El Woodstock chileno (Chilean Woodstock)

Sep 25, 2019

In 1970, in a country polarized by cold-war politics, Jorge Gómez organized an outdoor music festival. But what he expected to be a peaceful gathering turned into a life-defining moment that would become an enduring myth in his country.

Study materials and a transcript of this episode are available at https://podcast.duolingo.com.

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Jorge Gomez was just a senior in high school when he organized chillies first ever Music Festival it was October 1974 he remembers the day before it started he and a group of friends were installing a little wooden stage in the foothills of the Andes near Santiago it'll Festival Eva I'm posad aldia siente bhairavi Mas que en Este momento siento

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Shrek awareness caminar por Las montañas a Survivor for muy impression Aunty Beryl enthusiam Dayton Tahitian Vanilla Ice Festival Kaos organism and seen much Allah it was like a scene right out of the documentary about Woodstock that had inspired him to organize this in the first place hundreds of young talents were showing up dressed in the latest

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hippie Fashions carrying tense or God pass and musical instruments algún puso una verdadera Blanca con El signo de la parte de las personas construir una Carta Gigante our approach here C Del Sol é M percerin autocar guitar has Nosotros a unique Thomas they remain under the organizer Todo para el festival yeah

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we are comenzó the festival was called Piedras Roja or Redstone it promised peace music and love in a country polarized by Cold War politics ultimately it would become a decisive event in his life and it would take on mythical proportions in his country's history

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Bienvenidos and welcome to the Duolingo Spanish podcast I'm Martina Castro every episode we bring you fascinating true stories to help you improve your Spanish listening and gain New Perspectives on the world the Storyteller will be using intermediate Spanish and I'll be chiming in for context in English if you miss something you can always skip back and listen again and we also offer full transcripts at podcast

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dot Duolingo.com a quick note this story might not be appropriate for all audiences so please listen at your own discretion

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in 1967 Jorge Gomez returned to Chile with his family after living in England for a dozen years he was 16 at the time and it was difficult for him to leave the land of the Beatles And The Rolling Stones to return to a conservative and Far Away country you'll never see in Chile secrecy in inglaterra cuando radius a at Ely Mirabelli / KV K Las Colinas

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sis Indian Moira free meals are a premier those means repressed after two years of what his growing rebellious - his parents gave him two options go to a Chilean boarding school or join the military your entry like squalor novel parole of restrictions are on the masalas for mucho para me Philadelphia

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in 1970 Salvador Allende became the world's first democratically elected socialist president

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it was a sign the Chili's social structure was changing Jorge was 19 and after being expelled from the Naval Academy he was finally about to graduate from high school but then in October of that same year a documentary called Woodstock three days of peace and music came out in Santiago Cinemas

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Woodstock meso ver que Las personas people in real need see en El Campo de vide Tres días de música Rock he pass the year before Woodstock had brought together half a million people and it defined a generation it became a global phenomenon in Speedos and Woodstock in Grupo de compañeros yo decidimos organization Festival

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the musica your Taniya this in various General principle organization or the 11th in the beginning the idea was to organize an event that would bring together maybe a few hundred people the money from the tickets would allow them to pay for a trip to celebrate the end of their senior year in high school but they also had another goal to unite to hippie communities in Santiago who knows it unlocks hippies del Barrio Alto

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Cassidy on Las Venus de Semana en Una famosa ilaria Una ilaria is an ice cream shop Los otros Eran Los hippies Mass intellectualist Alias sayin a new park in Central Asia despite their class differences Gorka thought the groups could come together over their shared fondness for rock music and admiration for counter-culture abroad the idea of

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Now using a Chilean Woodstock rapidly snowballed now his classmates and also people from the local hippie scene wanted to help in el Grupo organization or a Bia treinta personas sin embargo yo hablo con El alcalde también Con El responsable de la propiedad don't the EC minus XI equal a company electric car he even got Coca-Cola to

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sponsor it a Tuesday hearin K even our installer El salario CR Cambio Nosotros when Dia Mas cerveza he also managed to get a space for the festival in the foothills of the Andes near Santiago it was close enough for young Chileans to get there from almost every neighborhood in the city el festival de línea de comenzar El anuncio de octubre

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Ziggy's hasta El toss a body in East Africa Sicily era el dia de la raza the other La Raza is Columbus Day Los medios de communication say interesado en el festival desde El comienzo the media had an important role in shaping how Santiago's hippies were perceived at the time there weren't any magazines like Rolling Stone or cream in

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chili hippies came mostly from affluent families who were able to travel abroad they brought back records and hippie fashion geely is David Pauley so we're gonna party estaba La izquierda kid if India a Salvador Allende pour être that he dicho que estaba radical maintained in Contra de Segovia no last Zoe's party

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then Ian Marius the communication Chilean hippies didn't fit anywhere they were a small countercultural tribe in a country polarized by Cold War politics what brought them together was mostly rock music and the feeling that they wanted something different than their parents generation

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lace Kilda knows only Ava for the scooter música imperialist elevator porque no repeated Aramis loss Valerie's traditionalist popular rock bands like those Hive has which was Spanish word play for the high bass or high base and aguado tibia or turbid water we're asked to play the festival for free and they said yes they were used to playing

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small indoor venues so they jumped at the chance to play a Chili's First Open Air Festival

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La Quinta MP so agar India antes Del comienzo de Festival is Saturday cuando Nosotros estamos determinant of organizer total Jag är en Casa Miel personas being Aaron muchos hippies the torah's Las arras algunos consejos familias

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play he'll make her momento para mí porque didn't know it at the time but this is the only moment he was really going to enjoy the festival he felt he was achieving his goal of bringing the hippie Community together they were arriving and bringing along tenths guitars Bongos and wine they also made bonfires or fogatas she dress personas tenían una furgoneta Estes Sunni and Olaf

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you gotta they are low he said fórmula una Sola for gotta masculine logo is affogato second Ava con otra vez Forma una Gran for gotta mientras Tanto total paneer so Scarpas Ito Craven guitar there was a white flag with a peace sign that flew above a big tent that people called it barricadas the parachute

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they're hippies took Shelter From the Sun this stuff for tuna demented the production era deficient El sonido no era muy bueno Nosotros sólo tenemos un microphone on Parallel vocalist te he amplification para el bajo la guitarra pero NADA para la materia

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the stage was a wooden platform about 24 meters squared and the lighting was just a single flickering bulb inside a tin can the only source of power came through a long electrical cable connected to the nearest pole which was thousands of meters away

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what when I rode in on me Porque el khalili Bazaar entry Rama's the spin o clock he paid for the cable with a blank check from his mom it dangerously rested on a bush of thorns or Rama's the Espino Global Zito will calmly pasaba muy cerca de la Gente es tu fais une Grande Problem for kill electricidad say Corto

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muchas veces Durante el festival

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on opening day thousands of young Chileans walked up hill to reach the festival they had either heard about it through a friend or read about it in a local newspaper there at antigen T era emotion on T sin embargo Journal Opus a muy bien esta exalt Portillo little Rapunzel irrelevant

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in really dark unit our default on De La Musica Sino que estaba preocupado por El cows kiss estaba for Mondo when it came time for Los Angeles to perform one of chilies most famous rock bands it was clear that many people from outside the hippie Community were also there mientras la banda Tokugawa algunas personas boycott ER en el Concierto SS persona

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corta bonne nuit Coco Lee K knows David electricidad in Nosotros tenemos que corre red para para Lo Nosotros nunca supremo's gayness is here on Earth to me porque ellos hicieron after newspapers reported on the first day of the festival even more people showed up in the morning hours of the second day but this time Horton noticed it wasn't just young people

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journalists parents started to arrive

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La Princesa estaba inform and oh sorry el festival protaras en Los Padres be near on Oscar Susie goes también veneer on personas que no tenían NADA que ver con Nuestra audience here on the second day of the festival 15,000 people were there and things were getting out of control when six policemen suddenly arrived looking for

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K ay dios mio break want our own estate Jorge Gomez organization or de Este Festival your left respond dkc entonces Mary Harron okay Vamos a Ser una inspection The lure

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the police and Jorge walked around the area people had ransacked the Coca-Cola kiosks drank the sodas broke bottles and used the wooden crates to make bonfires then outside of a tent the police saw an empty bottle of wine Los policías también V Aaron Luna Senna intima Esteban videos are here on desert a Memento el festival is illegal for cake

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Sumo the alcohol and three minerals are conductors inappropriate in lava pours liquor

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the festival was shut down Panetta meant a total serious a little the control Mason T mucho Mas tranquilo cuando La concealer on after the police shut down the festival everyone started leaving it was peaceful attendance didn't have a clue about what had happened until I came out in the newspapers

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the media had covered the festival extensively it didn't matter if they were left or right wing Outlets be a that I Roja was portrayed as a Scandal full of sex drugs and loud music Jorge became its public face wonderful Festival tell me no Missin T my solo ninguno de Mis compañeros de la organization is to walk on me oh two days after the Festival Hood here was interviewed on

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a vision about beheaded aroha and its repercussions unlike the camaraderie that happened during the first day of the festival he now felt completely alone when the determine a line Trail Easter May encounter a con Grupo De Paris in a house in La Caille Alias Mary Harron que sus hijas civilian Arrow de sus Casas poor culpa the BL aroha Mane pukar en el suelo

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in Memphis are another goldfish Apatosaurus by direct order from the Ministry of Education what he was expelled from his school he also wasn't welcomed at his house anymore this truly miss certificados Day to you mr. Hikari several pillow EMF we de la casa de Mis palabras your septic consequences even say cko and sir

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hippie thing go get a video complete a moment he felt like Society had turned its back on him so for the next two years he lived in a community in the Andes he survived on Farming and making leather souvenirs which he sold to tourists Crossing into Chile from Argentina Isa for Mi Vida una vida simply por Lo menos hasta El golpe de esto Lo the gold pedestal or

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military coup happened on September 11th 1973 it came three years into Salvador agendas presidential term his efforts to restructure Chilean Society along socialist lines had further polarized the country

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Nosotros no idea monster scooter Las noticias Barrel on say is José de septiembre tenemos que de Santiago El sistema de transporte público no funciona which is why Jorge and a friend decided to walk the two hours it took to get to Santiago Nosotros vamos por la Montagne in El Camino esta vez Una de La Tour

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such the Salvador Allende sin embargo and this day God IE who knows militaries of Paran - preguntaron see no alioramus escuchando La noticias or he told the soldiers that they lived in a community in the foothills of the Andes and that they hadn't heard the news on militar NOS dijo El Presidente suicidal depressed

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the nozzle oh Del Golfo De estado in the eyes of the military it didn't make much difference if what he and his friend were supporters of agenda or not they had long hair were ragged jeans and seemed out of place they were immediately handcuffed in militar Leslie co-owners soldado's upon Texas arm has a despairing Samoan después El llamo a low spot

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see us but are you are knows own Central detention minutes later a policeman arrived and he recognized Jorge Jorge GRC Sokka maybe they won't ol policía él trabaja en la Zona he knows Kenosha De La comunidad Que él sabía que remote Pacific has a solid ecole militaire

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the officer in charge didn't care that they were pacifists these are terrorists he said take them to the National Stadium Jorge and his friend didn't know that someday I was National Stadium was being used as a Detention Center

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DS kilometres después El policía Poirot allowed to America Jorge to not get us eat Al estadio Nacional back at a lot o at first heard he resisted because he didn't understand what was happening but the policeman insisted and said he needed to get out of the car maybe who devoy other party Canseco's

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Davis por Este Camino regresses a to Casa Di Novi has a Santiago and dos o Tres meses common miny moe ah Yoder cosas que tienes que corta El pelo to this day what he thinks about that moment he almost ended up in a place where people were tortured

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Vivo gracias I say policia nunca mais soup Adele me gustaría mucho darle Las gracias eventually her he left the community in the Foothills and returned to mainstream Society it was difficult a military Junta ruled chili and people were persecuted and killed for many years what he hid the fact that he had organized piedad Roja

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and that he used to be a hippie in own addicted or de las personas que tiene cuidado de sus palabras por que Siempre test an observant area mucha persecution in mucha paranoia

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in 1990 teyla returned to democracy since then the country has become one of Latin America's hot spots for concerts and music festivals like Lollapalooza and Bia that aroha the Chilean Woodstock became a pop-culture legend for younger Generations muchas personas dicen que fuera una Birra Roca

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también in control entry Vistas conversations the auto organization or / yo mokuba Ami mix pulse Arendelle Escuela yo to kill me

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after working jobs as a flight attendant and running a pub put he finally graduated from high school and he became involved in Chile's wine export business bit of said he'd be a soon Estilo de Vida de frente tiene que ver con disfrutan De Las Casas English even though he's now a businessman he still thinks of himself as a hippie because being a hippie he says is reflected in how you educate your children or

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you communicate with other people Gimmick Gear the toy guy organize a convoy Pocoyo Le Premier festival de música de Este país Al final no Mary wrote Animal no Mary bientot Dana and his long hippie hair style Segi El consejo de policía de Mello quartet there are no loaded a lawsuit oh boy

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Aviano Tango waddle a new nakaka Jorge Gomez Ensley now lives in Isla del maipo in Chile the story was produced by other or Antonio Diaz Oliva a Chilean writer and translator living in East Nashville we'd love to know what you thought of this episode send us an email with your feedback at podcast at Duolingo.com and if you liked this story

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more at Duolingo.com the Duolingo Spanish podcast is produced by Duolingo and a bone the media I'm the executive producer Martina Castro best yes Boris co-chair