#1321 - Robert Oberst

Jul 8, 2019
Robert Oberst is a professional strongman who competes yearly in The World's Strongest Man competition. He's can also be seen on the History Channel's "The Strongest Man In History" premiering July 10 at 10pm ET.
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► 00:06:50sa Fe Simply Save.com / Rogan my guest today is one of the strongest motherfuckers ever walk the face of the Earth and a genuine gentle giant a super cool guy and he's a part of a new History Channel what is the history of the strongest men what is it that it Jamie's checking it right now will tell you we talked about it on the podcast and just genuine all around cool motherfucker longest man in history strongest men in history or man in strongest man in history it's a new show that's on the History Channel we talk is it Wednesday nights at 8 so it says Wednesday night at 8:00 on the History Channel
► 00:07:3510:00 Wednesday night at 10:00 you doing that with your hands why don't you just say with your problem even if you're looking at Jamie's giving me Braille anyway he's awesome please welcome Robert Oberst Rogan Experience trained by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day and we live what's happening baby what's up Joe how are you brother I'm feeling great man thanks for having me you looking great thanks you're looking rather large I threatened Joe before the show I said you need to start off and tell me how beautiful I am strong and pretty well there's that your t-shirt company yeah that's my clothing company it's also bunker branding and basically that's that's basically we try to keep this like a fist from your face I'm just afraid everyone's gonna hear me breathe like a fat guy like you know how much did you do any cardio I do most definitely yeah if you watch strong man on this planet so like when you pull a truck that's 70,000 pounds you put
► 00:08:35400 feet with a harness restraining your chest like not expulsion but your chest expansion it's that's that's the hardest cardio I've ever done I played football for a long time so I mean you know I could only imagine but I was I was thinking that like you have to have some cardiovascular strength to do some of those routines some of the some of the different challenges you guys have to do for sure and normally like worlds will start with like what we call a load medley so you'll have normally like for implements like you'll have two kegs into sandbags and the kegs of both weigh 265 pounds and the sandbags will be 3:30 that's what we did last year which was fucking brutal but you'll have to load each one of them onto a platform that's about 60 feet away so you know if you get going you it's not just cardio you have to have died from strength to like if you've got a weak diaphragm you're just going to fold I've seen guys black out and I've seen guys black out at World's Strongest Man so what does it how does it how does one strengthens our diaphragm what we do
► 00:09:36the normal exercise we did it doesn't really have a name it's just kind of something we made up you'll lay on your back and you take like a sand bag and put it over over your upper abdomen and you'll expand you'll push out really hard and would you try and hold it for like say like two minutes and you learn to take tight little breaths while flexing your upper abdominals abdominals whoa I can spoke so you've got the weight on you right and you just and you stay flexed and it's like you know how you see Fighters taking punches like just to keep tight yeah same similar thing and so like me I have a big barrel gut like a big chest and got but like it's solid I literally get like I'll brag a little bit I've got side ABS in the morning sometimes actually I gotta say this is the best compliment I was ever given I put up a post and it was me drinking coffee in the morning just make it but like from like the hip up and
► 00:10:35gave me a compliment that's actually comes from something you said they said damn Roberts got a really good dick route I think I've been to Dick route de Cruz when those dudes so I don't understand why dudes do that they wear their shorts so low that you basically see the top of their cockroach see the route we've got nothing else to show so that's a weird weird move your little dick root that's all it comes up it's just me I think I invented it I appreciate it there's a very nice compliment congrats on the Dick route bro it's just a weird thing that got I mean when did you guys start doing I can't girls doing it I get it right I just don't get guys pulling their shorts all the way down low like that seems like you just asking to get pantsed like I don't understand like sagging I guess it like comes out of prison culture from what I heard I hate it now but I feel like I'm old man because I used to do it as a kid you sag well I grew up in an area it was like it was a very
► 00:11:35low-income like area I know how to say that politically correct weird way to say it but yeah no income so like everybody was sagging yeah like boxer shorts underneath that's its we have to have you learned see when you start off with tighty-whiteys and then everyone makes fun of me like oh right right so you switched the boxes what a weird like style yeah I ran out of that by the time I was like 12 though you'd like this is ridiculous well my problem is like if somebody like grabs your pants like you're done like you're going to have to reach for your past and they're going to punch you in the face like this is a tech you like asking to you're like at a handicap yeah you sound exactly like my father right now exactly what he would say you're gonna get your ass kicked yeah I have friends that tried it like even 10 15 years ago at guys my age I was like what in the fuck are you doing but still they don't the thing now is skinny jeans and sagging which is like a counterproductive Yahweh like it just doesn't seem like it go
► 00:12:35together right there trying to combine Styles and understand what they're doing right yeah well I mean if they've got a good enough dick root then maybe that's what it is like they just got to show the quad like do you wear regular jeans or do you wear like them stretchy type Jesus challenging yeah please I love those man you can't go back to regular jeans right once you wear like rev towns or the barbells or any of those kind of like the fuck all those regular jeans you can't man now I mean I ripped so many genes yes and down you know I think with your size like it must be fucking so hard to just find clothes right and no and I'm built differently like my waist is as like a 40 but my in seems like a 34 and so normally like if you find a 40 waste it's like a 28 or 30 leg so it's like for a shorter like China guys yeah so yeah so say fat guys and no one gets mad if you say fat girls people like hey yeah don't be so insensitive but fat guys don't catch a break
► 00:13:35fuck about fat guy here with the fat guys can deal with it fat guys they're happy they're fat sometimes true that's a difference like fat girls will pretend they're happy they're fat but they're really sad on the inside so there you go but fat guys if they especially if they drink the like half a sure Bert Kreischer does not seem to give a fuck that he's fat no he does not have a problem with it now makes his shirt off the moment he gets on stage doesn't care on daytime TV yes he doesn't people get mad at him well if he doesn't take your shirt off people like hey come on your side guys again I could get naked there's your sure that's monkey yeah take it off that's a part of your gig it's like what's his name a Gallagher without a watermelon yeah I know Sledgehammer get the fuck out of here let's speaking of him what are you guys thinking for sober October we really haven't decided yet the Burt want us to do some dance contest you can suck my dick because you wanted to do that so he could just win without working hard I just take his clothes off oh good Christ
► 00:14:32I'm gonna win right now chance but never shy about this what if they found a way to like score a dancing in a like so there is no judgment and it was like points based on athletic types of movements or something like that I'm sure like the internet could come up with a way that it's like because I understand what you're saying and what you're saying makes total sense about how like you earn that shit you want it to be regulated not phones away last year because last year we literally were killing ourselves we were working out seven hours a day and I was just trying to grind those guys in the ground I was like I'm just going to take you to deep water and see it was awesome man I loved it I fucking loved it I couldn't stop watching Albert was talking shit and that's when I was like I cannot have this guy win this is not going to happen that's what you fuck up I knew re was going to be a problem because he's crazy all right tried really hard but he doesn't have a lot of experience grinding like that did his best you hung in there but what part you're a vet with that shit yeah Birds trying to win this with
► 00:15:32fucking style points he can fuck off no no I think if if somebody can come up with a way that dancing is like regulated in a point system that does nothing to do with people's opinion to wear like it's I don't know even how you would do that where it's like there's an athletic type of movement that's required for this so learning that takes this gives you that gives you points that's the only way it would even work word it wasn't based on someone's been it's too much time to that's the part of the problem it's like learning how to dance like I did a movie Once zookeeper and I had to learn how to do this elaborate dance with Leslie Bibb that shit took forever it took weeks and we and you're like constantly training and Drilling and going over the movements and I don't even like that kind of it's not like like if I'm doing martial arts and I'm training I'm interested I'd that's why I love that I want to I want to get better at it I didn't want to get better at dancing I just wanted to be over just wanted to film the scene so I could fucking relax yeah you know
► 00:16:32move on yeah so I don't know what we're going to do we haven't decided hmm well we're all waiting yeah I said we should have a hold your breath competition oh that'd be cool yeah underwater that takes practice I mean I think you guys have to you have to add something in my favorite part of it was seeing you be like nah fuck this like we'll all go to the gates of hell yeah that's me like if someone if some I love talking trash right like yeah that's my thing and then strong man it's not very popular like when I got in oh no they don't it's very old school like you're supposed to do your work not act like you're supposed to get paid not act like you're supposed to want any attention not drawing any attention towards yourself really it's like it's like karate in like nineteen sixty like it's school you know be respectful of the way and I totally get that I understand that and it I mean I don't think anyone can get to the top Echelon without having that respect but it's it's ridiculous for
► 00:17:31people who've never been at that on that on that level to tell other people how they're supposed to behave right if I want to talk shit I'm going to talk shit to I got was that was talking shit to you we first started cattle that's just what we do yeah it's fun socket is fun and also it's like I feel like that makes it more entertaining and we want more eyes on the sport exactly I mean that's what it might argument about the UFC I always like it when people talk some shit right and and winner lose sometimes you have to eat that like whatever the kid that Ben askren exactly a flatline yeah that was brutal but I mean he also took that on the chin he put up a post like right after like wow that sucks yeah he takes it on the chin better than anybody's got a great personality and massive had all said it's not even over Michael Dell said listen he goes I don't like that dude he goes if I see him at Whole Foods he's getting smacked up oh shit imagine the guy flatlines you with the fucking fastest-ever KO in UFC history and he's promising you that if you're looking for brussels sprouts again smack in the face yeah oh man he already gave him two extra shots to the face which
► 00:18:31the way people are giving him shit for its that's his job yes it's go to the referee stops you well especially when there's a heated contest like that where you talk so much shit and he insulted miles of Adele's manhood he talked about isn't at necessity talk to because he said a lot of shit that really pissed miles of it all off right and he's like why didn't he had a statement was like why is it okay to talk all his shit online about me before the fight but then after I knock him out I'm not supposed to showboat I'm not supposed to celebrate the fuck I'm not sure if you got a problem with it stop them winners get to do what they want he's Ice Cold Man when he said and it's not over if I see oh my God that is so intense Savage Savage that moved I was so brilliant because askren always grabs your legs and if you get that close to him he's gonna think like almost like he has to grab you right it's his Instinct time you saw him like I saw somebody put a video up in practicing he would be rounded up by
► 00:19:31out to the outside and then acted as if it was going to be just a normal step and then it's two quick steps on yeah oh and you see how stiff he was before him I'm sure you saw but damn he was stiff yeah what his head was up and one leg was up I mean he was Stephen that was a right here at here he is practicing yeah that was an absolutely room ruthless KO and it's the fastest ever UFC kale at 5 seconds but really he was out cold at to oh yeah yeah I mean just took the rest of few seconds to get there yeah whatever maybe three I guess maybe I mean whatever it took for him to run over there it seems like two seconds it was like one one thousand two it's over oh yeah fuck well at least you got a lot of face time before he got in the ring yeah you ever thought about fighting as big as you are no I mean I I messed around with like wrestling stuff and I work with Jon Jones with the supplement company for a while oh really yeah and I know a lot of Fighters I know a lot of old
► 00:20:31wrestlers I've got a lot of like friends in the industry but I'm fucking both School wrestler wrestlers are pro wrestler pro wrestler sorry yeah the totally different thing yeah just it's still that would be a great Avenue for you to write I did think about that for a while too its just contractually it's just it's a shit show I'm sure think injuries and all that stuff to would take you out of competition but plus they want the why am I now I started in work my ass off just to get like a little piece of that pie and when you go to the WWE or something like that you have to step back all the way all the way to the ground level you have to earn your stripes and I understand that but like I have I have a son I have a family I take care of people I can give up everything that I've earned like basically breaking myself for five years just to crawl back up and hopefully you know end up where I am but you know it's a cool thing I also almost a big fan of wrestling when I was a kid you know back in the day and you know like I love watching it go
► 00:21:31my buddy's right now a guy who was a strong man with me his name's Braun strowman and he's in the WWE he's a he's a badass so I love watching him do it sometimes you follow poo Janowski fighting an MMA I haven't I haven't seen a lot of his name of my stuff I know I know him and people active he's freaking crazy he's fucking people up to man he's really getting better like when he first started fighting he was just this giant dude who's just swinging arm punches and if he hit you he would fuck you up but he got crazy and he decided to fight Tim Sylvia who's a former UFC heavyweight champion and Tim beat the shit out of him it was horrible well like I don't know why he thought he could beat Tim Sylvia I thought that Tim was washed up or older how old is to know how long have you been out of the game he's definitely in his 40s I don't know how old is Tim Tims giant now like 400 pounds and 3 for today see that's me I'm 400 pounds I can't yeah I got a couple
► 00:22:31my legs off to make 265 well I think that's so weird that they have a 265 cut off because heavyweight is supposed to be the biggest guy right like in boxing remember that dude value of who fought he who do you fight you fight Holyfield he was like 7 feet tall his giant ass Russian dude he was fucking enormous his boxer but he was well over 300 pounds 7 foot tall would be skinny at 300 Wii U is big man he had gigantic itís or whatever it is when your pituitary gland tumor yeah what does that seem to find that guy value of I think he fought Holyfield I think Holyfield beat him for the title which is even crazier when he think that Holyfield started his career at a hundred ninety start his career as a cruiserweight really 95 pounds table yeah yeah that's it here's the guy look at this Evander Holyfield and value of and this is in 2008 look at the size of that guy man let me get the fuck out of here he's so big man
► 00:23:29but I think when guys have that big like with that giant Titus or gigantic I decide that they're always hurting like everything hurts your knees hurt your elbows it's like you can't really move that good I know a lot of guys Andre the Giant was my hero growing up when he was like my first real hero and I knew a lot of guys who had known him I actually met Rowdy Roddy Piper like three weeks before he passed and it was wearing an Andre the Giant shirt and we we got to sit in the VIP section at a baseball game and he was badass man you're so fucking cool I wanted to get that guy in the podcast and he don't 20 inch cuff is actually trying to set it up but then he died yeah he used to go to the comic store a lot yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he even went on stage a couple times there yeah he would just tell stories man it was awesome he was he was like one of the first guys also to cross over into movies obviously Andre was first he did a few guests possibilities yeah but he was a star of they live remember that which is a John Carpenter movie that's a great
► 00:24:29can move it huge yeah so he was in that typical he was a fun guy man yeah well actually what I was what we're doing the whole basically the reason I was here to talk about TV show this next season season 2 we're going to do we so I'll start over we the whole TV show is based on us doing acts of strength throughout for strong men throughout history so what is the name of the show called history strongest man and strongest man this is an ESPN show it's on History oh it's on History Channel oh that's awesome so one of the episodes next season we're hoping to do is under the giant which was going to talk about but what we do is we travel to where historical strongman live tour where he did this famous feat of strength and we recreate those Feats of Strength and we kind of talked about who they are as people and stuff and bring the light like a lot of the the cool aspects that most people lose so I can be cool to you know take somebody like Andre the Giant and like meet with his daughter and figure out
► 00:25:29little parts that people haven't really paid attention to and bring that to light mmm we did one of my favorite episodes we did was this guy Peter Francisco who was he was born in think it was Columbia I'm I'm mistaken there it is Cisco there we go the Virginia Giant and Portugal there you go so he was born to like a wealthy family and was kidnapped and sold as a slave and he ended up in America and at 16 he signed up to fight for in the Revolutionary War he was six foot seven six foot eight just this giant of a man especially 17 said well yeah there was nobody that big back then you know like a lot of people don't realize Jack Johnson former heavyweight champion who they called the Galveston giant I think he was only six three 36246 Pub Jack Johnson see how big you with towered over everybody else he fought yeah like Rocky Marciano was a hundred eighty five pounds hundred eighty nine pounds like somewhere around
► 00:26:29says he was only six foot tall but what and that's what Google puts popped up from his like Wikipedia hmm I think he's a little taller than that but he was a giant back then write it called them the Galveston giant well everybody was so poor than they didn't have any food you know the turn of the century everybody's struggling photography that's crazy that's crazy for six to Jack Dempsey 61 wow and Marciano I think was 5 10 5 times believe is 5 I think Marciano's 510 a hundred eighty-five pounds it's crazy because Jack Johnson towered over everybody was fucking everybody up I mean it's a food thing man no one had any fucking food back then if you look at the size of the people that fought during the Civil War they were tiny ass people right like really tiny like a hundred twenty-five pound men and even go back further all the skeletons I need a picture him like to make it out like he's giant like look at the picture on the right look at this guy look at his back he is he is pretty direct but yeah sure what I mean
► 00:27:29means jet definitely jacked for mean look he's he's big but I mean in comparison to a real heavyweight today like if you put him next to Anthony Joshua right you know like Joshua would be towering or Deontay Wilder was 61667 yeah or Francis and gone ooh you know big giant dudes real legit giant dudes people who weren't that big back then so that guy the wrestler the Portuguese guy and I must have been unbelievable to see someone that big back then yeah and what was cool is like there's a lot of cool things that you find out like George Washington had a quote on his gravestone that was said that there were several battles that we would not have had go the same way and we don't know if we would have even been able to win the war if it wasn't for him as a one-man Army and for George Washington to say that that's huge that's crazy so it was cool to get to talk about him and all the things he had done and bring you know show a little love for a guy who I'd never even heard of yeah it's like there was the story he was on the
► 00:28:29field and he was pulling people off of horses and like basically beating him to death because we ran out of bullets and then he says he goes marching up towards the sky who pulls his musket out to shoot at them and the musket misfires he takes the musket from him and beat him to death with his own musket oh my God that's like that or when the when the battle was over they had a cannon stuck in the mud and this is one of the Feats of Strength we did they had a cannon stuck in the mud and he didn't want the British to end up with it so he just Yanks the thing off of the wheels puts it on the shoulder and marches off with it how much does it weigh it depends depends on the story that you believe when we went I don't want to get too much into it but when we went that's the biggest question was because anybody who's ever lifted a bunch of weight and throwing things around it's like that sounds pretty crazy because cannons can go from anywhere of like like a normal field Cannon will be like 300 pounds but they've got field cannons from that era that are thousand pounds and and depending on who tells the story that's what you found
► 00:29:29but we try and figure out whether the fuck would you even get that on your shoulder if it's in the mud exact so you're staying the mud so you don't have a firm ground as to push off against right sir in the point quickly and squashing around the mud and you got this Giant Cannon you're trying to throw in your shoulders no handles fucking amen right after battle to the guy was the guy was a Savage it was it was really cool and then afterwards that he ended up a wealthy man was taken care of and you know and it was it was a really cool story so it was I was like actually pretty proud to get to tell that one that's awesome a lot of them are like that how did you get involved with doing strongman competitions I played football I played football for a long time and then you know football was done with me and I basically I was just I didn't want to have a real job just to be totally honest I'm not a not a nine-to-five sitting in an office guy think anybody is I don't think so either I really don't know it's terrible way to live and so in his people listening right now they're like that's what I do
► 00:30:30fuck this place get out yeah that way you can get out some telling you I cannot on one of my best friend's to quit his job and come with me to China for a week and then of course you have to struggle and find your way but then after that it was it was the best thing he's ever done yeah definitely better off being a nomad yeah it's fine something you beat you'll feel better you know exactly like I was talking to a friend of mine today about Thailand about it like when I went to Thailand last year kind of like reshaped my idea of like what makes people happy because everybody over there is wearing flip-flops and fucking shorts everything is real cheap Foods real cheap there's no extravagance and everybody's happy and like my friend John Wayne Paris says it's the land of smiles that's what he calls it hmm and I was like okay he lived there and train there for a long time but I'm like well I guess I didn't get it until I went there and my god dammit everybody's happy but you'll drive by you'll see like a fucking kid a baby sitting on the gas tank of a motorcycle while ago
► 00:31:29is driving and the ladies behind them and she's she's holding onto the guys waste and he's like got one hand on the handle bars and one hand on a baby and I'm like what in the fuck am I saying they're wearing flip-flops yep and they're just everyone's happy I'm here in the Thailand but it's like that in parts of China like rural rural parts of China it's a lot like that I've seen like people tied to each other on a motorcycle before people wouldn't fall oh Jesus what a terrible idea Bill Burr sent me a fucking horrible video yesterday of this guy these two guys are riding like assholes on a bridge like with motorcycles weaving in that traffic and one guy loses control of the bike and he hits the cement barrier on the edge of the bridge and then goes off the edge oh my God yeah just watch it bang when he flies off and it's like all I've been seeing the last week two we just did this here it is Jamie got it already Jimmy's a fastest cooler in the west there on it see these guys are flying look at this oh he touched it too yeah
► 00:32:29put his foot down and try and collect themselves watch yeah and watch when you see when they pull over and you get to look at how far this motherfucker dropped like he's done that is that is that's it guys got it horn in his pockets courses Florida looks like it sure it's Florida fucking assholes gotta be Florida probably landed right on an alligator he would have been fine but now it's shoot up I read a story in Florida but what's happened it was called it of course Madame Lourdes is a fucking mess man I was there for two weeks I was scared shitless the whole time I've Been Everywhere it's Florida I was like paying attention to everyone walking around people on bath salts eating peoples faces actually everything fucked up happens there they they just issued a shoot-to-kill on iguanas the trying to get people to kill as many iguanas apparently there's so many iguanas there that they're digging holes under bridges and Roads and roads are collapsing
► 00:33:30yeah buildings are collapsing look because they're digging their digging trenches under the foundation's that's okay and they're big like five feet long when you got what's the smile on his face Florida iguana Hunter mistakes pool boy for each wanna shoot them Florida you gotta get your shit together guys come on not going to happen my sister lives in Florida she's probably listening to this Laura get out of there run run for your life it's a fucking goofy place to live bad it really is it's so crazy it's a goofy place to live but for people like like chaos and party and it's fun huh that's what it's all about um yeah my friend Billy Corbin he made Cocaine Cowboys wanted to fucking loves it down there and he's a smart guy and he lives in Miami and he's just fucking loves it he enjoys the chaos yeah
► 00:34:20I mean I guess if you can separate yourself enough that you don't feel crazy on the inside yeah I don't know how you can I couldn't do that here now lay like I mean Allah is not even a quarter of that but like I lived in Playa del Rey and in Sherman Oaks 42 you have two and a half years and I was like I gotta get the fuck you know what the problem with this place is there's so much instability because there's so many people that want to be something other than what they are right that's a big part of this place where as a you live in Texas now yeah there's are just those are people those are real people I fucking love Texas there they are people they don't have any Illusions becoming famous from some fucking reality show or if they do they're the anomaly did not the norm out here it seems like everybody not everybody but a jillion percentage of the people that came here came here with some dream they came over some dream of being an actor some dream of being famous some dream of you know right of making it and then they got jobs and so there's this like weird instability and this this need for acceptance
► 00:35:20and send this need for recognition and you know you go to Montana you don't get any of that right get regular people you go to Colorado Colorado not filled with Stoners Colorado days now let's get the lizard little different yeah well now that the shrooms are all legal yeah wondering what's gonna try to bring in wolves my friend Johnny Hamilton told me the trying to bring it there trying to stop mountain lion hunting and trying to bring in wolves really yeah what yeah well they brought in wolves in the 90s to Yellowstone I remember and that went really badly right well it depends on who you ask the wildlife people think it went really well because it did a lot of great things in terms of like it preserved a lot of plant species that we're getting decimated by elk and deer the problem is like it happened so quickly that the elk and deer really didn't understand what was going on until they were decimated right and they you know some places they've lost more than 50% of their populations but then other people say that they really should have never been that high in the first place
► 00:36:20hard to understand who's because like you try to be objective but you know I hunt and I eat a lot of elk and deer so for me I hear it from Hunters that it's a terrible thing but then you hear it from people that are concerned with balance and Wildlife ecology and a balanced ecosystem they think it's a good thing and so it's a very it's very controversial they don't think they're ever should have been these giant herds of elk you know like a thousand elk in the field I think it's that's on you that's unnatural huh and that's akin to what apparently what they experienced when a lot of the Native Americans were wiped out bit by plague when the European soldiers arrived when they talk about these great herds of Buffalo like millions of Buffalo they think that the reason why there were so many Buffalo was because like literally 90% of the Native Americans were killed by European disease right and so these Buffalo for the for the during that time period that happened they just bread like my friend Dan floor is wrote a book on it
► 00:37:21really really interesting shit because most people just assume that that's just how it was back then the Buffalo were everywhere and then the white man came shot all the Buffalo but apparently the Buffalo were only all over the place because the white man came and gave diseases to the Native Americans right it's fucking nuts man so the balance issue so I don't know if it's a good idea to bring wolves around people that are mushrooms either that that to go if it was me I'd try and pet it you know we're good buddy I'm reaching out to the forests our friend of mine she lives in a place in the mountains above Boulder and there's mountain lions in my neighborhood like when I was living up there a mountain lion ate my fucking dog and she she was like well I just set my intention when I go into the forest and I left the forest no I embrace it I'm here for you she was a yoga instructor yeah she might be she might be a little crazy rest in peace she's still alive apparently still alive yeah
► 00:38:22sot Nam Namaste mountain lion yeah yeah they worked out great for Siegfried and Roy right there's already caught the Colorado already has some wolves that have been in Colorado they they're entering in the fringes and from other areas where their present like Wyoming you know and Idaho there's wolves that are neighboring Colorado that will eventually make their way into Colorado if they give it enough time the reintroduction of wolves the issue with that is like its abrupt and the Animals might not know what's going on and they also make a lot of money off of their hunting like the the tags and all the economy that comes from people that hunt their Colorado's a big hunting state so it was last I heard it was those it was the big arctic wolves are bringing into Montana right yeah giant ones they're bringing in from Canada into Montana yeah okay but but they're just wolves like it's weird it's weird it's a gray wolf or it's a gray wolf you know it's just a
► 00:39:20if it's like but they are bigger when they live in colder climates because it's a mammal thing like mammals like deers feel like a deer in Texas South Texas a deer a big deals like a hundred plus pounds hundred fifty pounds whereas if you go to Saskatchewan it's cold as fuck those deer like 300 pounds when they're fully grown right like a big males like a 300 pound deer which is crazy yeah more than double the size but it's because of the cold right I never thought about it makes sense I love Texas yes what part do you live in I'm in New Braunfels which is right outside of San Antonio oh nice I've never been to San Antonio it's nice man a San Antonio is a cool City we're actually right between Austin and San Antonio oh that's great that's perfect wear this like that Riverwalk area supposed to be dope that's cool I mean that's like the tourist thing you know it's like it's what they do it's like going to the Hollywood Sign like there's if you if you want to have a good time just let me know when you come in Texas and we'll go do some redneck shit well my breath my friend John Dudley was just there with the Black Rifle coffee guys yeah and they went to some ranch that's
► 00:40:20outside of San Antonio that the fucking astronauts used to go to he said these photos of Neil Armstrong with a fucking dear oh yeah Texas is a that is a uniquely American place like when other I think what other people think of America they're really think of Texas most people I mean I don't know if they're thinking America they'll say that will be Texas but if it's if it's like Hollywood they'll say California you know right those are the tools some people like every once in a while think New York but I think when people think about like crazy gun-toting screaming at football you know like that's Texas yeah guarantee ya 100% dry products yeah it's a fun place yeah you know a lot of fun lot less regulations a lot more self self accountability and yeah well they have fucking zebras and giraffes and shit everywhere they're loose yeah running around I work with um with a
► 00:41:20but just become accredited zoos that works a lot with confiscated and animals like they've got hundreds of animals that basically some redneck was like oh I'm gonna have a white line can't take care of it so they take it this is folks who watch their got high in this abandoned house and they were in the house in Texas and there one around this house smoking weed and they walked into a room with a fucking tiger in a cage oh my God they called the police and they had the police come and get rescue this fucking Tiger but this was an abandoned house oh shit - oh my God those are just at I mean they weren't sure like you find it here you got these goddamn pop-up ads
► 00:42:03the getting craft beer and craft here with these pop-ups and then you don't know if like clicking exits going to download something Texas man look at this Texas managers abandoned home to smoke weed finds tiger and started and stared ass fucked up yeah he thought he was hallucinating home he said it was in a rinky-dink cage in the homes garage but it's weird when you treat animals like property you know when you can just do whatever you want with them and that's how Texas that's how Texas views Exotics anything that's not like if you're if you have white-tailed deer in Texas they have pretty liberal tags like you can shoot a good number of them but you have to get tags but if you have like a black Buck which is a African animal or a nilgai or something like that you shoot as many as you want right yeah they just you do whatever you want you sell near friends what does it say it was secured only with a screwdriver and a nylon strap is Christ I hope this guy got some kind of fucking punishment but I do own the fucking house yeah
► 00:43:03that's a dick move man yeah that's a beautiful tiger yeah something really fucked up about seeing Tigers locked up I don't even like the fact that they feed them I mean I feel like you should just hunt let some loose in there yeah that's what I was saying yeah that's what I was saying but from what I already rolling yeah exactly what I was told was that that was just not PC like it wasn't acceptable I'm sure do you ever see the footage of when the US soldiers overtook Baghdad they had they had zoos in Baghdad and what they would do is that the Lions knew it was happening so they would let these goats out in these goats would be wandering around and then they would open the door and the lines would Sprint because they knew exactly what because it was feeding time these goats had no idea they'd let the goats out and the goats like just hanging out being a goat and then they would open up this fucking door and US soldiers filmed it and these Lions just make this fucking mad Sprint to these goats just
► 00:44:03Mall mmm and that's how they ate uh-huh devil got pissed off people shouldn't be pissed that's what it is if you watch a fucking you want it you go and see a parrot eating seeds well that's what it eats right you know maybe really identify with seeds and you feel like that's brutal murder or murder of seeds but that lion wants to do that that's what makes them a lion that makes them happy it's what they have to do you know it's like there's a lot more people getting published not publicity but there's a lot more people showing that side of things at least I was we were talking about right before we came on there's this Instagram page called nature as metal yes I love that page and badasses he got taken down for a while he had a he got back up but he's he has one of the very best pages on why don't you take it down that's all he didn't he didn't he had nothing to do with any of those situations it's not like he like had some kind of ulterior motive and came in and put these animals in the situation that's just reality did Instagrams cracking down hard lately I don't
► 00:45:03that they take all kinds of stuff down for virtually no reason to weird thing all these someone else just to complain enough and they'll take it down yeah they need to get that fixed words instead of like a computer I understand it's a lot right it's a little a lot of people so having a computer regulate that just doesn't work no it's not just a computer regulate that it's someone could Target you like say maybe you could be doing something and they just decide your offensive and then just start like make a targeted campaign to complain about your content yeah yes I'm one of those tattoo girls she got a hurt her post remove just having her hand above her crotch like covering her crotch or legs spread and showing all their tattoos and they took down her her page like she's but she's covered up makes no sense I mean shows that pants on but you can't see anything all right fuck we doing is this Americans are in legs fuck kind of shit is this Texas needs to open the new Instagram what's that us it's different than
► 00:46:03but nature is metal is though he might have got in trouble for taking like photographers copyright and works and Repose not different because she's Wildlife she's being wildly and that's her natural habitat yeah she's gone wild young Jamie's I was talking about this with a friend of mine yes you communist know like selectively enforcing this copyright laws at what point if it's like you know YouTube some stuff is good even on Instagram some stuff they let go of some stuff they don't know at what point are people supposed to understand what is okay and what is not okay yeah it's hard but you also have to think of it how many people are on Instagram let's just guess I don't know let's guess how many people you think I'm not either but fuck see we think a hundred million hundred fifty worldwide more than would probably close to a billion maybe really hundred million like a somewhere in that range I would say all right I'm gonna go with 300 million three hundred million and one please Jimmy you going to billion how many people are on this ground 1 billion people
► 00:47:03use Instagram every month Jesus Christ but that's 1 billion use yeah we're in the bottom on the people that are on they don't even use it could be like to does that include the Russians 1 billion ads a lot Jesus Christ that's crazy well Twitter still let's porn happen you still have porn on Twitter what I say it's just because it has a 18 plus like warning or something like that wasn't even my feed I I'll be scrolling through my feet like I got to make sure my kids don't ever grab my phone because if they're looking through my phone at fault hate the age thing might be in there though because when you sign your account you say how old you are oh okay Alton okay system I'm Excellence father's things are protections for people that are under 13 even I don't know why there's that internet rule but like there is some government protections they need to be watching out for the minors that are online and that makes sense but does that is that the case with Like You Porn or places like that you just go there but come on you don't know
► 00:48:03I don't know where that like if the kid I kid knows women know what it is yeah I don't know that one I don't know the line is mr. Q points because this is poor not what were you thinking about how do you get there well there's a browser you want to browsers well when the virtual porn fucking world opens up that's when things going to get very squirrelly Duncan said it's too real Duncan had an HTC Vive and he was watching porn with the the helmet on which I only want to be a fly on the wall watch him standing there that's what I was gonna say and they're beating off looking at it 17 foot tall vagina in front of him oh my God what would be the next step in those are here so I don't know yeah like if they give synced it up yeah those that mean I've done that the place we talked about the void you ever do a virtual reality place I haven't It's pretty dope they have a new one that I just saw in Vegas that some new one that was looked like you going to wear
► 00:49:03house you shooting at things but you put on this helmet and you enter into this room and there was two different ones that I want on one was a Star Wars one and one was a wreck it Ralph one and it's crazy man you look around I mean the entire thing is animated like your the above you below you see the ground he Stormtroopers they shoot at you you feel the laser beams hit your chest because you're wearing a vest at the vibrates when you get hit you walk into a room where there's fire and you feel the heat it's getting really interesting when you're in that like say this room was empty would you walk around as if it was yeah like an entirety of the entirety of the room yeah you can walk on they have it set up so that they have rooms that you go into where you open doors or doors open for you and you see the door open like in virtual reality but a real door does open while that fake door that you're seeing opens and then you go into it and then they have these plastic guns that you pick up you'll see actually pick up the
► 00:50:03when you're holding it it looks like a stormtrooper weapon or you know a good Star Wars weapon that's cool it's getting weird it's gonna it's gonna be weird but I think what's interesting is like that kind of stuff is so much less satisfying the to bring it back to like what you do then like something that you have to really work for and it's really difficult and it's a very visceral real feel like the feeling of accomplishment you get when you do something virtual will never be able to compare right with the feeling that you do when you do a physical visceral thing when you feel it in your fucking bones yeah you feel it you know when I was doing world strongest man in Botswana Africa I told my bicep and I just was getting beat up over and over again I'll just so wrecked my body wasn't accepting his that I went from football to strongman and in football we've never done deadlifts it was all hang cleans and power cleans which by the way just quick little tip
► 00:51:03dead lifts the fuhrer if you're dead lifting to be about a deadlift or fine if you're not doing that for deadlift sake then don't fucking do it the risk to reward ratio is a joke for dad left for dead lifts really a lot of people aren't going to like that I'm saying that but if you go into any NFL gym in any division one college football gym and any Athletics where people are actually getting paid and it matters what they're doing they're not dead lifting wheeler hand cleaning up our cleaning why is that is the risk to reward ratio like there's it's so hard to be a great dad lifter and to not risk your low back and to be using your upper back properly and you know just there's so many little chances for you to get hurt you know hamstring stuff that was that was me my first World's Strongest Man I was the only rookie in the finals bro China how much weight is that that was 880 pounds for me and my pink Chuck's and you're way less than that now I'm less of a bowling ball though really yeah
► 00:52:03wow well they made those weights ridiculous-looking to write well none of that right there is something we overhead press 2 so they'll take some of the weights out of it and it's so flimsy when you clean it it's like basically like holding that earthquake bar that you have out there really is just like that and it's fucking brutal so they take weight out of that round thing is what is in that round thing there's well there's several different attachments to it so maybe some of them weigh different I've never like been a part of that but like either that or it unscrews at the end and they take weights out of it I'm not positive so you leave the NFL or you leave playing football and UW in the NFL no I had a brief shot at it never it never actually got to do it now I was so what what kind of transition like what is the transition to get into strong man went from that to our security guard in Santa Cruz that is place called The Catalyst which is where I worked for like six years it's a really cool bar / concert venue so I was like spoiled I got to hang out with Rob Zombie and willing really
► 00:53:03sure yeah it was good I'll spoil Rob Zombie I'm geeked out really hard for it that's dope it was fun yeah we're working on getting him here dude it'd be awesome yeah I'm sure he would be yeah they weren't really cool I'm sure he is like is really in a horror movies man dude and he does the best one yeah I love his horror movies man they're wild I'm a huge fan huge fan he's like the Quentin Tarantino of horror yes awesome but it's such a weird transition you know yeah going from being a rock star to a horror film director he's just crazy in the head and his brother is actually the lead singer Powerman 5000 really yeah oh wow in the family so didn't I went to security and I was working there in a buddy of mine who I'd play junior college ball with was just obsessed with strong men and I'd never heard of it I never watched it like when I was growing up we were poor like there was ten of us in a three-bedroom house and from high school on like we didn't have electricity so like we didn't watch TV we would play outside we had a trampoline you didn't have electricity in high school on the weekends my dad worked for caterpillar
► 00:54:03from equipment so on the weekends he'd bring home a little generator and he'd plug that in and we'd have like three things we could use but that was a the hot water heater would work for the weekend and then like maybe the TV on Saturday night or something like 50 GIF for Salah I mean it wasn't I mean as a kid it's not that big of a deal you know like you just go play with your brothers are outside right so but like I never knew what's wrong man was because of that I mean I had no idea so he was obsessed with it and he kept trying to get me to do it and then went home and Googled it checked it out actually I don't know if it was Google I'm out of YouTube dude back then who's who knows what we had but um you know I I was excited and went and tried it out and first day the amateur world record at log press was like 320 pounds at the time and I know idea but the first day I hit 330 pounds and just put it down and I looked over my buddy and I was like you know how that look and he's like get the fuck out of here like he's been
► 00:55:03try and his whole life to do this just came in and took it and then eight months later I mean six months that I was competing in England and I had my Pro card two months after that I was in China at that photo right there what's wrong is man I was the only rookie in the finals so is it the log thing as it did the awkwardness of like holding onto a log and getting it under your hands and yeah and it's actually it's a lot healthier for your shoulders instead of being how would you call that with your hands right there instead of pronated or something needed yeah we got which one is where the worse I like it when trainers use that though you know what you're talking about guys got his shit together this fat dude eating french fries so um yeah I mean so it's better for you it's much better for your wrist and your shoulders make sense and and also like that's what my hair goes Jamie shown us pronated grip supinated grip so yeah neutral grip is much better for your wrists and shoulders mmm okay like so handles like this they say that wood bench press as well yeah I like those
► 00:56:03benches they have new bars that hand are schwag yeah this is awesome yeah Rogue makes good equipment yeah I use all their shit my house and here no they don't pay me and it's not free I buy all of it then I'm here that work with them either but that the best yeah it's the best shit so um we went to Worlds and then oh yeah oh yeah I totally lost the whole game so you won what first of all you beat the fucking world record log press the furniture world record amateur amateur whatever yeah that's hilarious yeah that was good my and there's the pro record right now the the American records been mine for four years in that was 211 kilos and that's what does that sound fucking 468 but for like that this you here with me yeah this is an Australia in front of Arnold Jesus Christ I don't know was there yeah that's his competition this is my competition this is so this is a log press right here yep that's a skinny
► 00:57:03to this was a hard log to use but this was a buddy of mine had that record and he passed away and I wanted to be the one to take it from him after your dad and that was this moment Jesus Christ outlooks having you show me show off a little bit too I like to do this after I get it up
► 00:57:22wow so that's the world record that American record who's the world record the world record I like to hold it up there and talk shit every time you see a record broken the guy gets it to here and then he just throws it down right well I don't count it doesn't count so the world record is 219 kilos I believe something like that Som something right around there it might have been to 220 how close are you to that I can I can break it right yeah yeah well in January that shit Robert I'm going to London I'm gonna give London a little introduction to Texas what do you call a Texas Pride and Texas powerlifting for sure wow I'm excited so you go and you break the American amateur record right away but first first attempt out and is that when you felt like fuck I could do this shit yeah I went home and I told my fiancé at the time we were living in a studio we're just broke and I was volunteer coaching and I was for high school which is my passion High School
► 00:58:21ball and then I was working at that club at night so I didn't have a lot of time but I was like I can make this happen like with with my personality and this is a platform I can do this and everybody kept telling me there's no money in strong man there isn't any and they really wasn't there wasn't like there was no money in strong man until I made money and strong man like really brought it into there were several other people but like what we did was we cultivated a whole new era of strongman was before like even like poo Janowski was a guy who got a lot of attention because he looked just shredded yeah jacked but I mean if you if you he's got like a cribs episode that they did in Poland and he's got this tiny little house with like little knickknacks and stuff he's so proud of it's really weird it's crazy but like like even then he's five time world Strongest Man winter there's really no money in that I don't want to thought he would been balling out of control you would think so because I know who he is I feel like if I know who you are and you do something on TV must be rich exactly that's the wrapper sub
► 00:59:22yeah exactly I'm flying in first class and then you catch little bow in the back well I remember one of the weird things that I read about Pooja now skis how much candy heeds huh yeah that he really likes candy in which we workouts because he's blowing out so much sugar than he would eat chocolate bars I make sense yeah we do a lot of like I do peanut butter and honey that during competition peanut butter and honey are Snickers bars really yeah and now when you peanut butter and honey eat with a spoon like what do you usually make the sandwiches I see guys just pouring honey in their mouth like brushing guys there's a Russian guy who was Russian secret service for a while unless oh yeah like you look in his eyes you like this murderers done some bad things but he's the nicest in the world he's like the sweetest guy he comes like he always comes over and talks to me and my family and he's he doesn't speak good English but he's really nice about trying to get his point across and everything and but um yeah that guy's done probably scary shit yeah yeah I'm sure there's a lot of that because we compete with people from all around the world
► 01:00:22you know and we tend to forget that everywhere else there's a lot of its normal almost a be like that in some places right to survive and if you're a giant dude it's probably the best way to make a living exactly yeah so they just squirt honey in their mouth yeah they'll just poured like like a whole little canister of honey just take that you see guys do that right before they go lift and stuff I'm the way I grew up in the the way I did things like I was always taught and kind of worked with being broke but like a warrior goes to war hungry hmm that's like in football I would never eat before a game ever and then got into strong man and I did that for a long time and I got up to 440 pounds and I would I would do an entire show like five six hours without eating but then during it I would snack a little bit but I would never eat a meal right but then the resources and eats up your resources right right and and see for me it felt
► 01:01:21like anything in my stomach just made me feel like slow Mmm Yeah that's what I'm saying yeah to that's the same with comedy to I learned that from Katt Williams watching the interview with them Stone eat before you go on stage and like that makes sense yeah you better off being hungry right I just do that to the best hunters they hunt hungry yeah see you then but what happened to me was I lost 80 pounds I was 440 I lost 80 pounds and when I got hurt in Botswana lost all that way and just because of the biceps are no I chose to do that so when I graduated high school I was 370 pounds so I'm always been a big dude but I got up to 440 and just walking around was laborious you know just I felt like fucking horrible how big were you when you did that long press that log press that was like like for 25-ish 430 around that so like I gained a little bit more after that I just everyone tells you in the sport the bigger you are the stronger you are and that kind of holds true to static lifting like
► 01:02:21kind of it's not necessary all the time but it kind of holds true but we gotta move man like we're talking about pulling a truck and doing load events and all that stuff when you're 440 and your body's not agreeing with that 448 just hold you back you want imagine the load on your joints to yeah particularly lower back yeah my little bunnies yeah that's what happened I'd got hurt and I felt like I was done because my low back I'd have to take me like 45 minutes to get out of bed in the morning really oh yeah I was messed up man really bad and get an MRI I never got an MRI and didn't I'm scared to get this fucking roll fix it when I lost weight I got better and its core strength for me now core strength and stretching and also I smoke weed like a lot of a lot of athletes are against it in a lot of people think that there's some like negative connotation with being like someone who smokes weed but I mean I watching guys take Vicodin like a skittles I'm watching I've seen guys throw away
► 01:03:21Our lives our families our career over a bunch of pills because they didn't want to smoke and it's crazy and you know and we actually officially got world Strongest Man 2 take marijuana off of the drug testing wait wait wait wait there's drug testing and world's strongest man yeah every year they making sure you're on steroids have to test you though make sure you're strong they test those kind of bitch-ass shit enough drugs in the sky do you know who Robert Frank is the sounds familiar he's he's hilarious Instagram guy and I can't recall but it sounds really familiar yeah he's really funny man he's like who talks like this he's really fast and yes he's got this fucking hilarious rant about someone getting the girl pregnant taking responsibility and he goes he goes I have to ask you he goes if you're trying to get jacked and tan what kind of gear are you on I have to question your gift your get your girlfriend it
► 01:04:21got a swears do you have that guy's got so much energy I don't know he's another one he gets censored off of Instagram all the time they pull his posts and they he's got a million followers and they won't give him a fucking blue checkmark that's ridiculous because people understand that's that's our livelihood a lot of people that's social media is yeah we feed our fucking family well also he's fucking funny yeah but he's funny with toxic masculinity right he's toxic because his opinions different will be extracting tan that's it right there he's not paying him read play that Melinda is red he's funny man yeah buddy
► 01:05:05Jack what a piece of my pole I want to tell you a story about a crow who can I ruined his life he said my videos give me the motivation to get uses fuck he shows up to the bar every weekend it's God's fucking to sleeves obviously deity he their teeth in post but if every post like a fucking boss problem is whatever call them up say she's pregnant now he's blaming me for introducing to the game first of all who the fuck told you to go run talking if that's how you roll there's plenty of other techniques for when you get the friction the sheets like the sticky belly or sticky lower back perfect that is what you get the holes on the side there's I've been told since I was four years old days of old and that's football it had a pretty aggressive
► 01:06:01yeah it's funny shit man it's fucking funny shit and he can't get a he can't get approved and they've gone through publicists they've tried to get him what does it recognize what is it called verify fair fight try to get verified could try to get that blue checkmark next to his name it's silly man I'm I don't know how that even works somebody to bang it did mine too much muscle yeah I mean well you can do it because you're not making fun of things make it fun things to talk about getting this cock pretty you are and strong goddamn it strong and pretty that's perfect no it's silly that they do that though you know it almost I mean if you look historically back every time they've done that those people have got more power like yeah all you're doing is feeding that guy so in 10 years when you look like the asshole that censor them he's going to be 10 times that well especially now that we're talking about them yeah which is good yeah it is good that this exists yeah it's fucking good I think so a lot of people appreciate it well I think this
► 01:07:01weird time where you can't you're having people dictate what you can and can't see or what isn't is Val is in isn't valid and it's just that seems like nonsense to me like we're moving backwards especially with something like that he's being funny like he's funny he makes me laugh we're lobbying my lungs yeah we are at the fuck man even bad jokes man even bad jokes by juiceheads yes like it's funny to me talks about being a juicehead it's hilarious I my first introduction to Comedy I loved growing up I was a huge fan of Richard Pryor and all that stuff out huge fan of Carlin I just big fan of I even liked what was his name Jeff Foxworthy I love Fox was it was great and my first time I ever got to see a show I came in I move into La in a buddy of mine brought me to see you and Uncle Joey and I was like holy fuck I couldn't first Joe comes out there and you can't even breathe but he just got 2nd is my God damn he's an animal he's got some shit
► 01:08:01right now like if you get a chance while you're in town you he's got some new shit that we were falling on the ground crying the other night oh yeah I'll come check him out he's the best ever he crushes he crushes no one no one's like funnier and burst you might get you know guys who are really good joke Riders guys are really funny guys heard like they're they're valid in terms of our culture but no one's funny than Joey Diaz no no the whole room like it was like we were uncomfortable we could not stop laughing you know so damn good we're getting then when you went up it was like so it was it's a whole different style but it's like super like along with the way that I think about how like your introspective and comparative with different things and stuff and the way you make people like look at something in a different angle and then you poke fun of the way that you originally thought about it you know that's at least how that set was but it was I mean being in a live audience is so different than watching a special on TV oh yeah it's way better well I met you in the belly room which
► 01:09:01one of the best places to do stand-up right the last tiny room yeah I did a set them both on stage once and I didn't know and yeah the belly room yeah I went up there and did the was Story Time and take Fletcher and man I can't remember who else a bunch of people just kept telling me like like just go out there and tell stories just go tell a story and I was like I there's no cameras in here right now I can tell a real story or are we talking about but they got me up there and I did six minutes take a they gave me four and I ran on for six I didn't know what the lights meant I was talking you know I didn't know and I told a story about being in China and we thought we were going to go to jail and China and stuff and it was fucking hilarious what happened in China that that year you saw me in the picture we got done with world strongest man and we do like a celebration we all go to dinner and all that stuff and I was I was fucking excited because I was the only rookie in the finals I was super excited some hammered drunk
► 01:10:02you're in China and then little things start to click you see people all wearing like the the Communist uniform like that they have they were celebrating I don't know if it's called communism day or whatever but they celebrate that and and like almost the entire city we were in Sanya which is a little island which is like their kind of vacation island and um we're almost everybody was dressed in those uniforms and I'm drunk and like I'm looking around I'm starting to feel uncomfortable and we finally we get up to go and we all get on this bus and the guy who runs world strongest man is a very old man he's he's got to be like and it's 90s right but he's he's a needs help moving around all that kind of stuff we get on the bus and we're setting up in the camera crew left all that stuff on the front seat which is which is the older guys see the you know we make sure that he has that seat and you know and we get in and we're trying to finagle like
► 01:10:56what nothing I go trying to be assertive but nice to the the camera crew that they have to move back and they were they didn't speak English at the moment you know and they were they were acting like they just didn't understand they're they're being really rude about it and Nick best who's actually on the TV show with me he came over and he picked up the camera and he was like you're moving and started walking back with the camera case and then the guy got up and started yelling at us in English and he's totally knew exactly where saying the whole time he's yelling at us and freaking out and Nick puts the camera down like towards the middle of the bus and then sits back down the guy marches off the bus comes back on the bus with three cops three police like officers in Chinese uniforms and I'm fucking scared shitless like I've heard horror stories about Chinese prison you know does not sound like the place to be and the guy the guy and the cops are getting really worked up about the fact that he touches the equipment and that Nick's called him an arrogant American
► 01:11:56the stuff like freaking out and police officer literally exactly nobody ever believes this but it was like in 300 is almost fucking exactly he goes this is China and he's screaming at a bus full of the world's strongest men he's fucking scared all of us into thinking we were gonna go to jail this is China he's screaming at him and Nick best like kind of sits back in a seat and puts his head down and realized this is like you don't we better shut the fuck up so we all like kind of tucked their tails in and sat there and then the older guy got on the bus took a seat then the camera guy kind of pretended like it didn't happen when set back down the police officers left but the in the entirety of that that situation like I fucking I could have swore I was going to prison like scared to death yeah you do not want to get locked up in an Asian prison know especially China no no not there and especially that spot because like it was it was their vacation island but it's fucking dirty like the the stories you hear about kids
► 01:12:56in the streets and stuff it's not everywhere in China but on that island it was everywhere like the kids just stop pull open their little shorts and take a shit Ari told me saw that in the mall inside purchased in the mall walking they just stop pull their pants down shit on the ground yeah and I went what on the floor yeah that's what they do man it's crazy it's so crazy so who comes and cleans up the shed I don't know I don't think anybody when it's outside there's there's just everywhere really yeah you see human shit everywhere all over place in the smells like it and we almost think that was 30 of us 26 of us all got stomach flu or stomach and intestinal parasites I bet everything is got shit on it yeah if people would just shitting on the street this probably shit everywhere you touch they were burning tires for the streetlights it was nasty man what the island it's gorgeous to I'm telling you like the photos the pictures Sonia island is gorgeous give a burning tires for street lights
► 01:13:56that's an ace motherfuckers want us to switch to electric cars yeah they're over there burning tires in China at least in 2013 they were rock man that is crazy crazy where else have you had to travel for strong man um I did have done Africa Dubai is is one of my favorites it's it's creepy sometimes like just realizing I don't like not feeling like I'm in control of what happens to me my destiny it's like it when I'm in Texas I feel great and I'm like 90% of the people around you are armed or some shit happens they got it my girl actually like she rides horses and she manages the gun shop so like I'm straight you know I don't have shit to worry about but like when you're when you're in like the Middle East or when you're in China or anything like that you just have this feeling inside you like it could fucking go wrong right and then but when we go to Dubai we actually do world's ultimate strong man in Dubai and we're going to do another competition there October 25th
► 01:14:56which is the it's the highest-paid strongman show that exists it's a really big show it's a lot of fun we go out there and they fucked up they gave me the keys to a Ferrari and I just fucking went crazy I went through downtown or like 120 there's also no cops too so there's people I don't have any cops know they might have a few like in certain areas but it's basically they use cameras everywhere so if you if you speed or if anything happens or you steal or anything like that it's all on camera like there's literally cameras everywhere well that's how they're they're just judicial system works they don't use place they just say oh well let's look at the camera footage exactly walk that motherfucker out forever yep yep and when we were there like it was craziness going on with the royal family and stuff like it was it was pretty tiling on I'm going back in October I don't know maybe probably shut the fuck up it's crazy when you look at that place like what it was like in 1970 versus what it
► 01:15:56now right like it's some of the before and after footages it's insane there's so much wealth there yeah I mean they have built the biggest building in the world they're the tallest building in the world is khlifa I shit my pants at the top of that building not literally but like I hate heights what and I went up there and like I couldn't walk - Larsa like 30 I don't know man we get hot enough we get in the bottom of the elevator and Eddie Hall who's also in the in the show with me it's me Eddie Hall Nick Bast and Brian Shaw first of all how the fuck is that elevator going to carry all you asshole yes exactly we get in they close the door to go up and Eddie farts oh no this motherfucker no a hundred and thirtysomething Floors spelling this guy's ass yeah it was horrible and Eddie's the worst he's English so he's eating like porridge feel like drinking tea and farting I will put tape fletches farts up against any man who's ever lived really oh my God the worst back in the day when he was fighting he's too
► 01:16:56each is over consume protein he was Legendary Legendary he would laugh who would laugh and you'd be like oh we gotta run cause you know the fog was coming he would laugh first and then it would come like Jesus that's the worst when they enjoy the fact that you die goddamn it doesn't do it anymore though I must have cleaned this diet up he's never got me either never I loved I loved going out with tape because like normally when I go out especially in LA or something I just draw way too many weird eyes right feel like I just like need to like hide in the corner right but with Tate it's like the bash Brothers walked in right right right stop as big as me but he totally normalizes me right right right yeah so awesome we still going into The Comedy Store is my favorite man I used to go and actually I saw a lot of the transition from when you started coming back and I saw the culture change man you did a lot for that place that place you fucking change the entire culture of the back room that was crazy it was awesome man well that's my spot you know it wasn't there
► 01:17:56seven years yeah yeah and you and I was there just before and then just after and I used to go in there lat I used to go hang out a lot and my I'm telling you just just the way the comedian's interact with each other it's totally different when I first went there it was very like like oh well I've had this and I can do this and it was basically like Hollywood at The Comedy Store you know so like if you like waiting to audition for a commercial and these people are all but telling each other how cool they are that's what it felt like then now now I mean not now haven't been there for like maybe a year or two but then after that it became more like like what we do like we're talking shit to each other and it's like it's a camaraderie that yeah it's not like I'm better than you it's like we can all talk shit we're all on the same level you know that's very important to me that I think that it probably comes from martial arts but it's also just my my own philosophies like I want everybody to do good I don't want to be the only one doing good I don't understand that I've never understood
► 01:18:56did that I want I want like when I go on let go on the road I try to bring the best people alive I want everybody to have fun I want the audience to have a great show I want people to kill and I try to help Comedians and I really want to support them not try to get them all on my podcast I try to tell everybody they're great try to tell everybody to go see him and will you see what that cultivates to yeah everybody got better yeah I mean Joey probably exactly the same nice no better than myself but the same part of when Joey became a monstrous because he got all this love you know and realized he could just be himself up there yeah like when they stop taking Coca-Cola stuff yeah that helped but he was doing coke he's fucking amazing yeah I can't imagine him not being funny I can hear them tell the same story five different times until crack up every fucking time he's an American original not a whole lot of people like that guy but that place you had it's you know it's just insecurity when people realize they're loved and that there's real
► 01:19:56Pottery in a Brotherhood and Sisterhood and that you really do care about each other everybody liked that place is all hugs man yeah go there but he's hugging yeah and it wasn't that way I know I know every time I give you a compliment I see you kind of like wince a little bit yeah it's when people like like like yourself or I'm the same way like whenever I do something well and someone tells me I'm like nah I mean I should have done this this way or this I'm always that I should one up myself guy yeah but you really changed fucking culture there man and you've made a lot of people better the same of the podcast Big Ups when it was all thanks brother thank you yeah well I feel very lucky you know I'm a very fortunate person so I like to spread it fucking from from where you started to where you are now the hustle man that's inspiring I always feel like I need to do more and I need to like extend myself in different areas and stuff I look at like so many people at that now we actually have access to and you can see like Jocko like yes dudes up at 4:30 in the morning and I'm like complaining
► 01:20:56like that I only got six hours with this guy you know like do you really learn your level of hustle in reality versus where you put yourself in your head you like yeah I'm killing it I'm working so hard there's nothing more I could be doing and then this motherfuckers up for hours before you killing it but those guys they have their fuel you know guys like Goggins him Jocko those got Cameron Haines those guys are fuel yeah like if you ever start thinking maybe I'll slack off and we'll take a day off that's look at Jocko fucking hairy gorilla arm yeah but that 4:30 on his Ironman watch it just says attack right I was showing someone that today there's this lady that at the the clinic that I go to she was talking about her boyfriends into Chaco ago she'd go to his fucking Instagram page every morning at you see you see that 430 watch you know like fuck gotta go when I get going what am I doing yeah it just it but it really is fuel like you feel charged up when not when I listen to like Goggins talk
► 01:21:56so a lot of soft motherfuckers want you to stay in bed fuck that shit fuck that shit you gonna get up and go get attack stat stay hard and you're like I'm gonna say hard David Guetta yeah yeah I love it now and I love it this is nice man it's cool that we actually have that nowadays yeah man this didn't exist before me think about before the end of the internet and podcast and social media and stuff like that was you had a fine that inspiration was hard to find and sometimes you'd think you'd have an inspiring person in your life but really out in reality it was just some shitbag who was like just close enough that it looked like that right when you step back as an adult you're like okay yeah this is a lot of fakin it a lot of people fake like they work hard right actually somebody was trying to tell me the story I've heard you talk about it on hear about that guy who pretended to be a an MMA like Guru or whatever and ended up murdering his girlfriend yeah well no he murdered his girlfriend's husband okay yeah someone was pretending to be a black belt and
► 01:22:56rolled with them and you know like when you roll with somebody there's no faking it like with karate you can kind of fake it like there's guys that like art athletic and they can throw some kicks like just like learning on the streets just hanging out with their friends they know how to throw some kicks his people that know how to throw a wheel kick that have never taken a martial arts class in their life and if you see him throw a kicks like wow that guy's legit right and but you don't know unless you see him actually fight so the problem with that is inspiring a lot of karate sparring your kind of polite and you're not trying to hurt each other you just like and you can kind of fake it a little bit you can throw some shit in the air and fake it and touch each other yeah but in Jiu-Jitsu you have to roll it's you know the guys grabbing your arm he's armed Dragon who's taking your back you got to defend correctly and Eddie was like man I don't know what the fuck is going on but that dude is not a black belt and I'm like really I go like hot like what do you think he is he like he's terrible he's like he has nothing he said he was a CIA was before Eddie is
► 01:23:56deep deep deep deep in the conspiracies back then it was like he was barely was like in the UFOs and shit it was barely any conspiracies he's way off the deep end you got me into UFOs well maybe it is true I'm I'm scheduled have a phone call today this afternoon with George Knapp he wants to brief me all this shit George Knapp is the guy that broke the Bob has our story in the 1990s yeah and you know he shares my opinion he's like most of this is bullshit most of these people are liars most people are crazy but there's some real shit out there to like a lot of these Air Force pilots that are they have eyes on this fucking thing that's going 600 miles away in a second like dropping down from 60,000 feet to 10 feet like in a second no like I don't know we don't know what the fuck this is we have no idea how these things are doing right and that's not some hillbilly like just no talking about Sask exactly no yeah it's Air Force pilots people who they're trained to fly Jets
► 01:24:56and have gunfight in the fucking sky right these are exceptional human beings when they see things like that you gotta go they know what the fuck they're seeing that's so crazy know who knows the thing is like every day you can go out there and look in the sky you don't see shit you know there's nothing up there because you're not seeing it but if you go to a fucking Lake you're never going to see a shark you know I'm saying right like it's doesn't mean sharks aren't real it's like you're looking in the wrong spot or you want you aren't there when they show up but they're real so we have enough accumulated data to know that though there are sharks you know there are real but they're not Lakes there in the ocean here's where they are this is how you find them go to South Africa oh look there's a shark let's go to say no yeah no yeah we're fucking Catalina of Catalina said shit I've worked at a Boy Scout camp on Catalina and teaching snorkeling and that was like the whole time I was shitting myself oh my God it's just the nicest water in the world though so warm and salty it's yeah you just float you know we did Fear Factor out there a couple times really yeah
► 01:25:56we did a couple of stunts my couple of water stones to it's a cool spot we stayed on the other side like the there's the hotels on the one side and everything we were on the other side campsites it was awesome awesome I was like 13 and I got so roasted my entire body became one blister oh no stupid I was stupid no sunscreen done none out there all day long yeah so I don't know you know UFOs are real but it's it's certainly believable enough it's not like the sky's empty filled with stars so do you think not after speaking with them that do you think we've had contact like that it's hard to tell yeah they could have been flying opinion not for the listeners now for anybody else just you when you're at home and you're chilling do you think I don't know I really honestly don't know I couldn't say yes or no I'm more inclined now to think there's something going on then I was before I met Lazar and watch that documentary because I was on the not that I was saying that aliens are not real I
► 01:26:56there I think there's a hundred percent life out there for let's just say that it's too big right it just doesn't make any sense that there isn't it's the question of whether or not it ever has gotten here before is the weird question and it's also the problem is that you feel foolish talking about it because so many people who believe in it are foolish and so many people who tell stories there's their stories are foolish so you feel foolish kind of going along with it right but I'm very careful about stuff like that because my just because something makes you feel foolish doesn't mean it's true you know it doesn't doesn't mean it isn't true yeah so I definitely think there's a very high likelihood that there's life out there and it's entirely possible that something's gotten here before but as to whether or not something really has made contact with people I don't know I'm in if I would say like where's my scale it's like probably 65 percent believe yeah 35% going especially after talking to like that yeah he but what he could have he could have
► 01:27:56something that was an experimental aircraft that they didn't want to tell them right you never know man mean I don't know what the tech look I'm a moron like I don't understand physics at all have no knowledge of propulsion systems or mathematics and I don't know what the top of the field in propulsion experts are capable of today I don't know there might be some shit that they're working on that they've never really perfected so they've never actually implemented in the battlefield or something like that but they have some sort of a drone that looks like it would be filled with three foot tall people like these aliens that they describe I don't know I'm not gonna fill you in on that if you think it's alien yeah fine it's fucking a lie exactly I mean who knows what that was mean they're taking this guy who was a physicist from Los Alamos labs who went to Caltech and they sent him to these classes at MIT to learn fucking nuclear shit and then they try to see if he can figure out how to back engineer something they try to say that doesn't mean it comes from another world and it could have been a Russian thing it could have been
► 01:28:56something that the Germans figured out I don't know but I'm more inclined to believe him the not believe him yeah he didn't seem like you was full of it exactly and just looking at him he also didn't seem like he wanted to be here did he was just like I'm done with this he was getting migraines talking about it before we even got out here is like I just kind of tie I'm getting a migraine yeah and like you know Jeremy was trying to talk him into doing it like we're going to be fine George I mean Bob is is important really good to do this and we're going to be able to really get the story out but I think more more people told me that they got more out of the conversation because it's just him talking not no spooky music no edits right and you get to see like he's honest about what he knows and doesn't know and when he would say like what do you think about this is like maybe I don't know right is like wasn't a bullshit you didn't seem rehearsed right bullshit nothing know what he was saying if he didn't believe in that at least himself what he was saying I be fuckin amazed and his story has not deviated in 30 plus
► 01:29:56years which you can't I've tried to have me tell a story of something that actually really did happen from 30 years ago and I probably told it a bunch of different times I don't know what we started the podcast exactly it's hard to imagine special menu by memory varies day-to-day like some days it's awesome and some days it's dog shit yeah it's crazy how that works huh yeah if you've had a few concussions right oh yeah sure same here yeah I I have a horrible memory but from football it's like probably the worst thing ever for concussions because you're getting them even from body hits when dudes as big as you are clashing into each other your fucking brains getting rattled around in there even if your head doesn't get hit right and I played rough like I didn't avoid anything I'm sure yeah well that's a strength of yours a guy's big as you I mean I would imagine you would impose that exactly yeah paid for College college for what was the major oh that's cool you're on the History Channel no it is awesome
► 01:30:56actually the only thing I ever liked about never liked in school like science and math didn't really click but history it was all specially you listened to Dan Carlin oh yeah yeah of course the best hardcore history I wish you would just do more like they always so hard I know the research that's what you have to appreciate you know I'm embarrassed to call what I do a podcast in comparison to what he does he does is like a lecture what George is there cause she needs to call his that's what it is it's way more in-depth his his hardcore history on World War II and World War one and the one on the Mongols just the greatest fucking shit I've ever heard the Mongol when I've listened to like four or five times the Wrath of the condemn fuck it's good he's so good he's so entertaining to it's like if history was at entertaining we'd have a fucking world full of History Scholars and we wouldn't be censoring Instagram right now because that works then it be trapped in town on your cock
► 01:31:57yeah Dan Carlin is he's a fucking man he really is his podcast is incredible and the fact he only charges a dollar for them you know and I didn't even know he did that while he's there free and then when you go deep into the archives he charges a dollar a podcast which is fucking nothing either an hour and a half long it takes a months and months to do and he's really just trying to make for up for production cause he's not trying to get rich right like he's not he would recharging much more and they're worth more man yeah I've learned more from that than I did from college you know ya know he retain it because he's entertaining he's the man and he's a great guy too I really love that guy yeah and his story is interesting too is old time radio guy you know and did radio and then was always a history buff and even says he's not a historian is like very self-deprecating but God damn you part of the most important historian of our time exactly that's not for guys like me I've learned more about history from that guy than probably from anybody yeah I'm so I mean probably had this moment not only
► 01:32:56is a historian and I think yes we should at least give him that I mean he's got them yeah I mean I don't know what you have to be to be his I guess a practicing scholar is like his think if you say it'll just show it's official he's a he's absolutely historian boom Dan Carlin you are a historian give that man a plaque give him a plaque because of paper some bullshit group of dudes that's one of my favorite things about the TV show is being able to like dive into the history of the stuff like we did an episode in England we were in London for most of it and this guy Thomas top of them and he was a fucking psychopath person like just a crazy person like he he he owned a pub and his way of getting people in was doing these crazy Feats of Strength and he would he would go out there and one of the biggest feat of strength which we challenged ourselves to do and we actually attempted a world record I can't say if we broke it or not but we took these giant barrels of whiskey out in front of this Pub down
► 01:33:56London and we were picking them up on like a yoke you know what a yoke is like a yoke walk yes yes so like that so the cross bar goes across your back and you pick up basically we went though the world record we were attempting was I think it was like 1790 pounds something like that because it was big it was big and it next time crowd that's silver that's a car that said 1968 911 yeah exactly engine and everything yeah it was awesome man that's great and we get to tell his story and talked about like the my favorite I'm my favorite thing we did for the whole season was probably his episode there's an old tale that he got drunk one night and back in the day London police officers had these little Huts they would stand in so they could be out of the weather and they were like on the side of the road almost like like I'm not an outhouse but a little bit smaller
► 01:34:51I'm not standing there and and they basically keep watch on the street being so the rain didn't get on them there was the story that he got drunk with his buddies and just to fuck around with this cop he picked one of those up with them inside carried it down the street and threw him into an open grave the graveyard so we did that it was awesome and we're running down these back cobblestone streets with this like we didn't use a real police officer obviously but like with the whole set up on our some of us try to do it on her back someone was trying to do otherwise you know but like we're running down and all these people are cheering us on is we're like celebrating this guy but basically like drag the cough Downstream through so when their graveyard is hilarious now when you do something like that say a stunt like that how much of a consideration is like when you look at it you go okay I think I can do this but fuck I might get hurt doing this right almost everything everything's like that like we were with the Daredevils last night and for the Daredevils evil eye evil life we did our Premier where
► 01:35:51it was a homage to Evel Knievel guys the guy was gonna jump a world record jump but he actually broke his ankles doing the testing for it so this this woman came out and she broke a world record driving through they have these platforms set up with like boards on fire and she's did 13 boards that were all on fire drove face-first through him why she was a fucking Savage and she was the baddest I'm so sorry I can't remember her name right now but um she came over and spoke to me and like I'm from Santa Cruz like you hear the way I'm talking right now this is how I talk like I'm not like super official or anything like that and she came over and I was like so what are you thinking she's like I don't know bro probably dry like sturdy put my face to the motherfucker I don't know like that like this girl's fucking Savage I love this it uh it was so awesome he find her Jamie what's her name is Vicky golden Vicki golden she looks like a regular girl she's not even a giant she's very pretty she's normal like just now she's putting her face through boards yeah
► 01:36:51he's very rushed it was so my God look at that fuck man so that's that's the board's there that's that's the guy who had Jesus yeah oh my God so she just accelerating through these flaming boards no fucking 13 of them and that's the kid that broke his ankle actual Hodges he he got hurt like just like four days before the live show well Evel Knievel man they put him back together again back when they didn't even know how to put people back together again yeah his glue and shit and screws and rubber bands crazy maybe tell potluck ever see like the x-rays of Evel Knievel's body I saw it from the show I saw a little bit of it I was at the videos of him like flopping as rolling and you see his ankle go one way and his arm go the other way and I'm just let your creeps me out man kind of an animal he just didn't I wonder if he was I wonder if he would take something before we go Cola jump everybody was on coke back thanks huh
► 01:37:51makes sense doesn't it yeah what year was that on talking shit seventies in the eighties it was before 95 everybody look I bet I mean that what would be the things you'll fucking giant Bob God damn it right like something some meth type substance yeah I was talking to them about is basically the same way they look at a stunt is the way we look at a lift it's like this this could possibly crippled me this could finish my career all that stuff will be cut what you got Jamie when he jumped the Caesars fountains and 1967 he crushed pelvis and femur fractures to his hip wrist and both ankles concussion that kept him in the hospital and rumors that he was in a coma for 29 days hmm from Scott out and kept jumping came back I think it was six months right like that was they talked about this I can't remember how long it was
► 01:38:51he was right back out on it seating and find a picture of his X-ray I did it's not that they're super old so it's not clear I like what it was I looked for that first and I was just kidding you probably wasn't doing any drugs just making a joke I'll say it he's doing coke try drinking good Coke having a great time why not fuck it everybody else did yeah it was it was for that for that specific lifts that we did I didn't really that's him at Caesars huh hmm Jesus Christ look how fucking Fox his son now that's look too clear to be nice oh I met his son I met his son on the set of Fear Factory yeah son made it yeah with the front end that high yeah that's Robbie wow fucking crazy oh don't showing how Jesus Christ he's gonna die he goes low and that's of creeped me out yeah but was just weird that that was a thing like a when we were kids Evel Knievel was like the Daredevil guy like you know I
► 01:39:51you think you're Evil Knievel right the toys and everything man yeah yeah yeah that wind up back in but would just shoot them forward so you have to look at a lift similar to the way they would look at a stunt like it's it there's a high possibility right
► 01:40:07in everything from where you step those cobblestone streets that was the sky oh yeah because the thing itself was I think it was like like 400 something something like that it wasn't like crazy heavy it was around 400 pounds so for us that's not that big of a deal unless you put your foot wrong with 400 pounds yeah then all the sudden there goes your ankle there goes your knee there goes your Achilles and the other thing is once once the whistle blows and it's on and we're racing or you're playing in a sporting and like the fight starts or like the game starts when the whistle blows all that shit's gone like breath the fear is gone the hesitations gone I'm going to fucking win you know it's what I'm here for so that's when you really have to like worry about that so like beforehand I'll always walk the course and just like look like okay I want to I want to hug this corner even if it's going to take me a little bit longer I'll go be loose on this corner because it's a little bit of a dip you know stuff like that but you know I mean it
► 01:41:07and always turn out right we're first World's Strongest Man Franco Colombo just destroyed his knee carrying a fridge that he really yeah which actually changed a lot of the structure of contracts that we sign now Franco Colombo was in the world the first World's Strongest Man yeah I believe it was Franco Columbu yeah it was that was Lou Ferrigno Franco Colombo and I could Franco was this the shorter guy who's coming on right yeah is the guy who used to blow up hot water bottles with his lungs make them explode right yeah which is crazy fucking insane about a lung power yeah that's like longevity power to that's the kind of stuff I really like I can't wait till like I'm done with the sport and I can actually do stuff that'll make me feel good like you know instead of like waking up broken every day I feel like I can do a little bit of yoga I like to hike that kind of stuff yeah you're looking forward to a normal life yes exactly what injuries have you had the first amateur show I was doing I actually I competed Brian Shaw who was
► 01:42:07TV show with us he's four-time world strongest man went out of Colorado he was hosting an amateur show in Colorado and I was in Santa Cruz training ocean sea level went up to outside of Denver to compete at the show and fucking had a heart attack it was so so hard but it was the deadlift is it was like maybe
► 01:42:31two months after I started lifting maybe three months so I've never really dead lifted and we were dead lifting a car the back end of a car and they made it heavy so it was probably for amateurs have you is about like eight hundred eight hundred and forty pounds something like that so I'm winning the show and and I'm doing it in front of four-time world Strongest Man winner who already I had my sights on him like I was coming for him you know like I had that's like when I first started I was like okay this guy's the best discuss the best I'm coming for that guy so I wanted I wanted to show out you know so I go out and I pull the car up I do the first rap and I was like just basically it took 90 percent of everything I had for that first rep but like a meat head I was like I'll pull second one you know which it's for reps so I go pull the second one about halfway up my lower back pops and I just let go of my both my legs went stiff and then they went numb completely I fall forward into Brian's arms actually as he's judging me and my legs were numb
► 01:43:30like maybe two months straight and then off and on for like two years they were just so bad for the for that first two months I actually ended up in second finish that show ended up in second place qualified for Nationals which is was my goal so I could get my Pro card I went home started training for Nationals with numb legs and had to sleep in my pickup truck because I wouldn't I couldn't lay down and we had we had a studio at the time no chairs we just had a bed and so I would sleep in my pickup truck get up drive to the gym GO train and looking back like yeah that was stupid it was really stupid but that's one side failed at football in my eyes I'd failed once once I kind of painted myself in this corner I was just like I'm just I'm just not going to lose and you never got an MRI no I didn't have insurance five it even now you don't want to get a look-see kind of do I mean it feels good now I mean I should take a peek I might
► 01:44:30I'm even I'm gonna go get my achilles checked out because at this current this last world strongest man I had a decent pop in my achilles and so I'm gonna get that checked out but I've been been really careful about how I rehab stuff like that but you're right yes I should check out my buddies crazy though that your legs were numb for two years yeah off and on don't straighten them for about two months straight and I'm like you someone could stab you in the leg like like asleep oh like that yeah and it was sciatic it was like that's my side I can smell sure what I was told and so you know I figure that out then then after that I was in Africa and I ripped my bicep off the tendon and I've been getting beaten up a lot at that point and like my first year world strongest man it was so easy for me to get to the finals I kind of just was like you know fucking you know it's whatever I don't have to work for this I am the strongest man without having to work for it and then got in Africa after being
► 01:45:30beaten up a lot and kind of get in my head push down in the sand for two years in a row and rip that off and I was just like I'm done like I in my head like I just I thought I was done I remember walking out by the river and sitting there and just feeling like broken just like I didn't know what I was gonna do with myself or anything like that and I walked back to the tent and the referees were telling me like you know get your stuff they don't they don't want you that once you get hurt you'll have to fly you home right away they don't let you stay and watch the Finish any that shit they don't leave yeah I think it's a liability thing I don't know basically they just got to get rid of you but the the the judge for the show was like Hey we're doing the What's called the Hercules hold and Europe are you going to do it and the Hercules hold means you reach reach out with both arms here like this and you have like a handle like basically like like in the gym you know the Roe handles like that attached to a tower that's falling and you hold it as long as you possibly can
► 01:46:30in my mind I was like this is the last time I've ever going to be here so I might as well leave some fucking blood on the bar so I walked out and get it and so and bicep off the bone yeah 10 the tendon so I went over there and I was just like fuck it like let's let's at least leave a mark you know like I had to do something you tape it up for anything that what he gonna tape up it's not I mean like it's a fully extended your arm it's basically just taking weight pulling you and it's so it's not direct like curling hurting but it's yanking a tendon further in up into your bicep and I felt it creeping up into my shoulder as I was doing it and I did great I actually it was the best of em I'd had that year you know I crossed it and I remember just closing my eyes and being gone and just if when I let go it was almost like being baptized man like I felt like all the pain and all the stress everything I'd felt like build up one side gotten hurt I just dumped it all
► 01:47:29it took me it took me it was two more years I finally fought back I thought I was done and then last year I made it back into the finals I would I'm now again top 10 strongest man in the world and so is it was because of surgery and Rehab surgery and then everything else was so beat up once I once I finally stepped back I was like like there's no reason I should have to take an hour or two to be able to walk in the morning yeah and I'm like I was no reason why my back should hurt from walking from the front door to the car and I'm like oh so racked and so I just started working on different things trying to take care of myself and I got back to Worlds that next year actually I got back and I just didn't do well I because I hadn't been able to do anything and then came back the following year which was just this last year and you know I basically had been written off it was it was I was told as my last
► 01:48:28I was getting invited because at this point like you're done you know like yeah it's time for you to find something else and I came out and I had to show my life was I've been working so hard but you never know how strong you are until you line up you never know like what kind of athlete chart until you get tested right so I got lined up and I'm I got done I just crushed when I'm when I finished I loaded that the stone and I knew I was in the finals like dude I get emotional just thinking about it right now like it just felt like somebody just washed all that away wow remember ripping my shirt off I'm a fucking showman I'll tell you that I had my strong and pretty shirt underneath and I ripped my world Strongest Man shirt and shove my strong and pretty shirt and I was just roaring we're in Malaysia and like everybody just kind of like step back a little bit it was awesome so what kind of stuff do you do to try to rehab your body to try to get your body back into condition tons of coal work tons
► 01:49:28stretching and like basically just digging out scar tissue is huge it's huge like a lot of people use like a ther gun and stuff like that I want the cheap route I took a Black & Decker skill saw and I got the stuff attachments put it all together cost me like 65 bucks you know but like stuff like that I kind of figured it all out as I was going you know I just I know there's people out there that were telling and stuff but it wasn't as easily accessible when I was when I was first going and now like literally now we have a website called starting strong man so like people who want to train and figure out like what's a safe way to start out or like if I want to train like this but I don't want to don't want to buy all the equipment or if I just or if I do want to be the strongest man in the world or if I just want to know what what kind of type of lifts to use to to like keep your back healthy to help you use your upper back instead of your lower back when you're pulling that kind of stuff I mean it's all there now like look
► 01:50:28Lee let that did not exist and you just have to like listen to like the sock on the cock guy in the gym telling me what to do tell you know right that's what it was for me like it was a bunch of older lifters and I remember just you know warming up is for pussies and all that kind of shit oh yeah old school listed man or how many of us are pussies yeah you ever see a lion warm up before chases the gazelle I've heard that nonsense before it's ridiculous Hamilton was talking that crazy it's crazy yeah it's crazy I'm not lying and I'm not going after Gizelle yeah yeah yeah if you have to it's there but if you want to take care of your body it's definitely better to warm up yes exactly yeah if you watch like a guy like Manny Pacquiao train like the entire I watched him work out once with Freddie Roach and he were he warms up for a long time it's like 15 20 minutes of warming up they said that about ali that Ali would warm up for one hour yeah so an hour of his workout was him just warming up
► 01:51:28body just moving moving along and getting stretching and rolling his arms and his legs and rolling his hips and then once that Bloods flowing that and he starts shuffling really starts hitting the bag nice starts hitting the pads that's more the older I get the more I realize how important that is and like how important it is to teach the Next Generation how to warm up even just rolling your hips I only started doing that in the last year and a half that's crazy crazy it's crazy like I put all that strain on my hips and low back my I'm telling you forever and didn't even move my hips in the circle now for your lower back do you ever use a reverse hyper I do I use a reverse hyper I like to do a lot of stuff like stuff I avoid deadlifts as much as possible but I mean I still compete a can't rice and what I did now was what a lot of guys do is they use a suit I didn't know like everyone was using deadlifts oats and it was actually protecting their low back that's a lot of what is dead lifts
► 01:52:28does is transfer it to your upper back which is like I went to world's this year and it was the first time I didn't zero the deadlift at World's Strongest Man I pulled it up and it was it was fucking easy it was always in my groups and I was cruising 0 the deadlift like didn't get a zero like a no rep like I was the first time I actually pulled the deadlift rep at World's Strongest Man every year I've been fighting to get in the finals and doing my best with one arm tied behind my back because when this event comes I get zero points mmm but like I finally figured that out that's what I was I was still thinking that I was close to retiring even though I was feeling better but then I realized that I'm so much stronger now and I don't have all the pain so like I'm I'm almost at like Peak age for strength to so I I've got to give it a couple more years I guess the peak age for strength they say but the for at least from what I've been told they say it's like between 34 and 36 is for strong men this is what I've always been told but honestly I think that the longer we study the stuff the more
► 01:53:28Aizen is like if you treat your body right you can keep getting stronger as long as you don't break things missing that's the big issue right people and break things and they have to work around those things and they break something else and they're compensating because one needs fucked up and then the other knee blows out because it's compensating for the bad knee ugly yeah I was always tell people like I know a lot of people that have had ACL surgeries and they try or ACL injuries and I try to not have surgery they try to just rehab it and I'm like God damn it just didn't get the fucking surgery yeah you're going to be out for six months but at least you'll have a fixed name right I know year yeah yeah you'll be great like 10 years going to happen whether you like it or not right and this way that year happens and while it's happening you know you'll realize okay I got a I got to keep my fucking leg strong I gotta keep all those stabilizer muscles strong right and then everything else doesn't fall right hamstring hamstring strength is big huge huge and but strength a lot of guys don't like to do like but exercises that's huge man is saved
► 01:54:28go back that's you feel better and also stretching out the front end of your hips and your abdominals stretching that stuff the that company you spoke about him so right yeah so actually just the hit me up the other day and they were like we gotta we really want to send you one of these and I was like fuck you don't have them here you want one now the well this anyone so we got want to give you right now nice yeah give us a box of them I give them to people right beside fucking believe in them they're not expensive it's real simple super easy to use you I put them down on the ground and lie on it it's just like kids in there and dig and it's not just for the psoas muscle it's for your whole back right I use it on everything I use it on my shoulders I use on my legs I saw a video where this guy was doing the outside of his legs in a man with it fucking brutal yeah but you know it's my favorite is that Tim Tam thing that thing right there see that that Jackhammer motherfucker yeah there yeah that's like a upgraded tarragon yeah it's like even more powerful ones yeah that thing's amazing and they don't die is quick to a lot of the guys that world's use those those are good they're so good there are a lot of all that kind of recovery
► 01:55:28off is so important guys who think they can just work out and not take that time and recover right I was that guy though well then you learn more I mean I when I needed when this ripped we this was the full tab finally like my tendon exploded it didn't trip actually it exploded so there was still a little when you were doing the Hercules thing no no that that was after that was after so that when that happened it wasn't it didn't fully separate so but when when I went home and I was training down the road this was like a little while later so you didn't get surgery immediately we couldn't you can't why because first off if it's muscle or if it's not completely separated you can't get surgery but this basically what I'm saying is exactly what you're saying just a different time period i this exploded off to the tendon when I was doing a world record attempt for an axle and training and that I was like I knew it was tour right away but we had the pilot for the TV show we're supposed to film a novice
► 01:56:28Canada thus next day and I knew what an opportunity it was so I said fuck it I went took a shower and got on a plane and I flew to Canada and in Canada with with it completely torn knowing that I needed surgery and hurting like like the worst pain ever we had to flip a boat so like one of those little row boats with the flip it like a tire then we carried 300-pound water jugs up a hill we did like all this stuff with that separated and the entire time it just felt like someone was stabbing me with a cattle prod but that one that was Meathead but when worried that you were doing more permanent damage though not on the bicep know once once the bicep goes the only thing worse you can really do is shove it up higher so they have to Flay you deeper when they pull it down and Laser hard work I'm thinking of some fucking Inquisition type torture device right right but I had a great surgeon I was I was taking care of man and it was
► 01:57:28wasn't too bad how long is the rehab
► 01:57:31too many oh no three weeks in a cast and then like he gave me this like an arm brace that would like I'd adjusted every week or so to wear go more and more straight and then that was maybe three months before I could use it and at that point it's not like I could go do what I was doing it's at that point you start over wow and it was my arm was like tiny I was but I was pretty pissed off well even your arm Tiny's probably regular person yeah yeah fuck it but how weird is that I'm walking around like what I'm like this and the other arm looks like it works a bit like some ID company well you know Bas Rutten you know yeah yeah I met him a few times last has what he calls baby arm is one arm that's small because of atrophy because of pinched nerves right this is really it's really kind of fucked up yeah like to this day he I don't think he can hold up a jug of milk ocean but he couldn't like hold the jug of milk and it's arm and extend his arm yeah that's a guy that for some reason
► 01:58:31and didn't get a lot of the love that each so deserve seems a Pioneer Savage yeah and one of the most like one of the original technical Strikers right taking on dudes way bigger than him and still handle them like hoist Grace is amazing and Savage but he was doing the exact same thing oh yeah yeah he was just years later but if hoist had to fight Bas Rutten it would have been ugly but the thing is like in the early days boss didn't understand submissions either so he would've probably got him if it was like UFC one who knows yeah it's it's a crazy Sport and the people that have been able to like pave the way like a guy like Bas Rutten they were such a civilian portent so nice he's such a Savage he would just shoot Cortisone and everything all of his joints are all fucked up cuz you just should take cortisone shots to shoot it into everything lidocaine shoot lidocaine into his shins oh my God so I can fucking blast people not feel anything
► 01:59:28it's like shit out he's such an animal had amazing Stories though we went to his gym we did I did monstrous monstrous thing is like an old Russian style wrestling while you have like a stick and you each hold the ends of the stick and try and take it from each other and we actually I did it twice to tournaments and I was The Undefeated American champion for every year and a half after doing it twice but we went to his gym to do the qualifiers to go to the world championship in Dubai and he came out there and he was judging and stuff and I remember like I basically I was way bigger than most people and I'm like upper body heavy so I just lean back and take it and at the end of it he walked over and he goes he's like the force is strong with you son I fucking love this guy yeah he's got a great personality he's he's a great commentator to it's great that it's fun yeah it makes it fun yeah he seems like a cool dude what's the what's the average
► 02:00:26lifespan in terms of like how much time you can compete at the highest level for strong men because it seems like everything is just so fucking heavy it's everything is going to almost blow out like how many years can a guy expect to compete at the highest level depends on the guy dependent we're getting better at holding on to that kind of stuff and if you make it to the top Echelon so that you're saying at the top level I'd say the average the average is low it's probably like a year two years but if you just took the last five years and kind of cut that out into drone-like like study that with that 5 years let's say guys now are going to average more like like three to five years five maybe six if you're doing good but then you have these guys like like Brian Shaw has been doing it since before I even know what it was you know Brian Schatz four-time world strongest man out of Colorado he takes his rehab seriously he's he like he doesn't care about how much it costs or what
► 02:01:26takes like it's to him he's an athlete first like he's got these really amazing like cold Pools and Hot pools right next to each other at his house and and all the different type of equipment that he would need to rehab and he's he's always making sure he gets Bodywork done to three times a week and when were on the road like like when we were on the road for me that that's that was it was an education because I was with Nick best whose 55 and he's still doing this really yeah 55 how he's a just a Savage man he's an old Power lifter and he's at the point where he needs help to get down to the ground to pick something up but he's trying to figure that stuff out and and he's definitely going to pay for the years of savagery for sure but we got we have him and then we have Eddie Hall and he hauls one more chunks man 2017 and he's the strongest person to ever deadlift in the world he pulled 500 kilos from the ground which is Eleven Hundred and four pounds I believe 500 kilo deadlift
► 02:02:26just straighten it up with it like it was nothing looked around the crowd made sure they understood he had it like it was easy and then put it back down you know that in a lot of people's opinion that makes him the strongest man ever to live that left to a lot of people is King then we have Brian Shaw four times world strongest man and he's like a mad scientist with the stuff like if you go to talk to Brian Shaw about like the trajectory of a sandbag or or how you want to put your hand placement away you want to do this that or like anything that has to do with the science of lifting he can dissected like basically Bill Nye the Science Guy that's what I always call him is that a Debo because he gets crazy he reminds me of Debo from Friday and he makes me look small Brian Brian's got me by like 2 inches and like 40 pounds wow and when he gets tired or hungry he starts to get that Flex you know and he's like like I was like that Deebo calm down but like I'm traveling the world with these guys and I'm basically picking my little
► 02:03:26that of what they've learned what they've done because I'm very young in this game I've haven't been doing it for a long time I've I'm still I mean I'm getting the point now where I feel comfortable calling myself like not a rookie I wouldn't say I'm a vet I'm right about that but I've got to learn like what Brian does for his rehab how many times he gets massage therapy and what the difference is between massage therapy and massage or someone who's the PT and someone who actually is fluent in like deep tissue or sports sports therapy that kind of stuff you learn all that stuff and I never took the time or spent the money honestly I just never had I was never in a situation where I could spend that money and take care of myself that way it always kind of seemed like a luxury and it's not like for them it's maintenance it's like getting the oil changed in your car do you roll out with a lacrosse ball you have to use like one of those wide balls I just softball softball softball because it's big and it's not hard like a baseball so I mean for a lot of people that's too much
► 02:04:26but for me it's perfect and I actually do a lot of I try and get a lot of people to do them on the front of the hips too because it's nice like pressure point stuff yeah really good or like an atlas Stone the the balls that we left the college towns yeah you just roll your stomach over that and just relax and just let it sit there and it kind of just pushes everything back and moves it around so I like doing a lot of that stuff I've seen a lot of guys do that with kettlebells as well yeah my down on them and roll it over your back because it's unforgiving it pulls all the tissue apart yeah exactly yeah now what about food like what kind of diet are you guys on we all basically the exact same thing yeah oh just a ton of meat and rice and we do a lot of peppers and stuff like that no one's vegan no no nothing but it was that one guy that Patrick with the fucks his name there's a vegan strong man I've heard of I don't remember his name but he's not like he's never been the World's Strongest Man well there's there's a documented they doing with James
► 02:05:26Cameron we're trying to promote him as being James Cameron's on this vegan kick his wife has a school and they feed the kids all vegan food in Arnolds a part of this too and then yeah that guy yeah yeah yeah I know who that is he's not one of the strongest man in the world he's a strong man and he's strong and I've no disrespect I'm not I'm not I'm not saying anything bad about him he's just put that back up again Jamie he's just he's I don't and from what I recall he's never even been invited to world strongest man so it's bullshit yeah I mean you can say a lot of things like this guy's say say he broke a record in in like some powerlifting competition that was in the guys backyard right and they call that a world record and then all of a sudden now he's a world record strength athlete because his buddy in his backyard said so but a lot of that happens I don't know specifically about him I've no no clue where he's getting his his his credentials from one meal a day she this is ridiculous one meal a day and vegan vegan professional power
► 02:06:26lifter to 13 2013 said the deadlift world record for his weight class oh so 672 pound for how much does he weigh though there's 672 isn't even big four guys that are like a hundred and fifty well he's only five seven okay so he's smaller than me so they're talking about power lifting to see once you give in the power lifting there's so many little federation's and stuff like the everybody and their mother has world records and this and that and so this he's documentary is touting because that's why I was confused like all the strong men that I've seen are giants right right like how can a five seven guy I've never seen him anywhere Salma circuit or anywhere but here and there is a circuit like confirms circuit with guys like you with Russia Yeah Eddie Hall and Nick best XI we have giant humans yeah we have with giants live John slaves the qualifying tour for world strongest man so to get the Giants live view either there's like a bunch of little federation's that you
► 02:07:26to possibly do well in and they'll invite you or you know like getting invited is kind of like the only tricky thing getting in but once you get there if you prove yourself you get top 3 or if like say you go to my first giants live I went to it was like stacked like it was 10 of the strongest men on the planet and normally giants live has like three of the top ten and then a few other guys trying to get in and so when I went it was top the all the top 10 guys and I got six place I believe but I still got invited to world strongest man because it was the top 10 strongest man in the world there when I did that so normally you have to go to a giants live prove yourself there and then you get invited to world Strongest Man sometimes like we've had years where world strongest man got pushed and was filmed early so they had to invite other guys but you can
► 02:08:20you can always tell who strong like you you can see when I got shows up and and he's ready to go or if he's just got show muscles or if he's just a big chubby dude you know and it's I mean you strapped a guy to the truck and tell them to pull it 30 meters you're going to figure that shit out real quick yeah yeah I can only imagine so shit show for some people well they because the James Cameron thing they're pulling this guy out as if he's some world record powerlifter strong man guy he probably has for his weight record he probably has some type of world record I I've seen him because I've posted videos talking about my meals and stuff before and a lot of people give me that like this guy does this and he's vegan I mean if the biggest pulleys ever pulled a 627 the that that wouldn't even do like that would get last place at an amateur heavyweight show in America the also there the thing is is America we have way of the strongest man in the world to
► 02:09:20everyone it's weird in America we have these people like have these this love for other countries everyone wants to be like why here in Iceland they're really strong oh and Poland are this ins like motherfucker where strong here like we're fucking strong if you're an American getting into Worlds the hardest way to get in is if you go to another country it's much easier much easier because here we've got out of the top ten we've probably got four or five guys four or five guys that are top 10 in the world at any given time and only like three or four or maybe five guys get invited every year from America so if you're if you're getting in the world you got to be a bad motherfucker or go move the pole endure actually Poland's got a bad dude right now go move to Lithuania or go somewhere else like it would be easier because you would represent a country of the smaller town pool yeah much easier now what about that thing out here I believe that's what about the mountain the guy from the game with the mountain from Iceland yes legit right he's a Savage yeah he won last
► 02:10:20yeah he's no joke man he is strong how do you say his name half so Jewish Bronson just call him Thor say it again hathor Julius bjornsen half Thor Julius Bronson bjornsen be Onsen yeah he's a Savage he's strong and he's definitely legit no joke you know he's he's good he got third place to this year he's you know isn't he fighting off Bell's Palsy or something like he had he had Bell's Palsy a couple of years ago and he's I think he's almost all the way better like is not to be rude but his face always had like a little bit of like my I've got these huge fat chubby cheeks so I'm allowed to talk shit I guess but he had he had kind of like that look on his face a little bit already so I'm pretty sure he's he's probably like oh I'd say at least 99% done and there's this is that shit A lot of times it's stress it can be an infection I'm not I'm not a doctor
► 02:11:20I'm just pretty not a doctor at the moment I'm working on getting my license Jamie tell what the fuck is this guy here for fucking guy so all of you basically you're saying eat the same thing it's just meat and rice basically meat and rice potatoes what kind of meat and a lot of times it's by some we do sound strong yeah I fucking love it I love bison I think I look hot shit how long you in town for two more days you got somewhere you can cook yeah I got a lot of elk for you oh my God I love you - so fucking favorite commercial freezers in the back my shot to last year so I really yeah try to give it out to as many people - where'd you go one of them in Utah and one of them in central California nice nice nice I've always in Oregon they got a ton of hell kind of World War II was Roosevelt elk in in Oregon they're bigger body to its right animal nah I'm the best meet the It Is by a mile
► 02:12:20paying the best meet their is yes elk by far yeah it's my favorite so good for you too yeah it's taste so damn good too I've never had a doubt that I didn't like even if the guy cooking it sucked it still came out good that's a crazy taste right it's like people to think that that venison is gamey like first of all just because someone hasn't prepared correctly and they didn't take care of it after they killed it but to it's like not elk no no no that shit is always good you could have an old Beau like a fucking 10 year old Bulls been rotten and stabbed another elk with his head and still tastes delicious when you cook it it's fucking amazing yeah that's reason why wolves are chasing those motherfuckers exactly that's delicious what's going on so how many times do you eat a day should right now it's usually it's usually about five but right now my five meals are smaller like when we're going into Worlds like the last two months I mean those five meals than anything else everything else just going crazy everything I possibly can yeah
► 02:13:20you know I try and keep it clean but you just you just want it all you wanted everything when you're in a competition how many days is a like world's strongest man competition world strongest man is normally two or three weeks two or three weeks fucking Savage it's crazy brutal so are you working out at all while that's going on we're just doing the events you're doing the event and then you immediately try and find someplace cold because normally worlds is in some exotic location that we're selling tourism to so it's like Malaysia Africa we were in Florida this year it's always some hot humid place so they're trying to get people to come to see it right a lot of it's a tourism at and it's always beautiful background right we're gonna background fucking hell on us you know it's brutal yeah so but I mean it's it's part of what pays for everything and none of us really we all know to expect it's going to be hot and humid we just um now myself this is the first time I've had people come with me like every time I've been to world's before it was just me and my gym bag
► 02:14:20and I'm just ready to bang you know but now after for some reason I kept thinking of the sock on the cock thing when we're ready to bang anyway I got a question your gear so now this this year and every year Ford from now on I had my crew like my girl was with me and two of the guys I trained with and they basically so we'll be in our tent and like 400 yards away is them lifting and if I want to know who's doing what or what position they're in our like I'm competing in a group of five I need to know how many points this guy just scored what this guy has like I need to know all that before I would have to walk out there hot and humid find out that come back and be moving back and forth doing all that stuff phone to get food anything it's just a ton of extra stress this year like they literally wouldn't even let me bend over to tie my own shoes like like they put them on me and had me set and I was fucking strong as shit Joe I'm telling you because of that
► 02:15:20everything like the work to that I really thank Brian Nick and head for how strong I was this year like just training with them and then you know when you're with somebody like you compete as yeah that's just if you and I were walking to the door I'd try and get there faster you know that's just the way it is right right right so doing that for the entire year going into Worlds I showed up and I've been going chest to chest with the strong in my opinion Brian Shaw is the strongest man who ever lived and so I've been going chest to chest with this dude all year you 30 other dudes ain't shit like I'm here to take your money and right right right so love it I felt great and and having them help me and stuff it just it all added up to me feeling the best I've ever felt do do a lot of ice baths yeah I didn't before because I was basically just pushing out and just didn't want to but they you have to if you're training with these guys you have to they're not gonna let you slide it's like that that coach that's just like you know you don't want to okay well
► 02:16:20twice as long for you when do you do the the ice bath because I was reading something I think was Andy Galpin had a study that he put up about hypertrophy and how it how it affect his it's affected by Ice baths right that there's a certain amount of time after lifting you should wait before you get an ice bath there we've all known that for a while yeah it's I didn't know that that was new information because a lot of people are just now finding out the way your body reacts after a workout like the pain the inflammation all the stuff you're supposed to allow that for how long for us it's like will train normal it depends on filming because we work 13 hour days on top of that you know and you're not filming is fucking exhausting it's like yeah you did that perfect do it three more times you know right - it's so crazy but um so normally if we trained in the morning we would we would wait to ice bath to the end of the day but if we trained immediately after after set like we got off set
► 02:17:20and train so be like six or seven at night we'd come back we eat and we'd like conversate take our time and then we would go just before bed so it's like I think minimum we would do like like two hours or so and I don't know maybe that's too long maybe maybe but you know for us that's just like usually just that's all routine we don't want to avoid that stuff because that's kind of your body learning how to deal with that yeah I think that what they were studying was the difference between someone who did it immediately after workout or someone who waited an hour and the waiting an hour was beneficial to muscle growth right yeah and it's the same thing with you see people like popping ibuprofen after workouts and stuff and it's like well you're supposed to feel that you're supposed to feel that shit yeah yeah it's part of the part of the whole thing now when you're eating these five meals a day do you have like a meal prep person that sets it up so the other right amount of calories and nutrients and yeah you doing it like that I don't have to worry about that too much
► 02:18:20when were on set we have Caterers and stuff so it's super easy and do the Caterers like give you bison and rice shit like oh everything you need everything when a nice nice so when it's that it's not easy but when I get home so you won't you get used to that too so you go home and you try and eat some shitty me after after like three straight weeks of clean food your body like what are you doing yeah you know enjoy these parts exactly exactly run my girl LS it bad and what about drink what do you drink you drink just water or gray water I switch to those like a whe when we're doing like humid shit like we're in humid areas the liquid IV we did those we did those but and I got off a Gatorade and switch to those body armors is like I was body almost is like less sugar it's just it's way better more electrolytes yep so it's only only do those when we're actually training and it's humid I try them the best I can to keep myself from like
► 02:19:20allowing that type of stuff unless it's competitions like when it's competition take the fucking ibuprofen drink the body armor all that shit like this is what you this is the moment you worked for like you want it to be as smooth as possible Right but when you're leading up into that its water when I'm when I'm really tight on my diet like every once while be a Coke Zero which I'm telling you getting crazy it saves me I don't get to eat in and out but I'll have this cooks are it'll be okay can in and out fucking with you know in an awesome amazing it's how good that's God's Gift campus bad that this is this is for everyone in Texas I'm so sorry but in and out is a million people there in Dallas now another in Dallas there in Austin than the Braunfels yeah those Whataburger people are they're drinking the Kool-Aid your fucking mind if you're comparing Whataburger you got to compare to like McDonald's Burger King it's been announced a different show like this is this is the different ticket the only people that fuck we're gonna now is Five Guys okay five guys but
► 02:20:19you go to Austin and we're on it is if you go out there there's this place called P Terry's there's only three or four of them and they're only in that area I'm telling you they Crush everybody really I'm sure Terry's P Terry's if you just about her Petty like Terry Crews like ttery apostrophe s really and I'm telling you like this is not a sponsored ad they are the fucking shit used and their fries and announced fries are OK they're not the best I think guys have better fries way better anyway agent fries and they have Better Burger choices 25 Galloping get weird jalapenos bacon exactly of shakes right well they don't have shake so they do have shakes and then I have taken her someplace yeah five guys didn't have shakes for a while now they have shakes at some places but they win but with the jalapenos oh yeah pianos and bacon the games are options yeah yeah look what that better buns too yeah way better buns that's why I'm saying but when you go to Austin you got to try to beat Eric hungry now man we done I need Terri we left we left evil live to last night
► 02:21:19limo and I was like we've been here for nine hours we're stopping in and out that was like you've never had in and out I was like no I've had it we're just stopping at that damn P Terry's bang for your burger fuck off that doesn't God damn good that looks so good and they're only in that area goodness really yep they need to press the fuck out that looks fantastic Whoa man next time of that for sure yeah I'm in so what about supplements like vitamin yeah minerals are what are you doing protein is is something I definitely stick to and I do pre-workouts depending on like what mood I'm in what kind of protein powder you I'm spoiled I do the rtds like the ready-to-drink swell like I'll get those cases at Costco man Costco's always got great deals but um I like to basically use whatever is easy on my stomach you know like way do you like pea protein hemp what do you like I've had I've had PP was okay tasted kind of funny weird
► 02:22:19temps nice yeah it's always nice and if you can for me like it's just nice to go back to that like we ever say anything on it stuff no on it like shit I wish I had some here I give you some know if we have any on it him fuck maybe we'll see if it's all is guy sent to you man whatever you need it's always nice to go back to the hemp like yeah for anything for like a few doing clothes or anything like that it's just so easy to digest to write hemp protein just like ghosts no problem is yeah it's my favorite yeah and then so I'll do I do present stuff like that I actually work with a company called Nana suitable solutions that does divine immense and it's basically I'm going to fuck this all up concussions don't don't that's fucking don't email me telling me I fuck this up I'm coming right now I fuck God damn email Joe okay female Joe that's why I'm so Nana Nana suitable solutions they take like basically your normal vitamins and they break them down into a smaller
► 02:23:19bit like normally the smallest way you can you can it's called bio like the way your body ingested its own file available there you go thank you that was gonna bug me so the so for your body to actually accept it like the lowest we've gotten just I think micrograms something like that and the the sky out of San Antonio he broke it down into nanograms and he will he's been working with me I think I'm the only athlete he works with he's a small company and we've been talking we were working together and I could just tell right away I used to do B12 shots ever had B12 shot yeah and you know how right afterwards you kind of taste that that weird taste in your mouth and you get that energy or with him he has the sublingual vitamins so like between the B12 and the glutathione their them down you like the B12 it was just like in the B12 shot what's the name is company Nana suitable Solutions nanosuit achill solution
► 02:24:19go yes got it probably turn manufacturing process allows for the molecular dispersion without excessive heat or breaking of the chemical bonds this allows the vitamins and supplements to remain unchanged and undamaged when they are absorbed in your body fucking I'm in that's exactly what I said the message exactly methyl B12 melatonin glutathione glutathione the shit shit nobody knows about American sir cumin I just found out the true Marik has an r in it yeah I learned it this year I learned that from you it's like I thought it was tumeric goddamn it was stupid yeah we are reptiles for sure you and I for sure so I did that and got smart people out there making vitamins that are nanograms yeah exactly so I just try and eat cleaning to in that kind of stuff you know and it's you can we can always tell when our bodies like acting a little weird or funny and you can just backtrack a little bit and you're like oh like I've been doing this a little
► 02:25:19Lana I've had beer fucking six nights in a row like just chill out - yeah so most of the time it's self-regulation now you said that they drug test you guys what are they testing for they test for everything when we get drug tested at world strongest man that's for everything it's steroids for steroids it's fast everybody has to be on steroids no I don't mean I don't know what to tell you when there's one tester year right so you want to have that test you have to pass that test and they can test you randomly to the randomly thing in the from my experience the random thing only happens if you're acting like you're on amphetamines if you're acting like you're I'm finna means they're going to test you and there's been guys who pop for amphetamines after they randomly tested them if you try to put a fuck exactly if you're screaming at somebody about cock and stock and all that you're gonna get drug tested so that's what the I would imagine that they would worry about that when it comes to lifting
► 02:26:19most definitely I don't want somebody to got die on there right now you can have that and we're like pulling that truck I'm telling you they stopped using the heart meters because people were losing their fucking mind seeing that our hearts were so high it was like 240 a minute wow like maybe 2:30 yeah it happens that you can get that high that's what everybody else said so they pulled the fucking meter special area oh my god dude that's like a jackrabbit crazy huh wow 240 a minute fucking a does anybody pissed hot for steroids I believe one person got busted I would imagine I don't want to say his name because I don't know if it was for steroids or for a meth meth what I say what a cock and vitamin E felony yeah that makes sense but I mean I don't feel like for steroids are kind of I mean I don't want to like push it but it seems like you'd have to be I mean it's a sport where it's it's built for bigger men but yeah I mean there's a lot of guys who've gone through and
► 02:27:19and been very adamant that they're not and you know we get tested we will literally like every year I have to explain to the guy like yes there's going to be marijuana in my system and that's in the rules that it says it's okay like I have that conversation every year and it used to be illegal you should be illegal and we got till we got a switched believe 14 minutes which I brought it up a lot I don't know if that really changed anything but I was like look at these fucking gorillas you want everyone here on Vicodin right like I'm literally just like all I'm saying is we should be able to smoke weed I'm not saying you guys should be able to do math or any other shit that like well I think we're finally recognizing finally as a culture that we is not what everybody thought it was right there in the 50s and the 30s and thank God thank God because I mean people were doing so much worse shit well that's why that little Jeff sessions cunt was driving me fucking crazy when he was the attorney general and you're saying we gotta you know marijuana's good people don't smoke marijuana like right you you're not
► 02:28:19around with good people first of all because good people don't want to hang out with you exactly you don't know what you're talking wasn't wasn't Hillary that was saying it was she was gonna do her best to keep it illegal yeah she had some nonsense that she was saying to that was I don't know she fucking who knows that's crazy if I was you and just being honest on the show would scare the living fuck out of me because so many people listen I just be worried that sooner or later like you know somebody before you just show up Hilary just shows up just show up and carry on like one of the kings that carry with the polls on the shoulders as she just comes in and moves the veil and Peaks yes that is the one you see that video I put on my Instagram of that dude who wrote yeah robot with a Hillary head inside the body that was so badass who is that guy let's give that guy some props because I fucking animations amazing put it put it up on on the big screen it's like one of those things were like how does this guy even think of this
► 02:29:19listen where is he buying his weed because this is not something that a regular person thinks of his name people crap BEP Ellie underscore craap and he's got this video of this Trump robot with glowing eyes and one artificial leg moving in the entire body of the Trump robot is Hillary's giant head floating around in a vat of liquid like a war-torn United States yeah soldiers marching with them yeah it's some apocalyptic post-apocalyptic scenario but there's all these lights and it's fucking amazing it's so dope and Trump's body is weird and his feet are like baby feet his hands yeah they always get that they do their best to just fuck with that like no because it bothers him he should have never acted like it bothered him did he act like it bothered him I think he said something about my hand these big hands after they said it out that's hilarious that's the thing is
► 02:30:19every dude knows like if a guy flinches when you say some shit that's more that shit exactly do exactly what the Flinch but they're the ones who say you don't body shame meanwhile the body shaping this poor guy for having look he doesn't even have little hints that normal hands rules don't exist anymore has made this thing to which is hilarious like a gorilla yeah if I was Trump I would hire a trainer and just get on the best juice to if I had abs like that I'd never wear a shirt I go to funerals without a shirt yeah sorry bro you dead but I'm jacked in town with it put a sock on your cock I don't know yeah I don't I don't think Trump has little hands the regular hands but it is a constant theme yeah there is but that thing that people crap guy though you say his name people underscore crap he's amazing got some great shit on his page two that's really cool goddamn look at that like a giant Kim Jong-un robot this little wasn't Trump just in
► 02:31:20the guardian with that dude they probably killed somebody together I wonder if it was like the interview a let him drive the tank and they were listening to my Miley Cyrus was a Miley Cyrus what was it remember wasn't my least listen to in the movie The Interview - yeah they were driving around it welcome
► 02:31:40I don't remember yeah those are the Seth Rogen movie yeah hilarious moving by the way I never saw that movie oh you gotta see that shit fucking crimps you gotta sing that one that's good that movie like vanished like a forgot about it huh I can tell you just brought it up I was like oh yeah Netflix I'm sure it is yeah all those all those like from Superbad got me like I wasn't like super bad cell area so it seemed they were dropping dead sex when you go to college you won't be sucking dick you fucking pussy so good who wrote that shit tell you about that so I can say thank you I don't know man but the scene when he's just drawn Dixit yeah yeah yeah yeah just Preposterous shit just like it relaxed humor yeah yeah he didn't care if it bothered somebody I'm not it wasn't trying to be a dick but he was funny well what's interesting is that was quite a few years ago I wonder if they would even do that movie that way today
► 02:32:40that's and you know me dining rooms like 2013 there's a movie coming out about three younger kids than the super bad movie and it's rated R and it seems like it's right along that same vein of like yeah humor and comedy and thank God we need more like yeah it's like the backlash is stronger now than ever before but also the appreciation of it is stronger now than ever before to because people are so tired of people being so politically correct and so upset about everything yeah you know no one's telling you to be an asshole but people are jumping on things that aren't even bad right it's like I was I'm actually like a little nervous about telling athletes that they should smoke weed now like that's that's nerve-racking because like your whole dependent you're dependent on your boss in the place you work and do right so just saying something like that if two people find that offensive and they raise enough hell sure that's a big fucking deal but what we're just saying is like it's better than Vicodin it's better than yeah it's
► 02:33:40it's a very much healthier alternative alternative alternative well you know what it is man it's a tool it's like you can abuse tools but you could also use them correctly you mean you don't want a fucking Hammer nails with a saw right but but if you use marijuana correctly and you have discipline and you know what you're doing if the problem is that it's been illegal for so long people don't understand what the best way to use it for is and what are the side effects what is the you know what's the paranoia what's this heightened sense of awareness that kind of freaks people out like how do you how do you mitigate that how do you how do you get over what's the right dosage all that stuff is dependent upon information and when people are lying to you about it being terrible and you know making you fucking blind and losing your marbles on you're gonna kill people yeah just stuff people are so confused about it that it also makes you more paranoid because as your smoke anything and I'm like I shouldn't be doing this right what am I
► 02:34:40I'm ruining my life I can't believe in doing that and then you get even more paranoid and then you like I'm never doing this again exactly yeah now what about sponsors is it ever an issue with sponsors the we thing where I would be right now the only people I work with other than myself is that Nana suitable solution so he's actually working on doing the CBD thing and stuff I'm I don't know if I'll be a part of that because I'm trying to there's it's so available now I just I'd rather just find whoever does it the very best and not not marketing right it's so saturated I just take it for myself actually a lot of people I worked in group homes when I was in college for kids with autism for a long time and there was actually this little girl who she had this it's not a disease she had this I'll just call the thing she had this thing where she always felt like she was falling so so like she looked completely normal she was autistic and nonverbal didn't speak but imagine all day feeling like you're falling so she
► 02:35:39learned as a child really little too if she would hit herself that people would hold her so if you weren't holding her she would literally - watch her break her own nose she was she was 11 years old it's just a sweet little girl like just super nice and smiley but like if you didn't hold her she just whack her face and we found out that through I don't remember exactly how it came about but they they gave her THC pills they gave her THC pills and then stopped she would walk around the house normally like she was still nonverbal it's not like a fixed or Autism or any of that stuff but with the whole symptoms of feeling like she was falling which I'm just I don't even think had anything to do with autism again I'm not a doctor but but again yeah you gotta worry about that shit so they gave her THC pills and she was like just walking around the house smiling she would help us cook she would move around like she would help the other kids because it's for kids in the house
► 02:36:40should help the other kids tie their shoes stuff like that oh that's awesome then our parents came back must have been four months later and their friends had guilted them about giving her daughter their daughter weed and they stopped giving it to her and she went right back to it straight back to it so stupid it's just ignorance people just don't understand what it is that's all it is oh that's so sad I felt so bad as one of the things that like just rip me apart from working in that field is just there's so much like there's these little rules that you don't understand we had a kid that would sit right and he would just he would feel stressed out and he would sit and the rule was when he did that we weren't allowed to help him up or move them or anything like that because that was rewarding bad behavior that's how they classified that so he would just sit in the middle of the road and we weren't allowed to get him out of the middle of the road he would he would and then he learned that if he didn't want to do something if he basically would stay
► 02:37:39room all day
► 02:37:42he would stay in his room all day because he didn't like the only worker he liked was me and I think it was just because I was big and jolly and all that but if he didn't like the person who's working with he just sit in his room on the floor and then they couldn't touch him they couldn't do anything and he just sit there he'd go days without eating or going anywhere out of the room or anything like that and it was all because we put these rules and put these chains on ourselves based off of other people's opinions are worrying what it would look like if we did this you know if this girl's taking this pill what does that look like our if we're picking this boy up off the ground what does that look like and it was it was it was it was like trying to help these children with your hands tied behind your back and I don't know if it's like that anymore it was this was a long time ago but it was just it was heartbreaking I'm Amber everyone was terrified to work with this little boy he was 10 or 11 he's just a sweet little dude he just didn't he got nervous you know and so I remember coming in and one day I was like you know what I'm taking him to go to a football
► 02:38:42them so I took him to a college division one football game never had an issue never had any problems never sat down nothing sat second row in the end zone and like would get all excited every time anybody came wire like the the cannon went off for a touchdown it was like the greatest moment of my whole like college career was hanging out with this 11 year old at a college football game it's people were too terrified to even get out of this room
► 02:39:07that's terrible but that's so cool he got them there though yeah I'd like to think that that a lot of people work more in that direction after I left you know I'm hoping and she was you could see in his eyes he was a sweet little boy you know you know you know there's no I've never met a kid that was evil ever you just need to know how to how to work with them how to talk with him well that's cool you have that kind of patience yeah do you have kids of your own I do I have a three-year-old boy oh nice yeah my little Atlas better first one three-year-old wow that's that's a fun each man they start talking to you and they're running around telling all the stories and everything it night now he doesn't even like like we have to read books before we go to bed because when we go to bed he wants to tell me stories so he'll lay there and he'd be like well this one time and he'll talk for like 10 minutes about some shit you know it's so sweet and so cute and it's a wild thing having a little person I made yeah people that don't experience it it's very very hard to describe
► 02:40:07yeah it's like the sweetest most lovey most intense sweetness you've ever felt in your life yet the scariest fucking most horrifying thing at the exact same time right just feel so vulnerable yeah vulnerable is a great word for it I also have so much more compassion for other people now because I think of other people now is babies the grew up where I used to think I look at this asshole and I think that asshole used to be a little baby like someone's a little boy right someone's was carrying him and holding him and he just got bad information and now he's all fucked up yeah that's not some homeless guy today I was at a stoplight he was wearing a bathrobe got a bathrobe and socks on it's just dirty so fucked up and I was looking at them like this that was someone's baby boy yeah now here he is a guy in his 30s or 40s whatever he was just wandering around all fucked up and dirty with mental health problems wearing a bathrobe and I'm like taste to be someone's boy yeah that's that's it's good for you to feel that way but it's rough to live like that yeah
► 02:41:07it's it's it's so hard when you look at all the problems in the world and all the people that are suffering from poverty and disease and strife and natural disasters and all these things is just so many people to care about and think about it's almost like you could become paralyzed with compassion just stuff blowing just looking at all the problems with the world and then the other side of it the one that gets me a lot is like when you see parents or you hear about parents I haven't seen it a lot but you hear about parents who just don't give a fuck let's like this is this is a burden on me and they avoid it and digit when you look at your daughter's eyes have you ever once in your life imagine being able to walk away from that and fuck that would that would kill me I heard a story about a lady who abandoned her kids the other day I just couldn't imagine that she abandoned her kids and wanted to start fresh left the husband with the kids just left wow and I was just sitting there going what in the fuck and then the fires came and they're fucking house burnt
► 02:42:07wow and so then so here they are the dad and the kids daughters and the mom fucking jet and the guys there no house my God Jesus Christ man yeah man it's uh it's rough because you got to wonder like what is wrong with that person like what kind of schizophrenia they dealing with kind of mental health issues like what is right how could you do that like how do you not like you think about what you experience with your son and I think about what I experienced with my daughters and like how could you how could you not want to be there for them how could you not want to take care of them how could you not want to love them let's there's some kind of Disconnect yeah what happened well mean you think about that poor girl kept punching yourself in the face because she thought she was falling like there's obviously an issue they're like what other issues are there psychologically with empathy issues detachments you know sociopathy like what what's wrong with them that they're allowed that they can allow that and their life
► 02:43:07most too many people man it's almost too much to pay attention to yeah well I mean legitimately it's hard to say but it is too much yeah it's hard to say that my accept it but it is I mean that's how a lot of people end up going crazy yeah I realize from fear or worry yeah that's where we comes in yes you just worry about other shit thing about aliens hey Liam's if you had to guess I'll turn around you what do you think about aliens do you think Bob has are telling the truth I know you didn't look him in the eye because you weren't in the room with them yeah but I like told you I was I'm the one of the creepers that watch the Youtube video I'm not going right there I sit at home I don't really watch much TV like I'll sit at home and like stretch and watch it or watch these videos so I think it's a whole new thing to it like it adds an element that I really like like being able to see Miss Pat dude oh yeah fucking hilarious the entire time I was like like like glued let's do it everybody
► 02:44:07I mean I've never funny when she talks about broke dudes are great at sling is Dick you know I love is our re subtleness laughs oh man he's fucking her well I would imagine that it for like a guys doing such ruthless fucking explosive shit like you're doing all the time like comedy must be kind of important for sure it's a huge release plus I mean not like I like it a lot of my friends were that like I was friends with a lot of guys at the comic store so I was around it like I even thought about doing it for a while I just I know I'd have to dedicate so much to even be decent that I just couldn't do that but like it's one of those things I like to take tried it for a little bit yeah yeah I was with them I was hanging out with them a lot when he was working on material and stuff I remember he came over and he gave me this badass Poncho one time he just randomly came over to give me a poncho and I'm like take the yeah you wanted to hang out and we're sitting out on my deck and winter sport he was working with just chilling he was he's like it's so cool one of them was
► 02:45:07quote it's better to be a warrior and a garden and a gardener in the war yes that state yeah let's take yeah and that's that's similar to you it's a lot of guys like that you see a lot of these guys who are just the built ready to go you know like if some shit went down like I would happily stand next to you you know like I'd be I'd feel like secure but you don't have to worry about like if you come in here you're not gonna have no fake lot syndrome and flex up on right not being an asshole yeah you that's one of the things you do see with fighters to is that most of them in general they're really nice people yeah because they don't they're not always puffing their chest out for no reason act like an asshole for no reason they're nice folks yeah they get all that shit out they get it out in the gym and if you're a bad mother fucker you don't have to act like a bad motherfucker he should be you exam that's what I wear pink Chuck's and strong and pretty shirts and shit you know like I don't have to act like I'm bad at exactly well is he no one's disputing it exactly you know
► 02:46:07exactly there's no question they sometimes do Court who are they are they even real that's the people I'm saying I'm not a doctor for 004 them yeah but for the aliens um what do you think he had a bad if I if you had a hundred bucks your last hundred bucks it's hard I if I had a hundred bucks and we were going to find out I'd say I'm leaning more toward yes the no I'm not going more towards yes to I wasn't leaning before that interview I wasn't though I wasn't before the documentary that Jeremy Korbel documentary Bob Lazar Area 51 and flying saucers before that I was like mostly bullshit is that one is that one available left Netflix yeah it's great yeah I'll check there's a lot of old Bob Lazar shit to from the George Knapp interviews where he goes over the details of the craft and he describes it and explains it and that motherfucker knew about Element 115 in the 1990s that's that's that's one of the big ones that gets me the big ones that's like that's a big red flag that this dude's real this is
► 02:47:07who knows but there's a lot that makes me go mmm so I know we do talk about this all the time but I so fucking wish Sasquatch was real man every time I'm in Oregon or Washington I'm walking around I buy all the little like roadside Trinkets and shit I love that shit I wish you was fucking real man it would be nice but I think we would have found a dead wonder what of its I mean that's that's one of the ones I'm like 90% sure you gotta give you always got to give room you always got to give room for the the possibility the thing is some people really believe and then go looking for it they invest so much time and if they start going crazy yeah like Survivorman Les Stroud yes it's gone gone gone gone it's out there in the woods yeah he's got a pup tent waiting for bigfoot is knocked out the fucking zippers it's weird man he's a hundred percent believer now well he does that Survivorman bigfoot show with like what I heard a branch snap got the commercial definitely a Squatch yeah it's still shows are weird man
► 02:48:07because those shows have been on TV like surviving Bigfoot or Finding Bigfoot rather so Finding Bigfoot was on TV for like what eight fucking years they never found shit like how the fuck do you keep renewing that job back please I'm gonna breathe underwater the show's called breathing underwater can you breathe underwater not yet tune in next week next season though we're gonna try again to breathe underwater to the shit out y'all just give us an offseason will get this talk to the scientists are saying no one could breathe underwater not yet they don't know shit Russ honestly we south Louisiana we got a guy he breathes underwater if there was a Bigfoot known be happier than me dude I'll be right there that I've had fucking stuck magic Scenic age yeah just fucking him that's trying to get out looking around about that cage that I want to see it like in the for Destiny like the mushrooms trip where he's like walking and singing with him oh Jack Black's pick a Dexter podesta me Pick of Destiny I would want to be there I want to want to see it with my own eyes
► 02:49:07you I'd be like man I saw 80-foot tall Donald Trump with a Hillary Clinton head power it is walking through a post-apocalyptic Philadelphia you can't you can't prove to me that video is real I need to see it I would I would I would shit my pants I don't know what I would say though if I was in the woods and I was camping and I saw a fucking nine foot tall gorilla I don't know what I would say you wouldn't I mean if you came back my mouth shut I probably have to yeah because you'd be so you feel so stupid help us I mean there's a lot I mean say there is one out there there's a lot of bullshit artists out there telling you they saw some shit yeah a lot of people trying to get some camera time the can't be one though if it's going to be a real thing a living thing that has to be a living population of them yeah because primates don't live that long I don't think there's a primary that lives any older than humans we're just were just way into the weeds we know it doesn't exist most like your dogs just yeah as they like get better and better at like using drones and scanning the forests and stuff
► 02:50:07getting less and less likely yeah I used to do that as a kid that like walk out in the woods and like look and hope you hold on Jim nope yeah when I was living in Oregon I was like Hells Canyon is probably one of the least explored parts of Oregon if he was any way he'd be up there you know well there's some dents a stick for us in the Pacific Northwest which is one of the reasons why I think it's so attractive yeah because he like you think like man hey thinking being here no one knows like you go outside of Philadelphia or excuse me Seattle when you go into like you know what is it what's the mountain out there was a Saint Helens say now is the one that blew but there's another one that anyway those big-ass mountains filled with soup there's the trees are so dense it's like a box of Q-tips yeah just one after the other bang bang bang bang bang and the forest floor is all pine needles so the nothing would leave a footprint right and then you look you like what if you saw something 30 yards away it could disappear instantly left right you would know where the fuck it is you never find it and
► 02:51:07it could be out there so I think that also leads to this this delusional idea that it might be alive right but I think it definitely was a real thing if I'm back in the day yeah they have that gigantopithecus yeah that they proven was a real bipedal hominid that existed as recently as a hundred thousand years ago and it was America no it was in Asia they found it an apothecary shop there was an anthropologist who's in an apothecary shop I found teeth and he was like what the fuck is this and they said we found these things like where'd you find these because you recognize it as primate teeth and then they would start digging they found jaw bones that were indicative of a bipedal hominid because of the shape of the jaw bone they could tell the difference between like the way a gorilla's burnt bones are shaped in the way ours are ya and they think it was in the orangutan family that it was enormous some enormous fucking 8 to 10 foot tall bipedal ape yeah hmm so stories that
► 02:52:07building yes that's probably where the lure in the legend comes from you never seen like a picture of what it looks like I'm not I remember you talking about it on here I don't remember if I saw a picture you could find it on Google there's pictures of it standing next to like a standard you know like 6 foot tall man like what I'm a regular sized man would be like standing next to this giant ass fucking gorilla really did live it really did live and it lived alongside people while people were real people they know at least a hundred thousand years ago it was alive that's that's what it looked like oh shit yeah that's a depiction of them this is a few different versions of that will get that other one it what the what the arm up in the air Jamie and the lower right hand corner no no no go go up up
► 02:52:55I'll just go see those pictures I see that when you have those little pictures in the little Windows below it see the moment is arm up in the air yeah click that one that's the one cheers that's what it looked like a shit will fuck you up but fuck that too yeah probably super fast the Teahouse kind of like orangutan looking that's what they think they think it was kind of a member of the orangutan families like my dad but it was a real thing but it's just funny how like we want those things to be real yeah we want Mysteries to be real yeah it's part of the reason why you have to really worry or wonder whether or not someone's telling the truth because the desire for something to be real so strong like UFOs yep the same thing people want to believe God so hard to be objective what about with all that stuff hou Temple sign on here because like a lot of it he sounds like way more intelligent than I was expecting when I first turned it on I didn't really know much about him but they mean about Africans traveling the world in boats well about them being an
► 02:53:55first about them like giving that technology to Rome and he's got a lot of stuff that like I mean obviously again I'm a meat head and I'm not like the smartest man on the planet but he's made a lot of sense from what you're saying well for sure when people think about Africa they forget about Egypt right and Egypt is one of the most fascinating and absolutely spectacularly Advanced civilizations of all time we have no idea how they built those structures there's all this speculation about the especially like the Great Pyramid just this is a stunning technological and physical accomplishment that to this day baffles people that's Africa so those people had boats and we don't even know how long it mean Graham Hancock believes and so does Robert schoch and John Anthony West when he was alive believes that those people were building those things tens of thousands of years ago yeah that that is that is like a spectacularly creative and Innovative Society
► 02:54:55that was most likely wiped out by some sort of global cataclysm around 12,000 years ago and then everything after that was a rebuilding of past knowledge right so it makes sense if they had traveled to South South parts of America and then just basically everything got wiped out and so they're they're working from a fresh start in America and then over on this side they don't have the information about that because they all got wiped out well it certainly makes sense to you look at the olmecs those giant Stone heads it look like African faces when they look exactly like Africans and these are heads that came from thousands and thousands of years ago in a civilization the olmecs that they know very little about Mmm Yeah so I felt like I felt like I was crazy for thinking he wasn't crazy how much should he was saying but it's like the the history of humans is something that becomes more it unveils itself over time and the more they're starting to find new things like there was something of the there were some
► 02:55:55ancient castle that they just discovered that used to be under water that's like 3,500 years old and I'm talking about the receding floodwall yeah yeah they felt like what the fuck is this they like they don't even know what it is so 3500 years ago long before Europeans ever came to America these people have built this fucking Castle is now underwater you like the sea levels rise and fall that's it yeah where is it this in a row yeah it isn't Iraq yeah so they found these ancient now Iraq is also worse umair was that's the the earliest known civilization in terms of the earliest known writing the earliest known Agriculture and Mathematics that's sumaré that's Epic of Gilgamesh all that shit came from that part of the world so there's all sorts of stuff that is probably lost in that you know thousands and thousands of years of History it's amazing it's so fascinating to be there just like like this place that I was in in Italy
► 02:56:52there's a church in ravello that's a thousand years old and below the church is a glass floor of the church this pictures of it on my Instagram and is a glass floor of the church and below the glass for is a is another church that so old they don't even know when it was built so it's more that that's it that's from my my Instagram so fucking cool so that that they have it's like blocked off and they put a glass floor over it so you can look down and see it because they don't want you know people to tread on it and fuck with it but the church itself they just the the church that you can walk around in is a thousand years old right you know so what and we're working off information that's basically just been since we started writing things down yeah we've got this little short time period where we started writing things down I mean acting almost as though that was the beginning of time and you have to take people's word for exactly exactly
► 02:57:52no pictures no video same thing with the aliens and the Sasquatch there's some things that you want to believe so in to throw that in there yeah and history was written by the winners exactly so bunch of lying asshole who killed everybody like we are the champions my friend my son loves that song Hill between that one and we will rock you you got we were in a limo yesterday he was like Put on We Will Rock You So I'm cranking We Will Rock You My three-year-olds in the back tail boom boom she's so excited that's awesome yeah that's it when you think about fucking classic songs man Queen had a gang are classic songs that just worldwide to this day that are used it basketball games and football games all over the world yeah such an icon yeah Jon Jones came out to We Are the Champions yeah this will this last one yeah nice I didn't get to see the fights the how did I know John went to a it was a split decision yes how did that fight
► 02:58:52and fucking Thiago Santos is dangerous he hit John with some big shots fucked his legs up with kicks to the point where John had to be carried out when he when he walked out of the Octagon they were carrying him he couldn't walk his legs were fucked up that guy kicked the shit out of his legs and Tiago blew his knee out somewhere in the first we believe you threw a kick and blues ACL out but never even winced dude you hobble around that knee and just kept throwing kicks with it and everything yeah I'm crazy it was an awesome fight you think he fought again this is I'm not projecting anything I didn't get to see the fight did he fight well enough to suffered extensive damage to left niggas are gr out for the rest of 2019 well there goes the question of yeah I think you earned another shot well he he definitely did he prove he's worthy yeah he had a split decision what what's up complete ligaments torn in his left knee oh yeah there you go yeah I kind of we kind of saw it looking at it yeah
► 02:59:52shows left knee meniscus and all is ligaments are completely torn wow the meniscus and all the ligaments that's Jesus Christ and he still stood in there for his or her fucking needs he needed surgery on his right knee earlier this year also suffered damage during the fight as he compensated for his left knee oh man so he doesn't even know if you might need tests on his right knee as well but you know what the good news is the UFC doctors are the top of the food chain they'll fill that motherfucker up with stem cells and mmm do everything they can to rebuild some of that inner tissue good he deserves it if you're going to stand in there and put it all on the line like that you know give them a nice fucking stem cells if they fight again Jon Jones fucking power doubles him take some to the Grassle yeah I mean I think I don't I'm I was shocked that he didn't do it I saw I read I don't know if it was on his pager on the one of MMA junkie or something but he said that he was proud he didn't want to do that because yeah that's crazy he's that's
► 03:00:52on though but I cried almost cost him the title yeah like what if Thiago clipped him and dropped him in the third round and then he won that round on all the judges scorecards and then he wanted decision yeah he almost lost the title he's crazy I mean I don't I don't agree necessarily with the guy who give it to gave it to Tiago I'd have to watch it and see how they thought it and because when you when you call in a fight I'm trying to be entertaining I'm looking for patterns but I'm not really scoring it right to score it I think you have to do in silence right yeah so I'd have to see whether or not I agree with them but it was definitely close was definitely interesting a lot more interesting a lot of people thought a lot of people thought John was going to blow them out of the water that's what I was expecting I've messed around just like you know like bro bleich like pushing them around and stuff like that and he's way stronger than I would expect oh he's strong as fuck man shit he took Daniel Cormier down you know I mean he's a motherfucker dude and I think when he goes up to heavyweight is going to be even stronger and I think that's probably what's gonna
► 03:01:52expert John told ya he'd be fucking shouldn't yeah when a steep and the Jenna fighting that's out here and August August that is yeah that's an August and that's at Anaheim yeah man DC and steep a to that should be very interesting to I don't even know who to root for it because I fucking love stupid yeah him but like I've got a I feel like I have to love Daniel because everyone else for no fucking reason doesn't like they do now you think they're more he's getting my love turned good turn is he fucking deserves it you know I mean he's a he's a bad motherfucker especially knocked out steep a with one punch that turned the tide nice good good friend when he beat Anthony Johnson that turned the tide people get it now for a while though they were like looking at him like he's illegitimate yeah that's absurd the well welcome to the world of MMA Pettis versus Diaz on that car 2L yoel Romero versus Polo Costa I can take it whoo
► 03:02:52brother let's wrap this up thirty three o'clock I've been doing this for 3 hours holy shit crazy yeah Tom fun so tell people again when the show is on the History Channel we're on Wednesday nights its strongest man in history with Me Myself and Eddie Hall Brian Shaw Nick vest in check me out on Instagram just Robert Oberst over here is T so beautiful thank you brother that was awesome man lot of fun thank you very much bye everybody
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