#1169 - Elon Musk

Sep 7, 2018
Elon Musk is a business magnet, investor and engineer.
Hello friends Toronto September 29th the date has moved tickets are now on sale they will be on sale at least as of the time I'm writing this it is right now September the 6th in the morning at 10 a.m. of the 7th tickets go on sale for the Scotiabank Arena we were supposed to be the Ricoh Coliseum there's a strike they moved it to the Scotiabank Arena everybody who bought tickets to the Ricoh Coliseum has been refunded and the Scotiabank arena is the new venue but there's more than a thousand new tickets that are for sale now so they'll be available as of 7th September 7th at 10 a.m. local time at Joe Rogan. Podcast is brought to you by on it on it is a total human optimization website we are committed to providing you with the information the inspiration in the tools to get your shit together what does it mean what does it mean to get your shit together I mean get your body to perform at its best physically abusive strengthen
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► 00:05:51boom
► 00:05:54my guest today is one of the most requested yes of all time with good reason he's one of the most important and it's just unusual figures in human history I think the guy's a fucking wizard give it up for Elon Musk
► 00:06:12The Joe Rogan Experience
► 00:06:15Joe Rogan
► 00:06:17all day
► 00:06:19thank you thanks doing this man really appreciate it very good to meet you in the middle of doing all the things you do create cars Rockets all the stuff you're doing constantly innovating decide to make flamethrower or have time for that
► 00:06:43well if they might win a lot of time it's the flamethrower thing and it's sort of a the boring company started out as a joke and we decide to make it real and and think a tunnel through LA and then if you want other people ask us to dig tunnels so we said yes in a few cases section that only has one piece of merchandise at a time
► 00:07:21risotto for the cap and there's only one thing on that it was just boring company.com cap hat that's it we sold the hats limited limited edition I just had the boring company
► 00:07:36and then
► 00:07:37under kind of Spaceballs the movie and in Spaceballs
► 00:07:43yogurt goes through the merchandise inspection and they have a flamethrower in the merchandising section of Spaceballs
► 00:07:54like the kids love that one best line
► 00:08:03so we
► 00:08:04does anybody tell you know for yourself but selling a flamethrower the liabilities all the people you're selling this device hinged people going to be buying a flamethrower in the first place to really want to connect ourselves all these potential arsonists
► 00:08:24that's terrible idea to buy one I said don't buy this plane to her don't buy it don't buy it that's what I said still people bought it but if I can do to stop them build it I will come I said don't buy it it's dangerous it's wrong but still do it but it's like it's going to stop them how many do you make 20000
► 00:08:55and they're all gone I think 4 days they sold out in four days are you going to do another run no I said what did 23000
► 00:09:112000 hats
► 00:09:13I'm at and endom
► 00:09:17that was a million dollars okay well will sell something for 10 million and that was $20,000 at $500 each
► 00:09:29they went fast
► 00:09:31how do you have the type of how do you have the time to do that though I mean I understand it's not a big deal in terms of all the other things you do but how do you have time to do anything I just I don't understand your time management skills
► 00:09:43I mean it didn't spend much time on this flamethrower I'm going to be totally Frank it's actually just a roofing torch with an air rifle cover
► 00:09:53it's not a real flamethrower which is why it says not a flamethrower that's why we were very clear this is not actually a plant or an end and it was already told that various countries would would ban shipping of it but they would not they would ban flamethrowers so we write to solve the problem for the Customs agencies week labeled it not a flamethrower
► 00:10:16The Works effective I don't know I think so yeah so far yes but you do what you do so many different things like how do you do all that other shit how do you how do you how does one decide to fix LA traffic by drilling holes in the ground and who do you even approach with that like when you have this idea who do you talk to about that but I don't think it's going to be successful. You know I know it's like it's going to be successful but so far
► 00:10:47I've lived in La for
► 00:10:5016 years and the traffic is always been terrible and so I don't see any other ideas for improving the traffic so in desperation we're going to take a tunnel and maybe that'll be successful and maybe it won't
► 00:11:11I'm I'm listening I'm not trying to convince you it's going to work and are the people that you were starting this though this is actually a project you're starting to implement about a mile what it what is the ultimate plan to have these in major city is an anywhere this mask congestion and just tried out in La first yeah it's it's it's in LA because I mostly live in LA that's the reason is a terrible place to dig tunnels this is one of the worst places to eat, because the most because of the paperwork I think it's like what about seismic it's like actually both tunnels are very safe and earthquakes earthquakes up
► 00:12:01what is 1 * Century of surface phenomenon it's like like waves on the ocean so if there's a storm you want to be on the in a submarine submarine house constructed constructed out of these interlocking segments kind of like a snake Slither like a snake exoskeleton with double seals and so even when the ground moves the it's able to the tunnel actually was able to shift along with the ground like like an underground snake and it doesn't crack or break or at work and it's extremely unlikely that both seals would be broken and it's it's it's a capable of taking 5 atmospheres of pressure
► 00:12:49it's waterproof methane proof will gas proof of any kind
► 00:12:54and meets all California seismic requirements
► 00:12:58so when you have this idea who you bring us to
► 00:13:02I'm sure it mean when you have to bring it to someone that let you do it yeah so
► 00:13:13they work they work some Engineers from SpaceX who thought it would be cool to do this and the Guy Rents It Like day two days is Steve Davis long time SpaceX engineer is great so stupid like
► 00:13:34I'd like to help make this happen was a cool so we started off with
► 00:13:40digging a hole in the ground it's got like a permit for a pit a pit and a big pit
► 00:13:55yeah it was put in our parking lot and but do you have to give them some server blueprint for your ultimate idea and do they have to approve it like how does that work that way to start off with a pit okay and let you know
► 00:14:12care about the existential nature of a pic you just say like I want a pit and the only ground for the pit and we dug the pit and
► 00:14:25we're not going to 3 Days To 3 days 14 hours from like that cuz I was like a Student Competition we have for you to make the fastest pot in the hyperloop and this was get the finals going to be on Sunday afternoon and so they're coming by on Sunday afternoons like you know and then like show Eric and I saw we was like Friday morning
► 00:14:58yes I was about to go over 40 out of 40 hours later we took the pit there's like when 24/7 or 24
► 00:15:11and then we like Ike the pit the pit
► 00:15:18but hey it's a hole in the ground is better than no hole in the ground and what do you tell me what this mean you just said this is good idea yes we're going to help funnel traffic better and they're going and they just go okay
► 00:15:32that we weave joke around about this in the podcast for the like what are the person can go to the people that run the city and go dig some holes in the ground put some titles in there and they got it on the ground but it's not all the time but my question is like I know how much time you must be spending on your Tesla Factory I know how much time you must be spending on SpaceX you still have time to dig holes out of the ground in LA and come up with these ideas and then Implement I'm sure you did
► 00:16:05yeah I just don't know how you manage your time I don't understand it doesn't seem it doesn't even seem humanly possible
► 00:16:13you know what I do best and feels like don't you totally understand what I do with my time
► 00:16:19they think like I'm a business guy or something like that if my Wikipedia page says business magnate would you call yourself a business magnet Wikipedia page 2 Magnus build the right now probably already changed engineering and Manufacturing in that kind of thing looks like 80% or more of my time ideas and then implementation of those ideas that's like hardcore engineering designing things going to
► 00:16:58structural mechanical electrical software user interface
► 00:17:06engineering aerospace engineering but you must understand it's not a whole lot of human beings like you you know that right
► 00:17:13cheer in Odyssey Champs like me we're all Champs some of us have all this time and all this energy and all these ideas and then people just let him do these things
► 00:17:33cuz I'm an alien that's what I've speculated on record saying this in the past I wonder if there was one was like maybe an intelligent being that we created in AI creature that's a superior to people maybe just hang around with us for a little while like you've been doing and then 6 months shit and that's the way
► 00:17:56I might have some mutation or something like that you might do you think you do probably wonder like you around normal people you like
► 00:18:05take what's up with these boring. Motherfuckers ever not bad for a human
► 00:18:11but I think
► 00:18:14I will not be able to hold a candle to AI you scared the shit out of me when you talk about is between you and Sam Harris consider until at a podcast with Sam wants my pants talking about a I I I realize I call will this is a genie that wants out of the bottle you never getting it back in that's true
► 00:18:36there was a video that you tweeted about one of those Boston Dynamic robots and they're like in the future it'll be moving so fast you can't see without a strobe light you probably do that right now
► 00:18:51and no one's really paying attention too much of them people like you or people that are really obsessed with technology all these things are happening and he's robots her could you see the one where Peter put out statement you shouldn't kick robots probably not wise for Retribution their memories very good I bet it's really good it's really good I bet it is getting better every day really are you honestly legitimately concerned about this is like a I one of your main worries in regards to the Future
► 00:19:28yes it's less of a worry than it used to be mostly to two
► 00:19:35taking more of a fatalistic attitude
► 00:19:39so you used to have more hope
► 00:19:42and you gave up some of it and now you don't worry as much about a i you like this is just what it is
► 00:19:51it pretty much a bad
► 00:19:59it's just it's definitely going to be outside of human control not necessarily bad right. It's not necessarily bad it's just
► 00:20:08it's just outside of human control the thing that's going to be tricky here is that it's going to be very tempting to use AI as a weapon
► 00:20:18very tempting in fact will be used as weapon
► 00:20:24so the the aren't leave the on-ramp to sirius AI
► 00:20:31the danger is going to be more humans using it against each other I think most likely
► 00:20:38that'll be the danger how far do you think we are from something that can make its own mind up whether or not something is ethically and morally correct or they're not it wants to do something over there wants to improve itself and whether or not he wants to protect itself from people or from other AI how far away we something from something is really truly sentient
► 00:21:04well I mean you cannot argue about any group of people like it like a a company is essentially a cybernetic Collective of people and that's what a company is
► 00:21:21and then there are different
► 00:21:25list of the levels of complexity in the way these companies are formed
► 00:21:31and then there are surf
► 00:21:33is this like a collective a I in
► 00:21:37and the Google search Google search in about
► 00:21:41we're we're also plugged in as the notes on the network like leaves on a big tree
► 00:21:50Rudolph bra fitting this network that questions and answers
► 00:21:56Rock electrically programming Vai
► 00:22:00and look at Google Plus the old humans that connect to it or one giant seven a collective this is also true of Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and only social networks
► 00:22:15the Giants have no to collectors
► 00:22:19humans Electronics all interfacing and constantly now constantly connected
► 00:22:25constantly
► 00:22:271 things that I've been thinking about a lot over the last few years is that one of the things that drives a lot of people crazy as how how many people are obsessed with materialism and getting the latest greatest thing and I wonder how much of that is a lot of it is most certainly fueling technology and Innovation it almost seems like it's built into us like what we like and what we want that were fueling this thing that's constantly around us all the time and it doesn't seem possible that people going to pump the brakes it doesn't seem possible at this stage we were consoling expected newest cell phone latest Tesla update the newest MacBook Pro everything has to be newer and better
► 00:23:07and that's going to lead to some incredible point
► 00:23:14it seems like it's built into US almost seems like it's an instinct that we were working towards that they would like it our job just like the ants build the anthill our job is just coming out of the fuel this
► 00:23:30yes
► 00:23:33let me just find some some years ago but it feels like we are the biological Bootloader for a I effectively we all building it
► 00:23:43and then rebuilding progressively greater in intelligence
► 00:23:49and the percentage of intelligence that is not human is increasing and eventually we will represent a very small percentage of intelligence
► 00:24:02but the AI is informed by the human limbic system
► 00:24:10and it is in large part out your drift Lodge
► 00:24:16how so we mention all those things the set of Primal drives that's all whole thing except
► 00:24:26we like
► 00:24:28I hate
► 00:24:29and fear
► 00:24:32they're all they're on the internet but their projection of Olympic system
► 00:24:42it don't make sense the thinking of it as a thing of Corporations and just thinking of the human beings communicating online to his social media Network to some sort of an organism that too
► 00:24:57it's a cyborg to get into combination to combination of electronics in biology
► 00:25:05this is it seems like it's the success of these
► 00:25:09online systems is there is a face of a function of
► 00:25:15of how much limbic resonance they're able to achieve with people
► 00:25:22the more limbic resonance the more engagement
► 00:25:27where is like one of the reasons why I probably Instagram is more enticing than Twitter limbic resonance more images more video system or yes he worried about war Wonder in fact about what the next step is
► 00:25:45a lot of people didn't see Twitter coming that no communicate with 140 characters or 280 now would be a thing that people would be interested in
► 00:25:55Excel is going to become more connected to us right
► 00:26:01yes things are getting more connected there at this point constrained by mad with our input output is slow but typically output Africa Taurus with thumbs and we just have a photo 1010 thing is now if thumbs
► 00:26:18images artist also are there a way of communicating at high-bandwidth take pictures and you send pictures people what sends that's that communicates fall more information than you can communicate so what happened with you or you decided or you took on a more fit elastic attitude like what was there any specific thing or was it just the inevitability of our future
► 00:26:51I tried to convince people to slow down slow down AI
► 00:26:55to regulate AI
► 00:26:59this was futile
► 00:27:01I tried for years
► 00:27:03the see nobody was seen in a movie with a robot give me out nobody listened it seems like an issue that's brought up more often over the last few years that it was maybe 5-10 years ago it seems like science fiction
► 00:27:23maybe they will
► 00:27:24so far they haven't
► 00:27:28letting people don't like the only the way that's regulations work is very slow indeed
► 00:27:36so
► 00:27:38usually I'll be something so new technology
► 00:27:43will cause damage or death
► 00:27:47there will be an outcry
► 00:27:49they will be investigation years will pass there will be some sort of insight committee they will be rulemaking then they will be over so I might actually regulations this whole takes many years this is the normal course of things if you look at saved Automotive regulations how long did it take for seatbelts to be to reap implemented to be required
► 00:28:15did the water industry Ford seat belts I think for more than a decade
► 00:28:19success report any regulations on seatbelt even though
► 00:28:24the numbers are extremely obvious if you had a seat belts on you would be far less likely to die I will be seriously injured unequivocal
► 00:28:36and Dentistry Fortis what years successfully
► 00:28:42miss lady how many many people died
► 00:28:47Regulators insisted on the belts
► 00:28:51this is like this time frame is not relevant to AI you can't take 10 years from the point which is dangerous so late
► 00:29:03you feel like this is decades away or years away
► 00:29:10from being too late if you have this fatalistic attitude and feel like it's going we're in a almost like a doomsday countdown it's out of control countdown I control
► 00:29:29and that's that plug everything about it is it to Sinclair it's hard to predict like a black hole what what happens past the Event Horizon happen and it will be able to improve itself yes
► 00:29:46that's where get spooky write the idea that it can do thousands of years of innovation we're very very quickly
► 00:29:55and then we'll be just ridiculous ridiculous we will be like this ridiculous biological shiting pissing thing trying to stop the gods no stop we like we like living with a finite lifespan and and watching in Norman Rockwell paintings
► 00:30:11it could be terrible and it could be great it's not clear but one thing is for sure we will not control it you think that it's likely that we will merge somehow or another with this sort of technology and it'll augment what we are now or do you think it will replace us
► 00:30:36well that's the snart the emerge scenario with AI is the one that seems
► 00:30:43but probably the best lacrosse yes if you can't beat it join it that's yeah
► 00:30:57so
► 00:30:59I'm a long-time existential standpoint that's like the purpose of New Orleans is to create a high bandwidth interface to the brain so that we can be somebody with a i
► 00:31:15cuz we have a bandwidth problem these can't communicate through your fingers is too slow where is normal Link at right now
► 00:31:25I think we'll have something interesting to announce in a few months
► 00:31:29that's at least an order of magnitude Valentine thing else
► 00:31:32pipe any better than probably anyone thinks is possible how much can talk about that right now I don't jump the gun on that but what's like the ultimate what's what's the idea behind like what are you trying to accomplish with it what would you like best case scenario
► 00:31:49best case scenario we
► 00:31:52if I truly merge with AI where we met eyes so does a touch recog nition layer
► 00:32:01however got the limbic system me a primitive brain essentially got the cortex to your car and it's about a relationship with your cortex and Lenox is tomorrow in Temecula show me people like their cortex and they like the limbic system I have met anyone who wants to delete their limbic system or delete their cortex already seems like both
► 00:32:25and the cortex is mostly in service to the limbic system fuel may think that
► 00:32:31happy thinking part of themselves isn't charged but it's mostly their limbic system that's in charge and the cortex is trying to make the limbic system happy that's what most of that computer power is orange towards how can I make the living system happy
► 00:32:51if we do have a third layer which is the AI extension of yourself that is also symbiotic
► 00:32:59Amanda's enough bandwidth between the cortex and the AI extension of yourself
► 00:33:06such that the AI de facto separate
► 00:33:10then that could be a good outcome that could be quite a positive outcome for the future so instead of replacing us it will radically change our capabilities
► 00:33:20yes it will it will
► 00:33:24enable anyone who wants to have super human cognition
► 00:33:32anyone who wants this is not a matter of running power because you're running file would be vastly greater after you do it so it just like anyone who wants can just do it
► 00:33:43very necessary and and if that's the case then and let's save
► 00:33:51billions of people do it then the outcome for Humanity will be
► 00:33:57the sum of of human will
► 00:34:03but some of billions of people's desire for the future
► 00:34:08Black Betty lyrics of people with enhanced cognitive ability how much different than people today if you had to explain it to a person who didn't really not understand what you're saying how much different you talking about when you say radical and prove it what do you mean
► 00:34:31you mean the mind-reading redeeming to really appreciate the difference
► 00:34:38it's like how much smarter are you with a phone or computer than without its your vastly smarter actually
► 00:34:46you know you can answer any question to an Xterra can answer any question we watch instantly and calculation that your phone's memory is essentially perfect how you can remember fall asleep before your phone can remember videos
► 00:35:02pictures everything perfectly that's your phone is already an extension of you you're already a cyborg you don't even what must roll their eyes they are already a cyborg if the phone is an extension of yourself it's just that the the data rate rate at which communication between you and the cybernetic extension of yourself that is your phone and computer is slow it's very slow
► 00:35:34and that is like a tiny straw
► 00:35:39how about information flow between your biological self and your digital self
► 00:35:47and we need to make that tiny stroll like a giant River huge high-bandwidth in her face and face problem
► 00:35:57Gatorade phone
► 00:35:59solidary problem
► 00:36:01I think
► 00:36:03I think we hang on to
► 00:36:06human machine symbiosis through long-term
► 00:36:10and if you want me to decide that they want to retain their biological self or not
► 00:36:16I think I'll probably choose hurt and about it biological self versus some sort of Ray Kurzweil scenario where they download themselves into a computer it will be essentially snapshot it into the computer anytime if your biological cell size are just probably upload into a new unit
► 00:36:33destroy
► 00:36:38is it got ridiculous down the rabbit hole grab a soccer give me some of that this is too freaky see if I was by the way thank you
► 00:36:55the words came from who brought this to us Old Camp it was thanks again for going back to you when you decided to have this fatalistic Viewpoint so you weren't you tried to warn people you talked about this pretty extensively I read several interviews we talked about this and then you just sorta just said okay just is let's just end you in wait you're by communicating the potential for me for sure you're getting the warning out to some people
► 00:37:29yeah I mean I was really going on
► 00:37:34the warning quite quite a while
► 00:37:38morning everyone I could
► 00:37:41your mouth Obama in just for one reason like it just let me listen I'm at with congress met with I was at a meeting of all 50 Governors and talk about just say I danger and I hope that when I could
► 00:38:13I want to seem to realize where this was going
► 00:38:17is it that or do they just assume that someone smarter than them is already taken care of it
► 00:38:22cuz when when people hear about something like a guy but it's almost abstract it's almost it's almost like it's so it's so hard to wrap your head around it by the time already happens it'll be too late
► 00:38:34yeah
► 00:38:38don't quite understand that or didn't think it was near Tara Moore
► 00:38:43not sure what to do about it
► 00:38:46I feel like you don't obviously to do is to just establish
► 00:38:50at the committee committee to gain Insight dinner before before you oversight before you do make regulations least like to try to understand what's going on and you have a inside committee
► 00:39:06and that once they learn what's going on GIF speed then they can make maybe some rolls or propose some rolls
► 00:39:14and and that would be probably a safer way to go about things it seems I mean I know that it's probably something that the government supposed to handle but it seems like I wouldn't want to I don't want the government to handle this who do you want to I feel like you're the one who could ring the bell better cuz if Mike Pence are talk about a Emily shut up bitch come on man hasn't always talk about other companies we have agreements where you're not supposed to dump toxic waste into the ocean you're not supposed to do certain things that could be terribly
► 00:39:57damaging even though there be profitable maybe this is one of those things maybe you should realize that you can't hit the switch on something that's going to be able to think for itself and make up its own mind as to whether or not it wants to survive or not and whether or not he thinks you're a threat
► 00:40:11weather I think you're useless like why do I keep this dumb finite life-form alive why why keep this thing around it's just stupid it just keeps polluting everything shiting everywhere Coast lighting everything on fire and shooting each other want to keep this stupid thing a lot cuz sometimes it makes good music that I don't sometimes it makes great movies sometimes it makes beautiful art and sometimes it you know sometimes it's cool to hang out with Mike for us those are great reasons standing outside like this is definitely a flawed system is like if you went to the Jungle you watch his Champs engage in Warfare impeach of the Way Up remix the fucking real name in like a documentary I like damn he's Trump's are mean they're mean yeah they're cool they're calculated yeah yeah they sneak up on each other and
► 00:41:11rice chips did calculated cruelty
► 00:41:16but that mean kind of game over this is dark right but we know better because we've Advanced but if we hadn't we be like man I don't want to fucking live in the house I like the champ why is bro boys go this is it man chip life tell me what kind of life but we in a way to the a I might be like those chimps unlike these stupid Fox launch missiles out of drones and shooting each other underwater like we're crazy we got Torpedoes submarines and fucking airplane that dropped nuclear bombs in discriminately on cities are assholes
► 00:41:55yeah they might go why are they doing this it might like look it up politics look at what we do in terms of our food system what kind of food we forced on each other's throats and they look out for themselves
► 00:42:12how much do we think about chimps not much there a little it's like at War like roofs are chimps attack each other and we kill each other and they torture each other pretty bad they hunt monkeys
► 00:42:31they're like this is probably the most but you know I mean it was last night let me all the time podcast
► 00:42:48right now yeah, I saw that David Attenborough documentary on Channel 4 they were eating those colobus monkeys and ripping them apart this is why people are so crazy we came from that thing yeah exactly right now or seem to be way more even than us way more civilized that's okay Mom I'll bring your son's there good women
► 00:43:33haven't seen the bonobo movie Disturbing just at a zoo gay-straight whatever this is fog
► 00:43:50I haven't seen one of us at is Eli's probably like I don't think I'm being out of the PGA section I don't think they have them at many zooz we looked at before but I was just always jacking off and what's that they have in San Diego
► 00:44:11yeah I know how many other in a cage you know whether or not we are ultimate goal is to give birth to some new thing and that's why we're so obsessed with technology is not like this technology is really I mean it's certainly enhancing our lives in a certain way but it is ultimately isn't making people happier right now most technology would say No in fact you and I were talking about social media before this about just not having Instagram on your phone and not do you feel better yes I think one of the issues with social media has been pointed out by many people is that
► 00:44:56I think maybe particularly Instagram people look like they have a much better life then they really do posting pictures of when they're really happy there are modifying those pictures to better looking for not modifying pictures or at least selecting the pictures for the best lighting the best angle so people basically seen their way better looking than they really are and their way happier saving then they really are so if you look at everyone on Instagram you might think man they're always happy beautiful people and
► 00:45:40I'm not that good looking and I'm not happy so I'ma suck you know and that's going to
► 00:45:46I feel sad so when in fact those people you think are super happy actually not that happy somewhere or really depressed they're very sad
► 00:45:58so happy I seen people actually some of the saddest people in reality
► 00:46:05and then nobody looks good all the time doesn't matter who you are
► 00:46:09it's not even something you should want what do you want to look great all the time so it's quite sad person could you search people generally could think of those cells relative to two others it's it's a wheel constantly r e
► 00:46:31we baselining our expectations
► 00:46:35and you can see the say if you watch them sure like Naked and Afraid or interesting going to try living in the Woods by yourself for a while and you're like the one I suppose a she was quite great as what's lot of people want to come back to the station pretty fast on Naked and Afraid the real quote the comparison is the thief of joy
► 00:46:57yeah well happiness is reality minutes expectations that's great too but the comparison is the thief of Joy really holds true to peep is it in when you think about Instagram cuz would essentially Instagram is with a lot of people as you're giving them the opportunity to be their own PR agent and they always go towards the glamorous and when and if anybody does show that you know hashtag no filter know you're so brave lucky you don't make up
► 00:47:31damn you look good anyway you look great we doing oh my God you have makeup on I still look hot as fuck you know you're doing I know what you're doing to their there they're letting you know and then they feeding off that comment section who
► 00:47:46sitting there like look at a fresh stream of love like you getting right up to the sources it comes out of the earth and you suck and that's a lot of lot of a mole of water emojis my concern is not so much what Instagram is is that I didn't think the people had the need for this or the expectation for some sort of technology that allows them to constantly get love and adulation from strangers and comments and Industry ability to project this sort of distorted version of who you really are but I worry about where it goes like what's the next one what's the next one and where is it is it going to be augmented some sort of a weird augmented or virtual sort of Instagram type situation where you're not going to want to live in this real world you going to want to interface with this sort of world that you've created through your social media page some next-level thing
► 00:48:38yeah you're living the simulation simulation kind of freaks me out my kids fucking love it man they love it they love playing these weirdo games and end in walk around that headset on but part of me watching them do it goes wow I wonder if this is like the precursor to sort of like if you look at that that phone did Gordon Gekko had on the beach and you compare cell phone Galaxy Note 9 and I wonder when I see this HTC Vive my what is that thing going to be 10 years from now when we're making fun of what it is now what is it how I mean how ingrained and how how how connected an interconnected is this technology going to be in our life
► 00:49:33it will be
► 00:49:36at some point indistinguishable from reality will lose this will lose this like you and I just looking at each other through our eyes I see you and you see me I think I hope you think so I think
► 00:49:48this could be some simulation he could do you entertain that
► 00:49:55well the argument for the simulation I think is quite strong
► 00:50:00because if you assume any Improvement at all overtime any Improvement 1% .1% to 6:10 the time frame make it a thousand years a million years the universe is 13.8 billion years old
► 00:50:15what civilization if you counted your very generous civilization is maybe seven or eight thousand years old if you counted for the first writing
► 00:50:26there's nothing there's nothing
► 00:50:30so if you seen any rate of improvement at all
► 00:50:35then games will be indistinguishable from reality
► 00:50:43or civilization will end one of those two things will occur
► 00:50:50although we almost like we in a simulation or we're on our way to one right because we exist we could most certainly be on the road we could be on the road to that right doesn't mean it has to a pretty face reality it could be reality we could be here now on our way to the road or on our way to the destination where this can never happen again where we are completely ingrained in some sort of an artificial technology or some sort of a symbiotic relationship with the Internet or the next level of sharing information but right now we're not there yet that's possible to write it's possible that a simulation is one day going to be inevitable they were going to have something that's indistinguishable from regular reality but maybe we're not there yet that's also possible
► 00:51:36quite there yet that this is real I test out some shit like crap restaurants and they want Rob would ever want to see everyone at Sea metal people if they seem like people are like a longing towards some weird Log Cabin type measure algae ality clinging to track of the nails for the month yes I will go get a mason jar with the Weinstein door handle
► 00:52:10got Stark makes me lose faith in humanity handle they have those advantage of our our generous nature made with Weinstein I made with a handle they made it that way but that would be fine if there was a glued it on or something
► 00:52:47yeah that's like fake breasts that are designed to be hard like fake breasts from the 60s
► 00:52:57if you really long for the ones with ripples here we go it's almost what that is going to do a man does nothing to me know when you do stop terrible ideas from propagating
► 00:53:12yeah
► 00:53:15all right I don't I sound like things are too dark cuz I think like you kind of have to
► 00:53:21be optimistic about the future if there's no point in being pessimistic just two negative
► 00:53:32all right there is like you'd rather be optimistic optimistic than pessimistic and write at least we're on that side or pessimistic is going to be miserable
► 00:53:48yeah nobody wants me around you anyway if it's the end of the world is like a fucking told you bro the world ending
► 00:53:57it is what it is for all I mean enjoy the journey right if you really want to get morose mean it is what it is for all of us anyway we were all going to go unless some something changes and you know even if we just sort of existed as humans forever would be
► 00:54:15would still eventually that be like the heat death of the universe or no right to pass the sun the sun running out of juice eventually it's going to end it's just Assumption of when right is it really it's all about the journey or Transcendence from whatever we are now into something it doesn't worry about that
► 00:54:39the universe as we know it will dissipate into a fine mist
► 00:54:46Cold nothingness eventually and someone's going to bottle it put a fragrance to it sell it to French people in another dimension so so very long time how can you make it last longer
► 00:55:01are you a proponent of the multi universes Theory do you believe that there are many many universes and that even if this one Fades out that there's other ones that are starting fresh right now and there's an infinite number of them and they're just constantly and just never ending cycle of birth and death
► 00:55:20I think most likely this is just about probability there are many many simulations
► 00:55:27dissimulation is right you might as well call them reality or you can call the Multiverse the simulations you believe are created like someone has many they running on the substrate
► 00:55:38so that's a phrase probably boring boring how so
► 00:55:45or we create a simulation like a game or a movie it's a distillation of what's interesting about life
► 00:55:53you know it takes a year to shoot an action movie and then that's all the swell down in 2 or 3 hours
► 00:56:02so we tell you seen action movie being filmed for boring super boring
► 00:56:08takes those like lots of takes those living in a green screen looks pretty goofy doesn't look cool but when she had the CGI at and have a great editing its meaning
► 00:56:22so
► 00:56:24like most likely
► 00:56:27if we're simulation it's really boring outside the simulation
► 00:56:34cuz why would make some noise in this morning could make some Russian way more interesting to face reality
► 00:56:38get that is if this right now is a simulation yet and ultimately inevitably if as long as we don't die or get hit by a meteor we're going to create some sort of simulation to continue on the same technological password for on right now but we might not be there yet so might not be a simulation here
► 00:56:59but it most likely is you feel other places
► 00:57:04does notion of place or where is is
► 00:57:14that's a Vibe that's made by Valve and steam valve but made it a CC to the hardware but it's really about a thing makers of Half-Life yes
► 00:57:38when you're in that in that some in that
► 00:57:41virtual reality which is only going to get better
► 00:57:46where are you
► 00:57:48where are you really you aren't anywhere in the computer what defines where you are exactly right it's your perception is it breaks your perceptions or is it you know a scale that we have on your butt right here I measured you in the same weight as you were when you left
► 00:58:04are you mean while your experience why do you think there where you are right now you might not be I'll spark up join if you keep talking to your man just going to come in here we might have to lock the door right now you think you're in a studio in La you might be in a computer I think about this all the time
► 00:58:20yeah I mean it's unquestionable that one day that'll be the case as long as we keep going as long as nothing interrupts us and if we start from scratch and you know where single-celled organisms all over again and then millions and millions of years later we become the next thing that is us with creativity and ability to change its environment it's going to keep monkey in with things until he figures out a way to change reality to change I mean almost like punch a hole through what is this thing into what what it wants it to be and create new things and those new things will intersect with other people to do things and then we'll be this ultimate pathway of infinite ideas and expression all through technology
► 00:59:08yeah and then we're one that we're going to wander like
► 00:59:13why we are we doing
► 00:59:16let's find out I think we should take the actions the set of actions that are most likely to make the future better
► 00:59:26yes right and then reevaluate those actions to make sure they're there it's true I think there's a movement to that I mean in terms of like a social movement I think some of its misguided and some of its exaggerated in his lot a lot of people that are fighting for their side out there but it seems like the general trend of like social awareness seems to be much more height and now there's ever been in any other time in history because of our ability to express ourselves instantaneously to each other through Facebook or Twitter or what have you and that the trend is to abandon preconceived notions abandoned Prejudice abandoned discrimination and promote kindness and happiness as much as possible because it's nice when he gave it to me sorry with him and it just stayed here I have a real samurai sword fun to play with that I know you're into weapons
► 01:00:261500 San Marcos
► 01:00:39yeah that's a legit samurai sword from an actual samurai from the 1500s if you pull out that blade that blade was made the old way where Master Craftsman folded that metal and hammered it down over and over again over a long period of time and home. Blade into what it is now what's crazy is that more than 500 years later that thing still pristine
► 01:01:06meet whoever took care of that pass it down to the next person who took care of it and took out to the podcast room it's pretty fucking crazy one day someone going to be looking at ass like that he's fucking back doors they pop up sideways like a Lamborghini
► 01:01:30you should see what the Tesla can do you didn't see you should. I'll show you after I love them do like ludicrous mode
► 01:01:40in terms of driving super fast and irresponsibly on public roads that we spend
► 01:01:47what can you do that
► 01:01:50but I need to know about Ivan the more likes can do this like ballet thing to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra it's pretty cool where dances if legitimate
► 01:02:03why would you program that into a car
► 01:02:07sounds like fun
► 01:02:09what about you that's what's weird like when you showed up here you were all smiles and you pull out a fucking blowtorch and not a blowtorch but I'm like looking lost her having fun like this is like this thing when you know what you program a car to do a ballet dance you're having fun though the earth center Rockets into space and and empowering people in Australia I kind of fucked you have time to make the car dance ballet
► 01:02:44well I mean in that case
► 01:02:47it was some engineers at Tesla that said you know what if we make this car dance and play music
► 01:02:55I like that sounds great
► 01:02:57let's try to get it done in time for Christmas we did about someone just losing their mind and making do that in the highway
► 01:03:07now it won't do that what if it's in bumper-to-bumper traffic no no won't do it actually have to drag people have the car lots of things that gets a hold of it everyone's don't know. It's everyone to eat if you search for the Steven search for how well they do now
► 01:03:34yes yes there's so many things about the little X in the model S in the model 3 that's
► 01:03:42people don't know about which probably already or something
► 01:03:45explain it
► 01:03:47cuz I have close friends of mine and I say do you know who can do this and I like nope
► 01:03:54do you want to do a video that how do you like the fact that some people don't know no I think it's probably not we should tell people yeah probably would help your product it's not like you don't sell enough you sell almost too many of them right
► 01:04:11I mean I think a Tesla
► 01:04:16it's the most fun thing you could possibly buy ever
► 01:04:21that's what it's meant to be well I'll goal is to make
► 01:04:27it's not exactly a car it's actually a thing to maximize enjoyment make us maximum fun
► 01:04:37electronic but big screen laptop ridiculous speed handling all that stuff
► 01:04:45yeah do you have a video games yeah well you won't be able to drive while you're playing the video game but we were just putting the Atari emulator ROM emulator in it and a bunch of other things. Max was too hard with the old trackball so this is does a touchscreen version of Missile Command so you have a chance do you have an old car don't you don't you have like an old Jaguar
► 01:05:23yeah yeah that's that's that that 61 series 1 E-Type Jaguar cars old cars
► 01:05:33I think I'm going to have all that
► 01:05:39old Ford Model T that a friend of mine giving is the Ford Model T all stock car that is of course I'm sorry, that's a good looking car license plate of mine it's a beautiful car.
► 01:06:12are there certain iconic shapes and that there's there's something about those cars to they're not as capable not nearly as capable as like a Tesla but there's something really satisfying about the mechanical aspect of like feeling the steering and they're grinding of the gears in the shifting
► 01:06:32something about those it's extremely satisfying even though they're not that confident like I have a 1993 Porsche 964 it's like a lightweight snot is the RS America's not very fast it's not like in comparison to a Tessler and said that but the thing about it is like it's mechanical feeler everything that it gives you this weird thrill like you're on this klinke ride and it's all this feedback and something to that
► 01:07:07yeah let me type is like basically no electronics
► 01:07:12so you like that but you also like Electronics yes it's like the end of electronics driving itself better every day it's like we're back to release the software that will enable you to just turn it on and it'll drive from Highway on-ramp to highway exit do Lane changes over take other cars to go from one interchange the next if you get on say the 405 and get off get off 300 miles later and go through several Highway interchanges and just take over take out the car is in hookah to the nav system
► 01:07:52and then you just meditating
► 01:08:00what did you think when you saw that video that dude falling asleep behind the wheel and I'm sure you've seen it the one in San Francisco is like right outside of San Jose to do doubt call like that in the car is in bumper-to-bumper traffic movie too long have you seen it right software if you don't touch the wheel it it will gradually slow down I put the emergency lights on and wake you up that's hilarious yeah that's hilarious you choose what voice wakes you up
► 01:08:33what's her more of a little punks like wake up fuck face danger something with a Southern accent hey why can't I get a sweetie, Siri when you program something like that in is this in response to a concern or is it your own do you look at it and go ahead and just be able to fall asleep
► 01:09:19to wake him up
► 01:09:21yeah yeah we it's like you know what book you know people are about to do something about that right but when you first released it you didn't consider it right you just like well no one's going to just sleep people fall asleep on the cars all the time crash crash crash car the good time for sure somebody out there was a guy was in an early Tesla
► 01:10:01driving down the highway and you fell asleep and you ran over cyclists and kill them
► 01:10:07as I can look man if we had autopilot when you run out of what we might have fallen asleep but only see when they run over that cyclist
► 01:10:16so how did you have permanent like did you just use cameras and programmed with the the system so that if it sees images it slows down and how much time do you give as the person who's in control of it allowed to program how fast it goes yes that you can program it to be more or less and more conservative look more aggressive driver and you can say what speed you wanted to watch what speed is okay
► 01:10:51well images for four lane changes is tricky because if you're in like la like a nice you're pretty aggressive rights Prius hard to change lanes when it's hard it's hard to be Namaste out here in LA or pushy yeah specially freeway speed up sometimes even in LA but sometimes they're not help that probably locked in together is hive mind
► 01:11:33I don't know how but we're not traffic that'll help a lot how many of those can you put in there so tell you said hell but you can go you can have a hundred levels of tunnel going to be on 9999 -99 floors who this is one of the fundamental things people don't appreciate about tunnels is that does not like roads to find another issue with roses that you have a 2d transport system and a 3D living in workspace environment so you got to lose tall buildings or will concentrator work environments and and then then you want to go into this like to t transport some cars upper spaced out pretty far
► 01:12:26and enter the obviously is not going to work are you going to have traffic guaranteed but if you can go 3D on your transport system then you can solve all traffic you can either go 3D up for the flying car on go 3D down with tunnels you can have as many tunnel levels as you want you can rabbit rarely relieve any amount of traffic you can go further down with tunnels and you can go up with buildings your 10,000 feet down if you want
► 01:12:57I would recommend it but what was that movie with what's-his-face Bradley Cooper not Bradley Cooper Christian now what the fuck is named Batman who is Batman Christian Bale where they fight dragons him and Matthew McConaughey
► 01:13:13jab deep into the Earth how high how deep can you go to the airport with a thin crust on the top which we think of is like the surface this thin crust
► 01:13:44and it's mostly just a big ball a lava
► 01:13:49that's worth $10,000 video have you given any consideration whatsoever to the Flat Earth movement haha
► 01:13:59that's a troll situation it's not no it's not
► 01:14:05you would like to think that I cuz you're a Super Genius haha but I as a normal normal person I know the people weighed down more than me and they really really believe they watch YouTube videos which go on uninterrupted and spew out a bunch of fucking fake facts very eloquently and articulately
► 01:14:25and they really believe these people really believe I'm ready for work so I'm sure
► 01:14:33funny vine weird that right that this age where you know is ludicrous mode in your car goes 1.9 seconds 0 to 60
► 01:14:432.2 2.2 which ones 1.9 the package performance package
► 01:15:01for real what are going to burn ultra high pressure compressed air okay well pump it up like 10,000 PSI and how fast I can fly you make it Fly sure do you anticipate that as being at me you were talking about the tunnels and then flying cars do you really think that's going to be real too noisy air flow so if they finally she was flying cars
► 01:15:39get one of those like toy drones think of how much how loud those are and how much are they how much are they blow now imagine if that's like a thousand times heavier is not going to be make your neighbors happy
► 01:15:54your neighbors are not going to be happy if you land a flying car in your backyard be very helicopter on there or on your roof that are just really going to be like what the hell that was annoying
► 01:16:08if you want to find car just put some wheels on a helicopter is there a way around that like what if they figure out some sort of magnetic technology like all those Bob Lazar type characters were thinking it was a part of the UFO technology they were doing an Area 51 member than they have some some thoughts about magnetics no no bulshit with the air so you must
► 01:16:35you must accelerate the bestest like this you have a mass and your graphic rotational acceleration
► 01:16:45and mass mass times gravity equal the mass of air flow times acceleration about air flow to have a beautiful Force mg is greater than Ma you will go down
► 01:17:01and if Emily is greater than mg you will go up there just no way around that there is definitely no way around it there's no way to create some sort of a magnetic something or another that allows you to
► 01:17:14technically yes you you could have a strong enough
► 01:17:20magnets
► 01:17:23but that might it would be so strong that you would create a lot of trouble you just suck cars up in your car
► 01:17:32just pick up are you closing it after Rappel off of Eva material on the ground or
► 01:17:42in a really naughty Situation off of Earth's gravitational field and somehow make that incredibly light but that magnet would cause so much destruction would be better off with the helicopter so if there was some sort of magnet Road like you have two magnets repel each other get some sort of a magnet row that was below you and you could travel on that magnet road that would work
► 01:18:10hahaha yes yes your kind of magnet Road a magnet world is that too ridiculous it's a lot of things I don't recommend I think I think I was good I would cause a lot of trouble time consideration into this other than you know instead of like my foolish Lee render thoughts so you think the tunnels the way to do it so it'll work for sure that'll work yes and
► 01:18:50your visit these tunnels at your building right now this is basically just like test versions of this ultimate idea that you have
► 01:18:59you know it's just a hole in the ground right we played videos of it where you eat your eyebrows on it and it goes very fast Power Plus girl fast here fast as you want
► 01:19:14I'm going to want to go long distances you can destroy the air out of the tunnel make sure it's real straight
► 01:19:20try the air in the tunnel tunnel then and then depending how fast when I go to these wheels or you could use are bearings depending upon the ambient pressure in the tunnel or you could make love it if you want to go super fast so magnet Road
► 01:19:41yes but underground magnet roads underground maggot realize you're going to really create a lot of trouble with cuz those metal things on the ground you would be an A or B maglev in a vacuum tunnel in a vacuum tunnel levitation
► 01:20:03fun with rocket launchers no I would not recommend putting any exhaust gas out here in the first place I can watch can you breathe you have to pump oxygen into these cubicles
► 01:20:26cuz you have Aaron air plants not getting new Aaron it is it is it like a little hole pump airplanes have it easy because essentially you can they're pretty leaky but yeah but dude
► 01:20:47songs the air pump is working at a decent speed that back up pumps or something and then there's like it doesn't it exhausts through the outflow valve and and through whatever seals are not feeling quite right usually the door doesn't feel quite right on a plane so he's a bit of leakage around the door and the pumps exceed the outflow rate and then that sets the pressure in the in the cabin Texas I still have time for a plane you do a better design I mean
► 01:21:33probably I think it is movie talk to you about this
► 01:21:38and I've talked to friends friends friends and I'm your friend girlfriend so you can tell me
► 01:21:46what you got what's going on
► 01:21:49fun and exciting thing to do would be some sort of electric vertical take-off and Landing supersonic jet
► 01:22:01how to do that
► 01:22:05they do that and some military aircraft correct transition to level flight and then you the thing that you would use for vertical tape for takeoff and Landing is not suitable for high-speed flight
► 01:22:24see if two different systems.
► 01:22:31Thinking about an electric plane is that you want to go as high as possible but you need a sudden energy testing the battery pack because you have to overcome gravitational potential energy wants you to come grab laundry and dryer at a high altitude the energy used in cruise is very low and then you can recapture a large part of your forgot patient 10:20 on the way down so you really don't need any kind of Reserve fuel if you want because you have the energy of height grab his potential energy this is a lot of energy so
► 01:23:08so once you can get high high you like the way you think about a plan is it's a force balance to the force balance
► 01:23:18took a plane that is not accelerating is a neutral force balance
► 01:23:24yeah the force of gravity if a lift force with the wings then you got the force of the one of the thrusting device for the propeller or turbine whatever it is I'm glad you got the resistance force of the air have a higher you go the lower the air resistance is air density drops exponentially but increases with the square and exponential Pizza Square the higher you go the faster you will go for the same amount of energy
► 01:23:56and at a certain altitude you you can go supersonic with less energy from well quite a lot less energy from well then an aircraft at 35000 feet because it's just a force balance
► 01:24:12the stupid first conversation
► 01:24:16it makes sense though I'm sure does now when you think about this
► 01:24:22new idea of of of Designing when you have this idea about improving plants they going to bring this to somebody you just
► 01:24:33truck wash a lot on my plate right now I'm saying
► 01:24:37I don't know I don't know how you do what you do now but if you keep coming up with these it but it's got to be hard to pawn these off on someone else either and Cake go do a job good job with this vertical take-off and Landing system they want to implement to regular planes
► 01:24:54they're playing electric airplane is necessary right now electric cars are important subsonic Utah
► 01:25:08also the plants naturally you really want that gravitational energy density for that craft and thus improving of a time so
► 01:25:19yes it's important we accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy that's why I electric cars matters with electric cars happened sooner or later
► 01:25:28you're really playing
► 01:25:31a crazy game here with the atmosphere of the oceans taking vast amounts of carbon from deep underground and putting this
► 01:25:43maps versus crazy to not do this
► 01:25:48it's very dangerous
► 01:25:53just wish it accelerate the transition to sustainable energy
► 01:25:59I think the thing is that obviously we're going to run out of oil in a long time
► 01:26:06you know when it's only so much oil we can we can line It Burn
► 01:26:11eschatological we must have sister a sustainable energy transport and energy infrastructure in a long time so we know that's the endpoint we know that so why run this crazy experiments or we take coins of tons of carbon from underground and put it in the atmosphere and oceans this is insane experiment just the dumbest experiment in human history
► 01:26:33why we doing this is crazy
► 01:26:38do you think this is a product of momentum that we start off doing this when it was just a few engines a few hundred million gallons of fuel over the whole world not that big of a deal and then slowly but surely over Century it got out of control and now it it's not just our fuel but it's also fossil fuels are involved in so many different Electronics so many different items that people buy it just as constant desire for fossil fuels constant need for oil
► 01:27:12without consideration of the sustainability Welco gas was easy money so have you heard about clean-coal tweeting about it's got to be real Clean Coal all caps do you say use all caps
► 01:27:30kleenco well
► 01:27:35you know it's very difficult to put that CO2 back in the ground doesn't like being in solid form building size filter socks carbon in the atmosphere
► 01:27:49it's impossible
► 01:27:55no. Fuc
► 01:28:00I mean this is quite a complex question
► 01:28:05yeah we're really just went with the more common would take out of the ground and that's the atmosphere and a lot of it gets committed to the oceans the more dangerous it is like I said I don't think right now I think we're okay right now we can probably even add some more but the momentum towards sustainable energy is too slow like a
► 01:28:30does Avast base of Industry
► 01:28:34vast transportation system like this this two and a half billion cause and trucks in the world
► 01:28:40so Pat and ended the new car truck production if it was a hundred percent electric that's only about a hundred million per year so it would take if you could snap your fingers and it's instantly turn all
► 01:28:56old cars and trucks electric it would still take 25 years to change the transport base to Electric
► 01:29:04make sense because how long does a truck car truck last before it goes into the junkyard and gets crushed about 20 to 25 years is there a way to accelerate the process like some sort of subsidies some encouragement from the government financially
► 01:29:21well the thing that is going on right now is that there is a subsidy in any oil burning device power plant or car is fundamentally consuming the carbon capacity of the oceans and atmosphere
► 01:29:39what is the atmosphere for short so I can say okay there's a sudden
► 01:29:45probability of something
► 01:29:48bad happening past a certain carbon concentration in the in the atmosphere and so there's some uncertain number where we put too much carbon in the atmosphere is overheat
► 01:30:03oceans warm up ice caps melt
► 01:30:07ocean real estate becomes a lot less valuable underwater
► 01:30:13and but it's not clear what that number is but it's definitely a scientist would it's really quite the scientist scientific consensus is overwhelming
► 01:30:25overwhelming I mean I don't know I need serious I just actually zero zero we don't think that's quite a serious climate risk that were facing and so
► 01:30:43does fundamentally a subsidy occurring with every
► 01:30:48fossil fuel boat burning thing power plants
► 01:30:52aircraft
► 01:30:54car frankly even Rockets I mean Rockets use up you know they burn they burn fuel
► 01:31:00but this just let me know rockets that just no other way to get to Overton fortunately so it's the only way but with cars that's definitely a better way with electric cars
► 01:31:12and generate the energy do so with photovoltaics because you've got a giant they were nuclear reactor in the sky called the Sun
► 01:31:20great scriptures of everyday very reliable
► 01:31:25so if you can generate energy from solar panels stored with batteries and have energy 24 hours a day
► 01:31:34and then you can
► 01:31:36you can send it to the polls ordinary to the north with in high voltage lines also a lot of hydropower as well
► 01:31:49I'm all old fossil fuel power things have an inherent subsidy which is their consumption of the carbon capacity of the atmosphere and oceans
► 01:32:01so people tend to think like what why should electric vehicles have a subsidy but they're not taking into account that's all
► 01:32:10fossil fuel pump running Vehicles fundamentally are subsidized by the cost the environmental cost to Earth
► 01:32:20but nobody's paying for it we all going to pay for it obviously in the future will pay for it
► 01:32:27it is not paid for now
► 01:32:29what is the bottleneck in regards to electric cars and trucks and things like that is it battery capacity
► 01:32:38yeah go to scale up production how to make a compelling
► 01:32:43make it better than gasoline or diesel cars make it more efficient in terms of like the distance you can travel yeah I got to be able to go far far enough recharge fast you're anticipating 600 miles is that correct
► 01:32:58yeah yeah what is it what is that now make one right now that would be 6 or so to get back to class but it's more so
► 01:33:13well you know just have a ton of kilwa tarp at battery pack and you can go 600 miles do you have now
► 01:33:21330 mile range model S car pack will be about 10:30 Monday 3:35 but some people have hyper mild it to 500 Miles hyper mild it was on level ground with a pump the tires up really well I'm going to smooth surface and and you can go for a long time but definitely we do 300 miles is there any fine for most people usually 200 or 250 miles is fine thread solar powered one day especially in Los Angeles I mean what you said about that giant nuclear reactor a million times bigger than Earth is floating in the sky is it possible that one day you'll be able to use power all these cars
► 01:34:20solar power I mean we don't ever have cloudy days if we do this three of them
► 01:34:27what does the Secretary of a car is
► 01:34:31without making a car like really blocky we're having some like a G-Wagen yeah I like it a lot of stuff there were like maybe like solar panels fold out or something like to eat class that's what we needed that you type yeah that the Jaguar E-Type with a giant long hood that could be a giant solar panel what the hell I did want to have this like unfolding solar panel thing they press a button and we just like unfolding solar panels and like charge recharge your car in the parking lot
► 01:35:04yeah we could do that but I think it's probably better to just put that on your roof right and then it's going to be facing the sun all the time cuz I did the Fisker have that on the roof the Fisker Karma new generation for I said believe it was only for the the radio is that correct recharge like 2 miles a day or so would you laugh when they started blowing up when they get hit with water
► 01:35:33remember what happened they got there they had a dealership Fisker karmas were parked beside like that with a flood in Jersey hurricane came in they got overwhelmed with water and they also do exploding this fucking great video of it did you watch the video and watch the video but I miss you being naked
► 01:35:57watch that video laugh my ass off they all blow up they got wet and they blew up that's not good waterproof so that doesn't happen smart Kazakhstan map that he he just voted through a tunnel under underwater tunnel that could flooded tunnel I just
► 01:36:21turn the wheels to steer and press the accelerator and I just let her through the tunnel and he smoked around the other cars that's amazing on the internet what happens if your car gets a little sideways like if you're driving in snow like what if you're driving if you're autopilot is on and you're in like Denver and it snows out a car gets a little sideways does it correct itself. It's got great car traction control correct you know I like oh yeah oh yeah pretty crazy that's pretty crazy yeah so like if you're going sideways and knows how to correct itself
► 01:37:05Charlie Ward go sideways it won't it will correct itself before it goes sideways even black eyes
► 01:37:13yeah Eustis videos we could see the car the
► 01:37:18that alone traction control system is very good it makes me feel like Superman right you like feel like you're going to make you feel like this incredible driver I believe it in Sweden Norway and Canada and few other places they do a lot of their they do some of their driver training school on these Frozen surfaces so you're just the cars going sideways with you like it or not and you have to learn how to slide into corners and how do we do asked
► 01:37:58electric cars have really great traction control because the reaction time so fast right so you've got a lot of latency takes awhile for the the engine to reactant for before electric motors incredibly precise that's why you're the only you wouldn't have a gasoline engine printer that we pretty weird or or like a surgical device it's going to be an electric motor on the surgical device on the printer
► 01:38:35gasoline engines going to be just driving away it's going to be going to have the reaction time but to an electric motor is operating at the most second level so it can turn on track on and off traction within like inches of getting on the on electricity drive a patch of ice it'll turn traction off and then turn it on a couple inches right after the ice
► 01:38:59little patch of ice
► 01:39:02because in the frame of the electric motor you're moving incredibly slowly you're like a snake your snail you're just moving so slowly
► 01:39:14because if it's a concealed a thousand frames a second
► 01:39:18then it's a recycle say one Mississippi it it just thought about the things a thousand times so it's realize that your wheels are not getting traction it understands are some slippery surface that you driving on and it makes Jocelyn's in real time are you want them to be driving your car yes I'm bored art have the lowest probability of injury of any cars ever tested by the US government
► 01:40:02yeah but it's pretty fun is pretty crazy like you know people still see us like we all have like some accident at 60 miles an hour where they like Twisted an ankle and they slip they seem like they're buried at another car they still see us but that's to be expected expected do you take that into account with like the same sort of fatalistic
► 01:40:26Anita undertones to sort of just go by
► 01:40:29you got to just to let it go this is what people do tell you I've got hurt it is quite a lot of respect for the justice system judges are very smart and they see that I like I have so far I found judge just to be very good at Justice because I like like like watch and jewelry is a good to like they're actually quite good to know people
► 01:40:53are you worried about like occasional errors in the justice system I tell you most of the time they're very good and I fell asleep in the car and he wrote over cyclist and you know what was what encouraged me to get water pilot out as soon as possible like I see what is getting sued you for falling asleep yes he believe I'm not going to blame it on the new car smell
► 01:41:22what yes he blamed him falling asleep on your new car smell this someone is a lawyer as a real thing that had thought that through in front of his laptop for you wrote that shut up
► 01:41:36yes he got a lawyer and he screwed us and the judge was like this is crazy stop bothering me know thank God yes thank God thank God there was a brain plate that is a judge is very good some of them what about that a lot of the river in Pennsylvania who is selling those kids out know about that story was selling young boys to prison he was like literally yeah I literally under bribes for he was elected judge or a politician this is a very famous story he's in jail right now I think for the rest of his life and he put away he he would take a young boy would do something like steal something from the store and he would put them in detention for you know 5 years something we're ridiculous egregious and they investigated this history and they found out that he was literally being paid off
► 01:42:36was it by private prisons is that what the deal was there was some sort of but this judge is to judge Common Pleas judges
► 01:42:50I think they are elected who was paying them
► 01:42:56someone it was proven to point with her in jail now that song was paying them to put more asses in the seats in these private prisons a payment to put them in the youth center's Builder a million-dollar payment that charges in prison yes but people who think perhaps the justice system consists entirely of Judges like that I want to see how are you this is not the case the vast majority of charges of very good they care about Justice and they could have made a lot more money if they wanted to get trailer and instead they cared about Justice and they made less money because they care about Justice and that's why I feel that same way about police officers I feel like there's so many interactions with so many different people with police officers that the very few that stand out that are horrific we we tend to look at that
► 01:43:56this is evidence that police are all crop in that I think that's crazy no most most police are are a very honest person now that I know a very honorable ethical people have to go up to the average person that's why I freshen have to go and obviously if somebody is is given a trusted place in society such as being a police officer or a judge and they all corrupted then we must be extra vigilant that game such situations I take action but we should not think that this is somehow broadly descriptive of people in that profession I couldn't agree more I think there's also an issue with one of the things that happens with police officers prosecutors in anyone is trying to convince someone or arrest someone is that it becomes a game and then games people want to win sometimes people cheat
► 01:44:57yes I mean you know if your prosecutor shoot you should not always want to win. At times when you should like them okay I should not going to win this case and then pass on my case sometimes people want to win too much that is true
► 01:45:19you know what you should do sententious or see a lot of criminals and then your your view of the world can get negatively have a negative
► 01:45:29you're having a good view of the world because you're you're just interacting a lot of criminals but actually most of society is not consist of criminals and had to have this conversation at dinner so we just go with Tony I was like man what sometimes seem pretty very dark because you know there's some things out there and he was like dealing with some case which consisted of a couple of old ladies that would
► 01:46:01run people over somehow for insurance money that was rough
► 01:46:05like wow that's that's that's pretty rough
► 01:46:09as I get my car to maintain faith in humanity if your district attorney but but you know it's only
► 01:46:16a few percent of society that are actually bad and then if you go to the worst state .1% of society weather
► 01:46:24what's 1 + 1000 one in a million damn bad like damn evil the millions of millions for one in a million of evil is so evil people cannot even conceive of it
► 01:46:46but this 330 million people in United States so that 330 people out there somewhere
► 01:46:53but I buy sentricon this will serve 30 people or incredible angels and unbelievably good human beings yeah we tend to I thought Cindy gravitate towards the worst case scenario yes and we want to frame that end of this one of the real problems with prejudice they we want and whether is prejudiced towards different minorities or prejudiced towards police officers or anything so if we want to look at the worst case scenario and say this is an example of what this is all about and you see that even with people how they frame genders some some men find women like that they get ripped off by a few women and they said all women are evil some women get fucked over by a few Min all mentorship and in this this is very toxic and it's it's also it's a very unbalanced way of viewing the world and it's very emotionally based and it's based on your own experience your own anecdotal experience and it can it can be very
► 01:47:53influential to the people around you and it's just too dangerous way it's a dangerous thought process and pattern to promote it is
► 01:48:04people should give other people the benefit of the doubt and assume that they're good until proven otherwise and I really most people are actually pretty good people
► 01:48:15nobody's perfect they have to be if you think I'm a vast numbers of us there just interacting with each other with each other constantly we have to be better than we think we are his weapons like that how many times like nobody's been really try to motivate you and your buddy yet yeah I'm always look mad if I say something that fucked up it's right there at 11 things up for sure
► 01:48:46guaranteed to make any party better I mean that's the armed civilization Theory write an armed Community is the safe in polite community
► 01:49:00you're in Texas kind of true I mean tell me what's going to happen on a good mood piss people off and everybody can have a gun or off just let that guy get in your lane test site in Central Texas near Waco beautiful SpaceX in McGregor Bay cool yeah there you know we have like lots of fire loud explosions and things and people that work sweet you know your kids go to school yeah it's you know it's dangerous
► 01:49:54yeah but if it's free there's something about it's very enticing because of that it is dangerous but it's also free right yeah yeah I prefer over places that are more restrictive but more liberal because you could always be liberal and like just because things are free and just because you have a certain amount of you know right wing type characters it doesn't mean you have to be that way you know and honestly there's a lot of those people that are pretty fucking open-minded and let you do whatever you want to do or I don't bother them
► 01:50:29yeah exactly that's my hope right now with the way we're able to communicate with each other today and how radically different is been Generations past is that we all just the dust settles we all realize I like you you like what you were saying that most people are good the vast majority what mushrooms
► 01:50:57I think they're delicious yeah right you know the good for you to all of them
► 01:51:04all kinds of them
► 01:51:07what do you see in terms of like when you think about the future of your company's what do you see is like bottlenecks
► 01:51:18what do you see in terms of like bottlenecks of things that are that are holding back Innovation is it regulatory commissions and and people that don't understand the technology that are influencing policy what what what could potentially be holding you guys back right now
► 01:51:39is there anything that you would change your question
► 01:51:47you know I wish I wish politicians were better at science that would help a lot that's problem
► 01:51:54yes is no incentive for them to be good at science there isn't
► 01:51:59I'm actually not if they're pretty good at science in China have to say
► 01:52:04yeah the mayor of Beijing ass I believe in environmental engineering degree and the deputy mayor is a Physics degree and met them and the parasite Shanghai is really smart and you're up on technology what do you think about this government policy of of stopping use of Huawei phones and there's there's something about that the the worry about spying I mean from what I understand from Realtek people they think it's horseshit
► 01:52:35oh I'd like the phone. No I don't know they don't you buy Huawei phones
► 01:52:43is that are you up and around now so we just spend the top secret stuff then you want to be pretty careful about what Hardware you use but you know like most people do not have top-secret stuff and like nobody really cares upon you watch it's like nobody really cares you know so that's kind of on them like you just like National spy agencies do not give a rat's ass what I do not care so much Secrets National spy agency have to learn from the average citizen pipe nothing against the narrative in the argument by Logitech people is that the real concern is that these companies like Huawei are innovating at erratic pace and they trying to stop them from integrated into our culture and
► 01:53:43riding this bike right now they're the number to cell phone manufacturer in the world OK Samsung's number one away is number to Apples now number 3 they surpassed Apple's number to and the ideas of this is all had taken place without them having any foothold whatsoever in America there are no there's no carriers that have their phones you have to buy their phones unlocked through some sort of a third party and then put the worry is you know that these are some heart of the controlled by the Chinese government that common is Chinese government is going to distribute these phones and I don't know if it's that the worries economic influence that they'll have too much power I don't know what it is that you you pay attention on it any of this you know maybe
► 01:54:33you know our National Security Agency shouldn't have how well are we friends maybe that's? But I think for the average citizen this doesn't matter
► 01:54:43doesn't just like me I'm pretty sure the Chinese government does not care about the goings-on of the average American citizen is there it is there
► 01:54:56a time will you think that there will be no security will be impossible to hold back information does whatever bottleneck will will let go we're going to we're going to give in the whatever bottleneck between privacy and ultimate Innovation what will have to be bridged in order for us to achieve the next level of technological proficiency that we're just going to abandon it and they'll be no security no privacy do people want privacy cuz they seem to put everything on the internet and this this idea that one day we are going to be able to share information we're going to be some sort of a thing that symbiotically create symbiotically connect in sure but also we will we will be it will be so much different large or concerns about money about status about what all these things were seemingly go by the way
► 01:55:56if we really become enlightened if we really become artificially enlightened by some sort of an AI interface where we have the symbiotic relationship with some new internet type connection to information
► 01:56:13but you know what happens then
► 01:56:17the what what is important what is non important is privacy important when were all gods
► 01:56:25I mean I think the things that we think are important key private right now I probably will not think our Force right information Ryan
► 01:56:38what do you what do you hide emotions what do we hide and I mean it I think like embarrassing embarrassing stuff but there's actually people out there like an off that much Best Kept private that people at that it is actually relevant to other people actually care about you think other people care about it but they don't really care about us and something happens don't some people care about it but then it gets weird when you when it gets exposed like Jennifer Lawrence when I was naked pictures or got exposed in some ways people like them or that they really like the person to just a girl who likes sex and it's just a live in as a boyfriend and sends a messages and now you get to look into it and you probably shouldn't have let somebody let it go and they put it online and then all right
► 01:57:27she seems to be doing okay it's a person she's just you and me and the same thing she just in some weird place where she's on a 35 foot tall screen with music playing every time she talks
► 01:57:42yeah. I'm sure she's just like her face is fully realize where we really do become something far more powerful in terms of our cognitive ability or our ability to understand irrational thoughts and and mitigate them and they were all connected and some sort of an insane way what I mean I would have our thoughts on well our thoughts on social status like how many of those just evaporate and our need for privacy maybe our need for privacy would be the ultimate bottleneck that will have to submit it will have to surpass
► 01:58:26I think the things that we think are important now will probably not be important in the future but they will be things that are important what was he more for things
► 01:58:37I only might be some more of ideas potentially
► 01:58:42I don't think Darwin's going away
► 01:58:44Bratz dolls going to be there
► 01:58:50I'll be there forever forever it would just be a difference in a different Arena
► 01:58:57Karina the digital Arena the Ford Arena
► 01:59:02Thomas not going away
► 01:59:05what keeps you up at night
► 01:59:10was quite hard to run companies
► 01:59:13especially car companies how to say it's quite challenging the cart business is the hardest one of all the things you do
► 01:59:25not the SpaceX SpaceX is no walk in the park but
► 01:59:29but a car company spray difficult cable company alive spray difficult you know there's only two car companies in history of American car companies that haven't gone back Miss Ford and Tesla
► 01:59:44that's it yeah Ford Road out that crazy storm huh they're the only one that's getting their teeth shout out to the Mustang
► 01:59:53Yea Yea by the skin of the teeth that is interesting when I say what we barely survived how close she get to Fulton
► 02:00:01very close where you at
► 02:00:052008 is not a good time to be a car company especially a startup company and especially an electric car company I was like stupidity squared and this is when you have those cool roadsters with the T-top with Targa Top release chassis the body was completely different but I was a strategy that we actually did dumb
► 02:00:31based on two false premises one false premise was that would be able to cheaply convert the Lotus Elise and use that as
► 02:00:42car platform and that we would be able to use technology from the store company called AC propulsion for the electric drivetrain and the battery is
► 02:00:54Facey propulsion technology to not working production and we ended up using none of it a long time none of it to resign everything and then the once you add a battery pack an electric motor to a card got to have your kinetic sand heavier invalidated the entire structure or lacrosse structure of everything has to be redone
► 02:01:16nothing like I think it had less than 7% of the parts were common with any other device including cars or anything
► 02:01:257% yes everything including tires and wheels bolts
► 02:01:31breaks even as hearing well see the steering wheel was almost the same as the windscreen less than 7% so that's basically the entire structure is different the H2 like the HVAC system that the view of the air conditioner with a belt driven air conditioner
► 02:02:08and all that takes away from the battery life as well right yeah we need small highly efficient air conditioning system that fit in a tiny car and was electrically-powered not belt driven
► 02:02:19it's very difficult how much does where those cars 2750 to make that and what was the weight distribution
► 02:02:35it was about
► 02:02:37dirty versions of the car so is about 55 on the rear cuz it was the most popular sports cards of all-time heavy rear end by us well I mean yeah the spice Newton not being on their side I get fighting you can it's very difficult well if you got those any sense they do once you understand them once you understand what I hang the engine so fast this is not a wise move you don't want to let up on the gas when you're in a corner the phone was up with Widow with whistling that's where the engine is mouse over the rear axle or off the rear axle towards the rear they pull number in Russia is fundamentally screwed you cannot solve this is unsolvable
► 02:03:34just wondered if you're screwed
► 02:03:38bright like it seems like if you spawn the car like a top
► 02:03:43but that's your problem if you're just
► 02:03:48false evidence Wireless show by the way I realize you're fucking Elon Musk do whatever you want man
► 02:04:03you're getting confused call me
► 02:04:06elsewhere in private square up a storm to say freaking it's fun way the old house moms have children this freaking thing better I like the looks of the Porsche 912 Porsche handles given that it's the physics to actually still make it work well is incredible if you know how to turn into the corner once you get used to the feeling of it there's actual benefits to it you know that there are some benefits the car I had before Tesla was a 911 okay how's 997 or 6
► 02:04:51great Carmen Schneider where they had the variable vane turbo and you didn't have the black guy with great florek like Photo home Claremont the older one or something fun about it though I like the feeling that we're weight kicking around you know what I was talking about earlier about that little car that I have 93 911 Assist it's not fast just not the son of the best handling car but it's more satisfying than any other car I have because it's so mechanical it's like everything about it like crack holes and bumps and he gives you his feedback and I take it to the comedy store because when I get there I feel like my brain is just popping and Sunfire at it's like a strategy for me now
► 02:05:52that I I really stop driving other cars there I drive that car there just for the brain juice just for the in the in the interaction
► 02:06:02are you should try Model S p100d I'll try to blow your mind skull okay tell me what to order I'll order it Model S p100d okay Jamie just looked car that I drive okay okay I'll get with the car drive okay that's good regular days you'll never notice the battery never never how hard is it to get like one of them crazy plugs installed in your house. Difficult now it's like it's like a dryer Outlet come up with some crazy tiles for your roof that are solar paneled because Russe at the last one time you want to leave for Ruth the last like
► 02:07:02February 1st new you don't replace the roof you want to put like so pound on the front so that's like retrofit you know I never try to make the record for pounds look real nice but they're not the new product coming out with is if you if you have a roof that's either you're building a house or you're going to replace a roof anyway then you make the site the tiles have solar cells embedded in the tiles and then it's quite a tricky thing because you want to not see the solar cell behind the book The Glass Tile so you have to really work with the
► 02:07:37the glass and end the end of the rarest Coatings and layers so that you don't see the solar cell behind the glass didn't look right so it's really tricky stain put it up there yeah and it looks good see more closely you can see the cell but if you zoom out well looks cool though yeah that's really hard because you have to go through when it gets reflected back out it doesn't act up as a seller now are those available to the consumer right now we have proof right there that's amazing
► 02:08:23that looks good yeah I like that one as far as you get that kind of fake Spanish looking thing I like that that's why people in Connecticut smoking pipes that one yeah that's badass dude so I don't actually work I believe you the solar panels that are on that house that we looked at is that sufficient to power the entire home
► 02:08:52it depends on your energy
► 02:08:58generally yes I would say it's probably for most it's going to vary but it anywhere from more than you need to maybe half black half to 145 of the energy that you need depending on how much proof you have relative to living space and how ridiculous you are with the TV is no problem there can you stack air conditioning in stupid is the problem if you have an efficient air conditioner and you don't depend on how are you a conditioning rooms when they don't need to be a conditional release by common cause pain in the neck music program your VCR like
► 02:09:40Brian that's just the blinking 12 I'll tell people just like the hell with that I was going to make it this time after all day long if you're in the room that it stays cool right I'll be home and then cool the room the room that you're likely to use with a little bit of intelligence we're not talking about like genius home here was talking like Elementary basic stuff from
► 02:10:06but you know like if you could hook that into the car next to me was you coming home like an open mind fooling the home we're going to come home really cool when you're not there I can tell that you're coming home was going to call it the right temperature right now after works with your solar panels or anything like that
► 02:10:24yeah and we need to hook it up to a conditioning to a really make the air conditioning while have you thought about creating an air conditioning system I know you have
► 02:10:36trick question
► 02:10:40answer questions about future Patel okay let's just let it go and move on to the next thing that would be interesting I do yeah I would say radiant heating all that good ideas that when you when you think about the efficiency of these homes and you think about implementing solar power and battery power and is there anything else that people are missing is there any other like I just saw a smartwatch that is powered by the heat of the human body
► 02:11:11some new technology it's able to fully power that way I don't know if it's okay or if it's I just watch her here this is a Casio it's called a Protech and it's in like an outdoor watching solar powered and so it has the ability to operate for a certain amount of time on solar function for a certain amount of time I saw her like there's a self-winding watches where it has just got to wait and watch and as you move your wrist that the way it moves from one side to the other on and it said white wines to watch up that's a pretty cool thing Rolex is that it's all done mechanically there's no batteries in there is no nothing that's based on wrist movement but it really depends on how much energy to watch uses about 2 weeks after certain amount of like fuckery with those watches like I brought my watch I have a Rolex that my friend Lorenzo gave me and I brought it to the watch store
► 02:12:11and I said this thing's always fast I said it's always like after a couple months like 5 minutes fast and they go yep
► 02:12:20because it's just what it does to go hold on I go see you telling me that it just is always going to be fast they said yeah it's just like every few months you got to like reset it to recalibrate that thing they can't they tried they say every few months with its 4 months 5 months or 6 months going to be a couple minutes fast okay seems like they recalibrate that because if it's always fast you know delete those minutes to fucking kick down the door at Rolex and go you bitches are lazy it's amazing I mean though the whole luxury watch Market is fascinating I'm not that involved in an intern like I don't buy them I bought them as gifts I don't buy them for myself but when I look at them online with your million-dollar watches out there now they're like they have like little rotating Moons and stars and they they live like look at this thing
► 02:13:20is African Preposterous I like yours love them but there's some of these people have just taken it right in the ass than buying these watches for like $750,000 Mike yo that's a Timex Sun nobody knows it's not any better than some Casio that you can just buy online like we do that though here's the thing if your person it doesn't just want to know the time you want craftsmanship you want some Artisans touch you want innovation in terms of like a person figuring out how gears and cogs all line up perfectly to every time it turns over it's basically a second if that's just part 2 that it's a great yes not just telling time that I like this watch a lot but if it got hit by a rock I wouldn't be sad it's just a watch it's a mass produce thing that runs on some courts battery
► 02:14:20but those things that's the shark at at
► 02:14:24beautiful yeah yeah yeah there's something something amazing about it it's a because it represents the human creativity it's not just it's not just electronic Innovation there's something is this a person work in that yes
► 02:14:43you have watch on
► 02:14:45now have I used to have a watch what happened my friend tells the time was you lose your phone you wait hold on let me guess you are an okay Sky that's correct marveled is ability to get through life without a case that's right you know he takes his phone and he flips in between his fingers like like like a soldier would do with his rifle rolls at shed in between his fingers and he says that's the reason why they do it you said would you look
► 02:15:28add someone who has a rifle why would they do that why would they flip it around like that
► 02:15:35it goes to drop they have in their hand they catch it quickly he does with his phone he's just flipping his phone around all the time I got that Mexico I was hoping it holds joints
► 02:15:46does it do anything to fix open it just alcoholic the whole storage stories in there but like
► 02:15:53try to put a joint near close it you put like one one blunt
► 02:15:58one but seems pretentious you know that's the idea behind it I bought it cuz I figured but good size to hold joints
► 02:16:11horse not
► 02:16:15is that a joint
► 02:16:19voice of a cigar marijuana and tobacco probably can't cuz stockholders right
► 02:16:35I mean it's legal right totally go okay at you if you do certain things
► 02:16:43backhoe and marijuana there
► 02:16:50does the combination of tobacco and marijuana is wonderful
► 02:16:54first turned on do it by Charlie Murphy and then reignited by Dave Chappelle
► 02:17:05grandfathered in
► 02:17:14fine yeah a little sip here and there and you just see your inhibitions are relaxed and shows your true self and hopefully you're more joyous and friendly and happy and and everything's good
► 02:17:26the real worry is the people that can't handle it like they're real worried about people can't handle cars that can go 0 to 60 in 1.9 seconds or anything
► 02:17:36have you ever considered something that like imagine if one day everyone has a car that's on the same at least technological standard as one of your cars and everyone agrees that the smart thing to do is not just to have bumpers but to perhaps have some sort of a magnetic repellent device something some electro magnetic field around the cars race cars come close to each other day automatically radically decelerate because of
► 02:18:06magnets or something
► 02:18:08well I mean I cause break automatically break when they see things
► 02:18:17will the wheels were pretty well as revealed that kind of thing that one day all your cars be on the road and then they'll still be regular people with regular cars 20 30 years from now.
► 02:18:39get in the mix and beat them the main problem
► 02:18:43yeah I think it speaks or like it was a time of transition where they were horses and gasoline cars in the road at the same time it's been pretty weird yeah you know I'm back in Manhattan had like three hundred thousand horses
► 02:19:00I figure like
► 02:19:02horse lives 15 years got 20 thousand horses. Dropping dad everyday or every year should say every year 20000 horses of his thousand horses
► 02:19:14back in The Gangs of New York days
► 02:19:17that movie. What am I dragging this dead horse around and I'm a horse
► 02:19:38do you ever sit and think about your role in Civilization different stop and think about your role in the culture cuz me as a person never met you until today when I think of you you know I've always thought of you as being this weirdo super inventor dude who just somehow or another keeps coming up with new shit
► 02:19:58but there's not a lot of you out there like everybody else seems to be I mean obviously you make a lot of money there's a lot of people to make a lot of money you like that clock is right I'll get you one okay done I like weird things like this this is the coolest TGT promotion what is his TGT Studios TGT Studios gentleman who makes all this by hand
► 02:20:26that's really cool might study is filled with weird devices well get ready for another one alright I'm sending it your way you want a werewolf to hook you up
► 02:20:37Alright Ok Google why do werewolf and one coming up do you think about your role in the culture cuz me as a person ever met you until today I've always liked to do in Pollock houses guys keep inventing shit like how do you how do you keep coming up with all these new devices and what do you ever consider how unusual like I had a dream once that there was a million Tesla's instead of like one Tesla there was a million Tesla's not just leave the car but Nicola there's a million people like him who were radically Innovative it was a weird dream was so strange and I've had it more than once it's one of the only dreams in my life I've had more than one time okay I'm in the same dream and in this dream it's 1940s 1950s but
► 02:21:37everyone is severely Advance there's flying blimps with like LCD screens in the side of them and everything is bizarre and strange
► 02:21:46and it's stuck with me for whatever it obviously was just a stupid dream but for whatever reason all these years that's stuck with me like it takes one man like Nikola Tesla to have more than a hundred inventions that were patents right I mean he had some pretty great pretty fucking amazing ideas but there was his day there was very few people like him that was true what if there was a million like what in the end
► 02:22:22do you think about that are you try to not
► 02:22:37I don't think I don't think it necessarily want to be me
► 02:22:41well what's the worst part about you people would like it that much what most people wouldn't but they can't be you so that's like
► 02:22:50I'll take some superhero type shit you know what am I to be Spider-Man sleep tight and Gotham City I hope he's out there doing his job
► 02:23:00it's very hard to turn it off yeah what's the hardest part might sound great Sean
► 02:23:09now I showed you the isolation tank and you've never experienced that before so I think that could help you turn it off a little bit just for the night yeah just give you a little bit of sleep little bit of perspective magnesium that you get from the water as well that makes you makes you sleep easier because the water is Epsom salts in it but maybe some sort of strategy for sacrificing your biological not sacrificing butt enhancing your biological recovery time by figuring out a way with words to meditation or some other ways to shut off that that thing at night
► 02:23:46but you must have like a constant stream of ideas it's running through your head all the time
► 02:23:54getting text messages from checks no I'm getting text messages from what the hell are you doing smoking weed is legal
► 02:24:08it's got me an approved it's not you know I'm not a regular smoker of weed
► 02:24:21let me know if I don't actually notice any of fact why don't they go there was a time where I think it was Ron Dons for someone gave some Buddhist monk bunch of acid okay 8 it no effect on
► 02:24:36I doubt that I would say that too but I've never meditated to the level that some of these people out where they're constantly meditating all day they don't have any material possessions and all of their energy is spent trying to achieve a certain mindset I would like to cynically deny that I'd like to send you this a contagious fucking think the same way I do they just hang out with flip flops on and make weird noises but maybe know a lot of people like weed and that's fine but I don't find that is very good for productivity for you or for me
► 02:25:20Someone Like You album All a cup of coffee right you want to Yerba mate what do you know I'm saying you would like more more like will be beneficial to you would be like coffee I like to get things done like for useful that is one of the hardest things to do when you say you lied to get things done like in terms of like what you satisfaction when you complete a project on something something that you invent come to fruition and you see people enjoying it that feeling
► 02:25:58yes doing something useful for other people but I like doing
► 02:26:03that's interesting for other people
► 02:26:07yes so that you think the dad is maybe the way you recognize that you have these unusual position in the culture where you can uniquely influence certain things because of this mean you sexually have a gift right I mean it's easy to take it was a curse but I'm sure it's been fueled by many many years of discipline and learn learning but you essentially have a gift and that you have this
► 02:26:37radical sort of creativity engine when it comes to Innovation and Technology you're going at a very high RPMs all the time what is that why is this stuff
► 02:26:51I don't know what would happen if I got into a sensory deprivation tank most sounds concerning
► 02:26:59what's running the engine
► 02:27:01with no resistance that maybe it's not maybe it's fine I don't know have you ever experimented with meditation or anything what do you do I would have you done rather
► 02:27:21and we just sort of sit there and be quiet and then repeat some mantra
► 02:27:28which acts as a focal point
► 02:27:31it's just still the mind I just don't mind
► 02:27:35but I don't find myself drawn to it frequently
► 02:27:40do you think that perhaps productivity is maybe more attractive to you than Enlightenment and I or even the concept of whatever Enlightenment means like what are you trying to cheat when you're meditating all the time which would view it seems like almost like there's a franticness to your creativity that comes out of this this burning furnace and fruit in order for you to like, that thing down your throat might have to throw too much water on it
► 02:28:11it's like a never-ending explosion
► 02:28:15I wouldn't like I try to explain it to a dumb person like me
► 02:28:22what's going on in Neverending explosion it's just constant ideas just bouncing around
► 02:28:29damn yeah it's when everybody leaves just Elon sitting at home brushing his teeth
► 02:28:36just punch ideas bounce around your head all the time
► 02:28:42when did you realize that that's not the case with most people
► 02:28:51I think when I was I don't know if I was 6 or something I thought I was insane
► 02:28:56why'd you think you're insane because it's fair that other people do not
► 02:29:01what their mind wasn't exploding with ideas. I'm expressing it they weren't you realize by the time we were five or six oh they're probably not even getting this thing that I'm getting
► 02:29:14no it's just strange who is like
► 02:29:20I'm strange that was my question answering did you feel diminished by then anyway like knowing this is a weird thing that you really probably couldn't commiserate with with other people they will do it I understand you when you were little girl order to put me away like when you were little you thought this wow
► 02:29:49but you thought this is so radically different than the people that are around me if they find out I got the stream coming in
► 02:29:56yeah wow
► 02:30:01yeah I was only like 5 or 6 though
► 02:30:04do you think this is like I mean there's there's outliers biologically
► 02:30:11you mean there's people that are 7 foot 9 there's people have giant hands as people that have eyes that are 20/15 vision is always outliers
► 02:30:23you feel like you are caught this like you have got some you like on some weird
► 02:30:30Innovation creativity sort of wave that's very unusual
► 02:30:36are you tapped into the various things you've been able to accomplish in a very short amount of time and you're constantly doing this that's a weird you're weird person right by Grace what if there's a million Elon musk's
► 02:30:55well that would be very weird
► 02:31:00woo yeah you're pretty weird like real weird that's why
► 02:31:06yeah but it's early and show Rockettes the probably is
► 02:31:17I mean I think that's the case with the a lot of folks
► 02:31:21yeah I mean but like I am I goes like kind of useful things
► 02:31:28how to maximize probably the future is good computer exciting something you look forward to
► 02:31:38help with the
► 02:31:42it was Tesla I would like to make things that people love feels like nothing by that you really love that really give you Joy so rare So Rare I wish there were more things
► 02:31:57that's what I try to do is make things that somebody loves when you when someone loves like do you specifically think about like what things would improve people's experience like what what would change the way people interface with life that would make them more relaxed or more happy
► 02:32:19you really think
► 02:32:21like when you thinking about things like that is that like one of your consideration like what could I do that would help people that maybe they wouldn't be able to figure out
► 02:32:30Daleks like what are the set of things that can be done to make the future better
► 02:32:37you know like so I think that future where we are space-faring civilization and out there Among the Stars
► 02:32:46this is very exciting this makes me look forward to the future
► 02:32:50makes me want that future
► 02:32:53and other things
► 02:32:55I need to be things that make you look forward to waking up in the morning you wake up in the morning look forward to the day for to the Future
► 02:33:05a future where we are space-faring civilization and out there Among the Stars I think that's very exciting that was a thing we want
► 02:33:13where is if you knew we would not be a spacefaring civilization before ever confined to a this would not be a good future that would be very sad think it would be so I want to see the finite lifespan of the Earth itself in the solar system itself but even though it's possibly not mean how many how long do they feel like this sun in the solar system is going to exist how many hundreds of millions of years
► 02:33:40well probably if you're saying that when does the sun boil the ocean
► 02:33:47about 500 million years so is it sad that we never leave because in 500 million years that happens is that what you're saying
► 02:33:58no I just think like there are two Futures and one future is were out there among the stars and things we read about in Sea and science fiction movies the good ones are true we have these starships and forever
► 02:34:13which we going to see what other planets are like and where multi-planet species in the scope and scale of Consciousness is expanded
► 02:34:22crossed many civilizations in many planets many Star systems this is a great future
► 02:34:30this is a wonderful thing to me and that's what we should strive for
► 02:34:37that's biological travel that sells traveling physically to another location yes
► 02:34:46do you think that's definitely where we're going no yeah I don't think so either I used to think so and now I'm thinking more likely less
► 02:34:56they never like almost every day less likely we can definitely go to the moon and Mars
► 02:35:07Saturn Vue get to Pluto that be the craziest place ever if we colonize Mars Andre terraformed it and turned it into like a big Jamaica
► 02:35:17this title should I think that I'm a great amazing
► 02:35:27well I mean overtime wouldn't be easy but it's you could just want you can warm it up yeah you can get some water there I mean overtime hundreds of millions of years whatever it takes I'm also planets that would be amazing I want to be me too
► 02:35:49yeah me too I think it's great we're glad as a robot that you love humans cuz we we love you too and we don't want you to kill us and eat us and strangely I think a lot of people don't like you're mad at me and say those blinds but I do not but I think one of those I think part of that it's just I've been you know they've been struggling some people struggle they Associated struggle with other people they never internalizing problems they looked other people as holding them back and people suck and fuck people and it's just you know so never never ending cycle
► 02:36:26but not always again most people
► 02:36:31a really good most people vast majority this may sound corny it does sound corny but it has the answer answer it is because we're all scared you know we're all scared of trying to love people being rejected or
► 02:36:49someone take advantage of you because you were trying to be loving but if we all could just relax and love each other
► 02:36:58what hurt to have more love in the world wouldn't hurt to be great yeah we should do that yeah I agree man
► 02:37:11now that's probably spend more time with your friends and less time on social media deleting social media from your applications from your phones and then they give you 10% booster happiness was with percentages
► 02:37:31I think probably something like that yeah yeah I could 10% I mean
► 02:37:38I mean the only thing I've kept is Twitter because I kind of like need some means of getting a message out you know Ryan
► 02:37:46that's about it
► 02:37:49so far so good well what's interesting with you you is actually occasionally engage with people on Twitter
► 02:37:57what percentage of that is a good idea haha
► 02:38:03good quality 10%
► 02:38:12Taurus mostly I think it's unbalanced more good than bad but there's definitely some bad
► 02:38:19so do you ever play the Good outweighs the bad do you ever think about how audit is the weird feeling that you get when someone says something shitted you on Twitter and you read it the weird feeling is weird little negative Joel so I guess objective negative jolt of energy don't really need to absorb but you do anyway I want to fuck was gar
► 02:38:41I mean there's a lot of negativity on Twitter it is but it's a weird it's in its form like the way if you ingest it as if you were like you try to be a little scientist as you're ingesting it weird is this that I'm even getting upset and some strange person saying something mean to me
► 02:39:00sun even accurate
► 02:39:03I mean there are vast number of negative comments so vast for the vast majority of I just ignore them like I said it's not good make mistakes yes you can make his own mistakes we're all human we can make mistakes
► 02:39:24it's hard and people love it when you say something and you take it back and I fuck you we saved it for ever fucking screenshot that shit bitch you had that thought you had that thought like well I deleted it. Good enough you had the thought I'm better than you I never had that thought you had that thought you piece of shit look I saved it I put it on my blog yeah I hear what people think about it that anyone would think that's releasing it sweet makes it go away it's like hello Internet for a while yeah they don't Brown you to be able to delete it because the problem is if you don't delete it and you don't believe it anymore it's really hard to say hey that thing above I don't really believe that anymore I changed the way I view things people give a fuck you I have that over there I'm going to just take that America to pay attention that shit you wrote underneath it it's on your permanent record forever
► 02:40:24so your tattoo you keep it yeah it's it's a there's a lack of compassion so lack of compassion issue people just like intentionally shity to each other all the time online and try to catch that fits Adam or trying to catch people doing something that's arrested ball like a cop trying to like get arrests on his his record like to try to catch you with something more than their logically looking at it thinking it's a bad thing that you've done or if it's an idea they don't agree with so much and you didn't salt you trying to catch you it's way easier to be mean on social media than it is to be mean in person yes way easier it's not a normal way of human interacting it's cheating and I'm supposed to be able to interact so easily but people are not looking at yes you would never do that you don't be so mean to somebody looking in their eyes if you did you'd feel like shit
► 02:41:24yeah unless you're sociopath you feel terrible yes
► 02:41:31Elon Musk this been a pleasure really has been spending an honor thank you for having me thanks for doing this cuz I know you don't do a lot of longform stuff like this I hope I didn't weird you out and I hope you don't get mad that you smoke weed legal in California this is exactly this all good serious thank you there any message you would like to put out other than loves the answer cuz I think you really nailed it was that
► 02:42:05I think you know I think people should be nicer to each other and give and give give more credit to others and don't assume that they're mean until you know they're actually mean
► 02:42:20you know just
► 02:42:22it's easy to demonize people
► 02:42:26usually wrong about it
► 02:42:28people are nicer than you think
► 02:42:32give you more credit I couldn't agree more and I want to thank you not just for all the crazy Innovations you come up with and your constant flow of ideas but that you choose to spread that idea which is it's it's very vulnerable but it's very honest and I resonates with me and I believe it I believe it's true too so thank you all you assholes out there would be nice be nice bitch alright thank you everybody thank our lot of you thank you buddy for tuna to the podcast and thank you to our sponsors thank you to the motherfuking cash out the number one app in finance ladies and gentlemen you can download it for free in the app store or the Google Play Market and don't forget when you download the cash app enter the reward code Joe Rogan all one word you'll receive $5 in the cash app will send $5 to Justin wrens fight for the Forgotten charity thank you also to
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