YouTube Douchebags

May 18, 2017

On today's VIEWS, the first one ever, David and Jason navigate the world of podcasting. Jason is the show's defacto tech guy and is already on thin ice, while David is mainly doing the show to help Jason, who needs the money. The guys also talk about their lives as YouTubers, hanging out together, and how Jason's kids are closer in age to David than Jason is. Welcome to VIEWS.

► 00:00:00

what's up guys welcome to the podcast views it's me David dobrik and Jason Nash and we already started this podcast like two days ago but we played it back and turns out Jason fucked up the audio God that's so that's so unfair because you didn't do anything daily you don't doesn't matter regardless we're going to play the podcast now so bear with us for the first minute because the audio is going to be a little bit fuzzy yeah it won't happen again because Jason's on a short leash now because he's a fucking idiot but it was does actually really good thanks

► 00:00:28

are you ready to do it should I start recording I have a feeling we should do some the studio don't make excuses just lay down the funny and then we can move on with our lives let's start it are you ready to start did you date seconds unfiltered oh brick what's up guys welcome back to views should I do cool Voyager Mission started yet we're not back from anything this is in fact this is the one time you wouldn't say back from something welcome back guys welcome to views button

► 00:00:58

is I'm Jason and I'm David and this is David's idea and he does not want to be here this is this is my idea but then Jason was like oh my knee so Jason hop Donna and Jason Jason has a lot of juice is a little more enthusiastic than I am about it I'm just excited to get here with my good friend Dave him pay the bills and pay the bills and Associate and to attach myself to a young internet star and in some way people may think that I am also talented to let me just give you a little

► 00:01:28

no background Jason's 43 years old he's double my age I'm 20 years old and more than know we rich yeah he's more that I am closer in age to his kids then I am to him yeah like when when my kids come over play basketball there 11 and David beats the crap out of them and which I understand after I thought about it at first I was like David but then I was like oh no that is what the older kid would do so how do you want to do this I mean basically we're just going to talk about stuff right yeah well we

► 00:01:58

reduce ourselves that's the first podcast yeah we don't know what's gonna I mean I'm David I started on Vine and I'm doing a bunch of YouTube videos I'm really into YouTube and then I found Jason at a comedy club that's a good story it's the most cliché like way to find a person let me just let me tell you guys how I met Jason how he was in in my life I did a movie back like couple months ago for Jason was called FML it completely bombed it was a waste of a million dollars here we go 4.6 out of 5 on IMDb I looked it up yesterday

► 00:02:28

IMDb is out of 10 oh I'm sorry for Point yeah hilarious it was like honestly it's like a point one out of ten go look it up guys oh yeah and IMDb and it's like 4.6 out of five on Psychiatry I want you to look it up while I tell the story Chase is going to show me the actual no no show me show me okay so basically we were in his movie it was really funny because we hung out with him and he was old and it was the whole like Dynamic of him being old in us being young and then fast forward two months

► 00:02:58

her I'm going to Comedy Club to watch some friends and I see Jason performing and Jason just puts on this hilarious skit where he's basically yelling at the audience and he's telling them that they're stupid Millennials and then I approached him after the show like a producer of some big budget movie and I'm like hey I want you to do that in front of the big cameras tomorrow at my place on the Vlog and everybody around me was like he's a fucking kid little the Jason know that it changed his life

► 00:03:28

if I don't even know it would change my life forever 8.1 on its head shut up David it's a good movie no way maybe it's a good movie people treat me all the time it's a good movie Just because people haven't seen it just to be fair it only has 67 votes so if I vote a one it'll probably go down to a six point nine I did sixty three of those votes you just 63 of those votes and you were still so honest that you didn't give yourself a 1000 make it look real you're like no this this movie doesn't deserve

► 00:03:58

and even though all the votes are from you David it's a good movie I fucking I stand by it I mean I had a good time I had a good time being in the movie and I was actually one of my first movies I've ever done it definitely is actually your first movie yeah your last I don't ever want to do a movie I don't ever want to be in front of the camera anymore like that really yeah why I don't know I just wasn't good at acting and like you were you're hilarious what was impressive about you is how nice you were to people like on Seto but can I tell you what really pissed me off about the movie

► 00:04:28

what at the credits you gave everyone like a big like picture and their name and then you gave me a tiny name like lies on my girlfriend who was in it for less time than I was had like her entire picture and was like Liza cauchy and then I was David dobrik

► 00:04:44

and it really pissed me off don't look don't look at me like interesting you bring that up I don't remember that okay what the movie Son maybe you deserve it because she said the movie sucked so bottom line now so that's why you didn't like it oh the truth comes out you never title card no that's why you didn't like if I had a big title card there you're like oh so good to go see you let me tell you more about Jason Jason is divorced yeah so he's David I'm not divorced divorced from reality David put Scorpions on people I just we actually put script

► 00:05:13

some people today Jason has two kids who both love him very much surprisingly yeah but I mean he doesn't love him back that's that's the oh even when David asked my kids to say bad stuff about me and his Vlog they tell them no they're the only people they tell David no that's yeah that's so annoying I want him to say something bad the other day I had to trick him into saying something bad about you yeah I had to we were filming a bit and I wanted them to say I hate him so much and I had to say like hey what

► 00:05:43

you guys think about Hitler and then like I hate him so much and then I voiced it over later and it was like hey what do you guys think about your dad and they're like I hate him so much jeez that fit no I never used it and you end up using it no but that's how I have to check your kids into talking crap about you the Vlogs are really fun yeah enjoy doing it why did you say that like I was holding a gun up to your head people ask me all the time they're like why does he look like my ex-wife said that to me

► 00:06:12

she's like us great then she's like what is David get out of it yeah it's so funny like that because then people ask me on my end and they'll be like what do you what is Jason get out of it because I'll be like do you pay him because Jason goes through a lot of torture if you watch the videos you know you know that he bends backwards for these videos I stand over backwards for you and it pisses me off after I like do a bit for you and then you you're mean to me but don't like anything you take me to the wall the other night what wow

► 00:06:41

all but when I say your prayer really lost it what I taped you to the Watson when I took you to the wall how about yesterday when we're like okay who would who would hurt here David asks a question and he was filming his like okay if Jason died who would feel it the most and then David goes I would I would feel it the most and I was like oh that's so sweet and Dave was like financially well yes I mean it was obvious I thought it was I thought it was like oh you'd be sad that I was gone I said who would be affected by it most not feel it the most affected a

► 00:07:12

yeah obviously be affected by it the most because you're in my Vlogs the most and obviously David doesn't believe in any kind of psychology like I've tried to dissect him a million times like his relations with his parents is so messed up and I'm like what what is it what it's all about is like I just think they look to be on my own like you knows I never said that I didn't say that but but you won't dig in any kind of psychological way whereas I'm more psych I'm like I like to get in there and Jason loves horoscopes is what he's trying to say there was one time I completely hate horoscopes let me tell you a story

► 00:07:41

yeah I think I got this on the Vlog once Liza Liza my girlfriend is a hundred percent into horoscopes and that's all she cares about and one day I'm like they're complete their complete bullshit like none of it is like true and she's like yeah right whatever read me mine right now so I read her horoscope and as I'm listening and I'm like your and I have a great week because you're very optimistic about the days and she's like yep that's me and then I read another one and it's like your relationship is very strong right now with your family and she's like yep that's me and I kept reading off things

► 00:08:11

like yep that's me and I'm like okay cool well that wasn't your horoscope that was someone else's your regular David Copperfield your regular Penn & Teller debunking things people enjoy it's just due to horoscopes done dobrik horoscopes they're not real horoscopes are just so like basic they're like I don't like horoscopes I don't know where you got that from your that kind of a person though

► 00:08:36

I think it's different no I think psychology is rooted in something like you know your dad's a dad's gone when you're a child you have an empty hole in you you grew up without parents you'll have like an empty hole when you just like you yeah I don't have that empty hole me though your soul is I think I was I think I was just because of the relationship I have with my parents I found myself at a very early age

► 00:09:00

right I get it I get your relationship ends I didn't get it at first I was like wow he's a dick but now like I get it more what do you mean what do you mean what did you think at first and then first I was like wow what a little shit like he'll look back on this and he'll change and he'll have a I'm sure you will when you get older you'll be like a little more patient I don't know what you're talking about do you know what's my relationship like with my parents according to you you're like David's mom and dad will call and they're from another country or from Slovakia but they live in Illinois Chill they've been

► 00:09:29

in there for like 15 years which is even like harder there's like a there's a barrier there there's a cultural barrier there and so David is like always really annoyed when they call and they want to come stay and he's like it's not not a good time and they want him to come back for the christening and he's like okay to kick it back right now and then you know the problem with my parents and they die hundred percent listening to this this is really frustrating it's fine is there always there always like like okay when I used to it when I used to just stay at home and do nothing and I would play I think this is all parents

► 00:09:59

it's and I would play video games all day they'd be like why don't you ever leave the house why don't you do anything productive and then and then when I'd be out all day they'd be like why don't you just why don't you just stay in a little bit and stop going out with your friends that's that was all the time with my parents it was on and off and now I finally have a job and they're like you're so stressed out just to calm down you have to stop working when before when I was at home and I was sitting at nothing there like you need to get a job you need to start doing something with your life there's like there's like this weird thing where I can't win with them and that's like the most frustrating you're punishing them now for all those years

► 00:10:29

they fucked with you no not really punishing them I'm just like I'm I finally moved out and I think moving out really like helped my relationship with my parents like it was going downhill quick like it was brutal but like then I left and then I was like so much better as like okay cool I make my you know own decisions you doing gay shit viewed recording your friend's dick and stuff but yeah I talk about masturbation and jacking off at this is what I fucking wanted finally here David has a 2.7 million dollar house in the Hollywood Hills

► 00:10:59

at 6:00 A 2.6 million dollar house in the Hollywood Hills that he bought two months ago and it is spin sitting empty for two I don't have time to furnish it you don't have time to live there or furnish it ya know how crazy that is yeah that you're sitting on a point out the house but now when someone asks me they're like

► 00:11:19

I don't even know I think it's an investment that's what it is I know it sounds stupid but I'm glad I spent my money on something where I can make the money back later as opposed to throwing it up for rent which is going to make on it a couple hundred thousand I honestly just want to break even after five years like I want to be able to have like that place and just break even I think that's really cool about homes and stuff right I don't know what yeah but like the stress of having it and I just don't understand why you haven't moved in just no Vin take a week

► 00:11:48

it off from the Vlog okay you know that's not possible David you're out of place where you're successful enough and popular enough that you can take some time off and move into a house and have a life life exactly that's exactly what everyone on vines that or everyone that like was on Magcon they were like okay we're making so much money we're good let's take a break maybe go buy a car enjoy ourselves a little bit it's not like that I'm talking about one week where you put some stuff in yeah but this is fine then take the it's funny because this is this is how my parents think

► 00:12:18

I'm not pointing at anything Justin just got scared that there's something behind I'm jumpy all the time around David because I think there's a scorpion on my head cockroaches no no this is what my parents say to my pants are always like the they think that once you made a certain amount of money or once you've gotten to some point in your life this is what I think they think they like take a break like calm down like hang out with your family and but why like you know do all that do all that stuff but like they don't understand that that's like where I think at least people go wrong it's like I have such

► 00:12:48

a crazy like opportunity and if I'm not like constantly running and constantly doing it then I'm like an idiot people would kill to be in my shoes literally they'd kill me to be in my shoes it's a fucking blessing when you want to shoot yeah it's I mean it's a blessing to have like I'm like I don't like using that word because I think it's lame but it kind of is I mean it is a blessing to lies about being my shoes and it's just like crazy that my parents would be like take a break off or even you would say take a break like how can I take a break when I have like this

► 00:13:18

amazing thing okay then just move in and and other words so you do that you think there's nothing to the phrase like why have it if you can enjoy it I am enjoying it I'm enjoying being stressed out I'm enjoying like like the feeling of like putting out a video every other day or whatever I do is the best feeling right that's that's my enjoying get that yeah but when you take me to the wall the other night and you were there you were mean to me after I didn't like that at all yeah I know because I gotta be mean to me all the time it's for the camera Jake's not the cameras weren't even on

► 00:13:48

on this is what I do to you I'm mean to you because I want to fire you up for the camera it doesn't help at all yes me up for because then you get angry when I do turn the camera on fucking sitting at Stout the other night I'm overweight got a big chicken sandwich for me pulls out his Snapchat he's like hey look at this fat old piece of shit who I hurt yeah you did the other night yeah you did you made some kind of old joke no I did the Snapchat it my face I had barbecue sauce and then Alex was just sitting there like I know Alex looks at you like you're a fucking asshole David

► 00:14:18

no I never said that I noticed yeah you did you pull out Snapchat you made an old joke okay I made an old joke I never see you fat piece of shit what the hell is that now I never did his old position let me get back to that to the whole what was your what was your phrase about enjoying it well I have it if you can't enjoy it yeah that's like that reminds me like my life or like life in general reminds me of the game Grand Theft Auto do you know what that game is sure so basically as you got to complete a bunch of missions to get money and then you can buy cards with stuff

► 00:14:48

if and I play that game for about two months and I loved it I loved every second of it I love completing the missions and everything and then I got to the end and they basically give you like unlimited money so you can buy whatever you want and now all you're doing is just cruising around in your Ferrari and your private jets and that's all you're doing but you have no more work and that's the worst part of the game because you get bored of it in three days it's not the destination it's the journey yes damn now we hitting bullet points I'd explain what laryngitis meant to David the other night now what it

► 00:15:18

likewise laryngitis there's all these words like you're really smart but you're so fucking dumb in other ways here's what's great about David David works really hard he's really good at making videos and the probably thing I respect most about you is you you broke the form of Comedy Vlog you did that thanks you broke that everyone copies your style

► 00:15:44

everyone you know and and it's like I remember when I first met you you were like you were like yeah like I was like Vine and then you told me that you watched YouTube like all your life yeah grow up I never watched YouTube even I watched it so much because I wanted to be a YouTuber when I was younger right playing video games and one time my mom even I will remember this because I'm like boom I got her but she doesn't know it she walked into my room and she's like what are you doing you've been you've been in bed all day and I'm like I was watching YouTube videos

► 00:16:14

respondent I told her I'm working and she was like she just laughed and I was like in my head I'm like yes that's it that's it I just I just stabbed her she doesn't know it yet and you knew that if she remembers this moment It's Gonna Hurt later right call her the other day yeah you did call it the other one Jason you called her twice one time to talk to her about me and the other time just to get to know her because you were flirting with her she's awesome she's really nice ya know my both my parents are nice she's worried about you I would be too I want to let you know

► 00:16:44

oh that I got a DM today from Marisol 7 uh-huh twelve-year-old girl yeah and she just wanted to say she says hi okay thanks she said tell David I say hi thank you and I just got a bunch of those I got to get to yeah I know we can maybe get him to get to them off this podcast or maybe we can start a separate podcast called hellos and it's just you listing a bunch of people often say that he just

► 00:17:14

always tell him when people say I because people do always say key tell lies they always say can you tell lies I say hi can you tell David I say hi which is really sweet not to make fun of a fan especially the concept they don't understand the concept which is

► 00:17:30

by the time I get to David and tell you that you said hi I didn't take a picture of you I don't really know you

► 00:17:38

I don't know I it happened at playlist non-stop know what happens at the mod happens with lies all the time everyone will come with him big tell lies I said hi and I'm like okay well do and it's just like it's so strange curly-haired girl about four five yeah in a Nike sweat I think some people are I think people don't do it for me to say hi to Liza they're doing it I think because they want me to acknowledge that I know Liza and I like I'm connected to her do you know what I mean so I'm taking it too literally

► 00:18:08

I think they're they're doing it like hey this is the guy this is the guy watch online he's friends with as I do you know what I mean like I'm trying to like analyze it in a really deep way yeah yeah keep like they're trying to connect with me in a way where they know that like he dates Liza I know that he knows that if I say Tom tell lies I said hi he's gonna respond with okay because that's his life and I know it that's that make sense yeah I guess so when they say can you tell David I say hi I guess I'm being too literal no but it's funny being literal I totally get that

► 00:18:38

so tell people how I'm fake how your face yeah I feel like we should say that for another podcast why because I mean we can't hit all the eggs now hit all the marks now are we talking to you fast I think we are we are talking to both really nervous yeah we talked way too fast do we even like completely yeah we talked really quick this is how I talk when I'm acting I try to get it all out in like 10 seconds because I don't want to be on screen for too long yeah you don't want the silence to like sink in and actually steal anything

► 00:19:08

exactly I hate silence yeah

► 00:19:13

maybe yeah maybe we were talking too fast fuck guys we're new to this podcast thing we're going to be pretty honest with you guys why do we start it

► 00:19:23

Jason needs the money I need the money guys even though I'm taking the bigger percentage out of this wood 95 three split 495 case but I but I ta do math so I think it's right it's actually when my when my agency came to me with the split for the percentages I don't know what it was what's the split 7030 it 70/30 yeah they came to me they're like hey how do you feel about you getting 70% adjacent getting 30% I'm like yeah I guess let's do it I can't even think about it now honestly it's fair honestly I did think about it I'm like

► 00:19:53

damn that sucks okay so yeah because we're doing the same thing I understand yeah the year you're going to have people that actually come to listen to you I understand that but it like it just sucks okay well then give me more it's something that's already in writing it's something it's something I've kind of had to live with like not live with but something I realized working in social media is like some people just have it and some people have to work a little harder do you I mean like it so people are like Liza rely on

► 00:20:23

hi Liza post once a week Works incredibly hard on one video you know I mean like there's I'm not taking away from that at all right but I mean she post one video and it's the equivalent to me posting three yeah and I work equally I work equally hard on each one so it's just kind of like not not I don't want to say that lies as to work less hard but it's just like just some people just got it going more and that's like yeah that's like the whole industry that's how it works yeah some people are just born with him and others kind of have to figure it out are you looking at me well

► 00:20:54

because we're doing a bad guy who doing a podcast and there's two of us in this room oh sorry because I really have to fucking figure it out that we told everyone the split yeah I'm not going to go edit that out I'm too lazy or you can edit things out of the podcast yes we're not going live oh my God I thought it's just one continuous stream like yeah it's just like a video you just cut it up before I cut stuff that's why that's why I was surprised when you said the n-word earlier a couple times I'm like how is he going to edit that out but so back to the split

► 00:21:23

get ya back to our seven making money on this anyway yeah that's my my my whole hypothesis on this is we're not going to make any money off this podcast but Jason Jason's doing anything he anything he can I got you if you Jesus Christ I'm people are finding my number now if you if it sucks if you show up to Jason's house and you ask him to mow your lawn for like 50 bucks he'll be like okay but I want to come on manager and on it I won't II just don't take any job at this

► 00:21:53

it yeah even though he's making good money off YouTube which doesn't I think $4,000 a month do you think that's good money people often times a week people listening to you right now are like yeah off YouTube videos they don't live in Los Angeles and have two kids in an ex-wife you're right you're right but you may really sweet Ford Explorer in the driveway you make it let's be honest you make $5,000 a month off of YouTube I make and not only that but you get brand deals you can yeah but they don't pay me

► 00:22:23

the like net 90 bitch yeah you got to wait a little bit to get paid but at some point they're just gonna keep coming in because you waited so long for each of them they dry I don't get them any brand deals you know I don't get any brand deals you get any more no I don't you know I don't get them anymore because you're stupid Vlog your addresses a Mexican prostitute as a Guatemalan prostitute got the LA Jara and do jokes like this bomb ass pussy burn the airport the other night first of all first of all it really really bums me out when you when we were driving to the airport

► 00:22:53

like why why do you fight coming with me to Chuck Norris is house well yeah because I just didn't get it like I didn't get your angle it's like when your wife asked why you Vlog with me I was like dude this is gonna be hell where are you coming you invited me no one I love that I asked but like I'm like I wanted to make sure that you wanted to come because it was I knew it was going to be awful and is going to be a lot of work was a lot of work for me we went to Chuck Norris house by the way yeah we got a big big brand yo Chuck isn't keep a nice that I gotta pee

► 00:23:23

a nicely yeah like take real nice like not just don't don't be like what I deserve I'll show you deserve is not really well show you how much on my hand but I don't think you can say it out loud

► 00:23:35

yeah it's pretty good it's fucking gray and you bitched about it I didn't bitch about it no in your defense in your defense you were upset that it was taking away from the Vlog which is the only reason I think about David he's does not he does with the only time he complains is when someone's fucking with his Vlog he's not a complainer he doesn't think he's worth more than he is although that is an insane number it's that's a really good number yeah it's a lot it's a really good number people are dying you know what it was oh I'm a hundred percent kind of

► 00:24:03

talk about it I just like like like I said before I don't want to start talking about everything now I'm a hundred percent going to bring up how much I make how much we make on everything later like I think that's the most interesting thing and I think people deserve to know yeah when I was growing up all I would do because I watch a lot of YouTube all I would do is guess to me like how much these YouTubers are making and I'd see the cars they're buying and I'm like what are they like what could they possibly be making yeah I was I can tell you guys this I was on a panel for for Vine the other day and I asked the audience I'm

► 00:24:33

how much do you think the big viners made on Vines and one girl goes $500 for like a sponsored Vine and I go I go are you sure why do you think that she goes well because her six-second videos and I'm like cool and then I told her the actual answer which are you guys ready for like a big Viner so like you know people with over 7 million followers for one sponsored Vine would most likely get anywhere between 40 to $100,000 that's the

► 00:25:03

the really top top top yes but this is for a six second video dog that's the top top top it's not that much I didn't get that much you didn't you weren't at the top at all yeah but I read one is your 1 million 1 & 2 yeah but I yeah I'm talking about the guys I'm A Logan and bad guys who move that platform yeah yeah yeah I've heard I've heard about brand deals I've heard one guy to want to say his name but for like three or four Vines it was like a big campaign he made

► 00:25:33

dollars really ridiculous and like this girl thought this girl thought a playlist yeah I saw that I was there in the back watching me but it was five hundred dollars and you were good on the panel I didn't get to talk I love talking a lot Eric Dunn was hogging the mic no no one was really hard about I love Eric done Eric done some of my favorite is one of my favorites yeah I love Eric done because he's like original

► 00:25:58

he's very original know what he did no I like that kind of so I still feel like we're talking too fast for some reason lies is FaceTiming me should I get her on the podcast yeah well this is great this is how can we use this as click Bay lies

► 00:26:12

Liza we're recording our podcast right now but the backup

► 00:26:17

you're on our podcast do you want to say something

► 00:26:21

well it's not live but I don't think we can edit it out so say something that'll get us views because that the podcast is titled views

► 00:26:32

okay okay bye

► 00:26:38

she got a thing for me I think she was drunk I don't know man it's like the way she looks at me sometimes it's you think she looks at you different you know I don't know sometimes you know it's like why is that my girlfriend yeah I seen you try to pull moves on my girlfriend yes it's like a you know that thing we like you know what each other are thinking yeah like all the time you look at lies and you just know that she's thinking about you like the other day she's like can you pass the and I go salt and she goes yeah yeah I was there for that

► 00:27:08

weird I thought really threatened when that was happening weird yeah and you know it's like this thing where I just have a special chemistry and some ASMR video today I'm going to be unboxing my peanut butter I'm gonna take the blue know what I feel what's wrong with his podcast is we don't have any structure we kind of just went at it this is what people love really yeah I did a podcast I had the first podcast do you think we're doing

► 00:27:37

doing good so far oh my God it's really good are you serious I swear to God people listen to the second be like is this guy nuts no no people this is so good I feel like there's no structure behind this and we're kind of just talking out of her ass and we're changing the subject every five minutes it keeps people interested I guess let's talk about bamboo we're getting a lot in we're fitting a lot into the first episode fuck bamboo never mind I'll talk about bamboo now forget it is to go to a Chinese restaurant called bamboo you like Chinese food can I tell you guys something we drive by this Chinese place

► 00:28:08

every other day and a sushi place sorry and for four or five different times Jason would go hey you know what that sushi place is great and he didn't realize that he kept saying it every day until I told him and he hasn't said it since but he would say it every time we drove by his another weird thing about David he drives people home I love driving people home he drive people ho that's why I have an SUV I would never ever drive people home no I love it I hate it it's like it

► 00:28:37

it's my relaxing time being in the car that was feel guilty I'm like no no I'll call an Uber but then like obviously I want to be driven home that's funny test cuz that's how lies and I would get into literally like literal fights and arguments about this when she would land at the airport yeah and I'd be like I'm gonna pick you up and she's like no no it's okay I'll just kidding Uber and I'm like Liza I'm gonna pick you up and she's like no babe it's fine she thinks she's doing me like a favor right and she'll call an Uber and I will be like are you kidding me yeah I get so mad it's interesting it's nice it's nice to pick a girl

► 00:29:07

up the airport to though it's like super nice and it's just I don't know if I haven't seen her I kind of just took want to pick her up and like the drive home is always the best because it's like talk about everything and when you get back home it's busy stuff again so you don't get to see each other that much weight yeah you guys are you guys have an interesting relationship yeah lies is a busy bee it's a good one you guys are always at my very impressive your relationship you always you always have no hope in it it's not in your relationship it's in everyone's I guess you're right you're fine those are great I mean I'm very impressed with how

► 00:29:37

much you know you share you know she does her thing and you do your thing and you call her and you check in with her and and it's very quick phone calls very quick hey babe how are you what's up checking in editing can you come it's always is always a conversation oh babe can you come I can I can I'm editing that's it yeah that's their that's their relationship but she's busy yeah it's back before like Oprah she's gonna be like Oprah she was president

► 00:30:08

what if she has a present I feel like that's not what she wants to do actually well there she had like an acting it's too young and then she became president

► 00:30:16

he showed she won't I don't think I feel like it's too early to tell if she wants to be president but I'm a hundred percent sure she'd probably would be able to do it some stick I think it's interesting how you started vlogging you were the only one doing it

► 00:30:34

tell that story tell it tell the story when when time when you were the only one doing it because you love David always says music so great it was so great when I was the only one oh my God yeah well I started isn't that hard now that everybody else blogs you seem to be doing very well because I've adjusted but let me let me let me tell you something so basically I started vlogging when I met Liza at VidCon I think it was and I was driving her to the airport which I love doing and she had a camera and this is going to sound narcissistic is big

► 00:31:03

because it is and this is the first time I've seen like a flip up camera that was like handheld and I just put it on me and there was something cool that I liked about seeing myself and just like being able to record myself I'm like this is awesome and everyone before this was always telling me to get on YouTube like it's the next move I'm like I don't need it I've always told myself I'm like wherever I'm going to be I'm going to be fine and like Zane and all them they all try doing YouTube and they all have given up because they just couldn't do it and that's what I think worked about my Vlog is I didn't do it because I had to I just did

► 00:31:33

it because I wanted to write and then I started vlogging and I just enjoyed it and I put it together and it was so nice because no one was vlogging and no one was vlogging so every joke that came up in our friend group was mine he snagged it everything was might like I mean this is the best Monopoly ever yeah it's like Tesla right now it's like there's no other electric company that can compete with it right now but five years down the road ten years down the road every car company is going to be doing electric you could just cherry-pick anything funny that

► 00:32:03

adapted anyhow there's an endless from Scott he and it was like if Zane had an idea or someone because because my vlogging was helping them grow their socials so of Zane or Scott had a funny idea they'd come to me and be like you I have this great idea can we do it for your Vlog I make that's hilarious let's do it and it was never for like yeah golden time it was gold it was amazing and then and I think Scott first started blogging and he kind of did it like as a prank like just like trick me right and then the

► 00:32:33

Zane did it the next day and I thought they were kidding and then and they just started doing it and I'm like man this is this is bad this is gonna because like my main concern with them starting vlogging is my story lines going to be messed up because it's not now it's not like okay we're only following these guys this time yeah now you can tune into Zane's and something completely different is happening than where you left off before yeah and it doesn't follow a certain pattern and that's what stressed me out the most I was like great now that Zayn has a vlog say it's going to be doing something else other than what he was doing in my last

► 00:33:03

like you know so there's no like the storyline couldn't be continued the way I would want it to yeah I think it but then I adjusted to it and like I wasn't paying any one so that was they a hundred percent had to do it because there's nothing else they could do yeah they would have to get jobs in the you wouldn't be able to shoot with him yeah I love it I love doing it yeah but now we've now we've adjusted to it it's a lot of work now it's now it's literally a lot of logging it's giving you your to you're too hard on yourself like you're insane

► 00:33:33

in your mental I think you need to go see a doctor yeah I think about it too much which I think is my probably like you had a great we were in Houston the other night he hadn't posted he was with Chuck Norris all day and I was with Chuck Norris all day and then we're getting were boarding the flight to Houston and he has to you have to upload it to your last chance you he's standing at the gate uploading it while the gate is closing the Vlog was great you like it's not good and I told you it was great because I spent so much time on I was just so

► 00:34:03

I doubt it but I told you it was great and then the next day other people told you it was great and you're like I told you cool well enough talking about my Vlog because I feel like the kids overwhelming but ya know I have a I have fun doing it it's stressful and I love it cause it's stressful hey I just wanna let you know I just got another DM I don't want to hear it Sarah you're wasting people's time start listening to this Jason Sierra Sierra Rubio's oh did she really she's it's on there she said I'm assuming she said she says tell

► 00:34:33

but I said hi oh tell her I said hi okay hang on let me type of picture and says if they have an intermission every five minutes again new Dan how long do podcast go for well I mean look this is a this was a great one if we stopped right now I would call this an A-Plus how long do podcasts go for the hour or half-hour happy I mean it's up its up to us I like 20 minutes well we should have stopped 15 minutes ago why

► 00:35:03

are you going to cut it together

► 00:35:06

no I think all of its good it's in a bottle it up like this and just send off it's awesome well what's our outro for the for the podcast what do we do well I've written a song here take a look at it here grab your sides here okay alright and just to sing it in the thing and it's a parody song yes sing it to Taylor Swift's Bad Blood cool here we go just so you guys know we have nothing in front of us

► 00:35:30

well baby David is is my blood thank you for watching it says listening listening on my God I'm such an idiot I already messed it up that's what well David is my blood because he's a good friend of mine okay that's it guys thank you guys for listening we'll see you guys during the next time on this you have nothing in front of us this is an improvisation thank you for listening make sure you follow us on our social medias and that Jason Nash and 20 Jason 20 characters

► 00:35:59

there's I'm David dobrik I'm Jason Nash I'm on YouTube I really need this all right thank you guys bye