Ryan Whitney on Stanley Cup Playoffs, Foreplay Boys live from Augusta + Brain Dump Friday

Apr 5, 2018
Conor McGregor goes crazy in Brooklyn and we ask the question is he too big for the UFC( 2:15-7:35). Masters are here and Tiger battled the course and the Azaleas + Sergio gave up on life and will never win a Major (7:16-11:12). Kyrie Irving is hurt and the Team Lebron curse lives on (11:13-16:25). Brain dump Friday including a new way to create energy and how we can capitalize on starting fake death rumors (16:26-23:36). Ryan Whitney joins the show to talk to us about who will win the Stanley Cup Final, which team is shitpumpin other teams, and why basketball players are soft (26:50-50:52). The ForePlay boys (@RiggsBarstool, @BarstoolTrent) join the show live from Augusta to tell us about Day 1 of the Masters and Tiger's chances to win the tournament (52:00-58:23). Segments include Tebow Update (1:00:58-1:03:13), Embrace Debate (1:03:14-1:06:12) Stay Woke, (1:06:13-1:07:04) the new segment "Whoa" (1:07:05-1:08:15), Take Quake Stephen A Smith thinks Josh Rosen wants to go to NYC because it has more Jews (1:08:16-1:10:10), and PMT FAQ (1:10:11-1:06:55).
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