#1129 - Tom Papa

Jun 11, 2018
Tom Papa is a comedian, actor, writer and television/radio host. His new book "Your Dad Stole My Rake: And Other Family Dilemmas" is available now on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Your-Dad-Stole-My-Rake/dp/1250144388
ladies and gentlemen house thanks everybody that came to the shows in Chicago thank you so much we had a fucking great time loved it and I got a lot of new stuff coming up I am going to be in Boise Idaho on the 30th of June I'm fucking pumped I never been to Boise. So sure there's some tickets left for that and just announced that I'm going to be in Toronto and Toronto is on September 29th
► 00:00:37it's all right yeah yeah September 29th I'm at the Ricoh Coliseum
► 00:00:44fuck yeah very excited and it looks like we're going to Columbus and Cleveland soon prop Ohio Jimmy gets excited we're going to Ohio my place he says you don't talk like that Joe Rogan. Com for all the ticket details but I'm going to be in Kansas City St Louis I'm going to be a lot of places but a lot of the tickets are gone so sleep where else
► 00:01:18Calgary that's right Calgary we added a second show this some tickets left for show sold out Tucson Boise that's it God damn
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► 00:05:13I love him he's awesome please welcome Tom Papa
► 00:05:19The Joe Rogan Experience
► 00:05:27papa is a motherfuking author author and secretly wish that I had not even so secretly wish that I had the right book you do I have to focus in on that you can do it that's too long I don't got that kind of guy shorter okay like a little pamphlet it's just making sure this is all he can say how long before you started writing the book did you think about writing the book is kind of why I hate you have a well yeah from this one I pitched doing a book I don't know like 6 years ago pretty much the same concept and no one was into it and then
► 00:06:27a couple years ago through 2 3 years ago I probably should have contacted my agent whatever they had interest so we made a book deal and that changes everything because now some was waiting for you you know you got to turn stuff in it and they make books and that's probably smart you know what you like an idiot did you have an editor that like one of your stuff inside this is too long this is to Shores pretty great I just left the material alone repeating something or that but mostly it was grammar kind of things do you want to say it like this this isn't technically grammatically correct typos that kind of stuff they were pretty hands off about the actual material is it a book of essays is it at your life story what is it it's all on family it's called your dad stole my rake
► 00:07:27and other family dilemmas and it's broken down by by everyone in your family like the basically thing is as a comedian I've been writing about family and looking at all everyone's families for so long so I'm going to write about all the time so it's mom's dad's cousins Aunts Uncles all broken down chapters like that and so I talk a little bit about my family and I just talked about funny essays about just life in general like going on family vacations or why you eating your shirt there's a really cool photographer Sam Jones who decided to get wacky he just this guy is like this amazing photographer just unlike Clooney and Damen and all these people and I asked him if he would help when I showed up we just taking some regular shot he's like I have this idea it's Brothers Giants
► 00:08:20and I put a tie on it and and just shot it and came up to the funny I look like Dilbert I was just trying to figure out what you're doing I guess what you doing there is get people to try to figure out what you're doing there they stare at and there like maybe if I buy the book how figure it out first and puzzles deep inside sucks being goofy yeah when you write a book yeah you think man someone to be reading this 30 years from now 50 years from now that is as comedians you write something in the morning you bring it on stage they tell you if it's funny or not you know what you're working with you go back and forth this is like it's permanent and no one gets to review it until it's done
► 00:09:06so the nerve-wracking part of it for a long time
► 00:09:16will people think it's okay well they do not think it's Hackle they think it's good will it gives the writing okay all that other stuff and it's been out now for a week and the review I can tell the reviews are good like the people are reviewing it in writing about it and calling and just people just randomly and it's I'm over the hurdle the anxiety of is this a good that's over people like it it's funny and it's people are saying I can write so that is huge it's just, me down completely this year takes dump on it um that are really fucking bad in some Comics someone should have just walked in while they're riding and grab them this is you doing something terrible for your future
► 00:10:16maybe like 5 years in the middle of writing it and I've had some some shit oh my God yeah I know I'm I'm I'm relieved not excited I'm just relieved like okay that's good it was good I thought it was good I hope it was good mine is good people are saying with the laughing when the reading it like editors that don't normally say that kind of stuff so I bounced out book riding with writing stand up like how do you divide your time it was it was tough stand up whenever I'm bored find something else than Opana I work on it at night you know and the book was I got into this rhythm going in every morning get up at 7 going with my coffee and sit there and that was book time until noon
► 00:11:12I would try and just just work on that and make it but that wasn't for 2 years that was like the last you know year to 8 months kind of thing before that it's a little looser I'm trying to get done and stuff but that real discipline of like coming in every morning sitting down in 7 days a week just writing just write whatever I was doing I had to make sure that I had that time if I want to play in with him in a hotel while I'm on the road I was just writing the thing all the time it just became because he's the biggest challenge for me and I think a lot of writers is that you judge yourself as you go you're like it's as good as in what that is but you have to just get it down and know that it's bad just just get it down I want to write this chapter on Crazy Ants so I'm just going to write it and spit it out and then I'm going to go to work on it like a bit you know like like stand up I just go back and just start editing and
► 00:12:12peeling back and feeling right now getting my words using I did it all on Word Microsoft Word and did my last special on Scribner the first time I've used it for for running stand up and what's good about it is on the left hand side you have like all the different subjects and you click on each subject and it like to be a whole column so I had the the title strange times in the left hand side this is this is what it looks like when you're looking at the chalk without the cork board cork board is one aspect of it where you have these little cards like index cards you said these index cards up and you know you're right all the different things on the index cards but can organize it outside of the index cards there's also on each end of the index of the corkboard it corresponds to each individual subject bikes
► 00:13:11they say if I'm doing a bid on desks right now so I have desks on the left hand side and then I'll write out all the stuff on desk but there is also a cork board Tab and then so I have all the different things to make sure that covered all the notes and why I like it because you can have you can move all those little chapters around and move all the bits around like for stand-up that's great that's really good the organizing it just starts bogging you down like four or five pages right so I would just be like literally just open up the file and Go Dad's alright I'm going to go to work on this one Dad no gifts for dads and then just boom just edit that put it away gone the next week
► 00:14:11keep track like a novel I didn't have 300 pages of flow you know they were all just hits so it was kind of similar to stand up that way you know like I could just go to work on them but it's fascinating I I really loved it like I've had friends that have written books like Colin Quinn came into the book event with me a couple weeks ago he's like go to Bucky's like I'll never do it again I just hated it I couldn't stand it I hate the rating for the book drove him crazy I really loved it I couldn't believe that you could look at a 5 page essay and find something wrong with it every time you looked at it every time why am I saying this thing know this why do I have to say he sat down at the table and ate his breakfast he ate his breakfast stuff away all the time and get it is
► 00:15:12as a direct as possible and I started to really just love the love that Jordan Peterson told me rotors for first book and it took him 15 years because he went over every single line every single thing like a Critic trying to find fault in everything that you did until he felt like he was on the Cold War Manor completely locked down yeah that's daunting it's just you're dealing with something that people can fact check in fact check what happened to me and put in my sister in the garbage can then it was family its like the joy of being with other people and and the aggravations and all that kind of stuff so it's just so it was definitely in my wheelhouse like reading books about the Cold War started yet no I haven't which is
► 00:16:12a couple ideas and and the publisher wants me to write another one new release in family humor so it's like anybody words in there very little
► 00:16:34I would be a lot. Niecy words in there which one kind word oh my Lord yes there's a hole there's a hole tab for a male and female just. Now it's it's actually pretty clean I don't know if there is I don't know if there's anything in there I think there might be one or two words to questionable it's pretty clean anything in there on bread yes there is yes the final chapter is just eat the bread the bread and it's all it's all a chapter of basically using bread as a metaphor for just enjoy your life don't don't turn it away don't get all balled up
► 00:17:34I'll just a little just do it should I say I have a huge Joe Rogan podcast announcement huge huge great Father's Day gift and everybody should but but but as we all know from being on the show that I am the Sultan of sourdough and my reputation is a baker is because of the show hands down from doing your show your fans are so awesome and started to sending pictures of their bread we have this non-stop relationship Hotel Fred they sell show me their failures they're constantly sending grabbing these interactions I'm in cities people are bringing bread and when I could travel I could go in and visit bakeries when I was on the road so the big announcement is the Food Network
► 00:18:27ask me to do a show about bread and baked goods so I have a new show coming out on the Food Network on Labor Day called baked with Tom Papa and I travel around kind of like a diners driving kind of thing but with all baked goods and meeting these amazing people that make the stuff getting their stories these families he's Turkish families of Italian families and then showing all this amazing amazing stuff that they're making a hundred percent is it was a hobby of mine that I completely got into but after doing this it just kind of exploded and and now we're going to be I just finished shooting them all that's awesome yeah we shot 8 into which a different cities
► 00:19:18New Orleans New York Detroit La Cleveland Philadelphia
► 00:19:27New Jersey Northern New Jersey which is where I grew up yeah eight different ones is auditioning of an acting whatever be on television I start baking bread with my daughter that's my show the way anyway it's the thing that you actually enjoy and really love you know it's 2% find that thing you're really passionate about and turn that into a show rather than yeah some sitcom that you really not that excited about other than being on television that's exactly right like I had no I was doing this anyway I didn't have any of the stress of like trying to get a show on the air like do you like I hope it goes well this was just so natural because it's just what I'm doing so it completely New Year that'll I will just it's just cuz you come from something you love and something and you hear that
► 00:20:27what you're like well I love working in an office and having a girlfriend on the kitchen about that no you don't not really you don't really but that's this actually just you can't force it it's organic and this one was organic did you link up those different cities with comedy shows did you do stand up in the cities when you were travelling just like pop in and Neal Brennan and I did a show in New Orleans I did a show in Cleveland when I was there just as I like Papa and I would like to promote it and do it while I was there filming yeah it was just kind of like four or five different Bakers and it was cool just you know just dealing with these people is amazing that's awesome man going gets into baking cuz there an asshole
► 00:21:19you know what I mean no one says and they're an idiot cookies and they got to like it wasn't anything to me yeah I mean I guess this is a good time to bring it up as any you know obviously Anthony Bourdain took his life the app last week and he was a friend of mine and it was real that was a real hard Friday was really hard I woke up and I got a text from my friend Maynard from Tool Main and said so much for the Keenan versus Bourdain celebrity Jiu-Jitsu match and he's like fuck and I was like I don't know what does that mean yeah and so then I Googled it and I saw a shit man I can't fuck what I just want why the hung himself like what yeah
► 00:22:17I don't have clothes for you did you know his demons friends with them hung out with them got fucked up with him did you get a feeling that he had that I didn't know that he's been saying really recently that he never been happier he was talking about his girlfriend saying that they did never been happier didn't know it could be that happy didn't know someone to make that happen if so terrible but who knows me and they might have them at a broken nose I don't know I don't know I don't I don't know let me know I do sometimes people when they say I've never been that happy you're catching them on these ups and downs you know some people some people you know people get manic right I don't know if he was but some people give me a to get up and down to what heat he like to get fucked up you know he like to drink enjoyed it it was something that he enjoyed
► 00:23:17didn't episode of this show we went hunting for pheasants in Montana cooked over this campfire he cooked and then afterwards we drink whiskey and smoke weed and he goes deep he goes deep where I'm sit down like I'm going to just try to catch myself real the world spinning and when I know we drink I didn't know you smoked weed he had a heroin problem when he was younger
► 00:24:01and he kicked it but he didn't feel the need to just be sober yeah that was kind of interesting about him they feel like they have to get sober from everything yeah that is not feel like that and he by the way like
► 00:24:20he would drink but when he was home like with his kidneys homeless I didn't drink at all like you don't know how that would only do that when he would be on the road so he may show and stretches of time and he didn't drink it all and he was addicted did you get to I was I was literally every day when I was hanging around with them he was he went we were in Montana he went to Bozeman to find a local Jiu Jitsu club and train with them in the morning she is trying to go to the gym and work out but he was so into learning and getting better at jiu-jitsu
► 00:25:04do you know if he was on prescription for depression or anything like that but do not that's what I'm so suspicious of like when you heard it like Robin Williams and Chris Cornell medication anti-anxiety medications a big one don't know it all who was on what but it's not part of the conversation cuz Robin had Lewy Body Disease he had a heart attack he had significant issues with that my friend dr. Mark Gordon actually wrote a paper about long-term anesthesia like when you're on under not belong turn but like long-duration I have things like open heart surgery right that there is a high incidence of depression afterwards
► 00:26:04of a lot of people coming out of these big-time operations where you get anesthesia for long periods of time we have significant dips and their hormone levels afterwards it's very you know it's not like a free ride getting put under have another heart opened up and yeah your body goes through massive trauma your body is a cold as shit we just had our chest plate split open in Fiat all your heart gets worked on inside of us yeah and there's a significant correlation in Mark Gordon opinion between depression post surgery post-surgery depression they think that's something that people need to look at he had that obviously cuz he did have heart surgery for a long period of time the Depression last after I always thought it was just a mental thing of like you know surviving something like I remember Letterman on a show like weeping like bringing his staff
► 00:27:04I didn't know it's a horrible thing I was thought it was just the trauma of surviving that I think you can be both I mean I'm sure obviously no doctor but he was denied so you're closer to a garbage man but he was explaining it to me yeah that there is an issue with this and so Robin had that and he had some serious neurological disorders and then there was quite a few other things too complicated and then whatever medications this is the thing right like one of these medical what's going on you know you don't really don't know but Chester from Linkin Park he was on a shitload of things and he was but he was very troubled me as he was a guy that was he had some real problem but he was also very medicated
► 00:28:01among middle-aged people in America than ever is also this pharmaceutical opioid crisis at the same time and I just feel like you know people are on this shit that's really affects your head and your mood and it says right in it like your brother was pressing this was in the eighties when we were kids and the the game lack of a better word of trying to get the right medicine for him cuz when they prescribed the wrong one things got out of hand I mean like really dangerously out of hand did the problem is it's like say if you have some particular type of infection they give you antibiotics if you have you known poison ivy know what kind
► 00:29:01cortisone cream to put on your what how it went when you're depressed this is so many different factors involved in depression there's your actual life right there is what's going on in your life like are you taking care of your body are you exercising right you have loving relationships with your family and close friends or do you feel distant and detached you know how do you do not have anyone in your life like romantically do you not have a job that you enjoy all those things factor into the way you feel about life from the time you were a kid sure your whole life and then on top of that you have like legitimate mental illness write the depression because your brain is not producing enough serotonin or dopamine it there's so many factors and people try to self-medicate and you know I know a lot of people try to do it with exercise exercise apparently seems to be as effective or more effective than most ssris and anti depressions
► 00:30:01I don't know if I'm right but I remember hearing that whatever your body manufacturers are secretes when you exercise is similar to what a lot of these drugs have in them right by you actually you're right I don't know the exact mechanisms involved but it has something to do with the cannabinoid receptors so it didn't literally gives you high that's similar to almost like a marijuana hot right not identified for me as a high like like smoking weed my whole rest of my days better like there is death there's a happy little thing going on that's flying but I'm definitely not balled up in anxious the way I was before the run I have my own theory about that I think the human body has physical requirements and then I think of you don't think just because of the design
► 00:31:01did the fact that human beings have lived for thousands and thousands of years either hunting or gathering or running away from danger or your body's like constantly in action yeah we essentially of the same bodies as people that live 10,000 years ago our DNA is very very similar and I think we have all these requirements so we don't meet him and there's so many people that just sit down all day and that's all they do they walk to sit down and they sit down again and most of their time is sitting down whether they're watching television or sitting in front of the computer and that shit is terrible for you you feel it you just feel shity you just do feel bad I was in after the after the Bourdain news I was traveling outside of Chicago and it just kind of clicked in my head like you just thinking whatever you have someone that inspires you and especially if your friends like you were you know it's just you can't get it out of your head kind of a thing
► 00:32:01you're bothered anxiety even worse and I just Instinct got in put on my running shoes and just went for a run cuz I didn't want to sit and think about all of it so much and I just felt better I got was it I wasn't euphoric again after the run but I was definitely better than before I feel like especially when you're traveling and stuff like that but he did Jujitsu all the time
► 00:32:28Young's are puzzles he supposed to be can't solve who knows I don't know what was going on yeah I know and there's no way I'm ask him obviously I travel when the first things I do with her I'm coming home or going there to work out because Friday Thursday so I've worked out that day already I ran that day and then I got there Thursday night woke up Friday to that text and I was just like fuck man I didn't want to do anything I cried yeah I felt like I got a bunch of phone calls from some friends and then I had to show that night I was like I just got up just got to get on the horse beer and I was a little worried a little worried that I was going to be like moody or weirded out but once I got there I was fine yeah I was with Santino and 20 inchcliffe so those two guys are great we talked a little bit
► 00:33:28Optimum weed nice got up there and just had some fun and the energy that crowd I saw your Instagram of the crowd and beautiful theater that's an amazing with all those fans vac 700 people yet yeah we did two shows two they're both great people it's a combination of a big city and Midwest like friendly people yeah yeah and the summer becomes a totally different City to and then literally just like 3 years ago when the summer man this place is amazing parks in December and January I'll be inside but back to the food thing I mean
► 00:34:28is a board game told through food or it's just I mean amazing that's why so many people that show really took his time and you've really felt like you were you been there for 3 days after he left us but in episode he made me think of food is an art form. I never thought it was in our form for watching No Reservations his original show I watch a show and
► 00:34:58I just wouldn't feel like I owe this is not what I thought it was I thought I was just like all this guy knows how to cook yummy food that's great right but then then watching a show I was like oh this is Art like these guys are treating this like a painting or like a sculpture or something like that and then they're passionate in and they're all tattooed up and Weirdos that they're Artist Artist that cook that's just it might as well be making music or what happened. Whatever would be drawing their artists at its best crank it out and see your way to make sure an artist your spoiled this is technically this is lasagna I know it's fascinating it's it's it's the approaches very contagious
► 00:35:58how you watch the way they cook and you watched like they're their passion for the food it makes you hungry you want to eat and you also want to try it and yes I do want to try always it's fascinating you know going around meeting all of these Baker's it's like they all got into it because there's a love there and it's really hard work like these people were in the morning they're baking their like in there I know it sounds silly but coffee shop play case filled with stuff seems like it's always been there every day it's hard hard work the only way it seems that they can continue to do it is because it was that initial love of it went to school and figured it
► 00:36:58and they just hook them and that like it's enough of a big bang explosion of love that they stay in it for like you know 10 years and make a business out of it my grandfather used to walk to get bread everyday we would he lives on North 9th Street in Newark New Jersey which was when he lived there when he died but but when I was a boy we would go we would leave his house and visit and stay there we leave his house would walk like 3 or 4 blocks down the street to his bakery that he had been going to for probably 30 years and these people this was like an old Italian bakery white paper bag yeah put the lobes in and go there there go there every day and get Italian bread everyday everyday get fresh bread and you know in the bread was good for about a day or two like if you got
► 00:37:58second day is getting a little dry and still slice that bread in my grandmother made homemade pasta she made made from scratch flower and add the whole thing make lasagna make sandwiches fucking Sensational someone make something really good in the community it changes the community because people walk to get it in the morning it just starts attracting people it's fascinating is fascinating yeah did your parents your grandparents come over from Italy Sicily and Naples that's mine that's funny
► 00:38:58grandfather on my father's side came from Ireland my grandmother on my father's side Came From Italy so it's one quarter 1/4 hours yeah it's amazing so did they speak Italian yeah yeah they spoke to you know what the fuck they were saying even if you spoke Italian like if you spoke proper Italian with my grandmother and my grandfather yell at each other and know what the fuck my grandmother was late for everything everything she ever did she was late for and my grandfather's name is Jeff my my family is very unoriginal my father's name was Joseph my grandfather's name is Joseph my grandmother's name is Josephine and then my name is Joseph so it's like a lot of fucking joke
► 00:39:57grandma grandma grandma but when when I was over there I remember my grandmother was always yell at my grandfather's other we got to leave we got to leave
► 00:40:08and it should get crazy it would suck a dick crazy I was always scared of marriage as part of the reason why I was just have to communicate I remember my grandparents to play the group in the hard times man yeah my grandmother had a stroke and when they were taken care of her they started finding these little pockets of money she had squirreled away in the house fall over the house like coffee cans because during the Depression people just date they realize like oh my God it can get to a point where there's no food like nothing nothing yeah and people starve to death like that's that's really possible I was born in the United States was far better than likes a year
► 00:41:08post World War II the Soviet Union where you know it was worse there I'll fuck man people starve to death but who knows Untold how many people starve to death in the Soviet Union starved to death I know this sounds selfish but I only thought of it in terms of America the whole time I took it really bad or too very very bad and these people that grew up during that era when my grandparents came here my grandfather came here I think when he was 7 and it was during the Depression it was like the worst of the whirly thirties and in a my grandmother similar age they just had this this mentality like you could all go away they did they had seen it yeah it was burned in any no kids today everyone's like fucking leaving food on their plate and no one's worrying about where it's coming from and islamics they had a totally different mentality they were scared
► 00:42:08time that mean they had enough and it would save everything every little piece and I little something like that from the depression to get out of it and then you roll into World War II out with a lot of different levels of stuff they didn't have to deal wit Kennedy who was a guest of mine recently friend of mine said something very profound he said Hard Times make tough men easy times make weak men but hard men make easy times make tough men
► 00:42:53toughman make easy * easy times make weak men are always like kids today today don't know what's because they haven't gone through enough this is a 911 I was in your closet newer by the way this is a funny story 911 but I was at Newark I was flying out that day and we watch the second plane fly into the sauce II I saw it saw it on television looking you actually saw the plane hit the first time you saw him the first one hit before we got there before I got there and I walked with a pilot down like through the airport and he said yeah I think it was a Cessna 210 was kind of crazy
► 00:43:53I said I was going to Chicago and I said to the woman working the thing I think we're going to actually get out and a guy yells here comes another one this man just like businessman and we all turn and you could just see it for streaking across right into the small small that just passed
► 00:44:23insane so I sit down I just sat we just and I was sitting with an artist a middle-aged man was an artist and then we heard about the Pentagon as we are sitting there and he opened up his little heart case and had all these razors in it like razor blades and stuff from his artwork like how he knows a commercial artist he's like this is all going to change he said you know people just they let me on the plane with this and we just sitting there just freaked out like, but freaked out and I was calling my wife who was in New York and I woke her up and we're trying to
► 00:44:59yeah I talked to you was going to the thing and I one point that the artist I was sitting with just looked at me like my eyes like we're trying to understand what was happening he said I think we should go home now
► 00:45:11I was like yeah yeah right of course we should after sitting there for 20 minutes so I can't get back into the city X gun gun by I am I'm in a cab going up the Parkway in New Jersey and there's just dust where the towers were and I'm like holy shit so I can't get in so I go to my Nana's house who lives by giant stadium and cuz she's the closest to the city I can't get into the city so this is driver takes takes us over and I get to my Nana's house and she's so excited to see me cuz her grandson is visiting and she lives alone now my father grandfather passed and I'm sitting in front of the TV and I'm like Nana like At first I hugged her and I was like all weepy like I was shaking and I didn't know what was happening
► 00:46:11and I sit in a little tiny living room den area and we have the TV on and she's trying to talk to me and I'm trying to watch the television and she this is the World War 2 mentality a card game with my lady friends here take half of my sandwich you reached open at 10 for gave me half of her tuna fish sandwich you eat this I'm going to go play cards with my friends will have dinner with so much I doubt it wasn't freaking out not even freaking out like it's a crazy world hey you know it is what it is the last couple of buildings a few thousand people going to go play bridge
► 00:47:11just completely like plow ahead plow I had don't get caught up thinking about everything that's happening. We've done that before and you get nowhere so let's just keep going this way about having a war that affected people the way World War II did with the entire Nick not just intonation was involved but the whole world was involved in this conflict to stop evil yeah was a different time I mean obviously isis's evil obviously North Korea there's a lot of evil in the world like this evil empire to invading Europe and dropping bombs on people it's not the same it's not no Nazis that believe in Eugenics and want to create an Aryan race in like that was terrifying and sophisticated in terms of engineering and bright
► 00:48:11to this day we where do you get all the fucking and engineers in terms of like automobiles top and like Audi BMW those people were making shit for Nazis back then yeah I mean that's one of Hitler's cars there's a Audi from like 1930 something that was made for Hitler yeah it's like they were they were designing engines planes and they were super super Advanced Focus like it was the world is got to come and get this one guys are more black and white in the way the world is for sure there was a thing called Operation Paperclip that happened where after the war we scooped up all these Nazi sign to secretly and some of them were like legit like the guy who was in charge of
► 00:49:11a hundred percent is Simon wiesenthal Center said that if he was alive today that would prosecute him for crimes against humanity and he was the head of NASA NASA sheets yeah they took monsters and they brought those monsters over here in that those monsters helped us make of the Apollo Rockets cheese and then some of the monsters went to Soviet Union they took some of those monsters there's no reason to whitewash that either in front of the where Wernher von Braun was making rockets for the Nazis how my God damn they have these Jews that were slaves that worked as when there's people that were alive today that have those tattoos in their arm right that talked about meeting him there and she and me this and they they would hang the slowest workers oh my God in the front of the factory
► 00:50:11that's the way it doesn't leave a country with what you do and then now in Nazi Germany you are slave Baron the guys working on the guys were working for the company I'd like to see the people being hung and still hang in there with the ideology wholeheartedly mean I didn't have a conversation with him I don't know if he's doing for pragmatic purposes he was frightened rabbit get a disguise get out of there I don't think they could glasses with the mustaches was at work he can you take it slow slide I'm sure into that I mean the Slime was not slow but from World War World War
► 00:51:09yeah I think it's just got to this point where they like oh my God like what are we doing when it started having these concentration camps and killing all these Jews terrifying and those silly took a lot of those guys brought him over here they work for work for the US government I have a 67 Volkswagen Beetle sweet little car but it's solid and yet you can't get around ice every time a minute you think you know this was the people's car this was the early Nazi Germany Hitler on the at the at the plants you know being very proud about this car and stuff if you have a 67 right that's like if I had a 1998 car that was produced by Nazis
► 00:52:00what do you mean the 98 because it's 20 years old 20 years from 67 to that era I mean it's so close so close that's nothing
► 00:52:19yeah we really go out that way there yeah 20 20 years removed from Hitler being in power because I have my car my car is literally is your actual that color hubcaps my friend Jimmy Lawless high school was so light this is crazy so great I'll be there a Dora Bowl have you seen what they do they take an older 911 in and put them in the gas I know nothing got any traction now going around turns but I thought they were there engineering what they put the weight of the engine in the back
► 00:53:19such a different fact it's kind of amazing to look at all automobile Manufacturing in the 30s for the French car. It was amazing it was a real inspiration and creativity and then the war on everything. They were flying in the 30 Resurgence in the 60s especially in America American cars in the 60s for fucking amazing and then the gas crisis got them so bad it is a bad car wreck I'm a muscle car fan need the golden era was like 1960s to somewhere around 71 at the last of the Great
► 00:54:19AR 670-1 Barracuda still pretty bad out right but then 72 starts local shity set of Mustangs fucking like those things on fire because of the gas well it's because the gas prices came they started making cars cheaper and they were just lighter they would try to make them more fuel efficient so and something happened to the way they look the 779 piece of shit now I want you to Google 1969 Mach 1 get ready for this motherfucker 1969 Mach 1 boom son click on that black one right there and click on that come the fuck on in 10 years
► 00:55:19hey do you have that box you piece of shit that red one the upper right hand corner in it God damn that doesn't get your dick hard go to 1968 Steve McQueen Mustang is a green one
► 00:55:47where is Boomer now what are the odds come on man yeah something happened in Ford look how gorgeous that is good that is a fucking work of art that there stood the lines on that thing 61 1976 show you what a badass vehicle I was driving around that yellow yam Irish baby here's the thing that thing would start up every day yes A hundred percent that's the difference it might look like a piece of shit and it most certainly does and I put a racing stripe on the side
► 00:56:46call Lakeisha have ever say or happy birthday cuz your friends are Seabees to or you just okay get me a Butterfinger blizzard be there in a minute how do you choose what channel you on you just choose you just all we all know we are on channel do you know for whatever how many channels are there actually so how close do you have to be like 10 miles thinking I have a Toyota Corolla with 200 songs I can I was having a blast I was so happy to be out of the house
► 00:57:46about this now oh yeah how often people use cell phones and such what was people thinking back then like why didn't they get CBS on their car it's a good question why everybody have one I don't know it was smoking the Bandit Trans Am what year was that I think he was a 79 Trans Am 800 crisis caused the miles per hour on the highway to go down a 55 and truckers still use them to tell each other where the best gas prices were that's funny cuz I would have thought that exploded because you were using him to tell each other where the cops were like it was 55 miles per hour
► 00:58:46the speed limit which is just fucking torture chair that's torture like what you doing to people think you are telling people to go 55 miles on the highway with a 400 horsepower engine that Steve McQueen car that was in the fuck is that all about my Toyota Corolla was just fast enough when I mean that's what ways is pretty good for that weighs like yeah I remember that I remember that that the cock blocking yourself stupid morons were were blocking the highways remember when people are doing that like raw San Francisco that was recently
► 00:59:46stop doing that everyone take it's not just that it's like you're stopping people from being able to get the hospital you and me might cause people loved ones lives and they did Governor Christie when he died on the bridge he is a couple people died because of it cuz I couldn't get to the hospital they were how is he not in jail for that
► 01:00:07guys the worst housing in jail for shipped that is just fucking straight corruption just took to make that call the audacity do you have to have Dish the ball to make that fucking call and say shut down your bread that guy was sold some M&M's so when we were the only one on the beach let yourself get to that state operation to stomach stapling did he really was closed July and his family were just sitting there on the beach just what a nephew to everybody look at that nobody else allowed extreme arrogance is closed down
► 01:01:03for the budget he he ordered them closed because they couldn't pay for people to watch the beaches that was be a Fourth of July to send portrait of them that someone made him in the sand
► 01:01:26I think the kids call those slides they call him slides and the kids polo slides slides flip flops it's a lot of dudes have slides in the airport with socks on what are you doing hello Salomon running shoes that don't even have they don't have laces they have like this little tab You Pull and you pull it down and it the Titans up and you open it up and like velcro you still pulling a police is a little something that will stick them in your feet flop flop flop flop going to the airport as comfortable as possible very very excited about this makes me so angry why because you're 25 year old man sitting on the floor of an airport
► 01:02:26next shower sandals it's not a lot of people do it but enough people do it with the socks and the slides bothers you bothers me so much I don't know why does it bother you more or less than flip flops a little bit more which is pretty crazy cuz I really railed against people with flip flops to wear flip-flops everywhere disgusting he's got gross so gross and people act like their feet don't have your feet bacteria germs in there and then they just sleep slipping them off and put in their life of the party type character that's part of his is thing it's his thing I love him I love him too he's just kind of thought he was this a video of him on a floating skateboard flying down his street with flip flops on in like do do you understand the damage to your toes
► 01:03:26so you could do for the rest of your life your toes going to be fucked up if you crash you keep replying to flip flops on your just a flip-flop and you don't care your pants hanging off just to get out a flight to Boise how do I can get it together for a short flight you know it's disgusting people want to see them but he's he's on me months ago when he gave me the in the box right there I've contemplated running and I'm running through like Rita and filming it because people love these things so much but I don't want to run an expensive
► 01:04:26running shoes that are actually supposed to be running in
► 01:04:30yeah they're expensive he she gets it with him he sucks at Jamie's one generation younger than me so his like idea what these things are is different than my at Arsenal think it's hilarious that you would do that but they're mad at me for what I would do with a pair of sneakers you're a fucking idiot all right and you need to get your shit together it's not big speakers
► 01:05:04sitting here in this fucking box I'm not joking maybe I didn't plan this out there but they're here is it about here people who are into them were like oh my God
► 01:05:14you should wear those all the time it's like they look like the sneaker version of that shity Mustang fm1979 Snowman the cool whole back end sticks out like a duck bill behind you it's so bizarre that Kanye West has a large effect on humans very interested I have no eyes hurt Howard Stern talking about I hope they ask tough questions in a book in that house
► 01:06:14you will collect dust motherfucke broken up into chapters
► 01:06:26Elon Musk wants to do the podcast really message me everybody else that's really cool some high-level production and once it's done concentrating on what's up with that why I almost bought one just to do it and you couldn't do it, it's called not a flamethrower that way you can next company not a flamethrower
► 01:07:26these things we went is there a mariachi band is playing. It's a flamethrower thing it's the big unveiling
► 01:07:36Is that real yeah it's a go back up to that photo the flamethrower Jesus Christ look at that fucking thing pretty cool oh my God that's amazing I'm just going to buy propane in connectedness could be what's the purpose of that too when you when your enemies come close if I run out of bullets you hide behind the couch and floor with that in the movie Alien yeah they have flamethrowers yeah you need to burn them instead of shoot them cuz it's a yeah you're on a spaceship if you live on a spaceship boyfriend asks me out they're blasting terrible techniques
► 01:08:36tunnel splint megantic batteries that are powering Australia is a very very unusual human being it's amazing it's just I don't handle that gun somebody told me they saw him they saw him speaking and about the tunnels different things got to get past here to LAX he wants multiple tunnel so like if you're going to the United terminal it takes you right there if it goes to all through the city what happens if we get an earthquake what happens if there's a tsunami do those things fill up with water and is everybody drown inside those tubes that says the tunnels are weatherproof
► 01:09:34that means when it rains dlsu more about an earthquake
► 01:09:41now I know looking to see if they have any getting claustrophobic lately why I don't know like a but when I had a couple little instances where I was like
► 01:09:52I've never been claustrophobic before 1994 Northridge Earthquake no damage to La subway tunnels 1989 Loma Prieta Northern California earthquake no damage to tunnels 1985 Mexico City earthquake no damage towels which within use to transport rescue Personnel build a building fell on it try to the elevator won't take you out tonight stuck in that little elevator and you get clipped by some other guy in a Tesla go 220 miles an hour in the tunnel it run over to wrap these things called electric skates which people get on like a subway car like a car getting in there but small like only like 16 people
► 01:10:50right to the airport right to downtown yeah it'd be pretty cool but I don't know if he's going to the hyperloop is the that's the fucking train that goes to San Francisco like I was this one guy that Innovative DLC that smart I don't know
► 01:11:23but is he funny
► 01:11:25explain try sometimes Jim the store Johnny Depp's ex smart guy that was worried about it I saw him but I know he is doing that but I just might not be the only person or maybe just involved in the project two different should be involved in the project that's what I wanted to ask you if you talked about 3D printing pretty amazing that guy guy Jeff Jeff Dunham
► 01:12:25he makes a lot of shit with him he was on Opie and Anthony back in the day parently he's like a super tech geek and he was on Opie and Anthony back in the day News Talk he had like one of the earlier 3D printers really really complex making the achmedmobile Controlled Chaos Jeff Dunham so he does all this stuff himself he's a fucking character Jeff Dunham interesting guy that's amazing like actually there was sure like a dishwasher and I think the guy wanted to manufacture the part that's inside the dishwasher the computer says and now we can improve on that part of the shape of it and have it be like this and then it makes that and then use it it's getting so crazy you are so amazing
► 01:13:25and then getting the raw materials ran the raw materials you'll have like in your machine somehow or another and it'll make whatever you need like say if you need a French press right it'll make a French press will 3D print French press for you you won't go to the store and buy one you just like download the whatever it is that you don't need a manufacturer in this business of making presses the last in but the thing is like more and more demand will be for things like this table right or someone make something for you is all these these restaurants that are like kind of farm-to-table Lynnwood metal and everything is like rustic and everything is like kind of retro when is armpit hair
► 01:14:12that's not were talking about now they had razors a long time ago no excuse for girls have armpit hair isn't it funny guys it's fine if you don't if you have armpit hair I'm like what happened you got a disease bro alopecia with their junk like okay here's a perfect example butthole hair on girls night just how you grill it was just a big fucking pile of whatever and nowadays if you're a girl you're young single down you got Butthead butthole hair you're taking some risks right you like I don't care of me while he was being told her man cuz that's the only one that can't accept no we're not doing that anymore we're trying to evolve and Dad
► 01:15:12got to start somewhere like how many women when you go to the beach how many women shave their legs all of all of them that's fucking crazy like an expired like The Grooming standards that we've imposed on women like the cultures in Posen women it's pretty crazy armpits of shit on my back all American Werewolf in London the transformation sequences I mean the standards yeah it's weird it's very weird it's weird but it's weird is that people who are really aggressive still like doing certain parts but that for me is a man watching it is always like yeah we're all the same of its own it and stuff but I'm still going to put this big big line on my eyes to make it look like
► 01:16:12lashes on to make it look like it's weird like the what you choose to sculpted eyebrows and shit eyebrows some dudes got their eyebrows yeah going to work for those guys cuz they were starts with an f and do the teen it runs a faggot
► 01:16:33Cabaret stock it's a bundle of wood now it's it's yeah it's very bizarre I always feel like but they also like it's empowering to feel good and it does make women feel good in heels and standards for gay folks like they do it way different and by the way when I use for it I should not use that and definitely wouldn't use it for gas we know you consider the source be careful though could be careful today's date damage weapon Ellie thing what happened she was screaming it at an audience man likes like really completely what she said she's like screaming you sons of bitches
► 01:17:25did you see that she yelled at them call them sons of bitches on stage nuclear meltdown fan hands or $100 to shut up she goes off her hair nuclear meltdown
► 01:17:39someone tried to say something in middle of her set and she just goes batshit crazy she went nuclear on a fan who gave her $100 to shut up in the middle of her kid why would someone why would someone pay her at a show to go to get her to shut up so much after someone from the balcony called her account
► 01:18:06it all went downhill from there
► 01:18:12who's going to be before you can say that word anymore until like next Wednesday like I said this is a dangerous time to say that word yeah don't say any more than individual person at the saying the noise is that is that word like it's get down to the like you caught have to call it the other F-word yeah you have to work it's clearly established all the time on stage and, he said they say the n-word right now that's retarded about yeah pretty much I think it's probably but he but you can say it but the way you're saying it you can say retarded right right
► 01:19:12now it's the word bigger butt without the bee with a different with an n in it can do that it's a bigger butt without the beat with an M that's how tricky it is I'm just feeling for the keys in my pocket damage tell me about what was the rap concert where the girl got on stage and she was Kendrick Lamar concert which so I guess there's a lot you can see lots of videos of for the crowds singing all the words which has a lot of bad words in it white people in the crowd direct yeah lots of lots of white the only way I so want to set it up to do it and she said what did she say to you
► 01:20:12the song lyric and then
► 01:20:17no no no that's not for you that's only for me that's mean I had a bit from 2009 on my Spike TV special woman gets on stage
► 01:20:39what's your name
► 01:20:41Delaney
► 01:20:43oh and she's going to do it oh my God she's going to be set her up yeah it's terrible
► 01:20:51where we started at
► 01:20:53here we go smocking here already
► 01:21:04wow she must be so nervous he got me down by the end of the song YouTuber with what we get pulled
► 01:21:18let's find out what happens
► 01:21:26oh
► 01:21:29calzone yelling
► 01:21:32Jesus Christ wait wait wait
► 01:21:41that's terrible
► 01:21:47everybody
► 01:21:52it's just really cool bro you have to work lyrics
► 01:22:05Alaska Fish bro that's mostly it I don't know if we live in hilarious and Preposterous * I mean that is so strange that is his song play the song she's singing the song that he loves the hero now. Ann's loves the noise so happy about doing it though this will probably just looks mostly White girl screaming
► 01:23:01this is why I stayed home if there's a lot of people there yeah you can do it you can do it if there's a bunch of people there if yeah but if you can't do it yourself in front of those people you can't do it yes and that was mostly white that was a lot of white there in my purse and that one white people are ridiculous so confused so confused on Spike TV special on 2009 and there was a old commercial with the girl the girl comes home and the dogs are talking to her like Lindsay really wish you wouldn't smoke punch see me smoke pot and I miss my friend I had this whole thing I was like I was like first of all what are the chicks on she's not on pot cuz if you were a pie
► 01:24:01you be like my fucking dog can talk right now how long you been able to talk I went to this whole thing and I called my dog of faget this guy in the beginning of political correct because you can't say that word that's our Niger that's our work right that's what he said that he literally said I could wait a minute what did you just say yeah and he said it's our Niger we're allowed to say you can't say that I go that's the gayest shit I've ever hurt and he started laughing angry at a dog because I've had this dog my whole life is first words out of his mouth I tell you I love you everyday and and what do you say
► 01:25:01I smoke weed not go to work and I pay for your food faget like that was that was the joke that was and he got he got like these rules are Preposterous isn't it supposed to be about intent of he isn't supposed to be like yeah I'm supposed to be conveying how I feel in the words are supposed to mirror my thoughts like we have magic words that you can't say and in this case with the n-word it's even crazier because it's like some people could say it you can say it sometimes sometimes you can't say it it's too heavy black people can say it why people can't but white people can say it if we're in the crowd there yelling it out but as long as there's an A on the end of it exactly in trouble racism is disgusting all racism racism against Chinese people racism against white people racism against every of course against black people of course against everyone judging someone on
► 01:26:01something they have no control over yeah that's what it is like you
► 01:26:06reborn Irish German Italian African when your bored and it's not you or just who you are so racism is disgusting but is that is it racism when you have that girl on stage and she's singing that song that she loves that you sing It's Your Song like that's not really racism now so when she's singing along and everybody's you racist fucking Nazi like what are we doing right this is ridiculous Zone where it's not doesn't make any sense cuz we know that's not her intent exact right this is an intellectual exercise there they all know she's a little drunk it's kind of like setting someone up to do something yeah it's pretty gross it's just weird that it's weird that it's so Universal like that crowd that was probably 20,000 people. Yeah
► 01:27:07I had a weird thing on you know I'm I'm on the show live from here the old Prairie Home Companion show and you know I'm the writer for it and stuff it right around and some appear on and stuff anyway I'm very involved with the show Chris who's this Bluegrass guy who plays the mandolin who's amazing the kind of person you ever meet like you super super sweet sweet person like
► 01:27:38like mr. Rogers in a way like it's to that level of kindness and he sings everybody's birthdays and Stephanie sings different songs and as a tribute everything he loves all music he loves everything he's sending a Kendrick Lamar song he sang a little bit of it in my cuz it was his birthday that week and he got so much hate online that a white person can't be singing that song what is a song about it so I don't know but it wasn't that wasn't the thing that he's not allowed to say I mean while he's singing Bluegrass Indian music Soul celebrating everything he believed the hate that he got from it but now he's super sensitive about singing that music at all it's not logical it's not when you have a culturally we have to put our foot
► 01:28:38strange illogical Road where you can just decide what's evil and what's bad and it doesn't have any bearing on the thought or the intent behind it and they went after Bruno Mars get in the just get the fuck out of here they choose Bruno Mars of cultural appropriation what culture he's Everything is Everything choosing of cultural appropriation sings is beautiful at least I love listening to that I saw him in Vegas in concert it was just the most uplifting bright thing me happy though is that a bunch of black artists said fuck you he's great like those original charge but the social justice warriors were going after him for cultural appropriation all these like super Progressive angry fuck heads when deciding sure it doesn't have to make sense
► 01:29:38you're just looking for Target it doesn't have to make sense this is not like a logical progression like stealing from These Old Blues singers he's not crediting them and he's all, from Kentucky that something you're not cultural appropriation even if he was white exactly it's just a joy of Music in music is a mix of everything, but if that's the case then but here's the case I'm a fucking huge fan of The Black Keys The Black Keys are there shit is blues a lot of years old blues like it sounds so similar to some great old blue sure is that cultural appropriation. I mean I love them you saying they should stop doing what I what I love to hear now come on when we doing
► 01:30:37yeah that's crazy what is what is the other part of it is how many people are really complaining about that stuff but it's enough where your friend got scared literally amounts to probably three tweets you know what it's like but those people that's the only people aren't saying wow I love that version cuz the people in control of it have to calm him and make him realize we've got your back that's where it's squirrely today fired speaking of Prairie Home Companion they fired Garrison Keillor his hand went down her back and then you apologize I sent her an email she said it's fine they went back and forth with it didn't do anything else no history of sexual harassment sexual assault no history of anything terrible years later
► 01:31:38when all this meat to stuff comes out she comes out with that yeah it was dirty business yeah it was dirty it's dirty but it doesn't it's not logical it's like there's this fever Feeding Frenzy the goes on with these things is Mob mentality yeah it just want to tear people down do you want to tell people that you have to at all these situations is considered a source like you really have to consider it's like the steroid thing went down there like people came at Barry Bonds harder than everybody else because he had a wrap for not being a good guy hate people did not like him regardless of that come after him harder than it came after Sammy Sosa yes much harder than like Andy pettitte or you know the winning pitcher for the Yankees and but if somebody is a problem Jose Canseco
► 01:32:38grotta like he got kind of disappeared he got written off from that book you that's interesting man people just didn't respect him after that yeah because there was so many people that were also doing it and he was the one that ratted everybody out profited off of it yeah there's some there's some justice some Street Justice nut
► 01:33:03I just think that there's a lot of really careful with call it's just there's also an issue that everyone has access to social media and everyone has the ability to complain about things so buddy boys but yeah you get the real sound like like there are things that happened that are really bad and when something happens it's really bad the Twitter mob and the all the people that go after these people for something that's that's legitimately awful sure it's make sense I mean it's there's Justice to it yeah there's also like this constant looking for targets yes it seems like it's kind of like and pick people off it's awful it's a it's a horrible thing it is
► 01:34:03think about like you can see things from all around the world you could see cultures you could see young people doing amazing things and all these different little tiny spots around I mean in so many ways yeah it's beautiful but then there's just like this little dark underbelly of like hate the really just is good and bad in the world and then there is going to be in the world but is also people that are just very frustrated and looking to vent that frustration as often as they can yeah it carefully considered the issue and carefully consider this person stance on it like no for me one of the big ones was the Roseanne Barr thing because Roseanne Barr what she said seemed racist right on the surface you call that lady something like a cross between the Muslim Brotherhood in the Planet of the Apes
► 01:35:03oh okay that one is very racially ambiguous I talked to her on the phone she told me she was stupid she didn't know she was I just was fucked up on Ambien and drinking all weekend and tweeting a bunch of stupid shit her own words right she's like I didn't know what I was saying who has mental illness is on Ambien as well and drinking and smoking pot compared a black woman to Planet of the Apes
► 01:35:47all these people made these memes where they put a photo of that woman next to that woman from the Planet of the Apes right and like you know you see like why she was joking around about it but it's totally off-limits so they decided she's just horrible racist forget about all her years of you know people loving her and well she also has to go back to the store it's kind of thing it's like you know she there's a picture of her dress I cannot see there's her like she wish I know but there's like there's enough she's always tweeting bombastic stuff so she's got issues like Rachael Ray just making muffins and all the sudden one tweet comes out the area and you're spewing hate and you throwing fireballs and stuff you're not you're in that Arena
► 01:36:47she was scared because that's a patriotic thing oh yeah I remember that the issue that Roseann to me is not even that tweet not even even those the recent Planet of the Apes it's an earlier one that you made 5 years ago which is much more race it I really about yeah about Susan Rice where she said Susan Rice is a man with big swinging 8-balls there's something that's the thing it's the source it's like there's this person that has all this kind of stuff do you remember when I miss got kicked off the radio for saying about some some gals who were athletes call them Nappy Headed Hoes
► 01:37:47you want to play in that was fire Arenas if you try to drop bombs occasionally but the racist bombs are the ones that get you burn the most
► 01:38:10we have not healed as a nation we are this very confused we met it's like pina we grew up like alcoholic fathers when you talked about how is only 20 years between Hitler and my Volkswagen coming out there's not much time between that most heinous part of that too today I mean it's less than 200 Years to Life Time between us and slavery last African American person who was around during slavery just passed I mean you know what I mean we never healed we never had a discussion we didn't forget about your slavery how about the Civil Rights Movement I mean how about hosing time down with fire hoses in sick and dogs on them that was in if not our lifetime just before we were born still today there's still go to certain parts
► 01:39:10he walks around you hear people say ship that because I think you're there safe around you and It's Tricky you know what I mean like we have a that is our disease in our in our culture there is a disease that we haven't made it out yet so of course I can if you can pop off about that you're going to be why why are you doing it makes you feel like people mean a lot of Comics that's the thing right yeah little little little controversial things to get a spark out of people that's fine if you know I have a sensitivity that I don't even I don't want to go in that Arena cuz I just I don't even do well when people yell at
► 01:40:10why can't I just don't know why but there is there a sport to it tweets calling them horrible things and it just kind of you know bounces off and they don't really care if you read tweets about people that say horrible things to you going to respond to them and then I'm going to join Indian respond to all them you don't have any time there's no your whole day will be taking up with new people jumping into The Fray if you want to fight with the mob a mob of people you can't really do that with a one on one person but if you fight a whole crowd of people like that Kendrick Lamar if that lady was like fuck you bitch
► 01:41:10Haymakers stupid fucking killed if she has a discussion with one of those white and she said okay tell me why what I did was wrong and and he was like are you saying it don't know I saw you with everybody else and I make the the noise with my face I like I open my mouth like I'm going to say it but I don't say I don't try to start it and that I let other people ended I like do the end part or I'll do the gun part I don't do it in between I don't do a whole word cuz that way I'm not racist complexed it's too crazy but it's not complexed it's stupid it is complexed complex about that well not just that issue
► 01:42:10that to me is a whole crowd of people try to move it back who's actively saying I mean other than like white nationalist groups that everybody pretty much hates other than themselves I guess it's time to move it back being reversed and that they're being hated on now and they want to have a good time at the concert in the single way would someone put up some stairs at a school that was criticized by Dean was taken down they put up the signs to say it's okay to be white Google that cuz it was kind of crazy and that this over the dean was it's okay to be white or angry
► 01:43:10matter that statement right like why would anybody have a problem with that but you know why you feel you know what I mean it is completed step but it's a complex or sign saying it's okay to be white found at Maryland high school what to say something at 5:45 a.m. and removed by staff of four students arrive for classes also say discovered them
► 01:43:43we're taking this seriously they sent a letter home to families informing them of the signs were discovered on 10 doors at 5:45 a.m. and remove by Step Up For Students arrive for classes we're taking this seriously and are investigating this incident wrote Renee Johnson the school's principal our research so far is indicated this may be a part of a concerted national campaign to format racial and political tension in our school and Community the same flyer was posted in other cities and communities this week okay but here's the question do you disagree with the sentiment of that statement it is okay to be white it's okay to be Chinese it's okay to be Indian it's okay to be whatever the fuck you are yeah okay be racist maybe if they wrote it's okay to be right it's not okay to be racist maybe that would have been that would have helped write that would have helped you walk into your school campus
► 01:44:38signs up everywhere that normally there are no signs openly racially discriminated against is it okay to say hey it's alright is that okay yeah there's a yes of course so what's wrong with that time because you pop them up in the middle of the night and put them all up on it and he still come in with your little lunch bag and you're going to teach your Spanish class and on your doors a sign that says okay to be wait you just your knee-jerk reactions what you doing at the Flyers appear to be a part of an online campaign that is detailed on the web Forum 4chan okay but isn't that what is that saying that for chance talking about this online campaign or is it saying 4chan started this online campaign Miss articles posted November 1st so I like it's just a fun Halloween prank by like people do do that stuff
► 01:45:38the bumper stickers all over his car it's like that those guys are a little more on hinge than the other people it's like I think it's okay to be white. To sneak on campus drive to put it up there the play there was an article in Washington Post Google this this woman wrote this article why can't we hate men and it was published in the Washington Post and of course had a photo of Harvey Weinstein is disgusting that it's like the worst white man Hitler Hitler give me like how could you write an article it says why can't we hate men
► 01:46:38even if men have done horrible things I don't want to read it I hate about guys who is wrong with Tom Pappas big sweetie, I can't we just get along and how much time live in a world where you go with your grandfather and get a little get a little bread and you come back home and then yell at each other and you make a meal you know what I mean I mean there's people that need to spend the time to move the culture and they're trying to get rid of little little campaigns against people that's what it is mean people have that shit had to do with this book is something about Trump in it and the people could sound bite
► 01:47:38right and I have a lot of people be like what is and get everybody talking about it right that's what they're doing or trying to make it so people look at them and they make more money also be there has to be a thought behind it like that men have done some horrible shity things so the but the idea of why can't you generalize the point where you can't generalize because you were nuanced human being supposed to be able to understand that everyone is different literally every every single there's a hundred and fifty million men the idea of why can't you hate all of them well you can if you want to but you did say it's a ridiculous way to live your life exactly exactly so you means if are you straight and you are attracted to men you have to hate them all and quarantine yourself away from his lot of those guys right there's a lot of really good people at their father's day with people who are homophobic hate gay people
► 01:48:38against gay rights and then you find out that they're really gay yes I want my all the time all the time all the times every everyone religious guy in the anti-gay some Scandal always comes out he was sleeping yes it's there so common it's cliche against man and we should lock them up we should do this what you do I will find it mean that's that that is what people do I think what I like about what you're saying and how I feel too is that we need to be nice to each other we just this whole idea of this got your bullshit Miss attacking people for things that don't necessarily make sense without without Nuance without the understanding of complexity of human interaction have no concern for that at all
► 01:49:38wanna Target you know me we have to shun that stuff that stuff is just pure foolishness and it's bad for disc course it's bad for Community it's bad for the way we communicate with each other and it's also a generalization a gross generalization which is just the same thing as sexism I don't know what the article said that statement that's a gross General equipment can't because you're a nice person I assume you're nice person a tamale hate Justin Trudeau that guy seems like a sweetie I mean the you know the culture has enough hey did you think he's back the campaign has to be out for more kindness. That's a great picture and they're all leaning
► 01:50:38yeah on the tables listen to us just listen to angry monkey gets we can have spaghetti. I wonder what they were talking about their that is a great picture though it's great with him being the only one sitting down arms crossed looks like so spoiled her the look on her face is that the woman from Germany what are you doing for Father's Day what do you know nothing it's true I don't want any special treatment I don't want anybody to give me Christmas
► 01:51:38presents I don't do that anyway of course I'm the same way dad is just supposed to be there if I get hugs everyday I'm more than happy I don't want steak brunch a it's my dad a Father's Day brunch and get flowers for Father's Day be around from some woman heckled in Chicago there's like a little feel like I was talking about I was actually it's a pro-woman piece it's a piece about how we forget that women make all the human beings like this idea that women are supposed to do everything that men do plus he also make all the fucking human being
► 01:52:38so I guess it's a lot it's like this complex or twisty road that I take people down with this right is a lot alike misdirection and anyway I say it and then later on I'm talking about something else and his girl yells out we make all the people I just said that I said that if I'm going to go I go I go that pinches one of those chicks that celebrates her birthday all month long and everybody went crazy ex right that's what I don't want to be I don't want to know the person that wants the attention this is it's my father's day it's Father's Day week I'm the same way I just want them around in the house let me see your faces through is not that's a card or cake
► 01:53:38yeah just hold my hand for a minute just come up because I'm going to get a hug made me somebody squeeze and try to find stuff for us everything anyway did I want to the King Tut exhibit downtown crazy there from 3300 years ago wow there they constructed them three thousand years ago they have jewelry and these these wooden boats that they found in King Tut's Temple or his tomb to put that thing together it says compound bow hey you fux you Museum Fox that's not a compound bow okay it's just not it's a traditional bow you asshole a compound bow
► 01:54:38what has cams on it and it works on a totally different system and you don't know what a compound bow is really pisses me off I took a photo of it I took a photo of what it says what it says there cuz I was like legitimately angry I was reading this thing where it says compound bow here it says is what it says it says gilded wooden compound bow with glass and calcite inlay
► 01:55:12what unit is ceremonial belt compound bow is like one of those bows that I have in the back there there there this is this is a very new modern creation you fuck head and it makes me angry it's like if I was looking at a a jiu jitsu diagram and they said this is kung fu I'd like a you fux this is important this is Brazilian to get to love boomerangs boomerangs the shape of them they were not designed to come back interesting like oh I wonder like when they figured out like that was designed to as a weapon
► 01:56:12but just not enough of a curve for it to return to the thrower so it's just mean to hit somebody a hundred yards away a good way to throw something and hit it drinks the pretty dope though they're cool cool design I would go find Open Fields and it doesn't come right back at you know it's fucked up there about this tent King Tut exhibit is you really got the sense that he was an inbred that's how it really is clubfoot like he was in bed he had two children that were on modified with him that were still born so and he married his sister his father had a baby with someone else and then he married his half-sister who was is banging his half-sister but that's what they did they do this they were constantly inbreeding in the Royal Family
► 01:57:12try to keep the bloodline pure and try to keep all the money in the family King Tut King Tut Bean Head skull he has a weird shaped deformed skull and a club foot and all the depictions of his body yeah because his head like look how big his head like stuck up in the back and how weird is essentially inbred like there's something wrong with them was he a good King around for a little while he was a bit just because we found his stuff I mean it's not like he had that much Global impacts or did he that's a good question I'm not I'm not sure but the boys are weird little stories amazing of how they found it in the exhibit they have this IMAX movie that goes along with the exhibit at the IMAX screen is gigantic right so when you're there you get a real sense of how
► 01:58:12the structures actually are right but they were looking for it for 5 years this guy is British guy in this kid named Hussain who was the liquor he would get water for all the workers he was clearing like he had these water pots and they said them into the ground so the people to come scoop water while they're digging a drug deal and he's trying to find this tomb and he found a step he he put the the water bottle down and he cleared some dirt away and he found this Flat Rock just randomly got a flat Rock was the this one of the stairs that lead down to the tomb and it was the only two and if they ever found that was completely like untouched grave robbers ya grave robbers have found every other tomb cuz they were miles away from the pyramids because I mean they probably had tombs in the pyramids that were rated and then they
► 01:59:12I realize after while I cook we got to hide these things right so he took them way too far out miles and miles away and they put them in these like hillsides but then she so how was that when did they build it that way or overtime was a good one kid and yeah that's part of the film is the archaeologist like looking through the hole and seeing like the the gold and all this all my shipped you the whole thing's of years completely untouched amazing
► 02:00:12it's really interesting cuz like they had like a glove a linen glove that was 3000 years old glove sandals they had the sarcophagus and sandals like he had to look at these sort of you know decorative sandals so how old are they making the stuffing before then if that's $3,000 so even before that selling dr. Robert shock from Boston University and he's a geologist and he is one of the he's one of the first people to propose the idea like when the first like real Scholars to propose the idea that the Sphinx is far far older than people think it is that it's not from 2500 BC but it's from way before that perhaps maybe ten thousand years old than that because it has water erosion all of it can only have come from thousands of years of rainfall
► 02:01:12hit his take on it which is really interesting and he really scared the shit out of me blew my mind Mass coronal inject ejections so something from the Sun some gigantic solar flare that created unbelievable havoc on Earth he was talking about lightning storms that were like the lightning coming down like sheets of rain in a hurricane and that it like just covered parts of the earth and killed everything and killed off Mass just Mass numbers of human being right it's responsible for a big mass extinction that we really don't understand what caused somewhere in that range of around 10,000 years ago to this Mass coronal ejection and that this this huge son this burst of energy from the Sun cause
► 02:02:12these unbelievable chaotic storms that killed who knows County I said so is it like like a thunderstorm * 100 he's like no times a million he was like sheets of the million sheets of lightning coming down like rain in a hurricane on my side just cooking the Earth for like a long period of time storm long. Of time still son just started Living in caves and they built these dwellings inside the Earth because that way I can survive they can survive where the radiation wasn't coming down it wasn't going through the Earth to get to that show houses tents anything that you lived in that was outside that those those people are dead the only people that live for the people that live to Heather houses carving hillsides there evidence evidence geological evidence
► 02:03:12then is Up For Debate. It's also the end of the Ice Age and think that's the reason why the all these ice caps melted and this was what caused but it was part of the shift in the massive shift in the the global temperature since she's like that's kind of where the ice kind of came down to was around there and see how receded in what it left behind but there but the civilizations aren't really living around then right during the Ice Age they have been absolutely link to that time a big one is Gobekli Tepe which is in turkey and they have they've absolutely dated that 12000 years ago so what's fascinating about that if they didn't know the people are capable of Bill
► 02:04:12gigantic stone structures 12000 years ago a very small amount of Gobekli Tepe it's a huge huge site so do you think that there's still haven't been tapped yet like under the oceans or for sure they what they think is that there's been there was a big dip and I forget what his term that he used to describe it but it was there was a dark age that was created by these mass ejections and that the civilization particularly in Egypt had reached a very high level of sophistication when they are capable of building these gigantic stone structures and right they had all this amazing architecture and engineering order movies huge stones and then there was a big guy off and that for thousands of years
► 02:05:12people at essentially knock-back almost down to the Stone Age and this story is in Noah's Ark it's in the Epic of Gilgamesh which is which is where Iraq is like they all talk about talk about this Vance this is like a part of human history different versions of what exactly happened to geologic time 9 around 9000 BC the Nile Valley was not all sand the way we see it now but it was a tropical rainforest and so for thousands of years before that it was me know torrential downpours and rain and all this was the reason why the Sphinx enclosure has these deep fissures that are indicative of rainfall and water roast
► 02:06:12some giant event but from thousands of years of rainfall of rain in a constant rate so that would predate the the idea is the current establish timeline is that the Great Sphinx was created somewhere around the time that they believe the great pyramids were created by the Great Pyramid they've they've they've done carbon dating that indicates that that was somewhere around 2500 BC he thinks that was built over and older site that was from many many years before that he has all these photos oh yeah similar construction method that they've done where they've taken a really old site from maybe many many thousands of years ago Ryan put something over that build on top yeah right they built it over the Acropolis right over an old thing yeah they don't even know where the fuck it came from that Old thing where it where it's from so the idea is that this old thing in
► 02:07:12Japan particular is a product of an old civilization from many many many thousands years ago the distance in the gap between the people who built the pyramids and the people originally built the Sphinx is far greater than our distance between us and the people built the pyramids it's amazing how fucking crazy this Cleopatra is closed she's closer to the creation of the iPhone then she is to the creation the pyramids that's the real deal that means that's a stablished egyptologist European this is not controversial you see that represents only the new construction in Egypt and that before that if you go to 10000 BC and before it was a whole nother civilization there that's amazing
► 02:08:1210000 plus years ago this is when these cataclysmic events happening all these people died off and much of what they knew back then was lost for a rebuilt
► 02:08:24What's So Scary About That is that it sounds like it could happen any day and all of a sudden we're dealing with some other solar flare Madison we're in trouble what does it say about coronal mass ejections coronal sounds like a butterball high-speed solarwinds increase lightning strikes on Earth do you have to subscribe or something so read what I was saying that like they could what to do in Indiana Jones then he can't go back
► 02:09:16various was shockingly unprepared for the extreme looks like you're using ad blocker just disable the ad blocker unprepared for extreme weather event that could fry Earth's power grid now that's something that would he say it happened what year did he say that it out yet what time today would completely in this is a documented event if it happened where like the Transformers blew up all these different the way they would do the morse code and she said it exploded because of this coronal mass ejection or gigantic solar flare and this is a documented one they're saying if this documented one is Carrington event happened today would be fucked all the electrical issue we wouldn't have to go on Twitter anymore yeah I would be amazing but you also wouldn't be able to go to the grocery store and your Tesla wouldn't work
► 02:10:16I would get my compound bow and go hungry like compound bow piece of shit in the museum that's what's crazy is that you were the civilizations were able to build the pyramids and the Sphinx aren't that far apart that there was something in the brain space that was very well interested if not the same way in in a similar way I mean some of the people survived in some of the people that survived must have had some knowledge of the construction they passed down from generation to generation but you know you dealing with thousands and thousands of years were they weren't building things like that and then they figured out a way to do it again
► 02:11:16that's what's interesting because the Great Pyramids or perhaps maybe this is superior genetics but it's also what were they were showing in this video that I watched it in the IMAX thing yesterday was that the area was so unbelievably fertile that there was so much of an opportunity for them to grow food and there so many animals there for them to hunt and Rhino and agriculture that they had a chance to sort of establish a civilization because it was such a rich area with natural resources established civilization in that Civilization just kept advancing and moving forward and that it was all eventually weekend by civil turmoil that civil turmoil in the pharaoh's lost their power and is a Pharaoh's Lost their power than they were invaded from across the sea will know from inside of Africa over inside Africa if you look at the Nubians took over Egypt at one point in time if you know different people in Africa
► 02:12:16going over there and look at all the shit they had and also the Library of Alexandria was burned by the Muslims is it rises River fry in the river or like where the wetlands where it's filled with animals and they grew food there and I and what they're thinking by this predating of the Sphinx with dr. Robert schoch with his his proposal is that it was initially created back when it was rainforest it was unbelievably large so incredibly fertile and then slowly is the climate shifted and that climate shift could have corresponding with that coronal mass ejection so it could have been some sort of a massive event that slowly or even rapidly shifted the climate I would like to go over and see it I always I'm a little scared to go there too
► 02:13:16the IMAX movie I can't recommend enough it's quick to if you have short attention span is like 45 minutes away but when you watch them walk next to these in Norma statues means he's fucking statues of pharaohs are so big that you see these little tiny people walking by and you realize like oh my God look at this these people had done something unbelievable this the pyramids and the Sphinx the this so much that there's so much there exactly what happened
► 02:13:53why are they the only ones at the time has to be connected to resources right look cuz if you go today there's parts of the world where people are you know and some impoverished parts of Africa in particular that don't have a lot of resources of people are fucked right they don't have any opportunity and they're in a terrible place and it's just really really shity time to be alive at the same time you can go to like the Bay Area ready some artisanal cheese shop right around your electric car and see what's available what mines like how many Elon musk's did they have in Egyptian times I'm not that bright venting tunnels under the fucking if we smoked a joint and start talking about tunnels
► 02:14:53car goes in the tunnel and shoots around like a hundred miles an hour looking crazy bro but no but yeah must have been a bunch of Elon musk's back in the Egyptian like where the Einsteins live where the regular kind of happened and everybody else but not to that level where you're actually Shifting the the world you know Egyptian world it was there because they're dying so if they were able to survive and
► 02:15:42it could have been a slow process to because you're dealing with thousands of years of prosperity to get over thousands of years they have many many many generations to think things through and right think about what's happened on this continent just over 200 years just 200 go back to hundred years ago nothing's here that's crazy so where we going to be like tomorrow since 2000 3000 years ahead here just here especially if you let Elon Musk make his tunnels everywhere how this could be the Grand Canyon 10 minutes little pod but that is what is this Jane Missouri territory wow that's nuts years ago look how much they all look how much Spain owned New Spain
► 02:16:35viceroyalty of New Spain is all Texas California Arizona Nevada that looks like Montana Colorado Oregon County Country wow Sheeran with United Kingdom Hall North the whole Northwest United Kingdom nobody had the country Michigan territory Missouri territory on both sides of the lake look at that is it so Michigan is on the left and the right of the lake working at 400 but not the right side where it says Michigan territory that's not Michigan anymore that's Michigan the other side is Minneapolis right that's Minneapolis
► 02:17:33it says it right there it says Michigan on both genders just hit with a solar flare he just lost his money look at is disputed between Massachusetts in the colony of New Brunswick UK so that mean right cuz they have Massachusetts still grabbing but Maine was like we're not sure what we'll have to do it or we might keep it we might not realize how far up their main and says a lot of mosquitoes up there like me or you Massachusetts we looking like we're massachusetts's yeah you know and then you go above Massachusetts means
► 02:18:10Maine's big first place that I get some sunlight in the morning fucking giant man yeah huge right and where is New York New York right down there goes that say yeah so look at Massachusetts Massachusetts was two places look it was Massachusetts and it was mean right look at that seems to Massachusetts then just like this to Michigan Tara I'm going to keep all of it all of it in Georgia South Carolina to all those fucked up southern states are still there that it's Dave will Texas so brutal fighting off the Cheyenne Caminos rancheras de David that was not establish territorial that's one of the reasons why Texans are so fucking hard man they did
► 02:19:10OnPoint time they were a republic before they were a state they were like this weird thing they work I like not even a part of the United State I'll really wild that just happened yeah yeah years for your little Tutankhamun's a little guy thousands of years after King taught people are taking wagons and going across the route just going still shooting bows and arrows at each other in years later just completely wide open thousand yes a y right so why weren't the Native Americans before we got here putting up those big statues the very different life hunter-gatherer life and I have this incredible spiritual connection to the land and to the animals that they hunted and
► 02:20:09they had a very very fast and it mean there's a bunch of different of course Native American cultures but I had a very fascinating connection to the Earth and to the animals in the worship that they had the reverence they had for the animals and for Life the trees it's just crazy when you think about how people were living in Europe at the same time yeah yeah that totally different thing getting syphilis wear powdered wigs and banging her sisters she was at how many people that were westerners they joined Native American tribes in her living with them they'll really no one no one moved the other way like no one went the other cultures decided to move to the city now
► 02:21:09what time when you see those Native Americans put in suits and ties and hats and standing there having to take pictures so bad you know it must have been a really interesting and I were talking about your beer VW yeah she was from 20 years after the the war with the Nazis what about those Wild Bill wild west shows yeah they had those wild west shows where they had men who would killed a bunch of colonists and like there's a guy I think his name was Mall
► 02:21:46it was a giant Indian guy who's this fucking murderer who killed a bunch of the settlers and he was they would tour with him Wild Bill with Tourette's Guy and they would do on their way to Wild West show that shoot gun they didn't do I put on a show for 10 to fight each other, things for people's like a recreation of what it may what must have been like when they captured territory from the Native Americans please do these wild wishes man that's how they made their living as became a big things like the shows from the 1800s fascinating time that crazy is just just after this one really knew what was going on you know what was going on. You do nothing would come in here
► 02:22:44what's the top of it it's now Massachusetts no one knew anything Pony Bill shows the only genuine Wild West touring America this season over 1,000 people and horses employed in the world represented performances daily weird and startling free Street parade that name Calamity Jane I love this guy in it wild west shows man this is like early 1900s late 1800s is it says 1902 I seen a 303 The Undertaker's after they were still going to that a picture out of it and crazy
► 02:23:44robberies in Spanish and Cavs make sense of it all at what happened yeah how do we get here especially like you said having a real guy there is one guy who is Ryan and see if you can find that Native American wild west shows I think his name was mall mall think that was his name so I remember his name was Buffalo Bill look at the hot just the shelving and Sitting Bull he was a movie star out together let's just hear me out I've got an idea
► 02:24:36put some makeup on each other and we go out we do these shows we got whiskey a lot of white women who shows a day and we're out in the world could see him people killing and scalping yellow hair also called yellow hand which she called the first Scout for Custer chain sees all this just happened we're talking about 1900 years ago it's almost a human lifespan like this is this this convergence of human beings as so we settled this more Prior Lake movies and radio for sure
► 02:25:36real tired of working herpes and I didn't had guns they were actually shooting guns off there at like competitions and shoot off his lights at three to four-hour show movie decades because it was so fresh in people's minds you have grandparents let you know after the fact right that's like us watching something about something that happened during the Depression yeah like like Once Upon a Time in America or something like that that is the coolest but needs what's so funny about it just show business it's like it's like the beginning of make a cool poster you get these people to come buy tickets 2.5 million ticket sold
► 02:26:35when was Mark Twain running around cuz he was kind of like the first stand up Alicia about it like it's a stand-up performance
► 02:26:45when was he has red cheeks and around the first things didn't work for a laugh and yeah he's over yesterday that I didn't know this but when did he live what was the lifespan of Twain they use the n-word all the time in in Huckleberry big time there were moving that now they were moving it's removing it is
► 02:27:18they're editing it and removing it from the book so Publishers now come on let's I mean you know you want to learn about a culture that are in about the time of the characters in Huckleberry Finn one of the main characters was Nigger Jim has his nose his friend the N word molest well thanks well that's sanitizing history and that's why it's take cuz you don't learn from that Jamie pull that up pulled up the censoring of
► 02:27:53Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn come out in his one so we can smoke a cigars out there cuz his wife wouldn't let him smoke cigars, so he built himself a little shed so you go sit out there and smoke I just want to see what his life span was
► 02:28:14boatswain and he was funny he ever read Twain yes he's very funny really like they were having a new effort to sanitize Huckleberry Finn comes from Allen gribben professor of English at Auburn University at Montgomery Alabama who has produced a new edition of twins novel that replaces that word with slave piercing to book more than 200 times was a common racial epithet of okay duh used by Twain is part of his characters vernacular speech and has a reflection of the mid-nineteenth century social attitudes along the Mississippi River and I want to say it's either Splash Mountain or
► 02:29:09Disneyland Splash Mountain flash Mountain at Disneyland which was based on a really racist old cartoon that you can't get anymore called Southern tails
► 02:29:20I think it's called Southern Tails that's that's the Matterhorn ride yeah that was very Richard Pryor bear Briar Fox and fox the whole thing is like the southern ride and Willie Grimes singing ducks and I we we went with a guide and the guy was explained to us that this is all based on a really racist old things you can only get like bootleg copies of now I really super racist old cars that had like the right the tar baby thing called in Firefox list of bunch of times Song of the South telling the Song of the South I think that's the name of it it's called Song of the South I think that's it I think that's the name of it now that I think about it
► 02:30:20but it was a Spanish super racist it is about lot of bad stuff
► 02:30:29is this it
► 02:30:30Zippity Doo Dah
► 02:30:34it is a bigger in the movie the sample right now it's just a guy singing
► 02:30:51I don't think this is the racist part I think the reason why you can get this online is cuz it's not the racist stuff cuz it's just a guy singing mr. Bluebird on my shoulder so sorry to South the move see if you can find Song of the South
► 02:31:13yeah 81% liked it sucks Tomatoes 7.3 on IMDb maybe it wasn't Mark Twain died in 1910 so that means that he was walking around as an old dude doing these performances and so maybe that was the kind of the beginning of stand-up comedy go back to that go back to the page you were just on and that's Snopes article on it where they do a fact check on the Song of the South
► 02:31:49to see it up there was it say
► 02:31:52stuff I was going to double check if I wanted to see what the true South unavailable on video in America because of the n-double-acp threats status true
► 02:32:12so that racist wonder what it was so much braces should back the entire rabbit
► 02:32:22Brer Fox and Brer bear Library what does it mean a briar like stuck in a Briar Rabbit Brer Rabbit Brer bear idea they're stuck in Breyers the minstrel tradition of Uncle Remus Stories the major objections to the Song of the South had to do with the live-action portions filming criticized both for making slavery here Pleasant and pretending slavery didn't exist even though the film that's what I kind of your caught in between likes that even though the film like Harris original collection of stories is set after the Civil War and the abolition of slavery still as folklorist Patricia rights to talk about the when you talk about the Huckleberry Finn part like they're saying okay take that out and then then this one they're saying they have an objection to make it seem like
► 02:33:21we didn't exist that's why you can't take it out of Huckleberry Finn because you need to know that this existed we need to deal with it and understand it rather than sanitizer was defending you can't you really it's almost impossible to defend that the use of that word I'll give you wanted to defend the use of that way to say what I would want to put that word back and I bought people like what you racist right but you can't you know you that this is this is history exactly as you saw from the Kendrick Lamar concert and ran out like this all this political correct craziness in this kind of shit that this is just a little rough patch of chaos that we get through on our way to establishing a new way of communicating with people a new way of a pre
► 02:34:21each other and then you know y'all this even the anti-white racism and anti-male sexism and all the stuff it's just a you know the wave going this way and then I'll go that way and then we'll settle in the middle earning from even these missteps like why can't we hate all men or you know anything like that that we learn from these missteps in the outrage that goes he's missteps Eliseo I understand why this woman feels this way she's probably abused by men and dealt with asshole man and asshole bosses in mainstream media that have abused and violated in victimising women going to balance itself out in the only way it so it seems like you know there's you would think in certain ways I got we don't have to work that hard to abolish these evils but then evil pops up again and it feels like okay no it's still here we still have to deal with it
► 02:35:21and you just hope at the end we all end up like Bruno Mars we all look like Bruno Mars
► 02:35:29yeah just having a good time we're all a little darker not totally wait until we black and everybody's looking at white people I like I like I like the fact we have Variety in the way people look like some people like seal and and and and
► 02:35:53like a nice mix yeah but you think it's fascinating this just instinctual tribal element to a lot of humanity sandal to wear your shirt like that again shirt all the way I was Billy Blackwood gold chains hanging out with a white deal yeah now you're packing and he's got sunglasses on it at night which is always a bold move that really only black people can pull off exactly just owning it slanging dick and singing songs do.
► 02:36:53you don't hear about him anymore man
► 02:36:58dude when I first moved to California when I first got some money I was on this television show on the first things I bought as a stereo yes I always love like good music for the stereo and I bought seal and remember Listen to Kiss by a rose from the grave or whatever the name of that song is that song I never realized I never heard it on a good stereo before but I got these two speakers and like this all these like layers and piano tuning section is all the stuff that comes out of you know when you're sitting in front of like good speakers ya hear all the layers the music and I'll be like wow wow yeah so fucking town yeah I realized it's so different than naming someone who sounds like seal
► 02:37:55I can't
► 02:37:59The Black Keys no no don't go fucking original man yeah
► 02:38:06supervisor assistant I don't know it's just he's got a very unique style is a lot of those but they don't become accepted from the mainstream by the main street right but it wasn't KCRW in the morning and there's like a lot of weird experimental stuff but not that many people know they exist seal was able to make that like a see you one of those hipsters listen to that channel you and Henry Rollins radio in a decade for Real where you get your new music I don't come on Joe is a seal from Alba's performance is this recent no no no this is why he was peeking
► 02:39:06reality shows and stuff Love and Basketball are Love & Hip Hop
► 02:39:17why did he have face bubbles
► 02:39:20give me the scoring yeah I don't know was that acne medicine article 3 days ago thinking about it while he was so good but his body of work is just radically dropped off
► 02:39:39a lesson at lupus he had lupus oh wow that's where he's got the scarring from his face from lupus
► 02:39:47interesting amazing you have it all out on your face and still be like no man I am beautiful too
► 02:39:57well not real music listen to new music, yeah this is Rudy with your white privilege son of a bitch yeah depression based music and he's getting his feelings out kind of stuff cookies and shit smoothie stuff I like I've listened to him I guess everyone's he's one of those that prove themselves so early like I just puts out Wilkos like that he's like that it's just like so you're into the Hip Hop a little bit I try but you know older Hip Hop
► 02:40:57fuck out of here how do not like Gangstar Gangstar so sorry you hurt my feelings come on I was going around in the 90s early 90s Grateful Dead is the end of the Dead Allman Brothers Allman Brothers another one that went away De La Soul they were amazing they were like right when I first got into comedy
► 02:41:513 feet high and Rising just Run DMC well that's great they released all their music but their music came from like 6 months 6 months of music what the fuck yeah I love how does someone put out something how does it a group put out something that's so good for your time and then not three cats magic number they had great fucking song and they were interesting together as they were yeah they were good to get high to know we probably do them in some way
► 02:42:36white girls son of a bitch came along fuck everything up when you saying stuff and I still do but it's a very you know old white guy way of doing it was so fun that this is the right once you find it it's over Kendrick Lamar's momentum but okay why but I mean if it got to me and I tried to listen to Muse but you know it's different when you're young and it just hits you from your friends and I have no friends I go to Jamie and then I have to go through filter yeah but he wears Yeezys filter
► 02:43:36does it really say I'm not saying it was a pretty good music yeah I like a lot of stuff would see no it's gets a big it's a big rain if you listen to Bluegrass and Hip-Hop it means you're just kind of tasting at all I feel like music is a lot like movies in that people are constantly making new stuff and you can't see it all or lisy at all it's true about movies they come out with new movies you're right no one ever says Hey folks you know we just realized we keep making movies you never going to watch The Godfather Taxi Driver you never going to watch the classics movies for wife let you fuckers catch up if you know just cranking them out it's going
► 02:44:36Newman the phones that we have now dogshit compare the phones will have in 10 years so well yeah girl gets trapped in a mental institution is there a horror movie that's out right now called hereditary what is that about the trailer trailer trailer movie comedies man they give you too many goddamn punchline give me some volume in trouble for this will you give me some books to the dollhouse
► 02:45:27that is a scary dog or an architectural Design House coming on here a model with a man walks in it that was cool and made it look like a real room songs Underground
► 02:45:42production companies American Idol my mom would be very touched and probably a little suspicious and private woman from the shark that I can feel schedule
► 02:46:22it's a great kid it happens all the time she looks good
► 02:46:39Generations The Exorcist
► 02:46:45you guys
► 02:46:48coming up groups with real Hard Knox County unspeakable kind this looks good
► 02:47:02wow this looks good
► 02:47:08just doesn't look very scary
► 02:47:12blow cold chilling
► 02:47:19I just want to put any more stress on my family I'm talking about you just said what he was talking about breadstick couple hours off go to the God damn I really haven't what was the movie that Eddie Bravo said he saw for like 6 minutes and then you left
► 02:48:00some of the big Blockbuster movie
► 02:48:11oh they got that new one the wasn't Deadpool cuz I think it might have been The Avengers or something that new Avengers one that everyone loves is that weird taste yeah yeah but when they come out too much of a chance you know what I really enjoyed that Tom Cruise movie about Barry seal made in America yeah I was pretty surprised by that that's a good God damn movie you forget how good Tom Cruise's to he's great amazing scary movies but people who are out of their mind make good shit that's part of the thing yes part of the being good at stuff
► 02:49:11some of the crazy assholes finish it and put it into into something good movie man yeah Mission Impossible. Just going to live here. You just eat the stuff that you're 54
► 02:49:45I still doing all his own stunts yeah it's pretty badass yeah he was in a Jack Reacher movie though. That one was a turd I think I might have been John Wick the third one to keep redoing the scene he goes back in the ends up like everyone tomorrow.
► 02:50:22when's me call kill. Repeat Edge of Tomorrow that's right that movie was fucking bad-ass really good science fiction movie but it was one of the ones that came out what year did it come out 2014 was just a few years removed from him being wacky when he did that Matt Lauer interview on The Today Show where did Matt being clipped what is talking about Brooke Shields to a psychiatric medication yeah yeah he prefer you stay crazy they don't they don't know what they talking about Matt and me the Mac in ISM of the what's happening with the psychiatric drugs and what do you pose the and why do you think that you understand the biological makeup of all these different human beings and that none of
► 02:51:22you should be taking psychiatric medication that's crazy thing to say that you're smarter than all these biologists and medical scientists and all these people that have concocted these ssris and different have you done the research research into right now the first time I did Letterman when Cruise was on it
► 02:51:41fairy tale story know I was to do much worse later man I'm super nervous I'm just trying to tell myself you know just like any other shouts just like any of the show show in like 10 years 15 years and he's on and I'm watching through the matter and he's running up and down the hallway yeah he's having a good time like it will be okay bring you down stairs and you standing outside the store like to go onto the stage and he says good night during the show and heat the door swings open and a very sweaty Tom Cruise is like nose-to-nose of me he's like your next music greyed out there bouncing up the stairs
► 02:52:41strange guy yeah but the energy to see was like Owen electric eel and I'm just like it's all right I can't get through this such a strange strange guy gets into that like I'm laughing thing is just gets weird
► 02:53:07just let me know I'm standing in the wings right now what are you thinking like what am I going to say first he had to leave a little weird Sprint what's my first line what am I going to say before I try casual
► 02:53:40it's right there I was coming up next year it is his Matt Madden 2014 come to this story breaks down in a lot of different levels anymore don't want to see each other already working on on the story originally 3 years ago see what I came up with this idea of making about a family feud it's okay that was a good movie
► 02:54:13are you going to want to go inside course you do that real sense of like where we going to go well that's what I think it would probably be like if we did get invaded to be robots like that yeah
► 02:54:25I'll be cool hair place on that
► 02:54:28before I Scientologist I never agree with Psychiatry and then when I started studying the history of Psychiatry I started realizing more and more why I didn't agree with Psychiatry and as far as the Brooke Shields thing is look
► 02:54:40I don't understand that I really care about Brooke Shields
► 02:54:44wonderful talented woman
► 02:54:50and I want to see your do well and I know that Psychiatry is
► 02:54:59it's a pseudoscience but two Atomic she said that this particular thing helped her feel better one of them is a depressant or going to a counselor or psychiatrist might have to understand this
► 02:55:13here we are today well I talked out against drugs and psychiatric abuse his of electric shocking people against their will of drugging children with them not knowing got the gun back to the truck do you know what adderal is do you know Ritalin do you know now that Ritalin is a street drug
► 02:55:32I understand that the difference is Psychiatry I do aren't there examples in might not look Shields being example of someone who benefited from one of those drugs all it does is mask the problem and if you understand the history of it it masks the problem that's what it does he is pretty aggressive on Lowry Adderall and Ritalin that some people use it abuse just because someone abuses it doesn't mean it doesn't have uses you know it doesn't I don't I've met people that are on adderal and they say they need it I don't know if they're right you ever the guy who developed at all says that it should be for about 4% of the population
► 02:56:32that's a lot like a hundred and made it said it's being abused well I'm sure it is and among Journal about 10 and I had a neighbor they drug your kid up from fucking riddle and it was weird or anything wrong with the kid he just had energy and the parents are working all the time they just didn't want to deal with it I put the kids on Ritalin that's terrible I was I was watching it happen I was like whoa and then they Zone the kid out they got him on some shit and he was just like like a weird little zombie kid after that oh my God that's terrible cuz we could have been an artist could have been something great
► 02:57:32wrong with this child right kind of actually a freethinker he's actually going to do something really cool let him go outside yeah cuz he's not turning into a robot like the rest of the class with the 3D printers on skin around the outsides they're going to ship the 3D printers to Mars and have them make all the stuff we need on Mars right there to ship it do you think In Our Lifetime someone's going to fly to Mars and live there. You're looking at him
► 02:58:00Mars and have them make all the stuff we need on Mars right there you don't to ship it do you think In Our Lifetime someone's going to fly to Mars and live there yes you're looking at him
► 02:58:11I've already told my family I might not come back but I'm going to be a pineapple come back if you go there you're not coming back now I'll die on Mars pretty cool no you won't be able to do sets up yeah I will cuz it's by then, he's going to be all hologram so you'll be able to like beam you into a room yeah we meet at The Comedy Store doing a late night's episode now that you don't you dare you won't feel in a log feel it experience energy transfer yet think someday you're going to harness your energy will be that good
► 02:58:50yeah I think you'll be able to bang people aren't there yeah I'm going to make him with my 3D printer with human cells and then bang them we're setting up with the betting you will that's it that's an interesting question right of making a headless person that you would Harvest your organs for Alex right if Tom Papa decide to make a headless Tom Papa right and I'm just going to drink like a fish and scoop the fucking liver at this asshole
► 02:59:24and stick it in my body pretty cool the ethical considerations someone just told me that there is if you need a part if you need an organ or something you go to the states that have no helmet laws how crazy is that I was just in Chicago Chicago doesn't have helmet laws and then in Chicago that have helmet laws but they can't split Lanes right and white and Home and these fucking guys just driving between lanes what's more dangerous is splitting Lanes more dangerous or is it running around with no helmet motorcycle
► 03:00:24reborn yeah I went around the whole country on my bike feeling my wife and I on the back for 5 weeks miss it I mean it like I see by Kevin looking at more would you emotive what if you had like say if you had a summer house like big bear sound like that I remain nobody up there just trying to get a nice bike up there that I was going that slow I would do that house freedom
► 03:00:59I love it you're so focused cuz you don't want to die it's one of those things that you're just so focused on you forget about the whole rest of the world locked in so nice to sound good I know I've been looking at bikes lately but you see people that get fucked up by bikes it's not good especially here I know you don't listen to the radio but if you do you know yeah I like all this traffic on the 5 or the motorcycle accident it's like there's a lot of shit cuz it's music say there's an accident or something I'm not listening to Sirius XM or do you like that or what do you listen to sometimes I listen to comedians sometimes I listen to the news and I buy Sinatra station a coal train station music
► 03:01:59do you think your kids think your hip tabs now don't you like making your kids laugh it's the best one that you know is really funny right that's like you know
► 03:02:26my young stand up funny good timing I realize that's how they get attention yeah you say something they say something funny everybody laughs and then like wow that felt good yeah it's probably the same thing that she has that mine has is that they're not doing it for you to do me. Lee for them mock you it's like being old bald guy in haha that is a fucking loser use a cell phone and not be able to navigate to
► 03:03:23dad just give it to me all they know how to use Electronics in a weird way to it still use my wife's phone they're making videos McCullough fuck did you know how to do that there's a little video editor programs and shit cuz I have a young brain like I can learn things very quickly my eyesight is killer I can learn things quickly I said killer is a big deal but I think it's a good the brain is so plastic yeah the mental plasticities just figured it out yet I swipe right I like that and spread this out and touched her out in the edit you know what the hell you want to filter so you would on the bottom with my wife at a party relatives when I got home yesterday they weren't there and I FaceTime with my daughter I said she was bored at the party I said she's doing okay a couple times but she seems to be
► 03:04:29who are all over us
► 03:04:35and one day they'll be us yeah it's great I'll be there version of us take a goldfish and responsibilities anymore Friday night no that's for you I'm working do you think you'll be working to The Bitter End to the end there's no way they're going to retire in the world safe retirement I know that's one thing I'm not doing I want to put out stuff and see what that stuff will be later on who knows what else are you chosen a path that it's just perfect for you yeah you actually
► 03:05:34not working cuz you have to go to work you working cuz you enjoy what you do is really what I encourage everyone to try to attempt to do this this this thing that were taught in school to try to find a good job that pays well that's wonderful advice but it's not the best advice the best advice is try to find the thing that you love to do cuz if you can do that then you never have that feeling that most people have when it comes to work most people have that feeling like oh I've got to go to work right you never have that I never saw so I think I have some luck involved in that
► 03:06:13for sure here that's also decisions if you don't have that luck to try to make that lock happen and there's also Talent is also like some people want to be comedian and they really would never will be just can't I think being self aware of what you really really want to do as the person not thinking of it even in terms of work do it yourself enough to know what you're good at and what you enjoy and then follow that path makes a business sense or not that's the best thing you can do you don't know where it's going to leave it at least you're heading in the direction where it's stuff you like and it's tough you know you have an attitude for end up in that are pretty close to happiness words of wisdom from Tom Papa author of your dad stole my rake available now is it audio version your voice
► 03:07:13is 9 hours in a book I read a lot of books on tape or have a lot of books written read to me yeah the real problem is when you know that it's not the author and someone have some sort of bullshit half-ass connection to the words they're saying I have to be me behind it I got to let you know they don't want me doing a phone inversion how many hours of time did you do such broken into two it's like four and a half each day it's hard it's hard to stay on point for that long here 3 hours is up we did 3 hours exactly there's something going on with the timing it's not like 3 hours out in the world
► 03:08:13yeah it's a total time work yeah it's whatever whatever I say you and I just doing the show Believe me it's the same with some people some people you just squeezing blood out of a rock know I could do this for 4 hours easy easy easy easy easy top of your beautiful family, population gentleman thank you everyone for to needs the podcast and thank you to our sponsors thank you Squarespace check it out get a free when you go to squarespace.com Joe when you're ready to launch use the offer code Joe to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain you no longer have to have some
► 03:09:13how to make your website you can do it God damn it yes you can wear also brought you by the catch app you can download the cash app for free in the app store or Google Play use a promo code Joe Rogan one word you will get $5 and $5 will go to Justin wrens fight for the Forgotten charity and we are very very happy to announce that through the use of this promotion we have already raised thousands of dollars to help build Wells for the piggies in the Congo and several Wells have been built more on the way we're very very happy about that and that's it for today okay bye see you soon