#1130 - Adam Frank

Jun 12, 2018
Adam Frank is a physicist, astronomer, and writer. His scientific research has focused on computational astrophysics with an emphasis on star formation and late stages of stellar evolution. His new book "Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds and the Fate of the Earth" is available now on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Light-Stars-Alien-Worlds-Earth/dp/0393609014
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► 00:05:14all right ladies and gentlemen my guess today is Adam Frank Adam Frank is a scientist he is a professor season is a physicist in astronomy and astronomy he's in astronomy so fucking stupid I am that's why I'm not an astronomy I don't even know how to say astronomer and a writer and he has a very very interesting new book out right now light of the Stars alien worlds in the fate of Earth we talked about science fiction we talked about science climate change and other some very important issues going on with human beings in the world that just really cool really smart guy and I really enjoy talking to him so please give it up for mr. Adam Frank
► 00:05:59The Joe Rogan Experience
► 00:06:09boom padam what's up man how you doing good to be here today good to be here to with you and talk
► 00:06:23alien worlds in the fate of the Earth all about it that's deep shit man just a just a title alone you like whoa I love aliens everybody does but what are your thoughts on actual aliens and whether or not they've ever visited here front science I do I'm an astrophysicist at the University of Rochester I run a crazy person I brought on here now so you have been doing research on astrophysics for a long time for kids but if I do a lot of work on climate change and so I do a lot of climate change denial and what I realized was that like there's this way we talk about it that is like completely forgets about the fact that like we're probably not
► 00:07:23first you know that it let me do a whole bunch of research that eventually led to this book you know including one paper that we did that showed that the odds that we're the only time it's ever happened don't only you only suppose a shin in the entire history Universe the only way that that could be true is if the odds per Planet are 1 and 10 billion trillion right that's pretty low right to open up the odds of anything being one in 10 billion trillion so I cannot changes everything about how we think about ourselves you know and what's happening to us right now
► 00:08:04so are other civilizations before hours that a fuck things up for turning energy into work right now New York City right you sit over you look at Manhattan and then there's all this done and you know there's no way not have an impact if you build a World girdling Civilization which civilization is there's going to be impacts of the whole point of my doing this book was to start looking at ourselves as just one of you know we're not alone movie times has ever happened but it's never happened before it was happening around us like this Machinery in everything that I know that just in the New World
► 00:09:03some civilization has to be the first one that's that's what the only the only way you could ever think that we are the only ones is that some civilization has to be the first one even in the universe infinite yeah it has to happen one time but the ideas are the conditions ideal in you know a trillion different spots all over the infant's pants of the universe years ago so you look back at the Greeks right you can see them arguing about whether any other stars have planets other than the Sun and you know it goes back and forth. It was like no we're the only world in the soul in the whole universe you know that has life and then as time goes on it kind of goes back and forth in the 19th century
► 00:10:03the only to get a plan to visit to Stars past really close to each other in the kind of like Kathy pulled out stuff that would eventually form planets to those kinds of collisions are so small that people like you know what there's something really freaky is going on 20 years is such a short amount of time 1998 nobody knew before that like nobody knew whether there were any planets right you know when I would start in the straw people don't know we went from that to now where we know that every freaking star in the sky at the planet at least one you know pretty much everyone for the big the giant ones maybe not but they're so rare that every Star you see in the sky as a family of planets around it that is so nuts it's so not that this is such a new discovery when we think about what we know about the universe we think that we've had a pretty good
► 00:11:03understanding of it for a long time but the fact that we didn't even know for sure that there are planets right in my own life time people teaching me when I was starting like and how we know for sure that they're everywhere I think you have to realize that everyone was planet is a place you know I mean it's place you could walk around some of them for sure going to have oceans is going to be Mountain rain falling you know I mean like they're all freaking places and they're all places where things can happen you know planets are basically like a billion trillion planets in the universe right and every one of them is an experiment that's being wrong so you know the idea that like the first time it said now that we know that right now that we've gone through that Revolution and understand that planets are like diamond doesn't answer in the right place for life to form so is the idea that down right so you know Mercury sucks
► 00:12:03are far enough out there going to be so cold so far away from their star portable water on the service and we'll sit there be freezing so all these 10 billion trillion and so many numbers that many experiments being run like you got to be a psychotic pessimist to say that this is the only time it's ever happened but there's still no evidence yet obviously we didn't even know if they're really absolutely were planets until 20 years ago right but we don't know for sure that there's something else out there now this is a bag of 10 billion trillion planets with a sort through all of them right the odds that you were going to have you never going to find another one that built a civilization is pretty
► 00:13:03started with this game right now I'm looking for life that's why I keep saying it's not this is not your grandfather said he would you like to point radio telescope it is starting to wait to see whether somebody signal from You lyrics signaling now what we can do cuz we got all these plans to stare at is you know we're going to be able to like stare at them as they pass in front of their store and get the light that passes through the atmosphere like who knows what we're going to find you were not waiting for them to Signal us anymore over the next 30 years were going to have relevant to the question of life life on other worlds we never had that for all the arguments for the entire history yelling at each other right but in the next 30 Years cuz the stuff for building and argue over it so nice I could this is where we're in the whole nother ballgame now I think the big fear for a lot of people is what happens when we find out for sure there's something else out there if we really do fine
► 00:14:03like some other Manhattan on some Goldilocks Planet that's hovering some similar size * a billion light years away or whatever the hell it is that's that's going to be very very very strange it will be it'll be a game-changer for religions for you know I mean wow you know what do you do if you find other intelligent creatures were building civilization that's what you do best box for my perspective that that if you have a civilization you put your planet you can't stop me build a civilization well the only way around it is if you have like a subsistence cultural indigenous American culture which seems impossible but it existed here 200 years ago a blink of an eye
► 00:15:03amazing it's only 200 years it's like this world population only crossed up the billion Mark in like 1850 or no I mean it's been around for dinner so you know I think there is any evidence is going to happen by accident by like 6 years away if we get if we see at the light passes through the Stars atmosphere for those few moments if we see oxygen in the atmosphere Prince of the different kinds of elements if we see auction that atmosphere you know that pretty much says
► 00:16:03on Earth wasn't for Life there be no oxygen what are the possibilities of life that exist in a completely different environment than we expect like I know that they found life at the bottom of the ocean and is volcanic vents your head extreme heat boiling water they didn't expect to see this this is fairly recent as well you have a surface and it's got to be you know but now with the everybody like a bunch of the moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn gas giants take something below the surface and we know it's a hundred kilometers of ocean and because as it moves around Jupiter is, the gravity of Jupiter those squishing the insides of this probably volcanic activity happening at the surface do you have hydrothermal vents you know heat escaping out of that chemicals
► 00:17:03leaving out of it at the surface under the ocean and that's how we think life forms on on Earth that's one of the arguments for how life-forms first and hydrothermal vents to be thinking not just about that the classic the habitable zone but now we got to think about like life and can you get civilizations in an underwater civilization underwater maybe have a really rich ecosystem but under water since like 4:40 civilizations build advanced technology so yeah that's kind of the open question with that yeah we are not really concerned with animals were concerned with things that thing can change their environment wasn't like we are concerned with life but we're only concerned with life that's at least similar or comprable to us microbes don't like that go to Jupiter for some micros
► 00:18:03Discovery in a lot of field but I would also consider myself an astrobiologist biology example of which is the earth what is the evidence they discovered on Mars organic chemistry was that just basically chemistry involved in carbon you know so you can have non or organic chemistry doesn't mean organisms but it's a kind of chemistry that organisms love right so finding evidence that there was like a drill bit
► 00:18:54yeah I just threw a rock at the rocket and then send the data back across space was evidence for barely complex organic chemistry which meant that way back when Mark and this we know for sure right Mars had water on it we know that for sure no more is a blue planet for listen to Mars was hit by an asteroid or Comet or something along those lines. The what they found was fossil bacteria in a chunk of her Mars that they found in Antarctica so the planets have been swapping spit for like the entire I've been confirmed kills
► 00:19:54so small that was like way smaller than any of the microscopic fossilized bacteria you've ever seen before some people in general or like me cuz that's kind of done with Mars and so that's what triggered the hole in space probe after another The Rovers and like so you know the thing we found was a direct result of that effort which was this organic chemistry with says that back in the day Mars had had a lot of his stuff lying around had a lot of these so it's like one more step in putting up the the Lego blocks for the argument for Life on Mars one piece at a time since the since the first two Rovers went there if we did discover just even plants on some other planet even just a planet with some sort of plant-like life that would be
► 00:20:54in the entire history of the universe that like this crazy thing we got we went from non-life to life like is that common or is that never ever ever happen so that's a question we want we want to answer I was getting before I think from the probable arguments I'm saying it's like we got a bill that evidence yeah and if we do find something. Did the one of the weirdest things would be if we found something and there was a way to get there we find something and why can't we find something but it's so we're pretty sure that some kind of life and it's 3 billion light years away like wow that's cool it's nice to know that we're not the only ones with that is that change sound like evidence for this isn't a debate like it we found evidence of a technological civilization we saw like
► 00:21:54or something floating around the planets passes in front of the star you get a little dip in the light right and so you know we now that's how we can know that every Star in this guy has planets but there is like they found one that just made no sense and you know for a year so people that Jason is this is what the future going to look like we can't say we have to at least consider the possibility that these are artificial structures that are like orbiting the star or you know and have to be ungodly alien mega-structure the size of a country right
► 00:22:54structures is you think that maybe the next thing you do want you to reach a certain point like the Dyson Sphere collect all of the sun's energy and use it for yourself by building a giant sphere around the sun with solar panels on the inside people think like the Kardashians but I do this kardashev scale back in the sixties recycle up there going to be a natural progression of civilizations that goes first you collect all the energy you can from your planet and then you use that to do amazing things and then you collect all the energy from you star and then you do that and then progressed through I just hope we don't blow yourself up along the way Harvest all the energy from your planet which basically means somehow covering your planet in the solar panels or something that neglects what we've learned since his paper and 64th
► 00:23:54feedback you trying Bill the planet has its only for the for the alien mega-structure if you felt like maybe this is like a piece of it. The 15 different things could be and I'm going to have to at least consider the possibility that is artificial thing in the community over the years I've got a bad name right setting for you know where do you know this is because of shity TV kind of crappy
► 00:24:54scientific always had this with you know which is completely right there was that one big blimp that was highly popular Auto wow signal so the government never funded I said he studied anything major is like basically you know some Jill Tarter was one of the greats of seti she Compares it's like you know we got a notion that we need to look at symbol Foster City Foster character contact
► 00:25:54comprehensive survey said he makes me sad why because I feel like they're wasting their time and there's are there was a documentary I saw wants about some biologists who is convinced that the giant sloth was still alive and if there is examples of them in South America this poor bastard had spent more than a decade looking for this giant sloth in South America and there was there was this moment where he was chasing down this supposed dung pile and they were looking for and then we can go look in his eyes were like it was like holy shit what if I waste my fucking life and my academic career facing down something that's not even real that's kind of how I've always felt about setting what is involved in it but you know
► 00:26:54how many generations did it take to build a cathedral in medieval Europe Ryan sure you know that this is going to be. This is a this is a cute it's like the most important question and they're willing to accept that and so you just have to accept that and you know go on so like I said I think so but now that we know that there's always planets and we're staring all these planets it's kind of we need to be thinking differently about you know we need to be prepared for like what happens when we see something we don't understand it's also we don't even use radio anymore right right cable radio is dying slowly but surely it's it's kind of
► 00:27:54large-scale is the military radar so is there be some kind of signal would necessarily have to be radar or radio just have to be something we can detect some form of anomaly that seem to be artificial going back and forth between you know you know where we're building a potential one day to see Cityline people party years 30 years
► 00:28:54city lights were seeing City Lights from millions of years ago like you might be able to see artifacts from civilization that are gone like imagine of civilization covered one of its moons and solar panels right reflected light is going to show us the signature of the the panels do you know so it's like you didn't even have to necessarily be alive now that we still might be able to see stuff from there evidence of like artificial structures are not natural around them so it's like we're really we're just we're about to take this step in Staten astrobiology we're we're we're ready running models of XO by
► 00:29:54it's right where you were asking what kind of chemistry can you have if you don't like if you have photosynthesis are on planet around a star that's more than ours that's going to be different can you have photosynthesis make a simple like yeah you probably could if I would look like so we're already doing the work to be ready for XO biospheres so XO civilizations we kind of need to be prepared for that too looking for you know what what could be the traces what might we see from a distance from an Excel civilization directly signaling us they're just there and we're going to catch some aspect of there being around if we did see Rocky if we could see the some sort of a signature from Rockets going back and forth through the info we would have to assume that this is a similarly age civilization 2 hours whereas if we saw something that was a thousand a hundred thousand years Advance we probably wouldn't see that anymore probably see some sort of a manipulation of time and space
► 00:30:54course that is one of the problems is that when you start you know when you start pushing it so long you know I need the cool thing about the Planet part though is that you know if they're going to have an effect on there so looking at their planets to look for you know for spectral indications that's right after they died there might even be things so that's a good way to go I'm so curious as to what we're going to be able to do in a thousand years and ten thousand years a hundred thousand years civilization does stale around and we figure out how to not melt the Earth right soil the oceans or what at whatever the following doing wrong you know what a bunch of Science Fiction films that do speculated what what's going to be possible in the future and one of them was was that recent one with
► 00:31:51what's his name all right all right what's the name of the one where they go to the wormholes how much do those movies piss you off but they get so I do not need to be correct correct about it when is the expanse I don't even know thank you help me to show on sci-fi and then have three years of it and ratings Rotten Tomatoes
► 00:32:51tell me why this show is amazing people on it and political power right it's separated from the earth and then the asteroid belt has all the people are colonizing and do dope after a bill to call them are like they're like second-class citizens her basically like super poor and there they got the boot on their next leader Earth or Mars and so there's this whole interplanetary kind of political which is just great you know and then there's you enter into this they discover like they what they call the protomolecule like you. It was this is basically was alien molecule that was really a device that some aliens through our way billions of years ago that was supposed to give away remember
► 00:33:51becomes have a weapon in this this this political Intrigue people call it like the Game of Thrones and space but I'll tell you what I love about it is that this is what it's going to look like so right as much as you can write so you know in space if your Rocket motors are on this gravity because you know the Rocket Motors push up towards you until you can walk around around right on spinning things in this universe and at one point like that that one of the characters that sort of thing going on in Portage drink some whiskey and the whiskey does this spirals into I peed my pants so it's like this is really what it's going to look like this if you want to match
► 00:34:51living in space make any advances socially and that's what they ask for well think about how different we are from people that live 50 years ago we have this ability to communicate everybody has an ability to say their peace about how they feel about how things are going I think it's chipping away we are at so that's part of the Story 2 is that you know so we're trying to navigate our way through now becoming a multi plant species that is a version of at least 200 years where you can really extrapolate
► 00:35:51acknowledging that for yourself we make it through climate change the prize at the end of the story if we make it to climate change Jeff Bezos are doing man that's real I guess this is what your number one concern is climate change Michael I'm a single voter yard near times I have dealt with a lot of climate change denial sman and it drives me what is there big what's the big cuz I I recently had a discussion with someone on the podcast at 10 believe in climate change and it was it was a weird things cuz I kept pulling up all the different scientific consensus studies all the different studies that show that we were having an impact it's an undeniable impact that she was like you know that's what you say I don't think that she's really thinking about the end of her case it was I don't think she really thinks about it I think she just has this stance that she believes that that grew
► 00:36:51but she's a part of that's what it is scribes to so there's an ideological aspect of it where are you at in a predetermined pattern there supposed to follow and r on one side you have to be pro-life if you have to be precise. I think it's a giant problem with our culture they were there are two groups of people that you can't like to truly be an independent thinker you like one of these weirdos it's often The Fringe to be independent of either party I'm having public knowledge do you know it's just really want to be like what what are you saying man like what you read a book is my favorite one
► 00:37:51what I want most for people but it's change it. What's the time scale is off and on the lights above our heads you know did you know I need to tell yourself you're asking the question cuz they want to know I'm all I'm down to talk until the cows come home but that's not what the typical deniers art show me the not interested in the answer they're just trying to win it's not a real conversation because it's a really complex thing if you did can I score and you you tapped out
► 00:38:511 to 50 thousand eighty thousand hundred thousand years you see all these bizarre ships of the climate right they could be indicative of super volcanoes and asteroid impacts and solar flares what I should not go over the course of a million years but to all your ideas on the party's ideology and to deny by all this really interesting stuff and an end all these variables these amazing stories to tell about the Earth and the Earth over the past 4.5 billion years found changes interested in that but no right there I have this thing we're like to know I'm on part of this group and therefore I have to have the spring and it's science doesn't care who you voted for
► 00:39:51wearing a blue tie or red tie and the fact that people can't make that distinction real problem once you go down to Slippery Road up tonight okay well you know America's prosperity in our safety system built on site so the last 200 years you know you start your road the whole thing you can't just like all one group and not have it slowly in fact everything else to the point where like in China will be happy to eat our lunch give me out science is not a lunch buffet no I mean like you know either you accept that you live in a scientific Society doesn't even like your slave Ashley and he heard anything that comes out in the journal that yesterday but you know
► 00:40:51codes for us or you give me the cell phone back will the scientific method is what has established the actual real facts of how things interact with each other and it's allow discrete technology right I think they they'd date split that distinction right they focus on the technology and commerce which is more important than their eyes than the the consequences of the environment or what's going to happen to the environment you there this is the big hope is that we're going to figure it out and then I'm hopeful of that too is that we're going to figure out some way to extract carbon from the atmosphere was devices or some enormous I don't know if it was a working prototype or it's just a concept but there was an enormous building that was really an air filter going to look at places like Hong Kong and right places where they have Tara Beijing they have terrible terrible pollution and more portly particulates in the atmosphere
► 00:41:51like a carbon thing it's like they have shit in there are some awful Bandits you know I went to Mexico City a couple years back I've been there twice but it went there for UFC and we were flying and I took photos and I put it on my Instagram seats even find those they're fucking shocking unbelievable what kind of a creepy animals that human or are they the human is capable of burning smoke into the very air that you need to take into a lungs to keep our body a lot while you see it so bad I've never been to Mexico City like it's a stunner up to my fucking head was killing me after 2 days there are the Olympics right away would have that's what I wrote I wrote Mexico's LA on steroids Mexico City's LA on steroids
► 00:42:51is that you know we're not the first time this has happened I pretty much if you build a civilization anybody who builds a civilization like we've done is going to trigger climate change right it's like it's kind of unavoidable right back to the denier thing I want to think I'm trying to refocus flip the script right cuz you talk to climate annihilus and no question of that uses 1/4 almost up all the energy to the biosphere use it's right so you know every hour every day the biosphere has like you know about a quarter of that like how did you expect there wasn't going to be argue about
► 00:43:51in the book I'm trying to argue they also and it pushes back against the dryers it's like trying to change Joe's on one level we are far we've gotten and it's if you look at the email from that perspective of species doing this again and again Across the Universe this shows that we've reached a level right we have we leveled up a lot of video games sniper rifle smart enough to see what we've done and make the right choices cuz that's what the universe is going to be there going to be species that trigger climate change going to happen all the time and some are going to be like all man we need to do something and they will be able to work there what's going to end up in the cosmic Way spa Silverlake Cosmic teenagers and just like when your teenager and your party
► 00:44:51responsibilities of us now yeah I know I agree with you and I feel like there's a fundamental fundamental problem with the way people approach ideas and I think it goes back to what we talked about earlier about right versus left or Republican versus Democrat they're not thinking of the consequences of arguing for or against the possibility that climate change is a human cost that you're not thinking of the consequences they just want to win right right I want their side to be and that you know what would be the consequences of that and the human Enterprise because you know if you keep calling one branch of science a hoax then what's to say the other branches like trees you're like so most of the Nobel prizes Americans have one where people from other countries they came here to do their science because we had the best scientific Enterprise
► 00:45:51I also go to China so it doesn't care about your political antibiotics and then turn around and like and then suddenly treat this thing is if it was another thing in your bucket of You Know What ideologies I think also people think you if you somehow or another compromise Industries ability to work that you're going to kill jobs and you're going to damage the economy and that's more important than shows how powerful people become powerful Enterprise right we did this by you know building businesses by building Enterprise by this world of civilization and its you know it at the plan actually noticed why do you like that term world girdling because that's it gives me the turtle wrapping around the Earth
► 00:46:51you're like from Caesar or something I was totally good foundation trilogy The Empire the Galactic Empire how do you say that like you know we've done something we're kind of covered the planet in our are affect know the planet in our Enterprise there's a place I can stand in Rochester New York and there's the Erie Canal right on the edge of the Erie Canal then there's a train tracks then there's a highway and then there's the airport right over there for different infrastructures huge amounts of money to build
► 00:47:51structure that we will not be carbon polluting will not trigger climate change
► 00:47:59that come out of this than I could ever come out of fossil fuel if you know it's not a big deal for human beings cuz that's what we do to switch infrastructures and there will be a lot of wealth generated at by you know it was you when we switch to the train so where's the argument coming there are people that just adopt the party line the party line that is change in human beings barely affected it's not something to concentrate on where's that coming from the gradual political poll of every City Nursery of Jim Hansen who is giving his testimony from Congress in 1988 on hot sweltering summer day we said climate change is already happening Awakening that this was happening at the first Bush Administration they were like oh yeah we're ready to do something about this sure we can do it you know and I'm just gradually over time is the whole political polarization thing happened you can
► 00:48:59I see the update. Very purposeful denial right they took a page out of a cigarette companies for years right cigarettes right now it's my problem so they were purposefully right you know like dude there's a documentary what is the name of that merchants of Doubt merchants of doubt that's a really good book yeah yeah but that's it's all so confusing it's like why are they doing that like who's paying them to do that obviously the cigarette companies would be paying the same people like to put down into the idea that cigarettes are addictive or cigarettes cause cancer and this is what they had been done in the past not the same people are involved in doing it with climate change. But why I wrote a piece for the NPR. Positive very angry he said you know the proven reserves and has a
► 00:49:59wealth has a valve monetary value in there in the oil companies banks in .5 trillion dollars so you know if we were to really be like hey man we can't burn that you know you have to leave that in the ground that's like the other bank accounts would like to go so it's those Industries part of it and then it gets you get links to other things and it becomes distorted like Mass you know becomes the political poll that use the political polarization to sort of make this happen it doesn't and other countries are doing this right things about this right left things the left is always supporting the environment of the left is all about the environment the left is about clean air and clean water and how did that happen I don't understand
► 00:50:59well I got you know I mean I have issues with environmentalists because not bad where I'm basically saying like look man to plan is going to be fine like you know long-term there's nothing we can throw up the biosphere that's going to kill it what you thought about saving the planet the Earth is not a fuzzy little bunny you know but powerful entry about saving us let's be honest about what's going on it's going to be all kinds of ethical choices that go on that you are the polar bears may not be able to come along with us on the ride here you know we need a healthy biosphere with a lot of biodiversity but we're going to have anything I said we need to be wise and compassionate I mean this is this is one of the things you get involved with when you start talking with people about
► 00:51:59important issues that means like we were talking about earlier they want to be right they want to be on the side that's righteous and with virtue and ethics and they find anything that do you disagree of the day disagree with that you're saying they don't ask you questions they don't go what do you think the invitations are like how do you how do we minimize the effects of the negative consequences of are they just immediately want to say you are insensitive you are an asshole you are the problem Jeff this is like a mathematical idea is to go orthogonal exactly and now like the questions that Sushi this in like Revolutions in science right so you look at Einstein and what happened when I spank him up with everybody at the time was like you know they were all concerned with
► 00:52:59luminiferous ether W light needed like to wave and waterways go through this existed not really interested no problem I'm having to do it idles how do you spell away didn't even make sense anymore so that's why I'm trying to do in the book if they look when you look at climate change as a planetary transition of predictable planetary transition the whole idea of like environmentalism versus your business interest and what matters is that this is going to happen we should have expected it to happen and now the question is to become a cosmic winter or Cosmic loser with a think about the biosphere different leaves make about a place in the biosphere differently and the old arguments so that's way.
► 00:53:59it's fun to watch him cuz you're expecting me to say like a b and c and it got the response but well who was it that was on the podcast I was talking about climate stabilization techniques and that this is probably the future was it boy on
► 00:54:21anyway what people are really worried about when when you talk to people that understand the history of the human race in history the Earth is climate cooling it seem to climate cooling is far more terrifying than climate warming cuz we doing do a giant ice age again I mean way more people going to die the terrible loss of resources and it could be devastating to the human race the. Is is that is that something you agree with your idea is that like we're holding off and Ice Age like there may never be a manatee successful
► 00:55:21now entered we now entered the human dominated era we've been for the last ten thousand years the geological Epoch has been with the most everything got locked up a nice and it's an interglacial. We weren't around yet another thousand 3000 5000 years to be another Ice Age but the anthropocene that we're triggering could hold off ice ages forever right as long as we're around there won't be another Ice Age cuz we've already had enough of the plant that overcomes the effects that trigger and Ice Age so like that's what I try to tell them you know the environmentalists like you know you got this image like we got to save the Earth but they're thinking of like the whole thing and it's like you know the planet even with us even if we successfully rich and it's not going to be there if we started with you know cuz we're here so yeah what about the species that never form because we held off the Ice Age forever like
► 00:56:21for that is a long equation though isn't it to try to contemplate what species would have existed if we allowed to Earth cool and our responsibility for allowing the Earth to cool so that the potential for new species to advance as you keep this place warm so we can stay alive when we talk about climate change what you get sometimes when the environmental movement is the sort of like the most ruthless one of the rare Bears it doesn't need anything but me babies like right out of the womb said they're like to lick the aliens from the chest chestburster scene he said they're literally
► 00:57:21never worry about your head off that's a fucking predatory in Norman animal freezing point to say like look the same we're going through now it's a person now you know what is the biggest you so we know there are ethical issues about the Polar Bear right but there are also ethical issue return the Earth some pristine State we're here There's 7 billion of us you know you have to have to understand like there's this deeper ethical question about what is an earth look like that's been changed by us that's healthy but it still has ice on it it may not have polar bears You Know Rich phytoplankton
► 00:58:21we you know we can change in the earth since we were here so it's like how do we have a healthy a rich healthy biosphere with us and our civilization still in it and the thing about things that have gone extinct in the past and more than 90% of everything that's ever existed as extinct promise we didn't know then right didn't have a check list spotted owl check. It down a tree frog check got it now we do and when one goes away we kind of freaked out Gavin Schmidt a friend of mine call Zack tonight we have ecological hooliganism I'll show like the polar bear the bear on the island
► 00:59:21the earth goes to these huge transitions I'm not saying be like don't care about those species but you got to have the bigger picture with us and things like that is the wrong that story wrong it's unhelpful you know we are what the biosphere is doing now you know millions of years ago it was grasslands wrestling's were new innovation and they change the planet you have a lot of evolved grasslands we are with the word exactly that we are like the dinosaurs or the grasslands or the blue green algae that created the oxygen atmosphere and like you know we're not there's no difference between a city and a forest on some
► 01:00:21biosphere level we don't suck the questions whether were smart enough to still be part of what the what the biosphere is using us to trigger no I mean what are your thoughts on the reintroduction of extinct animals through genetic cloning I watched Jurassic Park Dino close ancestors of the wooly mammoths still alive. He was walking around right now I think like depending on what you do with it you know trying to reintroduce it into the biosphere could be a little dangerous me the same climate change is a summer likes it and what I mean by that is we found fossil fuels and they were awesome
► 01:01:21climate change was a mistake now if we don't do something about it it's our fault Park particulates in the atmosphere to make it more reflective pull up there how do we get him out Snoop what happens if like one nation decide if I'm going to get massive changes so like anything like that like why don't we just work on not using fossil fuels building a different infrastructure in California I mean this is one of the weirdest places ever to not see solar power what is never never rain should be everywhere
► 01:02:21you should be running so difficult to get it up and running I got a friend of mine who had his done for four five months before he got approved while because he said they didn't they make it difficult people like you're not helpful cuz you know me I ran these I did these models one of the pieces of research we did was we modeled planets in civilizations like alien civilizations mathematical model about civilization will use that planet's resources to make more babies alien babies using those resources you feedback on the planet right in the possible outcomes like what is the you know if I've got a hundred thousand civilization being born in different places in general what happens
► 01:03:21there was like you know the population shoots up the planets temperature shoots up but they come to a nice steady state like you know a population stable everything was hope we all die off for like a population of skyrockets the planet they overshoot the carrying capacity of the planet and then you get something like 70% of the population so you know but then you come to a steady-state maybe if you can survive the disaster you can do you're still there but we also probably survive the information gets her store I think about if you killing 7 out of 10 people how many does 7 people the ones who know how to make cell phones 918 nobody knew how they got built in human civilization what do I do
► 01:04:21Brian. Garden but it's not enough not enough so I can keep your love you may not be able to have this kind of civilization collapse we did find complete like Extinction curves as well where you know the source Willow impact resource like fossil to solar and sometimes cuz you know planets have minds of their own internal Dynamic the way up they made the switch and then population start to come down to plan it start to cool down and then factor in random geological events random solar events random as Twisted as this is really all about just Planet civilization and its feedback on the planet one of the major issues with any advanced civilizations it's a matter of time before
► 01:05:21something happens right as we said you know we know that Mars has been hit before we overspend hit the moon's been head everything to me in the Moon is one of our best examples used to look at it and see if it doesn't have an environment impact Ryan Earth and more species right and once you do that which means you become a spacefaring race but I think like certainly the asteroid stuff you can take care of already. Of all the Earth Crossing asteroids not really sure what to do about us for we see some coming out us all the time where they just recognize I'm a few hours before their near passes you can so we couldn't really young enough now that if we discovered one heading right towards us we could just do know that your legs between your and you're
► 01:06:21right now we will have done a much better job of mapping out all the major roads were going to be mad and I'm out just because you want to run into more you to be mine and what do you think is promising in terms of the ability to prevent impacts there's a couple of things I think we just literally Park a spaceship next to it and slowly have the spaceship you don't move a little bit I don't have the wrong places to so fast that a little tap will make it Miss farmageddon impact
► 01:07:21develop second at the same time and your movie doesn't get any attention in the other one becomes like a massive hit they drilled holes and stuff in the dryer and blow him up but then I have a bunch of rocks and some of those rocks a big enough to hit the gravity tug is kind of probably the best idea easiest tell you know what the mind so what are you worried about more than anything in terms of climate change like you worried about the rising of the ocean levels are you worried about the heating of the actual Planet the temperature being unsustainable to for human life like what do you worried about the most you know you got the transportation Network you got the energy Network you got social networks in a complex
► 01:08:21pretty robust meaning like you can cut some of the the connections like you got your Social Network I could take your 20% of the people that work in the a.m. to the social network is now connected to the Telecommunications Network which is connected to the energy Network blah blah then you can rip off small change need like apocalypse to have the fabric of technological civilization fall apart like you to the rain falling pretty much the same way they do yearly and everything that you know like we talked about you look at what the refugees can cause climate change is going to have people moving all over the planet does not they can't grow food anywhere so it's like I don't you know that you don't need I do worry like ocean rise is going to be huge most people live in coastal cities most of the
► 01:09:21in the world is in coastal cities but you don't really need too much to like really ship the weather patterns and then the thing you're used to fall apart now when you factor in human beings and our Evolution from primitive hominids to what we are today and you sort of extrapolate and keep going and think about what we're going to be in the future and then think about what these creatures might be that live a hundred million light-years away whatever the fuck it is to think that whatever is holding us back our primitive instincts these human reward systems that were engaged when we were running away from wild animals and fighting off tribes of Invaders that slowly but surely those are going to either evaporate or evolve and we're going to get to a point where we can be more rational about complex issues if we do do that but what is
► 01:10:21the motivation for expanding the human race sustaining the human race in a healthy way on this planet a better option than traveling to Mars a traveling to the other solar systems like wouldn't we be better served trying to achieve some sort of a balance here on this planet I think that one serves the other like we get you know if you look at the human migration patterns from where we started right do we start off as a bunch of us like a few hundred cross the Red Sea which was pretty low with the time and then it's like they just work their way around the Coast Boats over to Australia went all the way back around through like we're explorers man like there's something fun for us psychologically to have these Frontier exact that's my question those will we evolve past that
► 01:11:21how to get the bad things in life we really are settling Mars it's going to be the Earth's biosphere are any parts of the planet and then conquered the oceans and then eventually took over the land I think it's just kind of like maybe kind of like a cosmic Force if I can get off early on you you know if we do go to Mars It Will essentially be ultimate panspermia exactly do feel weird about sperms
► 01:12:21you know I think I think it's part of life I think life wants more like in this sentence what happens to a species that because you know like what might we become like the gods and some see you think that this is my theory and I'm throwing this out so many times people sick of it but I think that what we're looking at TVs archetypal aliens with the big heads in the big eyes and the tiny bodies and no genitals I think we think this is what we're eventually going to be and I don't know if I'll see you in your pants / Mia this is
► 01:13:21problem in science this is why we need I just think that if we took Was An Architect kind of big but we used to be monkeys alright what are we going to be what we're going to be that thing that thing that can levitate things with it tomorrow to communicate telepathically that thing that has this incredible ability to map out the cosmos and create wormholes and super Advanced into it we can't even comprehend so like if you think about how what you know what would we evolved from one point time we split from mollusks like what 600 somebody Indian years ago I've got to go pick up your pass the Cambrian explosion but yeah I was like that 300 how much does a squid understand about cell phone networks and whether or not it's sprints
► 01:14:21unlimited data plan is alien creature is going to be in terms of its understanding of time and space and matter versus hours yet we are the crew thing that's weirded out by the word sperm where is it is telepathically communicating with the universal language and that has this unbelievable ability to manipulate matter and they've achieve homeostasis with their environment longer have this but that's one of the things about you to say that the we haven't seen evidence of Life opening your door and goes well we're all the buffalo
► 01:15:07there is a kind of problem with doing a paper on this now you're part of the pretty Paradox but I want to go too far on this go back for go back to people that intelligence is, Falls everywhere then why don't I see it already right it was done by guy in heart over conversation for lunch you'll 1950s main problem traveling at 10 to the speed of light if you manage to build like World ships that can travel across the Stars you know if you're traveling at .1% speed of light in
► 01:16:07if you do you hop from one star hip hop to the next one in about 6 years you have covered the whole galaxy results so in that case and they can cover much harder version of the Fermi Paradox to get around what if we decide that there's no real benefit and sending biological entities into space and that the dangers of radiation and asked her to win this is too great so far better to send something I mean look at what we're capable of doing now in terms of projection of video we can take a cell phone video and you can send it to your friend in New Zealand and they can get it almost instantaneously
► 01:17:07right there right now we can get some sort of 3D virtual reality Imaging of these planets like hey Matt do you want to see what it's like on Pandora here put these goggles on and you will go wherever you want that robot to go and you'll be there and maybe it'll get to the point where you can actually smell it and touch it and feel it and but not be compromised by its environment rhymes of your biology huge points that's one of the things were looking at in this paper is the idea that you know could planets may be hard to find you know there's this great novel by Kim Stanley Robinson usual World shipping if they build the colony ship it takes three generations to crawl space and they get to the planet and the planets that look like small biological Chantix makes you can't live there then come back right so it's like it may be exactly like you're saying that you know we think
► 01:18:07so it's entirely possible solutions this which is just that you don't want to put you space travels really hard not interplanetary but Interstellar travel is really hard and really expensive so you wanted to have a thousand people in the world ship to get to another store that would take the economy need like a hundred thousand economies to build a hundred thousand
► 01:18:44so much that like you know you did unless you unless you were a multi Planet species if you were conquered the entire are settled the entire solar system one possible solution could find it so hard to find and and you know it's just too expensive it really costs a lot so yeah it's not really worth you know the effort you can you send out some probes once in awhile but you know it's not but it's also finding an environment that's not just habitable but stable mean our environment is habitable but look what's going on in Hawaii right now there is a 400 year old Lake that evaporated in a matter of hours for edits the biggest lake on the big on it's gone which is such a tragedy so but it's not it's cuz it's just so magnificent watch that lava role in that Lake and say that's a wrap kids no more like you that sucks yeah and turn right what makes continents made the island in
► 01:19:44first place I can't be upset it it it is what made the Island rides continuing to make the island Wonder always done that it's been doing that for millions of years it's a fascinating place we have you been watching the park did you do the helicopter thing as you fly over the volcanoes we can't now because it's too crazy but I did a few years back and you can watch it the lava go into the ocean and you see these Live Events pour this red-hot fucking bitch like it's glowing that's going into the ocean today to see if you're still coming out like in Ark City with the you know the manholes
► 01:20:36that's just from Mesquite, bottom of the planet are you scared about Yellowstone 2012 just that's like the Adirondacks right now that's a different one that's like it's so stupid she is with the cars they never got a flat they always got away from the world caving in behind them is it called era it's a super volcano and they're experiencing thousands of earthquakes a year every six to eight hundred thousand years it's a continent killer the last time
► 01:21:36so white scared I just don't think about it everyday man I'll smoke a joint and think about once a month I think about you also make sure you get out and about I have friends in Australia that's where I'm going over to start driving on the left hand side it's might be the only thing dangerous on the plates are super deep you know so you don't get as many Tremors but but you know when it releases its going to super powerful it'll be so powerful yet and they said that like he's not going to allow that you can even with the standings
► 01:22:32I got Seattle you must be I mean cuz you're here right you feel Tremors I'm at that they happen all the time. All the time I felt them before the biggest ones I ever felt was when I first moved here I first moved here in 94 and was right after the Northridge Earthquake and I was in my house and I felt I guess it was like a 5.5 where the whole thing is
► 01:22:53it was weird but he gave me the impression that the house that I was living in or the apartment I was in was made out of the same stuff like a box that our refrigerator would come in you can move it around on Plants I was just moving easily holy shit truck was Roland and the one that I experienced was nothing I mean is are the ones that they're getting you know right now somewhere in the world to me and there's there's always something it's like A5 or 6 yeah plate tectonics volatile planets are going to be hard to find so you know what maybe that may be the solution
► 01:23:54previous civilization that there was a previous one solution could be that they were here and spend some time on Earth is like half a billion years ago and they only last right every civilization is a finite lifetime things ever visited here because that is the big question and that's the the thing that gets the UFO dorks more jazzed-up than anything is the possibility that we've been visited by UFOs one guy harder than we do right
► 01:24:54why do they have headlights turn off the lights in the first what the fuck are you seeing with those lights back and forth and so I just also problem with human memory memories horrible memory of events that are stunning or shocking your unnerving or you think you saw something right they're going to let me search even trials right what animal do you know if you think it's possible that there could be life on other planets and it's possible they could be intelligent life on other planets
► 01:25:54send probes Mars why wouldn't admit that I think that if they do send something here they're going to send something without biological life inside of it get a million years be possible that biology is a short period of intelligence yes machines and the machines become like you know silicon makes a lot more sense than what the problem is we think of artificial intelligence is artificial rights definitely real it's not it's not fake there you know it's like there's artificial milk you know what I mean but it's it's a liquid it's an actual liquid there's not an artificial life-form silicone created life in the biosphere this may be there with the biosphere solution to spreading itself or no to getting it maybe that like yes it look in that that's the kind of a normal I am super
► 01:26:54about like a whole transhuman thing about going to download ourselves into intelligent are you one of those conventions talk to the storks Works to its interesting it's like they're fully holy committed to this Prospect of downloading them selves you talk to Chris well before this is like Beyond were smart but God damn is he committed to it and then when you get to it you realize that what he actually wants to do is recreate his father
► 01:27:27yeah he's his father died when he was young and he wants to be able to through memories and photographs and what he knows about his father literally recreate his father to have a be able to have a conversation with them he's doing he's going away into the future into the possibilities of he's not 5 years now we're going to be able to send do you know gigabyte pictures to them he sang let's think of if you keep going exponentially and electronics and technology and Innovation keeps continually accelerating we could potentially get to the point where it's the impossible will you be able to recreate human beings based on your knowledge of them and in the end you'll be able to come up with some sort of a program or he'll be able to have a conversation with his father Singularity and technological development but you know
► 01:28:27father that's the same but I seriously need some work on this is an interest of mine. Mind like a serious and Consciousness very well at all. Like what is the relationship between like your neurons and awareness so 2045 is the new Benchmark for whatever reason that's the new number because going back to 2045 conference me and my friend are in Dunkin we got to talk to some of these guys and it's really fascinating and one of them had created some robot that was supposed to be him that it but it didn't work why
► 01:29:27also I never revealed it at the conference that too many bugs in it it's intriguing as I want them to keep going cuz I mean when when we get going to get to ex machina good movies or did you like that one of my favorite movies ever like this like simple perfect all-time top 20 movies I didn't like it as much but I liked it was very weird and the ending seem like some producers in the soup just like back. What's happening now but I enjoyed it
► 01:30:27intelligence is different from artificial Consciousness the only means I like getting out of it like a human brain so now we are the power of accounting huge amounts of computing and statistical reasoning so that like you know yet the computer like you know it'll find the picture of the cat we have no idea why it found it didn't seem like I was just like no idea what it's doing but it needed to be in a lot of ways to I think it's it's smart to think about the dangers of AI not necessarily to us
► 01:31:27changes to this thing that we are this weird monkey thing that wants to keep being a monkey thing you think that if you go back and interview the single-celled organism before a branched off in the multi celled is multi-cell bullshit I want to stay at the bottom of the ocean going to mail cars down here that is the problem no no listen I think it's fully conceivable like I'm not going to happen but as a guy knows if there's a certain way you know Watson is playing chess it's like we're using Watson to play chess it's our tool you know and I think the fear is the tool gets out of hand
► 01:32:27I hate you more that's like these things which are not actually thinking they acting tells you but then I can have a huge like you'll have a really negative impact design something that isn't AI system to make paper clips at end of consuming the entire planet making paper clips sustainable amount of like Skynet you know coming over in like in a deciding that's an old tape to drop all the bombs on cuz we need to get rid of well there's no biological imperative for silicone-based artificial intelligence to procreate to keep going and move forward like why would they do that because we came from biology and biology needs to stay alive and everybody wants bigger faster stronger you want to keep moving and it's because there's a real possibility that you might get consumed by some other life-form so you have to protect yourself and you have to look out for other people who might want to breed with the Vine
► 01:33:27double female that use copulated with Aleutian are all right we assume that somehow or another these artificial Creations will have as well which is why right I mean yeah like I program it in a cup of a greaser think through the cosmos to do us know that's a really interesting actually your dad step dad I mean like why did you like Battlestar Galactica I love how God damn good was at I love the old version because I would help you but the new version was a mini mart if there is a show that I wish they would bring back its Battlestar Galactica
► 01:34:27it was you know they had to end it all right but the fucking series was brilliant it was brilliant you know what's amazing about that I'm like a torture scene yes I had the whole thing with Starbuck about ran off the rails Katee Sackhoff is that are named Starbuck she's so good movie out right now on that are good in that show I was like well this is this is like the launching pad yet are you sure about that show to the way they did the special effects for like to know where the camera moves around but I'm going to I don't have it didn't know it
► 01:35:27you know what you thought of what it looks like to be in space and stuff yeah but it really scared the shit out of people in terms of artificial life something we create the decides it's done with us and it's taking over about that idea that like you know we keep telling that story over and over again by how many movies can you bring up the coming of age when he was just a lot to take care of like building machines that take over rights to the reason to keep telling that story we don't know what's going to happen but we can feel it coming you know I mean like this is so we need to keep telling a story to kind of explain what the options are and I like that's what I like about the ending was great but the idea that like
► 01:36:27and see how you going to keep going through these cycles of trying to achieve this balance between ghetto silicon forms and nonsilicate biological form but I'm worried that we're going to be taken over by something else but we're not overly concerned with evolving our own biology changing into a solution in terms of our physical limitations is some sort of a symbiotic connection between us and technology that instead of artificial technology and artificial life taking over usurping us instead of maybe we become a part of it and it becomes a part of us and we mean you have glasses to see better with those glasses that's essentially phone and I turned around in a panic on my own Street, where's my fucking phone
► 01:37:27yeah crazy we remember a lot of other stuff now I mean you have so much I'm really overwhelmed I think I'm in that weird Zone where I just don't have I don't I don't have enough data space I don't have enough storage for all the Wikipedia we're all human knowledge knowledge is right there no I mean like you can have pretty much you know like I love Comics right I was of, Marvel guy way back in the day but I got to go to the store every week and get the comics and you know and now you just look up Captain America and you can know everything there was about is you know its origin story
► 01:38:27lights that you can instantly access and have all the backstory that you need physical comic books are amazing but I have to be honest comic books on an iPad or better because you don't see the next frame you just swipe and then you get the next frame you don't you don't see it in the van I'll give you a reading the left side doctor strange and the right side is an explosion like it's coming down like it's kind of a shity way to do it. I agree on $3,000 also like cool shit my dad was my dad was always like
► 01:39:27I mean some of that my doctor strange at some great shit you know Fantastic Four in outside do. We got to somebody real connected us and we've been talking for a long time and when he got tap to do doctor strange things for that short Spider-Man or the X-Men
► 01:40:27one she has to kind of like you know school and I'm on there's more ways to think about the world been science so much fun to be in the writers room with them and just like you throwing around ideas when you're young you like all this cool stuff but then when you get old you supposed to be more pragmatic he's supposed to Bandon that stuff and be mature but when I was a kid I was super embarrassed when I became an adult that I still like muscle cars I like these stupid things but I love them I would see what that's awesome.
► 01:41:27no better way to kill an hour and when I was ancient games but there are games like Starcraft and didn't even like one-on-one Quake matches that require intense calculating what you think about the environment understanding of the map that you're right you're competing and it's there's a lot of strategy Everquest 2 works good story you know what what's the game you like his last of us what is that
► 01:42:24I don't like zombie games because I get scared by scary maze Living Dead when I was like 12 it was on PBS annual screen and it just like after that I'm sorry zombies Last of Us is kind of a zombie survival story but it's beautiful I mean it's really The Narrative of a zombie outbreak happening in the guy loses his daughter like you see him lose his daughter and it's so well it's the same company that did Uncharted with your other ride was like those as well and then you're 20 years later in this guy's broken and I mean like he's just he's a certain BC survive in this got a society's falling apart but
► 01:43:24this young girl who is immune and he's got to take her across country to get out and you're following the sky story and he was not like that goes like up for that. They took it from this because that's the day I could like huge amount cuz it came out right around the time where his wife left because you bang the maid oh yeah. Yeah it was post-post governor yeah but that seems a reoccurring theme
► 01:44:24is that come back the plague wiped out loud they come back to life there zombies wonder what's up with that furniture pushing up again found her also vulnerable vulnerable to disease that plagues all the time you know so great is that it really takes the world after the fall seriously and it's heartbreaking you know what I mean that's beautiful. Scarier than shit but you don't beautifully done and it's for me it's like everything that I love most and you feel like you're saying is you get into these situations and we are going to get killed his Dark Souls for like there's no getting through Dark Souls apparently the most hardest game ever I've never played it but you know Dark Souls Dark Souls
► 01:45:24but it's like you don't have an Elvish stay alive stay alive and it's just like the hardest game ever will let you know instead of good hard games you got. You can keep going back I just died I had a textbook I just came out a couple years ago and we did a video game the full first ever full video game for an intro astronomy course in the whole idea was like the coolest in the rules and that's what makes being in a game World in terms that you know there's a whole set of rules got not a craft you got to know which weapons to use in different kinds of situations and I deal with the you want to go find an asteroid well how do you know which after it has the most you know what war in it
► 01:46:24recognize they haven't like you said people don't understand actually how important they are you know for teaching for all kinds of things video games for like a future of Storytelling to the think that's a waste of time until they find out how much these professionals make you know someone was saying that some guy what is the number that kid was making $500,000 a month plan for tonight was not what Sean that's sugar Sean is it takes more than that I'm sorry I'm still in Far Cry 5 right now be born with third person shooter is a story or just like your survive. That's not what I know it's interesting to me about fortnite the graphics suck don't you have me it's a graphic style but those that that has
► 01:47:23Xbox to somebody had an image and it was from 2007 it it said man look at this I wonder what video games going to be looking like the graphics in 2018 minute child support night and it's like this is like it's like they've turned the textures off if you don't have a powerful enough computers sure you don't like waving so doesn't make you stream it doesn't make your video game video card work so hard but also makes it easier to recognize shapes because they're not as like they would completely turn the textures off when guys would be like playing in high-level matches yeah and you would just deal with these flat walls and then the object the person that you were fighting against would they would be stand out in stark contrast you know otherwise you being is castle wall incredible textures on the wall
► 01:48:23sometimes I just want to stop the right side has full Graphics is not so depends on what you were at all
► 01:48:36yeah it is yeah I mean sort of the left side is just dark on the ground it's not flat plane like it isn't Quake Quake play go to Quake 3 no textures make a video or a pull up a video of that and you'll see what I'm talking about what I'm talking about is like literal flat walls were people turned everything off and it got to a point where they weren't allowing it in certain competitions because it makes such a big difference cuz now you just like to do it in front of a blank screen they also replace all of the characters with a larger character like like say if you were playing as like this girl so I can just won between what is car I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm a little stressed with you son of a bitch pull up wake no textures
► 01:49:36pull up Quake no textures and then you can watch what it looks like that is not no textures that that's different you can see the difference in the colors and things are moving its when they turn off all the text you you get to see these flat well that's what it looks like right now that is a way different experience but all the textures are gone and if you show a video that see if you can find a video that Jamie wind in the video to see things moving around with no textures and you realize what it is Vantage it would be if you're playing someone get your consulate dealing with all this visual input you've all this different shit high-visibility Quake 3 that's hard to find out which game is this what is Quake heard of it but I've never played it like it's the ultimate first person shooter and it's the original one it was originally Quake 1 and well there was but it was doing my part of
► 01:50:36we did Doom didn't they they came out with another attempt they come out with another version of Doom yes they did and there's another one that's coming out soon but what Quake one was was these cool maps and you run around and shoot each other and you have these deathmatches so what I want deathmatches and shoot rockets at each other and shit and it's too you're seeing it through your perspective like so if you have a rocket launch you see the rocket launcher in front of you right now what is this one the newest version and the graphics are incredible in these things now they they're so excited we're going to have we're setting up a bottle and hear a local area network here where we're going to stream live and and play each other excellent and waste massive amounts of time and I'm sure I'm going to get yelled at for like over 3 hours just went by I'm going to go to sleep a little it will suck up your time
► 01:51:36can figure out how to do it. How dare you say that I dare you put the limitations do that listen you just need to learn laugh with wasd learn how to move your fingers around now I'm going to go get my two souls are bullshit console on page listen to you how do you learn physics how do you what is that all this fucking cute I don't understand all this side that's whatever Christopher do you about this in particulars because I am more and more convinced that it's our future may lie in some artificially created world and that people are more interested
► 01:52:36more attracted everyday to Virtual Reality mented reality virtual reality and what can Jenny what was that game the one game where there was created worlds they don't look that different bottles of multiple people are shooting each other and stealing money and better is Elite dangerous so after this I was so disappointed in this I went back and I found a leak dangerous which actually have disappointed. It was sort of like and it just wasn't you know there's no to this is Elite dangerous
► 01:53:36I want to be you know some of your Bounty Hunter right you're saying like that's what everybody's and this just this game had a few hundred thousand people in there you'll creating the universe it's evolving they add storylines so you know what we are setting up an HTC Vive here and where we have the real nerd the virtual reality it's and it's a consumer virtual reality within my friend well we tried to get one Jamie went out yesterday and look they're all sold out so we could order one and so we're ordering I'm going to have it set up in here and the the games I play
► 01:54:35play the games of two years ago and I'm sure they're way more than they are now but there's a crazy archery game where that you're on the top of a castle and he's little monsters that look like they could be in South Park did not like detailed kind of cool looking monsters and you shoot out of with bows and arrows to try to invade the castle but man it's cuz you really looked at his hands and he's moving around this is like a Star Wars 1 and there's a bunch of different ones and I feel like I'm standing in the morning and I played it over Duncan's house if need is a video of it but it was weird because you punch wrong so like like if I'm holding my hands like this which is I'm holding my hands vertically where
► 01:55:35my thumbs are up right the boxing gloves would be horizontal like they would be if you were punching someone so now it's weird so as you move your hands forward like this what you really wouldn't punch like that then the punches come out so they got iron that has a controller cuz you're doing it you throw real punches in someone's throwing punches of you and when they throw punches you and they hit you you see a white Flash in front of you if that's good makes you nervous just like real Spartan does of like what we going to do with virtual reality huge potential for like education in this is me over Duncan's house just wanted me to walk by I'm beating this guy up moving around them
► 01:56:30see that's the thing I always wonder why I don't know what you got to you got to have footwork and movement but you you can really get to work out with that I'm not exhausted and you know you keep going. Tougher and tougher opponents right I didn't see that we're just starting out along these lines what they have these places you can go that they have a warehouse set up and you go inside of it and I went through one with my kids and it's a star
► 01:57:30where's one at Disneyland dude it's fucking while you go across your walking across this platform but they have all these different places where you actually walk through and as you walk in through you look to the left and right in his fire but you feel the heat from the fire it's fucking crazy and Stormtrooper start shooting at you this is it right here what is it called the void and you do this I'm telling you man this is better than any of the rides at Disneyland It's just outside of Disneyland in Downtown Disney so you have to pay to get into Disneyland get it but it costs I think it's $35 for half an hour it's not cheap but I too bad it's not too bad it's fucking awesome I mean is awesome and really we just on the cusp it right with just beginning to like start playing around these technology we used to play Pong right that's what I thought
► 01:58:30I'm at 5550 so I remember pong we were excited I can't believe I'm controlling the TV on the TV but it was amazing crazy new space game and then imagine what these me the Star Wars thing today the void is really cool but you know that it's not real but it's cool you know it's not real you not going to be able to tell us not real in 20 years how much time are you wanting to spend by the way I know you don't want to even with the controller on my crappy PS4
► 01:59:30surviving you draw an arrow back when it gets to the nocking point you feel it like that is a feeling in your hand I can be so rude like you Grandpa can I see you in like I fix at some point Socrates 2500 maybe I don't know you know I may think there is I don't want to be like all that's terrible but they're clearly are a different game Jamie Foxx shooting a pizza yeah and so your little hand controllers and one of them would be the arrow and the other one would be the bow
► 02:00:30rollers on feel the arrow vibrating against the rise of the Bells you draw it back to its really cool what is awesome he was really a lot of fun to actually go through the process of like how do you know how do you learning the basic sauce for the same thing to put it in your head what else can you do to show to show him teach him things you know I'm sure that you sit in a chair and you get raised up as a giant like IMAX style screen and it flies you over these environments that's incredible so beautiful and different smells are in the air in the different places that you go to like when you go
► 02:01:30yeah the elephants you smell grass and hay and I think that it's just a matter of time I guess we were talking about before where the biological entities might not be necessary for space travel robot put on a suit and be able to experience these words like in real time about that that's a really interesting I guess we just run through it for people who don't know why we're probably assume you'll probably somebody else's simulation somewhere simulation awful they can build computers that can simulate real
► 02:02:30it's cheaper to run it's cheap to run simulation so they just run trillions of the right so the idea is that from that argument there's more simulated reality than there is the one real reality so odds are in a trillion simulator you're probably right we detailed and we are self-aware programs in you know of silicon Matrix of you know is brilliant I mean lots of reasons to say that's not possible but if you were in a simulation yeah how could you know
► 02:03:20one day we're going to be if you allow technology to continue right if we keep moving forward an exponential pace is going to come a point in time where we have something that's indistinguishable from reality so how do we know that you're not already in it and it will we create another reality will we continue to create simulations inside of simulations like that mean fractals exist nature they exist everywhere in the universe and there's there's also the argument that the atomic structure itself might really be at Universe right which is dude that's super Stoner talk that's why I love science fiction the explorations of these ideas you know I mean their way out there and their exercises what do you know I hate to lose back to climate change
► 02:04:11what we're going to be what's the idea that like our future cells which have now become integrated in the very fabric of reality how far you evolve to become the laws of physics that they're kind of opening up the Wormhole for so long, and it's just
► 02:04:38I'm not a fan of the people that deny science but one thing I am a fan of his watching them do it like like watching monkeys throw shade at the zoo there is something weird about watching people argue like really obvious right when talking points in in and most of them by the way have no financial interest in the climate change one way or the other they're not they're not there with the wealthy Elite there these weirdos there like vampire familiar it's like they want to be recognized as like an 8 & Ally of the elite thanks I'm really what it is and it's not fair it's not fair that like oh you get like you know you get into an accident you like oh God please give me the MRI and then
► 02:05:38yeah sure what to do with that conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson about it and he said one the real problem is debating these people is you elevate their profile and then leave in the first place there's a mental illness involved in a lot of these people it's a friend of theirs there's something wrong with this massive lack of education and lack of reading interested in understanding how they know that the Earth is round or how they know that every other planet in the solar system is around or how they know that every other planet that we reserve all the stars are round why they're round why it's a matter of mass and gravity and all they care about all that but then what do you want to think is a government as if it's the government is like one cup ball of equally minded people they're all working together to fuck you over somehow by convincing you that the Earth is round
► 02:06:38is one of the dumbest things but it's also a sign that we've created this world that's really easy to survive and we've nerfed all the hard edges and we keep the Wolves off the streets it out and it's these fucking dumb dumb and then they get online with computers which is hilarious and it's it's it's kind of stunning we made the world so safe and they're looking at the tiger be like exactly now you could possibly imagine so but I'll just Dumber this people think there's aliens underneath the Earth in the tunnels just reptilians and secret cabal of
► 02:07:38fuckers that run the world and there are the powerful control right right like oh somebody to be able to keep this amazing secret right and then you would have to have everybody on the same page all the different governments all over the world they're all I guess who's making money
► 02:08:29what's really messed up is that like your climate change denial is just like a slightly less wackadoodles Morton for climate change being a hyper object that modern world that are high project emrap in our minds around them hyper objects you know if we're going to evolve evolve new behaviors one of them with Hyper objects which cracks me up because like they're fine with this being complex you know their cell phone to be complex is I like to use it but like it's too complicated or something so they go for the simple answer which is that it for the money
► 02:09:29I guess you happened with Al Gore when Al Gore came out with An Inconvenient Truth everybody connected Al Gore with the left he's a Democrat and then they found out that he flies private jets and then like this motherfucker there's enough holes through and then looking for conspiracies and then looking to deny the whole thing you know I got nothing but but I wish you didn't and I wish it didn't become the face of the Moon holidays off of it in the extreme way pull up this article Al Gore maybe the first climate change billionaire or green billionaire that he's he's made so much money doing these seminars and speeches and the film itself and they're doing a sequel to the film
► 02:10:29world's first carbon billionaire vice president become the world's first carbon billionaire after investing heavily in green energy that's okay because if I was one of the dumbest things when when Trump became president I got to bring back all like what how about bring back knocking rocks together start fires the fuck man Kool-Aid make sure you never bought a computer for I am terrible terrible across the board that you always got to acknowledge is that like this when you change infrastructures people are going to get hurt
► 02:11:29understanding of how you feel about Universal basic income of you're looking for. I thought about that a lot. Consideration when it comes to automation technology and deal with the automation thing it's so true right because you know anything about what's been going on with the last election you know everybody was like you know like you know what happened with blue collar workers true but like Tina its automation right that's what you really is going to screw up the whole nature of work for everybody from truck driver University professors coming on right what do you do what do you do when there's no more money University Professor is one day going to be retro that the kids are going to want to learn online they're going to want to learn through some sort of an interactive course if you can get on your phone
► 02:12:29rather than go to an actual physical place I don't want a machine right I mean to wait online courses to be together they want to learn about the experience of happy up to my part of my students at the end the guy said hate to say this but you know you should make those tapes for people to go to sleep because every that's why I asked
► 02:13:19so who ever is going to have to be a place for like people coming in and like learning and groups and having somebody who lost love is a mentorship apprenticeship watching a video or something yeah well there's certain things martial arts which is a big part of my life you have to show you while you're doing it a lot of things from videos there's a lot of things that people put it up online instructional courses and stuff and use some of them
► 02:14:19amazing so you know I think with everything new ways we will be exactly the way in which were going to find your Niche places that there will be a, these were people make things but yeah in the end I mean you be I may be necessary you know I mean that's a recipe for disaster known for your Democratic Society I just hope we can move past this idea that everybody who needs that as some sort of welfare brat once there's no work at all about this sort of like okay I will destroy the last good blue collar job in America
► 02:15:19why like we have to like okay yeah there's you telling me there's going to safety sake it's not entirely clear that will work and you know what are the cut for the for the lives that are lost in the driving I mean yes your mom well I got one of these jobs destroys democracy and you end up with you know what it's going to do is going to make travel safer and then we have to figure out well these jobs that people got right from traveling how do we replace that that income is we're going to have to start teaching kids to be creative
► 02:16:19which I think is going to places where like the now you'll have so this I'm not arguing that we shouldn't have no I know you like you just being you just look at all the variables right like who's the siding for us who's the siding that we want card hold that we're going to get it but like a lot of these things I think there needs to be a little bit more dial reg democracy write down our throats and you know I mean you know how about cell towers they're fucking everywhere I mean there's no getting away from it if you could mean is there a community anywhere that is made some sort of agreement will there be no cell towers in our community we should really have some sort of a day where everybody shut everything off and see how it is
► 02:17:19inorganic spaceship flying through Infinity he looks up now because there's nothing to see if you don't get something because of light pollution I went to the Keck Observatory on the big island have you been I've never been on a serious that you don't even have to go all the way to the observatory the visitor station which is I forget where it's at I think it's 40 or 12 it's really hot but there's they have diffuse lighting all the big island so there's no light pollution when you look up it is just stunning right you look up you like the Milky Way. Telescope see how to know it's right there and you feel like you're flying to space you have this this really humble feeling that I think people get in a couple of different places people get when they live
► 02:18:19the mountains they get it when they live next to the ocean but you're really get it if you could see space and the things that is haunting the human race is the arrogance of humans which is compounded by the fact that we can't see the cosmos the we only see what's in front of us so this is the world we live in we put a roof over I had just in the Box I got my blinders on I'm moving ahead because I want a new Lexus or whatever you know whatever it is whatever material thing is trying to possess when did this Unstoppable force in front of you look up and you see the cosmos it's like it's an undeniable reality and you go oh okay okay this is just a small thing of my existence is just a small thing in this mystery this giant mystery of what you know we just found out 20 years ago is planet giant mystery looking up at a hundred billion stars in this galaxy alone I couldn't you're speaking my language I mean the loss
► 02:19:19atheist but I believe in mystery I believe that I'm kind of at the core of Our Lives is to wake up every day
► 02:19:25and I'm not going to be here until I die and I have no mountains in particular thing for mountains me to the night sky is it's open that space up right now in sort of like it more than you put your put your here and you know and I think write a lot of the stupidity of the modern when you're out there you realize who cares who freaking cares like an offer moment even you just get the sense of that mystery is we've created these civilizations civilizations need to be lit up the lights keep Us Racine the universe the universe humbles us so we're not humble then we move towards acquiring physical possessions material objects because
► 02:20:25we think that's going to make us happy and our entire Society is geared towards Innovation because everybody wants the newest shiny Ash it's not that is that is what's leading us to artificial life and that all this shiny shed is all Innovation and it's eventually going to move to this one singularitynet Singularity is some new being born being like all these other symptoms of a civilization is the ancestor of the bonobo ancestor very hierarchical we got this really weird mix evolutionary baggage and whether or not you can make it to the next side with that the existential challenge of trigger and climate change is kind of like a what your Evolution Revolution gave you
► 02:21:25magic species like hivemind most essential oils can you evolve new behaviors right on this track and if it's like in front of us was one track in the question is can we evolved new behaviors which I actually going to say this I think they're part of it is spiritual you know or at least in my atheist way of like reconnecting with mystery to see like we're part of this and we need to respect it and you know what do you mean you say spiritual what do you mean so you my first book was about science and religion now you know I'm an atheist but I'm not well Richard Dawkins atheist I think that's all I do that's different is what I would cost to ride the atheist
► 02:22:25or DMT or suicide or something that just gives you an undeniable experience of mystery for 30 years and first thing you learn as it's really boring in the second thing you learned your thoughts openness you know and so the spiritual part like you said in the mountains right I love doing Backcountry hiking and ran around to end that thing is you know the Earth right now we are part about like need to get out there but maybe virtual reality can give people the impetus to get out there well it'll be a different experience I don't think there's anything wrong with the virtual reality experience of being in the mountains I think it probably pretty fucking cool
► 02:23:25it's not going to be being in the mountains write something about being in the mountains is also there's a there's a weird feeling I don't know if it's real but there's a weird feeling that there's no signal out there in the places where there's no cell signal is a feeling you get when you are absolutely not connected and then you see wildlife in the wild life out there they're almost like these mystical beings like when you see a deer step out of the tree line and it seems like that has been that way for a million years that's that species has not changed at all in a million years it's really the thing is what for me it's like when I get far enough back that I noticed just not another human being right you know and it's just moving along as you said you're moving this way for millions of years and just realized like and that's why I'm saying what the fuck is that like if we train our climate change that's just the Earth weigh of like creating
► 02:24:25text Eddie know if used us to create climate change to move on to something else cuz I'm using that I think we need to do is sort of me establish our connection to that were part of that were from that you're not evil or not bad we need to get out so yes why spiritual because when we connect to that mystery then we're in a better place to make the right decisions. Came with the decisions are not weird like no no it's the biosphere is a hole that we have to understand and I'll raining out of ego and ideology and the knot out of rational thought with all the information at our disposal and really verify that information understanding what's correct was not right whether or not this by is behind it or scientific research that was funded by people that have a vested interest in it leaning one way or the other
► 02:25:25dangerous when you find out that studies have been influenced by special interest groups or we going to lobbyists or whatever and that they especially spawn suitable studies of the creepiest series of studies and only one of them show some sort of a positive impact for whatever weird reason and that's the one that use and they don't have to publish the fact that rent a hundred so I can study English ball super tankers and stadiums right you know what's the latest study that can get you to click on that USA Today article
► 02:26:25that's the currency of my profession but like one study is is just like it's a spitball write 7 miles to turn a supertanker around that's what really the things that we think we have enough spitballs on one side of the prowler whenever it starts to turn it right so slowly if it's about 300 studies over the last 30 years that say the same thing so I got the coffee stuff is good coffee bad clearly the fact that we keep getting both answers me if we don't know that's all we don't know yet it's just not clear climate change 3930 was a hundred years of the same result yeah we got that but there's always a problem with diet in that you're not taking into account how nutrients interact with other foods that are or different food
► 02:27:25Generac dry Foods a different coffees bad okay was it bad when your smoking cigarettes are bad when you're eating grass-fed meat or bad when your on a vegan diet put in her system and how much how much sodium in on what what's the nutrient levels there blood did you test them for B12 deficiencies and all these different things like that's a real problem studies like they don't take into account them extremely very died I think I'm being really complex and I said this a thousand different things that can interact that stuff with a brain studies aren't there yet but that's different from climate change or a gravity. Round so thank you very much
► 02:28:25I really appreciate it was really good to talk to you but did you read it did you mean are eating it no God damn it I didn't do that I hate that when I buy audio books and I know that the guy who's reading it doesn't have a single bone invested in this idea that he's saying just repeating the words you should never did it was like you know choli channeling I'm at the felt in the afternoon would be better if you tell people to the title again light of the Stars alien worlds and the fate of the Earth....
► 02:29:25y4 cuz that's the only one that everything else was taken cuz I am really appreciate it
► 02:29:47thank you everybody for tuning in to the show appreciate the fuck out of you
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