Why Does ASMR Give You Tingles?

May 30, 2019

ASMR is all the rage, and ASMRtists will do everything from tapping, to softly speaking, to eating just to give you tingles. Now Emma is going to get into the science behind WHY it happens, and stay tuned for a special Emma ASMR session just for you.

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Bramble hi I'm Emma Chamberlain in this is stupid genius the podcast where I'm stupid and I'm also a genius today we're talking about why ASMR I have the singles and if you're new to the show in a little bit I'm going to get three guesses to come up with the answer to why ASMR gives us tingles but first let's talk a little bit about ASMR you know what I feel like the ASMR trend is kind of on the come down I'm not going to lie

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I mean maybe it's not I don't know I don't know if people still are into ASMR but I remember when it was a huge thing like I'd go on YouTube in my whole explore page would just be literally like weird-ass ASMR videos like slime crinkly slime nail tapping eating the eating ones make me literally so incredibly nauseated like oh my God

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talk about just disgusting okay like the last thing I want to see is somebody just smacking on a fucking like chicken wing with like the whatever the part of the microphone that makes it really sensitive like all the way turned out like to the point where like it's just like like that makes me so upset so like I've listened to Assam are a few times I don't hate it I don't love it

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but I definitely am very familiar with it so I'm still curious about

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why it gives us tingles even though 2p quite honest with you guys I really I've actually never gotten Tangles from ASMR there I said it I haven't maybe I just haven't listened to it enough I've also never listen to ASMR with headphones on that could change everything but I don't know I just I've never really given him the chance maybe after this episode I will go home and I'm gonna go wasn't the same as this may seem are somebody eating like chicken wings

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and then just get all the tangles going enough talking about my personal ASMR relationship with a Chasm let's get to the word of the day so stupid genius word of the day is brain gasm kreygasm is a tingling response in the head or neck in the response to sensory input ASMR which stands for autonomous sensory Meridian response is another term for this phenomenon but you can guess which word I prefer that's right it's a salute which is just a SMI is it as me

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you're like oh I cannot breathe I have asked me oh no is it no no spraying qasim

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okay so this word is very PG-13 for me literally if you are under 13 turn this off and tell your mom like right now tell her you're not alone okay so I mean I guess ASMR gives you a brain gasm whatever the fuck is that even a word somebody get your fucking Webster out like I don't even feel like that's a fucking word I feel like that's just like a joke is this just one big meme am I being pranked

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bring out the cameras am I being pranked there's no way that that's a fucking word it's a word okay to know what then do you know what if fucking brain gasm is a word I think funnest should be a word

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okay you know what funnest actually fucking makes sense and I've been saying it for years and it's still not a word whereas then we over here have brain gasm brain gasm has its own special part in Webster's Dictionary and funnest doesn't yet

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that's not chill to me there's nothing chill about that whatever but now that we have that little nugget of information to work with let's get started with our three guesses as to why ASMR gives us to end goal goals Giggles let's get right into it bitch guess number one I feel like

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ASMR relaxes your eyes to a whole new level I feel like the level of relaxation that you reach while assumed as Amar

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is virtually unmatched like from what I've heard not really experienced because I'm not a huge a of some Argyle but from what I've heard from others it makes you so fucking chill you might as well be high like at that point and so when you know when you're really relaxed and you kind of start to just like feel yourself slipping out of your own mind you know what I mean like you get so fucking chill and so relaxed that you

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don't even feel like you're in your own body anymore I feel like that's what could happen while listening to a Smart has it happened to me no but I'm just guessing this is a hypothesis okay this whole fucking podcast is one big fat hypothesis so just let me be stupid this could be completely wrong but fuck it okay so once you reach this ultimate state of relaxation your body starts to get nervous because it's like why am I so fucking chill right now like

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I am so chill and your and your I don't know if it's the back of your mind I'm going to say that the back of your mind starts to freak out because it feels like it's losing control today SMR because your body is now so relaxed that if somebody was banging on your front door and trying to rob you you're so fucking chill because of the SMR you wouldn't even get up or care okay so your body starts to subconsciously freak the fuck out and

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no return you get chills you are in return you would get goosebumps because your body's scared but you don't even know that you're scared because it's your subconscious mind battling with your physical body your physical body so fucking chill and your mind is fucking scared because it's losing control of you to ASMR you're being possessed by ASMR

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and therefore you get goosebumps subconsciously that's it okay whatever I have two more guesses so I'm not even going to get upset okay I'm just gonna keep going this one's stumps me but that doesn't mean I don't have guesses like I'm definitely stumped about this one because I feel like I feel like this one is going to be

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something that is not common sense to figure out I feel like this is something where you would have to have studied human biology for 17 years in gotten a degree for it to truly understand then again I don't know it could be something simple like your body like e ASMR get tingly that could be it too so we'll see alright so moving on to guess number to guess number two is going to make

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make everyone uncomfortable including me but I have to put it out there because it's a potential okay I have a weird feeling that something about ASMR it's a little bit sexual

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and I know that that's gross everybody a but it's fucking natural and that's how you were born so fucking get over it okay all of the eighth graders watching this are fucking like it relax you just like the sound they made

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I like

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I don't know

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I think I need therapy after making that sound what am I OGE I literally never want to hear that sound again maybe they're nervous holy shit okay I don't know how I'm gonna come back from that moment just now but anyway I think that there's a sexual element ASMR that all of us are acting like he's in there but I know

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I just I'm convinced that there has to be something there like why are people coming back you know what I mean why is it that enjoyable

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they have to be in some way orgasming from the experience or something in order for it to be something that people are so obsessed with like not to get too in detail about this for my younger audience but like sex culture is very it's a big part of our culture you know like I mean it is basically like humans it's a huge part of

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how humans live day to day life as bad or good as that may be and so

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if ASMR had like a little sexual element like we wouldn't be really that shocked now would we I mean I wouldn't that would just make sense I feel like what it is

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is oh my God this is so creepy let me try to put this in a way that's less creepy so that no one is uncomfortable or at least we can take down comfortable levels down a few pegs okay so you know in that I think it's a Jason Derulo song or maybe something like that was like something you might like to hear okay so like I feel like when you listen to that song and that part of the song comes on if you don't get a little bit tingly I think your sociopathic okay

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like maybe the whispering from ASMR makes you feel some type of way and you get Tangles almost like there's almost I'm not I'm done I'm done I'm fucking done I'm so um I'm not uncomfortable but I just feel like you are and that's why I like and now I'm like I am an open book okay I'll talk about fucking anything you give me a topic I'll talk about it that's actually live that I do have a few boundaries but like most of them are pretty open okay but like that was painful for me because I know you're in the car like or

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you're like in the hallway at school right now and you're just like oh I get it you know what but like everyone just relax am I right or wrong so I just basically went all vulnerable on y'all for fucking nothing that wasn't even the right answer

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like I literally

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just opened up to all you guys in that shit was just wrong like I had to really go there right like maybe that just says something about me like as my mind in the gutter I don't fucking know okay moving on and last but not least four guess number three is this now I've never got tingles from ASMR before because I've never listened to it with headphones so I have a weird feeling that for ASMR to work

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properly you have during headphones and you're probably like what does this have to do with anything okay I have a weird

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idea okay what if when you're listening to ASMR with headphones on the vibrations that the headphones

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make when the ASMR is playing in your ear tickles your inner ear and gives you Goosebumps because you know when somebody like lightly tickles you and you're like hmm then you get goosebumps right maybe that's just me I don't know I feel like that's one of the times I get Goose Bumps or like gets tingles is when like if sides like I'm get like lightly tickled

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then it's like and then like it's like you know you know what I mean so what if the vibrations from the headphones on your ears give your whole body Goosebumps because your ears like I feel like the effect like things that you hear can affect your body like right like there's like definitely some sort of connection there it's not just like if your finger gets cut off the rest of your body's fine I mean usually but like when something happens in your inner ear

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like that can affect a lot more shit so like if you're listening to some tingly ass shit it just makes sense that your whole body is going to get tingles I don't know maybe that's just like maybe I'm just being fucking stupid this one's hard okay like I'd like to see you come in here and sit down and guess the shit you be saying the same shit as me you would know

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but maybe I'm right let's find out oh my God yeah okay so like you know what I'm big on big smart there I said it that is my genius moment of the day okay we don't have a lot of them whole podcast is stupid but right now is genius let me have this moment round of a block

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I'm so proud of myself so far while filming this podcast I've really been pulling shit out of my ass and I think it's not going to stop any time soon let's hear what the actual answer is verbatim I know walk he was the answer to why does ASMR give you the tingles ASMR may be linked to synesthesia a condition where sensory input

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experienced by one sense is perceived simultaneously by another sense new evidence about synesthetes indicates that synesthesia is at least partly determined by genes influencing brain development it's possible ASMR is determined by similar gene activity for also the more you watch ASMR videos and experience it the more your body and brain potentially develop a tolerance to ASMR if you stop watching the videos for one or two weeks most people say that the a

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ASMR Sensations normally return I'm Professor flula Borg and that was the stupid Genius answer of the day weird so weird I don't really get why people like it so much and it's kind of grosses me out like there's something a little bit

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you know what I'm not going to judge because I haven't listened to it there's something a little bit

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a little bit sexual about it the kind of scares me a little bit like is it a kink okay do you know what I have kids listening to this

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but I don't know there's something a little bits us about ASMR to me I feel like it's almost a dark thing maybe I'm just being dramatic but then again you know what whenever the Slime ASMR videos come up on my explore page you best believe I'm clicking that shit I'm not getting any Tangles or anything but it's still really nice to enjoy so I guess I'm not going to hate on it too hard okay so now that we're done making our guesses I was right not trying to flex nothing like that

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none of that it's time to kind of wind down you know because I'm not done talking to you guys yet I still want to talk to you guys a little bit more but our main our main fun is over so let's just talk about whatever what do I want to talk about today you know what I don't want to talk I want to whisper okay everybody no listen to me we're going to do a little as a more segments now if you're listening to this at night close your eyes

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now if you're listening to this during the day close your eyes I don't care you can Daydream with me for a second let me be your Muse so I thought we'd do a little meditation ASMR okay I just want to make you feel something that was not supposed to be inappropriate you can take it as you will okay now listen to me I want you to think about birds yes

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said it think about birds flying through the air

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light as a feather now think about if you were a bird okay just flying through the air with other birds one of the birds poops you're like man that sounds fun you poop to it lands on someone's head at the beach and they throw a rock at you but you don't fucking care because you're a bird and birds don't give a fuck about anything

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okay now you get back to your nest your wife is there or your husband is there your babies are there and you start regurgitating a warm for them okay all of your little babies eat it and then you go to sleep the next morning you wake up and you do it all over again imagine that are your eyes still closed to feel relaxed

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if you're listening to this while driving your eyes have been closed this whole time I'd recommend that you open them because someone's gonna die if you don't open them I know knows it's going to be but we don't want that because you need to be like a bird not giving a fuck not causing any problems just being yourself regurgitating worms for your babies

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remember that throughout your day

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I hope you feel relaxed why do I feel relaxed

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like I feel fucking chill as hell you know what I don't like really listening to ASMR but I like giving it like I could literally do that what I just did right now for the next three days straight and I'd never need to do anything else like I just had a great fucking time straight up I feel meditated that's like equivalent to like journaling for me because I've actually been journaling recently so

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speaking of things that make me feel relaxed and of journaling I'm about to tell you guys some stupid shit I've been doing it's not stupid though I'm saying it's stupid just so that I seem cool but like I actually really fuck with this so I thought I'd give you guys a little token of a of Knowledge from me which doesn't really mean much you know because it's me but whatever so I was having this is not this is not going to get that deep here

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but it might sound like it's going to but I'm just going to tell you it's not you know I was stressed out for a while there for a few months whatever like anxious like just fucking like a mess overall like you know just normal day-to-day shit that we're all dealing with I'm not special okay but I was talking to one of my friends about it and she's older like she's like in her 20s she's very mature like knows what the fuck is up and gives great advice and she was like you need to

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five-minute journal and I was like okay so no I was like you think I'm gonna fucking journal every day I was like bitch you're you're tripping I am not fucking journaling I was like no she's like Emma I swear to God go on Amazon by a fucking Journal stop being of stubborn piece of shit and every night before bed just write in a journal for five minutes about whatever the fuck you want she was like I swear to God it will help you so

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so much and I was like all right like whatever and I mean at the time I was kind of desperate for like something that would give me a little bit of mental structure if that makes sense I can help me not like cope with my problems because it wasn't like I had problems but just like gather my thoughts and kind of put things into perspective you know what I mean and so I started five minute journaling every night and I've been doing it for probably

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month now maybe like two or three weeks and I mean I missed a few days like when I was at Coachella I missed

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and like I've had a few other days where I missed but like I've genuinely been really fucking enjoying it and I am so anti this shit like I wish you knew like my mom's always like you need to meditate you need to do yoga you need to journal you need to write a book you need to fucking go to sleep you need to wake up you need to fucking take your vitamins and you'd like and I'm always like she's like you need to read poetry and you need to listen to as a mark just getting she didn't say that one but and I'm always like

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do I look like I have time for that shit no I've tried meditating I hate it I mean I'm just like really really have trouble relaxing so like that's just not I mean as you can probably tell like consistently on drugs at all times so not actually but like it seems like it I'm always on X Games mode so like for me

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like relaxing is not in the cards so you know that didn't work this is just really great because I feel like it gathers my thoughts right and then the next day

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it's really interesting to see like oh shit I wrote about this thing that was bothering me

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yesterday but I woke up this morning and it's not even bothering me anymore but it bothered me enough to write about it in my fucking Journal I'd 5 minutes to write about whatever I wanted and I wrote about this and now it doesn't even bother me anymore and it really puts things into perspective it shows how quickly things evolve and it's really refreshing and it like so then when you know the next time you're going through some shit let's say you're stressed out because you have a awful

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week ahead or have a lot of homework are you finals or like fucking some shit happened with your friend group stuff like that and then you know a week later you look back at your journal and saw and see what was bothering you the week before and you're like I don't even give a fuck about that anymore and it just makes you feel good

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to know how quickly things can change also it's just nice to do that before bed because it helps you go to sleep instead of going on your phone and seeing shit that's negative or seeing some girl who like face doing everything and then you're comparing yourself and then you're like oh my God why don't I look like that and then it's because she's not being honest or you know somebody's telling you you're so fucking gross on your Instagram and shit instead of looking at that stuff before you go to bed now you're improving yourself

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and going to bed on a good healthy calm relaxed note I'm not one to say this stuff I'm the farthest from it but I mean I'm really into it like you can ask all of my friends I have sleepovers my friends a lot because I don't like being alone and I live by myself and so my friends are always at my house and so they're at least have one friend at my house every night which is basically my like my tube fucking best friends but whatever

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and they're always like Emma what are you doing I'm like I'm fucking journaling leave me the fuck alone I'm literally going to start a fucking blog about this not even gonna have a health blog about this and they're just like shut up whatever and I do it every night and they literally see me doing it and they're like wow like she's actually they haven't tried it yet I haven't been able to talk them into it and neither has my friend who showed me it they just I'm the only one that listened but

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but I'm glad I tried it it's just really personal and really refreshing and it really really beneficial so take what you will from that I mean if you're not down then you're not down but I mean but also hide that shit

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like I hate did my journal my journal is know if you try to find my journal you're not finding it because there's tannin so much tea in it you know like I'm like like Jesus Christ like I fucking I can't even I can't even begin it's a little bit like I'm writing about shit that's genuinely bothering me in like I never put names in it because I'm not a fucking idiot but like I mean then again

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you know you know you know any leave you're in it you know you're in it so like I don't know it's not like a fucking burn book but it's like if someone it's not even about that it's like it's more just like

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this person was rude to me today and like I'm just trying not to let it bother me like shit like that you know what I mean but it's very personal like I really open up to it like it's my best friend it's a great place to vent now I'm starting to sound like a seven-year-old who has a diary and it's like oh my God this is like a literal journal entry from when I was like in third dish grade and I had a crush on this kid named Max

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and I remember it was like

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I was literally in third grade I don't even know if this happened I hope I can find this diary one day and fucking take a photo of this diary entry it's so fucking funny it was like today I was in third grade

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listen to my diary entry I drew a picture too but whatever I was like today Max called me hot I think he's really cute too yay or some stupid shit like that I was in third grade in a kid was calling me hot

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number one I definitely was not even know obviously I wasn't hot in third grade number one but number two I don't even think anyone is like like I just look like every other fucking third grader how do you like distinguish another third grader from the next they're all the fucking same they're all the same height they all like the same things

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and they all like the same fucking snacks okay all of them love goldfish there's literally no difference between third graders they're all the fucking same like one man that up a little bit more than the other but at the same time they all act up so like I don't know what he saw in me but like I'm not mad you know like I mean I'm honored but you know I guess I've been journaling for a while longer than I thought I've been just journaling about my issues actually apparently in third grade I didn't have any

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apparently life was pretty easy back then Max was calling me hot I mean I don't know must've been doing something right all right well I'm done talking your ear off you can go back to your life now I hope you had fun I hope you enjoyed I'm a Chamberlain that was stupid genius the podcast where I'm stupid and I'm also a genius don't forget to rate review And subscribe to stupid genius on Apple podcast Spotify or wherever you get your podcast and make sure to check out at ramble official and Instagram for more behind-the-scenes video and content for stupid genius

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have the best day of your life and go write in your diary I dare you I dare you