 00:54:15because it was a different world and the the kind of creativity that it took to become those bands like the kind of creativity that it takes to become the who you know like try the today the world is like a different place like they they develop touring and like the Beatles they developed touring and Performing constantly and writing and and enemy sure they were influenced by other bands but not nearly to the extent that people are today yeah and also there's kind of a
► 00:54:50Conformity today to the marketing like we want you to be this so we can sell it you know I was playing Earth Wind and Fire for somebody and it was one of their instrumentals and I told him I said well you know Earth Wind & Fire would also play jazz with Ramsey Lewis like they would the same musicians and they're like oh they said because I saw him once and they were doing this whole Jazz thing and I wondered what it was and it was like yet they were actual musician and a band like our can you imagine showing up now with a band like yeah that's 27 of us we got a horn section and addition to that they'd be like what know like we're not paying for actual musicians like those bands had horn sections and and Rhythm Section it was a lot of people how do they make money they mean well they charge a lot for tickets they would have to I mean well you know what else having people on the stage records right records were real records you so record sales like when you sold a million records you made a lot of money from selling a million
► 00:55:50yeah that's you know those bands like like I did one of these 80 sings with War and the number blew my mind but then I realized that war sold over 50 million records right and but then when you think about it yeah they had a hit every summer for like six seven years right like Why Can't We Be Friends the low rider on and they had a whole list of hit like every one of the songs would start playing like oh yeah I know that yeah I know this song You Know 50 million records so how much do you think each record cost 10 bucks yeah yeah what will records 999 or whatever something like that that's 500 million and they probably got they got they had to get what at least a buck or two bucks off of each one after everybody else took their cut
► 00:56:43yeah and then the all the touring money yeah I was I was talking to someone as a band is in a band now and they were explaining to me that these record companies they don't just take your record sales anymore like iTunes sales and they now take merchandise they take touring money when you sign you signed to an all exclusive deal because the record companies can't really justify their existence anymore because it can't really sell records so yeah because all the musicians I know say the only time they sell CDs or records or whatever is at the live show like they have to go out and sell they like us now right we're gonna go out and do merch like they didn't have to do that before I was like yeah imagine like you're buying a CD Now who's buying a CD yeah look at it you know what am I do with this thing we have a slot for it well yeah that's what people say when they buy them after shows they like you know and I joke by like as I have CDs and download cards you said you sell CD's till it's a generational it is literally to line is right at about the
► 00:57:43each 40 if they're older they want to see d right and I just said you know so so if you try to sell them a download card and like what well I'm not paying you for a business card what is this right but then if you get a younger person and you try to sell them a CD Le where am I going to play this my grandfather's house like what my computer's don't even come with a drive anymore like a dismal record though people like record for one by vinyl 1270 because that's a small percentage that one of my by violent I think your crowd like you're into jazz and shit not a type of people that you know what jazz fan still have cd players like they made the switch from records to CDs and they're like that's it I'm not going back I'm not swear I'm not getting the records out of the garage to there's not a record industry for jazz some but it's for the it's for the yeah yeah there's some but it's not Big Blue Notes doing blue note Jazz label is doing records again
► 00:58:43and for their artists but
► 00:58:47they're selling to the younger people not to older people older people aren't buying turntable new turntables to play it that makes sense you know where is a good jazz place in ela like if I wanted to go see Jack and you know the crazy thing about La is all the Jazz musicians live here and they all say well we don't play here there's no money to be made so there's that's why I live here on because it's La they record here you know and they took I'm trying to remember the name of it on Sunset I Catalina Bar and Grill on Sunset is good and vibrato on Beverly Glen is good for brought ozone by Herb Alpert oh really yeah so is this something like you you'll go out like on a Wednesday night or something like that you'll go see some just I I do more
► 00:59:37I love going to festivals yeah I love going to jazz festivals I'm guilty that I'll go to a jazz club in New York more so than I wouldn't tell a really yeah why because it's more the vibe the vibe in New York that It just fits that's where they come from and that's where they Jam but I've been to I've been to a few times I'll go definitely if I know somebody who's playing there I'll go see him at Catalina I need I've never experienced good jazz I'm sure its real I know you're not dumb no this guy to be got a man that's what is this Jamie since Catalina but Dick Van Dyke performs their kind of frequently right he performed the last rites of even that's only reason I know of it because it's on Sunset and Hollywood there he is icons up there is he doing stand-up know he does Jazz he sings What so yeah but but this is the thing and this is the thing about jazz so you see that now call up a guy look up well I want to hear some of this
► 01:00:38who do you have a cigarette
► 01:00:53okay stop this immediately yeah so that what is that that's old yeah so just to show that that that's a jazz it keeps people from listening to Jazz yeah you know that's a jetty like oh never mind look you look up a guy like Robert Glasper who's just This brilliant young keyboard player and he has two bands he has the Robert Glasper Trio which is a just a jazz Trio piano bass and drums which had brilliant then he's got the Robert Glasper experience which is electronic electric band and he'll have everyone singing on that from like Lalah Hathaway Donny Hathaway's daughter who's a brilliant vocalist to Lupe Fiasco you know to most def they all perform together he hangs out with the root The Roots have a jam session in New York that that all these jazz artists come to so so that's what's going on that I love it
► 01:01:48really I mean Jazz has always been the most creative music you know it's just and and that's why I love it these guys are their masters of their instruments and it's all about creativity and they you know even when they do covers it's great because they do it in such a different way you know I like Robert Glasper experience the first time I heard him they did Smells Like Teen Spirit and I was like thank you it was he can can you look at it he can look up anything so that's the kind of thing in jazz you know my buddy Marcus Miller who's This brilliant bass player who was he was Luther Vandross his musical director and he did all the music for Luther right now is all great but he also produced music for Miles Davis you know and he's done stuff again with with anybody from like you know Bill Withers 22 classic old-school
► 01:02:48cool jazz artists oh yeah Jazz covers a wide range and that's what I love about it but there's a lot of young jazz artists now who are bringing in hip-hop and and different genres into jazz that are making it really cool International stuff a lot of African sound coming in Brazilian sound coming in and these are the guys Terrace Martin who's in a group called R and R equals now with Glasper smut Terrace Martin does all of Kendrick Lamar's music really seed so fast Let's cross over yeah it's like yeah I'll go with with Kendrick Lamar and I you know I just I need to make five million dollars so Medusa this music but when I can just create and play and have fun and just be a musician then I go to my jazz roots and I jam with these guys in a whole different different vibe so here's right here yeah
► 01:03:48Spirit jazz version that's hilarious
► 01:03:53what is going on with his head what is up there that here I guess it a hat can help you with that that red stripe I got nothing what's happening there now that hat it's a hat yeah like that can't be his hair
► 01:04:07interesting
► 01:04:12so he's using a vocoder so as he sings it comes through the instrument wow
► 01:04:19these guys got to be high it's was you know yeah no way around well that part of jazz never changed yeah that's it Miles Davis is always been fascinating to me like I know all the people in musical history like he's always been like with this one dude but I was like wow love them at that guy makes you so fucking intense Marcus you know played in his band and knew him I would have loved to have seen him just to see him live because you know he he did a record called kind of blue which is the biggest selling Jazz record ever he did it in 59 it still sells thousands of copies a week like it's still a big you know kind of blue is the standard but he also played covers of like human nature and Time After Time like in the 80s he was doing covers of that wow you know so so again that that was a thing about about a jazz I'd like he was like yeah well it's good music so I'm going to play it like I don't care if right right
► 01:05:19by Cyndi Lauper or you know Duke Ellington write good music I'm going to play it and that that's what's so cool about but yeah so so those are places but when you go to the jazz festivals you know whether it be the Playboy Jazz Festival in Newport Jazz Festival might just like our comedy festivals where you get a bunch of musicians who are like are we're all here together let's let's just Jam let's play something and sometimes the best music will be random not not in this you know not part of the set but like man remember when we played together and you know 97 in Montreux yeah let's come on stage and we'll play hmm and then you hear something that you again just like in comedy when some Comics just improving or you know they're they're doing the same thing they're there in probably to me the big compliment I get from Jazz musicians when they compliment me on my improv hmm because it's like yeah you guys are the experts you know like improv is you guys created it so if I'm doing something and you think
► 01:06:19it's cool Craig Robinson you know Craig sure he'd zip talk about both sides like he's got the comedy and music thing and he's respected on both yeah he's like at the musicians love him and Comics love him and he's yet Craig in Montreal Craig did a big Outdoor Show like it was like a block party like really the giant outdoor stage yeah Craig played it and it was hilarious because he's doing his act right so it's a big outdoor thing and families with their kids and he's singing take your panties off and I'm like yeah so this I guess it's the uncensored hey but it was it was hilarious you know very cool I saw Dizzy Gillespie once when I was a kid when I was in those kind of had like second or third grade I was living in San Francisco with a field trip went to see Dizzy Gillespie live and I'll never forget it like you know his cheeks would blow up like a bullfrog right and it was like but that's not even the
► 01:07:19you're supposed to play the trumpet right and that's what's so great about it like nobody because nobody taught him the right way to play it so he just played it most people don't even know who Dizzy Gillespie has but if you see him live you never forget like that like what in the fuck like you see his face blow up you like how how how are you doing that how is that real but Sam you're supposed to keep your cheeks tight like the way they would teach you they would never teach you to do that and you probably couldn't I know I couldn't you know just he just had a way of doing it I wonder what year he died
► 01:07:59don't know
► 01:08:01but I was a little kid when I saw hers it died in 93 93 and New Jersey damn I I met Arturo Sandoval and they did a movie about him Andy Garcia did a movie about him so Arturo's really yeah he's just Cuban trumpet player and I want to say it what he was telling the story and I want to say it was Dizzy Gillespie who was in Cuba and Arturo was like driving him around right this is like in I guess it would be in the late 50s maybe early 60s and he asked dr. o what he does in his like art or like I played a trumpet but the Cubans were like oh yeah that's how to like all the Cubans knew who he was so he played and Dizzy Gillespie in the head I want to say it was dizzy might I might be wrong there but but they went to the US state department the head of CBS records and and said we have to get him in the United States like we he has
► 01:09:01to be here and they did it they the state department got an arterial now imagine that she'll get him they went to the state department it was an artist thing they said we want this guy to come to have a sneaking out of Cuba I have no idea but no they didn't sneak him out he it was a state-sponsored thing like they so I came over here to perform and then went back no he came over and stay but this was the crazy part this is the part I can't imagine so he flies from Cuba into LaGuardia Airport and they take him straight to Carnegie Hall for sound check whoa plays Carnegie Hall that night I mean can you imagine like imagine your first gig right like somebody somebody saw you you know I don't know Rodney Dangerfield saw you at a club in Boston bringing the mad like we're Garden okay Joe oh my God it's a crazy story and but to this day but Arturo is like when he plays the trumpet you know it's him like he
► 01:10:01it's notes on the trumpet like only dogs can hear like he's famous for this super high notes and stuff like that but yeah that that's that's what I love about it so I love the creativity and then you know Marcus was telling me because he's from New York from Queens 70s 80s he said well you know what happened with hip-hop he said one of the things was they took music out of the school's right they didn't you know they don't teach you can't take an instrument anymore they were like it's out of the budget Baba he said well you can't stop people from creating so these guys they didn't have musical instruments but they had records so they just started making music with their records they just started mixing the records new site and it was like yeah that kind of makes sense if you're Musical and nobody teaches you to play an instrument but you have these records you like all right well what if I played this in this at the same time right right and then the next thing you know they made that hip hop which that that hip-hop caught on yeah that never existed before right the idea of me
► 01:11:01seeing two different records together until hip-hop came around no one ever did that with rock and roll didn't know and then hip-hop mixed in rock and roll right when you know Run DMC Aerosmith Walk This Way that blew people's minds yes you know people didn't know what to do it like wait a minute that's black and what's happening here now together play together yeah yeah yeah so much that he does look like yes they can and they wearing Adidas well they did you ever listen to any of the Brand New Heavies when they they did hip-hop with the Brand New Heavies yeah there's a heavy what it's a heavy rhyme experience is that what it's called is to this day one of my one of my favorite old schools like 1990 style rap / yeah the Brand New Heavies will great yeah they were great and then you had Living Color who I still love oh man I forgot about living also Personality yeah that was a great and you talk about you talk about being ahead of their time like think about that song called
► 01:12:01personality that day bright by yeah right and and the CM Punk walkout music yeah yeah and that was another band where they were like okay let me get this straight this is a heavy like a heavy metal rock and roll band of black guys who are sampling Public Enemy right what the fuck yeah what are some weird some are there he is he had the crazy hair with the shaved side where the he would wait a wet suits all the time that suits yeah he like a scuba suit yeah he used to jam in nose yeah really yeah I'm ready as fuck that is what he's wearing I probably want to show his dick off hey you're a rockstar went back in the day like you ever see like those Robert Plant he had these tight pants on this his hog
► 01:12:55he's wearing a suit he's wearing wetsuits really is where goddamn spandex but suit it's so weird that was his thing oh wow they fucking vanished what happened to them they would they came back out they did the 25th anniversary I saw it and it hard rock they did the 25th anniversary of their record of vivid Cult of Personality yeah and they toured it well that's silly swimsuit wow
► 01:13:22how crazy
► 01:13:25yeah that was a great fucking song but you know that's always freaked me out too like imagine being a band you have one song that just out of the park cracker just in the parking lot you know just one fucking Grand Slam home run goddamn we did it this is huge number one song in the nation seven weeks in a row then nothing well yeah but imagine well what they say you got your whole life to write that song yeah and then we got two years to write the nitrite it do it again but this also has like some bands they just catch fire with what like do you remember Warrant Cherry Pie yeah she's my chair but giant fucking huge song that was it that dude died near here he died in Woodland Hills and a fucking shitty hotel somewhere I'ma give you a one hit wonder you want it okay the twist twist what did Chubby Checker ever sing Oh my God come on baby imagine that you had
► 01:14:24song that was like yeah that was the shit Chubby Checker's number to hit I don't know that's a great point because but that is somehow or another was good enough for him to stay famous for his whole life your whole life people hire you to play one song he was a greatest one-hit-wonder ever then he was the eyes that go yeah he's a goat of one-hit wonders yeah can't even imagine anyone who's come close to that because no one's paying them to see saying called the personality no one's all excited no Olivia colors you might have one fan who's like worth millions who pays you to come yeah as birthday party treats you like shit yeah you've actually mind if I could pee on you do you remember and then Living Color the TV show In Living Color came out yeah and then it was like wait what how you doing that what hi there's already a band that's not us then the bad the show Farah
► 01:15:24lips the band which the baronet it then they were like were you named after the show right how many like like what's the name Darius Rucker how many times has he said my name is not Hootie Hootie is back apparently because Darius Rucker went off and did country music and did that for a long time but now he's back who'd he's back on tour you ready yeah man yeah that was another band that Pam was that fucking Universe record the second record fell up that first record was David Ellis I think it was like serious or something but like they played it and then I went back and played it again it was like wow I forgot how good this was it's great that album is but the second one was he good not as good I don't think that was one of those albums though there's something about who they were some people despised them and it didn't make any sense to me it's like some people just heard those songs too many times it was too big of a hit and their work off Vulcan Hootie that does happen though like Dave Matthews
► 01:16:24when yeah when something's too much of a hit and you hear it every day you get tired of the Sun and Angus don't play that you know ever a buddy of mine actually Mal Hall he's gonna love this shoutout so now Hall opens for me really funny guy and he towards would Angela Johnson he hates happy that song I'm happy Yeah by right Pharrell I insist on it being his walk-on music whenever we were together physically he has a physical reaction because how much did we hear that song when it came out it was like drilled so yeah so now he knows some people it's good for them to get angry for they go onstage Joey Diaz whenever I'd work with him he would just decide who would pick a thing and it wasn't like like if we were talked about this but I recognize what he was doing after a while and he'd be backstage and he would pick a thing and just start getting fucking mad at it and he's fucking
► 01:17:24is this is what they think America is this what they think the fucking world is and he would start getting crazy and then ladies and gentlemen Joey Diaz new Go on stage with that momentum and just Mark the place I've had that happen a couple of times with something just got I remember and it was one of those you know when you do the set you wish you had recorded it yes so I was going to the Laugh Factory it's Saturday night I was on my bike and this guy like it's stopping go right and I'm just any hit my bike but it was only at like 5 miles an hour like he just tap me and knock the bike over but I'm like I was bright like how did you not see me right and I just went on stage and I just ranted about you know drivers and traffic and this and it was hilarious and it was like gone did you record it gone no I never record your sets I do sometimes but I didn't record that wish I cuz it was just you know sometimes you just get something gets to you right before you go
► 01:18:24on stage and you it's not written you just go into a rare yes but it's right there but that's why it's so important to record everything yeah I record all of them yeah I have Mom iPhone it's so easy now yeah now this was before phones this is before we carry the studio in our Pocket Hose is a while ago this is when he's following things are all set this is when you had the micro cassette oh yeah I still have a bunch of those tapes those I used to have one threw them out and like I only want to hear I used to have a little tiny mini cassette recorder a mini disc recorder I remember the mini yeah that was when Sony kept trying formats like maybe they'll buy this right here but so yeah we minidisc once they fucked him with betamax like you sons of bitches did anyone but Comics by many disks like I set up a mini disc recorder at The Comedy Store I actually installed one installed a mini disc recorder at the comedy store so I could record my sets yeah yeah
► 01:19:24it's we used to my don't know if anyone else did I mean just didn't work they really never sold music on it so as a format it never really took off but then it was like cdrs right yeah you can record on the CVR cdrs yeah all that stuff is like we thought that was the shit what a debauch make my own CDs write on it with a sharpie that's technology man it happens so fast especially in this era yeah I mean think about how long records existed for yeah decade after decade after decade it was just records and all sudden compact discs you like well I don't right cause yeah cause that started what around 1990 like LaserDisc yeah yeah so it's so and I have movies that were LaserDisc yeah oh that's my brother
► 01:20:15my brother's a tacky like an early adopter so he has all that shit in his garage so yeah he's got some movies on 12-inch people still collect those like there's a like a collective with Marcus somebody somebody's flying 8tracks somewhere somebody's in their home right now watching Top Gun on LaserDisc all excited yeah and they invite you over like hey check this out you like I can just yeah remote and instantly place that's the most incredible thing is like you could ask Siri to play a song Yes it like like you know like
► 01:20:53play Whole Lotta Love bitch listen to me
► 01:21:01hey Siri play Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin
► 01:21:10well what kind of a world we live in yeah well that's like those that were chains and again getting back to the special I talked about like the arguments between Syrian Alexa like that's going to be the next thing yeah I think Alexis more of a spy that bitch is sneaky she's listening more Alexa's listening all the time listening all the time here you have to talk to her yeah but you hear this sorry about conch yeah we think we think but you don't you know the Privacy is an illusion now
► 01:21:42and people I'm off the grid like no you're not a jungle where none of us are off the grid yeah so you know they say like your your social security number yet everyone anyone can find it or your credit card numbers like anything you do it's out there well there is a new there's a new technology that the government is unleashing that is a weather balloon or a balloon that from 65,000 feet it can watch multiple cars at the same time and track them 65,000 feet in the air like you even see what the fuck's I mean no you wouldn't even be able to see it up there but that's you know that's not that new I mean I know you know this is apparently like super high tell I mean the Jesse idea of watching from that Jaime they've had spy planes and stuff like that they could you know was in a movie Eye in the Sky yeah she Hackman or something yes Smith wasn't with the satellites yeah that was a yeah
► 01:22:41with the movie yeah with Gene Hackman would like like Will Smith made a phone call and Gene Hackman had to blow up his lab damn perplexed yeah back when I was in the Aerospace you know they had airplanes that would like they're flying at 80,000 feet keeping an eye on things yeah you know and they had cameras and now it's just so much more prevalent and yeah well you know you've got listen man you your car right also new cars have a black box in them that people don't realize like so if you have an accident they can find out how fast you were going oh yeah when you create or if you have a warranty thing and they're like yeah but you erasing it at a hundred fifty miles an hour blah blah blah you know not only that some cars have a box in the more the police can shut your car down like Saviour in a high-speed chase in a Corvette or something like that I don't know if it's a Corvette but it's some kind of car like that that's electronically controlled right they literally can get your VIN number plug it into
► 01:23:41machine and say shut it down yeah they'll do that with OnStar right if the car is stolen lost our just shuts the car off yeah have you seen those new plates those electronic plates yeah I know it's weird but when you call it in like say someone stole your car then the plate changes to stolen oh really yeah I didn't know that yeah now it's like a little more down don't you your eyes lit up well it's good no because I was thinking how many how come people can mess with you like that like now that's you just open for a practical joke but yeah that was reported his car stolen yeah right that's true to who they know like on the phone they don't know if it's you right and all you need is the VIN or something in it right what do you need you need some sort of second party verification they send you a text message reply to this if your car is really stolen you know I doubt it yeah good point your ex-wife should probably like this a motherfucker calling your car stolen
► 01:24:41she would have all your info yeah like yeah this sumbitch every Saturday night oh she knows you're doing something well do it yes stolen car you bastard this is our our privacy's so deteriorated from the time we were kids to today like it makes you really wonder how far it can keep slipping the only but the other side of the coin is they don't like know most people don't care you know I mean in other words you're not that important like below and agreements spying on me like that well no they're not because you're know by like you're not doing anything that they would be interested in yeah don't flatter yourself yeah exactly it what did you do but then there's the other side like hey if you're not doing anything wrong you shouldn't worry about the government hey they can go look in my email I'm not doing anything wrong that's not the point the point is the government is people right and people shouldn't have access to your email and who knows what kind of weird shit they're doing like there's that was one of the things that Edward Snowden said that the government is
► 01:25:41sneaking in on people's emails and looking at people dick pics and looking it they can basically look at all of all those things and that's a sliding scale right between security and privacy and all of that that you have to figure out what you're comfortable with and and you know Shameless plug number to my podcast know I'm part of this new podcast it's called fear not who's on it with you a guy named Barry glasner and Barry glasner wrote this book called the culture of fear and it was all about how fear is used as business right they keep you scared so that they could sell you things whether it be security systems or there's so much involved in it and and it's about what were scared of versus what the real threats are you know what I mean like he's like yeah where they keep you scared of you know your kid getting kidnapped in the park like your kid ain't going to get kidnapped in the park but you should be scared of is a number of drunk drivers on the road that's real yeah and they the odds of you getting hit by a drunk driver between like
► 01:26:41midnight and 2:00 a.m. when the bar like that's a real fear and and we talked about it in the context of different things we did the the whole anti-vaxxer thing and you know so what's what's you yeah you're worried about your kid getting getting something from the vaccination but the greater good is society is protecting itself against measles or whatever disease you know so we talk about things like that and and yet there's always that sliding scale of personal security or whatever versus the government you know and at the again the government if the government did its job right you could trust them a lot more sure you know what I mean like the government in the in other words this is just my opinion like taxes okay a lot of people I hate paying taxes I don't mind paying taxes because I understand the greater good we need to fix roads and we want to have good public schools and cop blah blah blah yeah fireman but the
► 01:27:41problem is that the government gets the money and then they fuck up yeah so that's why you don't want to pay because you know that this politician is paying his brother who's a contractor to do some bullshit work and stealing all you know so that and and you know what's the solution I don't know I mean we're all wondering what's the solution I don't think there is a solution on the horizon did you see what happened with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Neil deGrasse Tyson got in trouble for tweeting something the other day after the mass shootings right people are pissed at them because it pulled up pull the Tweet up because it's pretty interesting because it's it's just accurate and people were angry and they're saying he's using his platform are responsibly and no he was trying to let people know that although these shootings are a tragedy they are a small number of deaths and there's so many other deaths that happen here goes the past 48 Hours the USA horrific lie lost 34 people to Mass
► 01:28:41on average across 48 hours we also lose 500 to Medical errors 302 the flu 252 suicide 200 car accidents forty two homicides via handgun often our emotions respond more to spectacle than to data now that is not a bad tweet but I saw a scientist who was writing I am unfollowing him he is using his platform irresponsibly a lot of fucking virtue signaling really because what he's saying is not that there's anything wrong with you feeling her horrified by these tragedies I mean he's saying we horrific horrific lie lost 34 people to mass shootings but he's saying it's interesting that there's people dying left and right all throughout this country all day long just not at the hands of one person so we look at it differently and he's just saying he just giving you data as a scientist that's that's exactly what it is he's a
► 01:29:41yes and so a scientist can separate the emotion yeah but people don't find his apology because apologies even more interesting people will consider a mass shooting much worse than you no heart attacks yeah so listen to this so this is the other thing yesterday I posted in reaction to the horrific mass shootings in America over the previous 48 Hours killing 34 people spawned mixed and highly critical responses if you missed it I offered a short list of largely preventable causes of death along with their average to day death toll in the United States they significantly exceeded the death toll from the two days of mass shootings including the number of people 40 who want average die from handgun homicides every two days I then noted that we tend to react emotionally to spectacular incidences of death with the implication that more common causes of death trigger milder or
► 01:30:41balances within us my intent was to offer objectively true information that might help shape conversations and reactions to preventable ways we die where I miscalculated was that I genuinely believe that the Tweet would be helpful to anyone trying to save lives in America what I learned from the range of reactions that is that for many people some information my tweet in particular can be true but unhelpful especially at a time when many people are either still in shock or trying to heal or both so if you are one of those people I apologize for not knowing in advance what effect might we could have had on you I'm there for thankful for the Candor and depth of critical reactions shared in my Twitter feed as an educator I personally value knowing with precision and accuracy what reaction anything that I say or write will instill in my audience and I got this one wrong
► 01:31:39respectfully submitted and then it says Neil deGrasse Tyson now even that people are saying not enough not good enough a response it's almost like today there's certain people today did they don't give a fuck whether or not you're saying something with sincerity whether you are sorry they don't Sorry's not enough like they don't they just want they want to be mad at you and even if you're sorry if you admit you made a mistake there's no forgiveness there's no Road to Redemption there's no there's no I get what you were doing I think that it depends on you know as far as is the sorry enough for whatever depends on the pattern of the person now with Neil deGrasse Tyson this is what I think happened in here is my opinion he's a scientist so he gives information so he saw this and said oh wait a minute this many people died from medical mistakes this maybe and people didn't react what he doesn't where he messed up with the timing yes you don't say that the day after the mass shooting you say it may be a week
► 01:32:39or something like hey you know people die in a lot of weight blah blah blah now what he's saying is I didn't know that I'm a scientist I but I wasn't aware of the emotional impact thank you for telling me the emotional impact and I'm sorry that I hurt people's feelings which to me is totally legitimate especially coming from who he is and what what I would think the scientific mindset is now there are some people that yeah exactly what you said they decided you're a terrible person for saying is so that apology isn't enough there's nothing he could do right but see that there's certain people right there's nothing you can do that's going to change their mind you know you look at look at the Obama birth certificate right so even when the birth certificate came out there's a certain percentage of the people are there still like what now that's fake like there was no way he was ever going to be American to these people already there's a certain you know
► 01:33:37you travel you know like I to eat there are certain groups like you ain't going to get them right they had their minds made up in their in their bubble there in there whatever it is and they are surrounded by like-minded people like you said like this is the disadvantage of the internet right the advantage of the internet is all of this information the disadvantage is you find people who only think like you and you only talk to them and you build this bubble well yeah well yes so there's a group of people a percentage I don't have you want to describe it that decided the moment he said that this is an unfeeling horrible person level I mean I said you know my thing with the with the mass shootings I'm like listen we don't care we say we care individual like it's very sad for that family is very to me the worst part of a mass shooting is somebody went to Walmart that day they didn't know what's gonna be the last day of their life didn't ever going to see their family again Somebody went out to a club
► 01:34:37in Ohio they didn't know they'd never come that's the the tragic part and that is sad but in the grand scheme of things we don't do anything we don't you know we say it doesn't work before we even try it like there's nothing we do that changes even after Vegas when they said they were going to ban what was it called the bump stop or whatever it was that thing that helped shoot faster and then ultimately they didn't even ban that you know so so as a society we say we care but we don't because we don't change anything you got to change something nothing changes if nothing changes right well then where we're getting way off track here but we'll get with Neil deGrasse Tyson the the outrage thing did not reach me no no I did not raise you either right now because he's a scientist what he's just a the truth yeah and data is true and data is delivered without emotion and why people were upset is because he delivered truth with no emotion right I'm gonna say
► 01:35:37did he said horrific lie I mean he was talking about the tragedy yeah things that just people are looking to be upset oh absolutely yeah absolutely people look for for something to be mad about yeah or something to be outraged about and that you know what that takes away from it takes away from real outrage yes right yeah it diminishes it if you're outraged everyday then you know then okay so what's really outrageous right if I'm going to be upset if I'm going to be upset at a scientist for giving me scientific data what do I want yet I guess the timing was the issue right timing would like it wasn't an issue with me I mean I get what he's doing I'm not a moron yeah it's just it's simple he's he was just giving you all sorts of different horrific deaths that occur all throughout the country and I think on that same weekend there was some unprecedent number of people that were shot and killed in Chicago like yeah Chicago's a fucking cock
► 01:36:37it's a war zone towards yeah and and the thing is you know people say well what about the gun laws and it's like yeah but they're all you got to do is go to Indiana like you go two hours away and you can get whatever you want just you know that's the that's the thing so surviving a car to a bunch o as a city Chicago is like look we're trying but we can't write you know what are we going to set up borders and check every car coming into Illinois God damn it you have to go in every house exactly it's not even that you can't do that yeah it's but yeah his thing I think was a time and I'm like you that didn't offend me I get what he was saying and then this is its can't offend you if you're a rational human a can't offend you you know what bothers me when people
► 01:37:23pretend to be ignorant of something and they're not how so well when people like like for example with this like there's some people like oh we can use this to to create some dislike against Neil deGrasse Tyson or whether it's generally it's generally politicians do it right when they say something and then like oh I didn't know that was offensive or rights like yes you did but you know your followers didn't you see what I mean like you can give me an example trying to think of an example okay well well with the mass shootings right so the whole thing up saying that Trump's tweets had nothing to do with it
► 01:38:06yes they did get now they didn't directly but yeah it did normalize and this guy uses same language of the you know Invasion Etc so you can't say that it's completely unrelated you know I mean you can't you can't don't pretend and again it's not saying direct it but it but you can't pretend there's no connection right right there's a director actually pulls its quotes there are people who are intelligent enough to know that but they'll say no no there's no Ken it's like yes there is and you know there are don't feign ignorance that's what I mean right well you know the guy in Dayton the really fucked up one was that guy's an Elizabeth Warren supporter who actually wrote about gun control I mean he was just a horrific suit homicidal fucking yeah psychopath and don't listen that you have to have some there has to be something wrong with you to do that you like you've been you know eat in regardless of your political
► 01:39:05call police there has to be something wrong with you but you can be sparked or you can be egged on sure yeah by the words of leaders or political people are powerful people people of influence perfect way to put it yeah people of influence and that's why I think people of influence have to be responsible in what they say yeah you know but but this but Neil deGrasse Tyson this is a different thing I think this is just a case of a scientist pointing out information without you know like like you know you're talking about earlier dorks nerds whatever you want to say to where it's like yeah well this is just information I'm not trying to be emotional and people like well you have to be bright happy to connect you even though you're from a lab environment you have to understand not everyone is but that's not that's a one of the more uncomfortable things about today with social media is that there's a bunch of people that are really just they're just authoritarian there there there
► 01:40:06demand certain types of behavior and they do so under the guise of compassion they do so under it like they're trying to enforce the way people communicate like the Neil deGrasse Tyson thing this use there's no indication whatsoever that he was minimizing the deaths but people pretending that he's doing so yeah there were some people who believe he did but there are a lot of people pretending to be right of pretending to be upset they're finding a nice Target right yeah you know it's too many voices Alonso too many words too many people out there spewing again that's the as we speak you the positive and the negative of the a of the yeah yeah that's a positive and the negative the positive is everyone has a voice the negative is everyone has a voice yeah but no there's no and and
► 01:40:58everyone's light and and the thing is the middle the calmest voices the the reasonable voices are the least heard of course yeah well that's Facebook right Facebook's algorithm favors outrage so if you are on Facebook and you get upset about abortion that's the kind of shit you're going to get in your feet right if you get mad about climate change they go you're gonna get a lot of climate change talk yes it's going to show up and goddamn that makes people nuts oh again in this is living in the bubble you don't get to hear the other side yeah you know and and and and it's not even the it's the reasonable part of the other side you know what I mean like politically yeah I'm left I have friends who I call reasonable Republicans and I could talk to a reasonable Republican can talk to a crazy Republican right you know okay if you if you say that the mass shootings are based on transgender marriage and we can't talk wewe got
► 01:41:57the Nike I'm sorry I can't work with you right but if you say that taxes should be lowered to stimulate the economy and blah blah blah yeah we could talk about that you near I mean that's that's that's the difference and you know and just just like on the left look I believe in the environment this and that but now if you're asking me to give up gasoline we may have a problem I may not be ready to go that far just yet Here's my thought if there's too much CO2 in the air can't we make something to suck CO2 out of the air why are we wasting I mean wouldn't that be better to me there are certain air filters just giant air filters there were certain forms of technology or areas I don't understand this is the one that bugs me to doubt it can we come up with a better way to build a road
► 01:42:44what's a better way I don't know but but the best my point this there's some really smart people out there or what's wrong with roads it takes forever to build road construction how about you think about what you gotta do well that's what I'm saying though somebody's somebody's got to come up with a with a better way like when you know really want more roads well fixing them we have fix them just fucking lay down a concrete or whatever the fuck it is like the high-speed train thing right like I don't how long you been in La 94 I moved here okay I moved here in Haiti damn right out of school right out of high school I came wow so ever since I've been here and ever since you've been here they've been talking about a high-speed rail yes from San Francisco to LA to Las Vegas right isn't he on Moscow to do that now though the hyperloop this is my point companies like Lockheed Rockwell Northrop these are space companies have come up with you know stealth aircraft
► 01:43:43Hypersonic aircraft you can't tell me that if you want to Lockheed and said listen his ten billion dollars we need to train that will go 200 miles an hour from San Francisco to LA to say that they couldn't do it they absolutely you know what I mean they have the scientists in the technology wait like we spend so much money on the wrong shit like I get we need defense and this and that but Leah let's cut 20 billion to the side to figure out how to move people around more efficiently because that's what these companies do these are engineering and design companies they come up with shit like this there you know so so I've always said why not just do that why not why not take some of this brain power and its engineering and development
► 01:44:25and you science for the masses so now if you had because if you had that think about
► 01:44:32if you could just go to the train station and get to Vegas in two hours or hour and a half how many people wouldn't drive if it was that easy you know flying to Vegas is a pain in the ass right you got to go to the airport and then you got to go you know you doing all you spending an hour getting ready for a 40-minute flight but a train is so much easier if it is this to ya if it exists why is it easier than a plane because you just get on and you go and you can do things on the train you ever you ever like back east from going from DC to New York I found it's easier to do it on a train it's the same amount of time as going to the airport flying getting to your because cutting out the travel to and from security time he just sit in the train and just read or write Wi-Fi you got every you know it's easy and you go from downtown to downtown that's the other thing about trains they don't go to airports with your way out there downtown to downtown where do you teach
► 01:45:32light rain from Life's a from downtown DC to Penn Station you like an old-timey person no I've no there's a sex press train I found no you know I found it I found this out from people who do it how longs it take it that's about how long is the ride three three and a half hours that's not bad yeah yeah if you're definitely it's better than driving yeah it probably goes just as fast as a car probably not any faster than a car no no fast but if the we had a high-speed train that can travel at you know 200 miles an hour whatever hundred eighty whatever those bullet trains travel and I was just in Italy we took the train over the countryside it was beautiful it was fun hmm not bad and now you're just sitting down relaxing the come by you know get a Diet Coke it's a different yet different form of try again not the most efficient but comfortable and I do they disturb me so much though in the crash when those motherfuckers derail there's something about him I you likes yeah that welcome that's a lot of lot of lot of energy and there's no seat belts no sir
► 01:46:32we'll just goes flying yeah you just want to put fucking seat belts on trains who's going to wear them I would wear some I guess why is that funny there's not really an abrupt stop very or there's somebody lays a log on the road this is that's the problem is when someone fucks up yeah there's a very abrupt stop right well that's true you know that's true you car yeah but you wear a seat belt in your car yeah hopefully there's still people who don't which is blows my mind how about you you're on a motorcycle yeah though they talk about how crazy we are I've got an explosive fluid between my legs above a hot engine and my only air bag of my knees and you're in st. Joe but going in between cars do it it's easy to park yes you don't drive a car at all right oh yeah I drive Jew but well you know when I drive like yesterday I was driving around what kind of car you got some shh right now I got a truck I got a
► 01:47:31Raptor whoo yeah big-ass fucking filler and roll has one of those yeah this is fun I'm almost over it really yeah about a year it's like okay I'm almost done with this truck thing yeah fun to have this big-ass truck like this girl was in the truck with me in this car was pulling on and I was like oh he ain't going to hit me you do my head if he does I'm not even gonna stop I'm gonna win like he's gonna hear my tire and I'm gonna run over his hood but yeah but you know that's just me I get bored with stuff right so I drive something for year year and a half and I'm like all right I'm over it let's try something else so at least is no no because Lisa's are harder to get out of oh that's true I'll see you just know how you are I've learned I have wasted enough money over the years I bought my way out of shit and you know who my brother used to love it because I would lease something this what I found out so if you leave something for three years you want to get rid of it to they like yeah
► 01:48:30it but you still gotta pay us for the third year so I would call my bed like a band you want to drive this thing I gotta pay for it anyway and he's like ship it to you ship it is a hanky no he would pay to ship it I like like I can't pay to ship but yeah and you would just keep paying the the bill and kind of driving around way but he have to get it back to the you could return it there you could return it to any dealership so if you least like I had a what was it the infinity F 45 and some any yeah so he just returned it to an Infinity Place there and so you realized after a few of these fuck-ups this is just a person is buy it and sell it you know that's when you whenever I hope like what what I found is I'm not the only one with this disease like there's a bunch of us out there so I try to buy it from the guy who's just like me like I bought my Raptor it was like five months old it had like 3,000 miles so like cuz
► 01:49:30that guy had the sickness you know what I mean yeah he's like man I gotta get rid of this Raptor I was like yeah okay I got it yeah if you're a single guy and you don't and you have a good job like you and you don't have real Financial Obligations yeah yeah it's sickness so you just want to try something different thing so it's like what's next I don't know I don't know you know I was I've been looking around and a buddy of mine just went for the new Corvette he just put his money down on that and I was talking and then then I started looking up like whoa this might be like I always had a problem with Corvettes because I've driven them they're good they're a little small inside and also there's the baggage of having a Corvette right you're right look a middle-aged single guy in a Corvette yeah but this new one I don't think it carries that until your character Ferrari I don't think carries a creeper Factor yeah well the creepy Factor fire it'll fire up eventually I feel like it's it's
► 01:50:30definitely the next step in terms of like design and evolution it just looks better little bit classier had a scar yeah I think it I think they got a big hit you know what has a GPS that recognizes where you are and raises the nose up in your own skin bumps and shit speed bumps and that it knows where like Low Dry ways are yeah it's crazy yeah we had that like Rolls-Royce head that way to like there's a camera that sees bumps and adjust the suspension yeah coming up in front of you that's in milliseconds yeah the new Corvette is the fastest ever 0 to 62 which is amazing because it's 200 plus horsepower less than the ZO6 or the Z ZR 1 rather and it's still way faster which is crazy yeah well the design is yeah I mean the balance which is going to be a phenomenal phenomenal car so I don't want to be an early adopter though I don't know if I'd be that look at that thing whoo God damn that looks
► 01:51:30good in Black wow look at that fucking thing that's gonna you know they're gonna be off they're gonna be all over holy shit that thing looks good you better ask God that is as good looking as an American car has ever been you had literally and you know something that's like like the Ford GT cause what like a half million dollars and that's 60 Grand this is 60 with the dealer markup they'll get 74 and I bet it's just as fast yeah I bet it's pretty close and it still has a trunk yeah there's a trunk in the front and the back right that is nasty yes oh that might be next why not man I'd be next fuck look at that goddamn thing this is that is a fucking bad a hell of a good-looking car it's gonna be a badass monster car and the top comes off whoo that's a beast man and that's the entry model and wait till they start pumping out with 0601001 when is that going to happen I think in 2021 or 12 that are always I can
► 01:52:31I was going to ask you going to get one now that I'm looking at this thank you that's that's what I was yeah it's probably hard to get them yeah there's a waiting list and it you know the dealers are going to get a markup and for sure that thing's nasty Tony Hinchcliffe as one not this one his last year's one that's fucking amazing so they're great cars yeah great cars well you know who's going to get one like Leno it's going to get its closure does he get the first one or like which yeah which one you got it yeah he have you been his garage yeah fuck yeah it's I should say garage is it's got a Lovin warehouses yeah it's it's but you know what it's what any any car nut would do with unlimited cash yes yes right if you had unlimited funds in Europe you're a gear head and he's truly a gear Head like he knows his stuff like he doesn't just buy it like he oh yeah he knows all about it he has fabrication
► 01:53:30scenery in his Studio he's we can build fenders he's had it for so long that's the thing it's not like 3D printing isn't new to him now I remember he has this jet-powered car and the wheels he was telling me about the wheels and he said that he showed me they brake dust won't stick to him like you know how that you get that black Dusty and he and he said yeah I'll call a sent me the hunk of a loom like what they sent him the medal and he made the wheels like are you kidding me like that's that's the extent of Machining you have that you can just make the wheels for as ridiculous brilliant he's making wheel that is so Preposterous yeah his place is a trip and I mean you could wander around it for hours and he loves explaining everything to my favorite was you know he'll he'll let you take in a group right and she's really cool about this is like you donate money to a charity
► 01:54:31and then he's like okay you can bring in this many people so it's almost like it's not selling tickets it's helping charity you know he does it cool now yeah it was really cool so he had this guy it was his and the guy passed away I can't remember his name on say it was Jimmy something but but this was a guy who would give tours so he's walking around he's like this is this this
► 01:54:51what is it we did we get this one was so he's like what the hell is it he's probably always picking shit up right yeah it was a guys like when where did this come from what is what happens when Jay Leno dies the only thing I can think is they make it a museum yes that's the only if it's all paid off that's a good move I'm charged tickets I would think I'd pay I would think he probably has something set up to maintain it I hope so because how are you going to sell those things what are you going to you know what I mean like what the fuck's gonna buy that steam car right one of the steam comes like this like a few steam cars we has ones with metal wheels that he actually had rubber installed in the outside of the metal wheel so you could drive around town yeah in any has those giant cars that are like 25 feet long but they only see two people lenders like to V12 engines and a front of you and yeah but it's fantastic though you know and and you know that I
► 01:55:51that and is a few people like that but I don't know but anyone who does it on the scale no no one does I mean jail Jerry Seinfeld is he's got his War shh he's all Porsche which is weird carola Adam has Paul Newman's old racecars you have a you have been his spot yes yeah he's got Paul Newman's old Nissan
► 01:56:14Dodson race cars and he racism in vintage races oh yeah I've seen that I've seen videos of it yeah so that's pretty cool yeah that is pretty cool you have what years your GT3 that's the 2007 okay that is maybe the greatest car like the GT3
► 01:56:36in the argument for the greatest car made its a very exciting car to drive it's a thrilling fun car to drive it's super lightweight and mine's a shark Works car so it's got 518 horsepower there's a place called speed Vegas it's a track outside of Vegas you go there and you pay you can drive whatever you know they have like Ferraris and limos and stuff so I've been there a few times and the last time I went they had the new GT3 with the rear wheel steering oh yeah and I was like what is this is God's Own sports car it's like amazing date the handling is you think it and it does it and the whole time you're driving it the cars laughing at you like I'm so much better than you are mine doesn't have all that electronic Nanny shit the new ones have but the new ones are quite a bit faster and the new one is the the GT3 touring is the shit because it doesn't have all the crazy fins it's because he most the time we not drive it in on track right it is driving
► 01:57:36around town so you get all the feel of a real GT 3 but you don't how it's more stealth right it looks almost like a regular 911 yeah they look man they have barely deviated from their style since like the 19 fucking sick days it screams such a fan at and I love it's my favorite car I've had a few 911s of all the cars I've had need the one I regret was the 88 turbo I regret getting rid of that I'll always regret having gotten rid of that that call was it was a beast it was hard as car but but it when it was going it was like perfect you know yeah and those cars there so tail happy yeah oh yeah yeah yeah we it was trying to kill you all the time hey but the car was literally like if you get scared and let off the gas I'm gonna kill you and that boost would kick in you know what I liked about it was motorcycle fast yeah it was this crazy motorcycle kind of like just
► 01:58:36RPM and in a boost would kick in and the rear end would snap and you just be flying like you better be pointed in the right direction now you know have you driven a Tesla yet yes he drove in the the fast one the p100 no I haven't driven that one I've driven the I guess it's the regular P1 I drove one with ludicrous mode though so okay maybe that is a pure to experience that so fastest thing I've ever driven in my life yeah that's zero to 60 in like two point four two point four yeah and then the Roadster is going to come out that's 1.9 yeah
► 01:59:12you know that that was like when motorcycles went crazy with horse and I mean now their bikes would over 200 horsepower but when they first came out I was insane like the Hayabusas and stuff like that a friend who was a dealer and he said you know you're going to be able to buy two rear half of these because he said my people just going to open it throttle and crash in the shit you know he's like like yeah you can get the clean back half of a Hayabusa or an R1 when you sell a kid a Hayabusa what percentage of those kids wind up crippled or dead I'm not a high percentage honestly one out of a hundred and maybe maybe not but I don't even know if it's that high because if you told jokes and one out of a hundred people in the crowds heads exploded yeah well you haven't been to my show I really do that job I get them I get so deep and cerebral then I throw in a dick joke at my phone no you know the thing about yeah motorcycling is dangerous but
► 02:00:12I don't more people die on Harley's and cruisers sound like Neil deGrasse Tyson right now no I'm going to tell you the reason why it's because they're the ones who they only ride once in a while hmm they go to a bar right and they hang out in the afternoon drinking and then they get on their Harley and go home they don't wear a helmet and they crash and they died right that happens more often than a kid racing around because you know he's a kid he's got quicker reflexes in a real sport by guys are wearing the right protective equipment because it's part of the culture but but unfortunately it happens I was just at a motorcycle event last week I was doing a show and they do these rides and one of the guys died on you know during the event it was really sad but unfortunately that that's part of it but whenever people hit me with that I'm like yeah people died in cars to like that's the Neil deGrasse Tyson side of it yes yeah people died in Cars 2 and this
► 02:01:11is this is what I choose to do and I manage the risk we've talked about this right so you know my thing would bikes is look if you live through your 20s you'll be fine your 20s is when you're stupid when and wild yeah but but it would be the same thing imagine if you had a GT3 and you were 22 years old I had some ridiculously fast cars and I was in my 20s I always spent all my money on fast cars yeah and you know do you mean answer against you on that too you know because because you do you do stupid shit and you also don't know how to handle them correctly don't know the limitations you don't know how to turn or stop mmm if we don't know when to turn or yeah yeah any like oh that was too late yeah when you feel the tires brake and you're still going straight like yeah well you don't know the road you're on like you never been on this road before and suddenly you suddenly learn what decreasing radius means yes it's just amazing how fast bikes
► 02:02:11are now they're making electric bikes yeah don't have any shifting which is very interesting to me Harley has a new bike yeah Charlie's Got an electric bike to live with that no I haven't I've written an electric bike but I haven't written Harley supposed to be stupid fast they all are it's all just numbers you know it's just like cars right like how many cars now have a top speed of a hundred fifty hundred eighty most of whatever but it's just a number because you're not going to get there right so it just becomes that even even a zero to 60 you know yet well with the Tesla you could do it because you just step on the gas would step on the accelerator yeah and do it but most cars yet it can go that quick but you can't because you're not that good a driver right you know so you you and it's the same thing with bikes so bikes can be super quick but you're not skilled enough to do it like we laugh about it all the time that's it right there yeah that's the hard whoa look at that thing
► 02:03:11that crate what is that crazy shit between you legs at the batteries yeah wow yes batteries because what kind of small what a fucking beautiful bike yeah what kind of range you think these things have the one I wrote head like a 80-mile I have no idea what the Molly miles that's not what can't carry big batteries like right I have no idea what the range 110 mile range yeah
► 02:03:38interesting City dwelling consult consumer travels and traffic frequently a hundred and Ten Mile ranges were realistic okay Soso cut that down because I make it 70 yeah cuz you have to be opening it up every chance live walls batteries will recharge from 0 to 80 percent and 40 minutes that's pretty good that's you engine State Street super charger connector that's another thing would electric cars and electric bikes they're going to have to standardize this charging Mmm Yeah you know because it's like okay so Tesla uses one charger then like Audi uses a different one now Harley's going to like you got you're going to have to come up with some
► 02:04:16one size fits all so you plug just plug your car in and charge it you can't have each company having their own well you have a universal ones at the airport and the airport I plug my car at the airport this past weekend yeah and as first time I've ever done it I was like who found a spot electric and I yeah just little adapter you put on their Universal 106 then it plugs in the Tesla okay well that charged easy so you charge while I was gone I got there full charge that'll work then yeah because that's what I was thinking because you know because I heard like Porsches developing a network of chargers which I imagine Porsche and Audi you're going to use a soon yeah right if you have a Tesla Supercharger can you plug a portion to it I don't think so that's stupid yeah they're going to have to figure that out yeah that's weird we're going to be like apple you know I can only use a lightning cable you can't use use USB see I'm an Apple guy the dhamma tell you where Apple this this is where I drew the line so
► 02:05:17I got the iPad right and then I got an iPad mini and then I wanted to get the pencil do you know there's a separate pencil for the mini iPad to regularly but I was like no I was like no it's a really yeah why exactly I was like are you kidding so you want me to spend 99 bucks for each one of these pencils and then figure out which one is which right then I can't what if I accidentally have to run it was it was ridiculous it's like well they do way worse than that there's a website that I follow there's a YouTube channel rather than I follow was a guy who repairs computers and he was talking about how Apple goes out of their way to make things so that they can't be repaired from developing proprietary screws that other people don't have a screwdriver for to literally having motherboards where you cannot replace a piece yeah it's not not possible so this piece goes bad they have to replace the entire motherboard and he's like that is so irresponsible and he's like the only
► 02:06:16reason why this exists is because people allow Apple to do it he's like any other company whether it's IBM or over Lenovo or fucking Del when you buy a laptop from them you there's all these parts you could bring it into a place that can replace this and replace that and here's the chip and here's the that and it's easy but with apple they make it so it's difficult for third parties mostly Apple yeah Third Party People by I don't want anyone messing with a fucking gross man yeah it's gross you know and then the lightning see the C cable the lightning bolt Thing versus USBC lightning bolts not as good it's not as good the band was not as fast doesn't transfer data or Powers quickly that's another thing to Cable thing yeah something like every time you get a new Gadget you got another cable yeah with they just went with USBC USB take it's me that's the standard USB see every Android phone every fucking one of them uses USB C because you the fact that you have to carry a
► 02:07:16K and then you got like does this fit that and then you know then yeah it's pain in the only thing that Apple has going for it is privacy in terms of phones there they are way better with the privacy but because of that privacy and protecting your privacy that's also why Apple map suck like Apple Maps is not nearly as good as Google Maps because Google Maps has fallen you to the bathroom there yeah and they're sending all that shit to Cupertino or where the hell they are they they get all the data all of it everything from ways from this from that that's also why it works so well you know but their text messages and all the different things is not as secure as iMessage iMessages all scrambled and encrypted good well and any other thing would apple is the you know for someone who's not a techie whether it's the integration a seamless integration between the Apple products oh including your if you have I but is it ITV was an Apple TV yeah if you have an Apple TV you can like type shit
► 02:08:16in your phone your phone syncs up the Apple TV to TV and use your phone as a keyboard yeah your remote yeah every and and you don't have to know how to do it like right it says oh I'm talking to blob-like like you put the password in on your phone then you open up your iPad and it gets the password from the phone and it's already connected to yeah you know whatever Network and stuff like that I'm trying to getting better at that though they're getting closer and closer to filling the Gap I mean the new Samsung phones are as good if not better than anything apples ever put out yeah the thing is he are you in the Apple ecosystem that's all it is yeah which would which one is your normal yeah yes which one is you are you used to it as a hilarious bit about it here's a hilarious bit about being both vegan and Android the most person could ever get discriminated against it's fucking hilarious it's really funny it's the other things too that little the little dots like if someone's like if I send you a text message are applying a you
► 02:09:16replying to see the dot dot dot and then it stops yeah it's like what's going on what happened you just you just ghosted me it just happened are you gonna reply and you let me fuck that dude but like with a green message if it's an Android you don't know when it's coming you don't know if I got that message part of me likes that better like I don't necessarily want you to know I read your message and it used to at least think of it read receipts when they know you read it yeah because now they know you're intentionally not answering me yeah well that's those little dot dot dots those little dot dot dots of ratting you out yeah that's what Ian says enjoying I don't need everyone to know that I read your message
► 02:09:58man I do this so funny he's hilarious you in some so happy he finally has a Comedy Central special yeah finally you talk about overdue he's so good you know who's next Owen Smith yeah he's a mother fan on me and Owen were talking and we were talking about the business side because he was talking about the whole writers thing about writer's giving up their agents in this and that and and he was he's so smart on it but yeah Owens hilarious he was one of the best comics on the planet Earth and people don't know great writer yeah and just great performer to yeah he's so funny man I've been working with him a lot lately oh yeah yeah man we do a lot of gigs together especially like improv in the store he's as good as anybody yeah definitely and people don't know if late listen the last thing I need is people publicizing another tall black car only Smith who well the probable size of you to finally you got an Amazon special know it's it's great but that is funny that
► 02:10:58there's a kid named Andre Leclerc out of New York funny guy he did new faces last year and my manager signed him and I was like you know you know it's over when you manage your son's a younger better-looking version of you like that's the last thing I needed was but he's funny kid but in this is not a good benefit to being good looking in comedy no there is if you want to do sitcoms but they don't really exist anymore want to do if you want to get into the movies and do like a rom-com thing but since it comes like that was what Montreal was all about you Montreal's about you got a development deal and you did sitcoms yeah now you will now it's streaming services and movies on it's still movies are still like a different animal that's a different breed I have zero desire but streaming services and you know it's really funny too because people talk about acting like I get I'm not an actor and I'm okay with not being an actor I like hosting
► 02:11:58and stuff like that end and I like unscripted TV and stuff like that but but do you know when people like what you want to show well yeah of course I want to show I mean you know ton of money and this and that but the actual doing it and creating it like my mind has never worked like that you know I mean like like some people they love playing characters and stuff like that and and all due respect to that but it's not what I did but people are almost like well why don't you and it's like cause it's not my thing had Burgers have a joke about that yeah yeah the comedies the only thing where they ask you to do something else once you do it right yeah yeah if you're a cook they never ask you to do you farm yeah you know yeah it's but it was always the way that everybody got famous right Roseanne and Seinfeld and Tim Allen and all those guys they got sitcoms based off of stand up and then they basically became actors yeah but you look at the numbers
► 02:12:56you know there's a hell of a lot of comics for every one of them that made it to that you know what I mean like overwhelming there's you know and but for some guys that was like the thing that drove them crazy is they never got that call Like Richard jeni he was what you know I remember I saw Jenny in Montreal and at The Comedy Works murdering God he was funny I mean he was a beast on stage was a beast people I mean you can see his specials and you kind of get it but if you saw him in real life you'd be like fuck yeah he's the one of the most forgotten Geniuses of stand-up comedy was a brilliant stand-up so good I saw him fuck speaking of what she was talking about a Corvette salesman trying to sell him on options on a Corvette and he was talking about that in in Montreal at The Comedy Works I remember sitting in the back of the room and I remember knowing that he was bummed out because he couldn't get a sitcom he had that one platypus
► 02:13:56and this man you and he was in the mask and platypus man that HBO special was granted a great one hours you'll ever see ever like if you can find it one of the great one hours of Comedy he was a monster but he was one of those guys that really wanted a special or excuse me really wanted to television show really wanted to show wanted to be validated you know who I never understood never got a show I mean he's had shows but didn't have a sitcom dom dom Aurora oh yeah because he's such a natural character he was on a sitcom with Damon for a while right yeah I think for like half a season mmm and he had the sports show on Comedy Central right right right right that was funny the football show but it but it just seems like he's such a natural character just being dumb like
► 02:14:44you know nobody gives a fuck less than Dahmer era God that's true Dahmer are this what he said to me he goes he goes I wish I was gay just so I can come out of the closet That's how little I give a fuck so say it I wish I was gay sure to tell you I'm good you know fucking hilarious I love watching him I love watching George Wallace Hood those guys are just masters of the art yes yep just go on stage and just kill it effortlessly because it seems like George Wallace is back in Vegas is that correct yeah he went back last year I do the road for a bit and he's like I know he I think it was one of those I think they made an offer made him an offer he couldn't refuse those deal he's got that great following in vain yeah I mean he always was things that people would go and they were on vacation in Vegas they would go to see George George absolutely there was like Rita rudner had that Carrot Top Hat that there's not a whole lot of residents in Vegas these days not anymore not
► 02:15:43like not on that level where you're aware of it like Carrot Top always be there but it's a tricky one because if you commit to that you give up all that the the road momentum you know why you got to be able to Market it I mean that's where George was brilliant George figured out just what you said for people to go home and tell their friends a when you go to Vegas you got to see George right right like he figured that out and I don't think it translates on the road and no more no you got to I mean again you have to figure out how to build that and yet it takes time to build it doesn't build right away right so you got to be working with a place or working with a producer or somebody who's like yeah we're going to spend a year building using destination show and you have to be willing to live in Vegas yeah there's something about that that's like you're you're you're almost you just in some weird Purgatory if you can handle it it's okay but it but if you got a vice if you have any Vice Vegas
► 02:16:43going to find it and destroy you with it yeah well there's gambling or pussy or I just work with Mal Mal had this great joke or Vegas he's a Vegas the only city you can watch someone become homeless Mmm Yeah you can watch them at the table that night they become home you just watch him yeah like your whole life is falling apart right now yeah I know but this next role they will let you mortgage your fucking house absolutely like yeah go ahead what do you want to do it on the roll of a dice or hand of cards what you want to do the biggest the only gig where they will pay you in advance yes pay you the first night yeah what here's some money what it is you'll be here tomorrow thanks you don't that popped up so if you win too much they stop you from coming back hmm like Dana White from the UFC yeah he gets banned because he's really good at Blackjack so he'll win like a million dollars in a night and they ban him from casinos because they know who he is but they ban him because he's winning yeah like what is this fucking what you only play if you win you pay
► 02:17:43shit there yeah but that's ridiculous house but that's a ridiculous Rule and they should they should have to go on there they should they all you know it's like their rules and they are all in it together that seems like rejecting service you know I mean it's just seems like they shouldn't be able to do that and it what's the sign you always see we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone yeah right so where do you work when you do Vegas
► 02:18:08I do Brad carrots at the MGM that's a great spot love that room and I just did Kimmel's new club I heard that's great spot to beautiful bezel-set the Rio know it took the link it's that where that big ferris wheel is they open like that Midway Strip it's on there Dudley someone have someon something the Rio 2 is not a new one yeah the cellar oh that's what the real yet of sellers at the real I heard that's great too I heard that's great too Vegas has like they have the Laugh Factory now it's comedies made it like part of wide when George left he said one of the things was like for a long time there weren't that many comedy shows he said then suddenly every place had a comedy show so that cuts in it a ticket sale mmm that makes sense The Mirage is the shit that's my favorites yeah I fucking love that room I used to do bigger rooms and I even if I would sell out the bigger room I'd be like a mirage yeah it's so good so now I just do the Mirage I'm there all the time it's from where I'm standing it's
► 02:19:08situations it's the best grown man it's like you and I was watching One Time Joey Diaz was on stage and I was in the back of the room and in the back of the room at the Mirage it was clear crystal clear sound that that works for comedy rooms it's like it's the perfect be able to hear him and see him yeah you know somebody I forget who it was but this it was a musician he said the best room is when you can see everyone's eyes hmm because he had done like big rock concerts and all that he was like yeah if you can see everyone's eyes you got a good room that's the Icehouse and ISO or like you said Comedy Works yes it's like that where you can you can actually connect with everybody in there the ice house is tough to fuck with that might be the best Pi server created room we used to say if you bomb you should be allowed to go to the ice house the next day just to get your confidence back right just like oh man I don't know if I
► 02:20:08you could do it make ODI so you can do it and you walk out like yeah I can do this you know this agents that won't accept tapes from the ice house because it's just too easy or room it's because it's you do great yeah definitely yeah I saw some good comedy magic is pretty goddamn good yeah comedy man is like and you know Mike and Richard they're so nice to you too nice it's just like confusing you sleep land because now because now you've ruined people for anywhere else in the food oh Their Food they'll serve you a steak that you could get it a fucking steak house when I had broken my wrist right and now I was living in Studio City and this is in Hermosa Beach so to your listeners that's 30 miles apart in LA traffic hour and a half hour at least right
► 02:20:56Mike was like you know if you if you want we can send a server to bring food to your house like if you can't like Mike I live in Seas like yeah I know and he would have done it you know it's like are you kidding me like when I got kicked out of the comic store in 2007 he reached out to my agent and said we would love if Joe could work at the comedy magic club we support him would never hire joke thieves yeah and you know when we know that this is going down with him we would love for him to come here like he's that nice of a guy yeah he's a he's a super nice guy and and Richard the manager Richard still goes places to see Comics to see if they you know good for the club yeah that's like nobody does that anymore like you could you you got videos trickles down from the top you know that love and respect of The Comedians and then they just to be treating performers well yeah and that's why all the Old Pros still work there that's why you know Ray Romano's yeah like they still
► 02:21:56oh that Leno still there every Sunday because it's like yeah he still goes every Sunday every Sunday that is crazy because I know he's kind of stopped for a while when he was not doing the Tonight Show on him yeah he took a break but yeah he's still pretty regular there have never seen I have has not seen him on stage do stand-up ever I have I've only seen him on television as a matter of fact we did a benefit together last year and it was fun watching him work like as the comic in uncas he was doing he was doing bits and all but he'll still tell a joke but like he's a really good joke teller so he'll tell just a regular joke but it's hilarious because it's so good and and in Montreal just did a Gala and Howie Mandel hosted and it was so much fun watching how we be a comic again like how he was doing he was cracking on the crowd like during the commercials like whatever you know during the breaks he was just being honest like man it's you could see that he was having
► 02:22:56fun being a comic not being a TV guy that ran a TT guy just yeah I'm just being a stand-up comic and that AGG gigs a great gig I'm sure he gets paid a lot of money but if you go back and listen to how a man down the 80s and the 90s when he was just doing stand-up he was fucking brilliant yeah he was brilliant a lot of those guys you know and and women what those Comics people don't realize how great a comic they had to be to get that job right like that he just does a so I get you Arsenio is like that like I've seen people who see Arsenio do stand-up and it's like well yeah there was a reason he got the show yeah they didn't just say hey man that's a funny name like arsenio's a beast when he does stand up Kayla knows one of the weirdest cases right because he doesn't have a body of work well because he never recorded he said he would never record it because then you sell it then you can't do it anymore yeah and it said so he would just but yet he wrote jokes every week for The Tonight Show like right hey
► 02:23:55hey put your shit out there buddy I mean people don't know but then we know you know what did he lose you know I mean it's like he he certainly didn't need the money right AJ's ever like man I should have sold merch you know but it's it amount of people knowing how good he is I would think yeah I think the people want to know how good he was I guess he's comfortable where he's at you know and people do well and also you know if you do go see him live that is great that you you get to see him and you get to enjoy it nobody wears a jean shirt unless they're comfortable you got to be you have to be you know where and every day is no God damn you got a uniform yeah he does have come listen Alonzo got to wrap this up all right you got Amazon special it's out what what's the dates out August 23rd so heavy lightweight today is the 6th let me know will tweet it will let everybody know solutely and heavy light weight on Amazon Prime there was a prime stream it on your phone you can get on
► 02:24:55everything get over Amazon app you know you know something you go to Whole Foods and just watch it really no I'm kidding but probably tell you owns it right yeah you owns it all right thanks for coming in brother appreciate it thank you Joe fear not the new podcast that's out there to man I love you - I love you too this is so great thank you and again thanks for the love you give me even when I'm time man you know I love you and we're working tonight yes yeah improv tonight profit by thank you everyone for tuning in to the podcast and thank you to our sponsors thank you to super fat add the power of fat bass energy to your routine with super fat portable Nut Butter packs that you can take anywhere and the listeners this podcast can go to super fat.com Joe and enter the code Joe and you will get 15% off their delicious portable Nut Butter packets that you can take anywhere they're super good for you great for your brain great for your body and again you can get 15%
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► 02:28:55love thank you all bye