#1230 - Killer Mike

Jan 23, 2019
Killer Mike is a rapper, actor, and activist. He is one half of the group Run The Jewels and has a new show on Netflix called "Trigger Warning" available now.
this episode of the podcast is brought to you by the Diamond Dallas Page positively Unstoppable challenge now for folks to know Diamond Dallas Page he's like a legend wrestler fucking great guy and from injuring himself in all his years of professional wrestling and you know it's wear and tear on your body is absolutely brutal he developed a system of yoga that he calls DDP Yoga and I've tried it it's amazing he's he's very proficient at it and more importantly very inspirational now when we did one of our podcast for sober October there's a gentleman named Vance Hines he's a district attorney in Texas and he heard the show was inspired by the sober October Challenge and declared on social media that he's going to change his life so the dude weight 470 lb * this Dallas reaches out to Vance offered him some help to make them healthy the whole things on video does a viral video that it's just stunning
► 00:00:59shocking it's so it's so inspirational and so amazing the dude lost a hundred and ninety-eight pounds in a year
► 00:01:07I mean fucking incredible he's just following douses exercise program and a healthy diet and just getting after it so now Diamond Dallas Page is kicking it up a notch to inspire you to change your life and he's offering up to 1 million dollars to two finalists to sign up for his positively Unstoppable challenge the positively Unstoppable channel does a 16-week personal transformation Challenge and participants have to register when I would never have time at work participants have to register before January 31st and then take 16 weeks to take control of their health and their life two finalists will be chosen after submitting a transformation story and pictures a Saison video and they will both have an opportunity to win a prize up to 1 million dollars during a live event at the DDP Yoga performance center in Smyrna Georgia so to sign up for DDP positively Unstoppable challenge go to positively Unstoppable. Com
► 00:02:07and take control of your health in your life that is positively Unstoppable. Com two peas and stoppel like me we are also brought to you by the motherfuking cash app LaserJet on the cash app is an incredibly Innovative application for both Android phones and for iPhones and the number one app in finance in the app store for a very good reason sex of a number 1 at all apps several times I believe it is not just an application but it comes with something called the cash card it's the most powerful debit card in the world and the only debit card with boosts is why it's so powerful is a feature that the cash card invented so you know I can find it anywhere else this is how it works you select a boost in your cash app you swipe your cash card and you save 10% or more at Whole Foods Shake Shack Chipotle Taco Bell Chick-fil-A Domino
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► 00:06:16ladies and gentlemen my gas today has a new show on Netflix it's called trigger warning he has a fantastic band called run the jewels he's a rapper he's a businessman he's a philosopher he's brilliant and I really really enjoy talking to him and I should tell you we got way too high we fucked up he makes that Atlanta weed with LA weed and if maybe you can tell for the first 20 minutes of the podcast I was skiing downhill with no sticks its going low this is a little slippery but I think I kept it together for the most part of my task one or two stupid questions but really love his perspective really love talk to Emser super cool funny friendly guy and I hope you enjoy it and it just half as much as I enjoy talking to you love this episode please give it up for Killer Mike
► 00:07:09The Joe Rogan Experience
► 00:07:17boom so I took a four and a half hour ride down to San Diego cuz my friend Brandon was filling it Showtime special yeah it was run the jewels the entire way down and back it was awesome thank you I was I wish I could work out as hard as people work out ride music music yeah it is it is and Alan are Chubbies too fast there but I'm on my path I really am about to announce Play Born who's from out here who's a hell of a train if I found out that just to see bad and got lazy yeah but you know what one of those things where you just if you can stick with it for 90 days it'll become a part of your life
► 00:08:17I'm about it because I like meat so I still get to eat me and I like green stuff and I don't like salad dressing so I think there's only relatively easy for me and vinegar does not taste bad Pro I don't use that like when I have a salad when wife make salad she literally make the salad she may have little goat cheese or not you know maybe she'll throw some chicken or some safe on there but if it's fruit in the salad I don't need any salad dressings some strawberries and apples or something something to just give me that Sprout juicing and I'm good in the studio I'll be there that's the problem from the Temptation rolls and Juicy Burgers and Fries you fuck it you see a Coca-Cola yeah I had to brings me to Cripple Cola Coca-Cola Pepsi Cola RC Cola
► 00:09:17has probably killed more Americans than anything else in the world right so anything that's called cuz Coca-Cola's provided tons of jobs in my hometown I want to ditch them they might mother concert in my right but we know that sugary drinks are good for you yet we don't have an aversion to we don't criminalize sugar in it and my doctor told me Michael sugar is poison right I want you to work it out of your diet but these kids that are members of these little punk-ass Street fraternity essentially games villainize a bunch of teenagers who simply don't have anything to do they don't have jobs they don't have organization they don't have Police Athletic League like they used to they don't have people engaging them and academics are sports where they used to so they just kind of mess off fuck off sometimes fuk up in violence happens right if you could take those same kids with optional Spirit they'll sell you water on the side of a highway you add to something the public already wants anyway Cola you create something like crippled call Envy pop and essentially what you're doing is creating the same sugary ship
► 00:10:17we all go by and drink and we should and now we're giving the structure of say a Hells Angels to say yeah you can say where criminal organization but we still can sell your fucking t-shirt because we're now paying our taxes for now employing people are not doing we're supposed to do and that's what I wanted to give the gift to my friends who are who are members of Street paternities and we actually pulled it off at the show these guys actually managed to bring something is in microcosm to the market in Atlanta it did well enough for us to keep continue doing it and I'm going to see how far I can go and what's artificial artificial what is it food coloring flavor that's it and I think it's six ingredients of you ever do you know what Zevia is give a fuck with stevia in the face it's soft drinks yeah but the thing is like you know what I find out when we was sugar. It's either just do it or don't like for me it's easier to do things that are actually a real just sugar like a Mexican Coke or just have you know
► 00:11:17carbonated water with lemons in it I know what you're saying but this stuff is good it's it's different it's just it's just I am such an addict as you want the real thing yeah so it doesn't make sense to me sometimes the 10th myself a lot of water now a lot more water now and I do a lot of club soda with lime to LP about club soda and lock that's good man if you could stick on that path and then who is a friend and Mentor a lot of times you might see a guy with me the security barrier to do some me to Shaolin Kung Fu you were basically kicking and punching and moving around he also introduced me to a lot of guests at on your show including you know guess that talk about in a minute fasting that talks about gay
► 00:12:17pretty sugar to stop and he just loves me like a big brother so he keeps me in tune but what's going on so I can just go to them with questions yeah that's the move I don't like being a smart-ass guy well I don't have that choice options not possible to have a block that yeah I mean talking to Elon Musk on the show about that when he was talking about the thoughts that are bad bouncing around inside of his head that he can't control and it's always been told that but you wouldn't want to be me I was like Jesus Christ and thinking about it yeah I didn't even see the thing about it is if I had any idea
► 00:13:10that people react to it that way
► 00:13:13man I was just do that are normal show that's normal together off that another man's lips touched like everybody does it. Well that's true but that's like it's been washed all of the cigar try this but the fuck out of here music but I would have definitely you
► 00:14:11Columbia Heights
► 00:14:18okay everywhere from Dubai to Denver but in Columbia I would try for sure those leaves the chewing of the leaves as you ascend up the my Peruvian r r a friend a couple times he's a great God brought me a plate of his grandma's food to the podcast Studio that's how down home that dude is a plate of food he's a great healing a culturally alike and you need to allow them to do things like that because
► 00:15:18is very strict ethics in his mind it's very smart he took me on my first tool rap music asked what rap music before me and went out together I went out with him and I mean and we ran to the South together and I just he was just Pro all the way and we became friends. I just love him to death now and I I go to war with them any day is great dude I've hung out with him a few times yeah yeah it's so this could people out there man even in Show Business wacky ass show business in the office is this some good folks out there is some good agents in good.
► 00:16:18former CIA you know your path how it's fucking difficult for everybody now imagine you have to rely on other people performing to pick the winners work for an Imo's with me he's a promoter AEG right Eric me about when I met him we were doing a show we're booked to do a show me and another artist well the other artist contract didn't say pay regardless irregardless chapter shall I was my fucking money and everyone's like what what it what do you talk about your fucking money or I think it may have been before like I'm not going on at Eaton's upsets me to pay you don't tell the other fucking guy and that's how we became friends I took my money paid them in front of the other
► 00:17:18I did call him later like that I don't know what the fuck made you whole called but thank you and we're even friends are so when he called me and said you were on The Joe Rogan Experience on like you're coming with me that's hilarious you're going to get paid an overall business you know what I would advise anyone who who likes like you know you like street rap to get to the South and get to one of those small clubs with antibodies accepted in and just go watch those kids as they grow up you want to see some hell if I know how does a manager find a rapper how does an agent find a rapper how does that work me chinky cool both management their management for 21 Savage Atlanta seen for years cultivating young Talent what it was grip size rest in peace 2 2 2 9
► 00:18:18which is another Group Atlanta and all these kids were don't you know some worked out some didn't on group. Greek god of cancer and fortunately I'm 290 members went their separate ways we still making Dope music but then they found the kid in 21 that they managed to help get to the next by toy congrats in 21 have never won album a couple weeks but management usually it comes from a group of people who care and it's just want to see someone their fan of be treated well in the end so I really applaud music managers because I you say placing your your own fate in your own hands is one thing place in the fate of an infant emotional addict which a lot of times the app can be including myself you don't know if that's a roller coaster ride a hard job thus the stress of other people performing is brutal yeah I thought I killed her a couple times this year you know sheet might have come from I'm not concerned about Tupac versus white woman and Catherine who's done a lot of music publishing and then when I start talking about topics have a black woman and Jen
► 00:19:18farmer who's a great publicist when she's also publishes for like former senator of Ohio Nina Nina Turner in mega church pastors so she knows she's helping me keep my name is clean but you know she doesn't want me getting on television talking about doing cocaine and smoking joints and I don't see your face sink behind God churches are calling their like Sky Sports AR-15 stock thank you Jennifer for tolerating but she's got understand that's also part of why people like you get it I wouldn't want to be here but you have to do what you do but that's what's hard what makes you fun absolutely you know what they're going to get it is yeah yeah you got somebody has to somebody has to shake the Box a little bit somebody has to be the kid that's willing to help the hornets nests just to see how many of my greatest heroes
► 00:20:18black people use you talk about heroes right we talk about Martin Malcolm Shabazz Muhammad Mark Marcus Garvey in it but Heroes coming up
► 00:20:29Luther Campbell and Larry Flynt in my lifetime I saw Luther Campbell and Larry Flynt fight the government on behalf of the American people's right to say whatever they want to say so at the same time in my formative years I was learning to love the Bill of Rights the Preamble and you at nine States Constitution Constitution for my right that I couldn't wait to be a rapper just soccer cursed and buy my own titty books you know who those people have shaped my life in terms of Love of freedom and Liberties as much as a Thurgood Marshall you know his as much as up as much as a barbecue or in as much as a as a Shirley Chisholm so from me who I am is needed you know this isn't I remember when my friend said Mike I like the fact you talk on social issues but why are you always so necessary to talk about smoking weed to strip clubs I say because that's what I really do and I never want someone to be able from the other side to say don't like this guy because he smokes marijuana go to strip clubs I want whoever they say that to the same
► 00:21:29his wife and they smoke together I don't want it to be some secret I keep I want people understand it when I want you to be free I don't want you to be free to agree to see the world the way I do I want to be free to live as you would like to live so long as it doesn't a friend over here. That's supposed to be what this is all about the Tea Act what's with this country is all about and high school was so strange because I was at one area in Florida right where they had rice chicken broth blasphemy laws before they tried some male pornstars doing some really fucked up videos they tried him down there for sanity and they had him locked up big big you know it's very conservative and they just decided that the 2 Live Crew was just too much they really have drawn a line in the sand for you doing something is very popular feel like yeah they also make examples out of the popular yeah I just found out what the monkey on a stick segment with was apparently monkeys
► 00:22:29wild out so farmers will kill a monkey and put his head on 6 all the monkeys in Ojai this is dangerous to do right so essentially famous people Ami you Luther Campbell Lenny Bruce you know Rodney Dangerfield Andrew Dice Clay Richard Pryor Eddie Murphy what you become is something to symbolize what will happen if you dare step out of line or social order so you your head being on a steak is is less about actually charging you for crimes and more about keeping the rest of the public and fearsome mention a lot of times we don't want to say that but it really is like 2 Live Crew come up and never had a rap band like the nanny kind of been like 2 Live Crew and thank God Luke Falk I can remember Channel 2 or 5 ABC or CBS in they were they were they were getting off the plane in my town I'm a kid watching this one at 12 13 years old and
► 00:23:29the news reporters just went TMZ Style just put it in their face and I can remember brother Marquis just pulling up a Playboy magazine in the titties being right there on the screen light balls drop the camera you know I'm trying to get it out but that's what that's what made me love United States Constitution when it matters a freedom of speech I got a chance to see it fought for and exercised right there before me is I was learning about an interesting that really what were concerned with two is visuals what people write down were concerned with what people say the book and no one would you could write his lyrics in a book and no one will get mad at that book something about them singing at people singing along to it. Like this is that we got it we have stopped civilizations falling apart we got to stop yeah well I mean you know songs vibrations humming you know meditation your hump you know that Rhythm changes things
► 00:24:29artists like Lil Kim you have you have now if it wasn't for her how extravagant she was and in her time I think she doesn't get the credit she deserves I think women know that it became safe for them to be sexually aggressive in free because of her the women coming of age it in our time but I don't think in retrospect cuz wraps young you know we've accomplished so little Kim is going to become more celebrated as the years go on her Trina you no Chaya Choice boss like so many hip-hop has been a very long time you know whether people want to know it or not you know you have your mother fucker in the world and then the girl pops up behind you now I'm a motherfuking
► 00:25:29records have been around forever so they always promoted equality within because it made money it made sense and women with the audience it's pretty amazing hip-hop is really only 40 something years old. Think about that it's one of the primary sources of music in the world how many people are listening to and enjoying right now how many of those are like a giant number magic read look at the whole country right now and just a little light goes off when it's a rap song is playing like the rest of country music is just biting rap and acting acting like they aren't so I think it was a little bit of that but I think at one point in time it was a little that a lot of rappers would look at guys like Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash and old-school gangster country guys tell me Waylon Jennings Kris Kristofferson Willie Nelson Johnny Cash Hurt
► 00:26:29but that's not the same as you allocating the Nelly song talking about cowboy boots inside Air Force One then you just singing about your forwarding and you know any rafting on your payment me about the NRA interview last year every day I smoked a joint woke up and laughed and listen to that record like every single day I just wanted you to know it did bother me any my wife just told me to shut up talking to you all we went shooting a lot more and we play Allman Brothers Whipping Post every morning because I had to remind myself that you are being dumb like this publicly because you were disagreeing with the system that people have agreed to that you don't agree to and it's okay not to agree on a lot of black people in the face
► 00:27:29well you're a proponent of your your right to carry gun States Constitution of the whole of all our rights and amendments but in particular you know the 1st to 2nd Amendment rights matter to me as an African-American as an end as an American first foremost as an African-American I've only been free 55 years our parents were born in apartheid and as an American we are we are country that broke off from what we felt like the tyranny of a monarchy and we did that because farmers and guns there to wage guerrilla warfare against at that time when the largest armies and navies in the world so I honor that by continuing to be in the spirit of the host for Harbors you know in the continuance of Crispus Attucks the first person that died American Revolution was a black man your soap for me I would dishonor those Patriots who started this country and Christmas addicts I would dishonor the lineage is an African-American whose only 55 years in the Freedom by giving government my contact I shot something I believe
► 00:28:30government is people part of the problem with giving government anything is that they're just people that something special we should stop buying guns and point them at the government but if people have guns it's way harder to just take over cities in other countries people get occupied in the government's turn on them and governments change the rules and put places that were democracies are no longer so that's that's real and we're never far from it is it safe as you feel you're never far from you I think what we need more of is people like you that are that are all reasonable very educated in the matter of your particular person who comes from a place where they don't expect that argument come from or Democratic Progressive people you always think you know you think about Democratic people over
► 00:29:30appreciated by the black community with being anti-gun that's a common thing so when a guy like you stepped out and says no no I think it's a disservice to take this right away absolute I didn't support it and fight for it I've been I've been an African American for 40 something years now right I have known Democrats primarily my entire life I'm from the south in particular Southeast Alabama Georgia Florida I have never known a black male Democrat that was working class that did not own weapon not that so I'm going to follow the examples of my grandfather's I'm not going to listen to the National Party in their rhetoric about the arm in the population that we would all love it if we never needed guns should not be better to have and not need it than they did not have it and what you do
► 00:30:30girls who don't get the house ready now still fish occasionally shots out the Greg Street when I biggest TJ sound there's a great fisherman right but this is his normal in my part of the country as not having straws and being able to smoke in public in places like a laser it just it's not that big of a deal do you know you you know in my in my mind say a household should have five. Why you should have a revolver semi-automatic perfume your wife carrying out in public. A shotgun I just got such a great all-around going to have weather two burglars or vermentino you should have bolt action rifle some course case got to kill you meet you have a semi-automatic rifle it too young to feel against tyranny just to fuck off on Sundays and show your homeboys is Dick bigger but what you what you should not do is give up your right song with yeah or using my people that's the thing about using them on people is that it's so rare but so horrific and so so common for something that's so horrific and everybody's against it but I don't
► 00:31:28I don't understand how you would ever by taking guns I mean you would have to take all the guns way to stop that from happening how are you going to do what you going to do that of course not regular people should probably not do that yeah that's that's where it gets Crowley's like how you going to get those guns in a criminal's you're not you're not going to choke we should try and more that doesn't mean you know go try to be the quickest draw on your you practice it what you want to do is make sure you know what you're doing if you happen to make sure you know how to clean your weapon make sure not to store your wife and I took my son and my nephew and I'm shooting about to start taking my 11 year old girl Michael shooting because I want them to know what they do if they see it. So we've already went through what do you do if you're somewhere you see it. How do you write how do you get out of that situation get out of kids out of that situation and I don't know all that comes with it you know and you know the strange thing to me is that my mother when she was in high school was that
► 00:32:28taught how to shoot a rifle right because the NRA which is now vilified and hated for for reason some deservedly so something that they used to have big programs in public schools to make sure that children new firearm safety so my mother school and other schools benefited from that I don't care if it was just that sheet of paper that told you going to take you before you went in the rain that was just a piece of propaganda they did that was better for the overall public so I tend to say As Americans we've gotten away from stuff like trades in school we've gotten away from different options beside funneling are kids in the college that we've also gotten away from basic training such as balancing the checkbook basic home economics and how do you make lasagna at all by yourself and stuff like gun gun gun shooting and archery I think they felt sings Return to public school you get a safe for more confident student body you get a reduction on things like bullying and bullshit you get an increase on itself account interest of children and you start to me to grow its collars that Excel
► 00:33:24did you do really how is it going to stop bullying just by knowing that more kids know how to use gone. I think you're right I think for sure martial arts I know wrestling does it make people more aggressive initially a lot of people just getting into it learn how to fight a lot to get that part like blue belt mentality by you get with your homie so you go with your homie so you and your homies are just being the shit out of each other you're not picking on the kid at lunch you know what I mean like me will experiment thing is the amount you can hurt each other video did you see the one that you put it up
► 00:34:12it was one of those fight breakdown videos robbing black yes it was Robin black to Steve's to get in a fight one Steve Koz other Steve it's fucked up to do two boxing gloves on their friends and one of them knew how to fight a little bit in the other one didn't know how to fight at all and knocks him out or martial arts in general is great for kids to stop bullying because you don't you don't have to worry about this kid in the blue has no idea what did that guy leans it with a J that show fucked up it's so obvious that I gave him when he threw a job he'll I cleaned in on that job that was unless that guy is a real asshole the really needed that punch that's a fucked-up thing to do to your body when you have this kid leans in which lights are about to go off that's bad for you kids
► 00:35:12good timing that to kid drops it in jail did you see what I put it on ya think it's a little bit of high chest yeah but one of my favorite people no receipt just a great kick to the gut coming to get the fuck out of the way just let me get out of here is the situation there been in was our fought me and my crew
► 00:36:12yeah that that song that's that's the only thing about the chitlin circuit fun times great groupies bags of money but you could die
► 00:36:21how do you guys start out you start out like is there an open mic night or something if a guy wants to become a rapper how do you get going I don't get off that types of coming up so I was around but it was a trap rapper from the start you know he he was entertaining for the street so even in need to go to fucking Open Mic he just needed to be opened up on the mic and then allowed to Greater focus and I talked about him and I'm a big boy statue of my best friend so I know I got for you by chance to talk about those guys wear I don't really do you know just find someone who believes in him and that was kpla read DJ toomp and gave him platform to create the jarl now known as trap music me I came up more about of the battle raps in and out of the you know
► 00:37:21show you where is Cadillac a comic you get up in front of everybody do your shit see what works go home. Just come back next week so when you do like a battle rap thing we sign up how how the hell is that worth the first time you show up my nickname stop or my family call me Michael my friends with an unruly Scholars and those guys were like just east coast rap one was from Connecticut won from South Carolina to family from New York to wrap your ass off every light rock in the big daddy came in the same group they defeated a lot of guys may better records and then one day that we sync all green lights were people play their music and then they'd be battling each other then you could just everybody who you thought was the homies help homies in my garage Eugene McGee who I just seen a couple weeks ago he was a person that kind of pulled me out of knocking around in the Trap trying to be Petty drug dealer into the studio and he
► 00:38:21the first person to say yo this kid can really rap like you know fuck that shit I know he steals cars and he can really rap does get a minute so he was the guy to start bringing me in so offended me they were off with their heads battle rapping a man a man a double D called me killing head lice is kids a killer Mike's a killer and that's how I got the name Killer Mike what a great story so the battle rap scene you would just get tossed into a pit and how much time would you get this is when the crowd. Shut the fuck up and walked away
► 00:39:21in sick and those guys were still trying to come at me before D who was talking built like you went when we were children just told her I shut the fuck up so I know it was decided already spoken DJ Double D gave me my my arm my feet my DJ DJ trackstar keeps me up with the battle scene in I couldn't do it like I said all around us and myself like you I'll Just Fall somebody like that. I paid a man that's the disrespect is amazing it's a martial art to give in and take it you know what I'm saying is I'm is an art if you ever seen roast battle no roast battles with the doing stand-up comics with the same principle and they go will they they prepare for it like sometimes
► 00:40:21weeks out and they tell who they're going to be battling against me write a bunch of jokes about each other and just shit all over each other ruthless joke writing his son, he said I'd Rickles shit that's ruthless that's what comedy should be it is that in the it's a rare place that one spot where they're doing it like that the roast battle is a rare place cuz it's like pure joke writing and fucking mean I got to check that that's called what we call jonan in the South Jones it out of you like that's when you just you just as ruthless are you saying Jon Jones did Sean Johny Johny Johny not in these parts like I think they call it a dc2 but cap and some other place to just call Joan and then just talk about each other
► 00:41:21Comics it so it really is a martial art cuz you got to keep it together while this person just ruthlessly shiting on your appearance in your life and ex relationships and divorces me people are such as life man number one record with that smile This Record Man he's on a case of shit to you man is going to test your nuts he got you know he's going to hit you you know I mean he's really he's about this high but it's fucking ego is this big and he's really good at talkin shit so I've heard him destroy style Benders are the best fighters in the UFC came out to that came out that song as loud as hell yeah that's why I'll bet that's a great song it's a fun song install Bender as he's getting ready to go to the doc. He was dancing is dancing to the song and then he got inside and dance and have a good time and what's the fight started
► 00:42:21he's in The Matrix he's on another level like spectacular Stryker incredible timing he's got creativity he's losing one of the best is fucking if you love technique you love watching that guy, I like silver for that reason he's 40 years old I believe is not a guy who engage in trench warfare was fought very smart he didn't really take the kind of beatings at maybe a lot of guys that fought as long as him took he's ready Tactical
► 00:43:21morning getting hit me and he's been hit it's unavoidable he's fine the best in the world continuing he got he got dropped by a couple people but it's not like most guys but most guys that get to his amount of time in there going to get hit with him or he doesn't mean his face looks exactly the same it looks perfect he doesn't have a messed up face at all you think about that guy the fact that he fought the best of the best forever and it's fake his face isn't fucked up and that's all you need to know it's over his face like people people hate again man for you no defense is a part of oxen to manage the ability not to get hit as a talent not a lot of people have it's a part of everything yeah but it's it's a part of giant Hicks and Gracie's number one principle is like first add beef and I'm always safe no matter what always safe
► 00:44:21pics of one of them to allow black belt to take his back and put in a full rear naked choke with the hooks in they would start from their start from the closing sequence you're at 10 exactly and he would get out Breeze got into Jiu-Jitsu and is brought wisdom to it and it's now shamed me into going to so at some point I'm going to pop up in the gym I got to get you and Joey Diaz in a jiu jitsu class would be the greatest thing in the world is Rehab and Care it's going to clear me when the rotator cuff surgery did Wiz put on a ton of muscle pre and post
► 00:45:21that it is ridiculous ripped I'm going to stop slobbering tune did not just rip their big how much got to lose a lot of trouble to see if baby around with much more weight and all the sudden they don't have that way so you've been backpack training but I know the difference is good a difference hard to tell anyone still a difference for dating my friend he goes to that place in in Hollywood Jay's place
► 00:46:17Honda Fit performance what is it called unbreakable the places the shit supposedly semi-private place and be going to a Chuck Liddell's working out and I'm really rich kid that your body that dude works hard I need to pick up the pace to go full 90 days are you say but I feel a lot better I just text me, how to retrain my brain and when I'm not being lazy and really on it feel great sweat today so you don't regret the day the good thing about a tools with a guy like you if you continue in your you continue to lose weight and get healthy or you're going to inspire other people do the same thing people that your fans that go fuck man I've now I want to get my shit together
► 00:47:17what you don't want to do is get rich dad have some young Wiz Khalifa like a fucking on your wife that's my daily Mantra that's a good mom and I don't want to die and all our money go to some young man standing light guy fucking daughter instead of yeah man you want to have more energy fuck it you can do it but what you said is true get out the sugars about the flowers eats meat and green shade tree water to keep moving from Nike gave me why should I got to I got to be good so you look at the numbers you get the metric of how hard you're working I like that one that we were doing what the fuk was it called again the one that we did for the Yeah by Zone
► 00:48:17I'm going for it I'm trying trying to I think next season all trigger warning that's what I'm going to do I'm going to try to start a polygamist compound based on CrossFit man that never goes right anybody ever pulled off a compound quiet quiet people pull it off when you start to realize that your uncle and your aunt and her best friend Are alkaline best friend like OSHA don't head to wise you know we know how to do it together and did you see wild wild country
► 00:49:01that's the part of town they put they took over town Holt call to they just stay started just importing people they brought him in on buses shut it took over a town yeah these what was his name I forget the guys name I forgot to say it again in the end of the mic yeah get another name though I think I may have seen Carlos Hyde 3 in the morning number what the fuck you were doing for how they got these people in there they took homeless people in this ship them out there and busses they could vote from the town to gave them jobs and identities and extremely happy that was on crazy like I'm sure some of them were trouble but for a lot of them they finally had a sense of purpose they just been taken into this place as family so they made Utah basically made a town like him to this is everything
► 00:50:01people with beards so much well they want to believe in Enlightenment and in all the media portrayals of Enlightenment and all of funeral people talk about mystical experience in the ad in India it's always that part of the world that emphasizes spirituality and the idea that the Hindu religion is a is a more ancient more complex spiritual religion as opposed to Yogi figure is the white jesus figure out why people don't know why Jesus in the black community is a mythical creature that has enormous power right it is insane for anyone to believe in a deity that doesn't look like them right in the black community we're just in love with Renaissance paintings in Jesus as wide as fuck all right so we have the same infatuation that you're weird hippie Aunt has with Indian man with long beards and their mysticism we have that
► 00:51:01people access Vikram who directed trigger warning also has a documentary where he creates a fake religion and convinces you know white middle-class people to follow that is a crazy when the white jesus what rank are white jesus of motherfuker by like they man imma get me a shirt that says white people once a walk and and what I mean by that is Western Civilization it is this is the latest face like people have there been many empires and civilizations there was a time where Mali in Africa and Kim and have her with the biggest civilizations and colonizers honor later Persia figured you had something right now the West has just for the last thousand years or so has been kicking and dominating ass a lot of what we see on the news between the west and what we call the Middle East now what was once and Western. Right Western Asia Thousand Years War you know what you're hearing Islam vs Christianity but it's really two ideologies that have been fighting for a thousand years old
► 00:52:01how should be covering self weight with that shit man it's like there's no there's no stopping this shit and white jesus Springs out of that and kind of goes everywhere I colonize is everything so get on the church pops up with candy for kids Bibles for you and by the way we're going to be gone awhile but we going to leave just got here on the wall so you know what the ideal what God son look like so God Son looks like a Doobie Brothers can tell this guy that looks like Jim Morrison yeah it's Jesus are probably at a guy with dark hair and curly. Curly hair and you know it and brown eyes that was saying shit that the government in the church didn't like so they knocked in the fuck off why do you think that each race looks for someone of another race to be their advisor because I don't think people trusted Divinity in themselves I think I think that once you understand it as human beings we really only
► 00:53:01different because of subtle differences and atmosphere and change and you know who you mix with win but I think that all those books that are moms paid Oprah to Tim sellers of self-help and inward-looking Reverend Ike had told my grandmother Generation Dead in the seventies you know what I mean and I think that we're scared to turn off the lights and it some point see something divine within ourselves because once you do that that requires you act differently and I think that people need to be told what to do not that they actually need if they want to be instructed you know versus knowing or going on a gut feeling or experience something wrong you know my grandfather was one of the most kind moral men I've ever met he was always
► 00:53:45gentle jokingly put a belt to my butt twice in my life is in and it should I think he crying or did not say many 14 years old shot a man in church for kissing his bike down
► 00:53:55he grew up in between 14 and 54 when I was born and he had experiences that he had learned to regret and he had to help with that and he had become something that by the time I was a child he was Raising me my grandfather was divided in my eyes almost got me not because he was perfect because he was genuinely good and moral but as a 14 year old boy who had grown a father who dropped out of school in the third grade and who at who understood that I must protect my mother's and sister's he refused to people that got anyone even adult to the point of putting a bullet in you know what I mean so I think that a lot of times we're afraid to see that defend myself so also because then you have to acknowledge the darkness and you have to deal with that and it's easier to get instructed by someone else and it's easier to see the evil is outside to it's easy to see that is something that I can't control it just happens versus I'm complying and I'm complicit in it
► 00:54:50that's a it's also a consequence of Pinot Noir things that bothers me the most when people talk about people to commit crimes or think about people that commit crimes so much of who a person is a consequence of things that had nothing to do with them absolutely they could have been born in a terrible neighborhood 2 horrible parents been abused sexually and physically and by the time you get to them they broke their life is already a mess it's a shambles and for you to try to think that they are going to look at life and just figure it out with no assistance whatsoever it's crazy things about our culture is that we haven't put more of an emphasis and finding the spots that are the ghettos in the terrible neighborhoods in this country and figuring out a way to build them up after we make it even we know we know unequivocally for jobs and commerce are present and Economic Opportunity and prosperity occur just a dramatic reduction in Lemonade Stand game
► 00:55:50yeah yeah we do not put resources into building institutions that will create oxygen ores or work on a soft skill so the kids can be working out of production houses Studios we put that money into prisons things like that that jobs not mean it factories may need and weird and I always say when so many times we allow it to happen if I not raising my voice even though we know someone in prison and saying this is wrong you know the last people I don't believe just for the record I don't believe in the big three abrahamic religions but the books I read that are amazing graphic novels I can treat him like I can do it like a graphic novel so it's right and when you look at the people who Christ died with right it was using he was up there with ease
► 00:56:50the last person you say before he got out of here was dying right next to him and he was like you know we going to go on this together some amazing things are going to Sia you need to be thinking about who he spent his time with you know he was with liars and thieves who's in the streets use with people who likes to be prostitutes and I think that if we start to turn our attention to those places and we put our intentions and good there we do produce on the out on the other side better but as long as we look at something that makes us and we become Pious in that I think religion with something something that's whatever kind of harmful it helped to create that and I think that that that believe in that some people are good and evil doesn't allow us to say what what could we do to fix those get off to fix those depressed area codes for every ghetto where I'm from every ghetto that's in a city in the South I can show you a mountainous region with a trailer park is just as bad for sure he knows it knows it knows kisses are
► 00:57:50like better than Oxycontin Addiction in intramural a pain to 100% hundred percent and I feel like this money to be made doing it to I mean feel like his jobs is it feel like it's an ignored resource yes yes my follow can a turbo and ozone followed Jesus and Alabama man Confederate flag just doesn't bother me as much a sudden became a bad thing like with the Dukes of Hazzard now that I have pictures of me with the General Lee on a shirt right I'm not surprised because I lost your father loses Flats let's just never really really bother me but as I got older
► 00:58:50Lee the school's name we're not going to really be able to change faces it's going to be here is going to be hella Talent he can fix anything with a motor on it he makes these amazing katana like swords out of wrenches right but I see him rallying against kids that uphold at flag in upholding you know anything that feels like racism a national and he's just one of the most morally good kids I've ever seen running around and he's an hour and he doesn't look like typically anything you would expect but that's the great part of this to me the great party all this country to you is you know as as Polar Opposites of people trying to make sure you and I here we are together as equals you know here we are together engaging one another's equals and we don't look like one of them and not from the same places and I think that's just a whole bunch of opportunity in that you know I think that there's money to be made in promoting that versus
► 00:59:50Modi division in fear is so absolutely you should be there is money and helping children be better there is interested in it and if we're going to live in a capitalist system be a compassionate capitalism be the best you possibly can because we need more of you but just seems like something like an in terms of something that we think about as a civilization we don't think about neighborhood rebuilding a primary concern even though one of the biggest problems we have is with crime and violence if you ask people what's the two biggest things are afraid of its crime and violence next to be car accidents of cancer and book crime and violence you could severely mitigate monkey suit if she had all these Community program if you think about the amount if they've I bet if they calculate it out probably a wash the amount of money you spend to fix things versus the amount of money you would save by not having as much crime Roxanne Shante I saw her and I don't know shitt so I'm just guessing anything is better than what we doing
► 01:00:50I'm putting people in cages that they also Lobby to make sure there's more laws on the books I told Larry King early today that I'd rather stop arguing over the Second Amendment with people that I should be arguing for a minute of the 13th Amendment with we should stop arguing over guns and we should start to save why does not 13th Amendment have a loophole in allow for slavery that says slavery is it legal except yeah they pulled people have no idea how much prisoners get paid to work when they were working on the fires yes what was I think it was $2 insane amount of money they pay them when they get out of prison they are not allowed to be firemen
► 01:01:31oh Jesus Christ Is that real
► 01:01:35black because you're a felon in your every crime for everything I say for everyone but you can't be a fireman sticker this felonies were like holy shit not even two dollars is 99 pennies plus one just stop and think about fighting fires for 10 hours you make $10 that's insane that is that but now he's not slavery that might be worse than slavery because $10 an hour isn't even going to buy you food that's why I said Walmart pays its it's less money to work all day then you could feed yourself in this is a white guy said that's what I try to tell people people talk to you when I was coming on
► 01:02:35black guys is poor white people I almost wish I could have a convention went to say we got the same Masters they're saying it's right here more than 2,000 volunteer inmate firefighters and their volunteer including 58 youth offenders are battling wild five Flames through California inmate firefighters serve a vital role clearing thick brush down to Bare soil to stop the fire spread do they get better service for that today the get out earlier know they don't like we are the the public should be up in arms about not run too cuz when you're when you're chopping down bushes out there when there's a fire going on or where you going to fuck is happening is chaos so are you going to go where you going to go and just how insane is that
► 01:03:35we put people in a box of 23 hours a day Lotto mouth for an hour to walk in the space yeah you drive him crazy but she's doing it you're fucking with their senses to the point where they're going crazy absolutely or they get Solitaire I have friends have been in solitary to talk to you about Solitaire and they're just there for themselves with your day after day after day I remember being able to talk about to go fucking nuts after 3 hours you know anything to tell you he's jealous I shut the fuk up on 1995 UCLA play. Play point guard for the lights off the in school and I stayed in school and I know his dad like a fucking play I can play any basketball I just be sitting there quietly be reading the paper just like can't wait to get the fuck out of here man coast out on me to say shit
► 01:04:35that's not what I want to go to prison thank you. I'm not talking to anybody for just a couple of days would be enough to drive you crazy now imagine some people that have been locked in the whole feel like eight months they do that to people that mean that doesn't isn't that what they did at Chelsea Manning that's exactly what they did I think
► 01:04:57I forgot what her original name was as do I know what's up so I think they locked her in the hole for like 10 months yeah no talking no nobody just by yourself fuck you by yourself you could break someone's brain easy he's a pirate people's brain gets broken on a good edible one good ass First 48 broken 15 minutes of cigarettes in a honey bun bad man for a Newport
► 01:05:45yeah just so many fucking crimes so many laws that don't don't need to exist in poverty we fix trying to still be sociopaths and greedy people that don't have a gas station carjacking should not go to see stolen cars not going to see you're not going to see that if you start to have an influx of you know we need to bring a lot of stuff back to a man who you start making shit again you start buying shit we make again we need to you know we need to start refocusing on what we could be doing in the house I think I think that would certainly help us and I don't know what we could do
► 01:06:26to start promote that idea of
► 01:06:31I mean why isn't it it's nothing that ever gets discussed in any political discussion like it when it whenever there's some debates going on or whenever there's something and thinks of that one aspect of our culture the week is aspect of our culture economically did we don't really consider it just look at it as a source of crime it's a statistic but we know the answer is always something that just is no history and we could yeah you can try to fix homelessness without criminalizing being homeless right we know that most men that were homeless have some types of minerals to schizophrenia so that means that we've broken down and we're not taking care of the mentally ill in a way that we should be a could be so if you start to fix that you start to fix that kind of homelessness we know that women and children we know why they
► 01:07:31and we know that if your subsidized and do these type of fordable housing apartments in the city the kids have the opportunity go to better schools to become better parts of society in terms of having a network and resources we know the mothers are close to work can be home but we don't do that like right now in Atlanta and we've been promised a certain amount of work space in the city for Working Class People for poor people some of developing heart going to say they do and because you do that you start to increase the that the things that are flights on us you know we just have to be really committed to it and do it that's it you know but if we if we keep acting like it's not happening and complaining about poverty a crime in war and not doing anything it's just a cycle never stops Nazi understand the insanity I really don't understand yeah well everybody feels like it's somebody else's job everybody feels like work and everybody feels like we just got to get out of that neighborhood
► 01:08:31facts about reunification she said you know she she doesn't want to hear people can keep complaining about gentrification when the kids that are leaving these neighborhoods where they sing dance rap or not or just go get good jobs and Kobe decent human beings you should be reentering your neighborhood should be buying houses or pieces on laying there when the most impressive things on my favorite players are John Stockton and I don't know if it's true or not but I read a story that he actually bought a house right on the street you grew up in sonar season he go back and sent me home with his kids so they had some type of normalization to their life view we should be doing that you know Mom Tiana have bought properties together in the same neighborhood we grew up and we're developing things like restaurants and stuff I like to see more athletes and rappers become the merchant in business class that way and I like to see people who grew up in neighborhoods move back to those neighborhoods they grew up in like like the typical iconic American Dream you know you can build a you know another date
► 01:09:31how to square foot in the back of a frame house if you want to but you shouldn't be going to 50 60 minutes outside the city and then complaining about the plight of the city because you took yourself away the towels in the resources away do you think that everyone should feel that way though or is it me and you feel like you have to be committed to the city that you grew up in or could you want to just get the fuck out of there and go somewhere different nothing wrong with getting fuck out but yeah I think you should go back and support tell kids you know how to get in high school to do that kid make sure they replace you with those University or another
► 01:10:12I said you just please replanting see if you grow food you know you don't grow the same way and you have to hear something you have to give that later break me to let you know I'm saying it's kind of like the neighborhood so you don't have to stay in the same feel like I never went anywhere but you do have to don't sell your mother's house rent it to your cousin but don't don't sell that piece of land was worth for the blood to toil the soil it mean something and it should and and for Working Class People especially it keeps your neighborhood and Community is more like the ones that made you be a good human being and so I think that there's something most people don't leave the town that grew up in and move to the other side and they move to the suburbs most people are most people marry somebody they knew I'm saying my thing is make the best of it. Mister John barber shops do you think Scottish a wash and groom shops we have one at State Farm Arena where the Atlanta Hawks play
► 01:11:12flagship store on Edgewood Avenue Edgewood Avenue was once an Auburn Avenue once the centers of black Atlanta in terms of Commerce in retail and money Atlanta life insurance company with are you guys Google some of this big-time shit you know this isn't the old Narrative of never had nothing on this street used to be owned by African-Americans a storefront in near your children after these people died off sold the building and sold it for cheap and I know this because many mr. John who has the grocery store their stopped me one day he said you know Michael
► 01:11:51after we have gone in this neighborhood's been gentrified and everything's different they're going to come along and say that white people stole this from us and he said it's not true
► 01:12:01he say the children of the people that were here left and they never came back cuz they didn't think with their parents bill was good enough to kill me because that is not just black people us Americans. We have gotten to a point where we are unappreciative we are entitled and we don't think what happened before us was good enough so we don't treasure it we don't honor it we don't we invest in it that could be a farm in Milledgeville that could be a house in Adamsville but we have to do a better job of appreciating ourselves preciate now community and then appreciate not Greater Community and you have to reenter you have to reenter fact that you have to be a part of whatever gentrification happens to make sure that your steak is still there and that what you care about for memorials until perspective it represented their my uncle my uncle John black and it was a huge influence on me died and had a five-car garage where we're needed transmission stuff and I beg my aunt to sell please
► 01:13:01I don't want you I know they're going to come to beltline's come out scoop up please sell it to me I didn't want my uncle's building you know 4 to go to strangers and become in an apartment complex or something and I walked to your building a senior building I said wow I know what I'm going to do with it now I've had it for like 3 years now it's just I just had it but I did never knew what I want to do what you would like to go everyday I was building my office is right and I'll figure out a way to make a lot of money off of it I mean I've already made a lot of money with you and leaving me to buy it but it's important to me that has his neighborhood turns it's a hipster land cuz it's definitely see so many blackheads from your chocolate chips in Lansing I just wanted to make sure that there's still some chocolate working class in there and sometimes you're going to go buy coffee and there's going to be a loud ass muscle car and lots of marijuana smoke blowing out of it so they'll know that you know my uncle's nephew still in town will you got a great combination of a work ethic a sense of community and you had a business
► 01:14:01active I don't have a business perspective my wife at all you know is zero that zero business perspective about forever I hadn't been failing was the best thing that ever happened to me for I think for everybody not envious they become hateful yeah yeah but I mean once removed from the failure now don't you think that about you rap for as well like that's what I saw ya from business perspective
► 01:15:01Department of Records my first record that went gold at a time where we're at the record was going to end it was a didn't work right didn't work for me so I had to go to Texas and people like Chamillionaire Paul Wall Bun B 0 Slim Thug Trae the Truth right people like Flippin hogs eat people taught me how to press up my own CDs put them in the marketplace sell them at a profit reinvesting self they taught me that and selling drugs for Five Below hot chicks and her just mentally being your wife caught a Lite Brite freshman year college but just mentally she was light years ahead of everyone cuz their grandmother had raised her in that house running around like a chitlin circuit you ready to go get your shots at 2 hours on Sundays cuz the south is you know so we are place we didn't used to sell alcohol on Sunday so my wife I recognize have a sharp
► 01:16:01remind me for business what I had was good ideas for what would sell and what would be well in the marketplace and what she had was a discipline to organize many failures in your business practices Jeff the Killer
► 01:16:15farmers are like independent rappers you know everyone wants to be more famous than they need to be an artist but with that said man it's just frustrating you know one Barber comes into Monday like I want to wear glitter cake today you know the next barber something like it I want to cut hair in the nude I want to just have to do it and you like bro it doesn't it doesn't work like that but I had to learn for us that the booth rent model like you pay in Boothwyn enough not making any more profits that done it so we had to kind of say what what does Supercuts do what does Great Clips Do What U Want It by commission and you split that means I have to be in the way and that's how we kind of learned business when we got an offer from the Hawks to put a place in the space of the arena and we want to be a more we started to understand okay this is how you do business business you know this is not just how you
► 01:17:15make 2 to $4,000 extra a month and that's just some good income for your wife to be able to enjoy this is how you start to say you no more New Brighton Barber Shop this is a lifetime retail brand we happened to Barbara but if you're a guy I don't like going to the beauty shops or beauty stores to buy my brushes or by my Combs or you know if you want to get a little gray out of your beard you know you don't want to be in the RX section of your local Walmart of your was like hey where do I get the grade for my beer cuz I want to go get hot young you want to go shopping so we develop products we have cool stuff you can just buy it right there and his people and hopefully I would like to come to Chick-fil-A barber shops I like for people to want to want to have us in their town and pay us a lot of money and it's a man's hang out too and then you can say anything you want and then you can talk you can watch Joe Rogan talk shit you know your barber shop to uniquely masculine they are like beauty shops are for girls girls can go into beauty shop and get their nails done and no there's not going to be any men there
► 01:18:15they can talk all kinds of crazy shit other reasons why they like it barber shops are some of the best jobs exciting as one that has those two or three women customers data just Prime chautauqua's how much if any are you paying attention to things like cryptocurrencies DJ has taught me a lot about socks so much to the point that I bought my wife thousands of dollars and socks for Christmas she cried she cried when I when I showed her the wedding band that I bought cuz I never really got it when a man is I really wanted you know Shelly I'm dedicating myself to you and this is this is never coming up at the Potomac beginner Christmas she cried when she saw my wedding band at the end she cry when I say I never want you to be fully dependent upon me or feel that way so here's a lot of stock and she cry like a baby I call Flat like that shit world problem
► 01:19:15lots of money into the S&P 500 but I don't know a lot about cryptocurrency and stuff I'm learning how to have money to buy them the idea of a decentralized economy the whole thing is always been about the amount of money that Banks control you just stop and think about what's goes what goes on with the Federal Reserve and what goes on with all the money and how much a dollar is worth overseas in an ounce of it all if there was something that we could all rely on the wasn't controlled by an E-Check in a group of people that have a vested interest in property off of this pile of money if it was some sort of a Bitcoin like thing me a really different world really really different it would it be different if the world was moneyless it be different if there was a doll standard again it'd be a lot of differences but the question becomes is the banking Mafia of Swords ever going to let that happen and what happened
► 01:20:15stop it well it's like stopping the internet at this point so you think is, you think we're going to get the cryptocurrency I think it's eventually going to be what are we going to throw on the strip clubs but that's a that's a question correctly right you can't throw coins and clubs true what can you piece of paper that tell you how much it worth to know ask bro Bitcoin will become like dollar bills that will represent Bitcoin cash I need gold let me know some people fight for the Forgotten charity build Wells the pygmies when he lives in the Congo for 6 Months of the Year building well and so fight for the Forgotten we we raised we let it we raised a bunch of money for this thing called the cash app. Time someone starts at $5 goes to fight for the Forgotten got you and we got some
► 01:21:15when we raised that went to them to Sowell scotbilt cuz of that he's built how many Wellness Shawnee 18 Wells they built for the pygmies they're constantly building new ones as his head mayzie freshwater yeah he saw a fighter he fights for Bellator he's weather top heavyweights dogshit and goes over to Africa and lives in the Congo with the pygmies he's gotten malaria three times I almost died from it
► 01:21:44cast of dedication he's one of the nicest people that ever walked the face of the malaria shots and I do not know so yeah as a black I feel it's important all I just want to catch malaria that's him back there they come the big pygmy
► 01:22:05nicest guy I've ever lived there for 6 months a year
► 01:22:12yeah it's pretty cool man's got some great videos on fight for the Forgotten past few will you could see the house being built in the water coming out
► 01:22:34corporate donors but I think that it's give me some advice about it I'm an idiot cuz you have an icon Jeep so I know you have more money in there this morning I just work a lot at least you know what your grandfather smart I got you a guy have people handling that kind of stuff which I work a lot I don't pay attention to anything I pay attention to the place where I know exactly what I have to pay attention to what I don't say my account is made it pretty easy for me he is literally a craft this is a dollar you make this is what goes into savings this what goes to the vestment this is what you and Shay one investing in real estate this is my retirement so now everything that comes in already know so it's like when they call us until I go
► 01:23:34not go out with 250 because Asset Management commission is my wife and my account already chopped that shit up so you think about that bass think about you know I'm black and you know shit ain't been too good if you ain't putting out money if you if you put Kidz Bop that what a deal doing at so you know my old shit is let let me take care of my money because my grandpa and my grandmother's her family owned land they started the sharecroppers but because they are on land she could she could become educated cuz they could sell the stuff they grew two stores and produce markets and stuff so she when they were methodists so she got to go to school my grandfather smother own no land so I got a father had to work in a bread factory linen and cotton Mills and shit so I knew the difference between ownership and you know the advantages of having something in there so it's something I kind of apps
► 01:24:34because I don't want my children to endure poverty and your mother work they were out of there but you know she says to me all the time you were spoiled you know you're a little risky task in the Ford RV you guys went on vacation you were spoiled so I understand money memes a lot and it doesn't mean everything to me but it helps the Ford me to be able to take care of my children I'd completely understand it but I don't want nobody to give a shit on a daily basis I'm more like you I just you but you think about businesses you think about starting business in forming businesses have the time to do that and write and perform in all all the other shit you do cuz it wasn't as fun anymore
► 01:25:34because the pressure was am I going to charge can I make this much weight will a record versus you know if I have a couple of shapes of Revenue coming in you know it makes it a little more relaxed and my artist free or that way I like that answer that's a great answer that makes sense that makes a lot of sense actually free yourself how creatively so that all you have to think about when you do not you just doing what you want to do that's why I be in and out there from the nerdy sexy a Bill Gates of the wild Delta centratex of Elon Musk to the old G's of Warren Buffett and shit I like Ted Turner
► 01:26:21call Ted Turner's well he's he was such a good owner of teams in our city money on the teams use a great man with T vs he did a lot of good he's if you know if it's a billion have a lot of money is a standard bike ted he always seemed to me yeah especially want to get rid of Jane Fonda when he married Jane Fonda the South made it was like the city of Atlanta had went back to Gone With the Wind it was just amazing again it was people were strutting around neck to know Jane Fonda's virtual a first lady start time
► 01:27:19what is interesting is that bastard was it
► 01:27:34turn the lights on t-shirts yeah he looks like a like a billionaire in a movie to bring unit studying have a scotch with him on Ice exactly in the fuck I know you don't get your love like a lot of the other guy on the cut the population of those overalls respect that's how my fucking grandfather 21 million and overalls in a Braves cap but this is it. Let me ask you this how far away from him our dues with machine guns at all times
► 01:28:30Montana Montana he probably has two snipers say Easton West and he has one got within a few feet of them but very relaxed I don't think he's walking around like a doxy you think you get to a certain work out well for who's hanging around the wrong dudes the last video Kadafi that is one of the most disturbing videos and all of human history to see him realize that they got him at all and then I can stitch up that knife up his ass off and he's barely or reacting to it he's just he's in a State of Shock Castro lights will you start didn't and I'm not saying I agree or don't agree I'm just saying they can't get to give it to us
► 01:29:30couple guys go out like that but I was the craziest one that was that was him getting caught by rebels and then executing him on the spot they didn't even wait then even wait. Let's talk this fuck this trial I'm going to kill this guy right now the true is body on the hood of the car and the driving around with a fucking deer exactly is it out of him it is it's a horrible video. One of the most disturbing videos was Hillary Clinton laughing about him dying came we saw he died
► 01:30:28now I mean I wanted my friend call me this year out has EJ Swift my wife tells me I need a husband more than week the world needs a martyr that and my friend called me saying you know man really
► 01:30:40I just don't want nobody kill my friend that that really made me push it in perspective like maybe I should keep singing and dancing
► 01:30:49maybe you should
► 01:30:52people definitely still do get shot ya I don't know fuck what anybody says there was a dude was in Enron whistle-blower Enron whistle-blower who shot himself in the head twice is that that kind of shit what in the fuck are you talking about you ever read the strange death of Vince Foster I have not so great book okay about Vince Foster was in cahoots with the clintons shot himself they when they found by the gun still in his hand which never happens guns fly out there and it was less blood at the scene of the crime than was missing from his body so the idea that someone put them there for sure, I plan in place
► 01:31:52people acting under a thousand years on at some point was it with her brother's name Romulus and I forget the other brother and put who were suffered by the wolves that was like to start the fitness fairy tale started wrong I'm I'm going to get that as a peasant pendant hey I just want to be somewhere I like artsy rap sheet so I have like the winged victory of samothrace is is my is on is a piece out of another piece of that so I'm getting that on the pendant and what's the other brother's name is so apparently we live in under now was the legend who would nurse after being abandoned or nurse by a wolf
► 01:32:44Western Society is built on that concept and you're going to ask me to give up my fucking guns out of here
► 01:32:54what a big brazy looking wolf to the wolf gotten chainmail around its neck and face with Rory I'm going to get that on a fucking pinned it's going to be like this rapper big shit that's got his vitals protected that's crazy that's what that's what we're sitting in the middle of cheese are babies suckle from wolves from wolves so what do you think the mentality of people who run
► 01:33:28what a freaky looking whoop to get hungry and shit looks like a fucking hyena it does it doesn't look like it's got wolf hair
► 01:33:37wolves are beautiful but it's weird to decide to make a bald whoop that's a bald look like that yeah that's true too yeah but still a freaky idea I think about that's that's that's the mentality of the rest when you go to the Vatican man you walk around you realize how much these motherfuckers stole their is billions of dollars worth of art there any like where did you get this money and why won't you even have a business after selling sneakers with candy and bibles and we're going to take all of this
► 01:34:37the little bitty thing they discussed like big dicks world but they were too Savage and not civilized they have little dicks in these little statues you look these beautiful perfect body's a little Dix and it was because they said they felt like big dicks were gross oh wow how crazy is that that's what the guy with the professor that was Jesse were almost there this thing is the other want something that doesn't exist right because the guys built like that's going to have a hard on them you know
► 01:35:12fucking a daughter says that's beautiful you see Anthony Joshua step into the ring by gigantic that he's a fucking specimen there's no way he has a right to know if you are breaking their body's ability to perform to stop testosterone the nuts are shrinking get fucked up that looks bad I got a picture of Ronnie Coleman that I send in my friends every now and then just as like a wake-up call I save it on my phone I send it I just want you to know that this is how big people can get so why you throw your lifting weights just keep everything in perspective and always know that this was one of them show you the one that I got on my phone Jamie I heard there's a documentary about him that's on Netflix
► 01:36:12he was eating 10000 calories a day he was training for 1 hour day doing full training top to bottom and he was just my God is that picture back is is savagely just betraying them he apparently would lift so much weight and he's a much smaller now he would live so much weight and worked out so much harder than anybody wow just want to send this so people can get it the one that were looking at cuz it's so fucking free S I please see the picture of that bull exactly yeah they have
► 01:37:03something wrong with what is that myostatin Inhibitors apparently regulates the muscle growth and when these myostatin Inhibitors when they do the thing either happen accidentally on dogs called whippets some of your seen a whip it whip its get they have an anomaly that occurs pretty pretty rarely where they growed like double the muscle they fucking look super jacked and I got one of those whip-its
► 01:37:38I got the right okay like what Jesus would do more than just hardened you than anything and everything that science has ever acted to put that kind of Macon and you have the perfect everything
► 01:38:10Dias de Mayo Staten whippet crazy-looking doesn't look like a real dog looks like someone CGI like someone's fucking with it just made its really a real dog they just have a weird anomaly a genetic anomaly that makes them super fucking jacked like wow it's a real there's a bunch of them it happens in this community for some reason I don't have read something about what it is about breeding that somehow or another this Gene is trait is is more common and whippets the most other animals
► 01:38:48Estrella the traditional-style Pitbull like pee from The Little Rascals right here almost over must always wonder how useful are they well if they get ahold of you you're fucked for sure when power is just insane the power that that goes things have is insane but it's bad for its really when you get an hour like this and yeah good sources of bringing out Bulldogs aggressive hard to get up a pair of steps for me they have such amazing qualities because the factor game bred because the ones that are that responded negatively to people that would
► 01:39:48why would people were show aggression people they called them to the ones that are real game dogs was little 35 lb male those are the best dogs on the planet Earth is so nice to say when I say I'm sorry I can't do like these other rappers and get a fucking a girl dog and act like that you already make me hold your fucking person I'm not going to have a girl talk like I shouldn't be happy to color coordinate because you want to fucking walk around you know hold me at her I have to go to Phoenix Sky it's one of the famous or I'm going to Phoenix Sky hold my fucking / some like to hold your purses up you're hilarious Checkmate move the girls put on it but it's still a fucking Louis Vuitton purse you know if I had a I had a pit great great great pic then I'll be on you know I'm just like I can't get it you can get a little Pitbull
► 01:40:48people won't even know it's a pitbull I told her about my oldest daughter and we had we had a we had a pet named Coco Anaya for some reason didn't hot like sleeping in her bed or laying out an idea what we would have to end this is when I'm working like I'm getting up going to work at the fucking Advance Auto Parts her mom is in school and Beauty School psych with Tire We're Young too young to have baby would beat the fuk up I know you will only sleep in her little rocker
► 01:41:17this dog was sleep directly under her and if you were not mere her mother you were not walking up there touching the child and when my daughter was awake she was our best friend she's riding like a horse she could tell her to sit stay and she do anything but to in her eyes that her purpose in life was to make sure that the shower say that's a Big Boi kennels his damn amazing God yeah there's a lot of those out there is a lot of great Pitbull. They're the only problem pitbulls as they have an aggression towards other dogs have another dog going to be a scrap and it got to be exhausting for me I understand like my thing is I only have you should only have one or two pictures to have one pit that's dedicated to you and the family who should have two pets that are part of the family and they understand you know who's the dominant who's the Fifth Avenue Cepeda I had one picked that I got from the pound and she been the pound for like five months yet she's the only animal shelter she's only eleven months
► 01:42:17how to choose a prison dog face glitch just most of her life have been locked up in a little cage and that dog has anybody else wanted to get pet she would get up to them and go get the fuck out of here with short to ground him she want anybody getting pet but her she would any of the dogs tried to move into growl at them and talk to them out to box them out with check them like you trying to pet one of your dogs or no should get right up in there you know what I found with them they're like children in that they throw Tantrums yeah so if they get lonely and they get lonely without you I miss you we need you get there you'll call him you're looking for him and it like I should I fucked up with your hiney little fuckers you know my man my man Cielo had had a bunch of grapes back in the days I want to get a pitbull on the clarinet today shining can't tell me what to do if that's happening soon as you're responsible owner trained it well make sure it doesn't get loose yet and I don't believe in fighting dogs
► 01:43:17brighten up fuck that they're off their skateboard as to go to be careful look like some climb a fence or smart enough to open the gate
► 01:43:27my oldest daughter has a tiny little dog and it's one of the smartest dogs I've ever seen because it's it's part Chihuahua and part Australian Shepherd dog I think but it's the only time I've ever had where it's Paul got caught on the leash and it lifts its leg up and put it behind the behind the leash allow dogs get that one arm in front of leaves and then there and it's so yeah. That's fucking dogs
► 01:44:11yeah surprisingly what's the weirdest things that all those came from wolves everything came from a wolf yeah all of them that's nuts every dog somehow another joke about humans evolve from monkeys that was just listening definitely didn't pop up just like we are I don't believe that anyway you think happened I don't know I don't know what happened but she speaks in the stick really like accent and she'll just say things blindly out of nowhere that was fucking hilarious and Sheila were watching Planet of the Apes and she says you know
► 01:44:58people get mad about it but shit when you look at them
► 01:45:04beans to look like she's just like a man
► 01:45:20I'm just life yeah we probably if all you know and then people can have whatever debates they want to file it but you know what I think that we act a lot just like I think human being is an arrogant because we think we can communicate and we can use tools to build shit basically we're hairless apes and you know just cuz we can communicate doesn't mean we're communicating the right things animals live in harmony with nature and a very different you know I'm here they kill for hunger and I mean they can't kill for reasons that are non hunger-related things that may choose only know that's a part of us but I guess you look like the most advanced of the primates but we have the top scientists to have been studying human evolution they're all pretty much in agreement there was something that we were all similar to and they all branched off in a bunch of different ways to Maize and they keep finding new forms of
► 01:46:20people to yeah I saw that the one from Russia and so do you think I look that would be the most fun most fun and what was the movie that was really crappy not as good as it should have been there was a alien psyche free cars or something it was shelled essentially where they come for me the fuck the shit out of you got out of there and the next thing you know you have worn pestilence and violence and poverty and MMA in joints but one monkey that accelerated stop a past way past all the other ones like one invention the invent the ability to communicate and the bill is it having a poseable X the ability to educate and then start advancing soon as you start talking
► 01:47:19figuring out ways to express itself to each other and then they start making things and they're Off to the Races the next thing you know couple hundred thousand years later the world's different kill it's like this thing or wraps and then just cover the world with its shit there and that's us how do you subscribe to the theory that we just maybe a virus in the earth may be getting rid of us
► 01:47:40I would like to think that right but the reason you called a virus something it's just an upward it's been assigned to a living organism in a system if I buy medical science I mean we all know what a virus is it's a real thing it's amazing these bring people discovered it and come up with vaccines to stop and prevent them but it's a some sort of a life-form really essentially if we looked at the Earth is being a living organism at her and we so we should we shouldn't it certainly you can make an argument that it's a kind of a life-form that it's a host of massive amounts of Life of all the life you would think that maybe some of those things would not be in harmony just like some of those things in the human body are normally write your gut bacteria is off or you got a cold because is bacteria in your body that you picked up from a fucking BF bathroom somewhere whatever you're all that stuff you could easily apply to how human beings interact with the Earth are we devised when you got to look at it at some point the Earth is the theory is it's a live
► 01:48:40breathing organism is what I can say for sure we are the virus to the ocean cuz we don't even have it it was something that crawled out of the ocean right imagines of the ocean was I mean I don't know what it was like we are run getting hundred-million-dollar couple hundred thousand years ago before people really became what we are to to using you know people that figured out how to get out into the ocean and capture fish imagine if you could see it match if you could see an image of how many fucking fish were out there two hundred thousand years ago versus how many are now it's like they live next to a vampire that just keeps sucking the life out of it I think we've killed 50% of all life in the ocean that's what I'm saying you got to say maybe the best thing human beings could do for the Earth
► 01:49:40is tandy Manatee maybe but maybe viruses are there for a reason to me but it all needs to exist the means to be some sort of a balance where was trying to eliminate bad things may be some sort of weird fucking purpose so even even in that we five purposes he'll is that's the Talon of humans more of us does China make it to the store and Africa in China was wrong kind that didn't go well for black people 500 years ago so I was just like please don't let Conker on the moon I don't know you know I don't want to transmit Atlantic slave trade to starting to have to learn Mandarin so do you think they actually set up shop for us or is America still number one cuz it feels like I feel like we lost that day when trying to land on the Moon
► 01:50:40I feel like I feel like oh shit you know when actually leave was out and I answered you don't like what the fuck am I going to leave for when I see something like the moon landing the China with the growing the plants and Landing there are there what what what exactly was it was it a what was the kind of ship that they landed on the moon how do I put one on the phone repair Lansing on the video of it was a drone right as it was some sort of a drone I think of that I honestly think about that as a win for Science and for Innovation I don't think about it in terms of what nations cuz I feel like that is done by scientists that I've done by the Wizards in the Kennedy made it seem like the moon landing was going to make us the pre-eminent nation and I think that's a propaganda
► 01:51:40you don't think I think they have some fucking amazing technology to deny that would be ridiculous but I also think that it's important that everybody everybody be competitive in this like if you really want to make things better you're not going to not going to do that in a vacuum what helps the technological innovation one of the reasons why it's so accelerate is there so many people working on it to make cell phones better asking so many Geniuses out there so when I see something like this genius is 1 C I D they digging it all get those people on that side to think the same way as what we're worried about right there yeah we always worry about that that's the way we look at the history that happened so many times I think it makes sense to be worried about the rest of the world like I get it
► 01:52:40I'm on the edge and I'm on this side of the fence so you don't have no problem with that but you know I think Russians don't hate us I don't think anybody have a quarrel with anybody over there it's because the government's its width. The hustle is that the real interaction is between a very small amount of people that involves all these other people there with them for some strange reason they should just be thrown in the fight to the death would be the king of the world everybody up to next door that was on text via yeah there's some piece over there Christ you can't leave without a fight to the death with Putin I would be terrible actually probably vs Obama II for sure
► 01:53:40veteran debate yeah Pupuseria
► 01:53:49Bush one I think was badass maybe as a younger man at least I think I go to Abraham Lincoln killed former strength to do they didn't farmworkers real work. Everything everywhere we like them a lot now I get it to grow something called Emancipation Proclamation did you see that stupid fucking movie where they had him as a Vampire Slayer did you ever see the trailer and decided maybe that's not the one for me as you have your kids don't ask you to go see
► 01:54:43did Jamie can you say it was based on the graphic novel like a fun comic book that somebody made and then they turned into a movie as a movie was like so weird as a graphic novel probably work better with some things that work better like this summer Netflix price of Abraham Lincoln vampire
► 01:55:20yeah they probably said another president first and they said who and it's at a rally what's up yeah yeah yeah he's so we can we can we get another how long time it is American movies are nothing like nothing like the foreign films hyper-violent slow-motion we have to drop a movie this year I think his style heavily influenced John Wick yes a hundred percent problems with violence
► 01:56:20in the lead characters as bad as man dresses impeccably the perfect attire Chevelle SS email Mach 1 come on come on true movies amazing open please saw the previews I didn't want to go to see that car motorcycles bring out the teenage boy so that's true I remember ordering Cycle World I do have a motorcycle magazine issue that's true Right For Old Men boys want Ninja bikes guys and young black men have the same interests they both like young black women they both like
► 01:57:20muscle cars they both like slightly gaudy jewelry you know not working in my money you know I'm saying but muscle car the crowd if you go to Mecum Auction you're going to see like you know it young black guys in an all white guys talking you know talking to one another just one of those beautiful sights I've ever see that's hilarious coming from the Barrett-Jackson Museum become what's the difference in you can actually afford the car so beautiful you're going to spend money they got cars you can get for the Barrett Barrett but with that said they say the inspection process is better at Mecum mecum's a guy's a blue-collar guy might a retired but he wants to go to the Hawks Niko's it's a great car please probably going to know something about cars and look it over himself
► 01:58:11yeah man there's something about the camaraderie of a fellow muscle car Enthusiast yeah you know when you could find a dude who is also just as stupid as you about the poor money in something that's never going to fully make you happy as you want to be this some guys that I'm friends with it's like this that act as an extra Bond because they're just as stupid about cars as I am you given more shouts out than anyone in the history and Mike Musto if you go, which I got from Shana. Oats help you Shots Out the song I got it from him. The 96 Impala with thunder thunder 1100 miles on it at the time Ron did some fighter jet me works over at Forgiato this make the car you beautiful just tweeted Lord in a little bit just some cool stuff in Mike featuring itself that's nice people out I appreciate you letting you know I know
► 01:59:11appreciate you know that's awesome Mike Tyson in it so it's so strange to hang out and talk to him like party theme so iconic that whenever you're around him part dislike 10% of you that has to go holy shit it's Mike Tyson no matter what else you're saying 10% of your brain is going holy shit that's Mike Tyson I remember it as a child who's the first person I have two dads I would not by owner bio dad and I thought he was the first person I've seen in my life I say this guy could probably beat my dad. Everybody else guy had been a policeman was pretty good as high as my bio-dad I'm even know about as far as a six foot seven you know he played offensive tackle on same high school team Richard Dick
► 02:00:11protected as a child and it was amazing that he can still do it in the bag like you still terrifying if he was a young Contender coming up you would looking like a wise-cracking punch in me doesn't look at that man that was the peak
► 02:00:40it was an amazing story The Man listening to him describe his childhood and how Custom Auto had hypnotized him yeah that was amazing cuz I never heard him talk about that before and that's what people need to understand like who he wasn't people want to say all he was he was hyper aggressive and he did terrible things and he was violent and then think of how this kid grew up House of Yes taken in by this one guy the first time in his life or anything is positive and it's all about fighting and being a destroyer and he gets hypnotized by this guy to be a destroyer and he's a physical specimen. You put your hand will you grab me it's just his hand like his whole body is like carved out of a large block of rock is a tank of a man still to this day he's a tank and when he was young they saw that right away to that was sent on this podcast of when Mike was 13 weight of 190 lb sandbag and they've been put it put it in a 60
► 02:01:40sigele case a 16 nobody would believe he's 13 they are come on you Shane is fucking kids if they didn't want to believe it and he just let him have it okay to Rosie's 13th way to 190 lb
► 02:02:08is some people that are just built perfect for certain things cast his hook in the upper cuts are there was a tremendous Opera album. Yeah there's some did you know amazing talent today but it was what might have done was Revitalize the entire country's image of the heavyweight Division and then no disrespect but there was Thomas with a champion and Tony Tubbs they weren't the kind of guy that you like look forward to seeing as being the champ in the world believe it like I don't believe that guy and then Tyson came along
► 02:03:08name at the perfect look at the perfect body is Perfect Image and he came at the perfect time when you look at hip hop and where it was and where Mike was the time it was a perfect symmetry for him to become a Killer Mike Tyson Mike Jordan like these people became icons at a time where the United States debt crisis the seventies Iran shit at the end of 70s early 80s a steal steal steal by the grandfather still leaving the wedding is proud he was one of those things that made you feel badass and the time still dangerous and it was black and those little box and neither are the Boost 1 flash you like he was so perfect at a time with feeling NWA in your arms
► 02:04:08perfectly now like what Mike is when I hear him in if you're not really talking people make fun of his list for whatever I think that gets in the way of you hearing the real wisdom he saying about the times we talked about change and growth in about how he doesn't see things the same and I think if we actually listen to that it's kind of challenges to do the same shit that we really don't want to do it he's a one of the rare guys you talk to that accomplished an insane amount literally became one of the most famous boxers in the history of the sport and you talk about it now and all he wants to do is dismiss that past life if you want to it seemed like I was I was silly look out look at me I'm a silly person get my things
► 02:04:51he is like in a classic Kung Fu film he's a reluctant teacher almost you know you know you do you do a movie Mike is the guy who used to teach you to fight and you want one you want to know why he won't teach you and it's because you found out later your teacher killed someone you know on the ringer so she like he is he is really that character he is saying he's you can tell even with the pigeons back in the days that there is kindness and love in there somewhere and human beings you just see he's a happier person you know until you bring a thank you get scared like he's going to fucking beat me up in my dad to the crazy thing about him selling weed now is that he charged with a Charming $300,000 I think we tested positive for the Andrew golota fight for weed so they find him $300,000 they just stole money from him cuz he had weed in his system when he sells weed
► 02:05:51when are you going to NFL got special edition let everybody smoke it it's good for your brain out of here if you're especially if you're doing something like slamming into each other running 30 miles an hour it's probably good to give them something to calm them down release some of the inflammation
► 02:06:08damaged grown adults telling you can or can't do it is just what's ridiculous about a grown adult how to say you shouldn't smoke weed they don't do it they don't they don't know they're talk I've never done the ones who do or don't wear the ones who have and I don't do it anymore I like to get high anymore those guys you like okay I get it used to be don't like that you would foxy productivity whatever I get it but if you never done it and you talking shit about you don't even know the benefits if it's too is definitely some people get fucked up by everything whether it's weed or alcohol or speed get fucked up so I can honestly tell you that read an article in HuffPost or something years ago that talked about parents who smoked and Stoners actually be a mortgage with a choice doesn't mean you get up you get fried the first thing in the morning take the kids to school but it does mean that would come home and almost avoid the child to snow
► 02:07:08core drink or do something else for had other things going on stoner with Lily pop-up may take a hit or two of The Joint in a focus would be more on just being a child parenting kind of chicken is cooling efficiently curious when your hind so if you're just a little bit high and your run kids you're thinking more the way they're thinking or try to belittle, with them in a little bit more a little bit more patient makes you more relaxed person absolutely because the anxiety is given to you just out the shower in the garbage Shook Ones these are the people I like to see you bring up soon as his grapes I got that on tape to I got that one in the audio it's not as we listen to I was running to something at places and not just diet carrying around stressing and all that anxiety is bad for your kidneys that's where you're feeling stressed beats up the most I think it's very important for all of us
► 02:08:08honest about how we feel it doesn't make you weak just makes it makes you brave enough to be able to express honestly what everybody is probably feeling but it scared to bring up cuz I don't want to be thought of as weak yeah they don't want to be a whiny bitch I tell you what's going on it's wrong but especially something when I get anxiety the delicate balance of chemicals that exist in the human mind and how much it can be affected by stress in relationships and life in general in your diet and all these are the factors and then this genetic issues and some some people just have problems too and you can get out you can get help get help through cognitive therapy and get helps with medication there's a lot of people that believe that ecstasy should help people but they should be able to do MDMA therapy for a lot of people stress it's a lot of talk of that now and now they think your body you making the decision on what to put in it yes is more in line with right than wrong especially the science behind ya like if they if they allowed it to be legal then you would you would allow it to be regulate
► 02:09:08which means you would allow it to be like you would know exactly how many milligrams of this is in this and how much you should take if you weigh a hundred and twelve pounds vs UA 212 lb at all those things should be taking in consideration by SIA. Absolutely if we had that if we just had freedom. I think they're having a lot of studies or a lot of success rather with veterans and treating veterans with MDMA and Maps you know Maps the Psychedelic organization there an organization that is working to try to make psychedelics illegal and one of the things are pushing initially is this MDMA study that they've done with veterans and they're showing significant benefit and reduction of PTSD and stress from veterans come home and explain a lot of shit over there and they're just you know fucked up from it and it seems to be one of the best things I've ever found and discovered for Levy and the other things they've used it on is
► 02:10:08John Hopkins had one they did with Scylla syban same sort of result give people psychedelics under controlled situations and they have a big alleviation of stress from the past they can let things go I got introduced to mushrooms Outkast DJ Swift and that was a beautiful experience I choose my wife to him because of that so I can accidentally see that yeah there's something to them yeah yeah yeah yeah I drink whiskey and off shrooms in a week but usually we had drunk ants in here from yesterday apparently Richard Rawlings brought this cinnamon tequila and some of it spilled on the table to answer found it says ants everywhere everywhere space
► 02:11:08they found it and moved out here is covered with ants drunk ants Hawaii baby hang out of the bar all night last night with her friend they got shit-faced wrong threw up in the Uber and I was running through the hallway in our underwear affect adults that sounds like good night like how many times did I happen to those poor bastards, I apologize how much puke a large amount paid
► 02:11:39so you know you think that the bad catches but it wasn't plastic you know I saw it instead gave a little leak it's hard to get that smell out that puke Smell Ya really that shit is in your body
► 02:12:00Peter's first part of the morning smell there's something you need don't like yoga
► 02:12:18you ever had a hot chicken venture to do that shit
► 02:12:39how do you say fuck you start farting Ono yoga and then to just some of that shit out like you I like hot yoga I like to know if I don't respect people fart for sure if you go to the early classes okay go to 6 a.m. is when I go to but I like going to the early classes but if I do. I almost considered like a sauna because you get so goddamn hot like the room might only be 104 degrees but when you're working out hard doing yoga your body is pouring sweat
► 02:13:39must be heated up as warm as you get in a sauna it feels the same way to me it feels like almost like I'm trying to work out in the sauna. You just doing some study now and at Harvard about it about a heat shock proteins and and hot yoga and you know how much information it reduces and how it how beneficial is do you forget what scientists were involved in it but a bunch of people talking about the other day I know it definitely gets gas out your ass it definitely does so if you have something that you shouldn't be like eat a hot dog with sauerkraut and a coke and then two hours later try to go to yoga class you're a criminal just terrible person.
► 02:14:21and there's nowhere for that far to go either it's stuck in the hostel a man supposed age and then the real earthy chicks do you know Sage someone told me this check to see if this is right we might have talked about this before Salvia is Sage
► 02:14:44Salvia divinorum someone said is like the same shit is Sage really almost addicted like it's a beautiful smile it's a weird smell it is weird that it's like related to to Salvia divinorum like there's so closely related they think that that might have been why they call it Sage as soon as we get that was a buzz buzz walk in the room not smell it now I instantly feel just like the common sages official name is salvia off Fitness and Nala source of salvia divinorum sort of like genius let me know if I can take genius or Genesis I was Panic on that one
► 02:15:44just came from cuz it's ages wide for a wise person that came from the use of some trippy plants could be they might be or might just have some other strange what you find out like what's the origin of the the the word sage herb that has a sweet yet Savory flavor Sage but technically known as Salvia officinalis is native to the Mediterranean region Sage Sage is botanical name comes from the Latin word solver which means to be saved interested
► 02:16:26so why are they called sage then so someone calls it Salvia and Salvia whatever the fuck it is and then we caught Sage why do we change the name that still doesn't doesn't say why we change the name
► 02:16:41I don't make sense becomes from the word salver being to be saved that makes sense Hawaii Sage you mean like we like an English word they is all very close but there was like treat you like you're stupid like you have to have a botanical name of a bitch just tell me the name what's the name why is it have two names what is it what is it is it Sage or is it false comitis eyelid ptosis amandine name for little people
► 02:17:30have you ever experienced that stuff Salvia know that's what that was one of the ones that slipped through the 1970s psychedelic Back Bay the sweeping act that made a bunch of things illegal including apparently some of the things they made illegal renting a psychoactive is try to make everything legal but they missed out here so used to be able to buy it gas station to buy salvia and trip your fucking balls off what's a what's a Salvia trip like I only did it once and it was really weird it was like I don't think I did enough because I Ari shaffir had a entire life he lived for three months in one Salvia trip it took 10 minutes to talk to you about is the craziest fucking story had relationships and breakups and jobs and and he lived a different life and then woke up on the couch in 10 minutes underwater you lived underwater right yeah dude
► 02:18:22just tripping balls on the stuff you can buy for the gas station that's it say it was crazy. Jacinta kind of mushrooms going to take me on a Trip Lee ride yeah but I don't I don't I don't know how far I want to go that's ask him tripping they got it all on video this is some stuff that you I don't know if it's legal anymore I think they made it illegal be used to be able to buy it virtually anywhere head shops they all said they all carried it and it's so much more potent than weed but yet legal and has a long history of people using it to us
► 02:19:04so what I did but I did get a strong guy who stalks you don't want me to say the homie from itself and the homies to physically fit tea have to have coffee when he still be fucked from like outside my body look like it would pulsate in my body and outside my body my body enough time I bought it from like over here looking down on myself or my mom when she had Jesus and she said she saw herself I wonder what that is cuz that's the same thing that everybody says I mean regardless of your religious beliefs to stop for a second and try to figure out why so
► 02:20:04how many people see themselves from above their body like what is that vehicle or sort of sorts that whatever energy or solar spear what if you trying to identify this
► 02:20:23it's within it but I guess it does disconnect Out imagine I'm hoping that they figure out how to put my soul in the computer before I die I'd like to live a couple hundred more years fuck off swim it sucks though 611 if you're if you're in a computer you can't die in the next 29 years like your fuck that I might try that before I decide to click on out of their aging and I think they're going to be able to do that before they're going to figure out a way to get you into a machine will see I think the real problem would be a guy like Trump putting himself in like a million machines just not one not one like someone has liked Ted Turner Bank rolls as you breed and Ted's Shed robots
► 02:21:22destroy us that's a very good question and that's something that you are muskets actually scared of really stop making to get record talks about us essentially replacing each other with robots it's entirely possible and that there's no telling how powerful they could get once they become sentient once they start taking control their own destiny and creating new robots and and just deciding whether or not we live or die and how they going to run things are essentially they going to become a life form and artificial life-form this way fucking smarter than us and he saying do you think it's smart to arm these things you see it smart to make this like he's look at it in terms of he's the tip of the spear right and comes to technology and of an implementation of it we think about who this guy is right and if he's the one who's telling you everybody's got to slow the fuk down this is dangerous when you literally
► 02:22:22how to make me Terminator movie here yeah he's literally might be making a Terminator movie yeah we have to worry because we were saying that you think we evolved from monkeys we evolved from some lower thing well the ideas that we got to keep going to biological bottleneck and that might be the whole convergence of humans and technology that might be what it's all about like biologically the system doesn't move fast enough but if we can transcend this and move into some sort of a digital life that life we can accelerate all of the Innovation all of the improvements in insane numbers like nature of life itself that's going to probably be one of the stages of our future with her it's a thousand years from now or a hundred thousand years from now it seems to me like with this adoption of Science and into our daily lives in in terms of like the technology that we're all addicted to phones and tablets and all these different things I can say he says
► 02:23:22for sure right you already living people and he's also come out something called neuralink I don't exactly know what it was was very vague about it who sang was going to change the bandwidth to change Yer you like your ability to access information and people going to wear it you know where this thing on your head going to literally charge up your fucking brain some strange way that I could explain it better be saying it was going to come out in a few months what the fuck man
► 02:23:52where are you know 30 or 40 years away from being unrecognizable that's what I think I think we're Thirty or forty years away from being a living in a virtual world half the time living in augmented world I think you were going to exist in these weird worlds where it feels real and isn't I think they're going to come out with programs that are fun at first but then becomes Life by consuming where you put on these fucking goggles and this suit and you go into this world and you live with these people interacted touch each other but no one's there physically but you feel like you are and it's magical like you're living in Avatar you're on Pandora on your hanging out with the blue people. You know you with an IV that shit could happen. You can literally get to a point where you believe you're there or we could be there now we could be there that's a sneaky sneaky argument right but it is a truth right if we could we could be a part of a simulation
► 02:24:50my God damn it you're supposed to say no you're supposed to say no it's impossible to enjoy the regular shit as much as you can maybe I won't upload maybe I just don't want to go earlier than the fun stops but I think that there's a beauty and
► 02:25:15now that I'm getting older I guess I see a beauty in in in his life death cycle I don't want to die now don't want to die tomorrow here in this hotel itself and fucking treadmill God damn it you know what my grandparents were always adamant about not going old folks home and I used to think it was about to be treated bad I thought we forget about they never wanted to stop living so I'm walking up the hill to my granddaughter tell me to her great-granddaughter is my daughter is Pre-K graduation and my grandfather died fishing which was his greatest love next to my grandmother and you know and they are realize that their life never stops they literally died living I guess that's that's that's maybe ultimately what the real thing you should think about is whether we in the machine and outside of it you don't live the best possible life you shouldn't be trying to escape your life with goggles or even the phone you know she has to be lived unless this is the goggles
► 02:26:15put goggles on inside the goggles like mirrors looking at mirrors and then we figure out who you really are and you realized no I do not I'm just you made me think of something I'm just stoned and I forgot I forgot the fucking name of the exhibit at the High Museum I'm on the board of the High Museum right and exhibit there by Japanese artist and it involves that it is the infinity mirrors tickets know is Yayo ain't got it, it's so are you awake but there's I'm taking my daughter I'm taking my key when I get back my keys in the living room exactly and I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to probably hit a joint a couple times down and I'm going to walk through this Museum that she usually doesn't like going with me because people kind of sometimes I recognized me and it bothers her if she's really trying to
► 02:27:15Atwood dad and I mean but I'm going to get a chance to walk through that was just me and her kick it solo dolo and just experienced that with her just that you see the goggles and House of mirrors on mirrors so I'm looking forward to having that looks amazing here yeah
► 02:27:29fuck that's incredible I'm on the board a man I got asked him a rapper when was this Museum this is the High Museum in Atlanta we have one of the most beautiful modern museum in the country we greatly supported I'm on the board our out the greater pitu how do you have the time to do all the shity making me feel lazy just a sound irresponsible husband and Dad and go to stripclub couple times weeks that every day was sleepy just have to sleep you I miss you brother., humble people and I know I'm saying his last name wrong is an artist who my wife owns his peace he did them out the rap music cover my wife has a piece on loan to the Carlos museum at Emory University he's one of the he's just he's going to be a Basquiat like artists in terms of how he's talked about in anymore he's an amazing human being an artist we're lucky enough to own some of his
► 02:28:29he's on the board and he suggested that me and a guy named King and it worked over at Interscope Beyond feat be brought to and they met us and they accepted it and I'm like 5 miles from this place and foremost kids this place was an impossibility to go to because he imagination would let him do it right so you only see it it's a lot of times you have very poor working-class areas that are right next to the things that are inspiring but kids are not brave enough to break the filtering gold and the High Museum in things like that have always made it accessible so I don't know if you got bees in age she got tickets to the game so you can see baseball party reason baseball. Intercity just cuz they say there's no doubt that you couldn't see it the museum and what we found at Woodruff Foundation social which is a cop charity gave me and two other kids a scholarship to go train on Saturdays to draw and paint stuff like that so this museum has been in my life since I was a kid so being a
► 02:29:29get on the board was just a huge honor and especially having an 11 year old now they're probably going to want to be an artist made it makes me the coolest dad in our life so you just look so sophisticated I know right to go by jacking and slippers leather patches on the elbows perhaps even have a pipe and some tobacco. Class man for sure that's cool that's cool that you're mostly have a mind for it to know it's like have you always been entrepreneurial like that if you always been I never
► 02:30:14repeat the world treats for people bad I grew up working class so we got to figure out what school do you apply that as well as you still artistic you still very creative flow is great thank you your apps are grayed out of the fight are probably a multi style fighter I have I have the ability to get on the tracks and rap mix of TI and big boy you know next to Bun B and we don't Project Pat and next to LPN be something totally different every track I've been blessed with some Talent you know I'm glad that I got with Elvis cuz he's a great fight coach for me when I first heard his Beast I was like no one in the world that's been over his Visa me I'm supposed to be riding over his Beats so he was only supposed to do three beats on my first album on rap music
► 02:31:14to the fucking campaign to make him do the album so I start calling them like this how we became friends like you all so you know I'm in the records are you doing I told you no more money in his pocket and we became friends in man I truly believe that light you know he is he's my custom model in terms of being able to put me in focus and training like Freddie Roach how you see Freddie Roach bring things out of Fighters that you know I don't know but no one knows how to bring out and
► 02:32:14you can identify and in fix them you know because you have someone training there with you right there by you feel inspired by your partner and I really enjoy each other's company and benefit from each other's presence against fired by each other the to become bigger than just one plus one of those people know I'm Michael render Killer Mike but first and foremost this is my mom named me killer Mike's a character that I enjoy playing you know and I'm I'm Shades husband and 1/2 run the jewels these things are more than just who I am they make significant you know change in my life if I live up to the honor in those titles and a better person so is my relationship is a very important second maybe only to my life your way of discussing this to its since you're a fun guy and you you're an inspirational guy in terms of your work ethic and all things even cheap when you say things like
► 02:33:14can you talk about your word and talk about who you are that's very powerful two young people coming up cuz they'll hear that they'll hear how smart you are and how well-read you are and how much you understand about the business and and and life it's in general and then they they hear how your thought process works and it'll help them in a mature their own thought process gravitate towards positive things it's very beneficial thank you man I mean I am I learned a lot like I listening to you check checking out to guess you bring I'll just pick it up from there. I just believe in picking up whatever you doing man I'm just picking up with an antenna that spreads it out yeah I know your job is making people laugh and your fucking side hustles make me keep making people think that's that's an amazing fact it's overwhelming sometimes I do so many of them and I do some of them on subjects where I'm not even well-read I don't I don't exactly know if
► 02:34:14gas is being honest or if they're you know but you must you don't you don't you don't wake up and know yeah you waking wake up Curious you can search and you're honest you have an honest and integrity with your audience when you said I was wrong about this what I've learned to picked up more than I think that's what it's really about you know me I don't think it's about being right or knowing all the time your forearm is very dope because it's conversational and not contrived it really is me having the ability to ask we're talkin you don't Google research had these notes I don't know if you know of course you don't think correctly sure amazing, but amazing reason why we know about the Zapruder film exactly brought it to her all the Rivera I knew this man his last three years of life first of all first meeting him he cursed me and TI out is so we'd stolen
► 02:35:14me and T I just kind of got on like to help you rappers that kind of solemn you know it is we've embrace the fact that our community looks at us as Leaders right we're not trying to be Dr karamitopoulos but we're businessmen were rappers we have accountability responsibility in our community so we accept some of what comes with that we're willing to do considering protesting considering you know talking to politicians on the bathroom if you have to consult with the elders so we get on the phone with him like you know so what do we do like kids are getting shot engage or should we wait should we March March March
► 02:36:14all of that and this is more serious than we're showing angry this is confronting government and wants government has Shane you do something a few times you have to practice guerrilla warfare or you're just doing with the British did that lost them America you're stepping up in the formation shooting your shot falling back you're just playing a dancing versus doing things that really disrupt the system and things that really progress to move and I was like oh shit you know this is radically this guy is is more than just a funny man these more to stay he's really sacrifice and lay that shit down sup me a call me back later like man
► 02:37:14benefit to our community you know what a better going to bring some jobs and shit like that and I think that's cool you're not very cool it sounds cool to it sounds like you thinking a very positive in a progressive way of helping community in a real sense. That's nice to hear man before I get out of here you know it's really good shit like you I got a great job on the TV show of like Carlin and Hicks like you really push buttons and make me know you make motherfukers twins my clothes and think then go home and then that's that's rare it's easy to do you know I like your shit
► 02:38:14stop it you like my music I love you music not appreciate it I think we both are in tricky businesses you know I get a lot out of Music Man I get a lot of fun and energy out of listening to music I don't have any musical Talent at all but when I hear good music I get excited that it fires me up like I mean is I think it's one of those important things in our culture and turns of like our ability to generate energy and motivation it's a vibration is it really want with me man I sent you guys are
► 02:38:43I think right now stand up comedy is the Last Vestige of freedom of speech in this country and you guys are to be protected at all cost and I think if people don't protect you at all costs it's going to be at at the at the end for the for the word surface all I definitely think there's something to that that there's very few people that are free with what they're allowed to say like stand-up comedians because we're saying this crazy shit out of the guys who have been funny yeah she can get away with saying a lot of things that won't be criticized as long as people laugh at them and you have a good point if you just making the points without the joke people wouldn't do it if they don't want to hear it they get mad at you but something about delivering a point with a joke that's why trigger warning works for sure it's one of the last deliver a message that maybe people don't agree with but if you can make them laugh at some shit they don't even really agree with the laughing hard they'll see a little bit of your point set out to do trigger warning what did what was the what was the initial premise and how much of it did it change
► 02:39:43until what men want you got to production in Wichita to film in the original We shot it with that fax and we over we overdid it it looks really good but it looks really TV and it could have been dealt but it would have been a parody of a very real thing I was to attempt to do and right now I'm talking about crew Piccola what it turned out and turn into at Netflix was a real
► 02:40:18in your face simple and plainly shot
► 02:40:23documentation of the possibilities of Barbershop arguments rights in a barbershop argument you get to say you know the only thing that separates Al Capone from Joe Kennedy is Al Capone got caught and eventually died in prison and Joe Kennedy went on to produce presents but they don't like technically could have went fucked up for me he never would have had an American being the preeminent marketing campaign and face of any Capone like thing you want to sell cigars to a restaurant right give it a shot and give it a try I thought that shit at 15 years old I started trying to figure out how to do it 10 years ago Daniel and I got it done at nine years later and and
► 02:41:23you have this and then I say that just to say that Brian koppelman the creator of billions is a brilliant writer to me and he's a freezer friend also but Brian has been putting up lately these just encouraging things telling writers to write even if your stuff is getting to write to to push yourself to push the idea forward and highest rating for that because Daniel Daniel wife fell and I wanted to call Riders and co-creators have been talkin in developing is over 10 years 18 years for the next one but it was worth the struggle you know it was worth doing that it was worth tweaking my ideals were critiquing my idea to be like the first time around like 9 it's not it's not what it should be because I was nervous a sheet tonight before it came out about everything in it you know what scenes were shot how it look the production value in now seeing people get it and unlike a lot of other
► 02:42:23artist not have to call yourself a genius to tell people every comedian thinks they're fucking Richard Pryor in some part of your mind you have to think you're great or why do it you have to believe that greatness in you right but I never wanted to be the guy I'm a fucking genius you know I mean I just never want but to see it because I always thought the idea was to approach it I wanted to approach people in a very I'm here right in front of you kind of way. Above you not celebrity Michael Moore are the people on the rapper and it gave me an opportunity that people can say is genius and I'm going to say I'm humbled and honored and it's genius because I'm engaging people at a regular human level not at the level of celebrity or power tool used to being engaged but one that allows
► 02:43:23hopefully open up I haven't seen it on TV since some shit like real people I know I haven't seen revolutionary TV like The Jeffersons or you know All in the Family Maude and I think that the world is getting scary and pussy to be honest you know not to not to disrespect pussies with pussies are tough but I think that something needs to be done is the best compliment I got on this restaurant has been like ambrosia in roaster for headset how's it feel to have something to show on TV and it's dangerous because it unites people
► 02:43:56does it separate people who gives you alternate advances in the ones you thought you had in force you to think it doesn't solve all the problems or wrap it up pretty at the end give you some options to do in some shit to think about and it's funny as fuk until dark and I like it. Netflix gave you plenty of room. You sound smart enough to let people create their own shit labor for Santa, is no one better in terms of interacting with them about especially not to give many notes in the material is going to help you do your best you got to you got to be looking at yourself ruthlessly and you'll figure it out so they trust you so I would assume they did the same thing with you yeah yeah perfect beautiful what a world
► 02:44:56yeah the forever though it was the opposite was 50 fucking Cooks in the kitchen there was pulling you this way. What do you want me to go to theme song everybody oh my God shall supply all the different strokes change in that short amount of time from Different Strokes today in the world that's the weird thing I'm older than you but not so much all the week grew up in similar times when we were children for both of us the world was a way different place than it is for children to that these kids are being forced to turbocharge their evolution and their education they're getting every kid over the age of like 13 as a phone hang in there as long as I can see the kids 13 here's the whole world
► 02:45:56little Buckeye good luck in the end in the whole world that a push of a button encyclopedias every 4 years and I couldn't read and learn new information and now you that information is right there but if they aren't really curious and interested in a well there's also a lot of things other than that information it's not just an information to buy fucking apps that these kids are using back and forth with each other and games are over there so addictive is man I go and I just I'd be gone for hours and I return dirty as fuck having went on an adventure that was it that was amazing about child molesters you don't creeps and you didn't worry about yet we've almost like heard too much about what's possible and in the fact that there are there are really still child molesters out there they do exist
► 02:46:56we also send them to church with him so he's our are exasperated for sure for sure yeah that's one of the weirdest things ever going to happen we should be getting outside again you know I started I started it and had my man told my wife you know get Michael a leaf blower to start going back outside so I started looking for leaf blowers good to Jess and I started taking instead of having my nephew do it because I'm running around on to it and she just when I'm home taking my own trash up and down it spend some time fucking around in the yard watching around and stuff I just I realized being a rapper and living on a tour bus how much I had to stop going outside and you don't mean while my cousins are fucking hard in these Georgia you know me and I'll just like if it went down tomorrow like I'd be fucked like I'm you know I'm Rusty is a nail in the rain right now so I just I definitely think there's something to be said for
► 02:47:56introducing your kids to maybe a little more of what it was like 20-30 years or 30 40 years ago then we'll just imagine that human beings lived before houses and then they figured out shelter now that we're at some kind of rather some kind of primate and then that primate figured out shelter in eventually became a human is a better way to describe it but that we lit something like us lived and it would not even figured out roofs yet I love to watch those videos you to swear it's usually they are these people aren't there has to be the end of Southeast Asia somewhere but you'll see two dudes now just make a fucking Hut or something out of mud that make a pool but you get to see the Ingenuity and you understand if their culture never does that we never get to skyscrapers by Jacque Fresco talks about that like there's no nothing new everything you see is a isn't it is an improvement or some variation of something I've seen before so that those
► 02:48:56no just a curiosity to do that or the necessity the bill that shelter you know now and I'll give you $12 so that's where the dark side of it comes from The Darkside for me is that with with this Innovation that it happens almost unchecked in terms of our ability ability to think about what are the consequences for the consequence if we keep making things better and better computers and artificial live in artificial intelligence what are the consequence the consequences of there's no more of this thing is no more weird pink monkey thing real concern is that just like we are an evolution of those lower primates it's going to be an evolution about where the virus and it's just one of my thoughts into me saying unequivocally that virus
► 02:49:55go ahead and attack this motherfucker so white people and black people cut the bullshit and finally have to unite like one great movie of Red October we're going to get our asses kicked every single point don't do it Manatee all the empires would have to unite like that's what I'm saying no actually said that in whose eyes him put in at the Civil Right that I mean the King day you might give me the only other thing I like about Ronald Reagan gigantic wave of conspiracy theorist who are thinking that they're going to tell us something about alien contact check this out listen to this
► 02:50:42some outside Universal trip I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this work is not an alien force already Among Us what could be more alien Universal aspirations of our peoples been War and the threat of War Ronald Reagan knocked it out of the fucking park right there for that wasn't the biggest fan of him or many u.s. presidents can I wrapped around more than him in there but that definitely is going to make it on a Killer Mike song Leave anybody think aliens are going to come kill us all when they sell I'm going to maybe suggest the L hopefully you use it but if not fucking I'm going to do it it is amazing
► 02:51:42possible that aliens came down to manipulate the genetics lower primates and creative People based on all the theology I'm willing to accept it as a possibility because I don't think that we're alone there's not even if there's some Divine thing that woke up and decided to make us and we were special children and we on Earth refined and some other things made of play with right I don't think that I think is very arrogant as a human being to think that it's just us right and I think that the possibility that something made it here in something happen exist absolute cuz if if we're experimenting on animals and things we got like my daughter's Army
► 02:52:28the temperament is me the curiosity is me like I see I'm looking at Michael and I'm looking at an I don't like arguing with Aniya it's like arguing with myself she doesn't know why she act like that I don't know now if I can look at my pitbull and say well her mother acted like this and this is why I know she's told you this fine or father was it then I have to look at my daughter and save on the genetic basis, I know our temperaments like that I know why Michael is not going to argue she's a smart kid she's an art student but the minute you put her in danger she's going to punch you and I mean that's what that's what it's going to be and it's not going to be anything else because she is going to protect her and so it's like I have to think that my curiosity if nothing else my drive to do this so if you take the primate side you say well you know you know that I have to live a month since I got to survive as wolves as lions tigers bears out here I have to go hide scratch up there something else with a very small input to the dropped here landed here and what's crazy
► 02:53:28International Islamic philosophy of source they have a UFO Thai place be something here in about their mind a scientist created you know all of us went went went to shrink rayon kind of created the different races but something could have come here and it gets here and it says phone with I do listen this and not create this and then we set up on Evolution we end up here or there could be you know me stone haven't watched too many Sci-Fi movies but it's possible it is it's it is possible to zero evidence for it but it's certainly possible that if we could go to another planet we knew had life that it's possible if we found some lower primates that we manipulate that is very possible full survey of another planet we got there in like okay here's the good news good news bad news is we got some ideas and I we're going to do is we're going to plant some seeds of our genetics in some of these chimps going to be smarter than the other chimps and they're going to believe mushrooms everywhere leave the mushrooms everywhere
► 02:54:28you were in a fishbowl maybe yeah cuz I gave we're at we very arrogantly think of ourselves as as Top Choice but maybe maybe we're just a virus on this living thing maybe something maybe you know a virus a virus to kill us all viruses like you viruses holy negative in our eyes I don't think we're holding negative to each other in the earth is really a living thing we are possibly the worst thing for it for sure I shouldn't get rid of us other than meteors yeah yeah the worst thing for not just a biological life but the particulars in the atmosphere and now we're trading technology that's what eventually kill us to get rid of us that may be able to live in harmony with Biology name so yeah maybe maybe it's over for us
► 02:55:28you know the thing that makes us fun is the thing that's totally unnecessary it's the thing that got us to the dance it's the thing that made us want to breed and it is an animal so I got to piss so bad I do that
► 02:55:41the animal side you have to embrace your Primal there is it's there it's a part of you it's like you've existed in this state for a long time and the people that came before that works savager still you know when I hear people say why did he throw it all away
► 02:56:01hi bich was hot Nature's a crazy Gene crazy for her and that's the reason why the 7 billion of us it's insane Drive is computer code it's in the back of your head is constantly running out of species must have I've been describing his that I feel like we're some sort of electronic caterpillar that's making a cocoon we don't even know what the fuck we're doing we're about to become a butterfly make in its cocoon or just completely engulfed in it we're not thinking about it but everyone does it they all do it
► 02:56:37that's how it felt like when I when I when I see all this stuff getting better and better and more invasive in your life in the technology becoming more and more advanced and everybody obsessed with it so that's the thing I think is like this is eventually going to be everything is going to be way better than this physical life they're going to offer you a life that exists just like the Matrix The Matrix sounded like such horseshit fun fun movie great movie and shit like that can never happen now I think for sure it could happen a hundred percent could happen
► 02:57:08I see that there's no question if I could make a world that's better than this and all you do is plug the back your head to it and plug in for another's 8089 maybe if they keep your flash alive the figure out some way to reverse everything maybe maybe you think I mean but then then you got to decide who gets the job going to elitism classes of things that's what they have less children in the population decreases as the world economy evens out and so that we reach like a point where we can maintain a sustainable population still happen without mass genocide form a sterilization that's a good question I don't think they're saying that I think what they're saying is that as people become more educated and more affluent and more successful as more more organization takes place
► 02:58:00I think what they're saying is that as people become more educated and more affluent and the more successful as more more organization takes place people work more and have less children and when they have last child in the population actually slightly decreases but I don't know what more have more children night night that just I like that's what they might just be talking about particular class of people there still sell it 7 billion people exploit them so like where does the balance out of influence, like I know there's one country now that's doing a universal pay for people so are we going to talk about going cuz when you go to like it does that happen is that is that it we going to Universal pay will Universal pay will be fine Foods Universal effort if everybody did put up the same amount of effort I would agree with everyone getting sent out a path for again
► 02:58:08people work more and have less children when they have less children the population actually slightly decreases but I don't know it like that like that just I like that's what else that's where I'll be like that might they might just be talking about 7 billion people yeah and it usually every time development comes to exploit them so like where does the balance out of influence coming like I know there's one country now that's doing a universal pay for people are we going to talk about going to when you go to like it does that happen is that is that it we going to Universal pay will Universal pay will be fine Foods Universal effort if everybody did put out the same amount of effort I would agree with everyone getting snow
► 02:59:00how does it how does it happen that everybody all of a sudden is that fluent without mass genocide of sterilization ideas that has urban in this is not my fear for sure but I read it is that ideas as the world becomes more urbanized and more educated and more wealthy City spread out what happens is less those people have kids and they have less kids this is just doesn't work that's why I don't want to study. Sears careers like the man and woman have a serious career they both of them really really invest in their career they generally tend to have left kit and when did this is the ideas that as this people I don't like it's a solution I think it's a good solution. Make him obsessed with work the rest of the world
► 03:00:00do you sell how do you handle the other four billion people I think the argument is in this is not my argument they keep expanding is that these cities urban areas that as the society sort of evens out globally whether it takes a thousand years or a hundred years as things start to even out people will be more like Los Angeles and Leslie West like poor place at Calcutta
► 03:00:30poor place in Calcutta you got a bunch of people walk in the front in the snow as it could be Los Angeles you got small GI tract cat stretching your sometimes I just feel like maybe we're at the point if it ain't no turning around and we might be we might be but we also might not be and I think it's not a bad time to be optimistic because his people look better and better Solutions but but
► 03:00:59bitlite Jacque Fresco in the Venus Project song about money with society's rather radical change of what are political States and things of that nature chompski talks about you know it's actually all all countries essentially now no matter Western and Eastern oligarchies and shit so like what's the radical departure from this then that says it all in your mind like what's the Joe Rogan United Nations speech I think people are more aware of the flaws of the system and they ever have been any generation previous OK I don't think they were nearly as educated as to how truly fucked up this country is a but also yet truly amazing and terms of like the history of the world but has plenty too pretty to improve on probably will I think people are getting better at life to getting better at all all the things in government will come along with it then going to get better things we understand each other better we communicate better is optimistic and I think with
► 03:01:59all these incredibly intelligent people that are looking at the problems in the world in terms of carbon in the atmosphere or pollution in the ocean people are already starting to work on Solutions sick that that it's there's at least a potential for someone to figure out some solutions to some of these problems overpopulation is always going to be a weird one because you don't have the right to tell people how many kids take a nap cuz who did you meet somebody who's got 10 kids and the most fucking amazing family ever what what what do you say it's bad to have 10 amazing kids everybody's great you go to the house it's all love what the fuc why is that bad Utah was so so people are good but only a certain amount it's weird but but it's not a cut-and-dry issues on a one or a zero it's like yeah there are too many people and yeah you probably shouldn't have 10 kids but you got a fucking awesome family so hey have a good night man you know what the fuck to do
► 03:02:56did you know that's a lot of people just is scenario just never went well for a so I'm always think about countries are refugees appointing two notches just put up illegal sterilizations and help you start to see you start to see where countries are sterilized and refugees are coming in crazy and it's scary and I don't want my country to become that like I remember countries have sterilized people as if come in after I read a story about it once that they did that to some refugees somewhere but I can't remember where it was and I can't remember we should probably know something at what country is accused of sterilizing Refugee Maybe
► 03:03:57not saying that's what some people if they had their way for sure she was a teacher at one leg right she and she wore like a curly met Larry and Moe Three Stooges she wore them the hairstyle with me but just like to talk to fucking she taught Civics and when she talked about how even if your parents weren't naturalizing weren't citizens if you were just born on us soil
► 03:04:33you got shot you know you were Citizen and I was just like damn that's amazing when you think about at that time we had learned about I think industry the Irish and their plight to be here and things of that nature just like me in this country gives you a fucking shot and this is like when America was wrapped in the middle of Public Enemy era shit but for America that many people didn't even know he ended up dying in France I think the expectation the dream of America sells you can be and to know that that was a possibility then and now my kids don't think like that my kids are dead in the middle of keeping people out that shit is fucking weird so in my lifetime I'm scared that something that might see half of this country that's how frayed I am right now with shit going fucked up that's what I mean when I say when you say well we'll have a government or a world when they were people will be a more affluent well in capitalism
► 03:05:33I'll try to practice compassion capitalism and capitalism capitalism requires someone get snookered does it really Milton Friedman in the free-market Thomas all talked about but with one another large-scale. It's nothing wrong with you being able to buy that beautiful Jeep outside based on the term your worth is written in the window of my barber shop and I really mean that writes your work ethic some time with you so long as the rain give you something is the system of capitalism itself and out the flaws in it or is it human nature and I think things I think it's human nature unchecked in that system
► 03:06:33that allowing marijuana to become legal should not have allowed the type of Taxation that's been allowed in California who Colorado was at one point I was 39% what is it in California so we go from about $150 to 320 bucks that's probably where is that money going right now and I'm getting gas in the immediate to listen to the immediate well if we does become legal worldwide it's in timing Countrywide it's entirely possible that it's going to stimulate economies in a lot of very poor places it's going to have some real positive then if
► 03:07:34I agree but what what I'm saying about capitalism is why are we not ensuring that the people who have suffered since 1937 have a fair shot right we've allowed so many laws to come in with marijuana legalization that it does not allow for the small businessman to have the type of Ingenuity and set up a small liquor store had at the end of prohibition or bar Ohio they were setting it up so they were trying to make it legal but only two guys can grow it to enormous corporations that was the big four in a lot some small amount of people they're the only ones that sell it when it should just be you are allowed to do with the $100 state federal tax on estate tax stamp you can grow up to
► 03:08:343 acres of marijuana damn love it love it perfect the boards have to buy from you so if a farmer wants to make a collective before the farmers they're making a collective but we shouldn't be able to take to allow that type of domination because essentially then you're just giving people you know it's monopolies of sorts so it's like I don't trust us to be on our shyt enough with the people we leave in charge at all so it wouldn't make sense in any other relationship and any other relationship for all someone is saying is if I let you sell something you give me a certain percentage because you're basically saying that all of the the Frameworks of our government and the city's roads to drive on all that stuff takes money to maintain going to take a little piece 9% that's so much you should but if that's 39% went all to public schools and paying teachers more money and paying cops and pain
► 03:09:33fireman in community centers
► 03:09:39Kids son of a former cop cousin of current top policeman should be from areas that they're policing or areas like those they should be offered no interest loans to live at and around Community teacher should be also and the fire department should almost hold a special place because of the nobility of those jobs and how important they are we also should do stuff like tax freezes once you retire whatever your taxes are once you retire at 65 years old we should knock baby 10 20% off and that's what you pay until you die we should do everything we can to make the the class of people you're saying about affluence possible and we're not doing it right person but my pessimism comes more from
► 03:10:31the lack of what I seen us be willing to do to make sure that you want another treated fairly then I have seen for right you know I'm saying like I refuse to disavow you know what I mean is an attitude doing that people evolve attitude operation really is and I do these people to do and it takes a heart it's a hard-knock in your head to the really let it sink in but once you do let it sink in and you live your life that way reciprocity and friendship for all camaraderie answer with your life to Better Life absolutely promise people aren't on it they're not taught in enough to not taught in Mentor talk to it too faced each other to hate each other and hate on each other and of you look at each other and without a famine mentality
► 03:11:31that's what it's all about man that makes me feel better than people like you out there and it makes people feel better when they listen to your music and they enjoy it that you're this guy behind that's not taking any of this for granted your run-in with this shit absolutely I appreciate it man 3 hours actually felt like it was incredible I was hanging in there to listen man I'm a big fan I'm honored that you came down here and it was beautiful for me I enjoyed it very much and I love you shit thank you very much I tell you tell people how to get you online Killers Ram ke Instagram Twitter all that that's one of my kids running that shitt so don't Sin City
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► 03:14:19billion dollars to two finalists who sign up with a positively Unstoppable challenge it is a 16-week personal transformation challenge participants have to register before January 31st and then take 16 weeks to take control of their health and lives two finalists will be chosen after submitting their transformation and stories essays and video and they will both have an opportunity to win a prize up to 1 million dollars during a live event at the DDP Yoga performance center in Smyrna Georgia to sign up for DDP positively Unstoppable challenge go to positively Unstoppable. Calm and take control of your health and your life that's positively Unstoppable. Com
► 03:15:11it's over that's it for now much love to you all and will see you soon by big kisser