#708 - Steven Crowder

Oct 14, 2015
Steven Crowder is an actor, comedian and former contributor for the Fox News Channel. He currently runs his own website and also a podcast called "Louder With Crowder" - http://louderwithcrowder.com/
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► 00:06:26oh and nit.com use the code word Rogan and save 10% off any and all supplements ye fucking ha that's it no ads done my guest today is Steven Crowder Steven Crowder is a gentleman you might know him from his YouTube show he's got a website louder with Crowder.com we don't agree on everything but we agree on a lot of shit and I
► 00:06:56to be a very enjoyable and interesting guy and you know sometimes it's good to talk to people that you don't necessarily agree with we had a wonderful conversation not just civil but spirited and enjoyable and he's a great guy I enjoy them a lot so without any further Ado please welcome Steven Crowder
► 00:07:16The Joe Rogan Experience Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day here we go something's happening
► 00:07:30I see a spinning wheel Proud Mary keep on burning
► 00:07:36big wheel keep on turning nope yes success snoring crowd of you are the first official broadcast streamed live on is not a good sign it's a great get sign why is it bad well you're going to Jersey yeah you can get some monsters on YouTube we know you have family makes appearances quite a bit when I appear I'm not Jewish or gay someone call you would you fag all the time yeah hmm yeah you which is funny cause I'm not Jewish or get my brother and I did a video when YouTuber just started it was 2006 so I don't remember there's a rash of really
► 00:08:06impression videos would be like I'm going to do a hundred Impressions and was some guy doing like Kermit the Frog you know it cartoons are not Impressions you're just doing cartoon voices like at a party and so I did one where did these Impressions that were really mediocre but my brother was my Ed McMahon and he was just laughing is that he just thought it was hilarious and then it goes on for like five minutes and then I do a pretty spot on Harrison Ford impression my brother's like you need it you need to work on that one a little bad and so we have these this is the new YouTube was new uncensored and it's like you're a Jew fag and I hope
► 00:08:36you get AIDS from that Jew fag not realizing he's my brother my brother's not Jewish either and there were people who hated it because they thought the Impressions were awful there were people who hated it because they got the joke and they felt like they'd been shortchanged there were people who liked it because I got the joke and they're people who liked it because for some reason they thought the Impressions were good and they were all fighting and we were gone what is this monsters wants just a bit into monsters but you do realize that you're feeding those monsters by bringing up their actual name like saying all that stuff like you're giving them the attention that they so desperately
► 00:09:06really Chic is that like like Poltergeist yes eating them yeah like Candyman yeah then there's also and that's a horrible film when you go back and watch it and I'm not good at all it's one of those things you watching your kid and you're scared and you go back you're like no no trust me trust me let's watch this you watch with your girlfriend and you just wish you would have left it there yeah you know what the one did that to me is Altered States Inc altered state oh it was so well I there's a wood got me an isolation tanks I was fascinated by and that's what got me into it and he got me into John Lilly the guy who
► 00:09:36the whole movie was actually based on this one guy not obviously didn't really turn into a monkey do you remember the movie The William Hurt movie I don't remember the film he got ahold of some crazy psychedelic brew from the Amazon jungle and took it and brought it back to America and had these experiences where he regressed into some monkey Beast thing and he went to the zoo alter killed a bunch of animals yeah like you had like the change rooms but when you know I was watching is that
► 00:10:06that's the noise right there I mean I probably was like like Larry nice landscape blind
► 00:10:16trying to push his wheelchair I watched it when I was like 15 or something like that I was in high school and I was like whoa this is so cool yeah and I watched it again when I was like 39 and I was like oh this is such a piece of shit happen with me like two weeks ago with my wife and I feel ashamed ninja turtles because I was up late and I'm on Netflix I'm watching the Megan Fox and it was this is terrible you know no you don't know ninja turtles because there was at one point it was actually a good film and I take advantage of watch it I'm like well maybe let's try to do
► 00:10:44those two and it just gets worse well you know the shit that's good when you're little and it's still good when you're little but when you're not little it's not good like I took my kids to see this there's a show called Wild Kratts yeah well I worked with PBS they'd come in every now and then oh yeah and Arthur was my it's very good show the show is very good like yeah television show the library terrible oh it's like a museum where you just see a video display kind of deals not like that no it's worse than that it's way worse than that it's but Meanwhile my five-year-old fucking
► 00:11:14loved it like oh I took her to see it it was at the Pantages in Hollywood and they put on the suits like in the show there's this what the show is about it's an educational show for people don't know that it is all about wildlife and kids learn a lot of stuff must be Zoboomafoo what did you do with the grass Brothers yeah and nothing like an actual lemur no very inaccurate yes they can be aggressive actual lemurs he is actually more so you know
► 00:11:44kid went to the zoo with my food I'm gonna go run off by a monkey on red wine and Xanax but the the show like my five-year-old learns all kinds of shit from it because like she'll say you know Daddy did you know that alligators or crocodiles and think it is they decide whether or not they're male or female based on the temperature of the water I'm like fuck is that true and so I Google it my cold shit my five-year-old just schooled me on crocodile the gendered assignment I think if we're being honest with ourselves
► 00:12:14selves your five-year-old probably School you on the difference between an alligator and a crocodile because I'm still murky on it I'm pretty clear on that one I think I get you know I was like all those crocodiles goes by the snouts one of them is rounder yeah right alligators I know Steve Herman has a lot of respect for the American alligator Steve Irwin did yeah he was a Crocodile Hunter but I remember when he got around some Gators he was like this is don't these guys are serious well is actually alligators are not nearly as aggressive as crocodiles crocodiles are way more dangerous and it was factually inaccurate it's the opposite American
► 00:12:44Gators are smaller or there are other smaller than crocodile-like Nile Crocs right now they've these fucking douchebags some people have released Nile crocodiles in Florida so they found a few of them in the Everglades and so they have a seek and destroy mission like if you see Nile crocodile like game wardens everyone is supposed to kill him on sight it happened in Michigan with Sosa lampreys ever seen that yeah and actually as a matter of fact I think you've done a show Dana lash and her husband they were coming up to my wedding up there
► 00:13:14yeah and he was I'm not I'm not going up there they got lampreys in the lake and like they have no sharks they have no stingrays you have lampreys you know it's scary it's got like a mouthful of teeth they're cool can they like their lien yeah but they're not pleasant to be in the water with but they've exterminated like I think 90-something percent of them but it's that 10 something percent that you still have to worry about up there in the Great Lakes yeah well there's a bunch of invasive species from other countries that they've done that with those Asian carp that's one of them yeah if you haven't seen that folks you got to Google it because it's the craziest fucking thing you get theirs
► 00:13:44two videos for whatever reason when you'd ride boats they jump out of the water and they have knocked people dead like knock people out cold they jump out of the water people actually died from Asian carp II bet people have died because I know people have been knocked out cold I know I know well they're personally a lot of weight yeah oh yeah yeah yeah they like 30 pounds and a fucking jump in the air and he mako sharks I'll do that you know really yeah mako sharks and gets I mean maybe you can bring it up like I want to say 60 miles an hour something absurd and they'll go right into boats whoa yeah mako sharks
► 00:14:14so they just slam into but they don't know no whining it on fishing boats yeah they'll actually think they're just going so fast and I think they're coming for the bait you can find videos if you bring them up have you ever seen the video of the kayakers that get fucking swamped by the whale the whale breaching Read Moby Dick now this is a real one is the real one a real one yeah actually it see if you can find that the whale swamp some kayakers yeah these fucking poor fools are out in a kayak oh I love whales it's amazing to be in this environment when you're around nature which is fix you
► 00:14:44so wonderful they care about us he looked this fucking well just won't
► 00:14:52these poor fuckers I was in Florida watch this shit is it we're gonna go this way this one anyone you don't matter plus this dough my gosh Kim are you fucked up son come on that's one thing I talked about Anna and I got someone really mad and stand up a bit about sharks I was like Isis watch this it close up uh Jesus fucking Christ oh gosh I mean that's got away what 10,000 pounds are they dead or do they just kind of move with it because its water I mean if that happened while and you're dead
► 00:15:22I would assume they just move with it mean they probably got fucked the real scary thing is if you get knocked unconscious by the blow and then you got look at that's the impact of it Fokker was a hunchback what do we know big I'll do it looks like they're okay have you ever seen whales from real life there they are that's fine Dolphins I don't think I've seen whales I've seen whales I want on one of the one of the things my daughter had this school thing where you go over to Zuma Zuma Beach like somewhere around November I think they start it
► 00:15:51it's you don't even believe what you're seeing right I see him in the water like that's a fucking well that's a real whale yeah like you see him you like all my point I guess it's like when you see them on TV go yeah they're big I get it but when you see them in real life and you get a perspective you like oh my God they're just living out there that's like Lena Dunham you see her in the pictures and you know it's bad and then you see her in context next to someone I see what you just did you see what I did there it's okay she blocked me quickly without me ever even tweeting her
► 00:16:22one thing I will say we were in Florida black tea because of that video that you made is that what it was now she's probably long before that video really I get blocked by people before I even talk to them I do too sometimes I'm proud of it well a lot of them are comedians to just comedians black you get the fuck out of here what comedians of block to Amy Schumer Marc Maron I never tweeted them what same is true when I got in an argument on Fox News a long time ago know about what about a column I wrote and we got into it and I was like okay and I was actually pretty respectful but it happens in a lot of comedians
► 00:16:51it's a lot of common well what was the column about the column was about how as a Christian to how I wasn't having sex and wrote about sort of the case for Christians maybe aren't crazy wait until they're married and she's like I feel like it's really judgmental and really harsh and I was like okay well that's fine this is my case and you don't have to do it she really really mad about it you know what's interesting is if you were like a tantric Buddhist that's exactly why I did that did you recently I talked about that because and right away off are the first thing and it's the same thing with with Marin who
► 00:17:21no I like is well where do you do you're not part of our club are you a comedian he does that though he did that with me he's got this weird thing right before she goes she goes where do you perform stand-up you forming the city and this point was living in New York as I know she was worried for my cure Christian like churches and I said no actually but that sounds like a great idea so then after that I started calling up churches I do you do stand-up and there was one that responded Yes and then I was at what they complain and I never did another church again because I had like
► 00:17:51I had a whole bit about not having sex in the bed I wrote was that it's the final taboo like I can go up and be as profane as possible right and I follow comedians or I'll go up and it's filthy and my ACT is very Politically Incorrect like I've been banned from places but it's not dirty and I said then I go up and talk about not having sex and I won't get so uncomfortable the church problem is that I talked about having a raging erection for four years where my family had to lift the furniture like a great danes tail so the church is that a problem with it so you did this for years you didn't have sex you have four years why'd you do that
► 00:18:22I want to be a hypocrite and so in what way well as someone who is a you know a Christian I don't really talk about it a lot but I think you know I don't want to be I want to be a Target that easily as far as being hypocrite no that's why that so sex like there's a lot of really we got right off the bat yeah because this is a so it's a wacky subject you know like as a discipline like there's some beautiful things about Christianity as a discipline but the problem is as a practice if you if you really pay attention
► 00:18:52attention to the scriptures themselves it's so problematic there's so many contradictions is so much crazy shit in there you you going on the Old Testament well if that's the case you're talking about some really nutty shit if you want on the New Testament want to get caught I'm going to answer this riddle but you know what I'm saying I understand what Testament you struck here's my sister created by Constantine right bunch of the you know the cannon was really manufactured he wasn't even a Christian here's my shot to death bed why don't talk about it a lot alright about it because it's a big part of what defines me like weed Harrison Greenbaum on and you know
► 00:19:22Norma Donald Harrison Greenbaum went up and he did this bit about you know someone read me a scripture from a book you know on the on the bus and I said well if you get to quote your favorite book I could quote mine Harry Potter bitch and it came on he was really who is he Harrison Greenbaum he's on Last Comic Standing it watch it anyways he was on the show he claimed he said he knew you had him on he was really mad that I wrote gay comic gets sort of shafted by norm and he was like he was like well you know first off he's gay pejoratively I said yes
► 00:19:51he goes well okay so you know what that means I said sure you're a comedian right like why is that a problem for you guys well you know first of all you shouldn't use it but surely and you didn't even ask me I said well are you gay he goes no oh come and I said okay I I'll take your word for it but I don't believe you but let's just continue with the interview and we went out and then afterwards I was like I was like you know the fact is in if you're not gay you make this Christian joke but you don't touch Islam at all and I know you claim you're straight but they would throw you off a roof for your lisp and he the thing with Norm was he went on he did his bit about the
► 00:20:20you have Roseanne Barr on Last Comic Standing and my commentary was just that Norm said you know I didn't think it was and it was accurate and I didn't think it was funny at all I didn't think it was risky and I thought it was very safe and if you're going to insult an entire group of people who you know know about the faith you should probably know what you're talking about that was it right and he was so upset and he was like he was going well the audience actually doing norm and I go well you're missing the point of the piece it's that everyone was upset at Norm saying that and Roseanne Barr is telling it that some rest geisha
► 00:20:50shot when he'd made a Bible joke in normal just pointing out it's really not that risky what was the joke do you remember it was the quack guy quoting scripture he's a lying bitch yeah that's something he's not gay well he's gay as fuck if he's if he sounds anything like your voice it's like what is he doing can I look at Harrison Greenbaum pull them up on the the screen James and bring up our interview with I will tell you by looking I have that that gift that's true guy gift from Jesus wait did you look at him I can look at Tom someone and find out if they're gay well that's
► 00:21:20gaydar lights that's available it's a Biblical gift or Divine friend David Pride says that's a homo Vision well he should he should go on TV and say that this is the I'll be well okay that guy's okay hmm we can't go buy a picture yes I can just like that the sweater with the white shirt I didn't just really nice guy to be fair I'll just say I don't think there's anything wrong with being gay my point was he got mad and he didn't want me to take him out of
► 00:21:50X so I said okay we'll do a pre-tape with the do two segments for Aaron we did like a three-hour thing on it where I was there was where was this interview being held is my show oh your show okay so he came on your show yeah all right I'm gonna slip in a request for you to go on you can okay say no but now I do it sure it's we know we go terrestrially actually we're going them into syndication here with Alex Jones is saying guys at Genesis uh-huh doesn't mean I agree with Alex and whole bunch but so we kind of have the show that's indicated terrestrially and then we do extended versions for the podcast
► 00:22:20we're kind of bridging that Gap well Alex is the exact opposite of you in the sense of Alex is not not having sex for any reason whatsoever married though now it's great he's a fucking animal he's a crazy dude like people go why are you friends with I was John's I go I'm friends with Alex Jones because I'm friends with Alex Jones right like you what you're getting is Alex Jones on infowars.com once are doing right now to take away life they want to wipe out America you know he's doing
► 00:22:50Russians in your act or do you find a hard to bring them in I very rarely do it feels hack to bring them in and stand up usually doesn't it well unless it's there's a reason to do it like right if I have to do a Mike Tyson bit if there's something happens I'm a person and I've got a a bit that is what you saw from like 1991 there's something that's online but it is a reason to do a voice I'll do it right you know like if I had a Bill Cosby bit Yeah do Bill Cosby voice we do what we do on the podcast so we do fake commercials we like dating advice with Bill Cosby minute newsmen
► 00:23:20with that in a nick of time with Nick Nolte so it's like the internet is actually it's funny were talking about this when stand up when I started stand I started acting actually when I was 12 and then I did stand up because the Union's killed the industry in Montreal there was just no more film coming into the city you know they used to shoot a ton of stuff in Montreal now not so much and so I was in my teens and I had been writing stand up for years for like school talent shows like I think this would be funny because I grew up around it and I thought it was so freeing to do it and then it's kind of turned like you were talking about this PC culture where I think and I was sort of wrong
► 00:23:50in a sense of how these kids online they're not they're not comedians they don't know what it's like but I think about it you know that's what the Marx Brothers would have said a stand-up it's just an evolution of comedy and you can't do stand up in your bedroom but you can do YouTube in your bedroom and so you look like at Nicole Arbour this thing I don't know if you saw she was did the fat shaming thing I did see that and I didn't think was strictly funny but I defended her right to say but I was saying it doesn't matter if he's funny or not because people will always attack you for not being funny or not going to say that's offensive you can't say it'll say well I just you're just not funny so you shouldn't be able to say that
► 00:24:20and PC you know the PC culture is really permeated stand up in a way that's going to happen in Canada years ago yeah I don't really freedom of speech doesn't really exist in Canada it's not a legally protected right well you know about the guy in Vancouver who literally got sued and lost because he had some woman heckling him and he said a bunch of mean shit to her and so he whatever human rights violation I forget what the actual citation was yeah but he has to pay our like $15,000 well there's a Pastor Steven bless all who
► 00:24:50said he wouldn't marry two guys and spoke out against it and wasn't hateful you know everyone loves to paint the pastor's the southern periyar Dam homos new just like well listen that's not gonna happen to my church and he was actually banned from public speaking losses church had to file an appeal and so that's where it when I talk with people about it and I think man from public speaking by saying that he doesn't want to marry again and saying it's still against God you know whatever his deals whether you agree with it or not that's my point it's still not okay to ban a guy from even having a church I mean what's bro
► 00:25:20this have 12 people nine of whom are the guys family they get so much press time meanwhile we have over 300 million Muslims who want you to die for converting and we're talking about the Westboro Baptist because they use the F-word well it's it's a it's fun that's one of the reasons why the Westboro Baptist Church mean that guy Phelps was so fucking nuts he was so out of it did you ever see the Louis through documentary went where the after if he's Jewish I don't think it should matter but are you do
► 00:25:50I'm not saying I'm am Jewish by understand why that's that's not relevant are you a Jew that was all they only do it as to what it was like the guy on YouTube that kind of doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu your that I don't remember that yeah the white supremacists why do I not remember they were training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in I was like do you not see the irony they were training MMA Brazilian jiu-jitsu they ain't ya we know what no I'm thinking of a different one with through on white supremacy in a white supremacist well I didn't see that
► 00:26:20they were like training up their gang and they were doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu that though the well that's pretty ironic I resilience are not white you fuck well they kind of are some of them are well they're the most racist people on the planet Brazilians oh my god well I wouldn't say they're racist what I would say is that their nationalistic they're very nationalistic but but they're but they're not in the sense because there's like half the country is black like half the country is like wow can I don't know if you really sort of not to get into your wheelhouse but like the Vitor Belfort Anderson Silva thing
► 00:26:50and you'll get a lot of the stuff like in the Brazilian message boards of people were saying it was really like this short of coming up of this black class and Brazil were if you were black you worked at McDonald's you just weren't considered a first class citizen among a lot of the pure Brazilians people don't understand about Che Guevara in in Cuba same kind of thing you know I saw a kid wearing a check of very sure to go when he's where Hitler shirt what do you mean he believed in pure European Spanish blood and executed people for not being that
► 00:27:20and in Brazil to really the class structure I'm a Brazilian instructor I won't say who have had several was quite racist and you know Matt here in America you could play 40 fights the guys is white you Blac in Brazil he's not even give time of day it was that's weird because Jacare is like a Brazilian national hero and he's black yeah but they're out pay Ray what about Pele the soccer player he was a Brazilian national hero he's black and my evidence is anecdotal Jill yeah no it is true I've been to Brazil pretty many times therefore I just
► 00:27:50don't see that I mean I might be wrong you know there was a there was a huge issue with Anderson Silva when he fought Demian Maia yeah and you know and he was a sort of bourgeoisie class Damia had College you would call them order Playboy yeah you know and Playboy is like one of the ways that they that's the pejorative they use for Rich privileged white people right you know Playboy that's a Brazilian hair Check Your Privilege check my friend my friend my check for you I don't know I would have to I'd never actually
► 00:28:20fast my Brazilian friends whether or not Brazil's racist but I didn't experience it that much when I was there they had seemed real friendly it's a very very friendly country other than your water broken stuff that helps understand like like you know success has changed how people treat your very successful you're a victim of your own success innocence innocence I came in here nervous well they also know that I'm a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt so I practice Brazilian Arts you know so I'm here big deep respect for Brazil
► 00:28:50right and then big deep respect for of course the Gracie family mean I'm wearing a fucking Grace yeah the Gracie family we look good inch know not gay thank you not gonna stay there Harry Potter batch it is weird though that like there's not a straight voice you know but there's a gay voice well yeah and what's so funny it's like you say that my wife had a friend I won't talk about it talk about it you know if the name names was clearly gay I got that like clearly
► 00:29:20the point where when he was gone I would call them gay blank because I know it's such a common name my wife is just free I'm gonna get a text right now so she's like I was out with someone so I'm like gay so-and-so because I know five of them you know it's just like it's like a name like John it's not John okay and she but he's not gay okay first off its a little bit let me clarify the rules if he's not gay you can't go out with him alone until 1:00 in the morning okay he's gay and I'm like that was so and then he sure enough he like came out of
► 00:29:50the closet shocker well here's the thing when a guy like that and I mean literally like he's the kind of gay guy who literally like Richard Simmons was like that's kind of severe like really gay and when he came out of the closet I told my wife I said okay here's what's going on what he's really saying is stuffs about to get weird you're going to find some grinder profiles because everyone knew he was gay right and then all of a sudden it's just a revolving door you know of boyfriends and it's like it's more uncomfortable for my wife it's more comfortable for me because I had to keep this lie
► 00:30:20live like hey you go on any dates with females lately gave life like now you know and he dated a girl for a while and I remember just sitting there like what Bonnie hold it I jump into where I'm sitting at dinner with my wife and gay blank with his girl and they're clearly just faking it and I was like I just ran a girl faking it or did she think that maybe he wasn't straight question I have a friend my friend shame atashi stand-up comedian she is married not one but two different guys that turned out
► 00:30:50to be gay like she married a certain point it's you well I don't know if it's her I mean I don't know what the fuck it is she seems so normal that I mean she's a comic she's kind of crazy but she's nice she's she seems totally normal I've not met him I talked to her people female comedians I know a few well it's weird because it's like in my world you know like my world and the world of stand-up in my world Sonny my patriarchal world the sun sets in the west and rises in the evening it's
► 00:31:20is actually does that right yeah I revert back yeah it was accurate my world my world my rules boring frankly but the world of stand-up comics it's like this it's a fraternity you know so like I'm friends with girls who are open mic hers I'm friends with like especially from Kill Tony which is one of my friend red band and Tony Inch club show where we constantly around these Open Mic her kids that are coming up and you know we become friends with them and a lot of them are out of their fucking
► 00:31:50and they're crazy but they're friends you know in my world those are ditch just that's just the mindset that it takes to be a comedian you have to be a little bit fucking crazy yeah I think that's true this is think so so shaima is no different than any of my other friends and that sense but somehow or another she want up a to fucking a guys and last time I talked to her I don't think that story goes somehow or another I think there's a reason in there I think it her mind it's somehow or another she's like what the fuck but you know she's dated straight guys you know one of my buddy
► 00:32:20I mean she's you know it's not that I don't know what the fuck it is but she dated one guy and then she found out somehow know he was gay and they stated another guy that was like a male stripper I think and somehow or another it was doing there you go it's kind of like the talent pool with college sports you're picking the guy with the highest vertical she's drawn from the pool of the male strippers and the guys who are you know pay for gay bodybuilders that's what's gonna happen hey Ferg a body be gay for pay that's a pay for well yeah well it depends on who's doing the paintings Joe Weider with our
► 00:32:50no he's the one who's paying for the gay is that true I have no meter was gonna want to be slandered please that what you heard you heard Joe Weider paid Arnold I didn't hear that I knew that I heard that Arnold I could have it's bullshit back in the day I could be completely off-base well I've talked about it on my the podcast I had a buddy who is a male stripper to buddies that way back in the day and want you know he would wear these underwear that was like a it was a like a an elephant underwear and he put his hog
► 00:33:20in the trunk and even out looking combined clogged with elephant is one animal another it's actually like a delicacy really the guy was really fucking weird but then one day he's talking about all these girls dancing for and I go you ever have to dance for guys and there's this fucking silence in the room and everybody's that's the LIE he wants to keep alive it he said it yes the question and then shake out weird we started explaining how he had to sometimes but he hated it and you're like when I moved to LA there was a there was a
► 00:33:50as work and it was cleaning I was little I moved to LA I was talking at Tony Camacho was my manager and I was living out of a car for a bit and when I say it's kinda like the Ronda Rousey it was like a week and I was just sort of Couchsurfing until I got to my next place so it's not like I was a long time hobo right and actually got a 24-hour fitness pass for like a week so I was fine I don't know how he's getting started something about oh I first came to La yeah there was a Rollin in Craigslist it was like cleaning houses in your underwear this is like no
► 00:34:20you just cleaning houses and you're on your way over a hundred and fifty bucks an hour or something like that like I'm so no it was $50 an hour for a minimum of three hour pay because it is assumed you know I lost something into the couch yes well my dad had that he mowed lawns and the guy I'm at an Indian village in Detroit and he would my dad maybe text me the name of this guy and he said the guy was like but he wasn't flamboyantly gay he was very polite look well you know Darren you're a good-looking young man you and your brother Dean you should as you Mo Lon you know feel free it's hot here in the
► 00:34:50summer to take off your shirts and wear something a little bit shorter and it's entirely you know if you want to take a dip in the pool go ahead oh boy but he was very very nice it'll light long-term partner and you know I think a lot of them got massacred in Detroit I don't think they live in that area anymore we really got massacred I just need to trust and towards like they're Indians some sort of fucking Native American war in this jelly came over get your soul together indigenous can't say Andy anymore is that a family came to Indian we moved on the native
► 00:35:20we moved on to indigenous mmm well in Canada its indigenous right First Nation so they say I don't think they say for election as well used to be you well everybody call people Eskimo and then no you can't do that you can't but any in Alaska that use the word Eskimo like it's okay Alaska it's okay if weird this is the problem with a lexicon and the changing rules well it's when people get Ultra super fucking sensitive and shit gets weird like there's things that used to say for the longest time and I can't say anymore yeah
► 00:35:50yeah well and that's where you know you're more in the middle I'm you know people would say to the right of Attila the Hun like libertarian conservative and that's by Design that's that's not an accident people want to control language if you look at the history of political correctness it is designed as a political tool and I see these people Awakening out like the social justice Warrior left well all they're doing is doing the same thing to maybe they're not doing it to you but the people like Milo two people out there who are liberal the same thing they've done to me and every conservative for a long time just
► 00:36:20a racist you're a sexist perfect example is Ben Carson you may not like them people may not like them right but Ben Carson was a neurosurgeon and not just a neuroscientist he was a fucking wizard and he's probably the most polite candidate we've had in 40 years I don't think anyone dispute that he's a very polite guy what do they do they paint him as a dumbass bigot well he believed some crazy shit some crazy stuff yeah but I would hope that people afford him you know for example like my dad is Christian conservative right
► 00:36:50but he sends your stuff along and now he could easily be like you know he'll just tell Mike I skipped through the edible mushroom stuff and the tattoos because isn't agree with it but like Joe is really right on this the part about about dying to Eagle every day in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and I'll send it along to people this is really inspirational for in my family we've never had to paint someone as an idiot because of some opinions with which we don't agree you may think Ben Carson believed some crazy stuff but he's a smart guy and he's not a bigot well what I find fascinating about him is the people that do compartmentalize certain
► 00:37:20acts of life like that he does ignore science when it comes to Evolution and he believes in macro-evolution but it doesn't believe in microevolution I believe the other way around micro but not magical but he's got some interesting ideas about what he believes in what he doesn't believe in that the world of science accepts as a state of fact the people but I know a lot of people say oh he's this 6,000 year old young Earth creationist you know and then he said no I'm not no said he's involved in the Big Bang and he
► 00:37:50believe in the Big Bang just a very different version of it well the Big Bang but I don't think some guy in a Reddit thread in his mother's basement with a bag of Cheetos his figured something out that Ben Carson hasn't he asked me about like the Christian thing well you just you just diminished a person from Reddit yeah just put them in the basement and prepare maybe they have a nice apartment well you get some of those get a weird intersection here you get smart people who listen to your show but you do get some close minded people and you my thing is you know with the reason I don't talk about faith or like Donald Trump
► 00:38:20because there are certain things or people just they're just not going to hear it here's my position on religion and Atheism and I don't think it's an untenable position and it's pretty simple I believe there are very smart atheists and I believe that there are some very smart Christians that's undeniable it's undeniable yeah but the thing is now the reason atheists are so fun to tease and get them up in a lab there's because they think that all of these brilliant people and three billion people on the face of the Earth have missed something that they caught because they saw half of a Christopher Hitchens debate and if you sit down with Ben Carson these kids calling him an idiot and talk
► 00:38:50come out he doesn't know science they would sit down and he'd probably School them they may not agree with them but he probably School them am I promise take things out of context but he's not even my guy well you see the problem is you're talking about Ben Carson versus some kids that don't know what they're talking about but if you talk dirty Sanders or Hillary or amount but what they're comparing Ben Carson to is people that do know what they're talking about so if you do get people that have a vast understanding of evolution and they sit down debate Ben Carson he's not going to do very well I don't know I'm not
► 00:39:20seen it I think that I would think probably not but I don't think he would put himself in that position the Big Bang is the weird one because the Big Bang essentially the no one understands why it happened right one understands what caused it no understands if it's just some cycle that goes on every 14 billion years writing a book on it who is Ben Carson on the Big Bang one expound on explaining his reasoning oh that's interesting well what is his reason I do you know what his position is I don't know is that even position is it doesn't it's not doesn't reflect my position but I don't think that that disqualifies him
► 00:39:50from being a better leader than a lot of people in the docket I mean if you want to debate last night no I did not there was literally a point where all the biggest argument and that's the thing that I have if you look at the right I mean your moderate you would be considered to any leftist if you said the stuff they say neither call your right wing that's what they would say not you that's what they would say let's compare really quickly right now the GOP right people it's a party of old white guys okay you've got Carly fiorina you've got to Latinos and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio you've got a brain surgery room lat
► 00:40:20barely Latino how dare you he's gay by the way check for sure a hundred percent he also is probably one of the smartest students to come out of Harvard front according to his professors an IQ that's like highly polluted mall so they say that yeah that must be it so happened that in Chemtrails I think so you have them Ben Carson you have people are career politicians you people have no experience in that political sector and then I'm watching last night Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders O'Malley and a couple of other scrubs every single one
► 00:40:50is an old white politician and the worst part is the lack of intellectual diversity look at the GOP debate you have Rand Paul who's a non-interventionist basically who's all about that cannabis oil you have Chris Christie who basically wants to prosecute using drugs you have Carly fiorina who believes it's a States right you have some people who supported the war in Iraq if some people who are against it every single question last night at that democratic debate was answered in unison and the biggest argument was over who had the lowest rating from the NRA they were attacking Bernie Sanders going to keep in mind you only have a d-minus from the NRA
► 00:41:20got an F I got it is that really what they were arguing about who said that who is O'Malley Sanders and all of them were arguing over who got the lowest rating of the NRA that was their badge of honor you are going to be - I got an F I was like what what what is this that's interesting because I did see an interview I wanted to get to the debate later today I didn't watch it yesterday I had some stuff I had to do that was actually important hey but Bernie Sanders feel very poorly was talk of just joking around the I don't look there's this
► 00:41:50is a real problem with the commission for presidential debates real problem with the fact that it's when it gets down to the big crunch time the commission for presidential debates is a privately funded institution it's not as simple as like everyone who's running for president gets an equal say and we have all these qualified candidates and we're just going to figure out who's the right guy for the job takes a shitload of money to get to the point where you can actually run for a debate when you actually can get up there and actually have your opinion and broadcast it to the world there's a lot of fucking
► 00:42:20Hoops you have to jump through probably rightly so but there's some value in that yeah but I think that as time moves on and the medium of the internet becomes more and more powerful most likely that will be less of a factor having Anderson Cooper was Goofy glasses asking questions about whether or not it's okay to be a conscientious objector and still run for president yeah you know which is one of the things that apparently he has Bernie Sanders I thought was yeah fascinating well I got in trouble a clubs matter or do all lives matter that that one was like okay lives matter
► 00:42:50well that's what Bernie said well fucking of course all lives matter but black tie loaded questions and it's a loaded question answer they should say yeah that's a loaded question and I'm not going to answer it of course all lives matter I understand the movement and I think a b and c about yes I agree with you that's that's the right way to say it but he said black lives matter because that's the progressive left wing thing to say because you're not going to get shit from white people about it but you'll get a lot of brownie points for black make a crap from Shaun King was a white guy about a Shaun King is a white guy
► 00:43:20data that feminist film festival for saying he was white they have rubber Tinton tranny menstruating Jesus Christ I saw that I've got like it hasn't bought I find it funny but they're triggered by me saying Shawn King as white those one of my favorite videos of yours that was a really that in the Lena Dunham video but that video particularly of you with the feminist because first of all you being very reasonable and they got upset right away like they were getting upset like you were you weren't being aggressive you weren't being rude you were asking like really pretty reasonable
► 00:43:50kitchens and you know they're like you have to slow down as being a disturber like I don't deny that a little bit but they selectively edited anything you've ever watched his edited well what are you gonna do put all fucking three hours of whatever the fuck you were there all that's one like like James O'Keefe or Andrew Breitbart of the Planned Parenthood videos do because they're journalists what I do as entertainment but they'll actually put up the footage see I don't know what the fuck those Planned Parenthood I didn't I watched part of it and I was like is this real like what's going on with this yeah are these people really talking like this about about it
► 00:44:20footage you can watch three four hours and the big thing the attack you and Carly fiorina for talking about it they go well it didn't really happen in a video listen she has 30 seconds she's talking about pieces in the video that you can see and she sets it in a narrative that she can answer in 30 seconds and they collect all those things didn't happen in that timeline in a video well educate me because we're they are were they not saying that we can get you intact fetuses and then we were selling fetus Parts yeah so they were right so we don't have anybody saying that it's a hoax well why did they say the same thing
► 00:44:50no with Andrew Breitbart the acorn Scandal but let's not get into that but we know it's important they attack the messenger that will put the acorn Scandal was pretty fucking clear they were they were literally giving people advice on how to spell out to the exact same station the exact same thing they said it's dishonest these are selectively edited and their final argument was when James O'Keefe appear and I'm not a journalist I just made it feel like that's why I don't release full it's designed to be funny it's more in line with The Daily Show than something at Fox News are seeing it right
► 00:45:21James O'Keefe went on Fox and Friends in a pimp jacket like promoting the videos and their argument was he didn't go in dressed like a pimp and her dress they said they were pimps and prostitutes but they didn't dress like that how do you tell me how to pin for a prostitute dresses because I bet you're wrong and the black lives matter you'll get mad at me listen man I always dress like Ben Carson I was in Vegas when Jack I was in Vegas once and I was with a couple of my buddies and we were at this bar and it was a UFC night it was a the the night of the way and so we went to the weigh-ins and we're out
► 00:45:50the bar and there was this girl who looked like a fucking executive at a Fortune 500 company I mean she had a respectable business dress on she had nice clothes on a nice purse and she was talking to me and all my friends and I was like something is fucking going on here and then I don't know what it was but my friends were hitting on her and all this and she was just a little too receptive and I said so I it was just my friends were ugly it was his little defrost that you have low confidence in your friends
► 00:46:20they're Savages okay you know I mean maybe she just wants a good Guerrilla fucked by a bunch of bunch of savages but but I was like something's going on here so I go um how much is all this going to cost everybody and she goes well it depends how many guys and they all might know and I go yeah and then they went how'd you know and I go well I'm just guessing some insincerity I know she's working you're working right and she goes yeah I'm working yeah I go okay and so then they like damn
► 00:46:50um yeah I know you thought she liked you and then everyone starts laughing I go well if you look at her she looks like she could be an executive for like a Mandalay Bay like she could be there like is everybody enjoying your stay here at Mandalay Bay anybody want their cock sucker for $1,000 I mean it was like literally pick up on that grown up in Montreal like I did really well I mean it's everywhere well how do they dress well I mean usually when someone approaches you know I can't tell how they dress and I'm in my pants are prostitutes I'm saying the guy went out in the giant feathered purple coat and a fedora on the
► 00:47:20no and Kane as a gag rights like pimps up hoes down right and so the love that goes well he didn't do that in the acorn video so this is misleading okay so what is what is the argument against the Planned Parenthood video what are they saying they're doing something that's illegal in record selling baby parts right right that's but what is the argument against the video I'm saying when people they selectively edited so they said a selectively edited it and then it didn't appear in the video and then when the full video footage was released
► 00:47:50the arguments that I saw was well no one's going to watch 12 hours of footage it's kind of I mean that happen tomorrow we will not you need - if you want to get to the truth is something that's really important right that's all point so if you selectively edit it they say you add it if you put up the full footage like what you're hiding behind the fact that you know no one's going to watch that okay but if someone does watch the full 12 hours I'll find is it yet does it appear like it did in the edited video because I watched the edited video and I thought like whoa this is kinda crazy they're talking about it like how did she describe it as like line items yes and I'm like fuck man
► 00:48:20seems like really in human you're talking about feed is parts and that they can adjust their process in order to get more intact video and then the other really fucking disturbing thing about the video was when they reach into the pile of baby parts and they're like going kind of Psalms and they're literally point you see little baby arms like and I'm pro-choice I think you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want up to a point and I think it's one of those things in life that there is a gray area and I think
► 00:48:50think I'm pro-choice if it's a bunch of cells I'm pro-choice if it's you know a cluster of cells the size of a walnut but I think once it once it becomes in fucking human being yeah like you're looking at a little tiny human being this inside someone's body I don't know what the call is I don't know what a legend playing is they want to have abortions up to 22 weeks has 22 week for eight total cheese yeah that's Wendy Davis and also that's what they're pushing for and they want it to be you know and they want it to be taxpayer-funded that's the deal
► 00:49:20you have a problem with you know there you have some people who are pro-life on principle and you have some people who say I still should never have to pay for an abortion and you should never be able to force an employer to pay for an abortion 42 weeks is 20 to 22 weeks Jesus Christ that's kind of the mindset bathroom on that's what I want legally three months is weird because it's like a can't it's not viable outside of the womb but when you look at it it looks like a fetus put said see that thing that the left has a real issue with because they don't want there's there's no
► 00:49:50no open discussion there's no objectivity there's no when you comes to this like you are either rinse off my vagina exactly it's either like you are pro-choice or you are some fucking Barbarian who's pro-life and you want to fuck with people's bodies and you want to stand outside of abortion clinics with signs and show show aborted fetuses but I'm not saying that I am pro-choice I think you should be able I'm not the person to tell you what you can or can't do with your body but what we're looking at is a baby well it's yeah what it is it comes down to the eye
► 00:50:20of the left saying the right is anti-science and you have well-known atheists even like Christopher Hitchens and Dawkins isn't pro-life but he kind of slipped up where they admitted that it was ending a life Christopher Hitchens like I think absolutely undoubtedly it's a life and he walked people through it and then of course he became hated by the left and a bigot a racist so people who claim that the writer anti-science when it comes to abortion they want abortions past a point where there's no doubt that scientifically that is much more than a cluster of so I got his number it's all business I got into it
► 00:50:50this comedian online from England because Dawkins had said something that like a fetus or an embryo is known as has just as much in common with a human being as a pig embryo or something like that or is no different than a pig embryo act forget how he worded it but I was like well that's just disingenuous because obviously a human embryo is going to become a human if you don't snuff it out or a pig embryo is a fucking pig that this goes down
► 00:51:20I'm saying political you know political correctness and stand up or cultural Marxism it's the same thing it's not hey you can have a reasonable position you can argue being pro-life and I can say okay I see where you're coming from it's you had a controller uterus but what I was going to say is that this guy started saying I was right wing he was like saying they were your right wing and this is I go I'm not and I'm pro-choice I'm saying like right now that is going to be a baby you can't say that's the same as a fit as a pig because it's not it's and he was like it's note that was the other argument was like it
► 00:51:50it's no different than a seat I go it's not a seed I go because the seed needs to be germinated a seed you need to put it in the ground and needs to be watered and then it sprouts and then becomes a plant this is something that's going it's already growing its this is a seat is the egg okay that's the egg inside of a woman's body no one's saying you can't take eggs out of your body I'm not even saying you can't have abortions but let's be honest about what it is but it's it is a fetus yeah or an embryo or whatever you want to call me if there's a certain amount of weeks where it becomes scientifically
► 00:52:20the fetus but you know I'm not I'm not a right-wing guy in a set but I don't like the distinctions man I don't like but the last thing of that way that's the problem I don't think so I think I'm more people see me as being a liberal hippie then see me because I smoke pot and I have tattoos and I encourage people to the Psychedelic drugs yeah but I think I'm Pro Prime pro-gay rights on pro-gay marriage I'm pro-choice so this is I'm Pro a lot of things that I want to put it this way there are a lot of people
► 00:52:50in the Republican Party who are that way certainly libertarian Wing certainly people would pull the lever for that hmm there is no one on the Democratic platform no one who would even allow you that inch that you just expressed no one running for president they wouldn't even give you that time of day it's abortion on demand for free at any point that's their Mantra and they can't stray from it and that's just that you know that's always where I try and speak with people all right wing douchebag oh gosh it's got echoing over the word douche bag was a trigger for the microphone Echo I didn't hear it I mean I didn't see your own head yes voice
► 00:53:20down head right wing douchebag just such a trick such a trick that triggered your true self it's little finger the you know I've been called a racist my whole anytime you come out of the closet been banned from college if you are white not set some ended my set the reason Tony Camacho's signed me was I ended my set on the n-word ER stuck The Landing good night everyone walked off and he was going okay I want to hear more okay in all fairness Tony Camacho not not
► 00:53:50not the best judge of stand up I know well though he's I don't want to seem very nice guy well I slept on his couch and stuff for a very nice guy yeah but my point is you know if you know the whole that out now if you pull that out now it's I mean if I didn't have my own independent thing going you and someone's career have you ever said the n-word like Paula Deen the deposition was have you ever said the n-word anyone who's anyone who's who would sing along to a Run DMC album would have to answer yes they didn't ask the context and that's where we are anything Run DMC use they didn't I think you're thinking like a
► 00:54:20beware maybe I mean it's in their name let's go come on you does the end that douchebag but he's a brilliant MC yeah okay he got a couple good songs he does yeah all right so are we going to say you want to see some at Tony do I know what no no I'll tell you that later tell you that other fellow has a nice guy I like Tony yeah oh he's always been a nice guy he's always been a nice guy my point is I'm 17 and he you know brought would have said I want to hear more I want to hear more I'm not exactly sure if that that's the best way to end your said no and the reason was the bit was and I've
► 00:54:50talked about it and I'll even do it here I talk about an open about it was it was a bit about French Canadians watching rap videos you have these French Canadians who are trying to mimic Urban accents from the United States and to the point where you would have them use words they'd seen in rap videos they didn't even grasp the meaning and so I did it was a whole bilingual set of using French words and merging English and white kids using the n-word and walking off and was kind of a shock but really funny because everyone had heard it and that's how I ended it I got the Just for Laughs to speaking of the n-word did you hear that Trevor Noah is a joke Thief guy's a joke
► 00:55:20flick straight up that South African the guy was out new new host of The Daily Show did a Show recently I forgot what it was for but it wasn't a broadcast show and he did an old Dave Chappelle bit for Dave Chappelle bit I want to say from like the early 2000s like one of his early specials and I mean moved it around a little bit but it's the same fucking joke mean verbatim thank God you didn't get on stage them at The Comedy Store get on stage with
► 00:55:50him at the comedy store oh Trevor Noah why not because the immensity of them and see a thing well I see no actually funny I watched that and you know who I called I don't know if you're still with her was with Tony Camacho and I had a meeting with Stacy Mark yeah because you mentioned her and I was like this is my agent yes still my age she became my agent five minutes after that to happen yeah because my agent the time was the same agent has been seeing they wanted me to apologize to him yeah I remember and I'm like so I just were done had a list of one down this looks weird I was nervous coming in here because you know when I was at Fox News
► 00:56:20for four and a half years and I went on air you know for the first time I had never seen any of these people I don't I've never had cable we didn't get Fox News in Montreal so I kind of went in and wasn't Starstruck I've been watching you since I was like 10 I mean if Foley's a national hero is a National Treasure news radio UFC have been following for a long time so it's you know you have to make sure that you're still yourself in the face of someone who you know the one time I got really Star Struck with Clint Eastwood and there's a certain level of Fame with which I am no longer comfortable and I just made an ass out of myself yeah that's a level like we go
► 00:56:51if I ever met Clint Eastwood I'd probably be a babbling fucking idiot to I was Outlaw Josey Wales dude it's tough to get past that's what do you say to him like I love doing Every Which Way but Loose what do you picked a good one that was a good one I don't know how they train them to say you're the shit dog and give him some Knuckles well he said to me he turns around and he kind of saw was looking at him and I don't you ever want to be that kind of bothering you I'm Clint put out his hand like yeah but he doesn't have to say that no nobody does yeah it's in Twilight you kind of I guess a lot of those really
► 00:57:20really famous guys they kind of have to do that because they don't want to assume that you know who they are even though they do know that you know who they are so it's kind of like a common courtesy thing to ask your name and so to say what's your name nice to meet you buddy like you know who I am bitch right you know we should just do you know Steve Crowder are nice to meet you you might hear funny Clint Eastwood story yes okay so this is true that have to do with the Obama sit down thing at the no no it doesn't well I look at it was at this kind of thing with conservatives in the entertainment industry so it's very small and closed circuit and everyone in it small enough that people introduced
► 00:57:50themselves like hey I'm kind of comedian you know writer little of Fox News hey I'm so-and-so director and Clint Eastwood everyone knows he's there stands having us hi I'm Clint former mayor of Carmel that's true it's not that it's not untrue and if you want to be a mayor of a place that's a spot that's a fucking beautiful place God you're AB into Carmel the closest have been is like to Santa Barbara and I've been through it on the way up you know you gotta keep going
► 00:58:20Carmel is on the way up to it's right next to Big Sur it's like maybe half hour from Big Sur fuck it's beautiful up there that might be one of the most beautiful spots in this country if you're been in northern Michigan yeah but in northern Michigan north of Traverse City I've been an old of that you know we're all event is now you've got to I mean it's been actually rated most beautiful area in the country for a few years really yeah Leelanau County so it's like it looks like the Mediterranean you know Vineyards rolling down to water that's crystal clear no sharks
► 00:58:50it of lampreys and it's just gorgeous up there yeah there's some well there's some beautiful spots in this country obviously but what I was saying is that Carmel is just it's a really unusual area there's not a lot of people there it's like it's like the land like there's the water and then it doesn't go in that deep you know it deep into the into the mainland this is fucking stunning stunning Countryside and beautiful views of the ocean that's where they did Play Misty For Me Oh yeah that's right would beats the hell out of that broad
► 00:59:20I've been going up there for a long time that's it you watch that he just beats the hell out of her you can't do that anymore you can't but yeah or watching it for the first time like oh this is pretty good he just comes in the hell you just starts wailing on him like oh my God you're like it in the Dirty Harry films he just punching some prostitute with an afro and you're like you can't like blow him away with his 44 magnum you can't do any of that stuff anymore you could make Blazing Saddles super hard to punch women on movies like that one would have to be like a demon or something like that even then even then I don't want even then I'd say it's a
► 00:59:50representation of the patriarchal society that's right like Mad Max did you see everyone with the remittance it it wasn't bad it was bizarre but it was like all these were saying it's his profound - message because Charles he's thrown kicks ass and then the feminists had actually it's not because the real leader is a guy and it's patriarchy and all these Tumblr blog and it's like nothing can but the gay guy The Who what's-his-face Tom what the fuck Sam Hardy Tom Hardy no it's not tell Marty was like an old gray
► 01:00:20haired guy who's like a leader I don't think Tom Hardy's guy he's just transporter who asked him about it he said are you asking me about sexuality and he was like just go away hmm it's not interesting yeah that's what you say when you're gay yeah I know my role as if a woman claims she's bisexual like a teenager she's trying to be cool I don't think I says it he's gay oh really yeah right I've never made a by guy who wasn't gay yeah me neither yeah I would say there's two types of dudes there's gay dudes and then there's really going
► 01:00:49gullible straight dudes who get talked into blowing crafty gay dudes like Bowie Mick Jagger we don't really want to do this alone so anger David Bowie make chicken oh well we met one person probably looks bulimic Jagger yeah fuck that stand every one of the top notes and Garfunkel emerging names that's 500 that night they got it on they too became once I might have made that up about Tom Hardy no wonder he talked about experimenting at one point but they'll this is gay you know that anyway scientist we sucking a dick with a lab coat on Abbey Curran
► 01:01:20and what are you doing that's not the reason I'm picturing Beeker from the Muppets Cape but back in the 70s in the 60s I think more people did experiment that might not even be gay because there were they were breaking down so many bizarre boundaries and there was so much restriction on behavior from the McCarthy era in the 1950s and the way people behaved it was all the sudden everyone's doing acid and their free love and I think there's a lot of dick suck in there
► 01:01:49they're people want shouldn't have done that like they legitimately weren't gay but did some gay shit that's what do I know not a historian we're getting off the realm of something that we can prove it works like LeVar Burton you don't have to take my word for it as you move our Burton gang no but I mean you ever watch that in Reading Rainbow do you think when he puts those things on as just gets glued inside there maybe that's why where's that a kaleidoscope It Marvin hey we're looking at it but the big kaleidoscope
► 01:02:20I was about remember Reading Rainbow and you'd always be like you know this book you talk about it a little Polo and his Burger King kids club haircut if you like but you don't have to take my word for it and it's like okay so we're not taking your word for it we should take the word of a bunch of six-year-olds this book because it's like how little respect you have for your own opinion Levar well I think just being humble right maybe you know which is generally not a quality found in the gay community no they're dramatic I have a flair for the dramatic they do have a flair for the dramatic that's
► 01:02:49one of the cool qualities about them oh it's Larry can you say something guy and like a disaster like a fire drill it's funny I've never seen a gay guy on a disaster I have a guy actually just won't I was talking with brother about it famous actor my brother works with and he has like you know the Earth an earthquake kit and his do you have that in your trunk any more like an emergency kit because he had that one who was here for the big earthquakes he was in some area where was like really gay and you said it was so funny they were just running around in the streets no I got us this game you like super liberal you know
► 01:03:20the left and either of us intolerant he was like it was just really a trip to see well Milo you think he's going to be your rock when that goes down no no no no he'll fall apart I don't know if he'll fall apart but he's running into the arms of another there's a yeah this going to be some issues there for sure but you know that's just not his wheelhouse is his wheelhouse isn't fucking toughening up you know I don't know and fucking riding it out Riding the Storm Out the negative stereotype it is
► 01:03:49offended it is a negative stereotype but with the femininity of the gay male it's very funny and it's okay to like I talked well that was a scene at CPAC it was like this political action committees for Huffington Post said I yelled the n-word and I didn't they said I Joe out raping Ashley Judd and I didn't wait what was that why they say that who's a fact check stand up this is Huffington Post and that's why when we were talking on so you were doing stand-up yeah that was emceeing a political action conference right now is just doing some bits and one of them was in a private room was like a
► 01:04:19King award ceremony and we had a rap video mr. America we were dressed up as Thomas Jefferson and George Washington and one of the jokes in the video you know it's not something you put on your resume but it was a bringing back nickers it's a rap song and record stops and I'm like no no I can say knickers because I wear knickers we actually a black producers like okay you know give us a thumbs up like would pass for knickers so I'm fine of having in post want to say okay they made a joke that's risque and you know but they just said Steven Crowder yells and word to Jesus Christ or Ashley
► 01:04:49makes rape joke about Ashley Judd and Magic to I'm sorry to interrupt God no no go ahead but that's when you sent me them as a source I'm going you're sending you know today Salon is tomorrow's huffpo they are not the friend of stand-up comics know they want to destroy the voice of anyone who doesn't agree with them and that's a lot of stand-up comedians now and that's what's problematic well what I've said about these people and I'll continue to say it I don't believe they're actually progressives what I think they're doing is they're mining the world of ideas and they're looking for things that they can attack I don't think they
► 01:05:19want to tack it because it makes sense I think they're there they're mining the world of ideas for the moral High ground and they're looking to find things that they can be aggressive about and go after and it gives them a license to be really shitty to people like yeah well they treat you treat someone you know you paint them as subhuman you can treat them subhuman I think also it's really important if you really want to be a progressive person you really want love and acceptance in the world it's really important to not be a fucking asshole and there's a lot of these people like here's something
► 01:05:50I'm a Hunter okay and by so when I when I hunt I sometimes put pictures of these fucking animals online and one of the reasons why you do it I do it for a bunch of reasons one to see the reaction to be the last one I did I did as a tribute to my friend Cameron Haynes because I shot an elk with a bow and arrow and he taught me how to do it is hard to do the fucking nastiest people the mean as shit was vegans the real Sherdog they were saying so I didn't read that but they're vegans on Sherdog why do you reach her dog
► 01:06:20actually that's how you want to know how far back it goes I had an account before the message boards I think even existed because I was watching the highlight videos because I couldn't afford to pay per view so when I hear beautiful day from you to I still think of soccer ABO like kicking hens oh Gracie and it's the huh beautiful trigger but yeah you were all over Sherdog they hate you that's fine but they're animals well meanwhile how many of those fucking dummies eat meat how many of those dummies have cats that's my favorite one you people who have cats you buy cat food for your cat guess what you're a fucking killer right because they're not getting that shit
► 01:06:49I'm a cat food tray okay they're grinding up animals that live a horrible life to live it in cages and they're sucking them out of those cages killing them in a ruthless cost-effective Manner and stuffing them into a can so your little fucking Tabby can eat I still have a cat yeah I like cats I don't have time to cat I've dogs to giant dog but but my point is that some of the meanest nastiest shit was being said by vegans and I think that they have this green light to be a cunt and I think there's a lot of
► 01:07:19that what they do is they find areas where they have they feel like they have the green light you know they have there's a subject there's an issue that's come up and they feel like all these fucking people that went after that line guy like I'm not saying you should go to Africa and kill a lion but I don't want to go to Africa and kill I don't want to kill anything I'm not going to eat but that fucking guy did everything by the book by the way they also the line with a name was his mistake well here's my favorite part of it not just the protest and
► 01:07:49he's standing outside of his fucking clinic and ruining his business right my favorite part was they were worried about his brother the brother the lion Cecil's brother was the fuck was his name I forget the brother's name but Cecil had a brother and the brother was also killed and everybody was freaking out oh my God and then they found that it wasn't the brother there was just another line and everyone was really hard to tell them apart no-name fucking lying so if the line doesn't have a name that line ain't shit he's
► 01:08:19Cecil's coattail see you read a letter from the guy from Zimbabwe yes yes did you see the numbers of how many people get killed by lions yes like 256 yes you're the ghost in the darkness yes I did that's a nightmare great movie since Val Kilmer owners young sleek and sexy I know now I think he's which is Michael Douglas was in that movie too bad Al Roker is Val Kilmer in a fat suit we will Val Kilmer slim down considerably from that Meme have you seen it you've seen the man I used to be Batman he's got this job was Joel Schumacher least
► 01:08:49Joel Schumacher nipples batch yeah he was a director remember when Val Kilmer was there ruined about what's a good Batman though I thought it was good that's one of those songs I went back and watched House like Batman and Robin was bad that was really bad but Batman Forever was that still and I went back and watched it and I'm like I wish I would have just who was robbing Chris O'Donnell oh that's right whatever happened to that guy he I think has some show at least at least the Silverstone was Batgirl to then she's like a vegan Peta person now oh wasn't it he Chris O'Donnell with
► 01:09:18Cool J and some crime show oh Christ even talking about that just dropped my IQ wow that was in a film Renny Harlin directed and he liked it all those I think he's made of milk yeah there he goes hey guys I'm gonna have that man I don't you know what's weird is I don't know how you let it get that far by Marlon Brando you ever see on the waterfront and then see the last days the last days of Marlon Brando I think he's very underrated as an actor yeah I was
► 01:09:48bigger fan of James Dean and Marlon Brando's a different time but if you go to on the waterfront compare it to anything anybody else is doing no I disagree if you look at me yeah the perfect scene is James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause And it's so bizarre because he was very he was kind of like one of the first naturalist so you know just wanting was very if you look the way he spoke it was pretty natural but everyone else in the scene was still you know so he's like oh Mom you tearing me apart leave me alone well that's a fine way to behave young man I got this
► 01:10:18mother see and then you go to James and he's sitting there talking and he's like and you're like this is real so you can just see when that transition happened and I think James Dean died when he was alive didn't get the respect Brando did hmm I don't know I didn't really pay attention to who got respect all right but I thought Brando was pretty good and on the waterfront especially in comparison to the rest of the era you want to talk gay James Dean no no well yeah but I mean the the outfit the wild one with Marlon Brando the little leather and they all Manhattan the
► 01:10:48good Chef well you know when that became gay there became Jake Judas Priest came around rice that's when it became gay yes because Rob Halford is gay as fuck well they start out everybody dressing guy they didn't even know they were dressing gay they just want to be like Judas Priest you got another thing coming down to tiny thing one run would have dressed that way if he knew that was coming down the pike wow yeah and that's kind of my night off because you're a sex symbol in your Marlon Brando and then like this is going to become the iconic you know mr. slave outfit yeah but Marlon Brando
► 01:11:18clearly didn't give a fuck about anything you can give a fuck about the way you look to didn't give a fuck about his health I mean he was crazy towards the end of his life I mean he was completely out of his mind yeah I don't think it really mattered to him he wasn't the same writer I don't think that James Dean was motorcycle really from what I understand James Dean was pretty well I actually got to sit in you know there are only like something 14 cars that James Dean the spider Ferrari whatever it is I don't know a lot about cars what it is Portia was it a Porsche
► 01:11:48shh the one that killed them okay really really low well actually what's funny is I bought my car it was a 2003 Taurus but it was in the back of this car shop in Dallas where this guy is done like George Bush's car he just decks him out and he was just this old guy who was selling his old car and they showed me that was like some absurd I want I could be wrong at a million two million dollars they said James Dean's was Lot 13 or 14 and this was like a lot 11 or 12 it was one of those exact cars yeah and I just looked at him like it's like a go-kart you're so low to the ground
► 01:12:18got to be tough to control and I mean it's actually easier to control because it's low to the ground and it's very lightweight those are pretty easy to control for the time but if you compare that to a like a Boxster today like a Porsche Boxster it's a boxer's way more competent car they just but those cars were a hundred percent mechanical when you're when you're buying a car today like that like a boxer which is small you're dealing with all sorts of traction control stability management there's all sorts of behind-the-scenes computer-aided shit going on
► 01:12:48on anti-lock braking systems is all sorts of stuff that's happening behind the scenes I don't I just know when I saw it was one of those things where that's a perfect example kind of was my dad explain some things to me this way as a kid right I saw that car I don't know a lot about cars at all and was buying a Taurus I was like okay that's pretty cool he told me so he told me the exact same truth that it could have told you but if you'd have seen that car you probably oh my God want to look in and be really interested in it yeah we both saw the same car we both experienced the same thing
► 01:13:18that's an entirely different experience right and that's just kind of the way The Human Condition which store which I just find sort of fast like something like oh okay that's pretty cool let me grab you don't know I mean if you showed me like an old golf club or something like that I wouldn't rush it about it but if you show me like an old pool cue like a Balabushka from like 1965 be like all right you know I just I know pool cues what's that people stand don't get Jiu-Jitsu yeah talking about and there's a mouse are you were a little Cotton Belt and you like well that's one of my main things that I have to do when fights
► 01:13:48go to the ground is explain all the like if I was doing commentary and it was only black belts listening I would my commentary would be infinitely shorter right because you know everybody would know kind of what's going on you know you know triangle setups I mean you'd be like like when we do these fight companion podcasts we do them like sometimes doing with Eddie Bravo and when we're watching situations we're talking about like some guy going for Zoe's head he's go for the armbar all like we know I don't have to say what he's got to do now he's got to be careful that left arm if he gets left arm pass
► 01:14:18certain position then it's now he's not in danger because it's past the elbow right so there's a whole when I'm trying to do when I'm doing commentary for the UFC when the fights go to the ground is help people that I know are watching this to just see a jumble of bodies yeah well even Sports Jiu-Jitsu for people who do Jujitsu is not very entertaining especially with the ghee with the ghee it's a very Rob them it's a real problem because it's kind of boring as fuck do you think it's gotten to the point my dad and I were talking I mean my dad's I sometimes Purple belt and he that's pretty cool he's 55 he starred in his 50s that's awesome and he actually hasn't had a point
► 01:14:48scored against him really let alone erased your big guys probably a giant huh yeah we played hockey at U of M he's a real athlete and he's stayed in shape so we actually I could bring up a I'll show you video after word but so he's competing all the way through blue to get his purple not even had a point scored against him Wow and his thing though is very strong takedowns top control pass and in practice he'll roll with guys who are doing the reverse Della himhe and all this stuff and my dad and I believe I don't know if you think somebody to taekwondo
► 01:15:17Taekwondo one point where there is some combat relevance and then when you get to the Olympic it's really not anymore I feel like sport Jiu-Jitsu is gone in that direction where you have a guy who can be the best in the world and a 125 Division with Agee who would get his ass kicked by a hockey player in a street sign and to me well sort of lost not of the hockey player weigh 225 pounds well hockey player getting started at 200 you know as my point but that my dad when he got started with their head because that's a hockey thing right right you can do it Darrin you can
► 01:15:47so I can't you do that I think he's are stupid I mean if you can take the collar if you can take someone's fucking the bottom of the jacket and wrap it all the way around its neck why can't you put it over the head well stupid I mean and that's the thing is it's a weird situation getting into it and it's no longer really combat relevant and we have a lot of guys who are you know the CrossFit thing and all this ridiculous sort of strength training has come into it and they're just they never get strong I'm going you know life is win the CrossFit thing they don't get strong what do you mean cross flow
► 01:16:17you should have more crypto on he'll talk about that I mean with strength training you need linear progression that's measurable when you're starting guy like you right you can do anything now and you're going to because you have a strength base someone who's never lifted heavy weights and added five pounds incrementally is not going to get a lot out of battle ropes and snatches for five minutes he's not going to get a lot out of it he needs to increase his maximal strength so we have kids come in like no man I saw this this is what I'm doing it's the new Strength thing they never get stronger they never get bigger and I we started in my dad is
► 01:16:47of this philosophy you start because you want to be a sovereign and man you want to be able to defend yourself and if you're at a point where you double guard pull and you reverse Della hiva and and you're no longer able to actually protect yourself I don't know I feel like it's lost I mean who is Gracie is a good example you know he wouldn't do well in support Jujitsu but he was big enough he was strong enough to get it done and protect himself and when altercation well the game has passed him by sure in a lot of ways but I think that there are a lot of guys
► 01:17:17guys in sports Jiu-Jitsu that would do great like cyborgs you know right you know the right now yeah great yeah when I was a white belt yeah now he's a badass there's a lot of really great Jiu-Jitsu guys but I agree with you like 50/50 guard there's a lot of silly shit that that guys are doing that just doesn't seem like it's also kind of boring to watch you know and a lot of ways but then there's like noogie like Eddie Cummins guys like Gary tonin who are like super aggressive very
► 01:17:47also really aggressive there's a lot of guys Marcelo Garcia very aggressive submission oriented attacking style so there's there's going to be guys like the Taekwondo days that just play point style but there's there was always guys back then that were terrifying because it would not guys dead you know even during right Taekwondo competition days I remember this guy from the Ivory Coast that everybody was terrified of his name was Patricia remark because his style of attacking was so much different than everybody else is everybody
► 01:18:17I was playing this sort of not everybody but a lot of people are playing this sort of point game and this fucking dude was this like shredded black guy from the Ivory Coast it was a blank through you why is that matter ago in Africa Africa is fuck you can be what really kind of what guy from Africa that and animal sounds cake the South American accent the luck from Africa yeah that what are they there it's like a Dutch thing right there were Dutch settlers that came to South Africa South African almost sounds like they're
► 01:18:47in Australian accent right bad comic like I'm Australian right you're like that's not real it's like I was just South Africa well that's when we saw the two Collide on Lethal Weapon remember it's true Mel Gibson to had at it with the apartheid guy the apartheid what did he call them it kept her what is it also what was it this was behind but they had a like he was like Danny Glover was a black guy had a bad name for black guy Danny Glover's too old for that shit you know yes to
► 01:19:17old for that shit I just it's not like when you go back and watch it and you realize that Mel Gibson is crazy you go back and watch those and you can kind of see the flashes you're like oh yeah that makes sense but do you think that Mel Gibson got crazy or do you think you always was crazy no I think I mean I've spoken actually with some people who work in The Passion of the Christ and I think he got so much heat for that I mean you talk about sort of like social justice Warriors he got so many people who went after him and I just don't think he was expecting are used to that kind of pressure I think it
► 01:19:47I heard his voice mail oh yeah to me that is the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life well it's funny to me but it's sad because he's an old guy he's dating this Russian assassin you know and she's stealing his come and making babies and I think it's so funny to me is he's like Off the Wall angry right for people who haven't heard it shot up and blow me because I deserve it but he said you are my friend and I said okay listen listen I queued up I let people listen for contacts like oh this is the funniest thing I've ever heard
► 01:20:17and no one laughs except for me and my producer gauge aired where he's like you have no soul you have no soul
► 01:20:27but I will give you one more chance and I don't know why I just find like anyone who's been through a breakup or you like I want to tell her off but I want to make it work don't want to sell that I will give one more chance I will give you one more chance and she goes I don't want another chance what I don't want what I just goes crazy and it to me just like the pain do I think it was horrible things he said yeah but anyone who's been in like one of those horrible breakups and you feel like you're not being heard has felt that anger and then he tries to pull it back I'll give you one more he needs
► 01:20:57her friends well Robert Downey's his best forgot really yeah they're close friends Robert Downey jr. that's what he said you came out introduced him at some award then interesting one of Robert Downey jr. hates the Jews as well I don't think I'll come out and say it because Mel Gibson you just get a couple cocktails into an apparently he just starts hating the Jews it's just it's just the thing for the cocktail make him hate that shit no but that's what gets it out of them it's people that got them pulled over in Malibu the cops up
► 01:21:27them over saying he's just fucking spout not all this fucking anti like tough called the 1 cup sugar tits Oh They'll Come right I don't know I don't know why I find it really funny I know it's terrible and people pull this up against me as example of being racist I just find that pain funny because everyone's felt it and then he tries to pull it back
► 01:21:57oh that's right I forgot about that part that a pack of wild and words right wasn't it like they're just roaming don't like that's what they do ya like like fucking lions and then but you know what though the crazy thing is you don't know that he hates black people know he could have like you know Michael Richards voice in those movies with Danny Glover they seem to get along wonderfully well and that's one thing I've talked about what people people go oh you're going to have a black friend now here's here's the thing if you have a lot of black friends
► 01:22:27goodbye friends over for dinner do I aside from Tony Camacho yes yeah funny black friends okay but those ones that black I was over your house for dinner probably why I'm hungry I'm asking God you're coming back telling me about something like I shot someone at the comedy store you can put me in the hot seat we have a black guy home for dinner well I don't know what you feed them was a grass-fed did you feed him grass-fed Graphics I don't know otherwise I don't know I just like bring out the corn fed steak he's a negro I mean what do you think that it adds take you
► 01:22:57on the grass fed but I corn-fed beef to really yeah it's not bad it's fatty sometimes it tastes delicious have got nice corn-fed prime rib I don't have the Joe Rogan salary so it's mostly corn fed well the prize grass fed them much more expensive oh my gosh it's so much more make some money although I've been I've never hunted but I was my uncle in law has a Cider Mill up in northern Michigan and all the deer just keep eating as apples so he was like listen I have a permit something absurd I don't remember like to kill like five a month or something because they're just constantly
► 01:23:27his apples though you want to come up and I was like I'm not a hunter but I could literally just sit there in a lawn chair with my 357 take a couple them out while they're eating some Fugees and 357 yeah they change the law you can hunt with handgun cartridges you but you don't want to you really 327 out of a rifle okay as ballistics that are higher than mid caliber rifle stuff well the rifles just more accurate is what I'm saying you have out of a 6-inch barrel handgun a 357 you're actually going to get really surprising list but you have to be really close what's going to come up and they're going to eat a red delicious
► 01:23:57right in front of me I'll be in a lawn chair with a probably from me to you these things love the apples that's the point that close yeah they just eat the apples they go nuts I'm peeing all over the cider Orchard property because apparently it helps me just like listen you want to kill them I know a guy who will process and right down the road it's delicious meat especially three bowls out the anus that's not hard it's it makes me nervous if you know how to operate a microphone you can figure that out I don't think I've done a stellar job of that today I'm not used to being so if not hard
► 01:24:27but yeah guiding them into ski get you get used to it becomes normal you understand where to go and how to get around and well they've opened it up in Michigan because it's just a real problem reading everything we pulled it up the other day there was a number of the amount of driving accidents involving deer deer hit in Michigan and more than 40,000 yeah what it pulled that up again Jamie I want to know what ride them looks motorcycle in the out there in a rural area with a deer it's insane yeah I mean people who live in urban
► 01:24:57armaments that get upset at hunting they don't understand you you literally don't understand these animals have vastly overpopulated to the point where they bring in Hunters in Suburban Pennsylvania because they have no they have no limits you can shoot as many as you want all day long all year long and they bring people in justified in a bar a lot of parts of Pennsylvania I don't know specifically Which counties but I know that these guys that I know that are bow Hunters they fly them out to Pennsylvania and they film shows whether they're essentially these
► 01:25:26taking people's yards and there they have they set up tree stands and I'm not kidding the it's a nice yard but it's Urban neighborhood nice treatment the houses it is it's a home like that's got like several Acres like two or three acres and there they have treestand setup and they're just just killing as many deer as walk their way I can imagine yeah the and they have to because driving accidents are fucking crazy so many people hit them yeah I just 357 is Mike my guts around of choice why is that you know sounds good
► 01:25:57yeah it sounds like know you're white woman has a 357 handgun out of a 4-inch Barrel is going to have better ballistics than any other caliber for self-defense and the reason why is I have a giant bucket of 38 and giant bucket of 37's with lever-action rifles different handguns and my wife doesn't need to worry about what goes into where mmm so we've got quite and I have a beautiful like almost collector's item and old 357 Smith & Wesson that's an old one from where Smith & Wesson it's like an eight maybe like Howell I mean we're like everyone it's not
► 01:26:26that Amino credits before they have the the internal lock and it's nickel-plated it's just so beautiful it's my favorite like the trigger on that thing it's just butter smooth here's the number average of 130 for dear vehicle crashes each day holy shit holy shit that's Michigan yes I'm like 12 resulted in 1329 injuries and eight deaths wow just kill those things yeah
► 01:26:57their food you know that's the thing about them you know I haven't had a joke about you should it's not it's not bad it's fun to do want to say that it's people don't want to say it's fun for some reason I don't understand that like it's ethical and fun like it is fun with why deny that it's fun it's fun it's productive yeah it is definitely productive certainly more productive than shooting at the range well it's especially if you want to eat healthy meat that's natural and organic and
► 01:27:26especially if you want to help control the population these animals yeah and because there's only one other way you can bring in wolves when you gonna do bring a mountain lions and have them run through the streets of Pennsylvania come on I mean you don't really have a lot of other options for controlling the populations of these fucking animals with a bobcat in our yard and Hopper our dog like one after that they're cool looking you're cool they look weird and catch it but you would have messed it I had one of those my yard wants it was the weirdest thing I was like what is that fucking cat I have like the Wolverine yeah thing they have like the tips of their ears
► 01:27:57like fucking weird-looking I was like what is that yeah it's very strange look in the back legs look longer than they should be yeah like it's a weird sort of it's a weird sort of body Dynamic but yeah yeah dog went nuts for it and if he did if he'd have been able to catch it he would have killed him he would have killed it yeah yeah what how big's your dogs have dog by John O so okay that's a big fucking dog yeah well I think Ronda Rousey has one he's a little bigger he was a rescue that's not a thing for perfect example of leftist and animal rights that we have
► 01:28:26a rescue came to us with a broken leg balding Lyme disease you know he wasn't the perfect dog we've basically brought him back to health I volunteered at shelters helped with them but you know what I also tell people if you have kids you probably shouldn't adopt a dog you probably should get it from a puppy and raise your kids know about that dog yeah it's fees perfect for us he's a little bit racist I'm not going to I don't know he's a white dog he's stark white is racist well you know it's funny he loves black
► 01:28:56when a woman's towards black boys Blackpool like 12 year old black boys he just you just like he just a little leery and specifically them and he's not aggressive so we just but you just see he wants to be pet by everyone he's the most friendly pack granted dog younger black boys he's like wow he's all white so that's all there are a lot of dogs that are fucking sketchy as hell around kids I had a friend who had a pit bull that was really sketchy around kids and it's just he had never been around kids and kids to him look like little animals like
► 01:29:26he didn't understand what they were what's unstable yeah our dog actually Papa he's a if my wife and I argue it all of her ranting about our day like I have to be careful when I do the radio show he'll sit in the corner look in the corner and shake it gets upset it'll actually shape oh so like he was abused he just when we pulled out a musket for video be like never before in front of him he pulled it out barking like crazy showing us to foam at the mouth with the Moscow oh so we don't know you know you're already seen know and you're if you're a kid and you're pulling a cap gun rammer
► 01:29:57you know it's like the woman writer face ripped guy huh I had a female rescue dog that you if you raise your voice she was just drop to the ground and cower yakky you couldn't say what are you doing over there right just she'd been beaten and the other dogs that I had from time they were puppies like fuck's going on with her yeah Jesus Christ yeah do you know how this house works well that's all very Alec yeah exactly you have to we actually try to rescue another dog and a lady wouldn't give it to us because she found out my palate extrusive oh
► 01:30:26come on I swear to you what come on really dog's name is mr. big I wonder how well she's probably a crazy cunt what she was she was a super hippie and she was looking for a reason and so like it was this shelter where you have to go in for a whole like weekend and learn all these dots so it was actually ended up volunteering and this one dog everyone was scared of he was like an American Bulldog mix so he's about a hundred twenty pounds called mr. big and he would just fall with the mouth and be barking at the you know at the recall
► 01:30:56fence yeah but they all have their own individual runs in this one and you just go in and just excited so no one wanted to take him out that he was just great and what really got her mad was with a watch like this dog training video how to learn dog body language and your little like writing comes in like an early 90s VHS and I went out and she's a what do you think of the what do you think of the source material I said you gotta love that early 90s Saved by the Bell font right she like wrote something down she was Furious because you made fun of the font
► 01:31:26I don't know I just know I didn't get the dog that dog could have had a house we're happy with our dog but you know breaks my heart to think of him but it how do you know that it was about your politics that's what she said well she said because when there is no valid reason because we know the owner of that place she said well I just you know I get I get to choose who gets what dog and that's just he's just not the right dog for them I wouldn't give them any dog what she said I wouldn't give them any dog well how did she know that she like Google you and yeah well I came in and the guy who owns it is it was a fan he's out
► 01:31:56it's multi-millionaire who just kind of a fan and I think he probably let her know or something and she was a ho so he's a fan of yours but she works for him and she's not a fan but she gets the ultimate decision he's very hands-off with that yeah wow but weird he's a great guy he's a great guy actually this multi-millionaire and people just hate him where we are and you just meet him and he's like he's made all of his money what's crazy and this is sort of something we don't tell kids I talk with people about this we see what do you want to be a my we have firefighter out you need to ask him what kind of Lifestyle do you want
► 01:32:26to live because this guy's made all of his money off of burger patty machines it's like really bad machines and multi-month like no kid goes I want to make burger patty machines but think you know do you say hey you want to never have a boss and have a bank account with tens of millions of dollars that sounds pretty good burger patty machines well this guy's already got the market cornered though maybe tell him something else yeah you know I don't know hot dog machine how many more fucking people can make burger patty machine imagine if you come along with a new one you know he'll fucking box out of the business
► 01:32:56probably Wilson it's the one percent kid yeah so I got this Market cornered maybe you need to make hotdogs machines but you know whatever example he's Rich were supposed to hate him and he's a great guy and he's been you know he runs this giant non-kill dog shelter and he's just like but everyone just hates him okay you some people yeah you're supposed to hate wealthy folks that are famous or that are a successful run Lester actors unless they're actors then you're not well actors had talked about the wealthiest 1% and you know they go out and they talk about the people but there are they are the ones
► 01:33:261% a lot of ways well the one you're the top one percent of the top one percent of one percent well here's what's really crazy if you make more than 34,000 dollars a year you're in the 1% of the world yeah you know you're one percent in the United States what 500,000 annual family income you know it's top 10% what hundred fifty thousand annual household income so we're actually it with video going up right now at the site today we're launching an AR-15 giveaway and we have a video on Bernice yeah we're giving them away folks sorry can I get your little a AR-15s yeah
► 01:33:57do you believe in background checks think yeah we do all the actually it's done through AR-15.com and they sell custom well of course here if you're doing it legally you have to have background checks but I felt your politics do you think that well there are background checks yes right that's fine you don't have a problem with the Gun Show loophole what's up is that we're talking about the Gun Show loophole what gun show luo well that's it that is an interesting loophole you know you can sell guns to people people explain the Gun Show loophole for people to understand it's just you know they say with a background check at a gun show there's a
► 01:34:26loophole and you can get a gun without a background check here's the thing I think was Charles cook who was on one of those cable news networks so I have to burp when I have to go ahead good don't have a cough button here Leah it's quiet burp yeah this is shows real as fuck we don't wanna believe in cot will get them and actually going to probably put a cough button we can do the we do we decide that we didn't really decide we're thinking about putting a cop but in the next Studio that helps me zero right now sorry yeah I'm just talking to my thing is with the gun issue what people don't it's about
► 01:34:56the intrinsic right to self-preservation hmm so a good example is you know I have a you asked me if I did stand-up I don't do a ton of it anymore but I have one next week when I do any live performance now that has to be armed security in some kind of a gate it's just the way it is same thing with someone like Ann Coulter my Li Na plus you don't just get to go up and do stand up anymore but Milo does he shows up at slut walks yeah I do that too but that's different from an announced show on a schedule where people can you know can show up and I can show that you're going to be there so you have armed security
► 01:35:26he always at all of your shows I do it yeah why is that because it's crazy death threats and I don't talk about it a lot because you're gonna be the person like Lena Dunham I got a death threat because I showed my nipple it's like legit when you questioned Islam and you do those videos and you're on cares watchlist do you have to be careful well you did a video that was pretty fucking ballsy where you showed the actual history of Muhammad yeah as opposed to the history of Jesus like the difference between the Christian religion in the Islamic religion right it's pretty pretty
► 01:35:56balls and when you did that is that when bows before that that was a sequel that was run challenge to and I remember this is before I was at Fox News I called Andrew Breitbart the first one and I put it up I go in distance there's some there's some backlash and you can you help me go I'm going to get it to the online guide Fox when he said when you're dead it's a story kid and he hung up the phone what that's what he says what he said oh that's yeah that's right the second one but I mean even you as someone who's doesn't subscribe to either Faith you know my whole point is you can point to imperfect people on any side
► 01:36:26I'd of the spectrum but go to the founders and there's a huge difference with Muhammad so we actually showed you know what a six-year-old nine-year-old girl looks like whose wife was it's not the same as a 14 year old which was normal well you showed a girl that was actually older than his wife yes yeah yeah you showed like a webbing runs at what you showed I think so she was like ten yeah actually her dad is a brilliant Jiu-Jitsu guy who runs the school in Dallas is kind of fucked up when you you stop and think about the history of Allah
► 01:36:56of religious stories I mean if you go back and think about what was acceptable you know 2,000 years ago a thousand years ago fifteen hundred or whatever it was it's you're talking about a completely different era you know and that's one of the problems with enforcing a lot of religious scripture today you know like there's so many things that people do in the by my favorite is religious people that get tattoos and I'm like like if you're a Christian you get a tattoo you just you got to read the whole book okay because you're not supposed to get tattoos well no they would say they would argue that Christ came to
► 01:37:26you know change the law on abolish lost they're not beholden to some of like the dietary laws or the fabric laws bacon bacon yeah exactly the fabric little was the fabric fabric laws have two different types of cloth do you understand why that exist I would assume the fabric law has to do with the people that were constructing the Fabrics back then that they had like no gang wars between silk and cotton no no kind of what it was a big reason for that you have certain laws that were applicable to everyone like the Ten Commandments and then you had laws that were designed to
► 01:37:56separate the Jewish people that's like a team jersey because everyone else is doing this so your beard is going to be this way your Fabrics going to be this way now so that's where brilliant theologians far smarter than myself will say well this is why these laws apply in these ones don't but my point is I don't have a problem with you know like Tom Cruise I haven't stood up when he would like he jumped on a couch I don't really care he's a little nutty whatever was after a religion well Scientology was going to Scientology it's jumping on the couch did you think my point is a lot of people said you know scientology's messed him up I don't have a problem
► 01:38:26um with Scientology I don't have a problem with Buddhism Hinduism I don't there is one religion right now in this world one religion were over 300 million people right now on Earth deserve that believe that you deserve to die if you leave the Islamic faith they these are the people who will answer yes when you say if someone converts from Islam do they deserve to be executed yes over 300 million people in the world right now so when you say it's like the small minority it's because you live this privileged life ironically enough in the United States
► 01:38:56and you're not acknowledging the founder of the faith what is callings were and how every islamically Run Country at it's not the same thing it's not the same as any other religion and that's what I was pointing to you can find Hypocrites you can find crazy scientologists you can find crazy Christians but don't look to Christians look to Christ and you may not like Christ you may think he's weird don't look to Muslims because you have Muslim refugees now going into Germany Syrian refugees who want welfare dollars for cigarettes that's not Muslim look to Mohammed Mohammed did kill Muhammad did call
► 01:39:26for the deaths of Christians and Jews Muhammad did screw a six maybe nine year old girl he beat her but only lightly so you couldn't see bruises if she was dressed up as a ninja that's not hard to do these are different things and people need to acknowledge it and the left that labels me a racist that labels you right wing because you have a different opinion and you go off the reservation all of a sudden just completely ignores that and sort of accepts it as as cultural relativity well you don't really understand the reason a woman needs four Witnesses when she's had the crap raped out of her we're going to ignore that and
► 01:39:56about some people here who are pro-life because their hands are on your uterus and that's what bothers me well I get bothered by any ideology that's rigid anytime you have to subscribe to a bunch of rules you have to fast during a certain time of the year you have to wear a certain outfit the women can't drive the not allowed to go to school like anytime you have really rigid ideologies and then those ideologies you find out that their ancient and their established by a warlord I mean that's that's that
► 01:40:26is what Christianity that's the difference between Christianity and Islam yeah like Jesus was supposed to be a man of peace and Muhammad was supposed to be a warlord writing that is that's what he held a fun office he waged Wars he beheaded people he did all those things it's a fundamental difference yeah and the ideology and it's it shows itself in the behavior of the people that are a part of the ideology and their minds this is all it's all like guaranteed in the scripture it's already there and their eyes what they're doing is all halal
► 01:40:56thing is you know yeah hello it's you know it's one of those things it's also a political ideology and legal prescription that's why people don't understand they go after Ben Carson and say he's a bigot so he's black right all conservatives were racist and then when Clinton announced her nomination all conservatives became sexist so with Ben Carson well he's not really race what we'll see is a bigot because he said he thought that he would have a problem with a Muslim president who supported the actual ideals of long the Quran Sharia law and I asked him I said well what parts what parts do you have a problem with and you know Ben Carson he goes
► 01:41:26it's not unreasonable at all because well you know I think that there are parts that are impossible to rectify with the Constitution like you know the treatment of women the requirement of witnesses for a female rape the subjugation of all non-muslims the dhimmitude in the poll taxes which of course couldn't be allowed in the United States so I believe that we'd have to have a Muslim reject those precepts if they were going to be oh my God he's an anti-muslim like that's a reasonable position is a very reasonable position and that his gun thing was a reasonable thing about the Nazis entirely reasonable that
► 01:41:56from islamophobe to is a very disingenuous term like it I that that term drives me nuts like if you criticize Islam your islamophobic what is a phobia phobia is a fear you fear of irrational religions yes I have a fear of those well I'm also afraid of the Moonies I'm afraid of I'm afraid of a lot of Cults yeah you know why because I don't think anybody should be able to tell you how the fuck you should think I think the the idea of having a government and having laws that are established by the people for the people that make sense that
► 01:42:26give people equal freedom to give people equal say freedom of speech freedom of religion freedom to practice whatever you feel as long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights of other people I think all those things are great yeah I think as soon as you have any sorts of ideologies that infringe upon those things and the fact that Progressive people which is really weird they'll shit on Christians all day long and have no problem with it but they leave it Islam alone yeah and the reason why they leave Islam alone is because they don't want to get killed yeah and that's the reality
► 01:42:56llama phobia exact well that's the real Islam that's not criticizing it criticizing it is not islamophobia its lights just a legitimate criticism it's a ridiculous idea out there all ridiculous I think anytime you you've you buy into some rigid shit that was created way before people understood the world the way before people understood science way before people understood the distance between the Earth and the Sun and the Moon the rotation of the earth I mean think about all the shit that happened to Galileo when he tried to say
► 01:43:26that the Earth was in the center of the universe right mean that's all religion it's the the Inquisition it's all religion there's so many things that have been done horrible things in the name of the ideology one of the things just as much in the name of atheism of course Michael Shermer had a interesting piece on the differences between Islam and other religions and it was all essentially saying he's saying that it was the one religion that didn't go through the enlightenment had all these other relationships the all these other religions they sort of more
► 01:43:56then adapted to the new information you know obviously some less than others and obviously some mean when you see the fucking Pope dressed up like a wizard you got to go well obviously he's got some of that old crazy shit in his in his in his fucking War chest but he's this Pope is Bernie Sanders in a funny he is right he's an interesting one I think he's I think he's a faker I think what they did is they found some guy named along this is we're going to keep this thing rolling right yeah we like to have the gay bathhouse right
► 01:44:26of the Vatican you know I mean date they owned the largest gay bathhouse in Europe you know that right you know the whole story behind it storyline it let's talk about Islam why is not head like a why I am where I was raised yeah well that's also very different you know and one thing that you're right I just don't want to create a moral equivalency I think we can agree that pragmatically even if they have a gay bathhouse it's not the same as hundreds of millions of people who want you and I blown up no it's not I mean I think that's the difference in Catholicism like first of all they you know there's there's no
► 01:44:56you know trying to convert people they do obviously Shield child molesters I mean that was one of the reasons why the the last Pope had a step down and that guy the reason why the Vatican as someone that's why ratzinger had to step down oh yeah you know he's wanted for crimes against humanity they want to prosecute him for crimes against humanity that guy shielded child molesters the point with one of the guys he shielded went on to molest a hundred plus go deaf children I mean they fucking sent him they would take that even here I'm coming oh it's
► 01:45:26how dare you how dare you how dare you sneak that one in sorry but he was one of those guys and actively shielded people V I promise that knife you know I think people toss religion into the same thing as people of faith and you know Islam doesn't allow any sort of practice of Faith or relationship when we want to call it outside of their very specifically prescribed Doctrine when you talk about / specifically prescribed doctrines like how much of the Bible do you believe is real you know when I get
► 01:45:56each and every issue of the well how about dudes coming back from the dead and I can do it here you know what I think here's what I think here's I think Joe and I to be fair and you might this might take a real turn where you might get angry but I hope you don't doubt it its intellectual Aikido when you do that you need to have a Dinesh D'Souza on or Lawrence Tisdale on because you can say these things I'm not equipped for it I'm a black belt I have I've looked at the swath of evidence and I've made up my mind but if you see this stuff is crazy this well I've made my decision and it's likely to change and I'm like my faith has changed
► 01:46:26it has less you passed yeah I think certain parts of my faith have changed but my point is until you have someone on like that who's qualified to do it the same people who are going to be talking about sorry 911 being an inside job or whatever it is someone who is qualified to talk about 9/11 because it's not does complex I'm saying until you have someone on like that fuel doesn't make this point this is important because until you have someone on like that you're doing the monkey fists and Joe Rogan baby monkey I would do that and do that
► 01:46:56pound him handful guy you're doing that intellectually because you're not having someone who would be able to argue those points but I'm not here to Art in all fairness guess what I can't argue those points either if you have someone like that I would have to bring on an actual religious Scholars an atheist yeah but I mean you know you obviously have your you push it and you have every right to it's your problem you do as well if you go on and say that you're a Christian and I say well what do you believe yeah I think Just Between Two Gentlemen that's a fair discussion yeah but it's know there's there's no doubt that the way you approach it is Sir
► 01:47:26only more aggressive than someone who's an atheist
► 01:47:29then someone who isn't he yeah you give it more of a pass and someone to maybe claims to be a Christian but that's not even the main focus on what I talked about you know God I'm saying okay I got confused so you're saying I give atheist more of a path yeah you're more leeway oh am I don't believe in anything but I do sure they do but millions of people killed the name of atheism Stalin Mao oh no I mean no that's not what I mean I'm saying how much they do believe an ideology a lot of them there is an atheist ideology the New Asia hey but the atheist
► 01:47:59LG doesn't involve mysticism and Magic right some of it does look like what does when you have people who don't well let's let's use it this way right let's say I don't understand the Bible in its entirety I'm not okay Theologian do you really think the people who are going to be right now going there's ghosts dumbass understand the intricate science of the Big Bang well I don't think anybody understands the big that don't know when to start with your dog so there's no mess pretty sure something happened there's no mysticism to that
► 01:48:29well this definitely mean Terence McKenna had this brilliant thing about science you know and he was saying that science wants one Miracle they want one Miracle give us one miracle and then we'll allow everything else it will figure out will will explain to you multi-celled organisms will explain to you carbon molecules what we want is one mirror how did we want the paper down life know the Big Bang itself is the one Miracle the one hiding on then come from nothing well not just something come from nothing how does something
► 01:48:59more than the head of the pin explode and become the entire universe how to something that has so much mass and is so fucking infinitely small why does it explode like why does it explode right no even saying that the Big Bang existed I've never heard someone adequately adequately explain maybe I'm wrong but adequately explain why it happened right I don't think they know well yes and my point is today does anybody know does anybody say they know not that I know of I think they say they know the fan quartz when Ru about
► 01:49:29who's the dumbass like when he's a neurosurgeon the Big Bang is the one of the ones that I think you gotta go well I think they think that this happened because they have you know radio frequencies that they can discover and they could they could Monitor and measure and we know well Dawkins explanation how do you say there's no mysticism that maybe maybe these cells came on the back of crystals
► 01:49:52what is it that's what he said in the movie with Ben Stein will maybe we think that maybe some of these molecules came in you know on the backs of foreign crystals foreign crystals crystals came in the Big Bang how do we get this life and he was questioned on and I'm thinking that sounds mystical to me I think at a certain point something is taken on faith my point is this but we're argument is Islam Christianity all others we're talking pragmatically what's the effect what's the geopolitical effect what are the ramifications I think it's really easy to simplify and you want people in the comment section going with do you believe in
► 01:50:22Zombie Jesus who you know didn't exist that's what I'm saying yeah it's just as easy for someone to say so you someone is not us not you but you and your you know lounge chair with a box of Cheez-Its who has no concept of sign meaning these poor people contacting science whatsoever and turn it off into a sock believes that a bang happened and all of a sudden Joe Rogan's drinking is fresh French Press you can simplify anything in make it sound absurd and that's why I go back to I think they're smart people smarter than me on both sides and my mind
► 01:50:52is likely to change their mind is not likely to change in the Second Amendment my mind is not likely to change on Free Speech it's not likely to change the fact that Muhammad was a bastard well I'm certainly with you on a lot of that but I think that what they're talking about when they're talking about mystical occurrences during the time period of written history which is what they're talking about when you're talking about the the age of Jesus you're with these are like times where we do understand the parameters of
► 01:51:22actual possible things that could have happened sure you know like people coming back from the dead we have no evidence ever than anybody's ever been able to come back from the dead means doesn't it doesn't seem likely that this triple different conversation we also know that solar thoroughly share a possibility of a miracle would you require for the Big Bang and I require for I don't necessarily think I require a miracle for the big bang I think there's missing science I think that there's look first and there's missing evidence from the you know a good example
► 01:51:52all right this argument using right now okay I want to get this is I'm gonna feel like what is the hardest what argument but an argument was used for a long time is kind of what yours there's no proof of this well for the longest time people said because David was a huge influential historical figures right and are going well David up until 1993 the going this is a guy this giant Kingdom right this is the guy there should be some historical evidence and there's none until 1993 boom more evidence than you could possibly imagine on David his name on marble Stone here is David here is his kingdom as a historical figure now nobody denies that he existed and
► 01:52:22deny that the lineage of the Kings who were listed in the Old Testament existed when they claim to now before that the big argument was there would be some kind of proof of King David and there isn't well the real issue that's not evidence of absence yeah the real issue with that argument is any time you're dealing with things that are 2,000 years old right plus like good luck finding anything yeah but we didn't know yeah I mean we find some things meaning but I'm saying like saying well I'm arguing for you I'm saying like saying that something doesn't exist because we haven't found evidence like boy there's not a lot of evidence
► 01:52:52from 2000 years ago right mean that is a long fucking time and 2000 years of erosion and water and natural disasters and all mean everything gets lost we have a great bit on that and I had a bit similar that sucked and I asked it because you said it better was if I send you into the forest how long before you send me an email I see if you I send you into the woods with a hatchet how long you can send me an e sorry I mentioned it it's a great that yeah simplifies it and I was like I had a bit about like going back to the witch trials and trying to explain to them
► 01:53:22germ theory in a microscope and it just didn't work and I heard you do that as a client ones getting rid of that well my bit was about dumb people outbreeding smart people and by the way this came out before that what does that movie about retards can't say idiocracy idiocracy it came out but the bit was on TV before idiocracy okay so people used to little bit know why don't we before that almost exactly like yours on vegans and milk oh I'm not I'm not asking it because I like it let's keep going anything I'm on yourself let you steal my shit it's right
► 01:53:5295 there's evidence of me doing it back 208 that's go on just doing it before that were you doing the vegan before it milk house yeah it had to be formed it took a while well yeah 25-minute vegan bit put it on TV I think in 2013-14 isn't Colorado Rockies yeah that was a but I had ideas for that for a while the milk part was just one part of it the real part was about the won't shut the fuck up about being vegans yeah but the thing about the the Idiocracy
► 01:54:22thing the was about the pyramids was about the dumb people outbreeding smart people yeah and that like if one day like what would we do if one day no one fuck the smart people and we didn't even realize that they died off and then one day the power just shuts off and what do you do when the power shuts off I don't know what you do but I just sit around and wait because I figure well if somebody yeah it sounds good yeah but after a while like we'd be wandered through the streets like who's fucking turn the power buys anybody do you guys know nothing hear anything fuck that's Michaels I like what can't there's a wire
► 01:54:52here yeah and I'm plugs in there and that's about the extent you're not very few people because of the compartmentalization of our society is very few people if any that understand all of it that understand the power grid that understand the purification of the water that understand the government that understand the the computers technology the internet there's very few people that could recreate all the things yeah and most of us rely on a bunch of other people that are experts in order to keep this insane Machinery call
► 01:55:22Knology going so my theory on the pyramids was that dumb people out fuck the smart people and left behind this whole thing and then the dumb people would show up there was no one in the pyramid the radical oh supposed to get our checks on Friday and there's nobody there and then eventually they somewhere there's math no centricity down there that needs to be protested well there was the thing the burning of the Library of Alexandria I mean that really is kind of evidence of that that's what really would happen I mean in there that's the other thing that people like
► 01:55:52a lot of black people are African Americans want to talk about you know the pyramids and that the pyramids were built by black people but it's they were built by Africans for sure because Egypt was Africa and it is in Africa but the people from the South like there was there was a blacker Africans that came in and killed the Egyptians that were there and that's why the weren't the Sphinx has an African face as an African looking face as opposed to you've look at fine African Faith why why
► 01:56:22troll riveted Clips yeah don't you love with Sean King yeah the pictures of the kids strawberry blond I do you see him yet started like Earth and every picture he takes he's flaring his nostrils he's breathing in and like that is the most racist thing it's like hold on let me get a black-tie lecture but I did that you look kind of like gorillas like a really likes you know sniff what you trying to say black people who had grown oh you you son of a bitch I can't believe you well that's what just happened with Quentin Tarantino when you see that where he said he's Savage
► 01:56:52I think pieces people wrote about me and they go he said Savage he's calling black people Savages I was like that's the thing with these that you know what you know is more leftist same thing with Matt Damon I just love seeing these people are progressive and they like to separate from themselves and the social justice Warrior cult it's the monster they've created it they deserve to be desirable Amy Schumer got attacked she got attacked for some of the bits that she did on her show she's up on stage pushing gun control with with her third cousin twice removed I think she deserves well you do realize that she had a movie that came
► 01:57:22out there was a mass shooting in the movie theater where her movie was being played I mean that's got a fuck with your head yeah I'm sure oh they were playing train wreck while some guy opened fire their form directly responsible and I'm going to remove your right to self-preservation they don't follow the logic Trail is she trying to remove you're right I mean is she what is she trying to say I don't know what she's really pushing legislation with Chuck there in New York Chuck who Schumer Senator it's yeah part of her oh that is one of her cousins like third removed just when she's up on stage pushing that you know I talked about it when you
► 01:57:52have Sarah Silverman saying it's time to for comedians to get with the times and when you have Harrison Greenbaum coming on saying I'll support Free Speech but I won't support hate speech it's a very you know you have a lot of comedians who came out and said that what Nicole Arbour said which is wildly offensive and fat shaming the Cold War was a girl with the you can affect shaming thing they see that YouTube video I just thought wasn't well done and I thought when she went on The View first of all you walking right into the lions den the bunch of chubby broads on that show you know well they've got the reimann sum up Raven Symone now well was really high
► 01:58:22Aries is one of their arguments was you know a lot of people just get addicted to certain foods like is I think that's what she's saying what that well thanks Michelle Collins comedian are Joy Behar comedian yeah and and they're giving her the rules on Comedy well she didn't do a good job defending herself because she tried to do stick not about like someone offended I'm not gonna do that Michelle Collins & Joy Behar should absolutely feel ashamed for telling her like Joy behar's going you know but listen you're a skinny blonde you know whatever I make my jokes because I'm fat I
► 01:58:52Ashok about myself you have to be so really Joy Behar you're a Christian conservative because that's how you make fun of all the time it's a stupid stupid idea now they're prescribing rules of Comedy once they're offended and I won't go down that trail at all and I don't think Nicole Arbor is funny but that's what they're going to do they're going to attack you and say I don't think you're funny therefore you shouldn't say this I'm not going to say I couldn't agree more in that way yeah and I think that what she did was kind of clunky but you know she's not I don't think she's a real standard she is is she yeah from Canada she's not she's not fantastic
► 01:59:22like I said I don't think she's a real stand-up now listen it was that you know what though think about it though I really believe that the your kind of in America Canada art of its North America really do want to get it sort of so I guess all those Canadians there and the shows which you took part they were idiots they weren't funny they listen very funny guys not stand ups yeah but they're still coming about that hmm well you know comedian actually in French Canadian means actor I to I asked if they were stand up okay stand-ups well she did he slow he's actually doing stand-up now
► 01:59:52now they will BAC was for a while last time I spoke to him he's started doing stand-up to pay the bills he's got a horrible horrible horrible divorce story Dave Foley if you go and Google the day Foley divorced or I believe it's online and YouTube clip that Brandon made it's fucking insane but my point is let's go back this is important okay Michelle Collins yo Behar Sarah Silverman Amy Schumer that should adjust
► 02:00:22have your BS meter flinging on it should be gone fire in so hot your catch out ghost fat Channel nothing but when Sarah Silverman says it's not hard to get with the times when Amy Schumer pushes for gun control what is Sarah Silverman saying that about about gun control now she was saying about comedy what she was asked about and what is what is allowable and what's not she's like well you know I defend Free Speech but yeah it's not hard to get with the times like I used to say gay and I don't think you should say that and she's basically saying that's gay
► 02:00:52say yeah now but it's not about that's gay hmm it's about either it's all okay Jim Norton makes a great art people don't acknowledge how intelligent he is he's very intelligent I love Jimmy they're all okay or none of it so yeah well I had a whole bit about this in my last special you probably saw it like the whole thing about the about not being able to joke about things right you know and I'm saying I when I say things on stage when I'm joking I do not mean them they're like I say a bunch of crazy shit and the
► 02:01:22and I say that crazy shit is because it's funny right and if it's not funny I wouldn't say it but there are some things that I say that are absolutely not true and I say them just because they're funny but there's some things that are true yeah like here's one my wife is tired of fucking me I go but she still it's true but she net she doesn't she doesn't say no because if she did a draper so that's not true a joke around I go I wouldn't rape her the worst I do is hold her down titty fuck her butt cheeks that's not true either I wouldn't do that either and it's like
► 02:01:52this whole series of things it gets more and more Preposterous yeah I go I'm joking do you get it you see how it's going on here about raping anybody she's like one of my favorite people I wouldn't written that I'd say the whole rest of it but it's like the idea is you know singing down it is not stand up is not truth it is sometimes true right but it is what is funny is that Marilyn answer you know I'm fucking around right now you can't anymore and here's the thing the progressive left sorry like Silverman's the Schumer's the Harrison green bombs
► 02:02:22Joy Behar child shall count by saying sorry and then doing things sorry these names because I know their style you're probably your friends but when I aim is my friend and Sarah's my friend have I really enjoyed their I mean I was a kid when they were doing stand-up you know I think Sarah's one of the best comics on the planet I really did but she was a shock comic of course it was a big part of her yes so she saying it's not hard to get with the time so really what she's saying is you can joke about this but don't joke about this and it's sort of like the wealthy 1% protecting their wealth a lot of these established comedians now
► 02:02:52so what applies to you didn't apply to me and that's something a lot of these kids now you're going to see it migrated the people who are the real free speech Warriors like the sargon's of a cat like the Karen's tron's maybe they're not all comedians but they're going to be online because stand-up is not the environment that you came up and you may be able to say what you want to say but let me let me paint a picture for you okay because you're super wealthy and you're successful and I'm not worthy but I'm talking about the kid who's coming up and I don't know Omaha Nebraska or maybe even here at the Laugh Factory at open mic night who you don't
► 02:03:22the Laugh Factory open mic night to make you stay in line I can imagine day and then you come back a week later it's bullshit the point is that could gets up and makes a tranny joke right right someone complains and threatened with a lawsuit maybe the booker isn't a social justice Warrior but you think he's gonna say you know what let's just booked another comic I'm not going to take that risk that's what happens and for me to see comedians supporting it I think you're seeing this sort of a passing of the guard with stand up to a lot of these truth-tellers online because they're not beholden to those rules right I see what you're saying
► 02:03:52I don't know what Sarah meant when she said that I don't know what context she said it in that's fair but when you say that she's a shock comic most of our shocking stuff was kind of self-deprecating like most of her shock I mean she wasn't attacking people well Jesus Is Magic was obvious you look at it there was a lot of stuff that was designed to prod Christians which is fine it's funny but Christians don't try and kill you right I see what you're saying well I haven't seen your dad he called Shiny Happy Jihad I saw that yeah it was it was good was it
► 02:04:22a little risky it was a little risky but I like what you did but you didn't think to that was way more risky thank you Joe yeah mine was just jokes about like suicide bombers Joe my jokes were like you know that like that I understand suicide bombings I was raised Catholic like in no Catholics believe in it that much right like there's never going to be a Catholic suicide bomber because we just don't believe in it that much well I'm incredibly critical of Catholicism you know being raised in Quebec people understand and the United States at first of all the right shoot
► 02:04:52talking about ironically when you're saying you don't want to rigid religion those rights come from people who said they came from God it doesn't come from man it doesn't come from wall so that is a part of our laws here well it also came from people that didn't have the internet they were writing things down but I found out where they come from that was very unique this was the first society that said okay these rights don't come from us that come from God that was why freedom of speech exists right here but it's also the first Society established itself the difference between church and state yes know exactly and if you read the you know like for example the separation of church and state
► 02:05:22doesn't exist it's not in the Constitution it's written from a taken from a private letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists where he was talking about no establishment of a state denomination because they were afraid of a certain denomination taking over fast-forward Quebec where I was raised I went to public school I went to Catholic School Catholicism is the the provincial denomination in Quebec the United States didn't want that and a big portion of it is if you look in Europe and you look in Canada where Catholicism was so overbearing any of these beautiful cathedrals in Montreal that are entirely
► 02:05:52we empty people reject the oppressive thumb of religion and that's why more Christians exist in the United States not because they're stupid in her bumpkins but because they didn't have the oppressive religion so they didn't reject it as readily I say so it makes sense what yeah so your public school was a religious school yeah was and was not a Catholic I got sent home quite a few times for argue with the teachers what did you argue about well I bitched when I wasn't allowed to take communion because I
► 02:06:22taking commune with my parents for a long time and my dad was like do you understand what this is yeah I understand he's okay explain it to me okay fine you can take the bread from the basket but Catholic Church you can't do it it's a whole ceremony and couldn't you because I was in Catholic has hidden efficiently text the Catholic Catholicism you didn't go through a catechism wrong all that and then I also had one and this will sound really silly to The Atheist audience who aren't Christians so I'll get off it but they were teacher with some about what's a saint kids in my school was Saint Francis of Assisi and my parents always really clear like I had a dad who gave me the sex talk when I was three
► 02:06:52he gave me sort of three three damn I got sent I got a call of a preschool this is a the like this that sounds like a home alone Crockett's like no that's like Dahmer eras joke yeah well he didn't want me to learn about it in school and think it was dirty okay so I got it really young and I actually even preschool Catholic school they were talking about what's funny or name was Miss Mary and her daughter was in my class Monica and so she was giving us the whole like stork business and this is in preschool
► 02:07:22M45 and I go no that's not let me break it down for you works but the prophet and then hurt her daughter was in class so whatever lies she tells it home she has to keep alive for the class because their daughters their rights or daughters like there's no it's that there's no egg it's a tin can in the tummy in and it baby grows in a tin can at this point I'm going like when my dad told me your penis vagina egg self-realization you know how old were you I would have been four so four she's talking about tin cans but talk about tin cans and I go up to the teacher I'm like well you're you know Monica saying it's a tin can
► 02:07:51an intelligent girl she was Steven it's a tin can like a pecan what a bitch and I go home while your kid lying to me well that's I go home and we're asking my dad I got that is there like it can and woman's stomach and this is just for my dad as he never baby tacos just goes no that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life I wouldn't lie to you and that was it wow so I knew that stuff I want to you got in trouble for that well yeah cause he had to keep the live for her daughter like what kind of trouble they can't go home like he's Stephens being inappropriate wow I've that was my fucking kid if I went to school in
► 02:08:22dumb cunt is trying to tell my kid there's a tin can grown inside some woman's uterus Jesus Christ well my dad did my dad went in and we had a teacher I'll say her name because I can't stand her mrs. Lake she kicked me out of class mrs. mrs. Lake you know why she kicked me out of class why because I said there were 50 states she argued they were 52
► 02:08:42what were the other two Alaska and Hawaii but that's 48 and the lower 48 and 52 as well as 57 well I mean it's probably really tired to work when he was running for president he might have fucking tired that guy must have been just when he was running right wasn't it especially with how much he drinks does he drink huh yeah it was an annual physical that came back like you're mostly good just stop drinking so much really
► 02:09:12I didn't know this but was released yeah people tell me is anyone who has recently and you were scheduled bushes physical know you're not like them you never saw he was running marathons his last year of his presidency benched 205 for 5 reps that's pretty good for an old dude that's not bad he's got that like chimpanzee why are we strengthen me but that old Charles Bronson deal yeah well he does a lot of really shitty paintings to you ever see this part we're gonna push never seen this artwork I haven't no oh it's real horrendously bad Perfect Getaway right want to bring up Lena Dunham's dad's paintings yeah
► 02:09:42I want to also bring up why I keep we keep bringing her up you had a really good video because she dusts are bringing her up how dare you yeah I really don't know her I don't know you Lena I'm sure you're a very nice person she's like the video was very interesting because you were you were talking about this this whole story where she come up with this book and in the book she was talking about a time that she was raped but you highlighted her actual words that like when she was with
► 02:10:12Sky she started talking dirty to him this is before they even had sex yeah she started talking dirty and to asking him if she if he wanted to do this and he wanted to do that and then he did those things and then her friends were saying I'm right behind you got raped like I was like what what kind of a fucking world are we living in that people are talking about that and not highlighting the ambiguity of talking dirty to somebody not highlighting the mixed signals and you
► 02:10:42went over that I thought very respectfully I thought you did it very and I failed it wasn't meant to be respectful at all you were on you were honest about I didn't you weren't insulting you know was insult I dressed up like Lena Dunham yeah that's true that is that it's all friends face now but if you dress up like me is that if you're a girl and you were this fucking shirt is that it might going to be insulted that's not insulting to me if you dressed like me I never mind against all come in like you well Dad you would be a guy dressing like a guy but I'm saying if you were a girl and you dress like me
► 02:11:12I be like that insulting bitch like why would that be insulting I don't understand that well because I mocked her well you mocked what she said and you also mocked it because it was being paraded around as if it made sense and it's could fucking confusing well that's the whole promise you
► 02:11:32yeah yeah these are you wearing a wig yeah beautiful deeper wig I was like when I'm like when I should change your hair so many times she's a little little Lord Fauntleroy a whatever it is haircut the tides I see I had yeah I guess this is this is old yeah I was pretty mocking no that's an old well that's an old one that's right now repaired one yeah this is a parody one the other one you weren't dressed like that no I was wait you were just like having my sister Lena Dunham my pointed the media doesn't call her on it and so and this is where I talk about content we all have Blind Spot while they did not only did
► 02:12:02not talk to they didn't call her on it they didn't make her explain wow like this is a like explode if you could tell the story because a lot of people probably don't know what we're even talking about tell the story that is in her book so Lena Dunham claims she was raped in her book she claims she was raped by a mustachioed republican she codenamed him bury she said it was a night where muscle relaxers an Axe and alcohol took them back to her place she was peeing in a parking lot and he
► 02:12:31stuck his fingers in her nether regions and then she got home and she wasn't sure how she felt about it and she went ahead with it talk dirty to him then I think while they're finishing up she saw a condom in the house plant realize he had taken off a condom and then the next morning her friends told her she had been raped so everyone runs to this and they hold her out as this rape Survivor and here's the thing it's not that hard to track down the guy she's talking about I'm not a journalist it took about three or four phone calls and I won't get and I really want to go to that because the guy obviously you know can destroy his life raise accused of raping
► 02:13:02one has a wife and kids here's the thing too with well it wasn't a republican either right yeah I don't like in the personal stuff but okay you know comes to no need to because I don't want to stray his life I mean that just friends you know people say rape destroys your life it does but falsely accusing a guy of rape is incredibly destructive as well yeah and they don't have any recourse the legal system is entirely designed to prosecute end of story and you know same thing if you want to get custody of your kids so no one called her on it and that's why did the video on that if this is a huge
► 02:13:31disservice to rape victims to women who are actually raped you know Lena Dunham goes out and says 1 in 4 women are raped I will tell you this I don't believe that statistic in the general population it's far less but it like feminist film festivals I think for out of three women are raped every one their claims to have been raped and these you'd think you know the more attractive you are the chances of being raped would go up right I'm not robbing Family Dollar I'm gonna go for the Jeweler but apparently there's a distant epidemic of purple pitted fatty androgynous ambiguous
► 02:14:02- just getting raped by roaming packs that's what they want us to believe well well it depends on what how you Define rape because regret was rape all P all regretful P Envy what they teach in college wrestling the penis and vagina regretful penis in vagina is rape yeah that that one is a really weird one to me I talked to Thaddeus Russell on the podcast about Occidental College where they had that case where these two kids got drunk and they had sex and the girl was saying to her friends I'm about to get laid
► 02:14:31Adele AA you know he coming over do you have condoms texting this guy guy comes over to have sex afterwards they she decides someone decides that it was it was rape because she was intoxicated completely ignoring the fact that he was intoxicated as well yeah they were both drunk kids that had sex and you know what man when I was young that's what it was it was drunk people had sex and nobody felt like they got raped because they were drunk my wife rips me on the regular people make mistakes you know I mean people
► 02:15:02I've had sex with people I go after it was over like probably shouldn't drink so much we've all we've all been there for you when talking we've all been there before everybody who drinks and is Young and especially when you're young you don't really know how to drink well you don't eat it ya you don't have a large database of things to pull back from like okay I've been down this road before the third shot of Jack is where shit goes down he'll write you know people purple-haired 5x5 feminist starts looking pretty good people make mistakes man and you
► 02:15:31can't say that it's a fucking crime because you both engage in the consensual activity but you don't like it after it was over so it doesn't matter but my point was that kid the boy got kicked out of the college the girls stayed they were both exactly they both participated they both were agreeable they both they mean she asked him come over do you have condoms he said I'm on my way they got together they had sex and because there was alcohol involved the girl was raped which is insane well
► 02:16:01this girl we followed the others gone on like almost invariably these cases come up and they're just lies there just follow the Rolling Stone story yeah the Rolling Stone story but Lena Dunham is so bad because then she's holding she's holding herself out of this rape Survivor and you know she's molested a little sister and she just a bad human being and you can bring up her dad's paintings Carroll Dunham I mean there's some weird stuff that Williams Carol yeah can we bring that up her dad's name Carol can we do this these are dudes named Carol Carol Shelby yeah go Shelby Carol
► 02:16:31Shelby that's all he drew wait a minute what the fuck is that that's her dad's painting oh my God her dad's got a painting of a woman her ass no not a that's all he drew that was his thing just a woman from behind asses and vaginas Angry Vagina and is weird cart yeah they're like baboon asses yeah now you don't think some weird stuff went on in that household oh and this is the girl I mean she what did she do to her sister there was something that she admitted some should like she
► 02:17:01Jim with her fingers she said cause her sister put pebbles in her vagina and she also said she would like she acted like a predator where she would try and lure her sister like pay her to kiss her and she masturbated in bed next to her little sister what the fuck are these drawings yeah do you want to tell this is a healthy balanced individual come on like let's just add up that you can't guarantee it but add up the pieces to the puzzle and she's the feminist she's the new Barbra Streisand right she's out there and my issue
► 02:17:31was the media didn't call on a front-page huffpo CNN MSNBC Lena Dunham bravely comes out about being a rape Survivor and when I see leftist go in the corporate media man and they're buying Lena Dunham wholesale that's what bothers me looks at one this picture discussed fucking strange you just get you know if you ever seen Jack kevorkians drawings I saw it yes some of them yeah like what the fuck this is kind of along this line along those lines where it's like okay I mean I'm a big fan of artistic freedom
► 02:18:02we should be able to do whatever the fuck you want but can we not show this on YouTube that way you're not putting it up online
► 02:18:08okay people are gonna have to I'm just looking at it they're over 18 well itís a seems to me like God damn it man this is really weird shit so Chic is racing that subjectification to mean this isn't just a beautiful remote face yes just Angry Vagina that's what I'm saying well they're all but holes and anger vaginas and when you do get a head-on view Jamie click on the one above the head on view you don't see the face look at that girl that like in the middle there on that yeah right there that looks at me from the rain exactly it's great what the fuck is going on with her
► 02:18:37balls first of all she looks like she's dead and drowning right or she's drowned and now she's pale and white that looks like a drowning victim like her legs are under water would claim it's pointing out the irony or the pay I don't know it's just so striking and patriarchy so that's my point is she's emblematic of everything that's wrong with social justice Warrior culture and our show just sucks which one is that a what shows up Girls on HBO I've never seen it well you know it's the perfect example right you hear about it everywhere everyone all these Emmys they're lucky to get six hundred thousand viewers on girls the ratings
► 02:19:07has are terrible but HBO wants to push it because they believe the messaging is important what's the messaging that's all the feminist leftist tolerance BS that Lena Dunham pushes they've decided Lena Dunham is important enough that they're going to prop her up despite the fact that an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm or Game of Thrones can get 10 times the viewership but it's important for the rape Survivor to have a show and it's not true is that really why you think they do it you don't think that the for-profit Enterprise why would they do it otherwise well don't you think they think they do it because it like balances out their
► 02:19:37jamming or make some seem more erudite balances it out from what HBO is always to the left no one like things like Game of Thrones isn't to the left oh yeah Game of Thrones is inconsequential as you know the kind of kids who will argue fucking awesome first of all watch your tongue sir I am not a big fan how dare you I'm not a big fan of my friend Natasha Leggero she calls it make em ups she doesn't like any fiction she's like I don't like make em ups because he just make shit up like oh all sudden she gave birth to dragons
► 02:20:07you can't just make stuff up like that well you can't A Game of Thrones yeah I don't know I just didn't I just couldn't get into it while walking dead is my show okay here's my take on The Walking Dead the new one is fucking better I like the Warlock then it's better with the dad enter shots played a terrorist until this role well he's only for been poor guy but you know he broke out of it man he did good for him you know what Ross for the brown seal is an episode on a bring it up but when he went ja I don't want to bring it up one of my line he went jogging and he comes home he's all sweaty
► 02:20:37then the next scene it doesn't have any sweat in the next scene he's sweating if you're looking back yeah they go back and forth for him being soaked with sweat and no sweat and socks wet very very shitty job whoever was the the set person that dealt with the Wardrobe continuity with the the sweat spray well that's a real problem with girl octo because Lena Dunham has a severe perspiration problem she doesn't shower as well what do you mean she doesn't shower I'm making stuff up I want to show how dare you see now you're part of the problem
► 02:21:07this is doing to Lena Dunham but you are what you are is what they think you are that so can you just you'll be nobody to deafen and I am me the Chamois what someone like Lena Dunham you claim rape falsely I know I've I know someone very close to me who was raped the same thing you know my wife and I we volunteer but you're her more so it is Special Needs place and so when people Fain this offense a tree retarded I've watched special needs people call other special needs people retarded and while the problem is retarded doesn't mean Down syndrome
► 02:21:37just doesn't and you know the real what they used to put on people's birth certificates when they were born with Down Syndrome they used to call them Mongoloid idiots that was literally what they used to put the medical term for someone who had Down syndrome like what retarded is to retard growth what does that mean that you are slow you are behind like if you're a fucking dummy you're retarded but you know the word retarded gotta talk like Schism osteopathic means sorry I'm late your daughter needs to be
► 02:22:07late to be slow to arrive it comes from this all the romance lat language has come from Latin and so that's where it comes from will just like negro is not racist until people said it was racist and I forgot to tell all the United Negro College Fund sir well how about the only other way CP that's the craziest One National Association for the advancement of colored people like what when I was we say funny about her that was funny about that woman you know the Rachel dolezal chick who was actually really white and pretending to be black and had the fake tan and all
► 02:22:37- it's hilarious but what's hilarious is she is of color she's white you know I mean it was not only that the NAACP was founded by white people was made by white progressives yeah and when it was founded black people couldn't even hold they couldn't be in a position of leadership they weren't allowed to which is kind of fucked up well what's funny what I find so funny about her as now the whole transphobic thing is the New Movement I think she has a black baby inside of her she yeah more like pregnant cycle yeah she's brings Cameron sci-fi film listen she's
► 02:23:07he's pregnant and you know that she's fucking black eyes right she said I don't know it for a fact I am I wouldn't doubt it I'm gonna bet a lot I'm gonna call Joe Rogan I'm pushing the fucking pilot chips and that she fucked a black guy not to say anything wrong with that yours will have no problem with that whatsoever I just want to say that right away but I think maybe she wanted to have be a little more black eyeshadow Shaun King to I mean listen you have likely don't aspire to they don't aspire to be you know Architects and aspire to be
► 02:23:37aspire to be professional victims that we that's what you have the Sean Kings we have with Rachel dolezal well there's money in that there's not just money there's this there's I mean I shouldn't say there's money in it but what I should say there's there's success in that like if you can tap into that vein quite easily it doesn't require a lot of thinking and you you immediately get people that won't challenge it because it's one of those things like if you if you become one of those people that becomes a professional victim but you don't get challenged much it's just
► 02:24:07it's hand and I can see the headlines right now it's Salon two white guys talk about the Black American left well in all fairness I am Sicilian mostly and that means that I am of mixed Heritage that means Mike there's a black man hi Terrance would pile somewhere there were raped by the Moors you saw True True Romance that's the fact Mike fucking grandparents are from Sicily that's black man jumping out of the shed somewhere down with one of your female and I think it's more of a dark Muslim character right the Moors I think they were there from Africa there's one thing I thought about Rachel dolezal
► 02:24:38you've got right about a lot I do I do the sideshow Bob is just does it for me I think you Cho bomb in a sideshow Bob hairdo oh I don't even know what you mean that it's funny wasn't such Obama trusty sidekick that's where it's from that's can you picture it now yeah I can you bring up such a think about this for a second well she had to do that oh that's hilarious it's so perfect that's hilarious
► 02:25:07but she had to do that in order to look well that's a funny she did the black white girl hair so she got the perm but then she like the light brown think of Barrett you're not the only one look who did it better ha ha ha here's the crazy thing okay Jose will transracial is not a thing transgender isn't anything well that's what I'm saying like Caitlyn Jenner or Fallon Fox right Caitlyn Jenner can go through hormone replacement therapy get all the plastic surgery start changing his voice and guess what people see him and they still realize that's a dude
► 02:25:37you know it's Rachel dolezal slapped on a tan and a perm and fooled the n-double-a-cp you tell me what's more realist well she did go to an all black college and she got a scholarship day right yeah but you go to Morehouse I don't know her I know shocking I know Shaun King got the black thing from Oprah would you mean yeah you got some kind of a scholarship for being a victim of a hate crime as a black guy but what's funny is the actual police report from that crime he checked the Caucasian box
► 02:26:06so it's not only on your birth certificate that's a who's on first routine in the police station no I hate crime he has a black man you checked Caucasian that's right oh my God fuck I forgot what I was gonna say because we were talking about that's so funny you broke my brain a transgender things oh so that's what it was my fucking five year old man was watching Caitlyn Jenner on the the show whatever it was when I am cait whatever and she goes mommy
► 02:26:36I wasn't a man dressed like a girl the five-year-old said that and my wife just covered her mouth like this yeah that was me with my dad because my rights and my daughter was serious she was serious she's like Mommy why is that man dressed like a girl she don't say it's normal it's useful if you say it's a little weird she's beautiful you go girl my friend Whitney Cummings our I talked about this too many times I can't talk about anymore she put it on her Instagram hero with a picture of him I up I don't see a fireman yeah okay I'm not
► 02:27:05I don't see a first responder any killed a guy yes a girl woman oh girl that's right pushed her into a real woman pushed her into traffic by spacing out behind the wheel slamming any fun here Buck Angel Who challenged me to a fight because I wrote about Fallon Fox and I was like did you write I wrote that okay this was my argument this is a long time ago I wrote when I was at Fox News and before anyone else was talking about it I said okay because it wasn't really a national story right Christian cyborg right she
► 02:27:36belt remove the strike force because I found it a she popped for steroids remember because she took male hormone growth hormone that's right so they said okay that's enough we're going to take away your belt right why because there's an unfair Advantage well it's not just an unfair Advantage it's a banned substance it's not even natural to your body right well my whole point is Fallon Fox has been taking steroids her whole life they're called balls all right because if you actually look at a woman taking steroids it's still nowhere near the hormonal advantage that a man has over a woman as a matter of fact Arnold Schwarzenegger
► 02:28:05you're like a walking human pincushion in his prime doesn't enjoy the hormonal advantage over me that I enjoy over the basic woman it's that much of a gap so to act like it goes away because you know you grab a hair straightener and you put on a bikini it's just not accurate and she and Buck Angel was like out and if I'm like first off there's a reason for weight classes secondly of course we need to have the HIV testing all that because you're a porn star thirdly I'm not going to fight you you wouldn't fight Buck bucks a nice guy
► 02:28:36but he's not that big and you're a lot bigger person and by and Buck has one male frame she has small hands and small shoulders and this is nothing but it's John in the bully pulpit right a got a woman like that nowhere else I'd be like hey Steven I want to fight you but because you said this about Fallon Fox was entirely accurate by the way and I stand by it I walk it back 0 the whole trans Community has to tell me I'm hateful meanwhile Fallon Fox just beaten the crap out of women and you know there's no technique there Fallon Fox is not a good fighter
► 02:29:05it's just pure strength it looks very much like domestic violence well it does when you watch it it really does and she's not very very technical and there's also really a problem there's my friend Steph Daniels wrote a piece for bloody elbow she wrote several pieces about this issue and she did a very good job of being completely objective and interviewing a bunch of different experts on it and she found that there is a big discrepancy between gender reassignment doctors quote unquote
► 02:29:36experts who have one opinion on it that you are a woman now you have no advantages whatsoever and those are the people that they've talked to the you know the ioc and they you know made it so that in the Olympics is no discrepancy but I my my position is as a Combat Sports expert I think there's a giant difference between having a male frame and a female frame then there's this woman dr. Ramo necrotic who is they wrote a piece for bloody elbow
► 02:30:06and she went into great detail she's an endocrinologist during board-certified endocrinologist wanted to great detail about the significant advantages in bone density and the fact that the bone density not only does it not decrease with the use of estrogen but estrogen is in fact what keeps bone density and women that's one of the reasons why when women drop their estrogen as they get older they start getting osteoporosis right and so she was saying that you have an advantage it preserves it not only that there's advantages in terms of reaction time
► 02:30:35the the average man measurement everything physically lucentio percent 10 percent faster reaction time than a woman which is massively significant when you talking about striking when you see guys like Roy Jones jr. they lose a tick still faster than you or me by a long shot but he loses all I don't know bro I Branch 275 bro dude I hear you bro you don't know the rage that I get I don't my mental but he enjoyed Isa
► 02:31:08you'd have to kill me but the reaction times quicker and also the fact that you live your whole life as a man like your body is your tendon strength or so many different thing so dr. Armond a Critic you know puts his peace out they fucking attack Steffi they attacked her they write they great job ruining all your great work because she had interviewed all these different people with different opinions wasn't even her opinion no she
► 02:31:35she went to a board-certified endocrinologist who had an objective point of view right and this person said yes there's significant advantages here they are scientifically laid out here's something I wrote about that no one else really talks about all these organic sort of leftist hippie granola right they want organic and they don't want bpa's well what's the big problem with PPA right we need you know xenoestrogens the people talk about it mimics estrogen in the body and that leads to cancer right too many ostriches too much estrogen in the body they talk about that drinking hormones in the milk they talk about that with BP
► 02:32:05Jay and pesticides so we all widely acknowledged that estrogen elevated Beyond normal levels in the human body is probably not great right for human health right when injected directly into your ballsack however we're supposed to turn a blind eye and say well the science isn't in yet for the transgender Community but don't drink on that plastic bottle make sure it's Amazin jar they got lids for that you know but we have to but when they're doing direct estrogen injections well we don't know really well then don't buy organic and drink up your BPA it be
► 02:32:35comes an ideological issue more that becomes a scientific or shoe and you you are not allowed it's like we were talking about when we were talking about abortion earlier you're not allowed to have a varying opinion right like you have to stay within the lines like you said that I'm considered you know I'd be considered left-wing by a lot of people but I'm on I'm in the NRA I'm not like I didn't want to bring it up I can't be left when I talk about it I think you should be allowed to have guns I don't think that guns are bad I think we have a I've wrote about this that we have mental health problems
► 02:33:05problem disguise as a gun problem and that's that's a real problem there's a real issue with mental health in this country and I don't know if it's Unique to this country or if the problem is that these people that have these mental health issues have more access to guns and they have another States or in other countries rather but I don't think the issue is removing the guns I think the issue is trying to figure out as an advanced Society with a nuanced objective point of view why people would ever want to kill a bunch of people they don't know right
► 02:33:35what is it that is causing folks do that not what are the tools they're using to do that that doesn't make any sense to me and taking those tools away from people that would never do that I know so many hunters and so many people that are gonna enthusiasts that are the nicest fucking people in the world and don't do a goddamn thing wrong every day and to think that you can take away their rights the own firearms because one crazy person does something right what are we going to do of crazy people just drive into crowds what are we going to do when
► 02:34:05someone stops on the gas and heads towards an outdoor mall just plows over a bunch of people because they have demons in their head because they didn't take their pills that day I mean we got to take away the right to drive I mean it seems like we're going down that road anyway with these these cars that are going to be self-driving I mean there's going to be issues involving the rights of people to just decide to go out for a drive the Second Amendment is the right to self-preservation you know when people go like well why do you get so well you want to have back when people at muskets right why did a video on that you do realize that's completely
► 02:34:36penis small penis the puckle gun during dhoni air rifle built in Flintlock you know those guns yeah that's good fire 30 rounds in a second you know we're 20 seconds we have a letter from I think was Madison to a private ship where they said hey can we have cannons to stop piracy second of course you can have cannons so they knew as a matter fact they had placed orders for some of these high capacity really Advanced weapons that just wasn't cost effective for the American government when will the Second Amendment drafted gosh I don't know I'm terrible with numbers
► 02:35:05purrs but the puckle gun in the belt and Flintlock and a lot of these guns already exist was like a peasant before the outlaw Josie Wales Gatlin gun yes those with this shit yeah I did a video on how you can help send it to you afterwards but December 15 1791 drafted yeah Bill of Rights okay hmm interesting that's why I never do the numbers 1791 they the gun stock now let's be honest look at about Google Belton Flintlock Paco gone please but Google is your and dhoni air rifle that's what they used outfit Lewis and Clark
► 02:35:35you're doing a rifle really yeah fascinating Weaponry there was a first off that's not the argument you want to get into because the first amendment doesn't only apply to a printing press right it doesn't will do Leo's needn't have the internet back then people had feathers they wrote with feathers just can't just put anything you want on a Blog right I mean that's really the argument right isn't that the argument comical you've had in the show how about fucking on arrest Thompson I mean if anybody violated what a lot of people would think the first amendment should
► 02:36:05and for that guy took real facts and added fiction to them right and that was the first amendment I mean he was allowed to do that mean he caused a fucking political candidate running for president to lose his mind because people thought that he was on ibogaine the guy had mental breakdowns I mean you know the whole deal with Ed Muskie when Ed Muskie not running for president oh my God you got to see the movie is it Fear and Loathing what is it what what is the documentary Gonzo but what it but what is its Gonzo and then there's something else behind it whatever it's a fucking fantastic
► 02:36:35Commander now that's the moment right there covid offers where I could have just lied do you realize that I see people do that like we like do you know this and I could have said yes people do that all the time Gonzo the Life and Work of dr. Hunter is Thompson that's amazing it's an amazing documentary it's so fucking good but it goes into great detail about how he would just add fiction yeah two stories he was a journalist but he would just make shit up and so he made this shit up about them bringing in a Brazilian doctor because they knew that musky had some ibogaine addiction
► 02:37:05and he goes there was a rumor going around you know and so he was on I think was a Dick Cavett Show it's a fucking hilarious interview he was well there was a rumor going around I started the rumor well like Lena Dunham at the perspiration problem did you start that route while everybody I haven't perspiration problem I came here from yoga class man I was soaking wet sure you came from yoga class now that the Second Amendment goes back to the issue of you either believe in self preservation or not and that's why I know Amy's a friend of yours but when she gets up there and she's pushing gun control every single show she pushing those
► 02:37:35we want some answers there that we wrote about it like I believe in gun control I believe that crazy people shouldn't be allowed to have guns I see I believe that if you have a history of violent behavior and history of violent crime you shouldn't be able to go to store and buy a gun I bet you believe the same thing I don't want to misspeak as to what it is that Chuck is but don't those things well I do think those things but I also believe her too right well no because the now see that's one thing where everyone goes well yeah of course we don't want crazy people getting guns but do you really want the government then deciding whose
► 02:38:05mentally fit to be taken a Xanax you're not mentally fit you right anxiety right Nick Diaz and your prescription for anxiety marijuana you can buy a gun no I don't believe that we have the parameters yet but determine your lies that federally for the longest time that was actually the case that if you did have a prescription for medical marijuana you can cause it's federally illegal you weren't allowed to have a handgun that would make you a little have to have arrived well that would make sense I mean Barack Obama's you know federally prosecuted even people in Colorado he's talked about that that he doesn't really want to leave that to the stage I don't want to go
► 02:38:35pot thing because we actually agree on that but the gun thing is it's an instinct for self-preservation so a lot of these celebrities for example I get really bothered personally because I've had to put my wife under security watch because of angry Muslims and members and when someone like me and members came after you yeah so what would you do if you're one of those guys I could bring something up and go yeah that too oh you have a bunch of people here saying adopted footage I was punched in the face on National Television for what happened I was at a right-to-work rally was
► 02:39:05we passed in Michigan and I was there arguing with people and a drunken guy willed me in the face and they're about five thousand emails they tore down a whole tent for people who are pro right to work you can Google it and people say the footage was edited but there's also 12-minute footer to put up on my Channel people from Union which Union oh is it was a meeting of Right to Work versus you know Union whole bunch of unions so this was a was a pretty pretty big deal when it happened and it's funny my dad watch it because if you go back and watch it people try to say
► 02:39:36oh you shove that old guy down and then he sucker-punched you it's like well if that's the case I was looking for a fight I would have thought but there's about 3,000 people there and I was going to be torn apart who said you shove the old guy just people it's all conspiracy in the internet and I haven't 12-minute video online well I will I don't even want to get into everything there because you're on the internet and you can't pay attention and how ironic have you two just so my Lord please if you go watch it and knowing and we talked about your distance with my dance like did you grab a collar elbow tie and were you going for your coochie man
► 02:40:05yeah I was so you see me grab him he's wailing you were ready to toss them and I turn my hips and you can see the footage I turn my hips in and I see this like oh shoot there's two thousand other people and so I just cover let's watch this no we have to do this yes yes back the fuck up so that's a tent that got torn down when you're backing up and you backed up well this guy what does he mean you to back the fuck up over so this is what I say and you know if you others a
► 02:40:36oh he's swinging so see I turn my turn my hips and just ducked my head and go back so I really like terrible technique your hips were all awake you didn't wait too far yeah well I did it if it's tough did you get hit yeah I got hit full line that's baby punches all that guys shit technique to this is terrible I can't even do commentary for this fight why you not expecting it no be the fucking guy was wind up roundhouse punch is like God what an asshole yeah well I've said this before why
► 02:41:05people who can't fucking fight at all think they can get in fight while I was getting drunk off second in fumes not you know oh shit I'm saying I was getting drunk off second if you know he was hammered oh he's hanging out with yeah go fuck off yeah well there's a lot of footage there but I told work right they hate right to work what what is right to work so if it means you don't have to be in a union to work right oh and they so for if there is a union like electrician's union or something that's so if there is a union yeah you you you should join
► 02:41:35their Union or not people yeah I'm not so we talked about that well there's a real issue with the UFC I'm sure you're aware of it The Culinary Union is showing that video and legalizing it in New York did a long time ago yeah we reported on it and matter of fact the UFC was Jennifer wank back then was working there yeah they were like I don't want to say they were very controlling until they realized that I wasn't trying to sandbag I'm like listen right this is what I'm talking about I understand the union the The Culinary Union and I
► 02:42:05I want it to be legal in New York but even then they were like well can you send us a cut of the video before it goes up and I was like no I can so I interview chale and interviewed Pat and I interviewed hen zou and Henner Gracie and we talked about it and that's what a lot of people don't understand The Culinary Union in Nevada and their Vendetta and we talked about Bob um was it you know that the senator Congressman Theory said the reason I'm against him Ma and New York is because it's violent yeah that douchebag we've gone now he's gotta rescue a show when I was on a show in Albany doing a radio show and he
► 02:42:35called in to argue with me and I wish he'd had no arguments that's what about what about sock wrapped he's a corrupt politician I mean didn't he get busted for corruption well is it the same guy when we talk about big money in politics and we won't have time because it's all gonna go soon well no know when people say Koch brothers or Big Oil big Pharma you look at the top political donors of all time 15 out of the top 20 our unions and I got into this argument over Twitter with Gray Maynard and he was like no bro its corporate listen no you bro you want to talk about every operation no bro
► 02:43:05yeah that's great Manor do you guys think here you go bro and I was like listen these are the top donors big no one wants to talk about big unions by the way they get virtually 99% to Democrats big banks give fifty one percent Republican 49 percent Democrat because they're hedging their bets unions often public sector unions you have no choice in whether you can join or not and these non right-to-work States you join they take your dues and in turn the you those use those dues to elect more Democrats who give them more Kickbacks so I just
► 02:43:35think yeah there's a lot of money in politics but everyone wants to talk about Big Oil and big Pharma and no one wants to talk about big unions Which is far more influential force and they get away with murder they get away with it seems to be a part of the same problem right it's like people get addicted to the money that comes out of that establishment they get addicted to the money you know they that's what the Culinary Union they know that they can make something like 15 million dollars a year if the Station Casinos all went Union right and the meanwhile the people that work in the casinos of voted against it now I don't
► 02:44:05on the particulars of the case I don't know I don't know who's being told what to do but I know it just know that is what the fact is they did vote and they voted to go non-union but these fucking Culinary Union guys they've been attacking the UFC forever and they've been doing a lot of creepy shit to the casinos that are non-union they've set up shop outside these casinos and they were insulting people that were walking into the casino just patrons just regular customers shitting on this guy's why me there's this big thing the video got released
► 02:44:35East and the coloring looked horrible for him and it's I'm sure that the unions are people in the class reunions it's like this good people in every organization that's fucked ultimately but that the hold that's a mess man that's a mess that the unions in the midwest those are the kinds of and that's ours with my lawyers when we're dealing with this and there was a prosecutor in Michigan who was we found like almost all of his funding at that incident was the AFL-CIO which is Big Union and matter of fact I was told there were about 50 people that day not just me who tried to file police reports because that whole tent you said was
► 02:45:05done with box cutters there's a black guy selling hot dogs whose thing was destroyed he was called the n-word this whole thing happened that day I sold a piece of the tent and there were dozens of people try to file police reports and they said well we can't file police reports by phone it's completely absurd of course he can if someone's raped in Florida and you move back to Ohio you were on vacation you can call in and say my daughter was raped in Florida so a lot of people try to file reports they weren't able to a lot of people were in the tent when it went down and the same thing happened you know attack the messenger ouu well you really had no business being there you were
► 02:45:35poking it here's the beauty about assault if I write here go Hey Joe Rogan I think you suck nanny nanny boo-boo you can't hit me guess what you still can't hit me right that's the law right you're only allowed to hit someone if you really believe that your life it or your health is right yeah so I'm also the time you got to be hit first yeah I mean it's hard to argue otherwise mean if you two people are staring at each other and they're yelling at each other and someone decides to throw the first punch that person is the antagonist that's the person who caused the issue well
► 02:46:06there's mutual combat laws and all that stuff but well in Seattle it's in Washington state was the name of the superhero guy yeah yeah Phoenix Jones he's a good fighter yes he is that's the fucking leg kicks kids are you guys fucking that he the guy was like oh no oh yeah bad choice yeah he's really good that's that's Fiat or problem field or what's the name field or Carlos photo or photos yeah is is that's his brother
► 02:46:35was Brothers a fight or two yeah I don't know what his name is but what is his he calls himself Phoenix Jones right what is his real name I don't know he's a fucking very good fighter though you could say it's really almost mean you know that he walks around the superhero outfit on it's not fair it's not fair at all because he's fucking good feedback I don't want to fight I'm here to keep peace but you know deep down inside Gimme A Reason please give me reasons yeah it's hilarious for him but he's been stabbed like he's like he's had like legit issues
► 02:47:05yeah broken up fights or stop robberies and stuff well the worst part is like there was like the domestic abuse case and those are always got him very well because it doesn't matter the woman still going to protect her man even when so he goes under separates them she's wailing on him you ever seen that will give you that one I don't even want to see it domestic views abuse cases they fucking freaked me out because I global warming more women committed than men really yeah by far it's not even close what that's why there's something not even close yeah it's not even close yeah but they don't do much damage
► 02:47:35that's the point yeah that's the point we let him go Ronda Rousey admitted recently she beat the shit out of one of her ex-boyfriend's because she caught him taking pictures of her and everybody's like fucking free pass first of all I believe it because it's Ronda Rousey like if a girl says well depend on yourself says she beat the fuck why I know the dude he's actually a very he's very good fighter he could find himself but when Ronda Rousey says she be two dudes ass everybody goes I can see it
► 02:48:05yeah but that's probably because the Tom Jones syndrome where he realized he was wrong and took it and I see her with Tom Jones syndrome what's that he well it's a famous cam Jones the singer you had Tom Jones he talked about when he cheat on his wife and she found out and she just beat the hell out of him as I can I sit there and took it because I deserved it and that's usually what happens in domestic abuse most this is actually something you should have her on Karen strong what we talked about it oh that girl writes what check yes yeah I really have to have her on she she talked about it how you know men were unfair have always been punished for domestic abuse it's not like it's ever been okay
► 02:48:35Theodore Roosevelt I think it was Teddy Roosevelt in 1906 wanted to bring back the whipping post for domestic abuse because he thought it was unfair to put a man in prison because then he could no longer provide for his woman on the flip side if a man was domestically abused you were basically dragged through the street and shamed so most men never able to drag them to the street well I mean they would parade you through this you'd be reaching bitch that's not policy whipping post was policy this is cultural sort of context gotcha but yeah domestic abuse is actually higher and lesbian communities what
► 02:49:06yeah yeah it's higher in lesbian commit well per capita but there's not that many lesbians right so skin Oh I don't have a charts but I imagine there's there's less weapon and seminars treaties much larger so it's how much higher though I don't have the numbers in front of me it's does Jamie look up domestic violence in the lesbian Community it's not as much higher between a lesbian community in the straight Community as it is between women against men we have with so women versus men
► 02:49:35domestic violence has just reported domestic violence okay so a lot of women getting smacked around they don't report it honest question okay wife ever smacked you know every punch you in the arm she's not like that really no she's not like that at all she's super easygoing that's why would Harry do my wife's like punch me in the arm I grew up around violence and I don't like it I mean it sounds crazy talking to a guy's a cage fighting commentary was done black done martial arts is whole life but I don't like violence I'm not saying I don't even I don't like action I don't mind
► 02:50:05seeing it like I don't like fights and I've like I always enjoyed competing I don't it's not that but that doesn't seem like violence to me even though it is that is your your you have a mutually agreed upon meeting of two very skilled people who are going to try to impose their discipline their will their focus their technique their intelligence and their preparation on each other that's how I look at fighting yeah it's kind of I don't like people that love each other hitting each other that shit drives me crazy because I
► 02:50:35I grew up with it and I don't I would never date a girl who tried to put photos okay I don't want to make my wife's like a Monster eat your ass I watch you fuck you up - got rain she's six foot she's got this it's got a long jab she was a runway model for years she like you know and I milked like it didn't hurt but just so you know it's a good example right here but you milked it yeah Milton I went to the bar and left and I was like you know what I need to cool down I'm turning around like oh my gosh I've you know I can get whatever I want for the next week terrible don't do that it's bad for your marriage
► 02:51:05but it worked I will say this that good examples like a dog I see little dogs get into fights all the time uh-huh they don't hurt each other if Hopper does it they take him away right they take them away of course he's never done it but I've had he was bitten by a little pomeranian and one time a dog did bite him it was the only time he actually had black fur in his teeth but here's the thing if Hopper wanted to bite his neck he would have been his neck people realize dogs that's a clipping that's like the mom sound of the teeth that's to say back off but I see you know my
► 02:51:35and actually a producer Jared he's got a little Australian shepherd and they'll get into fights home gay Jared so we call them or is is Christina gay claims is not curious to him okay it's Twitter handle is not gay Jerry follow his it's not gay Jared that's just put it here and it's an OT G A why you can follow them and draw your own conclusions legally I'm obligated to say he's not another one there's a lot of those guys I see I think it's fucked up man I think it should be really easy to be gay
► 02:52:05then we would find out who the fuck is home no no I would never forget the real numbers says he's not okay let's see here national violence against women survey found that 21.5 percent of men and thirty five point four percent of women living with same-sex Partners experience intimate partner physical particles gain at low that's what not yeah that's exactly what we're saying so we're that shows that lesbians or more likely to be up their Partners than gay men are comparable with 7.1 and 20.4 percent for men and women respectively with the
► 02:52:35free of only opposite sex cohabitation that's crazy so what that says is that 7.1 percent of women have experienced domestic violence by man but 20.4 percent of men have experienced domestic violence by women the good thing what that says to me is that I am not alone okay but that's Massachusetts see that right there Massachusetts is filled with monsters drum those women you fucking queer they beat your ass they're terrible people
► 02:53:05so the only the only chick that I ever had take a swing at me was a girl that I dated from Boston really she took a swing at me while I was fighting I was in the middle of competition back then like I was I was at a condo I was now is kickboxing I was fucking crazy like in this chick took a swing mean I watched it coming and I was like I don't even believe this is happening and I ducked under it and I grabbed ahold of him like what are you doing are you hitting me he's gonna hit me there's the only time a girl a dog you fucking queer
► 02:53:34did the monsters they drunk the eating potatoes just fucking swinging at you that's why it's Massachusetts I bet you look at the rest of the country it's probably totally different numbers no I don't need to tell your members speaking of kickboxing have you seen guy mezger recently yeah that guy is in great shape for its age oh he's in very good shape he's on he's had some some issues with cognitive behavioral his damage from his fighting career but he's actually I have to have him on because we
► 02:54:04about this he's gone through some pretty unique therapy there's a guy in Dallas that's doing some very unique therapy dealing with a lot of the cognitive issues that had because of his long-term fighting career he's close he's really taking my dad under its wing guy is he's a great dude what's become once he's a great guy but I know I couldn't it's two kinds of great guys a great guy really is he's very intelligent and he's a soft-spoken he's just a really good person yeah he really really is and he's been very very supportive
► 02:54:34of of my father there and there have been like Jutsu politics and stuff so my dad actually moved there from another school and yeah I was just gonna say I mean to Jutsu politics how gross well you know what it is I know the world's longest talked about that like I've been a I've been a blue belt frightening I can't remember how long because I moved and they saw it as like an act of disrespect and I had to compete to get my blue belt Joe I had to win it's like doesn't mean much but I had to win Naga Worlds at White
► 02:55:04Dallas which means you might have people coming from like 15 states you know my 1215 people in your division you are likely sandbag right right and then I was like we've had people who were demoted from to mow demoted because of like you trained with other people so it's just one of those deals my dad's or training to three years after me I gotta get away from any school that does that that there's only a few schools that do do that but God damn it when they do that it's so disrespectful and it's so bad for the whole overall community of martial arts because it turns people off when they realize that there's that kind of politics
► 02:55:34oh yeah it's terrible man that mean Eddie Bravo experience that for the longest fucking time because they thought he was disrespectful because he was teaching noogie Jiu-Jitsu because he decided to develop a noogie system not even realize that he's fucking he has a black belt in the Jacques Machado okay and he trained with the key forever right it's not that he doesn't want to train with the keys trying to train mixed martial arts Fighters he's developing A system that would work with mixed martial arts competition which of course you can't wear I will say though I will say this and I actually I think
► 02:56:04Bravo's an incredible Grappler but there is nothing more frustrating than when you have a kid come in with a long pants and he just wants to sit and rubber Garden doesn't know how to use it because he's write a book he's like talking about as edible mushrooms you're like how about how about you learn a hip bump bitch you know I mean and then sorry well you're always gonna have problems yeah I call that the the blue belt hysteria syndrome yeah but I'll tell you what when I was a bleep out of them yeah you gonna get that yeah it's fun it's fun to be a contrarian fun to go against the gamma
► 02:56:34just like hold you near this poor rubber guard and that's actually good example in a one of my Brazilian instructors can't stand Eddie and you go you know what is that what's rubber guard I tell you what is new no schembri he's taken from Nina's chambray chambray train with it I know I know all kinds of but that's the kind of stuff you have to deal with it sue well that's people that are silly how much did you go away this Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor how much weight how much does he weigh this guy that doesn't like Eddie why you got to 10 that's a problem at ease about 170
► 02:57:04they're same even though fucking Eddie prospective learn something from everyone yeah but guys who talk shit like that and they've never experienced it you roll with Vinny Magalhaes vacant many mega Mountain many maglevs about 220 zillions really hate him yeah they do yeah they do because he came out and said Brazilians Brazil's a craphole compared to the United States I like living here and I call you you don't like your country what the fights like well you know what he was a fight Chef what to fight like if you don't want to actually do an impression like they're different dialects but do
► 02:57:34Diego brandao just imitate him at the most the yeah he's got a good one he's got a good one there's a lot of all I can't yeah they go brandao yeah he's well he looked really good in his last fight he would he the fuck that he fight he fought Japanese guy oh yeah I was in Japan wasn't it yes MIT segaki you know not to Gandhi is really that's the guy that's won 35 minutes ago akiza guy 45 Dominick Cruz massacred right he fuck somebody up though man what the hell was it o-o the do to throws that crazy fuck
► 02:58:05front kick yeah who know I know that you have qu not too happy with the to know got fucked up in his last fight by 20 Ferguson to he's having a hey you know who doesn't have racial guilt whoo Japanese people know they don't they don't you're never getting here Japanese people say I don't care what my grandkids look like you no no Bob Sapp put him on a billboard eating bananas yeah they make him eat bananas didn't give a fuck whenever she table recommend who I can you but not if you like a good luck yeah they
► 02:58:34so that giant sex toy ran with it to the bank he ran with it to the bank and then ran out of the cage closed money we actually had an issue with them with the Yakuza you know there was an issue where they wanted him to fight without a contract and he was like I need a kind of to fight to be give you a contact after the fight what well let me say one thing about guy masker and we have to go right and I think Roberts we're about three hours I'm sorry guy mezger I will say it just because I was that's my home gym bun just for one second it's arguable antônio rogério
► 02:59:04era and the Arona fights those are really close those could have gone either way right if you reverse those and the Wanderlei had but doesn't happen and it goes to a decision he goes in the list of top light heavyweights ever well he's an excellent fighter you know me he was always an excellent but no one mentions him in the mix well that's unfortunate he was an early adopter you know me he was one of the guys that in the real early days of MMA and he was also like one of the best you look at like his style of kicking is kick boxing Style
► 02:59:34he's one of the best traditional kick boxing style guys that like got into MMA he had to like a lot of like really good skills back then but the vandelay had bought was a big turning point I mean he was doing well in that fight yeah that happened yeah and Mandalay head-butted him it was I'm not saying it would have won the fight but I'm saying if you take a couple of those controversial decision and I go the other way you put them right up there right guys like Tito and Chuck and he was doing well you know he was doing a little Chuck yeah devil that he got clipped what should the monster back down he was really a monster
► 03:00:04it's interesting because Chuck style back then was to take shots because his chin was so fucking sturdy to take shots and just stay in the pocket and blast you and then eventually that gave out the chin gave out in like he's the best example of why you can't fight like that like look at a guy who had a chin that was so amazing but imagine if chuck with that chin fought like TJ Dillashaw fought an elusive fast moving fast footwork style where he's very hard to hit but still had that
► 03:00:34dick ulis power yeah man I mean obviously they're different weight classes it would be very difficult for him to move like that but if you fought a more defensive oriented Style with that punching power and just utilized it sparingly at openings but then he wouldn't have been Chuck Liddell that noushad knockout is one of the worst I've ever seen terrific yeah well the Rich Franklin was even more disturbing to me because it didn't look like you got hit that hard and it just he just his body was already done yeah you can only hit in the button so many times sorry I don't take you down a rabbit Trail well yeah
► 03:01:04no it's true it's totally true it's totally true it's and you know that's one thing that's like super important to tell young Fighters you know I always say that Mighty Mouse is the best I really think he's the best fighter in the world pound-for-pound and one of the reasons why is that fucking guy doesn't get hit he's so slick and he moves so well and he's all about technique that's why in his last fight he goes look at me I'm pretty as a motherfucker I'm just kind well five rounds I will say that bothers me a little heavy weights on of technique here's one of my dad and I talked about a lot the margin for error
► 03:01:34at heavy weight or light heavyweight is much less than illumination maybe faster sugar fact is guess what you can take 50 shots at flyweight you take one shot wrong at head but there's a reason if you watch if you watch high-level heavyweight Jiu-Jitsu they are fighting often to stay off the bottom except for guys like cyborgs because it's a whole different ballgame elevating 250 pounds or getting hit by it so when people say oh the heavy weights aren't as good technically I go actually the fact is you get hit you can't get hit once at heavyweight you have to
► 03:02:04more evasive there's less room for error and I it's not just because I'm a relatively big guy I'm not you know I'd be a middleweight probably if I ever had the balls to fight which I don't but as someone who comes from a long line of heavy weights that's the first thing they say with my dad runs over time or you're just big well there is also the issue with gravity like the heavyweights have to deal with so much more gravity it's so much harder to move it's just harder when you can bench 150 all day yeah how often can you bench 275 exactly yeah a lot yeah not a lot not even Brock Lesnar can do that like it's
► 03:02:34Flyway exactly and it's also like to find a guy who's a heavyweight like Muhammad Ali who would move like that that's one of the reasons why he was such an outlier like nobody's ever seen a heavy weight that could dance like that and move around like that and like no one had prepared for it like Sonny Liston was like this plotting murderers puncher and really had no answer for that stuff right because it's not supposed to exist like a guy's not supposed to be that heavy and be able to move that good yeah it's a lot harder but even him when he got older that shit went away to and
► 03:03:04only thing that I really disagree with you on it's what's for relievers you said what George st. Pierre was the national treasury about to cross some lines said that he got out while the Wolves were at the door disagree my friend well he don't think he got out why the wolves are at the door look I think George st. Pierre is Johnny had amazing well it's not just Johnny Hendrix yes it's Robbie Lawler there's a lot of fucking really good Fighters All Around wheel or fight in Strikeforce wild it's not like 1.5 he's fighting 185 because people take it no came down the slot Fighters it's a lot of weight give up when you're at an elite level
► 03:03:34he really wasn't a 185-pound guy he's not even a big 170 he makes weight easily or as opposed to like Johnny Hendrix can you fucking make the wait anymore they're going to make him go up to 185 well that's a good friend of mine he talked about how long they were just come in barely warm up and just fight that he's an animal he's not like a he's not methodical like George st. Pierre no but till George I'd like his style better because Georgia style is so unpredictable and I think that he really set the groundwork for for a sahabis or wizard he's one of the very best trainers in the world and for us has
► 03:04:04like brilliant breakdowns of MMA and Brilliant breakdowns of fights and when you talk to him about it when he talks about training he talks about overloading guys mind with possibilities right that's what George did you never knew what the fuck he was going to do you know why is wrestling and so good a lot build understand this there is no wrestling in Canada well you train has Russian Nationals trained Professionals in the Canadian Olympic team so it's not like we have some guy new UFC who had some high school wrestling experience either you don't wrestle or you wrestle with the best in the entire country we saw so
► 03:04:34are open-minded mean I did a little bit of training with George and he just listens to everything and soaks it all in and you can see his mind working like a fucking computer the way he takes in technique and you know we did a lot of work with John danaher on his Jiu-Jitsu and he just seeks out people that are going to like find little things that he can do better and he listens he doesn't have an ego about it at all that's because you don't know how how is dark it is inside that dark inside my head the alien the energy and I come to get me occasionally we gotta get out of here
► 03:05:04this is we're out of time with three three hours in there's a lot of fun man thank you very much if you're in town we'll do it again for sure absolutely s Crowder on Twitter right yeah your YouTube page or site is a lot of with credit a cloud or with crowded women 15 all right you fox I'll see you soon thanks everybody bye all right you fucks thanks so much for tuning in to the podcast I got some comedy dates coming up that I just announced Orlando Orlando Florida that is actually the MGM is first December
► 03:05:34XI I'm at the casa theater at the MGM in Las Vegas Nevada that's December 11th and then I am at the fuck where's though God damn Orlando one I kind of find that
► 03:05:55I just put it online
► 03:05:57hang on folks give me one second oh there it is sorry the Bob Carr theater that is the 18th exactly one week later I'm at the Bob Carr theater and Orlando Florida the MGM is going to be with Joey Diaz the Bob Carr theater I'm not exactly sure who's coming with me but Joey can't make that one and then of course there's the New Year show the big New Year show with honey honey Ari shaffir Duncan Trussell Joey Diaz and me at The Wiltern theater in ela it is a goddamn gas
► 03:06:27and ladies and gentlemen that is December 31st so fuckin come on down thanks to our sponsors thank you to the LegalZoom go to legalzoom.com user for a code Rogan to save some money at checkout thank you to zip recruiter go to zip recruiter.com forward slash Rogan to try zip recruiter for free
► 03:06:58thanks to draftkings.com heard he draftkings.com now and use the promo code Rogan to play daily fantasy MMA for free this weekend during UFC Fight Night Dustin Poirier versus Joe Duffy fuck yes and thanks of course each and every week to on it.com go to ONN it use the code word Rogan save 10% off any and all supplements my friends thank you so much I love the fuck
► 03:07:27but I appreciate you to no end and I will see you tomorrow with a great Steven rinella you'll be joining me tomorrow much fun until then bye bye big kids