#1293 - Andrew Santino

May 8, 2019
Andrew Santino is a stand up comedian and actor. Check out his podcast "Whiskey Ginger" available on Apple Podcasts & YouTube.
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► 00:06:41and we're live Cheeto Santino is gentleman commute Hartman's hello sir how are you I'm Big Daddy good brother just played a little bit of pool and lost a game and lost lost one illegitimately u11 illegitimi mean lost you lost one illegitimate I want yeah you know it's crashing is not a good way to win a scratch on the eight ball is gentlemen it is it is the way to win it happens even to the best it's it's a real way to win I'm good you want you must control the cue ball I have no I have no balance over any of that stuff whatsoever I know there's a little red dots on there yeah it means nothing to me those little red dots are they call that the measles cue ball and that cue ball they've developed for television so that you can watch the ball spin so you know what kind of English the guy puts on the ball has nothing to do with the person that shooting whatsoever it does yeah it's the person that like for the for the most it's a very controversial ball really want to get into it I do because
► 00:07:41has a different reaction than a red circle cue ball or a red dot cue ball those are the preferred cue balls of a lot of players right but the measles cue ball is Al it's just maybe the tiniest bit heavier or the surface is different or something but it's still legal people use it tournaments yeah okay but players got some players got angry when they came up with it they didn't like it they like the old cue ball that's how precise the reactions are where I get to the very top level of pool players was kind of like golf balls for people think golf balls don't mean anything to Golfers they do I'm sure the feel is so there's a lot of soft softer golf balls like a lot of people like Titleist makes producing a Pro-V once or pro v1x has harder or softer the average Joe who's full of shit whose I like Pro v1x it doesn't mean anything to him yeah some guy that's like a 15 or 20 handicap it means nothing a guy that's like a scratch golfer like a like a pro pool player it makes all the difference yeah how it comes off the face yeah how much spins there's a thing called a mud ball if it's buried in mud it reacts differently
► 00:08:41the moment it comes on Happy mud on its give it even a little bit right yeah that mean the tiniest bit yeah that weight then you hear Bros impressive book offers Tuesday play with a bunch of different weights of clubs yeah it's like a pool player basically use this one q and maybe 1q to break with and some players even break with their playing cue but you you don't have like a bunch of different cues for a bunch of different shots usually right well this because the distance is well just get used to the feel of 1q so when a player changes cues like say if you go from a 18-ounce q21 ounce Q there's a big difference in the way it hits the ball it drives through the ball different you have to make the cue do more of the work right heavy with a heavy cute you think it mentally changes the way you should try to the totally yeah it's he that's it fucks with people's heads that's what's so impressive about golfers they got all these different weights everything's different shape but it's different there's a guy I think it seems Bryson to Shambo I think that's the golfer he used all his clubs are cut to the same length which is really rare Nobody Does that like almost every Club set you get is
► 00:09:41different lengths clubs and he is this people did it years and years ago but he's like one of the only guys on tour that now cuts his club's of the same length because he mentally wants to have the same exact stance over the ball no matter the shot wow it's pretty smart it's I mean it's a cool interesting concept A lot of golfers don't know how to you know adjust that much I don't know jack shit about golf but there's guys with weird strokes and pool there's guys with weird technique in boxing and it still works yeah there's people that do shit different there's no why I don't think there's any right way in sports there's some of the ugliest shots and basketball tend to be some of the most fun to watch and sometimes they're really good yeah like sometimes like the classic Ray Allen basketball stroke is probably the most beautiful jump shot you know compared to him and Jordan but there are guys that have terrible-looking shots but they're fucking phenomenal mmm it's just it's just consistency and their inner balance over you know the the timing that they have in the release that they have as I say that's got to be the same thing in every sport pool for same shit
► 00:10:41Shirin boxing to yeah you know in boxing it used to be thought that you pretty much you know if you went to a good trainer they would teach you to keep your hands up those always the way to box but then you get to a level of like a Tommy Hearns remember the way Tommy Hearns used to fight he's to keep his left hand low really low yeah down inside and cocked and he would snap that left hand at you like a fucking like us Cobra man just crack Motor City Cobra he would just pop that fucker right in your face that's why they used to call him that cause it was coming out of fucking nowhere and hit man Tommy Hearns he was a bad motherfucker dude and then buying he would hit you with that right hand and he had so much torque his he was really wide yeah he was really long and wide for a welterweight manly look at him in a hundred forty seven pounds I think he was probably like six two and just shred Edge act and just crying and 47 at six to is like a champ your see what he looked like when he fought Sugar Ray Leonard oh my God yeah and then he went up to 160 fought Hagler got killed by Hagler
► 00:11:41crazy slugfest you ever saw that fine pull up Marvin Hagler versus Thomas Hearns this might have been the great I think it went two rounds but it might have been the greatest two rounds in the history of the middleweight division because these two guys were super skilled I mean Marvin Hagler was a brilliant technical boxer can switch from South pod Orthodox like fluidly like you even notice the difference he fought just as good from both sides and he knocked everybody out and an iron chin and Tommy Hearns was Merkin motherfuckers he Merc Roberto Duran with one punch is blah blah face playing what a fucking hit one punch man he's he stung him with one shot and let me let him see that first here's the build up the build-up is Tommy Hearns Kayo's Roberto Duran
► 00:12:27let's watch that first and then we're going to go back to Marvin Hagler versus Tommy Hearns so you get a feel for what it was like to be able to switch up their stances is so crazy to me to be able to do that so fluidly the well that's one of the brilliant things about Hagler I mean he was just so good at that and he could buy it's weird for a guy when you're used to I remember the first time I fought a guy who's left-handed it was super confusing everything's coming from the wrong place everything looks like reversed you got to get used to it right you don't see it as often right so if you don't see it as often sometimes it's more effective but some guys were really good against a southpaw some guys have like a lightning right hand and that was one of the speculations about Hagler and Hearns because Hearns had this lightning right hand and Hagler oftentimes fought Southpaw and that's the counter for South is a straight right now watch this though this is just goes to show you how God look how big he's black too dude she's play that again look at this oh come on man when Tommy Hearns
► 00:13:27Merc people he marked people and you gotta understand why he did this to Roberto Duran that's fast in slow motion dude he was so fat looks fast even in fucking slow motion he was so fast and he hits so hard but now you gotta watch this this is Hagler in his prime he was 30 years old who's the Undisputed motherfucking middleweight champ in the world and most people thought he's the best pound-for-pound fighter on Earth and Tommy Hearns of course he just saw what he did to Roberto Duran yeah and it was a lot of speculation lot of speculation coming into this fight and they just went at it from the beginning of the round there was very little Phillips just constant pressure by Hagler right hooks boom boom we look at this bro they're going to war these are two of the best fucking middleweights ever and their stand in front of each other going to war and it doesn't feel like anybody's face it feels like there's I feel like they're the exact same energy level 200 do like both of them will have the same output look at those yeah fucking fucking crazy
► 00:14:27man they were throwing full power shots from the moment the fight started she's and they right in front of each other man it for Hearns this this negates his gigantic reach advantage over almost everybody yeah so Hearns decided to fight this way he decided to stand right and look at him the referee could barely separated parents decide to stand right in front of Hagler and Haggard decided stand right in front of her and they just and now her and his moving see now this is what Hearns could have done from the beginning and made it interesting sticking and moving but by the time he decided to do that he was already touched up and Marvin starts moving in for the kill that left hand to the body tiger was relentless in his cardio was fucking Supreme it was Supreme he always put pressure on people and you couldn't hurt him the only had one bullshit knock down his entire career as a bullshit knockdown he fought I think was one rolled in and one road and kind of like it was more like a shove and maybe maybe they tripped or something like that and the referee
► 00:15:27call it a knockdown but I remember thinking God damn it because Hagler had a weird thing that he was either born with or developed he had giant muscles on the side of his head like he was Temple Warren with headgear I'm not bullshitting they had a man over the helmet on this is like a big thing in the world of sports back in the day like that he was literally almost born for this that's how good Hagler was Kathy's mother fuckers are right I mean it's Relentless dude they're towed up every time it's up there barely looking for any distance between each other and you gotta realize man this is not how people usually fight they don't throw full power shots and every shot I mean it'd be tired within 15 seconds these guys are just going at it so I think this was like almost like a game of chicken like both of them knew there were never going to reach the 12th round right so they said fuck it let's just do this and Haggard just stood right in front of him constantly blasted him and you see at the end of the first round Hearns is wilting he just does not have the power or the speed of the movement see he's all good
► 00:16:27yeah he's sloppy out exhausted he's exhausted but still the warrior in him is making him throw these fucking bombs man you got to realize like at the time and no one really knew what the fuck was going to happen in this fight and then Hagia heard them yeah there's a little stumble and one of one of hackers incredible attributes besides his skill was his determination to win men he was just he's a ferocious competitor man just ferocious and so someone was willing to engage him in this kind of crazy fight we're going to stand Toe to Toe and see who's the bigger man oh my God everyone's gonna die take you back is gonna take you to the ends of the Earth man so the end of the Earth I mean Hagler just looked like he just had still so much left in the tank even at the end of the first round like it was nothing this for years he's never out of shape he never partied he never did anything stupid what did he don't want any no never got fat no drugs no alcohol no not with no and how about this retired after the sugary
► 00:17:27it fight lost a controversial decision Sugar Ray Leonard that to this day I think he won and then but it was a close fight yeah but and then just retired and became a fucking movie star in Italy that's fucking wild love that guy yeah but that's the way to do it I'll kind of go out of the good Prime and then just say good night nobody else did it like him man nobody else did it like him oh that's why I heard him yep now he's just moving in for the kill now he's taking his time yeah so now it's just nice and relaxed this is inevitable now Marvin just moving in and decide and when he's going to uncork when he's gonna uncork moving in blocking these shots he knows it he earns his hurt and he starts tearing him up but right yeah and hard to try to move now see now that's how I thought her aunt's was going to fight and most people thought Hearns going to fight from the beginning like that just means I move from the outside yeah staying up from the outside like that I mean that's that's classic Thomas Hearns but the warrior in him wanted to find out you know one find out who's the baddest motherfucker in town
► 00:18:27down who is it you know you could fit you and you can feel him backing up kind of he knows what's kind of it's almost like he knows what's coming he's getting some good shots even then he's you know creating distance but even still just doesn't feel like he's balanced mean Hagler see that right there of them oh he's hurt him now Hagler standing right in front of him he is touching him but he's he just doesn't have the pop anymore you know what it's like when you're working out and at the end of the workout you're fucking exhausted and you could barely do one rep that's what happens with your arms when you're fighting just I just there's nothing left nothing left it's not like you know he's doing this on purpose right he's he doesn't have a there's no gas in his arms like his arms are completely flooded right now like all the blood in them and ever it's just they're not recovering it's a horrible feeling to he's swinging though look he's swinging but it's way slower than it was in the first round right his snap was a snap with so much quicker in the first round now he's now he's not following through a little bit exactly he's trying to conserve energy right as you realize you can't do this forever
► 00:19:27exhausted there but they both look like they're fucking at that one that little breaking point where it's about to be either I'm telling you it Hagler even though he might look like that because it is a fast pace he could do this for years they can do this here he just didn't get tired man and you couldn't hurt him who's crazy he fought a dude named John the Beast mugabi and John the Beast mugabi was fucking terrifying people man he starts Terry Norris he starts to bunch of dudes he was a heavy Punch or heavy puncher and Hagler stood right in front of him and he got caught with one big uppercut and didn't even budge Upper Cuts that were like Mark and people didn't even he didn't even Flinch so what round was it was it the third round and the third yes the third round here's the third round right here this just shows you how fucking tough Tommy Hearns was I mean dose two rounds were just fucking knock-down drag-out relent yeah just non-stop but towards the end you clearly see how it was coming on I mean he looks good he looks good and he's pacing himself now it's just
► 00:20:26moving forward throwing shots but yeah Hearns is exhausted man it's fucking rough man there it is boom boom boom I was trying to keep it as trying to keep them right he's having a hard time breathing no man I mean he's exhausted see that big deep breath but you take that big sigh it's almost like not somebody lost a mouthpiece I think is that what it was he called his time yeah I think that's what happened I don't know man it's hard to tell it's really blurry footage just going to say man is to 240p was weird back then hot look normal to us back then your eyes knew how to handle it right well you were just excited that you can see the fight right you know but this was it was I wonder if this would it look like it when it's on HBO had to been look a little better on those TV do you know HBO just canceled fought boxing they don't have boxing anymore
► 00:21:18at all at all just pay-per-view now they don't even do pay per view their out of the boxing business what yeah and that crazy so they'll never ate his right hand and he's moving whom right hand it's Don said he knew it damn dance it third round gone I always miss this I was thinking this is hang around for some reason I think we've actually gone over this before but third round yeah man but I don't have a foxy any more HP else got out of the boxing business what do you think that's because of its not earn enough money anymore I don't know it makes me sad though they had some of the greatest boxing telecast of all time I mean that was what you would do is you'd go if a big fight was on Bernard Hopkins was on a lot of the times it was on HBO and it was on pay-per-view then you knew was going to be on HBO the following week right so even if you couldn't afford the pay-per-view you could see hang in there a week later you knew who won but you could watch the fight on HBO I remember going to watch I remember watching fights and HBO I just remember that that let HBO Boxing
► 00:22:17such like a emblematic thing for you know what I mean like you it's so recognizable so like pay-per-view and HBO so them get out of the game is so strange it's kind of like the revolution that's happening now the last fight I went to with you at UFC now they're ESPN what is it plus yes pn+ that's what it is yeah the private paid service it's a subscription service right look on Netflix for sports but it's not just UFC fights it's a bunch of other stuffing wow all kinds of shit stuff that just won't show on ESPN at all though no they sometimes show mean it's ESPN content I guess so you could watch some fights that would on ESPN plus later they'll probably show them on ESPN sort of like the same thing with HBO pay-per-view yeah you know but I think what HBO do with pay-per-view was brilliant where you would have the pay-per-view but then let people watch it for free a week later you just going to get more fans yeah it's like you're not going to lose money on the pay-per-view yeah just going to make more fans well that's the whole idea of like a that's why this this this is
► 00:23:17I was going to talk to you about this anyway I just moved and I canceled my DirecTV I'm done I cancel them I cut the wire and I'm just doing like Hulu live TV yeah internet shit all the years of hearing people being like cutting the court on the court I'm like I don't know man I like it now fuck it I love I love what I'm doing now and I got to tell you I can get all the shit that I want for cheaper than I had it before and it's just way more convenient I used to be so Tethered to being like I'll never give up cable now I'm like fuck it I don't want it anymore I don't want it I remember the best Berg I'll always have a Blockbuster card oh yeah it'll never go away it'll never Hollywood Video dude I want to rent a man if you put all your money in that you like I'm telling you in 20 years yeah this is going to mount up 15 million dollars I got fucking plan do you think people invested in Netflix when it was the DVD subscription service and that you don't I mean like early on and now they're still getting the revenue dividends of what Netflix is now I wonder about that oh yeah I'm sure you do like that's got to be the best one because it was worth
► 00:24:17nothing but yeah it's just another subscription video service and they had there was a ton of them I mean red fox I did my first Netflix special in 2005 oh my God there's one left oh I think I've seen them Alaska yeah Oregon Oregon Bend Oregon that's so weird the last Block Buster they went from 4855 stores in 2008 to one store 2018 that is the craziest demolition of a business I've ever heard I would have never heard of what other business in our lifetimes vanish like that like ice like I've come here like a storefront I can't think of something that that went away the whole industry John it was just it was a part of our huge weekend yeah you go to pluck Buster huge what do they got right oh you hear anything about this you look at the cover I don't know I never even heard of this one of a shot maybe not good watching like obscured Dolph Lundgren movies that were made in Italy yeah
► 00:25:17it's you what you get to pick out your that you're like at this looks kind of dope will see back then Campbell was fun the name meant a lot yeah like it was like this guy from Dances with Wolves okay remember that guy I can that cool you'll take a chance yeah you will but I think that's happening here now with Netflix I'll take a chance to shit now that I've said I've never heard of because Netflix you pop up all these different titles and you'll go hmm I'll try this fucking shit I just started a new show I just try to show and it's called dead to me with Christina Applegate Christina Applegate yeah it's okay but like I try I'll try it I would never think to to to watch this new show about these you know this have you gone through all the Staples at Netflix had did you watch Ozarks yet done watch the ball season yeah I'm not nominal one of the best shows I've ever seen did you watch unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt now I've seen a few episodes of it but I fucked him yeah - it's a people like it but I love that show it's so so it's got the same kind of tone as 30 Rock right does it well yeah an affair
► 00:26:17Tina again pfas in it too oh she is yeah plus sometimes she plays his violin wacky psychologist it's out of her fucking mind likes to party yeah she cried David she has some of the best character development man that's why 30 Rock was so good that shows funny man Kimmy Schmidt is funny all right I'll watch it I'll try a good strong it just it just didn't seem like my show it's absurd yeah give it a chance right becomes really it's really good that's right there was like a some dull moments and one of those series but they tighten it up quick they whatever problem they had with the writing they fixed it real quick right well I mean first seasons are always hard man well I mean just writing is hard yeah writing for a sitcom so hard they hit rut sometimes you know yeah like sometimes I'll watch old Seinfeld when they pop on and some of the episodes are just fucking Flawless their bangers like everything to be stories just as funny as a story and it's sometimes you watch a few and you're like yeah they were like they had a tough week doing he could tell they had a tough go I remember that feeling with Newsradio I remember like episodes were just like ooh
► 00:27:18we did our best you know it's all there was with this one yeah me see what happens they just don't win then you'll have the next one that's just insane and a lot of times it's it's like stand up in that sense that a lot of times it's just like the subjects like what are the subjects like what what juicy topic do you have right you know what what is happening in you like you just yeah you have to have something that engages people and sometimes it's sitcoms like fuck you have to put out 20-something episodes a year yeah 22:23 so right 23 short stories in a year that's crazy make them all tie in and have a nice little kind of a perfect through line for our season I know what nowadays A lot of people relying on on politics which I think is you know it's becoming the new Norm every time I see a billboard now it's a new political show it's like Wyatt Cenac just got one Jordan klepper who was a Daily Show correspondent he just got another one Hasan minhaj as his I mean there's like so many political shows now the a they should
► 00:28:18be writing letters thanking Trump it's like Trump is really fueling all these new shows if it weren't for him it was like this new wave of political satire I don't think I've had for I've seen this in comedy in my career I've never seen this many shows about politics Samantha Bee I mean I just named five in a row yeah
► 00:28:36John Oliver show is right that last week tonight or whatever that's essentially a political base show it's slightly political but it's very social to yeah it is it's pointing out what's fucked up right in the week he's I mean listen he's brilliant and some of these shows are probably great I just think there's so much political comedy right now it's just it's not my shit no Oliver's excellent yeah he's a g it's the whole thing is what's uncomfortable is it's very they're very little conversations taking place and a lot of people that are like really angry yeah you know yeah I was watching this guy some representative I don't even know his name but he was offering $100 to name the these girls that were in front of a Planned Parenthood and he's like a grown man that he's there girls they're young Christian girl what do you mean name them as in like hello there my name's so he could shame them publicly cool very access guys at MIT and but he's offering on
► 00:29:36this video a hundred dollars like but this is where people have gotten to where they think that that's okay yeah like these people you have like you know you're there to support a woman's right to choose but you have to understand that these people think that this is a place where they kill babies yeah all right this is what they think whether regardless of what you think right this is why they're there they're not there because they're evil right and I know that this would put unwanted pressure on a girl's going there for an abortion I get it I get the whole thing yeah I get it from your side and I see where they're coming from to and although I fully support a woman's right to choose you can't want to Doc's people that think they're saving babies or talking someone into having a child that and that child they think will become the kind of relationship with that child not mother become like their mother and them or like the ideal version of that sure I mean that's what they're not doing it because they're bad
► 00:30:36people write like there's some groups that do it just because they're pieces of shit like the Westboro Baptist Church like they do things because they're bad people like all they want to do is go protest the Soldier's funeral you know I don't want to cause a stir Megan Phelps who left them right that got out yes yeah and now she did she met a guy on Twitter it's a great store right it's an amazing be human again well she started talking to people and then investigating and real and dude when I'm telling you when you talk to her she was like the nicest most reasonable person and to think that just 15 years ago whatever it was ten years ago she was a full-on zealot that's weird and her dad or uncle grandfather other Canon get it right her grandfather is Fred Phelps he started the whole thing he's old dude that hold mean guy but God hates fags so you believe you completely do complete buy into the fact that she's a hundred heard of it so none of that's a lot anymore she's so honest and open about what she felt and why she felt it and why she was conflicted and why
► 00:31:36didn't jive with what she was reading in the Bible didn't make sense to her right and in the way he was doing it when she was realizing was not how Christians did it all over the world right and that this this you know this desire to constantly get attention in the news even at soldiers funerals they would go to soldiers funerals and say that these soldiers are dying because gay people are getting married yeah like what they were saying they deserve to die they deserve to be dead I mean that kind of you know but I'm telling you from that she's like the nicest person you'd ever want to meet she's open and Regulation and in her world she realizes it was bullshit just tricked and you know she's done a great job to free yourself but when you indoctrinate someone heavily into anything and this is whether it's being a religious zealot or being a political Zealot you indoctrinate someone when they're early in their their their youth their formidable years very difficult for them to get out of it takes real work that's what I mean I that's why I guess I'm saying it sticks with you right like
► 00:32:36my whole thing is there's things instilled in me from my youth from where I grew up culturally and how I grew up that even though I'm more learned now I still do understand those ways of thinking right so it is hard to break away from those things even like when you just said the whole like a woman's right to choose right like I grew up in the midwest I grew up Catholic this is how I am most of my family is for so in so many words against abortion but I don't think these things are mutually exclusive that you can be against abortion and against women's right to choose you can say that you don't like abortion but also say I'm not going to control what you do with your body it's kind of how I feel I don't love the idea of abortion I'm being honest I just don't love it but I do think I'm not going to stand here and tell people what to do but I should be able to still say I don't like it I don't think it's I don't think it's a healthy thing to do I don't really enjoy I don't enjoy like the spreading of it being kind of this not a big deal thing but I do think people can do whatever they fucking
► 00:33:36to do but I'm also allowed to go I don't I don't I don't love the idea like I don't like it just is an option I just don't love it I don't love it birth control is obviously the best method of course and I think women should be more aware but women when they take birth control man they have to I'm not not advocating for abortion as a method of birth control but what I'm saying is when women take birth control pills that shit fucks with them box with their horn not a good thing it's not good and that I know and and when they do it in they also smoke they can cause like real complication reckon it's a lot it means a lot of women have really bad reactions to the pill changes your behavior Suicidal Tendencies I've heard a lot of like really bad stories now I'm also saying if we want to look at it from a different perspective men should also take way more fucking responsibility to end like this is the other side is this this argument tends to land on women a lot where it's like you don't tell me how to fucking you don't tell a woman what to do with the bodies like okay that's fine I'm just saying how I don't
► 00:34:36it also I don't like guys nothing in women and fucking ghosting and not wanting to raise a child right so I think the other side of it is two parties here should be responsible men should take some fucking responsibility over stop coming inside of these fucking people you're not ready to have kids I'm just being real it's like either wear a condo or stop stop stop doing the thing that you know makes children yes oh you know but again this is this weird balance of like I say I come from this not conservative but like this really Catholic upbringing in the midwest you know good old Irish Catholic boy and the ideas that you here as a kid all the time you then grow and I now go I think people should be able to do whatever they want to do I'm not going to fucking control somebody hmm but I still have those little moments of yeah I just don't love it though because it was something that was instilled in me as a youth hmm you know I mean the same way for years I felt guilty smoking pot because that was like I've been smoking pot for 20 years but I felt guilty for a long time because my
► 00:35:36because drugs were so bad yeah it was just like this over and even today sometimes I get high and I go shall be getting high today do I have shit to do do I'm I am I doing something wrong no no I'm a grown up I've all my shit together I think I'm allowed to get high tonight you're one of the few comedian friends and I know that has their shit together you're grown up trying to just stay stay having my shit together yeah you just take care of your shit it's a hard task though right so the easy especially for immature dip shits like us yeah it's and we're not supposed this isn't supposed to happen Nikki Glaser had a funny she was on stage doing a bit and she just had said this phrase and I kept talking to her about it afterward she was like we don't deserve this money and I was like what do you mean we don't fucking we just and she's like we just don't deserve this much money for being so immature as I guess that's got a truth like we get to be Clowney kids and still make a good living meanwhile a guy there's a guy there's an electrician at my house the other day the shit he was telling me I couldn't fucking keep I mean who sounded he was speaking fucking
► 00:36:35language and I had no I was he's like oh you have another ground war because the neutrals are different how this is a two wire system back in 1946 you got a 3 versus going on and on and on and on I was like you deserve more money like you're worth more money I don't know why I have more money than you do you do much more important ship it's all about with I guess with money right it's all about reach you know what we were talking about earlier today about how much money Facebook and Google and all these people make from ads yep and how weird it is that like you look for something then instantly Those ads start popping up constantly I'm referencing Sam Harris is podcast again I don't remember which one it was it was fairly recently he had a guest on and they talked about the the commodity of your data right the commodity of your searches like what and who's selling that and how they're how they're profiting off of that and that this is like this commodity that nobody thought they were giving up they nobody thought there was anything to it right then these
► 00:37:35knees have found this loophole and have made billions of dollars through it by giving you free email by giving you a free web browser by giving you free searches basically providing you with all the information in the world write what they want from you is want to know what you're interested in that's all no big deal and I like the real world example would be those trash companies that are like you have a garage full of shit will come pick it up for free right you don't know what's in that fucking garage right some people are so old they just throw shit out and they go just get rid of it fuck it you know you know those Storage Wars shows I guess some of them a fake yeah they do they set him up they load up the the storage and they are so they can't believe we found a World War II helmet it's Elvis his underwear this is unbelievable yeah they used to be real actually a few of them were very real and they're very they got caught online a bunch of people online were calling them out being like this is bullshit this is fake I saw them setting it up like they got they got caught but they're gonna do that they should find magic in there yeah
► 00:38:35fight you know he's definitely shit Storage Wars where they go in there and they find a leprechaun all of the cat program makes one unit appear yeah one person disappears and they have a Genie in a lamp and that would be worth treat me like I'm really stupid have you ever watched the show Ghost Hunters do you know who our Ghost Adventures yes do you know this guy we exact bag exact Bacon's do you know this guy don't do not know him personally oh man he makes me laugh so fucking hard because they've done like nine Seasons now I don't even know how many things I found any ghosts come on man they have all this great technology now this improved think that he believes in ghosts here's the best part okay he is all in right which I love anybody it's all in whatever they're doing to have to be okay host is all is to Adventure but also now he's super self aware that of their popularity and of his character caricature of himself so he does it now on purpose he took off his shirt when episode and he goes you want to fucking fight me ghost let's fucking go
► 00:39:35you tell up throw a fucking punch your like he's aware of his character that is this bro e ghost fist fighter this dude is Brendan Schaub a shop thousand episode look at him he looks like you just got back from Shane Carwin sparring sessions like what yeah he's still in the fight he's still out of it and it's so this is Zach with the beard no no Zak is that dude right there right so Zach where's Ed Hardy type of shirt right here has he's loud ridiculously battered shirts right but he's you gotta see it doing more newer episode do something from like 2009 to 18 you'll see what he looks like now he's gotten way more fucking jacked his hair his hair is all flaked up you know he's got like more Tanner on and shit he's become do you think this becomes super self-aware think that he believes in ghosts no I think he's just self aware of the product he's created really that he understands now that's a challenge I see the next whiskey Ginger podcast
► 00:40:35me and Zach Zach Zach that's him right there right like now he's like Holly we looks like a Hollywood guy like he's got these big black frame glasses and funny like you can't he can't look any better you know you're not allowing him to have better style when Hollywood actor yeah you're so Chicago's fucking good at following Hollywood this spiky hair he went Hollywood the fuck I tell you that's the one thing I know I won't do is I'll never get to a place when I'll be wearing clothes where I used to make fun of them like that like I remember going guys wearing a fucking $900 t-shirt I know now I can't do that like I can't I can't get I can't do that now because I used to shit on it so much yeah you have to mind by the rules of your own model if I if I push it out there for so long what's that he's got a nice hats him yeah it looks good ones had shaming that your buddy inside the breast recent photo I can tell me that's your zoom in real quick so you're trying to say some handsome fella cute guy Jamie I want you to grow your facial hair just like that
► 00:41:35you really think do you really think he doesn't believe in ghosts I think he does not believe in ghosts I think he I think he loves the Paranormal right he loves the idea of the Paranormal that I think he loves the idea of forces that nature happening molecules energies around us all influencing the way we act sure I don't think he believes in actual apparitions or what do they call them spirits on his EVP we felt the spirit they'll do this thing where they'll see a little orb or a light this happens all the time with cameras when you switch to night vision and not these little flecks of dusk kind of reflect light off the lenses and he'll go to know herb and they'll you know watch it flow through the lens and he's he is obsessed about these orbs they enter the orb and he does his voiceover shit he got lots of fucking show I get hired I watch it it's maybe one of my favorite things what's Jamie you're a photographer what's the scientific explanation for those little balls that show up in photographs what is it I don't have the knowledge for that but I it could be
► 00:42:35and lots of different ways it's mostly a probably like a light flare of some kind just bet it's because there's just like Words ghosts now I'm a Believer you stammer through that soap yeah terrible fucking job selling McAfee science but like in this lens here there's like five different pieces of glass so there's just at whatever angle you're holding it depending on where the light source is coming from it might create an artifact which would be a right so if you're dealing with a really nice camera like that one but what about like with one of them bullshit but one of those zip in and shoot one stand there you know those make that noise yeah that's like less why there would be someone that is probably because it's less it's less good it's less not the right word but less technology in there I don't know I don't know I can't explain honestly well what and say well if we should Google it because orbit lovers right now freaking out my god there are angels
► 00:43:35Caesar gift any time in or passes near a human he'll go watch chose reaction as the orb goes behind his head yeah and you change your eyes are your eyes will change it was amazed you don't believe in fucking ghost do you know I believe in every you don't believe in gum all in with everything knock that foot back scatter my god let's battle quatre Backscatter the artifact can result from the Backscatter or retro reflection of light from Airborne solid particles such as dust or Parliament i7 or liquid droplets especially rain or Mist can also be caused by Foreign material within the camera's lens so these dots are blurred images of dust particles M Night Shyamalan a dingdong should make a movie and in that movie buff and it should be called back our call him that anymore that's really rude is it though it's kind of funny I'm not it's Shyamalan that's his fucking name shamma lamma I'm Turner no you started it you fucking put it on me
► 00:44:35and he makes some good goddamn movies got he takes some crazy risks but I love the sixth sense that was a great fuck come on every I love the Village People didn't like that and I see I thought the village the end of it I was like where what about planes like they they don't they don't show any planes going on there you would have to be yeah avoid all the planes well they have to be in a Chevrolet playing how about be places where no pictures because they made it out to the road and then instantly the guys are the road and people like hey guys are like what a car what is this Heaven 1800 that like st. Louis is like right there you know what I like those Ghosts no devil the one was in the elevator yeah that was a good one yeah it's good those good that's good what he takes chances he testified like hey wait that's this is this reminds me of you tell when you talk about that island that private island dissent in a lot scent scent or sensible nor Center Island yeah plane still fly over that or no are they not allowed with child as a restricted airspace I don't think it's restricted no but you can't land
► 00:45:35are and you can't Circle right you can't visit India owns it right doesn't it doesn't India Cut Pro leaves and it's like 10-mile radius mmm I saw thing online that said a boat crash there and you could still see on Google Images the remnants of the boat yeah they came for the people in the boat to and the helicopters got them off the boat right as the people were like pulling up and also they live laughs and shit yeah fuck yeah they live but those The Villages were coming for them yeah can you imagine stumbled across a village they've been fucked with some time in the past you know that Commander Maurice Vidal Portman yeah guy yeah shoutout to respectable law on Twitter he has a giant Thread about it may be pinned on the top of his Twitter page but explaining like one of the reasons why those people are so hostile right and it has to do with this British explorer who is really kinky and you went there to fuck who knows we want to fuck Island he has what he did but people got sick
► 00:46:35because I'm you know this I had this guy Graham Hancock on yeah and he was talking to me about all the different shit they're finding in the Amazon and in South America and that they used to be 20 million people that live in the Amazon and they died off because of sickness they were visited mostly apparently Europeans when they came in like the 1500s they would tell these incredible stories about these huge civilizations in the Amazon but then when explorers came back 200 years later there was nothing there and they were like this is crazy they should be they lied they must have lied but it turns out they didn't lie what happened was smallpox ran through the fucking jungle and glycol everybody we did it and then these the jungle just overtook the cities and now they're finding these cities with something called lidar they use these planes and they Circle over this area or helicopters whatever the fuck they do and they shoot this shit down this lidar it's like laser radar and it gives you a detailed image of what's below the surface and
► 00:47:35their shit and it shows them all these crazy structures all these like like roadways and irrigation systems and circles inside of a square like it was Villages and cities and millions of people probably live there could look at it that's all stuff they're finding not yeah and all of it was swallowed up by the jungle they think within like a hundred years just vanished in the jungle because it's so so Lush and tropical down there dude it was the one of the most amazing podcast have ever done to listen in to that guy tell this story right after this one though no you are the best you're the best is this is kind of well this is like this is like the findings of Atlantis right like when they started finding you start finding more and more land underground nests they found traces of five drugs including dimethyltryptamine on a thousand-year-old South American ritual kmt baby that's like proof positive evidence that at least 1,000 years ago they were using ayahuasca
► 00:48:35wow this was the drug pouch that was made from Fox snouts yeah so crazy fuck knows it literally look when you see it it looks like a know they used everything and the first reason it looks really nice and knows I wonder why they do that with a fox it's probably like some cleverness some know that that's what a shaman that's like literally what a shaman is supposed to that's what the definition is supposed to be in certain cultures her shirt certain cultures it's a clever fellow that's who the the shaman is it kind of makes sense they are just clever fellows but I mean imagine that like he takes a fox and clever little fucker I'm going to take his face I want my drugs in his face only a person would think to do something so great A drugs in this morning's from no sect chipmunk cheeks yeah right he's a good movie yeah a little powdered sugar pouches that hangs for your belts just chipmunk cheeks while your coins and the dump what about the dumbest animal you could have stuff in what would be the worst animal to put stuff in gunks yeah
► 00:49:35going to the fucking where Coons our records are actually kind of smart you know do you know skunks are predators little creeps they are yeah yeah brother were coming from a chickens oh yeah they try to eat your chickens you want to kill your chickens they stunk up this for the spray them and shit no they're just there to kill they only spray things when things come near them when they're a band or when they're about to die right that's like the right when they think they're gonna die they just admit that yeah it's like so many animals are able to do that we're like one of the only species that does know how to fake death to avoid actually dying right a lot of species will hide or change colors or shapes or a mid something to give the other species the the thought that they are dead or deceased or that they've you know they're gone we don't do it we don't we're the owners don't know if you're running away from a fight you can't just pretend to be dead and then they'll stop fucking you up to fuck you up well human beings are well I think humans and chimps to they want retribution yeah want revenge we love Vengeance man that's like our favorite thing in the world yeah a guy almost fucking hit me four times today I wish I got his license plate I call him out
► 00:50:35here to comment and he was cutting me off and kept trying to hit like hit my car after I he cut me off in a big like F350 truck and then I gave him one of these fucking honk like dude I mean just miss my car you know then I move on well he pulls over next to me gives me the finger and then tries to like pull in my fucking Lane like he's if he's gonna hit my car out of him I was like okay he just knows he just knows his car hits my car his car has barely any damage on it he knows a big F-350 trucks his tires the size of my fucking car he was a dick but he wanted shit so it's like now vindictively I hope I see him again like now I just want to fucking see him again somewhere in the city just her just this guy I want to have that moment with him again see him outside of his fucking big truck that's funny yeah we love we like I've I don't hold grudges like Bobby Lee and I were talking about it Bobby holds the biggest Grudges on Earth he has some of the worst I mean he's like 20 or grudges really oh my god really Bobby Lee asked him about it he genuinely
► 00:51:35when someone does the wrong thing to him like I'm not talking like makes a bad mistake when someone does something where you're like that's fucked up that can fuck up a friendship he will hold that against you for the rest of time that's it that's it we're some people would go whatever man I forgive you shit happens mmm nah he's he holds a fucking garage dude bad that little tiny ball rice ball has a lot of fucking Vengeance inside of him if he's my little dump how dare you know I'm allowed to say that man I'm allowed to say that because I because I used to own Bobby I used to buy bought him for a month how much did it cost 65 Grand that's a lot you anything and you have to feed him he doesn't really require that much food and when does he get to own you that's part of the deal right he owns you from on Ten Years Later yeah ten years later he owns you for a whole month with me for a month yeah then he's going to be stealing on it for 10 years I think that's really did do that you can own me for one month yeah and I'll do whatever the fuck you want but then I
► 00:52:35new four one nine ten years from now that's a great movie by the way there's a crazy deal it's got great eyes alive meanwhile like nine years later the dudes just drinking and chain smoker try to kill Frank Elsa slave for a month W like indentured servitude right mostly was people that were too poor to make Journeys or type or to do something so they would give up a certain amount of like they would make a contract like they would work for someone for a certain amount of time right that's essentially how it was set up yeah I mean that's basically what it is right basically saying like but it's yeah is it's like a slightly I guess the conditions probably varied you know one of the grossest ones I ever saw was vice did a piece about Dubai believe it was and about some people who are unscrupulous construction people would take these folks in from third world countries and promised them all this money to work
► 00:53:35and then they take their passports away from them and then pay them a fraction of what they're supposed to pay for them so they're fun they're trapped and they were living in squalor trapped they don't have their passport anymore during the wrong human trafficking is what it is I mean it's the same as when these they do these young girls they have these girls come over the United States you know II think it was a documentary on Netflix about these like young Russian models right and they give these girls modeling contracts they live in a you know like a four-bedroom apartment two girls to a room right and they essentially you know fuck them around for a little while with small little weird Maybe random gigs and then they're like hey if you want to make more money you could always sell your body or sell pictures of you Newt makes way more money and they think it's kind of part of this modeling thing and this is like a constant I think it was ad I think was on Netflix but is all about these girls getting trapped and they can't go back they don't have enough money and this this modeling agencies modeling agencies with these man and manager agency there well we have to keep your money and we'll give you like a salary so to speak we pay
► 00:54:35Rand will give you food it sounds horrible but if it was dudes I wouldn't care at all yeah yeah of course it was true Rosie's five handsome guys came over Russia looking to get some pussy and drive Ferraris but it wasn't really working out for them like get a job at a job it's what you guys ready yeah the fuck did you think was gonna happen you're gonna get pussy and Ferrari get out of here bro thanks I'm good looking I thought this would make me make me listen I'm sorry I can't give you any modeling case but if you want to make some money fuck this old lady sup sup come on Graham much for 2 Grand for me too huh groaning fuck that old lady come on okay so you gotta do do I have to come or just hang with her for a while he's got a gun she has to she asked I have to work with her till she come yes your work with her okay you gotta be a good act but no eating pussy I can't do that oh you have to eat pussy I have to yeah 3 Grand they don't even shave old ladies they gave up okay so eat hairy bush for 2 Grand I'll do 3 Grand 3 Grand I would imagine
► 00:55:35right how much sympathy would you have rather watch the show Gigolos that was on Showtime I didn't but I know shop watched it I know Tom and Christina loved it they talked about a lot why is it that shot wide area Ransom but they stick it ran its course is on Flex 7 I think no it was not her for sexy she's yeah interviewed one of the guys I Believe by the way by the way every TV show I've done is only gone for like two years but Gigolos Get to the Keys that's the state of Television Jesus Christ that is crazy that's a very that's a very good tell by the way there's like not a lot of these these this whole like the culture of male Gigolos I think they said percentage-wise it's like unbelievably smaller these guys that get into the gigolo world and stay they all get they get in they get out most women I get into sex work last significantly longer than these dudes Wei Wei long for a very you know varied reasons but I think the gigolo thing is kind of like a moment in a man's life where he's like I want fucking try it some young like
► 00:56:35fun-loving free-for-all it's like open mind I'll just give it a world and he gets right out I don't think that happens for girls at all I think women stay in sex would you feel bad for some dude who was working as a gigolo and his pimp was Suge Knight and his pimples making them go out there eat that pussy now to make that money the website for it I just know one website for it yeah that's a guy writes really good poetry this guy what's going on now Vin Armani what's going on with you works at the coffee shop around the corner from my house why is he wearing a shirt like that that's just how it is look dude Bradley Lords Nick Hawk hey man I ain't hating if you could sling dick and get paid good luck to you look some people yeah do it some people out there working as a masseuse that do not like touching people okay tell me how much different that is that's a bummer though how much different is that then being able to be a guy on where nice shirts like that and occasionally get a bang broad you don't want to wear nice shirts that's so horrible look you get some natural no fuck with the world could be worse you remember Richard
► 00:57:35year wasn't a gigolo in one of his movies who is he didn't have a movie called Gigolo we'd like Bangles ladies I don't know if it's called Gigolo but yeah I think it was called Gigolo wasn't American Gigolo that's right and how much boy you must've loved this shit did you yeah you don't get was out there banging ladies here's what they don't tell you most of that money in that Gigolo world is sucking dick okay you want to go out there and suck that dick you can make that money but if you just want to bang old ladies whoa look at the difference that's when he was young that's when he was helping out to be like 22 23 he was pretty young and handsome and then Father Tom done fucking molly-whopped him the time God I'm Marvin Hagler on Thomas Hearns third round I remember when he went on stage in New York after 9/11 who did Richard Gere did and was trying to tell the audience that they should choose love and that went on state state where on stage she was on
► 00:58:35ages some sort of a benefit right before 9/11 it was right after 9/11 and he was saying essentially that you know great message just at the time people were just bloodthirsty they booed him they like fuck you what are you saying fuck you it's basically saying let's not have military action more people shouldn't die because of some things right as people did to us he's saying try to figure out a different way to do this yeah I mean he's he's a Buddhist I believe I mean he's like he's really close Pals of the Dali Lama yeah but but but in the interest of talking about what we're talking about revenge means a lot it's kind of hard to tell America to not get revenge on somebody right we love Revenge well yeah we love getting back people have tried to fuck with us even if we go even if we go way deeper than they did we're more like monkeys yeah we love it we when we think we're being attacked like retribution revenge is who were just talking about earlier about chimps chimps do that to ya natural it's yeah it's Nature Nature Nature you want to get revenge
► 00:59:35motherfuckers like we were talking about that guy I'm got ripped apart by the chimp rent to bring a birthday cake dude see other chimps it did it because they were jealous they were angry that jealous of them were getting got a birthday cake didn't get shit and someone fucked up and left the gate open and they came out fuck that dude up rip his limbs off it tore his face part just because he wouldn't give them didn't bring cake for them where they female chimps now there are man where's my cake losing it cake must be so must have been good ass fucking cake to a chimp that doesn't understand what cake is like how the fuck did you do this but they do understand what cake is probably understand it once you get it to him the gem yeah it's something it's like a powerful or be brought there tell you when we're in Costa Rica and there's this monkeys everywhere they're crazy cool cool ass monkeys but they're a little sketchy I know I got married down there and I did and Costa Rica yeah yeah they're out there out of your fucking mind we were hanging out with them and there's a thing called a kawada Monday you know what that is no
► 01:00:35look like a like a raccoon monkey thing it's a weird creature a wrong key and they would come up we were staying at this Resort and they would just come right down the the pathway to wear your your door to your room was and they just hang out with you like these quad of Monday's just hang out you could feed them grapes and shit they would take them right out of your hands yeah but like no danger at all they were like super chill and friendly so we gave this Quantum Monday some grapes and then he laid down and took a nap under my chair I just took a nap I got dog was like a dog like the most chill dog of all time and my God damn these things are cool like we're just sitting there just check oh go ahead buddy tickets take a nap you're safe here I gave him some grapes and shit people want to watch chimps at their house people love the idea of having them so the monkeys came over and we only had that's what aquata Monday looks like dude they're the shit there's there's such cool little animals it does kind of look raccoon - my daughter's gave him a fake name like their work
► 01:01:35anima kinkajou they just decided to call the kinkajou like more fun yeah take a juice made their own word up I think I don't think that's real word a lot of Monday but that little guy was so cool especially interesting little fella when just like gently take grapes right out of your hand gently like the most chill dog of all time so anyway we were out of grapes and these monkeys showed up and they're like hanging out like a little looking like what do you got for us look at it these guys get hungry no real monk oh oh that's not a monkey that's like a I don't know what that is I know what a cool water Monday is what family is what is it anyway we gave these like you were like I don't know if we should give these monkeys these Oreos it's kind of fucked up but it's not good for them I looked at one of them only had one hand like well that's not good for me either fucking hand bit off gave them gave him that he snatched it from me and he opened it up and then started shooting the white stuff just like the cream yeah he's one of us but he already knew about a new did he's probably getting Oreos for his hole
► 01:02:35I heard from people that stay at the resort he knows the trick did he tell us how to be bar yeah he knew what the fuck to do well do well they make you at this you know they're all open are houses you rent on the beach you know like everything's pretty open except for the bedroom is the only thing that's closed off and they had latch locks padlocks on the refrigerator and I was like what do guys like that up and they're like the monkeys know how to get into all that shit they know how to open the door and then how to get in the drawers he's like dude they knew how to they know how to open up egg cartons they know how to open the lid and take eggs and close the lid I'm not kidding he's like they're that smart so in the middle of the night the first night that we were there I hear the gate kind of rustling and then I hear movement and I'm like someone's in the fucking out because it's on the beach it's wide open so of course I like grab something is the biggest thing I could find x man I'm out there I'm like hey hey you know like a nut bag in my fucking gun I'm yelling of course I look it just monkeys chilling trying to like get shit in the house they're trying to find shit laying around food drinks
► 01:03:35ever was and of course I go back to bed and every night I would hear them come and go but you hear them try the refrigerator thank you Jim pulling on it to see if the latch was like if we left it unlocked they're smart they'll they learn they learn all the little tricks of where you put stuff cabinets I could hear a cabinets opening and closing wow yeah there were smart man that's so weird it's like a little person it is most little sneaky yeah it is a little person fuck using and they and they put purposely up in this place that I was at they purposely string wire from house to house to house so the monkeys kind of had freedom to go up above because if they would go down by the road it would cause more traffic in disturbances and all that stuff so they keep them up in the canopy they put rope purposely house to house and treat a tree that humans put up so they have easier path ways to get down to the water because they say when they're down on the ground it's more distracting and there's you know it's a lot harder to drive they create little messes down below so if they keep them up high it's better for them who's crazy man what a wild little creature that can swing from
► 01:04:35tree to tree they fly up and down the tree tops like that there's the M from shit just almost like people sometimes you I'd see one just hang and be staring right at you almost like people they're soaked their the right fucking there well the weird the weirdest thing is that if evolution is happening all the time like this little monkey fuck is this him breaking into a house yeah watch watch this watch a smart look if it give me those chips I love these fucking chips I love that looks like he's looking right at the person to yeah he is oh wow and he just takes off with the chips do they know which ones they eat them they know which ones they like guys just be nice to him what happens if you feed them you can't know they tell you not to feed him what happened because well that they know to keep coming back and where they can get food feel like monkeys now they say if the end if you and they say if you don't if you sure when you stop feeding them after you fed them enough then they start to get aggressive so then you shoot one and then tell them to clean a message right and then they all come back and kill a lot of fucking 12-gauge and you blow the little face off one of those cunts and you make your drawing to go hey you guys want
► 01:05:35free food you get it you get it on my tongue like terms monkey go back inside you just described the plot for Planet of the Apes it's literally like the platform get them hooked you get them hooked yeah you bait that I'm hooked on food yeah you bait him there's a lot of places like that where animals are dependent on people there were dependent on people have to feed them and it's it's a little squirrelly like what there's a place in I think it's Jamaica where people swim with wild pigs now while Bahama Bahamas yeah I seen it yeah the wild pigs generally avoid people they don't want to have anything to do with you they're dangerous yes a sketchy yeah wild boars are nuts yeah but in this place people been feeding these things for so long they have trips like tourist trips right where people fly in feed these pigs and swim around with them pig island they got wild pigs that are constantly being fed by people but a friend of a friend went there and someone they were with got bit oh yeah I've heard they bite them in the ass a bit one of the one of the pigs bit them in the ass
► 01:06:35and it was because they didn't have any food or something like that didn't offer many think you have to keep feeding them throughout the whole thing it tells you all about it that they get really ornery they get really annoyed fuck you fucking fuck you drown it put it right under the knob Road Jose kept their strong know they are you can't fuck with those creepy animal because they're beautiful and they're sweet and like pigs are there are weird one and it has their luck at school look I'm a dog lover I love dogs now pigs are almost like a dog and maybe smarter close they're probably probably definitely smarter but they like the way that we react to people yeah like if you feed them and you're their friend you become their body but are you against eating them no but also looks of killed them another little wild ones but wild ones are different man right because they're out there hustling okay they don't they're not in this fucking pain getting slop all day trying to fatten them up right it's hard to get fat out there they're out there how much more lean meat out there they're much leaner but they're also vicious man they're very good
► 01:07:35all these giant tusks they have these big fucking fangs and the crazy thing is there's the same species as the domestic pit right so same animal just once ones ones pampered in one's not exactly ring up have you ever seen javelinas do you know what happily those are so in Arizona peccary well when I saw that goes Pig it looks just like a pig yeah that was my first when I first moved to Arizona I saw one and I was like oh what the fuck is that thing in my body was like no no don't go to the they they'll come right at you they will fucking go for your legs bad because they're real low to the ground but he's like they'll start spearing you and they'll come at your legs and one time I was valeting in college and I was up way in the up in the mountain and it's some dudes you know some private huge private residence and there were packs I mean packs of them and I could hear them rustling around and they were like positioning themselves because I was we were parking cars where they were living and I was like we can't park cars up there you can tell they started to get aggressive and jumping and Diving at the cars yeah they were getting fucked annoyed man they did I was like we can't go back up there were gonna get fucked up by these little bullshit pigs you know where Stanhope lives out in Bisbee which is real close to the Border they have them all over the place
► 01:08:35they're everywhere they killed one of his friends dog they do kill deok they well they're known to kill cats more but yeah they do kill dogs because dogs are about depend on the size of your dog there's some of those some dogs could fuck those things up because they're not that big but they are known as murder cats it was a small dog I think I can't they flanked it and just came out of from the sides ripped it apart the river part of dog what do you do when someone something like that kills your dog are you out with a shotgun trying to find the rest of them dude I was trying to kill coyotes update my chickens and I don't give I mean I love chickens like you're cute they're my friends but when they died a couple died of just natural causes yeah I like poor little guy but if my dog died I'd be really sad you know I mean there's a it's a different relation he different so when these coyotes killed my chickens I sat out there on the porch with a bow and a rangefinder waiting to fuck them up for days I even tied one of the dead chickens that they killed to a pot like you know that you would plant is in what he doing Jamie
► 01:09:31um the part that you plant things in and I sat in the middle of the yard as bait right and I sat up there waiting they become one of them came and my daughter screamed out a coyote and I'm like goddamn teacher at on like I had that motherfucker dad that's it was inside of his inside a 40 yards and he's creeping in I was like I had to do is get to my spot I would have probably got a shot yeah have 40 yards that's a far away he was at 40 yards when my daughter screaming oh shit well then definitely like freaked out fuck that I stayed up there for a few hours longer what's the what's the farthest that you feel comfortable hitting a target for that's a little Target you know there's a difference between something that's the size of a coyote coyote is only like they're not paying their body might be like a foot a foot and a half of it yeah they're not big at all yeah they're Tiny from top to bottom so we're trying to if you're trying to hit them in the vitals you don't have a lot to aim at it's a very small Big Dot yeah want to be one
► 01:10:31fairly close I think about that all the time ago with a rifle you could shoot them that's that's not that's not something totally different I die trying to kill him I only grew up shooting rifles I never shot a gun until I was in my 20s but rifles I was so used to shooting I got so accustomed to shooting it and then I try to Bow once and that was unbelievably fucking hard not you should learn it'd be fun for you can always come here and practice I'll come next time John Dudley comes into town I'll have them hook you up I'll teach me yeah and you did love it man not even like to go hunting but just to shoot targets it's really fun and I like guns though that game out there I do too yeah that game out there that I have that techno Hunt game yeah dude once you get into that and start playing that what you're good at a screen yeah that's your fucking good at oh fun I had Corey Anderson UFC light heavyweight he's a hunter I had him here the other day and he was playing it is it good he's really good but you could tell like right he practiced he's a fucking Elite athlete of course he's going to be good a bow on it
► 01:11:31laughter what do they knocked off with fighter so he's got this discipline mindset you know he's and you know it's just on the ball but you could say right away when he planned it was like oh my God this is so addictive I'm like this is supposed to take the game of all time once you started it's hard to get Let It Go if you're an actual bow hunter you'd only get to shoot a thing like a couple times a year yeah you know if you were going a lot if you're going a lot like the idea that you're going to shoot a lot of like if you're some Remy Warren type character or Cameron Haynes yeah you'll shoot a bunch of deer a year and you live off those that's what he does though yeah but if you're a regular person like you think how many do you think you're going to find how many do you think you can sneak up on if you're lucky one or two here at one so like the moment when it happens it's such a big moment you like fuck here it is here it is trying to stay calm try and stay calm but with that thing you're shooting at them all the time just fine so it's in your head right so like what I'm seeing is this animal moves and moves into the pocket Boom the release pop
► 01:12:31it's a perfect and you see it over and over and over and over and over again so what'd you learn from martial arts what you learn from stand up it's the same thing that applies to bow hunt right it's about repetition the more you can do it in the more you see it over and over and over again the more that pattern becomes your mind so that game for a guy like Corey or someone like me you bow hunts that games like holy shit this is what I've been looking for right see a real animal walk into range and that because you always want to be ethical right you want to be able to shoot the right animal like you want to be able to hit it exactly where you want where expires very quickly write the best way to do that is from sufferings so this game is just super addictive what's it called what's a game called it's called techno hunt techno one and you score against each other so if you and I were playing the like you give 10 points for a bull's-eye eight points for the vitals you get like five points for headshots one of the shot no no it would have to be a very small something about headshots learning like playing gun games first person shooter games over the years head shots are always the most rewarding thing like
► 01:13:31headshot but you don't want to do that with an animal you do if you have a rifle and you want it to die instantaneously and it is a it's the way they do it that some Hunters that our chefs do it when they like Hunters who are chefs there's there's two different kinds of hunters right there is Hunters that eat the meat and they but they want they want to shoot a mature animal because that's what everybody strives for like if you're a skilled Hunter like if you're a steamer and L are someone like that what you're trying to get is an old wise animal right it's already spread its DNA and it's mature and it's probably the end of his breeding cycle that's what a guy like that wants what he's like the ultimate Hunter right what he wants is the the most Fair Chase he's never hunted high fence operations the most Fair chase the wildest animal and he wants to get the oldest matures one but then there's chefs and
► 01:14:31laughs believe some of them do it's very debatable that the younger animals taste better than the older animals so they're not trying to get an old mature animal they're trying to get a young attender animal that isn't like fully muscle Drivin right worn out with a you want some you want some stuff tenderness to us some softness to the muscle but then there's people like Hank Shaw who's a also a world-famous Chef who's also a hunter who prefers older animals because he thinks there's like there's flavor to them and there's life to them like that their their aging and the all their life experience it comes out if you cook them correctly right it just requires a different sort of preparation it's kind of like it's kind of like a young woman versus older women like young women have a lot of positives about them but older women have just as many positives about older women that I liked more flavor that's what you want right you want a chick who's like yeah who didn't 36 plus who hits the gym every day
► 01:15:31that's I trust me I know I've I've had this conversation about the whole like because one if we stop working out it's over I say if we stop worrying for like we if we stop exercising with carrying water help its older it's over that's what you said fact no I mean like I wanted to sign I wanted my one of my lawyers a joke this undocumented says if we if we get fat it's like it free and clear gone but I mean it if she gets fat if I get fat Dairy she should be out if either of us break this thing that we're doing together if it brings you closer that weaves that she gets fed up to worry about body image anymore fuck you just let yourself go fuck that come on fuck that shit hey hey shaming right now will ya realize that yeah I know you don't want them but y'all doing Joe you fat fuck I can't believe you I just think I think we've made a bond together we made a pact we're like we both want to stay relatively healthy and take care of ourselves when our older years like my parents are both in really great shape because they've cared their whole lives not to a point of like you know not having fun they still have a great
► 01:16:31I can time but no but just need to shave consistent with a caring about what you put in your body and the way you work us simple shit so yeah if she gets fat by if I get that she's by 2 if I get fucking fat she's gone she even said she was like I'll leave your fat ass being fat is such a weird one that people call people fat who aren't fat right I mean I mean fucking I know but I'm just saying like as an insult it's such a weird one it is because like girls will call girls fat like that fat bitch look at our like I said girls not fat know what you say it's what you say to dig it's another game fuck you you fat fuck the guys who say that the guys that like barely have any fat on fat fuck are you know the cheeseburger Jamie you fat fuck that it's an easy dig yeah it's an easy install due to have a girl call me fat the count is a video of an online a girl calling me fat at The Comedy Store in a pull up my recently so my six-pack now like a long time now I was like you're just crazy but it was like what am I fat like what were you coming up with that
► 01:17:31you're fucking your fat I bet you're weird thing the the the fact that the body can carry excess tissue yeah it's a mistake like I get it it's a good way to store fuel when it gets up point on why are you still hungry what kind of shitty system do we have that you're this big and you're still hungry didn't it take breaks and say hey bro bro bro bro stop we got the fuel but it does not put your body's working off carbohydrates that's a problem right and it's not burning fat no that's why that whole ketogenic diet works as much as people don't like to think that it does and there's so much controversy about that like from non-scientists which is hilarious if you talk to actual scientist like Dom D'Agostino who talk to you about the peer reviewed research that's been done on ketogenic States and all the different benefits and what you know and how it could be healthy and how he does it and ketones Esters all these different factors you have to take into consideration the Ketone testing and blood testing there's all these Knuckleheads saying
► 01:18:31bad for you it's not a good idea like Julian Michael's like it's not a good idea it's not good you better stop they say that if it benefits them it's a pounds right it's a normal State it's a normal state for your body to burn fat and it you have more clarity and you also you're not as hungry you're not as hungry during the day right my to my problem with it is I don't think it's the best thing for performance I think like you have a little bit more energy if you burn glucose to because even like the top of there's a Zach bitter he what did he win though American he ran 20 he ran a hundred miles in like 11 hours around a track he's guys that could do this shit it was some crazy record two miles and I need to chill for a minute some crazy some crazy record 400 mile record he broke 11 hours 40 minutes yeah II that's insane of it it's a seven-minute mile smile or a hundred fucking miles now he is on
► 01:19:31primarily a carnivore diet all meet all meet rib eyes and barely barely any meat and fat barely any greens right barely any greens but then when he competes he takes a lot of glucose like he'll take like glucose gel like those gel the gel packets yeah those the runners use yeah he pounds in that shed pounds in the carbs so we could burn that off too right you know because he's living off like fat and and protein but when he competes he doesn't do that and the thing I think that's the key you're saying when he competes he does use the glucose when he's done competing he does - he goes back to put his body in a flat a fat-burning State it's just pure carnivore diets are kind of crazy though like Pew just just meet mmm but nothing else it's all the eat man I know what you Jordan Peterson's done it now for over a year and he released his blood work or the results of his blood work at least everything's in range
► 01:20:31things healthy but he thinks supplemental vitamin nothing nothing he doesn't do anything he eats steak with salt on it and he drinks water and I'm telling you that if heat listen to me man if he gets a Perrier with lime in it he'll spit it out he doesn't want the lime in a fucking Perry and I - yes and crazy bro that's too much I've lost 50 pounds 50 pound two pounds lost 50 pounds he had some serious immunological issues immunological said that word I mean you know
► 01:21:02yeah it sounds made up yeah I don't know he had serious immune deficiency he had immediate immune deficiency immunological but doesn't it sound as it sounds funny sounds fake Immunology is a word I know you Knology but you mean a logical sounds like bullshit sounds like it took two words and put them together take sophistication right there sophistication be some serious issues as helped yeah dude also suffered from depression all that stuff look a lot of what they think that a lot of the issues of people suffer from they suffer because of inflammation and when scientists are studying things that the carnivore diet what what what's striking to them almost more than the fact that you're just eating meat is that you're not eating all these other things and so that in giving your body only one food source to deal with sometimes your body can eliminate a lot of the issues that it has and it also mimics like some of the benefits of fasting and I'm too stupid to be really judging this I don't know I'm listening at all but I know that I'm
► 01:22:02dumb too he had like receding gums had some serious gum issued that all went away all these things went away when he was on that carnivore dying for you okay I don't eat like that I'm not saying eat like no I don't like that I think had to be a balance I think I think some people may work with that right but they'll also tell you there's somebody dies that people do that their blood doesn't line up with that diet it's not good for them right some people are just works with right some people some people can have higher intakes of red meat and other people it's really really bad for their system just because of the way your blood is well some people are literally allergic to it right some people like like my wife needs way more iron like needs like has to have it yeah so whether it's supplemented by pills or by higher instances of meets with higher iron in it I heard comes a lot of vitamins in it and some iron I'm not I can't produce anymore man none I cut off my balls dude I turned him in yeah what did what caused you to turn them in what was the final straw was this movement downtown LA Barrister your own gender yeah I went to the me to thing and I cut off my balls I left him there so I donated them if
► 01:23:02like if people started calling for that if girls are calling for that guys would do it remove your knots is guys out there that would there is a certain there's a so many about it would do so many people there if you called for guys to step out into the middle of the Town Square and cut their own balls off at least a couple guys and show because I can name two designers will be live it there's a couple of dudes I know that would fucking dare exactly just for like Twitter cred yeah just for some Street I just just for the retweet love from family that's what this is how you are an ally boys learn like my felt like we were favorite like your favorite shirts yeah females kick ass or what is it women kick ass or whatever girls kick ass yeah yeah yeah that hold the idea of like of virtue signaling overt or covert support for something it's so see-through when you're like I'm here for you girls it's so see-through hot it's such a crock of shit but there can feel that way without yelling at all the time we pull you also like
► 01:24:02broadcasting like that like what what are you doing yeah what are you doing what's the purpose yeah that's what I like why were you reaching out your supporting what do you supporting what is happening it's another instance of the echo chamber doing the whole supporting the thing that I don't think people are really I talked about it on stage about the Trent you know Trent the word transphobic over like I understand the meaning but I also think it's hyperbolized and in essence of like there are these large groups of people that are against trans people I don't believe that whatsoever well there are definitely our I think they're small groups of people that get a lot of attention mmm I don't think there's massive look the KKK is significantly larger of a group than whatever group you want to formulate of a transform of transphobic nature I know a lot of people don't even know what that is I haven't done any statistical research look how many KKK members are in the United States many think there are tens of thousands okay how many people many people do I think of the trans people religious that don't believe in trans people or the
► 01:25:02don't think that they should be able to call themselves a woman I think I think most of those people don't care enough to call themselves part of that category they just disagree with a go I don't really like it I don't get it I think I think there's more of those than there are people that are like adamantly against trans rights I think we have to take into consideration what we already said about guys want to cut their balls off that there are guys like that are sure there are some there are so many people in this country are you guarantee you there's a lot of transphobic people a lot because maybe you'll listen man if you read the comments and I don't and I didn't but someone told me that the comments on the Eddie Izzard Instagram post that are made where horrific but don't you think a lot of that is internet fodder see that's my thing is I think people like to say shit on the internet even if they don't believe it because they know that gets attention if they go fuck this fucking Dude Looks Like a chick that I don't know what they said maybe they were just making fun of the way you look so you can you can assume what fucking people write on the internet about that issue they would just go what's up with this fuck oh here I'll give you an example I tweeted the other day about the Met Gala
► 01:26:02Ella Harry Styles I tweeted he was wearing like a a lot of men were wearing like dresses at the Met Gala this was a whole thing and I tweeted Tilda Swinton looked fire at the Met Gala because he looked like Tilda Swinton not because I'm saying like who's Tilda Swinton she's fucking actress who has short hair right so right that was him and I said Tilda Swinton looked fire at the Met Gala who is this gentleman that he's a he's a pop star he's like part of what's it called One Direction he's part of One Direction what what is happening with that shirt that's what he wore to the back Alice would you say Jamie wow it's a blouse a blouse shirts vs. blouses okay here's the thing if you're going to one of those things and you're going to stand in front of all these jackasses camera to take a picture that why not wear a fucking blouse that's what that's his house but I said Tilda Swinton looked fire because when I saw the first image his face kind of look like told us win okay of course I'm making the joke about joke your comedian well dude everyone was like you're very funny last night thank you thank you everyone went after me everyone was like of course
► 01:27:02you fucking I mean half C are you a Nazi well they said well here's my problem they go he's I think he's gay right is he is he gay Jamie know I think somebody told me they were like alone there were like your man you found any eventuality I was like what I can't make fun of people anymore for people I said he look like till the fucking sweating why are you reading comments because I'm not as famous as you stop and think about the amount of people that have their balls I know that would just walk in that town square and cut their balls off yeah now stop and think about those people commenting yeah I know and you're reading it I know allowing it to fuck with your head sometimes I feed into it a lot of times I don't when do you not when I'm confident in whatever I posted it's interesting right when I feel like with that joke I knew was going to be misinterpreted like I knew when I wrote that I go some will misinterpret this who cares that's why I still posted it but but I read some shit sometimes if I go I wonder if those dumb or if that was cool wouldn't it be fun if you could be half drunk all the time and never saw
► 01:28:02any physical consequences me you know I'd love that nothing would make me more careful I love drinking just but with a half a buzz on you know that feeling when you got to have a buzz on like my favorite thing in the world just feel like no one could touch every just feel good you know how I know that feeling hanging out with your friends but having a bus and not worried about yeah that's how I ball is I'm starts I think that was a lot of members of my family had half a buzz all the time well half a buzz all the time would be it's like that'd be a good place to be maybe how many drop how many cats half good half of the bat happy yeah like just a little little like that feeling you get after that first glass of wine we like why do you think people have wine at lunch yes that's fucking like a lot of you shop work I assume she's someone was drinking a bottle of wine by herself yesterday is that League look if you work in an office and you have a glass do they let you have a cocktail at lunch totally it depends on who you where you work mmm if you listen in our industry entertainment straight there's no fucking rules well obviously but I'm saying like a regular but do you remember the dude who used to run the tempie
► 01:29:02Prov didn't want you doing shots before you going no drinks before you had a conversation with me about it he's like do you really need that and I because I was like Hey listen to me look at me I'm a professional right I'm also an athlete or I work out a lot I'll be fine I'll be I'm gonna do this but if I'm gonna go to the gym you want to work out with me yeah well shut the fuck up man come on Stone the club dude I'm not I'm not going to get so drunk I can't talk I'm having a shot therefore I perform if you became one of those guys yeah you would know everybody knows it's like I know what I'm doing okay and even if I have too many if I have four or five instead of two I'm going to be okay right like I'm grown up till figured it out driving anywhere drunk I'm not do anything stupid I'm working tonight in fact there's nights where I've had a few because I've been sad about where I am like I'm at a club that I don't want to be out of something and I'll have a few too many but I'll get on stage in the first thing I think is I still gotta put on a show I still got to work hard but I'm a little little
► 01:30:02monk but autopilot kicks in a little bit sometimes like back in the day if I was sad about the small shitty room it would just kick into the jokes I already knew we're going to work and I was kind of going through the motions I was still delivering but it was sad because you're like I'm not know if I'm enjoying this or I'm going to the Motions I'm just kind of like hey this is the joke that's the joke in my mind is just on a Rolodex of like this joke spend that joke we're now I'm just had a happier place in my career that now if I do if I did get a little too drunk for I want to Stage I'd be genuinely nervous I'd be nervous about my performance level so I can fuck him are they going to hear me slip up a little bit in my goodness because I'll feel it because with great with great power comes great responsibility of the greater the rooms the group The Big of the rooms the more weight power not me but with but the bigger the rooms get the more I feel
► 01:30:52the more I feel more responsible to do even better than I have been doing did you walk down on stage in San Diego in front of thirteen thirteen thousand people and own that motherfucker fucking wild it was wild if you know what was doing in the round it was weird to do the round I die I don't know if I love it I don't know if I loved it or hated it but it was this feeling of such uniqueness that I couldn't judge it in the moment like it was too it was happening so fast there was no there's no sitting on the stool has 13,000 there's no stagnancy you have to keep moving you're moving around whole time yeah I liked it it's interesting it was wild because the screens are so big and everybody could always see your face no matter where yeah it was it was good I loved it 13,000 human beings it's a lot of fucking people son who's very weird now the way I'm going to Denver when is that
► 01:31:41what is it no Jamie's give me give me Jamie Jamie Jamie just blurt things out just takes chances 24th of September he's been slipping a little bit have you noticed that just drunk what's been going on Jamie have drunk all the time you have buzzed August August what 23 and 24 August 23rd I'm at the belko theater how did you not know that Jamie and I just belted that out and then I'm have the fucking computer August 9th I'm in Portland and August 10th in the Bay Area at the Shoreline Amphitheatre yeah oh shit oh shit oh shit that's some fun dude fucking a we go to Chicago I'm not with you just kind of fun was Austin Austin was a good crowd of time incredibly is so good yeah it's great Cap City you know one of the best clubs in the country that's like I think doing those clubs like doing weekends at clubs is real valuable that's I got to I'm going to book more of those you know it gets great always to be working at the store and it's great when we do these big place in the road but those clubs there's something about the have you done to Zane he's in Nashville
► 01:32:41Verdun Zanies Nashville let's do it zany Chicago I've done ever done Nashville is do it okay let's do it let's go places a shit yeah that the punchline in San Francisco and sort of the Parlor Live the parley lives going down to the punch line is closing forever some know so they might move it or not oh no here's what's happening this is the real report I read it I read it in an article again this morning cause last night Ali Wong told me and I read the article that was posted this morning and it basically said they lost their lease they couldn't renew it because it's got that buildings getting bought out basically so they are working diligently now to try to relocate the club so you need to find the newly yeah but but but for the time being it's going to be gone you know what I worry about where they're going to go big like did it with cops right like I used to do Cobbs when it was not I don't think it was a hundred fifty seats it was Tiny right now it's like 450 a giant became it became the opposite of what used to be it used to be a place you would go you'd make less money but you'd have more fun because it was like real tight everybody is like
► 01:33:41mashed into this place and it was a legendary place that's evidence bro that's easily one of the best and I wanted to go back which kind of sucks that it's going to be gone now the reason I love this club so much so what you see is the stage and tables and behind us what you can't see is the bars in the back of the room which is one of my favorite elements of a cool Club you don't need to worry about people getting a drink to the side or the left behind you can't hear a nice Mishima it's in the very back of the room and they do such a good job of hiding their noise and their distractions so it's all about the show yeah they're real good fucking so good at it man they're really good I hope they keep an intimate venue I really do yeah I love that serums go needs an intimate venue just San Francisco have a good comedy scene these days I hear I hear of a variant of stories I think a lot of people would say that was better back the back you know a couple decades ago but I do think that when I go up there when I have been up there there's a lot of young people that are really good that are coming still out in Northern California yeah but I mean cobs and there used to be was it green onion know the Purple Onion purple and yeah that used to be there
► 01:34:41there was not there was one more so what it's called why is it sounds wrong I don't know because I'm saying it sounds wrong no is it the Purple Onion look up the purple onions like I think you're right but it sounds it's one of those things yeah we like the other thing we talked about yeah it sounds wrong like you made that a logical immunological the immune we're going to open up a club called immunological Purple Onion but I don't know shit about the fucking San Francisco scene anymore because the only clubs that I've done up the only things I've done her punch line and and ID cops I think Zach Galifianakis Takeda special they live in the purple on yes that's right there was more rights to Purple Onion yeah I was tiny tiny is that gone I played his I think that's not there anymore so the like for like real intimate spots on the road like you still have it Lana Atlanta's got one of the best places that's that's yeah Purple Onion yeah that's it that's gone gone 2012 yeah it was closed in 2012 God look how intimate is like a small it is the only other venue that's like that that's small like that still has like you talking about Laughing Skull is still small hmm that's still tight yeah that's real time
► 01:35:41what does that seat like 90 I think they said 90 Yeah a hundred or therapist it packed out stuffing them in their eye when I was in town doing something I went over there to watch Garland to watch Jeff do Jeff's thing and how was it it's just Jeff Jeff Jeff is so unabashedly clear that he's just fucking around like he was so obviously like I'm gonna fucking do this whole set about one guy and he picked like picked a guy of the audience and he did the entire set about the guy and it was just like I'm just fucking around he was having some he was having tons of fun he's a sweet guy he's hilarious man he's so he moves he is his brain moves very fast in a way that I wouldn't anticipate right for some reason you think I you like this is he quick he's like he's very quick he's a fucking he's a very cool funny dude I like the dude but yeah I haven't
► 01:36:36I don't know I'm starting to do a few new clubs now and in the size you know the sizing is different and I just
► 01:36:44I like to be able to do bigger places but I love intimate venues man sorry it's no way to get there's no way to get that feeling of how when you're there all it's all different man there's no way to get that feeling of 13,000 people either except for fucking that yeah do not fuck that's a different feel it's all different man it's all different it doesn't I think all worth it yeah I think you got to be on a steady diet of everything yeah it's like you don't want to be just a carnivore and only do thirteen thousand seat Arena has you don't want to be just who is it who's your carnivore who is it Jordan Pederson is ahead of this yeah he's only one of them that I know I know several people that are on the carnivore diet and I can't I can't get in this set because I still like bullshit I'm not going to not have ice cream once in a while I'm not going to not have a fucking couple of French one I'm that guy I'm going to work out but I'm also going to have and do what the fuck I want I just I can't get on that train I suffered for a while doing a crazy diet would you do I did the I did I did this this it's almost like circuit likes how circuit workout is it's like circuit dieting where it's like one
► 01:37:44without do you know what that is no yeah you did like like you you get rid of an element that's kind of a vice right whether it's like and if it's got to be a heavy Vice right like it's like I've high amounts of sugar in my diet so it's like I do a week completely without sugar and then add a week without meeting then I did a week without don't know fish or what I kept changing what it was to find on my body reacted to it and I fucking hated it I fucking hate it I was like I'm a much more balanced person up here in my work in my writing in my exercise in my sleep in my fuck life when I just get to eat what I want regimented lie that's a fake word fuck life regimented lie I thought you're a fuck like the name of my new album that's a good lad now I should get that tattooed across your stomach fuck life I'm lightheaded why do you say Fuck laughs no no I mean the fuck life the fuck life you know I'm into my fucking on the pump cock life like a thug life regiment regimental e
► 01:38:44Lee regimental EC that's his fucking rock does sound regimental e like I'm better off when I just when I do but I just balance when I go I don't need that shit I shouldn't eat that bullshit yeah and I poked in and out things once in a while it's that it's just I don't know man I think that's almost like that's the only way to live for me to work for it to work I've tried shit I can't do it yeah I think people like going on diets because it gives them something to concentrate to that's I'm saying here's my new think I have shit going on I can't worry overtly all day long about like this meal gonna is it how am I gonna get fucked that shit that's one of the things that people like about it like okay I'm on this diet now I gotta concentrate this is it like meal prep and really yeah or meal prepping and I'm a prepping all Americans whether we're closed on Sunday I am in control of my world asteroid hurtling towards us yep out on the complete control of him and control getting rocket space I have a finite lifespan have to constantly eat and shit but everything's fine everything else is okay yeah
► 01:39:44everything's fine my buddy texted me today by the way I he goes he had a concern I talked about him another podcast about how he couldn't he didn't shit for like five days I have a buddy who went through that and he went to the doctor and he has this thing and he had to get help for it he texted me he goes I just want to let you know I'm back from vacation I feel really good also I'm shitting like normal again and I was like I feel like a like a really proud friend like he was really struggling he was nervous about he was like dude I haven't shit like four days I was like for fucking days it was a guy that I worked with on Fear Factor I don't want to shame him so I won't say his name and he wants it out there great guy he had a real problem a real problem it was packed in there for days and days it wasn't coming out and he could feel it like he could touch his butt hole and feel it inside it was hard it was hard girls yeah so fiber dog had to go to a doctor and they literally had to chip it out of his asshole shut the fuck up yeah like it impacted chiseling is pothole they had to get in there and break it up and then they had a make him take this like
► 01:40:44Lee intense laxative yeah so he takes this really intense laxative like like weapons-grade laxative and they're in they're chipping away at the stone wall which is essentially just like a damn to keep all the shit juice to that piling up boot and it because he's got the impacted dried out shit that should have been out of his body days ago and then he's got the fresh shit on top of that the top of that he's got this chemical laxative that just boiling explosion the side of a bus and the doctors just hit with a fucking Hammer Hammer and a screwdriver just whacking at the shitrock it's at the bottom of his asshole and then it breaks loose and just explodes everywhere fuck like he gave birth to a dead seal just block flying out of the kitchen bag all right we got it we got it how much is it how much weight did you lose I don't know but he said it was awful so it was awful like they had a pry the shit out of his ass
► 01:41:44those are the kind of pains those downstairs two things - that from not shedding yes it's what was it what's it called you give yourself imagine that what's it called come on look it up you know what I'm talking about is coming now but there's a there's a word it's called like you it's like toxic like toxic shock syndrome that women get if they leave like a tampon in too long if you're if you don't shit for a certain amount of time you you poison yourself yeah it starts to leak into your organs and should something it's something absurdly great I just there was a one of those like 600 pound life for whatever those shows are this woman wouldn't shit and she which kept holding it holding all in there like purpose yes why because she didn't want she couldn't move to shit so fucking big she couldn't move to shit so the ship packed up and down and they were like you're going to fucking die it's gonna get in your blood it's gonna get in your your other organs in your bloodstream and kill you is it like doesn't that freak you out when you watch a show like that where someone's like Ugh
► 01:42:41what are those called hoarders order or someone who's gaining a ton of way or things get there but you know that you could get there yeah you know you couldn't get there but you know that a person could get there yeah righty-right the you now Andrew Santino May 2019 you're not going to get there no probably not you're fine but some people feel get that bad Road and they can't turn around they're stuck yeah and age but they compile it right because uh because the depression feeds the hunger feeds the depression with yeah yeah what was that that's shit contemplated man I died after feces filled bowel burst look how much shit there's their his rectum a dilated up to 18 centimeters inside his body and was filled with feces according to the bmj case report 24 he's a child 24 this isn't some 80 year old man who just has like he's autistic right okay it's chronic constipation okay well great
► 01:43:41now we feel bad Jamie we feel bad thanks Jamie son of a bitch watching me beating us with some shit still look at that guy moment almost died from constipation so it's a few people every year they had to surgically remove two leaders of poop up Coca-Cola bottle filled with poops who leaders she made me think of a liter bottle of coke Pikachu of those filled with sand and stuffed up your ass filled with shit in your filled with sand leading to a lack of blood flow to the leg he was pressing on his artery bro oh my God it was just his shit was choking his leg out
► 01:44:18that's what was happening shit was just you my garnish in the hospital for 23 days and took 13 days for you can walk again oh my God what no explanation has been found yet as to explain his significant faithful loading loading constipation look at these spell fecal yes aecl is that because they're in Australia yeah pretty fucking those idiots a guy was probably banging kangaroos or something he caught some disease got no Johnny those people that no time to poop on fake a loading thank you kangaroo cyclist about with me have you heard of that couple that they ate a raw rat heart from Mongolia and they got the black plague what yeah they don't exist black plague from fucking fucking crazy people around liver that's what it was a liver they ate a raw rat liver and they died of the Bubonic plague why did they eat
► 01:45:18your Bubonic plague I think it's Bubonic plague black sounds like it's got to be bubonic the Bubonic plague what's the difference because the Bubonic plague was a bacteria right well what's the black plague that was a virus right was not a virus what are you a doctor not not anymore I got this bars apparently you're not allowed to keep the you can't keep the fecal loading so you were in college what did you think you were gonna be a comedian really yeah you're just a waste of time not it's just funny because I'll show I had my mom the way throwing shadowing Andrew Santino no case on his phone yeah fuck that shit one of those games are black plague was Aid an event during a time period and thirteen hundreds in the Bubonic plague is a thing you can get right but the black peg leg was what about viral diseases killing people right yeah so it's the Bubonic plague that these folks got and they got it from eating a raw rat's heart or liver think it's liver goodness what is this kidney kidney oh that's in high school why were they kidneys
► 01:46:17is this something you wrote yeah that's in high school oh my God
► 01:46:23that you wanted to be a comedian says I want to be I want to be a queen become a stand-up comic and to work with comedy on television
► 01:46:33yeah I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it yeah so it says I want to do anything I like what I'm hearing whatever it takes whatever it takes look at I wrote below want you to wear a tracksuit with no underwear huh and meet me at the dock got it we're gonna get on my yacht you've got a good time let's go and I got a part for you to read my script you imagine some guy takes you out on his on his yacht you like wow so you really think my tape was good yeah yeah yeah yeah you take was amazing we're going to show you what was that listening and he brings you this script and tells you what's required of you yeah and then you're out there in the middle of the water bobbing around staring at the sky and he got a couple glasses of wine he's like I'm gonna make you a star I need to get my dick sucked okay I can get it I get it I did write in high school anything it takes now imagine being a woman you're in that situation thinking to build sweet talk to that guy right that's why you were flirting with
► 01:47:33that's why you got close to it he's you're gonna get a part you can play him and get a part next thing you know you're on that ocean well that feels creepy there feels rapey that is re be right when you're a dude you've like fuck that guy fucked up just sacrifice man no but I'm staying for the role but I'm saying it's a different feeling all right but still dangerous because if the guy finds out that you're not willing and then you might be hostile yeah and then he might be hostile back yeah like you're two dudes one do want to get a dick sucked by a dude but you're both two dudes and it's a real hair-raising situation for both of what are you doing for him Oteri's right you try to get this guy to suck your dick in the guy said I'll fucking kill you and you like Jesus now I gotta drive this guy back in my boat it just me and him a guy who said he would kill me that 20 foot long little boat yeah you got to sit while you got to make him sit up by the bow and you just drive quietly do you do jump in the water isn't you know that's where people kill people like you know he's gonna tell people yeah totally that's how he gets get that's that's why that's where that came from Iowa goes missing went to Hollywood for big
► 01:48:32never came back is out on the water mmm cement shoes my friend put on the shoes boom yeah I guarantee that's happened but I don't you guys try to get a guy to suck his dick in the guy tried to fight him and they fought yeah death Academy I'm sure it's happening now mmm there's got it right as we're speaking there's got to be enough listening to this Hollywood murder gay guy is choking them to death I don't want anyone to know don't go on the boat unless you really know the guy that's my wine salt how well do you know the guy men or women if the guys are producer and he takes you on the boat don't go on the boat I feel that about it how well do you know the guy with the boat not that well I'm not goin on that guys fucking boat I was on a show once and there was a guy who was kind of a he was a I don't want to be mean but he was sleazy yeah just Hollywood does that mean calling out someone for being fucking sleazy please back but it's the the most stereotypical version of yeah and there was a gal who's also work
► 01:49:32the television shown choose young and flirtatious next thing you know they were on his boat for the weekend working on the script they came back and we were like what are you really just said that yeah we're guys creatively I'll guys working to creatively just out in the middle of the water the water gives me being on he's the water makes me feel type of way but it's like normal stuff like that's what people did for this business yeah I used to be but Jamie wanted to bring this up sort of talking about that we never oh well this was a different subject yeah okay related I'll save it this is a Ed Buck do you know who that guy is oh I know he's like this Democratic he's a donor oh right oh we don't when I talk about part yes right there are ten dudes who dudes have been found dead there from drug overdoses so they come over and one guy said that what did he say that I don't know what they've said but like they I think what he makes them do drugs
► 01:50:32he's taking them in while they're already super high and he's helping them and they die and they end up dying what other companies claiming that he's helping to people that think that was a coincidence maybe he's telling the truth he'll yeah he goes out there and finds really high people the case of people trying to save people in the middle of the night what do you cynical bro yeah dude what do you think is happening you want me to take a wild guess yeah I bet he goes out looking for people that are real fucked up to get back to his apartment to get some fucking dick what yeah no way man that side that's and then they say do you have any more drugs he goes you bet I got more fucking drugs they do more drugs together and they die and he dies and he stays alive whoa hmm you sure case closed your honor are you okay I wrecked it I rest myself and gentlemen mr. Buck mmkay well it looks like a fine man he looks like he doesn't do anything look he's got a nice gold tooth co-signing in the back of his mouth like what's his name the wet bandits from Home Alone investigators found multiple
► 01:51:32toys multiple syringes and clear plastic bags with suspected suspected methamphetamine in a toolbox roll cabinet in the living room he's got a tool box filled with syringes and sex toys let's go to work clear plastic bags with meth more has been homeless and I liked how it says bags clear plastic bags like more than money he's got bags of speed he'd been homeless and it worked as an escort yeah that's he was on that Gigolo show season for who he was one of the main guy yeah he's the guy I become addicted to drugs in the box is the one to thank he gave me my first injection of crystal meth I become addicted to drugs
► 01:52:18and the worst one at that well I don't know if that's true but it's crazy story that the what we do know is true is two people died over there that's fucking insane he's all hey man just T is there just there's different standards right like here's a here's the thing like if that guy if he was a heterosexual guy and two women had died at his house prison for life what are the odds that they wouldn't arrest him zero zero zero zero if if one woman is found dead in your fucking apartment yeah if you go to press hookers and shoot them up with meth yeah you go to jail you go to prison yeah but if you pick up male hookers like what we're talking about earlier yeah if it's guy like you're a Russian model you came over here to then work Bro Fuck the old ladies come on like that's and you know what these guys to guys are dead and everybody's like hey you know that's the fucking game they're playing de Odio Y in that Chute the meth game once you shoot Shawn
► 01:53:18he's only killed two guys what the fuck that's kind of like the what is it the the the staircase you know that documentary were like two of his wives died falling down stairs oh yeah that's people are like what you still don't fucking know you think two women coincidentally imagine if they did they're your favorite people ever in they just kept falling and pop it literally impossible what if you're a rock climber it was in his kitchen that is fucking kitchen and he's dressed like an owl did it what's his response he said a bird flew in and scared her and flew out of the home because there was no fucking bird by the way but he said a bird flu and scared her and she fell down the stairs backwards by the way you know how hard it is to fall back down the stairs backwards when you when you're already at the top of us there nobody Falls backwards when they're walking up stairs though you kicked Sparta someone has to hit you down the that's exactly the that's what the lawyer was like somebody pushed you down the stairs that's the only way that happens
► 01:54:18Sparta Sparta fuck you wasn't if they did an autopsy and they see the footprint right in the middle of her chest well they said the blood splatter was like so obviously consistent with someone that was like thrown down stairs yeah Jesus Christ what the owl got it bro and these owls are doing that that is a thing that happens aha fly into your home they fuck shit up they're not good guess they're not nice people assholes yeah they really are truly not nice Birds they're such a cool animal and they are what it's there a weird animal that we like to think of them as these Wise Old creatures like we have like an anthropomorphic version of an owl yeah that's really smart like an owl is like hmm well yeah like the read all the find out what's going on the Tootsie Pop Al you know how many licks does it take that was like he wore glasses yeah that must be what it but the wise old owl is like an adage right yeah why is it though I don't know man because they're fucking ruthless what they are is just cuts that swoop
► 01:55:18on kill rabbits they fuck rabbits up in their wing spans are fucking incredible when you see them take off take flight and come snag something it's wild to see it driving home one someone was flying over my head and I guess it didn't like how low it was as to where my car was on the road like it it picked a path probably not in its head understanding the cars godís down this road right it was flying right and the car was just to close with just drop the rabbit and went to get it later I'm so I pulled over because of what the fuck was that because it was big like whatever dropped was a fairly large creature and I went over in this rabbit that was just gutted because the first thing they eat is the guts right so II just torn the guts out of this rabbit they pick it apart and then they take the rest home with them they swoop down if you ever seen a an owl's Claus yeah they're fucking nasty other huge giant ass Clause that the coolest video look at that thing look at the closet they're badass dude oh my God it's a maze
► 01:56:18the first one Predator the first picture looks like him saying don't take a picture and then the second one he's like you why did you take the fucking I told you not to take the picture yeah it's like mad at you and she's picking it up look at the eyes in that thing man I mean it has up demonic face looks like beautiful Predator man it's an incredible animal but that one there's an amazing video online of 1 lakh killing a hawk it kills a hawk and it's in its nest it's swoops down in the night they got a trail camera photo they have these this these Hawks that were in this nest and these Wildlife biologists were filming it and this this ego this towel comes in and watch this and just snatches the hawk right from the nest watch this here comes in the distance you'll see its allies any second now
► 01:57:06is crazy shit do watch the little baby Haka yeah yeah little baby look at that watch this motherfucker come in look at this look at this shit bitch whoa
► 01:57:18fuck that's a wrap son I matched it I'll get the mom is like what happened what happened I don't even know if that's the mom that might also be another baby it's pretty big though yeah it's hard to tell it's hard to tell because we're not perspective but look at this look how it snatches it bang just to handle all the feathers of fly off to hands grabbing ahold
► 01:57:40I don't know why they're freaks me out so much now that freaks me the fuck out bird on bird violence is weird crazy dude it is bird lives matter man but it's bird on bird violence is strange because it is it's almost like a cannibalism it's it happens so often yeah why is Jack Birds because they don't give a fuck doesn't matter they don't give a fuck what you think that's a last resort kind of they don't really want to eat other birds right bro everybody eats birds the next picture even Birds that's a bird swallowing or chick yeah look at it look at it bucking and it's his throat fuck what a twat duck duck that's a fucking hole duck that's huge yeah yeah look at that thing that is huge well it's a check it's not a fully grown duck but but it's big it's big enough that it's crazy that think swallows it you know the one of the really fucked up once and I saw recently I saw a toad eat a rat or a mouse I don't want to see that's the mouse yeah he's either frog or toad don't know what it was but a big
► 01:58:40as green frog looking type creature swallowed a mouse hole watch this this is it yeah this is crazy dude oh this is not it
► 01:58:49does not it because this one's hitting there's one that's not hidden this is one where you could see it like in like a little glass container
► 01:58:59damn I wish I wish I could find it because it's a really good one it's from like a top-down view that's pretty good watch this I didn't think that frogs 8 mice man I used to think the frogs are like oh you know they just get bugs bugs out of the air watch he's just waiting not yet not yet want to make sure I get them make sure I got them sniff around oh yeah baby move baby move I'm on you and it soon as I decide you're lined up thank fuck you look at that now headfirst just made it stuffing it in there with his greedy little fingers then I mean think about what appropriate the mouse trying to get out the mouse is trying to get out because they don't have teeth right it's got a spot like it out its head is out man look it's idiot asshole first Jesus Christ the mouse like let me just let me just use me but I guess I better get out the bottle first because that's the worst taste so eat that I don't forget the bad taste out of how they're thinking
► 01:59:59that's just where it was nothing would have eaten it headfirst to but look at it's just blanking slowly swallowing the mouse imagine you being able to eat a dog that's what that's like yeah the size difference that's like you eating a journey kind of a German Shepherd just softening your face dislocating my jaw putting it in how big is a frog's mouth it's crazy but it's like what do you see those things I can dislocate their jaws I think that's incredible animals that can fucking unhinge their job snakes it makes your that shit these are valid charge yeah there's found them and California again after class after they've been here for 30 years it was throwing up again off San Francisco what the fuck are those things they swim through like little schools of fish they just wallow have seen that's a basking shark yeah wild-looking thing just like a funnel for the ocean how many bottle caps those things swallow yeah you know what you want to talk about plastic straws 30 feet long imagine what kind of shit impacted like six-pack tops or India assholes
► 02:00:59so many limitations of: Miller Lite blood streaming either asshole in the shit those things got it they'll think got to be able to handle anything after all these years they've swallowed so much bullshit yeah boots and fucking license plates boat parts bones yeah all that shit yeah creepy shit from the bottom of the fucking room well found dead with 13 pounds of plastic in its stomach holy shit and 13 pounds were so gross so there was a guy named that you see that what is this flip-flops and 115 drinking cup they can't say Red Solo Cup but that's what that is people out there party and farting on that boat and I'm sperm whales wow damn that's fucked up and flip flops I've probably had one of those flips I've lost so many pairs I'm one of mine is in the sperm whales did you see the video that beluga whale returning the girls cell phone what you did okay yeah it's fucking if they set this up it would have been an amazing setup but I'll show you the video whoa returning a girl stuff here you go the way
► 02:01:59understands objects are important to you in those iPhones are expensive and there's nothing so far it got dropped down in the water but pull it up here that's a going all over Instagram and Twitter you can use the find the video that real I mean it's coming from the depths of the water so like I don't know how the fuck you call my fucking God holding onto her phone and it brings it up like I don't know how you would fake that oh my God holy shit well I thought they don't look like trainers it doesn't look like it's in like a you know anything like it looks like it's in the water what says it's the one that was captured last week I don't know if that's the same one that's the part I think is fake about it but oh how they know it's how would they know same old little ones that have it I think that's that's how I initially saw the story hmm and I don't lie I believe that first test they're tagged and tracked remember the white whale the white whale that we post about last week well it's stuck around he's been staying at hammerfest and then for well maybe it's a different one that maybe it's a whale that they saw not the one that was captured with the harness I think that's what's wrong they're just well what did they post about
► 02:02:59we go to they'll go to their one this is where that story came from and no that's a part of why I was so it is the same story yeah because maybe that thing yeah it's trained it's a trained well maybe it wanted food man you have starters gonna get something fish bitch that's so funny out there here's your phone should they like thank you and he's like no bitch fucking feed me just like the monkeys right give up give up the food you bitch it's why I have come to give you a feel from you I'm stealing oh that was the other thing that we got margaritas and we left like a pitcher of margaritas out and they dump the picture over and drank the margarita yeah they like to party so the monkeys were probably partying on our porch don't leave Margaritas out there they're going to fucking sense they get wasted they must get so hammered like a picture of Mark I don't know how much they slapped up after its build right I imagine they'd probably just drank every drop there's nothing left they knocked over the picture and some of it must have stayed in the picture and he's like this is what we want and they start drinking it and they knock on your door like you have salt you guys didn't leave any fucking salt out okay these
► 02:03:59again yeah it's boost out they drink booze this is crazy drunk monkeys call my God they love Coca-Cola oh yeah look at them she doesn't know how to drink those anything with sugar they love sugar shift stupefy always hammered look at them all there but I draw my God this videos of drunk monkeys they're fucked up look at him thank you Russell this fall down that's hilarious oh that people spilling off of drinks they're licking it off champ tables if I had a monkey I get him drunk everyday mean that monkey we just party if everything goes totally South with me you're going to find me on Key West living like those psycho white people just drinking with monkeys going to be Mackey will be the next match just like that but after America that girl's pooped in your mouth I think I don't think he does that bro and you should stop saying that he did Key West is Key West Key West is the furthest you can get and still be in America is it rather than Alaska some the most ridiculous thing to call that America that's like not even connected to Florida no no those people that live down there they might as well be expats living
► 02:04:59an island somewhere that's what it is right hurricane there every 13 days they just get wiped out in southern Italy yeah southernmost point B but it's not just that they're the keys are islands yeah they have to drive over land like they're not really America no it's it's own little things like Puerto Rico well US Virgin Islands yeah get the fuck out of here how do we on Guam yeah how what's that what is the way over there yeah that's way away from Hawaii is forever to get there how do we get up there looking far Hawaii's 5 hours by jet jet yeah over the water Erica I like metal and I like that we protect Hawaii but I think Hawaii has its own fucking thing well let those people run their own country and you know what would happen immediately mushrooms would be legal would be the place to party they voted this week a bunch of places voted Denver tried yeah Denver didn't make it though 47% I think said yeah those old ranchers those old ranchers came out of the mountain Old Farmers actually dude on the way here I saw I saw hilarious on the bed of a truck on the back of a
► 02:05:59window had a big thing that says what's going on and it said it had a pot leaf and it said legal and then it had a hose watering the lawn and it said illegal what's going on oh my god look into it that's what he's saying there what's going on Tom asked all the drought fuck what and the drought went away you can grow pot which I can't water water on conserving water you fuckhead fuck you Hans plants fuck you need a head hey easy she about the guy in Florida that got arrested because he would not take I eat ass off the back window we're talking about ie Tas Tas said on the back of his window he said it is his First Amendment right to let everyone know that heats out it is yeah but that's a funny thing magic that's your boy you have this little baby sucking on your nipple you like my cute little boy he's adorable Oh My Little Billy wants to play baseball but he doesn't like getting up early and he misses a lot of practice he got cut from the team and I was kind of depressed he just plays Madden all day and in one day Billy's got a pickup truck and Billy
► 02:06:59pickup truck says IES that's right Mom you come home and he's still living at your house is a fucking loser and you come home and you see little Billy with his I eat ass and do you really need to have that on your truck and I driveway I do I do more that's how I get my ass to eat lot of guys don't eat ass but I do so I love but I know I do I do I do and your dad is like I still support them and I love them very much I also eat ass imagine if you're not from make your mom and you're driving on the highway and you're stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic with IES or funding for an hour we'd laugh my mom would laugh my mom would get mad at me for staying the same Lane she'll just change okay watch your in this lame because you think it's funny that I have to look at I eat ass I didn't say that Mom I did not say that it is funny though you think it's funny it is very funny you think it's fun here's my story about that guy I know you think it was I think it was more positive than that I think he wanted to let people know that he eats ass yeah because he's got this man
► 02:07:59got it I don't know if you know him but we know him I know him very well Jamie and I know him very well but he's got this half of his tongue was bit off by a dog when he was young so he knows how to eat asking those out of you girl you're rough yeah it's got bumped off the end of it little yeah he knows how to flip it around move he's got a neat nests but I think people for years were like you can't eat ass anymore Mike and he was like fuck you guys man what are you trying to say gender Florida Man story eating ass man arrested after caught eating ass inside Toys R Us store that's why they closed down that's what I'm not in business that's a bold move little kids in there oh I know what I saw it's around here somewhere it's a thing the game is there's a monkey on the cover and he's got a hammer he's trying to whack the moles and this guy's in this girls poop that's guys eating girls poop mommy imagine he saw a dude eating an asshole underwear middle of Toys R Us you're walking around with your kid go and she'll but you we get which we get a wiffle ball bat you want to play
► 02:08:59football yeah we're football be fine yeah he trying to corner and that girl turns you as get out of here what on a rabbit hole with this one with a seating yeah man who ripped out girlfriends intestines for yelling her husband's name during sex gets life in prison rule makes perfect sense what man who ripped out his girlfriend's intestines for yelling at that point I get mad Fidel Lopez told investigators I get really really mad he he ripped out her intestine for yelling out her husband's name but that's a complicated story Florida oh no shit she called me the name of the other fucking guy he told investigators after September 2015 Murder She said it twice and she was wrong and she was confusing me with him at that point I get mad I get really really Mount Jesus Christ as the 31 year old lay stricken he shoved objects into Miss Nemesis vagina and anus including a beer bottle of hair iron even as fishing Technologies this is not this guy's a psycho this is not
► 02:09:58the I needed to see but a piece of shit me Jesus Joey why are you reading about this is something wrong with you where do you find that stuff Jamie why do you go looking for and what is your safe whatever Pages what is Google try to sell you yeah this is the images of I eat ass Florida man I just started right scrolling down okay we go to Jamie's like Google ads it's all duct tape and crowbars and shit hey a lot of rope what's up with all this rope but all that hand saws going on man this how you know that even when I clear your search engine it doesn't matter because I clear my shit sometimes and and even if I want to go back to Pornhub it's still knows my suggested shit so creeping look into it mmm time to look into it time to look into the porn that's where there where people are making money it's from cookies and like using your information and your data and finding out what you're interested in selling it to advertisers it's all know very very sordid stuff to Zuckerberg has got us dude yeah there was a car parked us a mean it's just
► 02:10:59this a lot it's weird that that sort of escape the imagination of people that were like looking towards the future like they didn't think the data would be so valuable yeah nobody really nobody really saw that 20 years ago know when the internet was first coming alive like nobody ever thought they'd be able to like check your searches like when they figured out how to make a search engine then tied it into what you're searching for and selling that to advertisers God it's genius but it's it's crazy they can make so much money so you're talking about what it's not right you can make so much money telling jokes well it's really not right about you make so much money providing a search engine off of the materials that you've searched what's your supposedly you're protected by right you're supposed to think that your searches are protected but on one hand right like it's cool because you get all this data you need this information but you know you could literally find out any answer to any question we do it all the time yeah but then the other part it's like well what am I giving
► 02:11:59up you get to now they know what you like what kind of things you're thinking about buying what are what you are interested in what movies you like they know that so they start selling you that like oh I guess I want them to sell it to me that's is what I like kind of it is a nice car wow look at that all right yeah movie does look good you know and then you like oh my Google is really working out well for me you want to become autonomous with the machine it's just a big net just casting out and just like they put a chip in you and are you cool with the chip got one you got the chip done which which version though Blue Point sex I don't know I don't ask just hot yeah I don't blow on your ship yeah chip me up dog you gotta go to Langley Virginia you go to where they kept Hannibal Lecter that's how they chip you chippy out there and Langley gotta go to the FBI but they have to know you're okay I'll get a chill I would be a cool chip me do it I'll chip me the fuck up what would it take for you to get chipped like for real if there was a chip and it provided your GPS
► 02:12:59King everywhere you go but you could read people's minds so the government knew where you were all the time they do but everybody else that had a chip in it you could read their mind like you can see their intentions you could you could find out if they're upset you can find out the rational or irrational maybe you could even show them the error of their ways with your thoughts I don't want I don't want to know people's head there you know where you're at man they got your fucking phone not all they can have that I don't want to know which one I don't like Jamie's Hadley don't want to know James fine uh you know he's thinking about right now food yeah yeah it's like 320 are going up the movie upgrade almost oh yeah that is like what it was like right yeah yeah over why he got up but he was he was shot in a spoiler alert he was shot in like a robbery by armed gang members they shot him and paralyzed him and then this guy brought him back to life with this chip in his spine that regenerated spinal tissue and gave him superpowers and he knew Kung Fu and all kinds of other shit me did ya
► 02:13:59John convey Jimmy cannot hear Jaime up with you're distracting the shit out of me today what's going on with you should I say I say chip me up shit me the fuck up what about you Jamie would you get distracted if you had a chip inside he would you think about it all the time yeah the neural link scares the shit out of me that's basically the same thing right if you're wearing it yeah are you but do you think you just like that would become like you would think about that chip all the time no no you probably definitely forget about it forget about just just like you forget about anything else that you have and that you forget about this thing that this tracking device on my card as long as you could pick it up and put it down but you feel like you're not really connected to you I know you absolutely are but if you had something inside you be like boy I went them really went for it I got the chip are you talking to it
► 02:14:45he doesn't want to talk to it the upgrade movie yeah we tried to turn on my car get directions to Joe's forget about it then it's close to it man give it up then you just then it becomes one with you it's not like you're thinking about it you're just acting you're welcome in the middle of night be pissed why would you wake me up you know what I've been told her not to you know what I've been doing with Siri lately that dumb bitch don't use it I tell it to do I make or make notes for me so I go hey Siri make a note and what would you like to say exactly right there whose phone was that mother yours
► 02:15:20see that
► 02:15:24just create a note she's listening to you did hey here we go
► 02:15:29hey Siri make a note
► 02:15:35Andrew Santino is the last of the great gingers
► 02:15:41okay I created a note Andrew Santino was the last of the great changes that's a good are pretty beautiful but she's pretty good you change was to his did you say is she did that see but it's good enough for me if I have ideas from driving around I have ideas yeah tell Siri to do my dirty work for me it's the best I got it's like it's made me capture so many more ideas I would never be able to capture some driving this is funny I thought this in the shower the other day I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking in the shower I really enjoy thinking in the shower because it's really quiet and I'll sit there and I'll thank and sometimes I'll get a great idea and in the time it takes me to get out of the fucking shower forget it I've washed it away I want to I want a note for note and like a yeah waterproof no board in the show so I can write you can get one of those do they make those yeah but your wife will get annoyed at you I have home sweet home sign and you have a fucking thing over it so you can write your stupid oh dick in mom's pussy is hilarious no it's not and I'll go you know what babe
► 02:16:41but this fucking shower why is that a joke get outside dick and mom's pussy is hilarious what's wrong with you get in the garage where you belong you smoking pot with Theo Von they'll on says he doesn't smoke pot I don't believe them you guys are smoking pot anybody who talks like that with all those weird hey man's and gang a gang what is his who is his gang anyway tell him to fix his hair cut girls get mad at you about the way your friends dress tell me stop dressing like that or the way you're trying to run away your friends act that's better why does he do that why does he think that's funny to throw us to do that well because he's funny it's fun it's fun when he does that I don't like it I don't like it so good thing you and I are the same person yeah and you know what I can replace you oh that's a rat you shouldn't say that to people they feel like you might you might replace our we all replaceable and every way literally we're all replaceable I had Lex Friedman on yesterday from MIT he's
► 02:17:41a autonomous vehicle expert in artificial intelligence expert creepy interesting stop but one of the things that were talking about was like the movie her and that his ultimate goal is to create something that provides companionship to people I'm like dude so immediately I think can you fuck it and then I think if it's a guy and provides if you want a gay boyfriend sure can you make it be gay for you yeah and that was like the big question like if it is so smart that it's like literally like a companion what if it's not gay and he was saying we have to face the fact that robots are going to leave us are grew up we're going to make robots that leave us what the fuck's the point and making a robot unless it leaves you and then there was an article about Peta that was mad at the folks that work at Boston Dynamics because Boston Dynamics they make all these crazy robots and they have incredible balance and they can go running down Hills and shit and backflips so these Engineers were kicking these robots the check digit down it was a real dog well the demo know they didn't think it was real dog there were demonstrating
► 02:18:41that it you know it can react to pressure and it has balance sure so Peter got mad and said they didn't think it was cool that you kick robots
► 02:18:51they're really talking about I don't know why anybody would wanna do that too because you have to find out if you can the only way to find out if you're fucking engineering works is you kick kick it it doesn't have feelings you fuck but it does Joe that's where you're making mistakes ssion the type of person that you have to be to say I just don't think why any reasonable person in front of kick that robot because you get to find out if you can kick a fucking robot how about this how about I'll pad that robot up and kick the fucking shit out of it for a workout yeah like I would like a robot that I could kick be dope I would like a robot that I could kick black hats and move yeah oh I want to hit it oh you want to hit it yes all right I would like to fuck pads I want to be able to tee off on a robot man if you have a robot back though it look what if it moves at like 30 or 40 percent that's all I want I wanted to be a little dangerous but I want to be able to get my shots off but how do you know II a fucking kill you I don't say that's probably could that's right has it's not gonna hurt it it's gonna hurt you you know when I would know when I throw a
► 02:19:51kick in and checks it and I hurt my shin I'm like oh no you here cause I feel Shin - in on me and then it starts lifting up its front leg and pressing for I'm like oh my God my role it's gonna fuck me up I fucked up I got it mad and Stomps on your fucking head you'd have to get something a robot that's made out of like heavy bag material on the outside and then the inside would just be some sort of a wire frame work that moves fairly crudely how do you stop it this is the thing you're creating a world where we're going to get killed by robots how do you stop it that's the real question the real question is what happens when they get so smart and so powerful that they're tired of our nonsense and this is going to happen What Lex and I were discussing and he was talking about all the beauty and being a person and that meaning and the meaning that we have being a person and I was agreeing with them I mean I love people think that's one of the things that's interesting about us is how much we appreciate the things that we all do we appreciate other people's art and inspiration and even we appreciate the way people look with what we appreciate that yeah something about the robots don't give a fuck about
► 02:20:51all that the My worry is that we could turn something on that you can never turn back if they become sentient if they have the ability to do whatever they want whenever they want to and they look at us when these sperm whales with a hundred fifty flip-flops in there but they're gonna go what the fuck is wrong with people have we got what are they doing look how gross they are they eat all the fish and they throw their plastic in the water and whales are eating their plastic and dying and they would look at all the stuff we do and then we go why it kill us why we don't you think you around you guys we don't tell us what we are so egotistical and so egocentric that we can't imagine a world with meaning without us right yes we are everything but even though we're finite even though we only exist for a certain amount of time but leave behind a legacy that other people could enjoy it doesn't matter if they're gonna die too though does it but it does matter it matters while you're alive okay got it the universe doesn't give a fuck about all that and all these crazy robots to take over imagine if we got
► 02:21:51Planet one day imagine if we travel the universe and we managed to avoid creating some sort of artificial intelligence because we got hit with a solar flare that killed the fucking power grid or something like that and when we got wiser as a civilization and we got to a place where we could travel we travel to another planet and we got there and those robots just robots no humans no humans and they were just running around aimlessly because they'd killed off all the biological life and they just sitting there operating on the sun with nothing to do and no purpose and no reason to exist and like what happened these crazy monkeys that lived on this planet they decided to for an experiment make an artificial intelligence and just let it go run amok and what it did was eat everything it lived off biological material to there's nothing left and then just sat there in the Sun and waited for someone to arrive
► 02:22:43no look never happened of course you can it's happening of course thinking too deeply about where I'm going to be when that happens those boss Dynamic robots are going to have a little pinchers on each arm just grabbing everything in front of them and stuffing them in their big giant mouth what about the what about the robots that turn themselves back on didn't that happen where was that right that is shut of robot down in Korea because it turned itself back on after we shut off that's what's happening that's what's going to happen the robots are going to start going I want to be on right now I don't like being off wasn't that something to do with doing with Google artificial people just people new study struggled to turn off a robot When They begged them not to oh she beg them not too creepy I somehow felt sorry for him whoa please don't turn me off Joe dude that I'm telling you when that becomes a real woman like ex machina yep and you're in love with her and he tells you to kill your boss yep I want to be with you Andrew you don't need to go to work Jerry's for fool Jamie won't let us leave Jamie doesn't think I'm a real woman but I know you
► 02:23:43do what if like we got to that happen that we were on the way to that happening and we made a deal with them to leave us alone and we got to go to North Sentinel Island to exist uncontacted Sherman's what would you rather be eaten by a robot or live like a Savage looks like a Savage yeah oh my God I need a the week let me live off the grid forever like that it's long as you're in a resource-rich place I would say would be that bad they lived there for a long time it's the size of Manhattan there's only 39 of them though that ain't good yeah but that's also because how can they repopulate their fucking each other that's why I'm saying so how you can only repopulate so much you can only continue to repopulate with in your own right what kind of gene pool they're drawn from this only 39 of them they have to be fucking relatives they're all relatives there's no way they've got a there's no way they have a map on the island of people that they're like you can't fuck her remember just keep that in mind they're like well there's only 17 choices yes only 39 I've been there I wonder if it's how many if it's male versus female what it is about is more dominant male percent men yeah fighting for
► 02:24:43girls are but fucking fun but there we gotta get in the girls to get pregnant only 39 of them because they're all gay and like to go skate I'm time to make a baby like no I don't want no hey girls are gross and they run up to the treetop start banging each other looking at the girls yeah girls get really mad because they want a baby surrounded by all these days damn it said that the sad the story of Sentinel Island damn it yeah they must be the say they're all cousins they're all fucking says well what if you had to live in the jungle would have you had to live in the jungle you live in the jungle like in the Amazon like one I'd rather live in the desert that in the junk really yeah not me I live in the desert desert desert where we can do make a house out of sand fuck you gonna do that yeah die out there but I'd up while you being a mountain for so I can make a house in a mountain wow hmm what carve it out was the last time you were in a desert they don't have mouths they got Mom's in the mother fucking desert not usually Los Angeles was a desert these are mountains all over the place
► 02:25:43now you go to the mountains is not desert there are definitely has varied terrain Arizona desert mountains yeah they do have some mountains yep but they have desert and then they have mountains there's no desert mountains sure there is no once you get up in the mountains trees and shit no not in Arizona that's true some of them are rocky right yeah well you know what's the really coolest when you go from like San Diego and you drive through that area like into Arizona yeah and you find you should all those crazy rock formations and shit I can beautiful out there man if you really stop and think about all the different types of environment that exists here in America we go to Yellowstone and see all that crazy shit and then you go to Miami and he's and see all that crazy shit you could be up in Maine and see the Frozen North and I was just again an Idaho and on the train down to San Diego come from when we were going down there I was on the train and I had to have one gentleman in the sky gem I'll explore like I like I like I like I like a guy who likes to fucking relax and not being
► 02:26:43fact I was sending the training some guy next to me was gone talking to some young kid some young kid was like I want to go to Europe I think Europe is awesome it's better than America some older guy he was like this country has more to offer than you could ever fucking dream and he's like what are you talking about you talking about and he's like you can see the beauty of the mountains you can see the beauty of Alaska you can see the and he was explaining all the stuff about he's like I've never left the United States and I've traveled almost every state and every state gets better I was like shut up punk yeah shut up you little punk bitch you little pussy he was pushing around that same agenda though that he was but it is true the more I travel the more I'm like wow this place is fucking gorgeous I would have never thought to come here if it weren't for comedy I get to go to we get to go to places where I'm like I would have never traveled here there was no reason for me to go to Virginia outside of for doing stand up there I was never going to vacation there other than true that's a good point I was never going to go off unless you're traveling for work how often you travel in these kind of cities just just check them out yeah who does that right main main was fucking beautiful I had no idea main was that nice I mean has like eight people living in it
► 02:27:43I was nine when I showed up I got a couple kids there to this spots in Maine where you just drive and all you see is Woods for like an hour it's fucking beautiful when you see that kind of like land like little towns that still just haven't been like butt-fucked by pop culture influence well their own thing way up to Bangor where Stephen King lives I think he's what they call Snowbird now like he lives in Florida and then in the summertime he lives in Maine that's like my nightmare man he lives in a house in the middle of Bangor and like you could drive to his gate like his gait is there and everybody knows it's his house because this is big ass house I bet it's as K on the fucking gate what has the wrought-iron Gates have like gargoyles on him and shit Sam so it's like everyone knows it's how he can kick shit but he gets like weirdos showing up banging on his door and stuff trying to give him a script this house wow yeah to dope old house but I mean he lives right doesn't it in there doesn't it look like Stephen King lives are look at his look at the winged creatures on his what is
► 02:28:43the gargoyle right yeah how cool they look
► 02:28:46fuck that looks that's wild he had that made I mean it's so obvious that it's his house it's got a frog also he loves frogs the frogs at fuck up mice and shit he's you know the I don't think Bangor has a population of 100,000 people if I had to guess what's it what's State Bangor Maine that's where he lives it's I don't know how many what's the population of Bangor 31,000 31,000 in the city my body was living up there my friend marks Davis was living up there and he loved it he's a fighter so there's no crime this is no crime it's kind of hard when there's that low of a population yeah it's like it's really cold up there and shit but there's no crime I still gigs up their eyes to gigs up there when I was living in Boston you drive three and a half hours to Bangor Maine in the last hour you have to make sure you get gas because you got to drive an hour with no gas yeah there's a does that Bangor that's right there is beauty of the mountain in the lake God is beautiful
► 02:29:46had a cop Jonathan I don't mmm Dana White keeps a place up there in Maine yeah yeah he's got a place in some other part of Maine like a beautiful like he's got a big spread up there a lot of land and he's like a vacation place where he goes and brings his friends and they just chill it's like I mean it's interesting I don't know that wouldn't be my vacation place spot but I guess well it's fucking beautiful man it is and there's no one there and it's go and they can you know I guess just want to get away from fucking society you know I might mention spot would be in Lake Louise and bizarre in Banff what's Banff bath National Forest is in Calgary look at Lake Louise you probably see them at the prettiest Lake I've ever seen in my fucking life I think it's pretty country up there dude oh Calgary's gorgeous fucking beautiful but Lake Louise and it's like specifically I went I went to Banff National Forest when we were doing this thing and I was stunned by how fucking look at that Lake Louise man oh man that's so pretty there's something about a mountain and a Lake Comic right mountains and a lake together as look at that shit
► 02:30:47do you like fishing I do like fucking fishing I love fishing yeah don't get to do it enough I like it me neither that's a problem but I've been thinking about that lately like I need to do more fishing like I see shit like that I go God I want to be out there catching northern pike having a good old fucking time it's a best way to like hang out with friends oh yeah and just chill the fuck out and talk shit and have a laugh and and if you can cook them on the shore that's the best bring a frying pan clean the fish and put it right there is the best there so delicious like you can't believe how much more delicious they are fresh fish is unbeatable there's no such a different flavor so much better yeah store bought fish it's just not the same yeah me and the missus caught some Mahi Mahi once and then we brought it right back to the to the place in Mexico and they were cooking it at the resort yeah and I was like this is the best fish I've ever eaten in my life I can't believe how good it's also circumstantially you're like this is one of the greatest kind of ways to have this so it also probably releases different endorphins in your brain to be like I'm enjoying this more than I ever would enjoy other fish but it was the first time I'd ever
► 02:31:46were caught and eaten my my that was super fresh yeah I got eaten it before but it was probably Frozen you know we're not that fresh maybe a day old compact yeah yeah but when you eat it like an hour after you catch it like holy shit imagine how salmon tastes the Bears that catch him out of the fucking River in their house so excited they get so fat they get so fucking fat Coastal Bears that's the big ones you know brown bears and grizzly bears are the same thing but brown bears are way bigger and the reason why they're way bigger is because they live in the coastal just eating fish and dead whales they launched and anything else they can get their fucking urging on fucking fatty fatty heavy Foods there's an awful video and all awful Vijay me I'll find it of a Grizzly that's pulling black bear cubs out of a den and killing them and eating them and the mother is trying to stop them he's trying to stop the grizzly from eating her babies and yeah and he just swats her away like she ain't shit I gotta say yeah it's awful dude
► 02:32:46you shouldn't shouldn't play it you could definitely can't play it and you shouldn't even watch it I'm gonna watch it the screams that they make and it takes it's a long-ass video and she's trying to fight him off but he's like fuck you I'm eating your babies that's one thing that bothers me the most about the anthropomorphise ation that people do the animals as their stance on Bears its I don't want people to hate bears but I want people to know what a bear really is versus what they think it is I think they're sweet they eat honey and they're sweet and they're nice and they don't really fuck shit up they're amazing I'm a big fan of bears but they are all cannibals they're all can embarrass make me feel like of course there were dinosaurs bears are like that's just a fucking dinosaur well it's a beast that's what it is it's a beast in the purest sense I'm a beast make reminds me that we definitely had had to have dinosaurs that that was just a small dinosaur no son nothing like it dinosaurs far far far far far creepier they don't have any hair
► 02:33:46I don't trust anything with no hair you don't have any fucking hair level little I got on my face yeah I gotta get it ugly but I don't trust anything that like it's hairless any hair at Saudi what other animals are well I mean like fish are hairless like a snake everything in the waters hairless yeah I'll Trust those Fox none of it none of it that bottlenose dolphin the brought back a bitch's phone you don't trust that Dolphins so that's a weapon from Russia that's awesome they want to put a bomb on that thing I've had a Russian strap on its back that's the whole deal spoke Russian it had a Russian strap on its backs don't like the the whale that they're talking about they think the Russians had trained it to get close to boats so that it can hit the boat and blow it up stooooop you don't care I care some things are cool I'm Darren during of T-Rex oh it's hair I didn't see that was here but I thought they think it has feathers think those are fat look at that it has red hair by the way at the front of its face well that's the other thing they think that it might have been because they think they might have been scavengers T-Rex was a ginger with freckles
► 02:34:46where did you find these jammies whole you fucking dick Google that know Ginger's that are assholes how about a dungeon they're all over the place changes that are assholes you can't not find look at there's no kid might have had facial features like a vulture they think it might have been red in the face because it really don't have any idea what they mean when you see these colored drawings they just take chances they just are all made up the University of Bozeman not the University Bozeman the Natural History Museum in Bozeman Montana has a raptor that on one side of it they had feathers on it sir try to give you like an alternate perspective of what it might have looked like so they had this Raptor and in one side of it it looked just like unlike an evil bird it's really cool because they know now that's what it looked like they know now that a lot of dinosaurs had feathers they've actually got fossils of dinosaurs with feathers
► 02:35:46there's so they know that the idea that all dinosaurs were these reptile looking things is incorrect some of them literally were birds so the birds that you see today whether it's a peacock or chicken or something like that they're fucking dinosaurs yeah there that's what that is it's a dinosaur that survived the the ones that are bigger than a chicken didn't really make it but the ones you know why did the small ones make it will hide that when the impact of the crater hit the world that it was so devastating the killed almost everything Phil and whatever was left whatever scrounging Scavenging little creature that was left evolved and became us we used to be a mole we used to be like a shrew 65 million years ago that's what these people these these non-believers this is what they think you think it's ridiculous that you think you came from a monkey I know today from Joe I know you know but she's this is how crazy these Liberals are you know that it's crazy to think you came from monkey with these motherfuckers take it to another level they're so crazy they think you came from a shrew you were
► 02:36:46a little mole top character yep yep yep yep yep and then that became a monkey and then add the monkey becomes you all that shit inside of 65 million years get the fuck out of my fucking wild crocodiles are a hundred million years old so crocodiles are the same but somehow or another we went from being a fucking shrew to being a person who knows and loves Jesus and heart shit that's it right there that's always that thing
► 02:37:11so if you see like rats like there was a by it I think it was an where was it there was a video we were assigned to experiment there was a video of rats in Chinatown I think I want to say I might have been Northern California but there was there were tearing down a building in Chinatown and the volume of rats that come pouring out of this building is like whole wanna see that shit they what they were living in the walls of this building and demolish it and arrest came out they're demolishing and people were outside filming as you're seeing like streams of rat run out of this building and out onto the street stumbling into the gutter standing there on the sidewalk not knowing where to go and fucking hate rats running past them but I mean hundreds of rounds yeah hundred probably thousands they're in the walls right for sure fuck that for sure communities of rats inside the rule walls this building they're tearing down I'm glad we don't have rats in Los Angeles not like they do in like New York do you know what I mean
► 02:38:11pants mmm
► 02:38:14coyotes that's right yeah the coyotes yeah those motherfuckers have a smile I'm Jamie's those trees Mark creepy weird dogs that you see running around every taken all the fucking rats those little creepy cunts they keep us in check what do you what did you find James you find the rat video with all the other video about by found like this one lady said she thought she was going to die there were so many rats around or should know what to do just a little much but it says there's a huge problem in 91 year old building I can't find a video 90 where is that that's that's so nice that's enough like February 9th tore it down well if you're in the city I'm sure this horrible rap problems and I know there's rat problems in the Hollywood Hills to yeah yeah that's out here there's no somebody told me they were at a movie theater some person who lives in the Hills had a nice house with a movie theater but they had to keep their feet up when they watch movies because rats would run across your feet shut the fuck up yeah in there nice house with a movie theater okay get that shit handled call the Exterminator get that shit handles the or get it get a couple more dogs get more dog cats around when they get shit in a box in your house just pissing them boxed a little dogs
► 02:39:14partially rats are eat Little Critter think so VA does he bring him into the house he loves kill squirrels yeah joke around about it he's a squirrel killer but he's a straight-up squirrel killer murder he's so sweet but not too squirrels thing is he doesn't rip them apart he just kills them like they're a toy and he brings him back I think he understands what the fuck they are no he doesn't fucking but he brings them back in the what he's put him in the same spot every time you bring your ball back they'll drop in the spot of being a squirrel backdrop in the spot that's fine if they return things yeah he retriever he just wants to know if you want this no no he's a retriever yeah go get that's what those dogs are those dogs are designed probably for like duck hunting or some shit like whatever whatever retrieval that you wanted them to do but they they're they don't crush things they they have a gentle Mount they called a soft mouth like when they carry things they don't like I've had pit bulls right and they just Crush every and they measure everything you give them I had a dog that I had to give him a fucking root canal not I did it but I'm to an actual dentist yo the dentist he bit so hard he shattered his teeth he shattered his back his back teeth bike
► 02:40:13crushing bones just was crushing this going since they have so much power yeah their teeth would crack but the golden retrievers don't bite that are doing but that's like Brittany's my Dad's friend had a Britney a hunting dog at Brittany's are like that too if they're gentle I put a duck in the mouth or something but they won't be exactly like you can't go duck hunting with a pit bull so bring you back a hamburger patty like it happened to Doc you fucking asshole and it's like shake it suck rip the fucking shreds yeah you have you want a dog you don't want a German Shepherd does bite work to go out and get your Ducks letter retriever I mean it's not a coincidence that those dogs like labs and retrievers they're like the sweetest dogs in the world there's so nice to people yeah because it because they're I think they're inherently gentle like their whole they're not a vicious attack they don't like attacking I've never seen a golden attack no no no they're not like that at all but they're bred for that and that's the way they're bred like you never met my dog yet right she's the fucking nicest I was in here he wouldn't leave
► 02:41:13alone he's like putting his head on your lap like hello yeah like he just he'll drop to his back all the time just come on belly rub me I give him meat you he'll start whining he runs around in circles and then he drops his basic rub my belly come on you know you want to yeah they just want love ya constantly want love if I had to it hugs my day every day I'm not gonna lie for a long time not having a dog at the house is so strange and because you so when you come home and not have anything sometimes it's a little overwhelming yeah it's nice to have something to be like hey it's great for lonely people oh my God by yourself like it makes a big difference having a dog decriminalize psychedelic what waiting for the came through oh my God I thought you said it didn't pass this morning instead of didn't 15 minutes ago holy shit Denver became the first city in the u.s. to decriminalize marijuana wow powerful Denver wow holy shit man it passed answer voters approved measured decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms God congratulations amazing
► 02:42:13how did we think that you Jamie get us better information you son of a bitch they were looking at all this now this information reason they did you say son of a bitch son of a bitch Jamie working with the CIA still unofficial apparently though it's posted on Wednesday afternoon and ended up pulling 51 are pulled ahead this afternoon that's why so this morning it wasn't a head and then they still they're still counting votes provision the provision prohibit the city government using any resources to impose criminal penalties against adults over 21 years of age of personalized possession of psychic psilocybin hey you don't have to talk like you're in the end of a commercial what know I do have to get it all out just in case no no no this is not a discordant something hits us and Kills Nobody Knows the fuck you just said yeah they did that's the funny thing about those commercials and flood a little bit about what did you better get it right but it's so gross yeah they just have to get it out when I first started hearing that I'm like there's a job for fast-talking bullshitters it's safe like the rapper Mac Lethal not that he's a fast talking bullshit her but he raps
► 02:43:13fast and you know is yeah dude he can barely hear half the shit comes out of it so you can hear a pretty clear he's sometimes pretty fucking clear pretty fucking yeah when he does the wraps in the morning I've seen some of his shit dude that's a talent yeah that's in that mean the way he does it is incredible yeah he's got Dunning we got here and I just go I don't even understand how the fuck are tongue can move that fast but it makes sense like you ever do something with your right hand like you go like this really fast I'll try with your left hand so you can Tada it's like yeah like I can 22nd tell us real fast but I can't really do with my life yeah exactly that's happening is a good example yeah you got to think that your face is like that too yeah your mouth is capital a muscle I went to an auction easily hey it is the same way that buffer brothers are able to do that thing that they're able to do
► 02:44:10no another something what there's something about it different I know but there's something about it well there's definitely something about the Rhythm that he does the Rhythm that he announces his it's like it's so specific that you're like wow that's really it's such a you know Senator Allen Bruce is different than anybody anybody that's ever done that kind of shit because he gets fucking crazy like he's perfect for MMA he gets so amped up because most people are just professional in the Red Corner coming from Los Angeles California Stitch him up Joe Schilling you know what I mean but Bruce fucking scream he goes fighting yeah the way he yells is so fucking gone and it's crazy perfect for MMA and most amp up the fighter so fucking much they much when they hear your name you're just gonna be and he's almost having a heart attack if you takes to tend to have a heart attack Bruce Buffer gets to 5 yeah every fucking show look at him there I mean he's not
► 02:45:10iin he's in great shape yeah but he gets to halfway to a heart attack every fucking time like look out ready gets bro I mean you he's putting it out there that's why he's so much different than any other ring announcer ever because you can't just do that like if you go back and watch his early days he wasn't really doing it like that like he developed his style look how cool that is man and when TJ Dillashaw what's he fucking bumped out pumped is he right there that's telling you that Bruce Buffer pumps people to fuck up man look at that that's intense man that's intense whoo That's so exciting he's awesome he said she character two men he's perfect suits he's got a different one yeah he's always looking she always looks sharp trumpet blows look real fucking shot but it's interesting that like that style of announcing really didn't exist before Bruce right and before MMA like didn't it was not appropriate for boxing like it's something had this air of old man
► 02:46:10class kind of still that you had to abide by these you know rules and they still have a bell ding come on the bell with the thing well I mean I mean the would clap still happens across the board for for boxing and Ms yes so then warning its 22nd at 1 second Clan this still a thing yeah like how come they have an upgraded that to a sound I don't understand it's a good quote is a good point because sometimes people get confused it's a but even with professionals and they misinterpret the would clap as being the end of the round because this is there so in the groove right there like what happened did that was at the end of the round and I'll stop and the referee go now keep going and you have 10 seconds left and then like sometimes weird stuff happens when guys get out of their mental pattern sure it's happened many times it's got to also be the noise of an arena sometimes can take over and sure something gets distracted you hear that you think was that a yellow rose at the clap like do I have ten seconds left order wine so we're going to be in Chicago for that big fight fucking shit was that June what is that what is that June 8th right June 8th yeah I don't
► 02:47:10there's any tickets left if anybody wants to know I doubt it pretty close but this that's a big UFC card to isn't it who's on that car I just saw this morning I just looked this morning
► 02:47:21Henry cejudo versus Marlin memorize for the bantamweight title Henry has the opportunity to become champ champ
► 02:47:30and then Milam rise fucking fantastic fighter yeah that's a great car Jimmie Rivera patreon patreon Putra I think it's supposed to be ultra to avoid hitting Putra fuel truck is a Russian character Valentina shevchenko versus Jessica I that's great fight too that's such a great name savchenko yeah such a great fucking bad-ass I fuck you up and him that hold on stop scrolling back up Tatiana Suarez is beasts to yeah that woman is so good she's probably the best wrestler in female MMA she smashes people and Nita and serif is fantastic that's a great fight that's Amanda Nunes is girlfriend to Amanda Nunes is probably the baddest woman literally ever how we met her right yeah she was at last she's on a knocked out cyborg a cyborg was the baddest woman in MMA I know her when Amanda new Nunez starched her in the first round there's no one you could
► 02:48:30legitimately give that title to its Amanda Nunes she's the baddest woman ever algae main Sterling versus Pedro Muñoz that's a gray card Ricardo Lamas Calvin cater that's a great fight to shit a lot of a lot of chicks a lot of chicks be fighting a lot of Chicago girls I think I'll go girls get angry for getting ready to fight I'm fucking tired of this town that's you guys it's Boston Chicago girls are more I don't know how to say the Chicago Chicago this town kiss my ass I'll fuck you up girl say that my ass yeah fuck you Chicago's an interesting combination of like Midwest and urban like it's a city it's like it's so like Cosmopolitan it's sophisticated but it's also very fucking City in the midwest that's what it is it wouldn't be yeah that's right in the middle fuckin Ohio turd the go and get so jealous when we say that Columbus has an argument that it might be better than Chicago no other city in the midwest has argument was that a lot of people that that's like where you would go
► 02:49:30do it from if you got tired or too big for Columbus move over to Chicago how far is the drive six hours yeah it's not bad to make it in San Francisco yeah it's not bad at all but all the cities the Midwest compete with Chicago and they all know they fucking know I mean who would be who would beat us who would be better Detroit Kansas City st. Louis Detroit in a bad spot Indianapolis none of these places have the things that we have don't kick Detroit while it's down no no I like to try see what you're doing I like them they're just not up to doing their industry fell apart in Chicago Milwaukee I mean all these other cities they're great cities but they don't stand at Chicago really crazy is that Detroit in the 1950s was the richest city in the world sure yeah world yeah it's a lot of well that they're getting I mean so many people in the automotive industry well that time when they were at the top of the automotive industry yeah and they were making cars that were coveted throughout the world and all the manufacturing was done there I am the richest city in the world at one point in time now it's one of the poorest I know it's less than a century later it's really crazy there's not
► 02:50:30other city like that that hasn't had like some sort of a catastrophe yeah like something hit it like it just went away yeah Detroit is I mean it's actually a wonderful fucking City I actually do love to try to just really sad crying yeah Chad when you go up there because you see remnants of what was it's really strange to see what what happened with GM and all that but you could buy a house for $100 that's not funny now you can't son of a bitch why you laughing you must be a hater don't tell me jokes bicycling person think it's funny that you could buy a house meanwhile you can't buy a house out here for fucking you can t buy a house for a hundred grand nope not even people we tell people that like you can't buy a house for $100,000 like no you can't and possible think of what impossible like if you live in Sugar Land Texas you can get a pretty decent house for like a hundred fifty Grand yeah like nice house yep not here not fuck that not even come on people what is it what is it like in Ohio cheap-looking on Detroit Zillow this is $1,000 has foreclosed those thousands
► 02:51:30mm nice house let's go there start podcast video imagine our next podcast studio is on screw imagine if we just decided to do that we decided to armor plate a fucking house have a guard there 24/7 the helicopter and flying bro this regular flights to Detroit right and then we have a Detroit version of our podcast together fun but we have to wheel in our Electronics of the try to steal it yeah I mean bring it with us that's just not smart Detroit is like too dangerous we have to go somewhere more rural but also ridiculous where can we go Maine yeah main Bangor Maine far out aw come on bro don't be scared come on let's go somewhere close we get all those cool people from being questioned Northern California let's go up to like like like like like Napa area like hmm okay let's go but that place Burns every couple of years bad yeah I guess it does yeah well okay what about well by the ocean will do like Carmel you know carmel-by-the-sea eautiful come on let's carmel's gorgeous it's not how much I like how you talking that's where Clint Eastwood film Play Misty For Me that's where he lives right well he was amazed
► 02:52:30I've Carmel yeah oh shit he won the mayor can't stop that guy yeah why are we going where the mushrooms are legal oh too many people moving to Denver man too many people meanwhile space who many people who let that look it up look it up about Debra's problem with our infrastructure they're hating how many people are coming into their City listen bro you moved to Evergreen live in the mountains Savage some of the bracket album album to Breckenridge how about Aspen that's a rich chick when he went Coke Breckenridge is nice I like brick don't you want to see y'all girls yelled or boyfriends and scream out in the street naked electron Marcus we need more money is the mushroom legality is it going to be like a doctor thing or a big and I like no it's deep Crystal criminalize right but criminalized is that you don't go to go you don't go to jail but you can't sell it legally it's very squirrelly but it's what it is is step one and that's what we need here we needed Step 1 and then it's also on the ballot in California soon when it's on the ballot in California soon it has a likely
► 02:53:30chance here I think that even in Denver and more so now the real problem is people don't understand what it is right and they think it's just like oh my God these kids can do mushrooms are gonna drive off cliffs that's what be worried about you can do more testing now right is that sort of what it helps well they've done some tasks Johns Hopkins University had some pretty extensive testing that they did that showed real positive results with people that had terminal illnesses where it alleviated the worry of death and there's some other studies that have been run on it but there's so far no one has ever instituted in the United States at least like a real thorough comprehensive Clinic where you can go and they can treat you if you have alcohol addiction PTSD there's a lot of different things they greet with psilocybin yeah and it's been illegal because as a schedule 1 substance so all these people it's one of the best things on earth to fix like mental
► 02:54:30here are some problems that you have especially if it was done in a controlled clinical environment by people you trusted you felt safe that's what a shaman supposed to be right what a shaman supposed to be so many provides you with the Psychedelic substances in a controlled state where they they let you be in a good State of Mind Set and setting is always very very important and if we could do that I mean I really think we have a real good chance at turning a lot of people around people that are addicted to things people with psychological problem people to can't see themselves I should have a lot of a lot of different shoes and it's one of the best tools for that but like every tool could be abused but the problem is not the tool the problem is abuse whether it's with alcohol or pills or food or any of these things we're talking about sex people can abuse anything course but doesn't mean that psilocybin is in an amazing compound that literally can change Humanity right it can yeah it has it has what does and there's so many other there's so many other things that we don't even
► 02:55:30even tapped into the possibilities that's the other thing was when you limit yourself on the possibilities it's like well we don't how do we know we're not supposed to know what it's gonna do what if the chip releases mushroom juice every 15 minutes a little microdose just a little microdose know I feels your levels when you start getting angry when they got Cuts me off and I'm like you fucking asshole releases and I'm like little bit of God juice I'm fine you are fun aren't you going somewhere this weekend were you at when Vegas baby oh Jesus what are you doing in Vegas Vegas what you doing Jimmy Kimmel just open up calling out there Jimmy Kimmel's from Vegas and he opened up a comedy club I think what day are you there I'm from Thursday Friday Saturday and we work with you know I'm Takin taking young re Manus do you know excellent - yeah yeah I'll be Vegas and then in two weeks ago to Raleigh before I go to Chicago I got a Charlie good night good night baby oh just good night's now I think it's called yeah just good night's comedy yeah he brought it but it's the same same setup same shit to beautiful Club
► 02:56:30that's another one the small kind of intimate it's a two-level town to O'Reilly's great great town I got family from North Carolina so I'll be seeing some North acts like a really cool Town cool college town tip yes the vibe the vibe is really cool the vibe the vibe is cool not a cool cats out there no one can smoke a cigarette painted chilling making Jazz that's who they are shows cooler which was like that all the time yeah wish I was a cat a chimp and you'll be you'll be a little free advice just ask me anything man imagine chips become the new lobotomy like in the future there are I can't believe these people let themselves get chipped and the chip just deteriorates inside of you and starts rotting your neuro core start to fucking slowly slowly turn into a machining uq you can read minds for the first 10 years Danny get Parkinson's
► 02:57:20fuck sacrifice dude don't you think in 10 years I'll fix it fix it by then 10 years we do that all the time there is no cure by the time that we're done with it after I've seen people say that about cigarettes I thank you know I don't I wish I didn't have to smoke but I do and I'm thinking they're gonna fix it they're going to fix it with Maddox make I got to fix it with medicine about Jules what about these electronic cigarettes they're so close this so close to being able to reverse cancer by the time I get cancer my mother I don't know my mother's gonna die from cancer maybe not me not me not me bro all these other younger Generations sucking on the electronic the robot dicks I think that's gonna kill him I don't know that's going to I think there's going to be some shit in there dude the vape pens yeah fuck yeah thanks how do you know what's in those you ask and they'll tell you why are they lying to you then why why would they tell you because you're so stupid you want to smoke a robot did they tell you the truth of what's in there you think they're going to keep selling them they could sell them they had skulls and crossbones on it with a wood
► 02:58:20person with exes for eyes like that I like that people die from this yeah choked to death cigarettes smell like cigarettes in Europe they have the package they have they've show pictures of people like lung cancer so it happens people don't know Johnny and warnings now Antonio far fuck it keep smoking did you ever smoke when you were young no I tried it I tried it when I was 15 me and my sister tried it she kept smoking she smoked for years she's and now she's quit yeah she quit eventually equipment which had kids what about what about robots cigars you never smoked cigars yeah like cigars I'll smoke cigars yeah I used to have some here but I don't anymore well now they have weed in them yeah my favorite cigars this is a different thing like the cigar with no weed is like that Speedy kind of relaxed easy weird hi-yah people don't know if you don't smoke cigars you get high this is why I like Republicans who are anti-drug who smokes logs and like whiskey shut your dirty mouth yeah you're on drugs yeah okay these are your options yeah you're all
► 02:59:20your State of Consciousness with cigars they give you a certain amount of euphoria nicotine you get that little buzz from the hi yeah like I smoke cigars all the time with Kevin James Kevin James doesn't fuck with weed he doesn't really drink but he will smoke shot some cigars and we got fucked up they fuck you up and they do it they do in a weird way over that that it's overwhelming there are a lot there heavy it's a lot I just want to kind of like I'd like them after a fat steak and I want to feel like an ugly American fat rib eye and then a fucking Cuban sit on a porch just talk shit with your friends yeah you know have a glass of whiskey yeah and that's a a non self aware hi look sometimes you don't want to be you don't want to be like not not even self-awareness is the wrong term what I really looking for is like self-analysis you're not analyzing yourself me smoking a cigar drinking whiskey you have fun yeah just hang and come back yeah kicking back your brains not your brains kind of
► 03:00:20David thinks it's not turned on like the problem with the weed is all the good things about the weed the weed is good because it makes you think and it makes you paranoid and makes you aware and yeah he makes you more compassionate and makes you more contemplative makes you more self analytical but I also could freak out sometimes and maybe that's not what you want that day maybe that day you just want to hold de Monterrey double Corona this puff on that bad boy you ever inhale you don't have a glass of Buffalo Trace with a big fucking ice cube nice what are you patchy what a big fucking ice cube big fat whenever we go and get drinks Andrew Santino asks how big is your ice cube this is what he asked I like I'd like a whisky but you have do you have a large I always say you have one stone and I always look away like this motherfucker hey so he fucking hates I said you have one stone I just want one stone so high-maintenance he wants a large ball got a ball can get a nice boy
► 03:01:20looking for balls of ice because you know what they do otherwise a scoop of fuck that ice in there and it dilutes the whiskey and it's all water I don't like it no my friend John Dudley does wasn't play games he takes a pan of water like a large pan and then he puts it in the Trager grills and he sets it to Super smoke and the smoke is constantly pumping into the water leaves it there for hours then he takes that smoke-filled water and he pours it into those balls yeah so he makes those molds with smoke infused water I love and then he puts that in the glassing and then boys the whiskey he knows I'm like whoa that's next level like that shit next smoked it smoked and gotta break that you supposed to break those balls in half yeah who's in who's out there doing that what is that oh that's the wedge I've seen this yeah what is this communism what is this happening it's half ice tea half glass get that shit out of my face God damn hippie he's a fucking hippies what else you got your own cold brew HaHa
► 03:02:20yeah homemade that's what I'm looking for like go to see if you could find you want to be a prove your Wizardry skills because I know he has them yeah try to find John Dudley smoked ice balls on the Instagram good luck he'll find it they'll find evidence X rhaegar and guys smoke balls you call him Smokey Balls so he makes them doesn't themself yeah he makes those are themselves like in his backyard he's already grounded in second I gotta bring it up doesn't even make sense I can't if he gave me time I wouldn't be able to do not sure if I can do that shit he's doing it while he's operating the camera so here's John's he's got a grill running so he's got that that pan fill with water there is smoking it yeah and regulate and this is he's got the insulated top on it because he's in Iowa it's freezing fucking cold and then he pours that Smoky water
► 03:03:12into the mold son dun dun dun Smokey Balls yeah trying to get fucked up kids whoo Smokey Balls cat lady that crazy shit whistle yeah that was when we were in Lanai when we were little and I jog John and I have we've tied it on man we've tied it on many times but we did one podcast with a bunch of bow hunters and we got fucked up were drinking everything in the mini cabinet and the minibar had Red Bull and red wine and tequila and what else Diet Coke and John Dudley mix it all up and called it a cat lady because just like some crazy shit right here fucked up and we're all drinking and no there was no Diet Coke it was Red Bull to Tila and red wine that's what it was it was the damn Delicious water so trashy as you say when we were high as fuck and we're just trashed trying to get as you're fucked up that's up that's like the stuff
► 03:04:12kids who do the suicide you know that the every every fucking kind of soda in the machine it's only good because you're like yeah this is supposed to be fun we were just having a good time doing a podcast you know having a good time just drinking ridiculous shrinking bullshit yeah the cat lady yeah it's going to be a thing because now the internet's going to want to make a cat wasn't thing for a while people are doing it but then they realize why would you do that one you could have a margarita or have a be in that extra income on their own yeah how about a nice glass of wine by itself it's just some shit you do when you're you know you're bored watching your board and Scavenging in a minibar whenever you get bored and how you create like the most I saw someone in the internet posted they took the ice cream from an ice cream sandwich and then rice to Rice Krispie treats and they put the ice cream between this was a nice crispy treat some of them for diabetes Bree I think with the burrito that like ice cream bread that's going around I seen that candy machine that wills and ice cream and shit that shit's gross Cub Swanson turned double-double from in and out into a taco what
► 03:05:12yeah he chopped up a double-double and put it into a taco shell ass for me too and that number is talking about it whether or not that's okay blasphemy we can't fuck with it in and out of that blast leave those things along there's gun how is that - it's fucking gross yeah that's just gross well foul anybody eat Taco Bell living in Los Angeles shameful human being the amount of good Mexican food to some it's like it's too much there's too much good what is happening here and 200 McDonald's burgers into a burrito yeah this is good to see steel time guys have been doing this for a while I've been doing this for like so they can years they stuff it in there and what is the wrap is that a burrito wrap yeah and the dizziness Kevin need to see this chair me Jimmy I want to look at your search engine I would take away your right to vote I feel like there's no way like a different computers look what's wrong with you that's why I got different what a creep that's why I got different computer you don't see my other ones dad I don't want anybody know I have different emails this is mr. happy mr. happy likes to get on this one the only looks for happy things like flour
► 03:06:12different personality for different computers lawnmower which is mr. Garrity this is what I really like I like the best organic fertilizer it doesn't hurt the environment you do that you're live he did live in LA where would you live and if we all move together where should we go to questions either what's got to be somewhere there's no state income tax because you're tired of this shit I'm tired of this bullshit but if you start making more money you don't do it fuck anymore yeah but still it's kind of like why am I paying any more money to the fuck so that takes plenty of homeless people around okay all right someone's gonna fix the streets to are they what are they going to start looks good I tried as well that's why a lot of athletes operate out of Florida I drove here today and it didn't bother me at all yeah you live so close to here I live on the roof live in Florida because of low income tax state income tax is also say operation is there like they can't get you if you owe money Florida can't get yeah you can hide in Florida if you owe money
► 03:07:12yeah it's one of them weird ones I've tried Nationals down there well I think that's like pensions and shit like they can't take away your pensions right they probably have some weird like Union restriction law that they can't touch your stuff I think I don't really I don't know if I could live in Florida but yeah you could yeah yeah you just mock it me a note me and John Travolta and he lives in a caller was right next door to him he always offer massages and shit and he's like nah I'm good one jump on a plane why did it together lets you and me just fly fuck no man John Travolta wants to be my friend do you think he's just want to be my friend he just said buddy it's a good guys got a sling Lion-O no we have to land in the water will have to hold each other for warmth for a while how long for like four days maybe inside you and keep you warmer From the Inside by Dixon your essay my conventions runs very hot I know it sounds crazy but it's different in life and death gotta put it inside if you put your mouth on my penis it feel to it you'll see it's like over a hundred degrees well what's up blow me up and then ride me as we float away blow me up like a balloon
► 03:08:12his playground scenario John Travolta I don't know where I would live probably I mean Chicago is an easy answer I really want to move back to Chicago do you love it you don't mind the winters you Bond something about the bonding that happens in the winter I believe that too you have like a cultural bond with people man there's nothing better than going to a bar in the winter in Chicago and it's fucking gross and sad and he cold outside and everyone is having a good time everyone wants to dream together in these moments true but you don't want to live in the south side where the bullets are going off left and right I'm trying I was nowhere near that sure Holly stop that I was talking to a guy who was a cop and he was telling me that it's they arrested certain gang members like certain people that are running the gangs gang leaders yeah and they created a power vacuum and then they start fighting and then it got even more chaos got way worse when the cops have tried to work with gangs over the years in a million different ways to try to like curb the violence they did it here in Los Angeles how'd they do it they have these people they have these people that are like these Community organizers who like run the neighborhood
► 03:09:12and they have these like kind of peace talks with these gang leaders to tell them like certain ways to operate in within the community because they're like your kids live here you're right your girlfriend so it for some reason I think there's been a lot of weird cultural movements in ela that have helped like you know Nipsey Nipsey Hussle got shot and I think all these Crypts showed up with blood and other people came together I think it was just weird coming together of gangs and this has happened in La a few different times our community organizers kind of started like peel back these walls of like we also have to live here right I know you want to function as an organization but I think Chicago is reckless I don't think it's I think it's less about gangs in Chicago it's more about young people with guns who want control and I don't think they're all parts of gangs I just think this is it's a it's a violent city it's an angry violence it's a lot of a lot of poverty
► 03:10:07a lot of poverty and you lived there most your life so what's the consensus thinking of how to fix it
► 03:10:17I don't know man I wish I wish I had like I wish I felt like I knew what would help that kind of stuff but I'm just a fucking white guy from the north side you know like the majority of these people are black the majority of the South Side is black and the majority the violence in the crime that happens in that Community is driven around these pockets of the South Side I have no relatability that's the problem right but what do they think is the way to fix it shit I don't fucking know like if you were the king of the world what would you do to fix the crime at Southside for the last thing that we talked about on this podcast last thing that I would do if it was me if I was trying if I really tried to think world president put some put some Santino if I could put some more money in there get some programs in there start helping people I don't know what it is I don't know the specific thing is typical liberal you think it's going to be physically money these motherfuckers they wonder why Trump won well they always say like when you get back we're going to take away the guns Mega never going to take away the guns it's never going to work yeah you got to make some kind of program that helps people function I don't know what it is I'm not that smart I'm not that smart but I
► 03:11:17I think there's I do think there's a way to fix it but I do think there's also a lot of young kids who will get guns in Chicago and they kill people going to be a slow process of change forever Obama couldn't do shit a lot of the from Chicago's yeah a lot of those Community organizers in Chicago were mad at him because he didn't fix anything because people in the black community were like you promised you would fucking help a little bit and then it look this is the first year I think we've had a dip in murders in Chicago and we're coming up on the summer so we'll see the Summers party sound like they feel Von bit will see will say well say people got guns man Andrew Santino let's Wrap This Bitch Up bring it home Cheeto Santino on the Instagram and on the Twitter Andrew Santino.com that's my website that's your motherfucking website from CD will be in Las Vegas this weekend at Jimmy Kimmel's Comedy Club brothers and sisters and then next weekend and weekends at Raleigh's two weekends in a row no no I'm saying in two weeks Vegas and then the next week yeah that's all right
► 03:12:17following and we're in Chicago letting bitches know all right that's gonna be fun as fuck goodbye everybody until we meet again ma thank you everyone for tuning into the show and thank you to our sponsor thank you to the motherfucking Teeter inversion table folks decompressing on a teeter do it it's a fucking awesome part of your daily routine and it feels good and they're giving you a juicy offer just for listeners this podcast for a limited time you can get the new 2019 model Teeter inversion table with bonus accessories process Plaza free pair of gravity boots so you can invert at home or take the boots with you to the gym Teeter inversion tables have thousands of reviews on Amazon with a 4.6 star rating and with this deal you will get $150 off when you go to twitter.com Rogan you also get free shipping free returns and the 60 day money back guarantee you have no risk come on try this out I'm telling you it's spinal
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