Olympic Handballer Xavier O'Callaghan, Astros Terrible Apology, And Jameis Squinston

Feb 13, 2020
Happy Valentines Day to everyone the Houston Astros are not only cheaters, but unapologetic ones as well. We talk about Jim Crane's horrendous press conference and how stupid the Astros are for all of this (2:27 - 13:53). The real news of the day is Jameis Squinston got Lasik and now may be the best Quarterback ever (13:53 - 22:13). XFL preview (22:13 - 29:39). Olympic Handball player Xavier O'Callaghan joins the show to explain the sport to us, answer our dumb questions, and try to settle the Jay Cutler debate (29:39 - 65:33). Segments include Fyre Fest of the week, do we care about the dunk contest, how can we get Mike Bloomberg's money and Guys on Chicks
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