Mike Pereira and Marshall Newhouse

Nov 5, 2017
NFL Week 9 Fastest 2 minutes with our old friend Angelo Palantonio (2:20 - 8:05). Recap of the weekend of Football (8:05 - 17:17). Who's Back of the Week (18:17 - 26:15). Football guy of the week including PJ Fleck and Coach O (26:15 - 32:29). Mike Pereira joins us to talk about the weekend of football, how replay is hurting the game, and whether the NFL will ever apologize for the Zach Miller catch (22:29 - 55:18). Oakland Raiders Offensive Lineman Marshall Newhouse calls in after Sunday Night Football to give us a play by play of his now famous helicopter fumble (55:18 - 62:20). Segments include Mike Greenbergs dumb rules, Put one in his earhole for Leonard Fournette, Connect the Dots Pizza Wars, and trouble in paradise for the Cleveland Cavaliers.
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